USDA Forest Service FS-2700-10a (REV-02/17)
OMB No. 0596-0082
(as required by clause III(A), Form FS-2700-10b)
Name of Communications Site: _________________________________________________________________
Name of Authorization Holder: ____________________________________________________________
Authorization Number/ID: ___________________________
you, as the owner of this communications facility, operate any
communications equipment in this facility? ____
If yes, what are
your types of use (fee categories & use codes)*?
Include the FCC Call Sign, if applicable. List each system
List all occupants (users with a formal or informal agreement to lease space) of your facility on September 30, 20 ____ . Include occupants in your facility that may have a contractual agreement with someone other than you.
OCCUPANT (Entity Name) |
TYPE OF USE (Fee Category & Use Code)* |
*See attached category and code descriptions. Please review the definitions specific to cellular and microwave uses.
NOTICE: The undersigned understands that it is a crime for any person to knowingly and willfully make false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements to matters under the jurisdiction of the United States Government (18 U.S.C. 1001). |
I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided above is true, correct, and complete.
Signature: |
Date: |
Print Name: |
Phone Number: |
E-mail: |
Burden and Non-Discrimination Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0082. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at 202-720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll free at (866) 632-9992 (voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (relay voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) and the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) govern the confidentiality to be provided for information received by the Forest Service.
Fee Categories and Use Codes
Fee Category |
Description |
Use Code |
AM |
AM Radio Broadcast |
816 |
BT |
Broadcast Translator, Low Power FM or Low Power Television Radio |
808 |
Cellular Telephone and Personal Communication Services (PCS) |
810 |
Commercial Mobile Radio Service |
815 |
CT |
Cable Television |
809 |
Facility Manager |
818 |
FM |
FM Radio Broadcast |
816 |
Wireless Internet Service |
811 |
LE |
Local Exchange Network |
805 |
803 804 |
OT |
Other Communication Uses
801 802 814 831 832 833
Private Mobile Radio Service |
806 |
PR |
Passive Reflector |
807 |
TV |
Television Broadcast |
817 |
Description of Communications Uses
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(FB) FM Booster
(FD) FM Digital
(FM) FM Station
(FS) FM Auxiliary Transmitting Antenna
AM Radio Broadcast (AM – 816) means a use that broadcasts amplitude modulation (AM) audio signals for general public reception. This category of use includes radio stations that generate revenue from commercial advertising and public radio stations whose revenues are supported by subscriptions, grants, and donations. Broadcast areas often overlap State boundaries. This category of use relates only to primary transmitters, and not to any rebroadcast systems such as an FM translator that is authorized to rebroadcast the programming of AM stations.
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(AD) AM Digital
(AM) AM Station
(AX) International Broadcast Station
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(FX) FM Translator
(LD) TV Translator or LPTV station (may be BT, CEL or ISP depending upon actual use)
(TT) TV Translator Relay (a microwave use billed at the broadcast translator rate)
(TX) TV Translator or LPTV station
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(FL) Low Power FM
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(CA) Class A TV station
(DC) Digital Class A TV station (see KBFX-CD)
(LD) TV Translator or LPTV station (may be MIC, BT, CEL or ISP depending upon actual use)
(TT) TV Translator Relay (a microwave use billed at the broadcast translator rate)
(TX) TV Translator or LPTV station
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(CS) International Fixed Satellite
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(DD) Digital TV Distribution System
(DM) DTV Channel Change
(DN) New DTV Allotment
(DR) DTV Channel Substitution
(DS) Digital TV STA
(DT) Digital TV
(NM) NTSC Channel Change
(TV) Television
Non-Broadcast Uses
Cellular Telephone (CEL – 810) means a system of mobile or fixed communication devices that use a combination of radio and telephone switching technology and provide public switched network services to fixed or mobile users, or both within a defined geographic area. The system consists of one or more cell sites containing transmitting and receiving antennas, cellular base station radio, telephone equipment, or microwave communications link equipment utilized as back haul for that site.
Note: The rent value for the cellular category does not include integrated wireless technology to connect subscribers to the internet (see Wireless Internet Service provider (ISP)). When a cellular carrier also provides wireless internet access to subscribers through a personal computer or laptop that is independent of a cellular telephone (e.g., USB modem, Mobile Hotspot), or any other device capable of streaming data (e.g., tablet, personal digital assistant (PDA), etc.), you must also report this use as ISP on the annual certified statement/inventory in addition to the CEL use. Most cellular providers have this additional ISP capability, and it must be reported accordingly.
The following uses may be categorized as Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) on an FCC license, however, for rent determination purposes these are all considered Cellular uses: (1) Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR), (2) Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS), (3) Air-to-Ground, (4) Offshore Radio Telephone Service, (5) Cell Site Extender, (6) Local Multipoint Distribution Service and (7) Personal Communication Service (PCS).
Note for Distributed Antenna System (DAS). A DAS network consists of one or more nodes that are connected via fiber optic cable to the hub. The DAS is used to boost mobile broadband coverage at large venues such as sporting events, or hard to serve areas such as highway corridors or ski areas. A DAS improves reliability and enhances network capacity.
Authorizations follow the same rules and definitions of Facility Owner and Facility Manager. Authorizations are issued for the entire system to the owner of the facilities under a Communications Use Authorization. All occupants who utilize the system must be reported.
Rent for a DAS will be calculated as follows:
100 percent of the highest valued use (HVU) at the hub (or first node if hub is located off NFS lands) plus 25 percent of all tenant uses. The nodes are a single/shared antenna system (each carrier does not have their own antennas); therefore rent for each node will be 25 percent of the scheduled rate for the particular use.
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(CL) Cellular
(CX) Cellular, Auctioned
(BA) 1390-1392 MHz Band, Market Area
(BB) 1392-1395 and 1432-1435 MHz Bands, Market Area
(WX) 700 MHz Bands
(WY) 700 MHz Lower Band (Blocks A, B, E)
(WU) 700 MHz Upper Band (Block C)
(WP) 700 MHz Upper Band (Block D)
(AW) AWS, 1710-1755/2110-2155 MHz bands
(GW) General Wireless Communications Service
(WZ) Lower 700 MHz Bands
(CW) PCS Broadband
(CN) PCS Narrowband
(WS) Wireless Communications Service
(CA) Commercial Air-ground Radiotelephone (may be CMRS depending upon use)
(CJ) Commercial Aviation Air-Ground Radiotelephone (800 MHz band) (may be CMRS depending upon use)
(YX) SMR, 806821/851-866 MHz, Trunked (see 47 CFR 90.603c and FCC license WPSY267)
(CG) General Aviation Air-ground Radiotelephone (may be CMRS depending upon use)
(CO) Offshore Radiotelephone (may be CMRS depending upon use)
(CY) 1910-1915/1990-1995 MHz Bands, Market Area (may be CMRS depending upon use)
(BR) Broadband Radio Service
(LD) Local Multipoint Distribution Service (may be CEL, BT, MIC or ISP depending upon actual use)
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(QA) 220-222 MHz Band, Auctioned
(AF) Aeronautical and Fixed (CMRS when sold to others; PMRS when owned and utilized internally only)
(GM) 800 MHz Conventional SMR (SMR, Site-specific)
(YM) 800 MHz Trunked SMR (SMR, Site-specific)
(GL) 900 MHz Conventional SMR (SMR, Site-Specific)
(YL) 900 MHz Trunked SMR (SMR, Site-Specific)
(LN) 902-928 MHz Location Narrowband (Non-multilateration)
(LW) 902-928 MHz Location Wideband (Grandfathered AVM)
(IG) Industrial/Business Pool – Conventional (CMRS when sold to others; PMRS when owned and used internally only)
(IK) Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Conventional
(YK) Industrial/Business Pool - Commercial, Trunked
(LS) Location and Monitoring Service, Multilateration (LMS)
(NC) Nationwide Commercial 5 Channel, 220 MHz
(QT) Non-Nationwide 5 Channel Trunked, 220 MHz
(QD) Non-Nationwide Data, 220 MHz
(QO) Non-Nationwide Other, 220 MHz
(YC) SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Auctioned
(YH) SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Auctioned (Rebanded YC license)
(GX) SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional
(YX) SMR, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked
(YD) SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Auctioned
(GR) SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conventional
(YS) SMR, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked
(GC) 929-931 MHz Band, Auctioned
(CD) Paging and Radiotelephone
(CZ) Part 22 931 MHZ Paging
(CP) Part 22 VHF/UHF Paging (excluding 931MHz)
(CR) Rural Radiotelephone
(CY) Mobile/Fixed Broadband 1910-1915/1990-1995 MHz Bands, Market Area
(YG) Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked (CMRS when sold to others; PMRS when used internally)
(GS) Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz (CMRS when sold to others; PMRS when used internally)
(YU) Business, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked.
Facility Manager (FAM - 818). A Facility Manager is the holder of a Communications Use Lease who owns a communications facility on National Forest System lands, rents space in or on their facility to other communications users, but does not own or operate their own communications equipment and they do not directly provide communications services to third parties.
Local Exchange Network (LEN – 805) means a radio service that provides basic telephone service, primarily to rural communities.
FCC Radio Service Codes:
Microwave (MIC 803 or 804) means communication uses that (1) provide long-line intrastate and interstate public telephone (including relay of cellular traffic from other cellular sites), television, and data transmissions (common carrier microwave, use code 803), or (2) support the primary business of pipeline and power companies, railroads, and land resource management companies by providing the companies’ internal communication system (business/industrial, use code 804).
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(TZ) 24 GHz Service
(NN) 3650-3700 MHz (nationwide, non-exclusive license)
(TN) 39 Ghz, Auctioned
(AI) Aural Intercity Relay
(AB) Aural Microwave Booster
(AS) Aural Studio Transmitter Link
(CF) Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave
(CE) Digital Electronic Message Service - Common Carrier
(PE) Digital Electronic Message Service - Private
(CT) Local Television Transmission
(WA) Microwave Aviation
(WR) Microwave Radiolocation
(DV) Multichannel Video Distribution AND Data Service
(MS) Multiple Address Service, Auctioned
(TI) TV Intercity Relay
(TB) TV Microwave Booster
(TP) TV Pickup
(TS) TV Studio Transmitter Link
Note: When a portion of the microwave bandwidth is used as a separate, commercial enterprise, in addition to the holder’s or occupant’s own microwave use, a separate microwave use shall be reported for rental fee calculation purposes.
Other Communications Uses (OT - 801, 802, 814, 831, 832, 833) means private communications uses such as amateur radio (801); personal/private receive-only antennas designed for the reception of electronic signals to serve private homes (802); natural resource and environmental monitoring equipment used by weather stations, seismic stations, and snow measurement courses (814); and other small, low-power devices used to monitor or control remote activities (831). These uses are personally owned and not operated for profit or by commercial entities.
Federal agencies utilize the category of navigational equipment (833) for electronic signaling for aviation or marine navigation. For example the FAA, and US Navy, and Air Force utilize several technologies such as VORTAC and other air traffic control systems. This category also includes other communication improvements not accounted for in other categories (831), and any communication improvements financed under the Rural Electrification Act (REA) (832).
Radar and Doppler, though not technically “communications uses” will be found at communications sites. For inventory and rent calculation purposes, determine the communication use category according to the method used to transmit data from the site. For example, if a television station operates a weather Doppler radar and transmits from the site via microwave, then the communications use would be industrial microwave (804).
Passive Reflector (PR - 807) includes various types of non-powered reflector devices used to bend/ricochet electronic signals between active relay stations or between an active relay station and a terminal. A passive reflector commonly serves a microwave communications system. The reflector requires point-to-point line-of-sight with the connecting relay stations, but does not require electric power.
Private Mobile Radio Service (PMRS – 806) means uses supporting private mobile radio systems primarily for a single entity for mobile internal communications. PMRS is not sold and exclusively limited to the user in support of business, community activities, or other organizational communication needs. Examples of PMRS include private local radio dispatch, private paging services, and ancillary microwave communications equipment for controlling mobile facilities.
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(BC) 1670-1675 MHz Band, Market Area
(GS) Private Carrier Paging, 929-930 MHz (PMRS when owned and utilized internally only; CMRS when sold to others)
(AF) Aeronautical and fixed (PMRS when owned and utilized internally only; CMRS when sold to others)
(ZA) General Mobile Radio Service
(ZV) 218-219 MHz Service
(SP) 700 MHz Public Safety Broadband Nationwide License
(GJ) Business and Industrial/Land Transportation
(YJ) Business and Industrial/Land Transportation
(GB) Business, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conventional
(YB) Business, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked
(GU) Business, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conventional
(YU) Business, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked
(SG) Conventional Public Safety 700 MHz
(IQ) DSRC / Intelligent Transportation Service
(IG) Industrial/Business Pool, Conventional (PMRS when owned and utilized internally only; CMRS when sold to others)
(YG) Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked (PMRS when owned and utilized internally only; CMRS when sold to others)
(QQ) Intelligent Transportation Service (Non-Public Safety)
(RS) Land Mobile Radiolocation
(LV) Low Power Wireless Assist Video Devices
(QM) Non-Nationwide Public Safety/Mutual Aid, 220 MHz
(GO) Other Indust/Land Transp, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conv.
(GI) Other Indust/Land Transp, 896-901/935-940 MHz, Conv.
(YO) Other Indust/Land Transp. 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked
(YI) Other Indust/Land Transp. 896-901/935-940 MHz, Trunked
(PA) Public Safety 4940-4990 MHz Band
(SL) Public Safety 700 MHZ Band-State License
(GF) Public Safety Ntl Plan, 821-824/866-869 MHz, Conv.
(YF) Public Safety Ntl Plan, 821-824/866-869 MHz, Trunked
(PW) Public Safety Pool, Conventional
(YW) Public Safety Pool, Trunked
(GP) Public Safety/Spec Emerg, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Conv.
(YP) Public Safety/Spec Emerg, 806-821/851-866 MHz, Trunked
(GE) Public Safety/Special Emergency and Public Safety, National
(YE) Public Safety/Special Emergency and Public Safety, National
(SY) Trunked Public Safety 700 MHz
(LP) Broadcast Auxiliary Low Power (ancillary to LP broadcast)
(RP) Broadcast Auxiliary Remote Pickup (ancillary to broadcast)
(AR) Aviation Radio-navigation
(SB) Ship Compulsory Equipped example WCP7936
(SA) Ship Recreational or Voluntarily Equipped
(SE) Ship Exemption
Wireless Internet Service (ISP - 811) utilizes wireless technology to connect subscription users to the internet. The ISP, as a facility owner or as a tenant, is considered an ISP for rent determination purposes. A subscriber of an ISP who has a communications facility on public lands to receive and transmit an ISP signal would be considered a PMRS use for rental determination purposes. ISP technology may be licensed or unlicensed, integrated with a cellular provider or independent. It provides mobile wireless access to the internet and data transmission directly to devices with integrated technology (e.g., personal computer, laptop, tablet, personal digital assistants (PDA) or other devices capable of streaming data) and/or devices with plug in technology (e.g., USB modem, Mobile Hotspot).
FCC Radio Service Codes:
(CF) Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave
(CE) Digital Electronic Message Service – Common Carrier
(PE) Digital Electronic Message Service – Private
(MM) Millimeter Wave 70/80/90 GHz Service
(YK) Industrial/Business Pool – Commercial, Trunked
(LD) Local Multipoint Distribution Service (may be CEL, BT, MIC or ISP depending upon actual use)
(NN) 3690 – 3700 MHz Nation-wide Operation
(MG) Microwave Industrial/Business Pool
Any other microwave band, licensed or unlicensed, used to provide internet access.
Note: REA-financed Communications Site Improvements (832) may be described as one of several of the preceding categories, depending on the actual type of use. The use designation code for REA-financed communications use improvements is 832, regardless of use. REA-financed facilities are exempt from rent, in accordance with FSH 2709.11, Chapter 30, section 31.21; however, occupants co-located in an REA-financed facility may or may not be exempt or waived from rent.
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
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