Appendix L. Administrative Data Submission Instructions and Variable List
OMB No. 0584-[NEW]
Assessment of Mandatory E&T Programs
Month XX, 2018
Project Officer: Jordan Younes
Office of Policy Support
Food and Nutrition Service
U.S. Department of Agriculture
3101 Park Center Drive
Alexandria, VA 22303
of Mandatory E&T Programs:
Administrative Data
Instructions and Variable List
What is the purpose of this administrative data request?
This document provides instructions and requirements for submitting SNAP administrative caseload data as part of the Assessment of Mandatory E&T Programs study being conducted by FNS. These data are currently approved by Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under OMB Control Number 0584-XXXX, Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx. These data will be used to examine the characteristics of mandatory SNAP E&T participants and to assess the E&T services, sanctions, case closures, and other outcomes associated with E&T participation.
The following sections provide detailed instructions for preparing and submitting the data extract, including guidance on which records to include in the file, the time period for the data, a specific list of caseload data variables needed, the format for the file, how to handle missing data, how to ensure safeguards for these data, and the process for submitting data.
Insight will arrange a consultative discussion with State staff familiar with the State data systems and policies to discuss the administrative data to be provided and convey the level of detail and quality of the data that can be provided on E&T participants and their outcomes.
What SNAP records should be included in the file and for how many months?
The file should include one record per individual for each month they received SNAP benefits during the 29-month period from October 1, 2016, through February 28, 2019. Please limit the age range of individuals in the fil to be those ages 13 to 62 in any of the months.
There should be up to 29 rows of data (1 row per month) for every individual included in the file. Months in which an individual is not in your State caseload system can be left blank or excluded from the file (however, please include case closure codes for the month a case was closed).
What variables should be included in the file?
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0584-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection varies by respondent type and is estimated to average 11.7 hours per response for State database administrators, and 6.5 hours per response for E&T provider database administrators including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Additional response time is required for State database administrators due to their larger and more complex data files than E&T providers. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services, Office of Policy Support, 3101 Park Center Drive, Room 1014, Alexandria, VA 22302, ATTN: PRA (0584-xxxx*). Do not return the completed form to this address.
If codes are used to identify information (e.g., reasons for exemptions, reasons for case closures), please submit a crosswalk of these codes and their descriptions with your file.
What is the file format?
Preferred file formats are comma-separated values (.csv) or Excel (.xls), although other formats are acceptable, including SAS datasets. Each file should have 1 record per participant-month (from for October 2016 through February 2019), and each record should include all variables in the variable list (see table A).
How should missing/unknown information be handled?
Missing values should be indicated by a BLANK space. Please do NOT fill unknown values with zeroes. Zero should ONLY indicate an actual zero value, such as zero dollar income. For example, if the participant’s household stops receiving SNAP benefits, the household size and benefit fields should be BLANK, not zero.
For all indicator variables, a value of “1” should represent “yes,” while a value of “0” should represent “no.”
How will Insight ensure confidentiality of State data?
The data will be maintained in a locked room on a secure server and available only to key project personnel needed to clean and tabulate the data. No personal identifiers will be disclosed in reports since data will be reported in aggregate format. These data will be destroyed as soon as they are no longer required.
How should we submit the files?
To protect the data, please submit the file using Insight’s secure FTP system, a secure file transfer site that encrypts both commands and data, preventing passwords and sensitive information from being accessed during transmission. Instructions for using this system will be sent separately.
If possible, submit a test data file with 3 months of data to Insight. The test file should include data on SNAP participants identified as work registrants at any point during the period January–March 2018. This will enable Insight to review all data and clarify any remaining concerns before the first data submission.
Questions or concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the study’s principal investigator, Carole Trippe, at or 703.504.9498.
Table A. Requested Variable List
Variable Requested |
Variable Name |
Variable Description |
Code/Categories Examples |
Individual-Level Variables |
Reference month and year |
Benefit reference month and year for the SNAP participant’s SNAP household If no SNAP benefit was received that month, still include a row for that month with data for the CLIENT_ID and REF_MONTH_YEAR |
Client ID |
Participant’s individual SNAP ID provided by the State to identify individual participants within a SNAP household If no SNAP benefit was received that month, still include a row for that month with data for the CLIENT_ID and REF_MONTH_YEAR |
Example: 2130768 (character variable) |
Social Security Number |
SNAP participant’s Social Security Number |
Example: 510981319 |
Received SNAP benefits |
Whether the participant received SNAP benefits this month |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Date of birth |
SNAP participant’s date of birth |
Gender |
SNAP participant’s gender |
1 = male 2 = female |
Race/ethnicity |
SNAP participant’s race and ethnicity |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Marital status |
SNAP participant’s marital status (e.g., married, single) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Relationship to case head |
SNAP participant’s relationship to the case head (e.g., head of household, spouse, child, adult) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Primary language spoken or language used on application |
Codes used to identify primary language for participant or participant’s household |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Whether participant has received a high school diploma or GED |
Codes used to identify level of school completed (or whether SNAP participant received a high school diploma or GED) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Participant’s earned income amount |
Individual-level monthly earned income for the SNAP participant |
Example: 200 |
Work registrant exemption status |
Codes used to identify whether SNAP participant is exempt or not exempt from work registration |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
SNAP E&T exemption status |
Codes used to identify whether SNAP participant is exempt or not exempt from E&T |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Voluntary or mandatory SNAP E&T participation |
Indicator of whether the SNAP participant is identified as voluntary or mandatory E&T participant |
1 = voluntary 2 = mandatory |
SNAP E&T referral status |
Whether the SNAP participant was referred to SNAP E&T |
0 = no 1 = yes |
SNAP E&T participation status |
Whether the referred SNAP E&T individual participated in E&T component |
0 = no 1 = yes |
E&T sanction status |
Whether the individual is under E&T sanction this month |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Start and end dates of E&T sanction |
Start and end dates of the E&T sanction |
Reason for E&T sanction |
Codes used to identify reason for E&T sanction |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Length of E&T sanction |
Number of months of assigned sanction for sanctioned E&T participants |
Example: 2 |
E&T sanction number |
E&T sanction number or iteration |
1 = first sanction 2 = second sanction 3 = third sanction 4 = other |
Good cause determination for noncompliant E&T participant |
Whether the noncompliant E&T participant was granted good cause determination |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Work registration sanction status |
Whether the SNAP participant is under work registration sanction this month |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Reason for work registration sanction |
Codes used to identify reason for work registration sanction, if available |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Length of WR sanction |
Number of months of assigned sanction for sanctioned work registrants |
Example: 2 |
ABAWD exemption status |
Codes used to identify exemption status for ABAWD from ABAWD time limits |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Receipt of NOAA |
Whether the E&T participant received a NOAA related to mandatory E&T requirements |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Date of NOAA |
Date of NOAA related to participant’s mandatory E&T requirements |
Whether participant “cured” noncompliance before being sanctioned |
Whether E&T participant complied with requirement cited in NOAA before sanction went into effect |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Household-Level Variables |
SNAP case identification (ID) |
Household or case ID provided by the State to identify the SNAP household of the individual participant |
Example: 02076085 (character variable) |
Received SNAP benefits (household) |
Whether the participant’s SNAP household received SNAP benefits this month |
0 = no 1 = yes
SNAP benefit amount |
Total SNAP benefit received by the SNAP household this month (rounded to nearest dollar) |
Example: 357 |
SNAP household size |
Number of individuals in the participant’s SNAP household this month |
Example: 3 |
Certification date |
The last review date associated with household’s SNAP benefit month (i.e., disposition date for reference month) |
County serving the case |
County code or name of the county serving the participant’s SNAP household |
Provide definitions of county codes in separate crosswalk |
SNAP household’s gross income amount |
Total monthly gross income for the participant’s SNAP household (i.e., gross income used to determine SNAP eligibility before deductions) |
Example: 700 |
SNAP household’s net income amount |
Total monthly net income for the participant’s SNAP household (i.e., net income after all deductions from gross income used to determine SNAP benefit amount) |
Example: 600 |
SNAP household’s earned income amount |
Total monthly earned income for the participant’s SNAP household |
Example: 300 |
Closed case |
Indicator that the SNAP case is closed |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Closure date |
Date of SNAP case closure |
Closure reason |
Reason for SNAP case closure (e.g., ABAWD time limit, sanction for failure to meet E&T requirements, missed recertification appointment, income over threshold, other) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
E&T Activities and Outcomes (if available for E&T participants) |
E&T provider serving SNAP E&T participant |
Name of E&T provider serving the E&T participant |
Provide name(s) of providers |
Type of E&T component assigned |
Codes used to identify the type of E&T component(s) participant was assigned to receive (e.g., assessment, English as a Second Language [ESL], High School Equivalence, Institute of Higher Education, Independent Job Search, Job Search Training, Workfare, Work Experience, On-the-Job Training, Basic Education, Vocational Training, Self-Employment Training, WIOA Program, Job Retention, Unique Component) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Start date of E&T assignment |
Start date of E&T assignment to component for the E&T participant |
Outcome of the SNAP E&T participation |
Outcome of the SNAP E&T participation (e.g., completed a training, educational, work experience, or on-the-job training component; exempted for good cause, quit) |
Provide definitions of codes in separate crosswalk |
Whether participant is in unsubsidized employment after E&T |
Indicator of whether the participant is in unsubsidized employment after completing E&T program |
0 = no 1 = yes |
Start date of unsubsidized employment |
Start date of unsubsidized employment obtained after the participant completed E&T program |
Earnings of E&T participant after completing E&T program |
Amount of monthly/quarterly earnings of E&T participant after completing E&T program |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Chrystine Tadler |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |