Form 1 Document Submission Chart

Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) State Monitoring System Compliance Demonstration Packet

Attachment A- Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) State Monitoring Compliance Demonstration Packet

Document Submission Chart

OMB: 0970-0528

Document [pdf]
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The purpose of OCC’s monitoring system is to determine State compliance with the Child Care and Development Block Grant
Act of 2014 and the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Final Rule. The monitoring process includes a pre-visit review of
materials provided by the State, as well as an onsite visit to validate the evidence observed during the pre-visit review and to
collect additional evidence of the State’s compliance with the CCDBG Act and the CCDF Final Rule.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 96 hours per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control number.

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Office of Child Care (OCC) Monitoring System
State Approaches to Demonstrating Compliance with CCDF Rules
In the chart below, for each CCDF regulation listed in the Column A, please indicate in Column B how the State proposes to show evidence of its compliance with
the regulation prior to the onsite visit (such as state/local regulations, policies, manuals, etc.) and indicate in Column C how the State proposes to demonstrate
compliance during the onsite visit (such as staff interviews, system demonstrations, visits to field offices, guided case file reviews, etc.).
The State has flexibility to propose an approach that, from its perspective, makes sense in light of the State’s circumstances and processes. Starting with the
State’s proposal, OCC will work with the State to finalize an approach that is feasible and provides sufficient evidence of compliance.

Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

Pre-Visit Information


Topic 1: Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
98.16(aa)(1): Statewide Disaster Planning Collaboration
A CCDF Plan shall contain a demonstration of how the State or Territory will address the needs of
children, including the need for safe child care, before, during and after a state of emergency declared by
the Governor or a major disaster or emergency (as defined by section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S. C. 5122) through a Statewide Disaster Plan (or
Disaster Plan for a Tribe’s service area) that is developed in collaboration with:
 the State human services agency,
 the State emergency management agency,
 the State licensing agency,
 the State health department or public health department,
 local and State child care resource and referral agencies, and
 the State Advisory Council on Early Childhood Education and Care (designated or established
pursuant to section 642B(b)(I)(A)(i) of the Head Start Act (42 U.S.C. 9837b(b)(1)(A)(i))) or similar
coordinating body.


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.16(aa)(2): Statewide Disaster Plan Components
A CCDF Plan shall contain a demonstration of how the State or Territory will address the needs of
children, including the need for safe child care, before, during and after a state of emergency declared by
the Governor or a major disaster or emergency (as defined by section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S. C. 5122) through a Statewide Disaster Plan (or
Disaster Plan for a Tribe’s service area) that includes the following components:
Guidelines for continuation of child care subsidies and child care services, which may include
the provision of emergency and temporary child care services during a disaster, and
temporary operating standards for child care after a disaster;
Coordination of post-disaster recovery of child care services; and
Requirements that child care providers of services for which assistance is provided under the
CCDF, as well as other child care providers as determined appropriate by the State or
Territory, have in place:
(A) Procedures for
 evacuation,
 relocation,
 shelter-in-place,
 lock-down,
 communication and reunification with families,
 continuity of operations, and
 accommodations of infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, and children
with chronic medical conditions; and
(B) Procedures for staff and volunteer emergency preparedness training and practice drills,
including training requirements for child care providers of services for which assistance is
provided under CCDF at § 98.41(a)(1)(vii).

Pre-Visit Information



OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

Topic 2: Consumer Education: Dissemination of Information to Parents, Providers, and General Public (Monitoring
Reports and Annual Aggregate Data)
98.33(a)(4): Consumer Ed. - Posting Monitoring & Inspection Reports
The Lead Agency shall certify that it will collect and disseminate to parents of eligible children, the general
public, and providers (through a consumer-friendly and easily accessible website) results of monitoring
and inspection reports for all eligible and licensed child care providers (other than an individual who is
related to all children for whom child care services are provided), including:
 those required at § 98.42 and
 those due to major substantiated complaints about failure to comply with provisions at § 98.41
and Lead Agency child care policies.
Lead Agencies shall post in a timely manner full monitoring and inspection reports, either in plain
language or with a plain language summary, for parents and child care providers to understand, and shall
establish a process for correcting inaccuracies in the reports. Such results shall include:
(i) Information on the date of such inspection;
(ii) Information on corrective action taken by the State and child care provider, where applicable;
(iii) Any health and safety violations, including any fatalities and serious injuries occurring at the
provider, prominently displayed on the report or summary; and
(iv) A minimum of 3 years of results where available.

Pre-Visit Information


98.33(a)(5): Consumer Ed. – Annual Aggregate Data
The Lead Agency shall certify that it will collect and disseminate to parents of eligible children, the general
public, and providers (through a consumer-friendly and easily accessible website):
 Aggregate number of deaths that occurred in child care settings, for each year for eligible
o for each provider category
o for each licensing status
 Aggregate number of serious injuries that occurred in child care settings, for each year for eligible
o for each provider category
o for each licensing status
 Aggregate number of instances of substantiated child abuse that occurred in child care settings,
for each year for eligible providers

Pre-Visit Information



OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.21(a)(1): 12-Month Eligibility Determination & Re-determination
A Lead Agency shall re-determine a child’s eligibility for child care services no sooner than 12 months
following the initial determination or most recent re-determination, subject to the following: During the
period of time between determinations or re-determinations, if the child met all of the requirements in
§98.20(a) on the date of the most recent eligibility determination or re-determination, the child shall be
considered eligible and will receive services at least at the same level, regardless of:
A change in family income, if that family income does not exceed 85 percent of SMI for a
family of the same size; or
A temporary change in the ongoing status of the child’s parent as working or attending a job
training or educational program. A temporary change shall include, at a minimum:
(A) Any time-limited absence from work for an employed parent due to reasons such as need
to care for a family member or an illness;
(B) Any interruption in work for a seasonal worker who is not working between regular
industry work seasons;
(C) Any student holiday or break for a parent participating in training or education;
(D) Any reduction in work, training or education hours, as long as the parent is still working or
attending training or education.
(E) Any other cessation of work or attendance at a training or education program that does
not exceed three months, or a longer period of time established by the Lead Agency;
(F) Any change in age, including turning 13 years old during the eligibility period; and
(G) Any change in residency within the State or Territory.

Pre-Visit Information


Topic 3: Twelve-Month Eligibility


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.21(a)(2): Continued Assistance/Job Search
Lead Agencies have the option, but are not required, to discontinue assistance due to a parent’s loss of
work or cessation of attendance at a job training or educational program that does not constitute a
temporary change in accordance with 98.21(a)(1)(ii). However, if the Lead Agency exercises this option,
(i) it must continue assistance at least at the same level for a period of not less than three months
after each such loss or cessation in order for the parent to engage in job search and resume work,
or resume attendance at a job training or educational activity.
(ii) At the end of the minimum three-month period of continued assistance, if the parent is engaged in
a qualifying work, education, or training activity, with income below 85% of SMI, assistance cannot
be terminated and the child must continue receiving assistance until the next scheduled redetermination, or at Lead Agency option, for an additional minimum 12-month eligibility period.
(iii) If a Lead Agency chooses to initially qualify a family for CCDF assistance based a parent’s status
of seeking employment or engaging in job search, the Lead Agency has the option to end
assistance after a minimum of three months if the parent has still not found employment, although
assistance should continue if the parent becomes employed during the job search period.

Pre-Visit Information
(Type in N/A if the
state has not opted to
implement Job


98.21(b)(1): Graduated Phase-Out
Lead Agencies that establish family income eligibility at a level less than 85 percent of SMI for a family of
the same size (in order for a child to initially qualify for assistance) must provide a graduated phase-out by
implementing two-tiered eligibility thresholds, with the second tier of eligibility (used at the time of eligibility
re-determination) set at:
85 percent of SMI for a family of the same size; or
An amount lower than 85 percent of SMI for a family of the same size, but above the Lead
Agency’s initial eligibility threshold, that:
(A) Takes into account the typical household budget of a low income family; and
(B) Provides justification that the second eligibility threshold is:
(1) Sufficient to accommodate increases in family income over time that are typical
for low-income workers and that promote and support family economic stability;
(2) Reasonably allows a family to continue accessing child care services without
unnecessary disruption.

Pre-Visit Information



OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.41(d)(1): Group Size Limits
The Lead Agency shall describe in the Plan standards for child care services for which assistance is
provided under this part, appropriate to strengthening the adult and child relationship in the type of child
care setting involved, to provide for the safety and developmental needs of the children served, that
address group size limits for specific age populations.

Pre-Visit Information


98.41(d)(2): Child:Staff Ratios
The Lead Agency shall describe in the Plan standards for child care services for which assistance is
provided under this part, appropriate to strengthening the adult and child relationship in the type of child
care setting involved, to provide for the safety and developmental needs of the children served, that
address the appropriate ratio between the number of children and the number of caregivers, in terms of
age of children in child care.

Pre-Visit Information


Topic 4: Child:Staff Ratios and Group Sizes


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.41(a)(1): Health &Safety Requirements for Providers (11 Health and Safety Topics)
The Lead Agency shall certify that there are in effect, within the State, under State, local or tribal law,
requirements (appropriate to provider setting and age of children served) that are designed, implemented,
and enforced to protect the health and safety of children. Such requirements must be applicable to child
care providers of services for which assistance is provided under this part and shall include health and
safety topics consisting of, at a minimum:
1. The prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunizations);
2. Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices;
3. Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent;
4. Prevention and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions;
5. Appropriate precautions in transporting children, if applicable;
6. Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards,
bodies of water, and vehicular traffic;
7. Prevention of shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child maltreatment;
8. Emergency preparedness and response planning for emergencies resulting from a natural
disaster, or a man-caused event (such as violence at a child care facility), within the meaning
of those terms under section 602(a)(1) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief And
Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5195a(a)(1)) that shall include procedures for
evacuation, relocation, shelter-in-place and lock down, staff and volunteer emergency
preparedness training and practice drills, communication and reunification with families,
continuity of operations, and accommodation of infants and toddlers, children with disabilities,
and children with chronic medical conditions;
9. Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of
10. Pediatric first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and
11. Recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect, in accordance with the requirement at

Pre-Visit Information


98.41(a)(1)(i)(A): H&S Requirements for Providers - Immunization Requirements
As part of their health and safety provisions for the prevention and control of infectious diseases (as noted
in 98.41(a)(1)(i)), the Lead Agency shall assure that children receiving services under the CCDF are ageappropriately immunized. Those health and safety provisions shall incorporate (by reference or otherwise)
the latest recommendation for childhood immunizations of the respective State public health agency.

Pre-Visit Information


Topic 5: Health and Safety


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.41(a)(1)(i)(B): H&S Requirements for Providers - Immunization Exemptions
Notwithstanding 98.41(a)(1)(i)(A), the Lead Agency may exempt:
(1) Children who are cared for by relatives (defined as grandparents, great grandparents, siblings (if
living in a separate residence), aunts, and uncles), provided there are no other unrelated children
who are cared for in the same setting.
(2) Children who receive care in their own homes, provided there are no other unrelated children who
are cared for in the home.
(3) Children whose parents object to immunization on religious grounds.
(4) Children whose medical condition contraindicates immunization.

Pre-Visit Information


98.41(a)(1)(i)(C): H&S Requirements for Providers - Immunization Grace Period
The Lead Agency shall establish a grace period that allows children experiencing homelessness and
children in foster care to receive services under this part while providing their families (including foster
families) a reasonable time to take any necessary action to comply with immunization and other health
and safety requirements.
(1) The length of such grace period shall be established in consultation with the State health agency.
(2) Any payment for such child during the grace period shall not be considered an error or improper
payment under subpart K of this part.
(3) The Lead Agency may also, at its option, establish grace periods for other children who are not
experiencing homelessness or in foster care.
(4) The Lead Agency must coordinate with licensing agencies and other relevant State and local
agencies to provide referrals and support to help families of children receiving services during a
grace period comply with immunization and other health and safety requirements.

Pre-Visit Information


Pre-Visit Information


Topic 6: Pre-Service/Orientation and Ongoing Training for Providers
98.44(b)(1): Pre-Service/Orientation Training for Providers
The Lead Agency must describe in the Plan its established requirements for pre-service or orientation (to
be completed within three months) for caregivers, teachers, and directors of child care providers of
services for which assistance is provided under the CCDF that, to the extent practicable, align with the
State framework and provide accessible pre-service or orientation training in health and safety standards
appropriate to the setting and age of children served that addresses
Each of the requirements relating to matters described in § 98.41(a)(1)(i) through (xi),
specifying critical health and safety training that must be completed before caregivers,
teachers, and directors are allowed to care for children unsupervised;
At the Lead Agency option, matters described in § 98.41(a)(1)(xii); and
Child development, including the major domains (cognitive, social, emotional, physical
development and approaches to learning).


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

98.44(b)(2): Ongoing Training for Providers
The Lead Agency must describe in the Plan its established requirements for ongoing professional
development for caregivers, teachers, and directors of child care providers of services for which
assistance is provided under the CCDF that, to the extent practicable, align with the State framework and
provide ongoing, accessible professional development, aligned to a progression of professional
development, including the minimum annual requirement for hours of training and professional
development for eligible caregivers, teachers and directors, appropriate to the setting and age of children
served, that:
(i) maintains and updates health and safety training standards described in § 98.41(a)(1)(i)-(xi),
and at the Lead Agency option, in § 98.41(a)(1)(xii);
(ii) incorporates knowledge and application of the State’s early learning and developmental
guidelines for children birth to kindergarten (where applicable);
(iii) incorporates social-emotional behavior intervention models for children birth through schoolage, which may include positive behavior intervention and support models including
preventing and reducing expulsions and suspensions of preschool-aged and school-aged
(iv) to the extent practicable, are appropriate for a population of children that includes:
(A) Different age groups;
(B) English learners;
(C) Children with developmental delays and disabilities; and
(D) Native Americans, including Indians, as the term is defined in section 4 of the Indian
Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450b) (including Alaska
Natives within the meaning of that term), and Native Hawaiians (as defined in section
6207 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965);
(v) to the extent practicable, awards continuing education units or is credit-bearing; and
(vi) shall be accessible to caregivers, teachers, and directors supported through Indian tribes or
tribal organizations that receive assistance under this subchapter.

Pre-Visit Information


Pre-Visit Information


Topic 7: Inspections for CCDF Licensed Providers
98.42(b)(2)(i): Inspection of Licensed Providers
For licensed child care providers and facilities, the Lead Agency shall require inspections, performed by
licensing inspectors (or qualified inspectors designated by the Lead Agency), as follows:
(A) Not less than one pre-licensure inspection for compliance with health, safety, and fire standards,
(B) Not less than annually an unannounced inspection for compliance with all child care licensing
standards, which shall include an inspection for compliance with health and safety (including, but
not limited to, those requirements described in § 98.41) and fire standards (inspectors may
inspect for compliance with all three standards at the same time).


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement

(Column A)

(Column B)

(Column C)

Pre-Visit Information


Pre-Visit Information


Pre-Visit Information


98.68(a)(3): Effective Internal Controls – Provider and Staff Training
The Lead Agency is required to describe in its Plan effective internal controls that are in place to ensure
integrity and accountability, while maintaining continuity of services, in the CCDF program, including
processes to train child care providers and staff of the Lead Agency and other agencies engaged in the
administration of CCDF about program requirements and integrity.

Pre-Visit Information


98.68(a)(4): Effective Internal Controls – Evaluation of Activities
The Lead Agency is required to describe in its Plan effective internal controls that are in place to ensure
integrity and accountability, while maintaining continuity of services, in the CCDF program, including
regular evaluation of internal control activities.

Pre-Visit Information


Topic 8: Inspections for License-Exempt CCDF Providers
98.42(b)(2)(ii): Inspection of License-Exempt Providers
For license-exempt child care providers and facilities that are eligible to provide services for which
assistance is made available in accordance with this part, the Lead Agency shall require an annual
inspection, performed by licensing inspectors (or qualified inspectors designated by the Lead Agency), for
compliance with health and safety (including, but not limited to, those requirements described in § 98.41),
and fire standards.

Topic 9: Ratios for Licensing Inspectors
98.42(b)(3): Ratios for Licensing Inspectors
The Lead Agency shall ensure the ratio of licensing inspectors to such child care providers and facilities is
maintained at a level sufficient to enable the State or Territory to conduct effective inspections on a timely
basis in accordance with the applicable Federal, State, Territory, Tribal, and local law.

Topic 10: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
98.41(e): Provider Compliance with Child Abuse Reporting Requirements
The Lead Agency shall certify that caregivers, teachers, and directors of child care providers within the
State will comply with the State’s or Territory’s child abuse reporting requirements as required by section
106(b)(2)(B)(i) of the Child Abuse and Prevention and Treatment Act (42 U.S.C. 5106a(b)(2)(B)(i)) or other
child abuse reporting procedures and laws in the service area.

Topic 11: Program Integrity and Accountability


OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
Proposed Approach To Demonstrating
Compliance With This Requirement


(Column B)

(Column C)

98.68(b)(1): Identifying Fraud or Other Program Violations
The Lead Agency is required to describe in its Plan the processes that are in place to identify fraud or
other program violations, which may include, but are not limited to the following:
(i) Record matching and database linkages;
(ii) Review of attendance and billing records;
(iii) Quality control or quality assurance reviews; and
(iv) Staff training on monitoring and audit processes.

(Column A)

Pre-Visit Information


98.68(b)(2): Fraud Investigation, Payment Recovery, and Sanctions
The Lead Agency is required to describe in its Plan the processes that are in place to investigate and
recover fraudulent payments and to impose sanctions on clients or providers in response to fraud.

Pre-Visit Information


98.68(c): Documenting and Verifying Child Eligibility
The Lead Agency is required to describe in its Plan the procedures that are in place for documenting and
verifying that children receiving assistance under this part meet eligibility criteria at the time of eligibility
determination and redetermination.

Pre-Visit Information



OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Office of Child Care (OCC) Monitoring System
Document Submission Chart
The purpose of OCC’s monitoring system is to determine State compliance with the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 and the Child Care and
Development Fund (CCDF) Final Rule. The monitoring process includes a pre-visit review of materials provided by the State, as well as an onsite visit to validate
the evidence observed during the pre-visit review and to collect additional evidence of the State’s compliance with the CCDBG Act and the CCDF Final Rule.
In the chart below, for each CCDF regulation listed, please provide the title of the document being provided for pre-visit review, its file name or URL, the page or
section that addresses the specific regulation, and the date that the document is being submitted to OCC. One document may be listed for multiple regulations.


Document to Review

File Name or URL

Topic 1 - Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Statewide Disaster

Statewide Disaster
Plan Components



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL


Topic 2 - Consumer Education: Dissemination of Information to Parents, Providers, and General Public (focusing
on the posting of Monitoring Reports and Annual Aggregate Data)
Consumer Ed. Posting Monitoring &
Inspection Reports

Consumer Ed. –
Annual Aggregate

Topic 3 – Twelve-Month Eligibility
12-Month Eligibility
Determination & Redetermination


Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

Assistance/Job Search

Graduated Phase-Out

Topic 4 - Child:Staff Ratios and Group Sizes
Group Size Limits

Child:Staff Ratios



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

Topic 5 - Health and Safety Requirements for Providers
H&S Requirements –
Prevention and
Control of Infectious

H&S Requirements Immunization

H&S Requirements Immunization

H&S Requirements
for Providers Immunization Grace



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

H&S Requirements SIDS Prevention

H&S Requirements Medication

H&S Requirements Food & Allergic

H&S Requirements Building and Physical



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

H&S Requirements SBS, Head Trauma,
and Maltreatment

H&S Requirements Emergency
Preparedness and
Response Planning

H&S Requirements Hazardous Materials
and Biocontaminants

H&S Requirements Transporting Children



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

H&S Requirements Pediatric First Aid and

H&S Requirements CA/N Recognition and

Topic 6 - Pre-Service/Orientation and Ongoing Training for Providers
Orientation Training
for Providers

Ongoing Training for



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

Topic 7 - Inspections for CCDF Licensed Providers
Inspections for
Licensed Providers

Topic 8 -Inspections for License-Exempt CCDF Providers
Inspections for

Topic 9 - Ratios for Licensing Inspectors
Ratios for Licensing



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

Topic 10 - Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
Provider Compliance
with Child Abuse

Topic 11 - Program Integrity and Accountability
Effective Internal
Controls – Provider
and Staff Training

Effective Internal
Controls – Evaluation
of Activities

Identifying Fraud or
Other Program



Date Sent

OMB Control No: XXX
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

Document to Review

File Name or URL

Fraud Investigation,
Payment Recovery,
and Sanctions

Documenting and
Verifying Child



Date Sent

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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