
0596-0236 Justification - Raystown Boating Capacity Study 9May2018.docx

Interagency Generic Clearance for Federal Land Management Agencies Collaborative Visitor Feedback Surveys on Recreation and Transportation Related Programs and Systems


OMB: 0596-0236

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Justification for an Information Collection under the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service’s Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance (OMB Control No. 0596-0236)

February 2017

Introduction: Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance Submission, OMB Control Number 0596-0236

The Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance is intended to help Federal Land Management Agencies (FLMAs) measure visitors’ transportation-related experiences in order to improve on any transportation-related issues or problems and to promote planning across land units, regionally and nationally.

A brief overview of the steps involved in submitting an Information Collection Request (ICR) is provided below. For more detailed information, along with a list of bureau/office contacts, please see the Best Practices and Guidance document developed specifically for this generic clearance.

(See: http://volpe-public-lands.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/flma_lrtp_cvts/documents/Guidance_FLMA_CVTSproject.pdf).

  1. If more than one bureau/office (e.g., FWS and BLM) is collaborating on an IC, the partners must select a “lead” bureau/office to spearhead the effort, along with a contact person from the lead bureau/office.

  2. The Information Collection Clearance Officer (ICCO) from the lead bureau/office must review the ICR and provide feedback to the lead bureau/office contact.

  3. After the ICCO review has been completed (including a review by the DOI Information Collection Clearance Coordinator), the ICCO must forward the ICR to the USDA Forest Service and copy the FLMA Generic Clearance Coordinator (Margaret.Petrella@dot.gov

  4. After the Forest Service ICCO review, the USDA Departmental Clearance Officer submits the ICR to the OMB desk officer for the Forest Service via ROCIS.

  5. The OMB desk officer reviews the ICR and provides comments. The lead bureau/office revises the ICR as necessary. Upon approval by OMB, a Notice of Action is issued.

Instructions for Completing the Justification Form

  1. Information Collection (IC) Title/Date Submitted to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Office of Regulatory and Management Services: Insert title for the proposed IC (e.g., survey, focus group, comment card, etc.). Insert date that the expedited approval package will be submitted to Forest Service. Reminder: Please submit the package through the lead bureau/office Information Collection Clearance Officer and copy the FLMA Generic Clearance Coordinator.

  2. Lead Bureau/Office: Insert the name of the lead bureau/office conducting the survey.

  3. Abstract: Summarize the proposed study with an abstract not to exceed 150 words.

  4. Bureau/Office Point of Contact Information: Complete the bureau/office contact information. Forest Service will communicate with OMB initially and then direct them to the point of contact listed here (and to the IC Clearance Officer listed in #6 below) throughout the remainder of the approval process. Forest Service should be included on any correspondence pertaining to this IC.

  5. Principal Investigator (PI) Conducting the IC: Complete information about the PI who will be conducting the IC, if different than Point of Contact listed in #4. Otherwise note: Same as #4.

  6. Lead bureau/office IC Clearance Officer Reviewing the IC: Provide the name and contact information for the ICCO from the lead bureau/office who reviewed the IC.

  7. IC Dates: List the time period in which the IC will be conducted, including specific starting and ending dates. The starting date should be at least 45 days after the submission date. The request for expedited approval, and submission of a complete and accurate approval package, must be made at least 45 calendar days prior to the first day the PI wishes to begin the IC.

  8. Type of IC Instrument: Check the type(s) of information collection instrument(s) that will be used. If other, please explain.

  9. Data Collection Instrument: Explain how the data collection method and instrument (e.g., survey, interview guides, discussion guides, etc.) were developed. With whom did you consult during the development? Who were the social science and/or statistical experts who reviewed the instruments? How did you address any concerns raised or improvements suggested? Did you pretest the data collection instrument? If yes, how did you address any concerns raised or improvements suggested? (Note: A description of any pre-testing and peer review of the methods and/or instrument is highly recommended.)

  10. Which of the six topic areas from the Compendium of Questions will be addressed in your IC? Check all that apply. For each question in your survey (or discussion guide or comment card), please indicate the Compendium Topic Area and the unique question identifier from the Compendium. For any questions that are not taken from the Compendium, please indicate “NEW” in the table.

Sample table:

Survey Question Number

Compendium Topic Area

Compendium Question Identifier


#1- Respondent characteristics



#1- Respondent characteristics



#2 Traveler Information



#2 Traveler Information



  1. Methodology: Explain how the IC will be conducted. Provide a description of the methodology including: (a) The population of interest (b) How will the users/visitors be sampled? (if fewer than all users/visitors will be surveyed); (c) What percentage of users/visitors asked to participate will respond, and (d) What actions are planned to increase the response rate? If statistics are generated, this description must be specific and include each of the following:

- The respondent universe,

- The sampling plan and all sampling procedures;

- How the instrument will be administered;

- Expected response rate and confidence levels; and

- Strategies for dealing with potential non-response bias.

Note: Web-based surveys are not an acceptable method of sampling a broad population. If a survey is completely web-based, it must be limited to services provided by the web site. However, it is appropriate to use web-based surveys in combination with other methods, such as an in person intercept.

12. Total Number of Initial Contacts and Expected Number of Respondents: Provide an estimated total number of initial contacts and the total number of expected respondents.

13. Estimated Time to Complete Initial Contact and Time to Complete Survey Instrument: Estimate the time to complete the initial contact and the time to complete the information collection (e.g., survey, comment card, focus group, etc.)(in minutes).

14. Total Burden Hours: Provide the total number of burden hours. The total burden hours should account for the amount of time required to instruct the respondents and the amount of time required for the respondent to complete the survey (or other data collection mechanism).

15. Reporting Plan: Provide a brief description of the reporting plan for the data being collected.

16. Justification, Purpose and Use: Provide a brief justification for the information collection, its purpose, goals, and use (including utility to managers). Specifically, describe how data will be tabulated and what statistical techniques will be used to generalize the results to the entire user population. Describe how data from the survey will be used. Describe how you will acknowledge any limitations related to the data, particularly in cases where we obtain a lower than anticipated response rate. Note whether or not the information collection is intended to measure a Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) performance measure.

Instructions for Checklist

Review the checklist to ensure you have met the requirements for submission and that your approval package includes the required items.

Instructions for Certification Form:

Complete the Form and include the names of those who certify that the Justification Form meets the requirements of the generic clearance (OMB control number 0596-0236).

Justification for Submission under Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance (OMB Control Number 0596-0236)

U.S. Department of Agriculture-Forest Service

Office of Regulatory and Management Services

Forest Service Tracking Number: (for internal use only)

Date Submitted to Forest Service/USDA:


IC Title:

Raystown Lake Boating Capacity Study



US Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division, Baltimore District


Abstract: (not to exceed 150 words)

The purpose of this survey is to gather information about boat use characteristics at Raystown Lake, PA. Collected data will be analyzed to determine boater perceptions of social and resource conditions as wells as management of the lake. Further the collected data will be used to evaluate and compare effects of recreational development scenarios and estimate thresholds of boating capacity. Results of this study will be used by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as part of the inputs to updates of the Raystown Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan.


Bureau/Office Point of Contact Information

First Name:


Last Name:



Outdoor Recreation Planner


USACE, Institute for Water Resources

Street Address:

7701 Telegraph Road





Zip code:








Principal Investigator (PI) Information [If different from #4]

First Name:

Same as POC

Last Name:






Zip code:






Lead agency IC Clearance Officer Reviewing the IC:

First Name


Last Name



Chief Information Services Branch & USACE Records Program Manager


(202) 761-7138




IC Dates







Type of Information Collection Instrument (Check ALL that Apply)






__Focus Groups

__Comment Cards



9. Instrument and Method Development:

The instruments were developed by staff from Raystown Lake, USACE Baltimore District and USACE Institute for Water Resources with assistance from Bonnie Bryson, PhD Consultant, Bowhead Total Enterprise Solutions. The methodology was developed by Bonnie Bryson, PhD. The survey was modeled after one completed in 2016 at Beaver Lake and also incorporates questions from the 1988 boating study at Raystown Lake for trend analysis. The survey and methodology were reviewed by Margaret Petrella, Social Scientist, DOT in April-2018.

Pretesting was conducted with a group of volunteers and staff at Raystown lake who were not involved with survey development. The individuals were administered the questionnaires and de-briefed to elicit feedback on questionnaire language, organization and clarity. Comments were incorporated into the revised instruments included with this submission

10. Which of the six areas from the Compendium of Questions will be addressed in your IC? (Check all that apply). .

X Topic Area #1: Respondent Characteristics

Topic Area #2: Traveler Information

X Topic Area #3: Trip Behaviors

X Topic Area #4: Transportation Use and Travel Related Conditions

X Topic Area #5: Assessment of Visitor Experience

Topic Area #6: Economic Impact and Visitor Spending/Costs

In addition, for each question in your survey instrument (or discussion guide, comment card, etc), please indicate the Compendium Topic Area and the unique question identifier from the Compendium. If the question is not taken from the Compendium, indicate “NEW”. See the instructions for a sample table.

Survey Question Number

Compendium Topic Area

Compendium Question Identifier

Modifications and Justification

Boating Survey


#1 - Respondent residence


This question was not modified


#3 - Activities


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#3 - Activities


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#1 - Visit history


Removes "on this lake" from compendium question to make question about total boating experience


#1 - Visit history


This question was not modified


#1 - Visit history


Replace "visit" with "engage in boating activities on" to keep with focus of survey on boating activities.




Question modified from 2013 Coast Guard survey (OMB control # 1625-0089) and old Raystown survey (OMB control # 0702-0016).


#3 - Trip destination


Question merges TDEST 8A and TDEST 9B. Question asks about general trip, not specific trip. USACE map provides areas in terms of Zones, not letters. Modified response option for no primary destination to fit in the space provided.


#3 - Trip destination


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#3 - Trip destination


Question kept same as 1988 Raystown survey (OMB control # 0702-0016) for comparison. Removes temporal aspect from compendium question.


#4 - Transportation modes to and within site


Modified boat categories to better fit allowable boat types at Raystown lake. Some categories explicitly match categories from the 1988 Raystown Survey (OMB control # 0702-0016) to allow for analytical comparisons. Add "slip #" identifier to marina response.


#3 - Activities


Question modified to consider more than one trip.




Questions were modified from 2015 Coralville Lake Recreational Boating Study (OMB Control # 0710-0001) to allow an open ended response for location and request to provide nearest mile marker to that location.




Questions were modified from 2015 Coralville Lake Recreational Boating Study (OMB Control # 0710-0001) to allow an open ended response for location and request to provide nearest mile marker to that location.




Questions were modified from 2015 Coralville Lake Recreational Boating Study (OMB Control # 0710-0001) to allow an open ended response for location and request to provide nearest mile marker to that location.




Inclusion of question from 1988 Raystown boating survey (OMB control # 0702-0016) to allow for analytical comparison of visitor experiences.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


This question was not modified


#5 - Safety


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#5 - Opinions about management decisions


This question was not modified


#5 - Preferences in management decisions


Question modified to be specifically about boating


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


This question was not modified


#2 - Traveler information


Questions unique to this survey. Taken from 1988 Raystown boating survey (OMB control # 0702-0016) to allow for analytical comparison. Formatting from compendium TINFO19.


#2 - Traveler information


Statements modified from compendium.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


Question modified to consider more than one trip.


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


This question was not modified


#5 - Evaluation of travel experience


Question modified "people" to "boats" so photos could show boats on the water.


#1 - Respondent gender


This question was not modified


#1 - Respondent age


This question was not modified


#1 - Respondent education


This question was not modified

Screening Questions


#1 Respondent Characteristics


Modified to just be about current rental. Marina slip holders will be sent survey via the mail.




Question unique to this survey. Used to avoid having an individual complete more than one survey. USACE parks often have repeat visitors.


#4 Transportation Use and Travel Related Conditions


Modified to ask about general boating use on lake today, not specific boat types.


#3 Trip Behaviors


Modified to specifically refer to campgrounds at the subject lake. Not asking follow-on question regarding duration. Certain campgrounds at USACE parks do not have ramps, requiring users to put boats in the water at another park. This question is used to account for campers intercepted.


#1 Respondent Characteristics


Modified to present tense to reflect party size at time of intercept.


#1 Respondent Characteristics


This question was not modified




Question unique to this survey. Needed to determine if the respondent has the capability to use a web survey versus mail survey option.

11. Methodology:

(Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on separate page).

  1. Population (i.e., Respondent Universe)

Raystown Lake receives over 1 million visits annual (not unique visitors). The study population for this study are boaters that use the lake during the summer peak use season. There are two sources of this population:

1. Marina slip Holders. Marinas at USACE Civil Works Projects (reservoirs/lakes/rivers) are private businesses that operate at the lake under a outgrant lease agreement. These operators maintain slip rental documentation for individual wet and dry slips utilized by individuals. There are two marinas and a total of 1600 marina slips available at Raystown lake. Due to the limited size of this subpopulation and relative ease of access, a census will be performed of this population coordinated with the marina management to ensure enough responses for analysis.

2. Park users. Boat ramps for the general public are only available at USACE managed parks. Estimated visitation to at Raystown Lake during the peak season is around 130,000 visits (people) per month, extrapolated into about 60,000 vehicle based parties based on USACE visitation procedures. Based on available water access points and parking, the extrapolated estimate of boating parties is about 22,740 vehicle based parties per month. Intercepts in the parks will be scheduled over multiple summer months at Raystown lake to provide a representative sample of users during the peak use season.

Intent is that only one individual per party associated with a marina slip or boating parties participate in the survey.

  1. Sampling Plan/Procedure

The two populations will be provided the same survey, but contacted in different manners.

Marina Slip Holders - The two marinas operating at Raystown Lake are cooperating in the survey effort but do not wish to provide USACE their mailing lists. They have agreed to produce two sets of mailing labels, apply label with the oversight of USACE staff and drop the survey materials in the mail at specific times. A census of marina slip holders (1600) will be conducted. Slip holders will be contacted twice by mail using mixed-mode survey techniques of both web and mail surveys. The initial contact will be a postcard respond via a 3rd-party web survey application, followed in 3 weeks by a hard-copy paper instrument. Millar and Dillman (2011) found that “…offering the different response modes sequentially, in which Web is offered first and a mail follow-up option is used in the final contact, improves Web response rates and is overall equivalent to using only mail.”

Park Users - Personal intercepts will be used to select potential respondents who are campers and day use area visitors. Using the population estimate of 22,740 vehicle based parties, visitation was taken into consideration when computing the estimated number of intercepts (3906) needed to achieve the desired number of distributed survey invitations of 3125 (This takes into account refusal rates and anticipated eligibility for main survey during the screening intercepts). Due to the nature of recreational visitation at USACE lakes having regular repeat visitors, no contact information will be collected for reminders. In the screening process, park visitors will be asked if they have completed the survey previously to avoid multiple responses from a respondent.

There are 45 designated Project Site Areas, in most cases recreation areas at Raystown lake, with 33 managed by the USACE. Of these, 10 have boat ramps or camp-side accommodations for boaters. Due to lower visitation levels making sampling not cost effective or lack of a boat ramp requiring use of another recreation area to launch boats, 4 of these areas have been eliminated from sampling.

Project Site Area Name

Area Subtype

Area within park for sampling


Day Use Area

Boat ramp, ramp parking, beach, beach parking

James Creek

Water Access Point

Boat ramp, ramp parking

Seven Points

Multipurpose Area

Boat ramp, ramp parking, campground,

Shy Beaver

Water Access Point

Boat ramp, ramp parking

Snyders Run

Water Access Point

Boat ramp, ramp parking

Tatman Run

Day User Area

Boat ramp, ramp parking, beach, beach parking

Area Subtypes. USACE uses area subtypes to classify recreation areas in terms of relative development. Water Access Points contain a boat launch ramp and minimal (if any) convenience facilities (i.e. restroom, courtesy dock). A day use area has facilities to support a variety of park uses and may include boat launch ramps, restrooms, picnic sites and/or shelters, playground, swim beach.

  1. Instrument Administration

An effort has been made to reduce costs by producing a common main survey instrument that is suitable for both subpopulations.

Marina Slip Holders – Due to the procedures needed to contact the marina slip portion of the population, there will be two contacts made. The first contact will consist of one initial mailing with web survey information (Attachment 1). The second contact will be the main paper survey (Attachment 2) with cover letter also inviting them to participate in the web survey. Marina slip holders will also receive a note in their envelope in the event they responded to the postcard mailing thanking them for that response and encouraging nonrespondents to complete the survey (Attachment 6).

Contact Description

Survey Invitations

Completed Surveys

Initial mailing (estimate 15% response rate before reminder)



Reminder mailing with paper survey



Estimated Completed Surveys (50% response rate)


Park Users - Personal intercepts by roving surveyors who will select potential respondents from campers and day use area visitors present at USACE managed parks, using a protocol for visitor selection procedure similar to the Corps Customer Comment Card program (OMB Control # 0710-0019). This process is modified to position the intercepts at park locations most likely to yield eligible boaters (see table in section 11.a.) Individuals eligible to receive the main survey are boaters who have not completed the survey before or are not part of the marina slip holder subpopulations (the screening questionnaire determines eligibility).

The sample park users will be contacted in person on-site by Corps employees/volunteers. Sampling will take place on four weekdays (Monday – Friday) and 8 weekend days (Saturday or Sunday). Due to the potential for weather to impact the presence of recreational visitors, the “survey days” will occur over a three months window to allow for flexibility and better representation of the peak use season. Based on visitation levels and estimated boating parties, an intercept quota has been set at each recreation area for weekday and weekend intercepts, with the total number of intercepts of 3906. On a sampling day, intercepts will occur throughout the day and only one individual in a party will be selected to complete the survey. Surveyors will use observational cues, such as boating related equipment, gear, or clothing, to help target potential boaters for intercept contacts. Selected visitors will be approached, provided a card with the Agency Disclosure and Privacy Act Statement (Attachment 3) and verbally asked a few screening questions (Attachment 4) to determine eligible boating parties and prevent duplicate responses. Eligible respondents will be provided a web or paper mail survey (Attachment 5 or 2 as appropriate).

Contact Description

Survey Invitations

Completed Surveys

Park user intercepts (25% will either refuse or not be an eligible boating party)



Eligible respondents, provided main survey (25% response rate)



  1. Expected Response Rate and Confidence Levels

Based on past surveys of this nature we anticipate:

50% returned surveys from Marina Slip holders (800 responses)

90% of screener surveys conducted (3515 responses, 89% or 3125 eligible for main survey)

25% returned main surveys from park users (781 responses)

Based on http://www.raosoft.com/samplesize.html, this response rate will yield results at the 95% confidence level with 5% margin of error.

  1. Strategies for dealing with potential non-response bias

Zip code analysis will be used to evaluate the representativeness of marina slip holder responses. Responses to Q’s 27-29 (demographic questions) will be evaluated in comparison to population statistics within a 30-50 mile range of the lake.

Screening Q’s 5-6 will be used to evaluate the representativeness of park users in combination with other available sources of data includeing USACE comment cards, party size range based on national visitation multipliers and population statistics. Responses to Q’s 27-29 will be evaluated in comparison to population statistics within a 30-50 mile range of the lake.


Total Number of Initial Contacts and Expected Number of Respondents

Marina Slip Holders:

1600 individuals, each contacted twice, with 800 expected responses

Park Users:

3906 contacts for screener survey (estimate 25% will either refuse or be determined as ineligible within the first three questions)

3515 contacts (of the screener contacts) for main survey

With 1030 expected responses

A total of 5506 unique contacts will be made


Estimated Time to Complete Initial Contact and Time to Complete Instrument

Marina Slip Holders:

Provided main survey only – 12 minutes to complete including time to read cover letter and instructions (estimated 2 minutes to read letter only)

Park Users:

Screener survey averages 5 minutes to complete including time to recite introductions and questions (estimated 1 minute for verbal introduction)

Main survey averages 12 minutes to complete including time to read cover letter and instructions (estimated 2 minutes to read letter only)


Total Burden Hours






Burden Hours

Marina Slip Holders

Initial contact (2 minutes)

1600 x .03 hr


Main survey (10 minutes)

240 x .17 hr


Second Contact (2 minutes)

1600 x .03 hr


Main Survey (10 minutes)

560 x .17 hr




Park User

Intercept Introduction

3906 x .02 hr


Intercept Survey

3515 x .07 hr


Main Survey Contact

3125 x .03 hr


Main Survey

781 x .17 hr






The total estimated burden for this effort is 782.72 hours.

15. Reporting Plan:

The data from this study will reported in aggregate and will be combined with other relevant data as part of a report to the USACE Baltimore District to represent current boating use levels, user opinions and preferences at Raystown Lake. Results may be published in peer-reviewed scientific publication discussing methods, results and conclusions.

16. Justification, Purpose, and Use:

IC Justification and Purpose

Recreation is a Congressionally authorized project purpose (Section 4 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 and Water Project Recreation Act of 1965 as amended) for USACE Projects. USACE Engineer Regulation and Procedures for the Recreation and Environmental Stewardship programs requires the development and update of Project Master Plans. The master plan is a strategic land use management document that guides the management and development of recreational, natural and cultural resources. This collection is further guided by the Army Management Information Control system (AR 335-15).

USACE master planning requires that access to and demand for recreation is taken into consideration. This includes access and use of transportation modes for recreational activities. In this study, boater access to and use of lake is explored to understand resources, social and managerial dynamics that impacted boat user’s access and perceptions.

IC Goals

Results for the survey will provide lake managers information on boating density, user experience preferences related to boating experiences, environmental concerns and lake management. The goals of this IC are to:

Determine the impact current lake usage has on the quality of recreation, safety, and the environment;

Determine the effect the current facility mix has and future facilities will have on the carrying capacity, environmental quality and distribution of recreation users on the lake.

Determine boater perceptions of the resource, social and managerial condition of Lake

How will the results be used (e.g., utility to Managers)?

Results of this study will be used by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as part of the inputs to updates of the Raystown Lake Master Plan and Shoreline Management Plan.

How will the data be tabulated and analyzed? What statistical techniques will be used to generalize the results to the entire customer population? How will limitations on use of data be handled? If the survey results in a lower than anticipated response rate, how will you address this when reporting the results? (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on separate page).

Paper and web survey responses will be merged into a single database. Data summaries will be prepared with descriptive statistics and breakdown for each question and cross tabular reports for question comparison based on user characteristics like boat type, lake zone, or boating frequency.

There is a desire to understand if there are differences in the preferences of marina slip holders and general park users. Descriptive statistics will be utilized to explore potential difference in these subpopulations. The data will ultimately be combined to explore boating capacity and upper tolerance thresholds for boating use at the lake. Data will be weighted as appropriate to account for and balance any disproportion found in the sample and resulting responses based on analysis.

A range of statistical tests will be used, including t-test, chi-square and linear/multivariate regression and performed at the .05 alpha level. This level of accuracy and statistical power is generally accepted as sufficient in peer-reviewed social science quantitative study findings. Thus, the proposed sample size will be adequate for bi-variate comparisons.

All data will be reported in the aggregate.

Is this survey intended to measure a Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) performance measure? If so, please include an excerpt from the appropriate document. (Use as much space as needed; if necessary include additional explanation on separate page).

This IC is NOT intended to measure GPRA performance.

Checklist for Submitting a Request to Use USDA-Forest Service Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance

  • All questions in the survey instrument are within the scope of one of the USDA-Forest Service Generic Clearance topic areas (see Compendium of Questions).

  • The approval package is being submitted to the Forest Service Office of Regulatory and Management Services at least 45 days prior to the first day the PI wishes to administer the IC to the public.

  • [IF SURVEY] A qualified statistician has reviewed and approved your request.

  • Your bureau/office Information Collection Clearance Officer has reviewed and approved the approval package.

  • When you forward the approval package to USDA Forest Service, copy the FLMA Generic Clearance Coordinator

The approval package includes:

  • A completed Justification

  •  A signed Certification Form

  • A copy of the survey instrument

  • Other supporting materials, such as:

    • Cover letters to accompany mail-back questionnaires

    • Introductory scripts for initial contact of respondents

    • Necessary Paperwork Reduction Act compliance language

    • Follow-up letters/reminders sent to respondents

The survey methodology presented in the Justification includes a specific description of:

  • The respondent universe

  • The sampling plan and all sampling procedures, including how respondents will be selected

  • How the instrument will be administered

  • Expected response rate and confidence levels

  •  Strategies for dealing with potential non-response bias

  • A description of any pre-testing and peer review of the methods and/or the instrument is highly recommended.

  • The burden hours reported in the Justification include the number of burden hours associated with the initial contact of all individuals in the sample (i.e., including refusals), if applicable, and the number of burden hours associated with individuals expected to complete the survey instrument.

  • The package is properly formatted (Word) and submitted to the Office of Regulatory and Management Services electronically. 

Certification Form for Submission Under OMB Control Number 0596-0236

This form should only be used if you are submitting a collection of information for approval under the USDA-Forest Service Federal Lands Transportation Generic Clearance.

If the collection does not satisfy the requirements of the Generic Clearance, you should follow the regular PRA clearance procedures described in 5 CFR 1320.

  1. Bureau/Office

  2. US Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources and North Atlantic Division/Baltimore District

  1. IC Title (Please be specific)

  1. Estimated Number

  2. Contacts

  3. Respondents

5506 unique contacts*

3515 responses to park user intercept survey

1581 responses to main survey

*Park users are intercepted and then eligible respondents are provided main survey (2 responses)

Time per Response




Burden Hours

Marina Slip Holders

Initial contact (2 minutes)

1600 x .03 hr


Main survey (10 minutes)

240 x .17 hr


Second Contact (2 minutes)

1600 x .03 hr


Main Survey (10 minutes)

560 x .17 hr




Park User

Intercept Introduction

3906 x .02 hr


Intercept Survey

3515 x .07 hr


Main Survey Contact

3125 x .03 hr


Main Survey

781 x .17 hr






Total Burden Hours





  1. Bureau/Office Contact (who can best answer questions about content of the submission):

  1. Name

Meredith Bridgers



  1. Certification: The collection of information requested by this submission meets the requirements of OMB control number 0596-0236

  1. Bureau/Office Qualified Statistician

  2. Wen Huei Chang, PhD

DATE 4 April 2018

  1. Bureau/Office Information Collection Clearance Officer

  2. Christie King

DATE 13 April 2018

  1. Forest Service, Office of Regulatory and Management Services



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