The Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements (CMS-906)

The Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements


The Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements (CMS-906)

OMB: 0938-0469

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Fiscal Soundness Module
Plan User Guide

Prepared by:
HPMS Core Team

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................................ ii


Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

Accessing HPMS ........................................................................................................................ 1


Accessing the Fiscal Soundness Module..................................................................................... 1


Who’s Required to Submit? ........................................................................................................ 2


Submission Types ....................................................................................................................... 3


Extensions ................................................................................................................................... 3


Contract Grouping ....................................................................................................................... 4


Understanding the Review Status................................................................................................ 5


Understanding the Extension Status............................................................................................ 5


Email Notifications ..................................................................................................................... 6

Submission of Financial Information ........................................................................................................... 7

Submit New................................................................................................................................. 7


Update ....................................................................................................................................... 15


Resubmit ................................................................................................................................... 19


View Financial Data .................................................................................................................................. 23


Submission of Extension Requests ............................................................................................................ 26



New Extension Requests ........................................................................................................... 26


Update / Withdraw Extension Requests .................................................................................... 31

Reports ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

Review Status Report ................................................................................................................ 34


Documents and Forms ............................................................................................................................... 37


Contacts ..................................................................................................................................................... 38


PRA Disclosure Statement ........................................................................................................................ 39

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Table of Figures
Figure 1: Fiscal Soundness Start Page............................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Submission of Financial Information Page ....................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Select Reporting Period Page (Non-PACE) ...................................................................................... 8
Figure 4: Select Reporting Period Page (PACE) .............................................................................................. 8
Figure 5: New Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE) ............................................................................... 10
Figure 6: New Financial Submission Page (PACE) ....................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: Verify Financial Information Page (Non-PACE) ............................................................................ 12
Figure 8: Verify Financial Information Page (PACE) .................................................................................... 13
Figure 9: New Submission Attestation Popup (Audited Annual) ................................................................... 13
Figure 10: Confirmation Page......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11: Submission of Financial Information Page – Update .................................................................... 15
Figure 12: Select Reporting Period – Update (Non-PACE) ........................................................................... 16
Figure 13: Select Reporting Period – Update (PACE) ................................................................................... 16
Figure 14: Update Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE) .......................................................................... 17
Figure 15: Update Financial Submission Page (PACE) .................................................................................. 18
Figure 16: Submission of Financial Information Page - Resubmit .................................................................. 19
Figure 17: Select Reporting Period – Resubmit (Non-PACE) ........................................................................ 20
Figure 18: Select Reporting Period – Resubmit (PACE)................................................................................. 20
Figure 19: Resubmit Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE) ...................................................................... 21
Figure 20: Resubmit Financial Submission Page (PACE) .............................................................................. 22
Figure 21: Resubmit pop-up ............................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 22: View Financial Data Search Page .................................................................................................. 23
Figure 23: Search Results Page ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 24: Financial Data Page ....................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 25: Extension Requests Page ............................................................................................................... 26
Figure 26: Submit Extension Request Page .................................................................................................... 29
Figure 27: Submit Extension Request Verification Page ................................................................................ 30
Figure 28: Extension Request Confirmation Page........................................................................................... 30
Figure 29: Select Extension Request Page ...................................................................................................... 31
Figure 30: Update/Withdraw Extension Request Page.................................................................................... 32
Figure 31: Reports Page .................................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 32: Review Status Report Search Criteria Page .................................................................................. 35
Figure 33: Review Status Report Page ........................................................................................................... 36

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide




The Health Plan Management System (HPMS) Fiscal Soundness module supports the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) ability to collect, store, and review audited annual financial
information submitted by Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs), Prescription Drug Plans, 1876
Cost Plans, Medicare-Medicaid Plans (MMPs), and Programs of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
(PACE). The Fiscal Soundness module supports tracking and monitoring of CMS fiscal soundness
review activities. In addition, the module serves as a data repository for all historical and current MA,
1876 Cost Plans, PACE and Part D financial information and review history.
Note: Contract Year “20XX” in screen prints represents the latest CY 2018. Screen prints and test
contract numbers contained in this User Guide are not intended to display complete functionality or
actual contracts, and are for demonstration purposes only.

1.1 Accessing HPMS
To access the HPMS, Plan users must have a CMS HITS User ID, and must have Internet access. If you
have any questions about your connectivity or do not have access to the appropriate contracts, please send
your questions to
If you have any questions about the Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements contained within, please
send your questions to or your Financial Management Specialist.

1.2 Accessing the Fiscal Soundness Module
1. Logon to HPMS and select “Fiscal Soundness” from the “Monitoring” section of the main menu
2. The Fiscal Soundness Start page (Figure 1) displays. From this page, you have the option to select
navigation links from the Fiscal Soundness Secondary Menu.
Note: The following pages have the ability to be saved as a Favorite within the HPMS site.


Submission of Financial Information


Submission of Extension Requests



HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 1: Fiscal Soundness Start Page

1.3 Who’s Required to Submit?
The contract types listed below are required to submit their financial information. These include active
contracts that have not been terminated and have a NAIC number assigned to the profile (contracts must
indicate if no NAIC number is assigned) that belong to the following plan types:





Local PPO




PSO (State License)








1876 Cost


National PACE


Medicare Prescription Drug Plan


Employer/Union Only Direct Contract PDP


Regional PPO

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Employer/Union Only Direct Contract PFFS


Employer/Union Only Direct Contract LPPO






RFB Local


RFB PSO (State License)


Financial Alignment HMO


Financial Alignment HMOPOS


Financial Alignment PPO

1.4 Submission Types
CMS requires organizations to submit financial information at certain intervals (e.g. Submission Types)
throughout each year:

Audited Annual – The audited annual (AA) financial statement covers the closure of the previous
fiscal year
Reporting Period Ending 3/31 – For quarters ending between 1/1 - 3/31
Reporting Period Ending 6/30 – For quarters ending between 4/1 - 6/30
Reporting Period Ending 9/30 – For quarters ending between 7/1 - 9/30
Reporting Period Ending 12/31 – For quarters ending between 10/1 - 12/31. PACE contracts


Note: Each Submission Type has a Period End Date (PED) and a Period Due Date (PDD). For more
information on Submission Types, PEDs, and PDDs please see Section 6. Organizations may refer to the
CY 2018 Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements (FSRR) located in the Documents and Forms section
of the Fiscal Soundness Module for fiscal soundness submission deadlines.

1.5 Extensions
When Non-PACE organizations need more time to submit their audited annual or quarterly financial
statements, Plan users may submit extension requests. Once extension requests are submitted, CMS will
review the request and approve/deny it.

Extension Requests can be submitted for one or multiple groups of contracts

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Upon approval, the extension date overrides the original PDD for the Contract Year/Submission


Regular and Perennial Extensions exist. Perennial extensions are permanent extension requests
that carry forward to future Contract Years.


The exception to the above statement is when an organization is requesting an extension for a
new contract linked to the same NAIC number of an existing contract. A new extension request
must be submitted for review and approval.

1.6 Contract Grouping
Most licensed insurance companies have been issued a National Association of Insurance Commissioners
(NAIC) number. CMS requires that ALL organizations enter the NAIC number in HPMS for each
contract number as well as each Parent Organization. For those organizations that do not have a NAIC
number for the contract and/or Parent Organization, you must indicate such in the Contract Management
module. Organizations that have not completed the NAIC data entry in a timely fashion will not be able
to complete their fiscal soundness submissions.
Organizations can access the NAIC data entry fields by navigating the following path in HPMS:
HPMS Start Page > Contract Management > Basic Contract Management > Select Contract Number >
NAIC Data.


Groups are determined based on NAIC numbers.

If a contract does not have a NAIC number and needs to be grouped with another
contract, an alternate NAIC is assigned to the contract.


When contracts are not under the same Parent Organization but have a relationship, they are
assigned a Joint Venture NAIC number. For Joint Venture entities, the system validates the
grouping based on the Joint Venture NAIC number.


Groups can change over time. When this happens, and the change occurred after a submission
(financial or extension request), the page will alert you that the group has changed.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


1.7 Understanding the Review Status
The Review Status indicates the current disposition of the financial submission. A complete status listing
is provided below:

Not Reviewed – This status is assigned by the system when an organization submits a fiscal
soundness submission for review. This status is assigned by the system only.


Pending – Reviewed, but missing information (e.g. Audited Annual Financial Statement) or
unable to review due to receiving out of sequence (e.g. Quarterly submission prior to AA review).


Resubmit – Resubmission has been requested due to incomplete/incorrect data.


Meets – Meets CMS’s fiscal soundness requirements.


Meets Based on Parent – Meets CMS’s fiscal soundness requirements based on the Parent
Organization’s financials statements.


Does Not Meet – Does not meet CMS’s fiscal soundness requirements.


Reviewed – Reviewed, but no financial statements are available for the legal entity (e.g. new
organization without operations for the Reporting Period End Date).


Did Not Resubmit – Plan did not resubmit as requested within the 10 day window. This status is
assigned by the system only.

1.8 Understanding the Extension Status
The Extension Status indicates the current disposition of the financial submission. A complete status
listing is provided below:

Not Started – This status is assigned by the system when an organization submits an extension
request for review. This status is assigned by the system only.


In Review – CMS began review of the request, but did not assign a final status.


Approved – Approved based on CMS guidelines.


Denied – Denied by CMS.


Withdrawn – Plan or CMS user no longer requires the extension request.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


1.9 Email Notifications
The following notification events occur within this module:

Required to Submit Quarterly Financial Statements




Extension Approval


Extension Denial


Extension Request Submitted

In addition, the following notification events are triggered on a nightly basis:

14 days in advance of any due date


3 days after due date


14 days after due date


21 days after due date


100 days after due date

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Submission of Financial Information

The purpose of the Submission of Financial Information function is to submit financials for review.
Users have three submission choices:

Submit New – First time submitting for a given contract year/submission type/contract.


Update – Updating an existing submission after submission but before the deadline (PDD).


Resubmit – Updating an existing submission after CMS has requested resubmission.

2.1 Submit New
How to Submit New Financial Information:
1. Select Submission of Financial Information from the secondary menu.
2. On the Submission of Financial Information page (Figure 2), select desired Contract
Number/Name or one from the contract group.
Figure 2: Submission of Financial Information Page

3. Then select Next.
4. On the Select Reporting Period page (Figure 3) or (Figure 4), select Submit New
under the desired reporting period.
HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 3: Select Reporting Period Page (Non-PACE)

Figure 4: Select Reporting Period Page (PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Fill out the New Submission form displayed in (Figure 5) or (Figure 6).
Note: If there are multiple contracts under the selected contract’s NAIC number, the system
will auto-populate the contracts from the NAIC group.
a. Total Assets – This total amount is found on the Balance Sheet.
b. Total Liabilities – This total amount is found on the Balance Sheet. For PACE or 1876 Cost
Plan contracts, this figure includes Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt.
c. Subordinated Debt/Guaranteed Debt (Included in Total Liabilities) – PACE or 1876
Cost Plan contracts only. Subordinated debt is defined as an unsecured debt whose
repayment to its Parent Organization ranks after all other debts have been paid when the
subsidiary files for bankruptcy. An example of subordinated debt is when the Parent
Organization loans money to the PACE organization or Cost Plan to pay its debts. The
PACE organization or Cost Plan only needs to repay the Parent Organization after all of its
other liabilities have been satisfied. Guaranteed debt is defined as secured debt in which
another entity promises to pay a loan or other debt if the organization that borrowed the
money fails to pay. An example of guaranteed debt is when the PACE organization or Cost
Plan obtains a loan from a bank and another entity signs on to guarantee payment of all, or a
portion of, the loan. In the event of bankruptcy or default, the other entity will make
payments on the loan on behalf of the PACE organization or Cost Plan to ensure the debt is

When a value of zero is entered, the system will alert the user.


When entering a numeric value other than zero, users are expected to include a
signed Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation Form zipped with their file upload.
The form can be accessed by selecting Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation
Form at the bottom of the page or in the secondary menu.

d. Net Income (Loss) – This is the portion of revenue remaining after all the expenses and taxes
have been deducted. This amount is found as a line item on the Revenue and Expense
Statement. This amount can also be a negative number. In that case, it's called a Net Loss.
e. Cash Flow from Operations – This amount is found on the Cash Flow Statement. It is
the first sub-totaled figure before accounting for cash flow from investing and financing

File – Upload the applicable financial statement(s).

Accepted file types are .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF and .ZIP.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Filename cannot contain any of the following characters: pound (#), percent (%),
semi-colon (;), plus (+), ampersand (&), and double periods (..).


Maximum file size allowed is 10MB.


Uploaded file name length should not exceed 150 characters.

g. Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation – PACE contracts only. When entering a
numeric value other than zero, users are required to indicate that the
Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation form has been included in their submission by
selecting the Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation checkbox.

1876 Cost Plans should contact CMS regarding Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt
Figure 5: New Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 6: New Financial Submission Page (PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


5. After completing all information, select Next.
6. Review the information provided on the New Financial Submission Verification page (Figure 7) or
(Figure 8).
a. If further changes need to be made, select Back.
b. If the information is correct, select Submit

Figure 7: Verify Financial Information Page (Non-PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 8: Verify Financial Information Page (PACE)

7. An attestation of the submission is required (Figure 9). Select the OK.
Figure 9: New Submission Attestation Popup (Audited Annual)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Upon submission, the Confirmation page is displayed (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Confirmation Page

8. Select Exit to Home Page to return to the Fiscal Soundness Start Page.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


2.2 Update
To update financial information:
1. Select Submission of Financial Information from the secondary menu.
2. On the Submission of Financial Information page, select desired Contract Number/Name or
one from the contract group.
Figure 11: Submission of Financial Information Page – Update

3. Then select Next.
On the Select Reporting Period page (Figure 12) or (Figure 13), select Update under the desired
reporting period and select Continue.

Note: The submission will not be available to update if it has been reviewed by CMS, regardless
of PDD.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 12: Select Reporting Period – Update (Non-PACE)

Figure 13: Select Reporting Period – Update (PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


4. On the Update Financial Submission page, you may Update values and/or upload
file from previous submissions.
Note: If a previously uploaded file needs to be replaced/deleted, please upload a new zip
file, including all the necessary documents. The newly uploaded file will replace the
previous file.
Figure 14: Update Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 15: Update Financial Submission Page (PACE)

5. Select Next and continue through the verification, attestation, and confirmation (See Section 2.1
starting with step 7).

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


2.3 Resubmit
To Resubmit Financial Information:
1. Select Submission of Financial Information from the secondary menu.
2. On the Submission of Financial Information page, select desired Contract Number/Name or
one from contract group.
Figure 16: Submission of Financial Information Page - Resubmit

3. Then select Next.
On the Select Reporting Period page (Figure 17) or (Figure 18), select Resubmit under the desired
reporting period and select Continue.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 17: Select Reporting Period – Resubmit (Non-PACE)

Figure 18: Select Reporting Period – Resubmit (PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


4. On the Resubmit Financial Submission page, you may resubmit values and/or upload
file from previous submissions.

Figure 19: Resubmit Financial Submission Page (Non-PACE)

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 20: Resubmit Financial Submission Page (PACE)

5. Select Next and continue through the verification, attestation, and confirmation (See
Section 2.1 starting with step 7).

Note: If a previously uploaded file needs to be replaced/deleted, please upload a new zip
file, including all the necessary documents. The newly uploaded file will replace the
previous file.
HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 21: Resubmit pop-up


View Financial Data

The purpose of the View Financial Data function is to view the financials for existing submissions.
To view a submission:
1. Select View Financial Data from the secondary menu.
2. On the View Financial Data Search page (Figure 22), populate search criteria (Optional).
Figure 22: View Financial Data Search Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


3. Select Submit.
4. On the Search Results page (Figure 23) select the appropriate Submission ID.
Figure 23: Search Results Page

5. The Financial Data Page (Figure 24) displays submission information for the selected
Submission ID.
Note: The following fields were available for submissions prior to 2010. These fields will display
if financial data had been entered at that time:
a. Cash and ST Investments
b. LT Liquid Investments (Non-PDP only)
c. Total Claims (Non-PDP only)
d. Total Revenue
e. Total Expenses

Total Medical and Hospital (Non-PDP only)

g. Total Administrative Expenses
h. Total Member Months (Non-PDP only)

Total Current Assets (PDP only)


Total Current Liabilities (PDP only)

k. Drug Benefit Expenses (PDP only)
HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Drug Benefit Revenues (PDP only)
Figure 24: Financial Data Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Submission of Extension Requests

The purpose of the Submission of Extension Requests function is to submit extension requests for
review. Users have two extension request choices:

Request New Extension– First time submitting an extension request for a given
contract year/submission type/contract.


Update / Withdraw Extension – Updating an existing extension request prior to CMS Review.

Note: Once approved, Extension dates are visible in the following locations: Review Status Report
(Section 5.1).

4.1 New Extension Requests
To submit a new extension request:
1. Select Submission of Extension Requests from the secondary menu.
2. On the Extension Requests page (Figure 25), select Request New Extension and select Continue.
Figure 25: Extension Requests Page

3. Select No for PACE Contracts.
4. On the Submit Extension Request page (Figure 26) fill out the new extension form.
a. Submission Type – The submission type for which the extension is being made. For more
information, see Section 1.6.
b. Contract Name / Number – Contracts that are assigned to the user currently logged in.
Note: If applicable, contracts must be submitted in NAIC groups. For more information, see
Section 1.6.
HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


c. Requested Extension Date – Extension Date requested.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Note: Must be greater than or equal to the current date.
d. Select the Extension as Perennial – Select this box if this is a perennial extension request. A
perennial request is considered a permanent one. Please refer to the instructions in Section 1.5.
e. Reason for Extension – Provide reason for extension request.

File – Upload the applicable financial statement(s) and supporting documentation (e.g. NAIC or
State Filing Checklist Form).

Accepted file types are .DOC, .DOCX, .PDF and .ZIP.


Filename cannot contain any of the following characters: pound (#), percent (%),
semi-colon (;), plus (+), ampersand (&), and double periods (..).


Maximum file size allowed is 10MB.


Uploaded file name length should not exceed 150 characters.

g. Comments – When the Reason for Extension is Other, comments are required.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 26: Submit Extension Request Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


5. Select Next.
6. Review the information provided on the Submit Extension Request Verification page (Figure 27).
a. If further changes need to be made, select Back.
b. If the information is correct, select Submit.

Figure 27: Submit Extension Request Verification Page

7. Upon submission, the Confirmation page is displayed (Figure 28).
Note: Once an extension request is submitted for a contract/submission type, you may not submit
additional extension requests for the same contract/submission type until the prior extension request
have been approved, denied, or withdrawn.
Figure 28: Extension Request Confirmation Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


4.2 Update / Withdraw Extension Requests
To update / withdraw an extension request:
1. Select Submission of Extension Requests from the secondary menu.
2. On the Extension Requests page (Figure 25), select Update / Withdraw Extension and select
3. On the Select Extension Request Search Results page (Figure 29), locate the appropriate extension
and select the Extension Submission ID.
Note: The submission will not be available to update if it has been reviewed by CMS.
Figure 29: Select Extension Request Page

4. On the Update / Withdraw Request Extension page (Figure 30), you may update values and/or
upload file from the previous extension request or withdraw the request by selecting Withdraw
Note: If a previously uploaded file needs to be replaced/deleted, please upload a new zip file,
including all of the necessary documents. The newly uploaded file will replace the previous file.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 30: Update/Withdraw Extension Request Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


5. After completing all information, select Next.
Note: When withdrawing a request, the system prompts you with an additional pop-up message
during submission, asking you to confirming the withdrawal. Once a request is withdrawn, it is no
longer editable by you or by CMS.
6. Review the information provided on the Submit Extension Request Verification page (Figure 27).
a. If further changes need to be made, select Back.
b. If the information is correct, select Submit.
7. Upon submission, the Confirmation page is displayed (Figure 28).

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide




Reports are accessible from the Reports page (Figure 31). To view the Reports page, select Reports
from the secondary menu.
Note: For all reports, any column that is blank means no data has been submitted for the given contract
(and if applicable, to the Joint Venture entities). All reports are exportable to MS Excel.
Figure 31: Reports Page

5.1 Review Status Report
The Review Status Report displays all expected submissions for contracts and the status of the
To obtain the Review Status Report:
1. Select Review Status Report.
2. On the Review Status Report page, populate search criteria (Optional) (Figure 32).
3. Select Submit.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 32: Review Status Report Search Criteria Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


Figure 33: Review Status Report Page

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Documents and Forms

The Documents and Forms section, accessible from the Fiscal Soundness Secondary Menu, contains the
following items:

FSRR Final Memo for 2018 FSM Release – This includes any information that CMS would
like to share with Plan Organizations regarding the new submission year.


CY 2018 Fiscal Soundness Reporting Requirements (FSRR) – This document provides filing
instructions/guidance to upload financial statements for the Plan Organizations.


Fiscal Soundness Requirements and Monitoring – This document summarizes the potential
actions that CMS may take to address organizations not meeting fiscal soundness requirements.


Clarification of Fiscal Soundness Requirements – This document provides clarification on the
fiscal soundness requirements.


Annual Verification of Parent Organization and Legal Entity Name – This document
includes instructions for reviewing parent organization and legal entity name and reporting
corrections, if applicable.


Plan User Guide – The Fiscal Soundness Module User Guide is an all-inclusive document
incorporating the various steps for submitting new financial statements and data elements.


Subordinated/Guaranteed Debt Attestation Form – If a PACE organization or 1876 Cost Plan
has a subordinated/guaranteed debt arrangement, CMS requires the Subordinated/Guaranteed
Debt Attestation Form to be submitted.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide



Table 1: Fiscal Soundness Contacts – By Type or CMS Region (“Region Responsible” under “Plan
Management Data”)

By Type or CMS Region (“Region Responsible”
under “Plan Management Data”)

Joe Millstone
Andrew Chu

All Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) and MA Organizations
covered under a Financial Report that includes a PDP
Technical HPMS Contact

Table 2: Fiscal Soundness Contacts – Medicare Advantage Organizations Not Covered in Table Above (by
“Region Responsible” under “Plan Management Data”)

Medicare Advantage Organizations Not Covered in
Table Above (by “Region Responsible” under
“Plan Management Data”)

Emily Davis

PACE Plans
Region 02 – New York

Mark Keller

Region 01 - Boston
Region 06 – Dallas
Region 09 - San Francisco
Region 10 – Seattle

Joe Millstone

Region 03 - Philadelphia
Region 04 – Atlanta

David Stysley
Venita Scott
Christa Zalewski

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide

PACE Plans
Region 05 - Chicago
Region 08 - Denver
PACE Plans
Region 07 – Kansas City



PRA Disclosure Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of
information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this
information collection is 0938-0469 (Expires: October 31, 2019 pending approval from OMB). The time
required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response,
including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and
complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the
time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850.

HPMS Fiscal Soundness Plan User Guide


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