CPFCL Attachments


Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

CPFCL Attachments

OMB: 1121-0339

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CPFFCL 2019 Attachments

Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Appendix C:
Appendix D:
Appendix E:
Appendix F:

2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Verification
Call Script
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Cognitive
Testing Recruitment Materials
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Cognitive
Testing Informed Consent
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Instrument
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Cognitive
Interviewing Protocol
IRB Submission Confirmation

Appendix A
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Verification Call Script
Good [morning/afternoon/evening], my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME] from RTI
International. I am calling on behalf of the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics
regarding the 2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories. I am calling
[NAME OF DIRECTOR OR DEPUTY DIRECTOR] to confirm that I have the correct contact
information so that we can make sure that the survey is mailed to the appropriate address.
Do you have 5 minutes to answer a few brief questions?

YES [GO TO 1.1]


First, I would like to confirm that this phone number is the correct phone number for
1 Yes [GO TO 1.2]
2 No [GO TO 1.1a]


What is the correct phone number? _____________


Can you confirm that [Forensic Crime Laboratory’s name] is the correct name of this


What is the correct name and spelling of the [Forensic Crime Laboratory]?


YES [GO TO 1.3]
NO [GO TO 1.2a]


I have the mailing address as [street address, city, state, zip]. Is this information correct?
1 YES [GO TO 1.4]
2 NO [GO TO 1.3a]


What is your full street address?
Street Address___________________
City, State

Zip Code

Our records indicate that [TITLE] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] is the Laboratory
Head. Is this information correct?



YES [GO TO 1.5]
NO [GO TO 1.4a]

Who is the Office Head; perhaps this person is the [Director or Deputy Director]?


First Name


Last Name


Professional Designation



Would the [Directory or Deputy Director] be the best point of contact for sending a
survey about office operations, including administrative, budget, and resource
1 YES [GO TO 1.6]
2 NO [GO TO 1.5a]


Please provide us with the name of the best point of contact for sending a survey.


First Name


Last Name


Professional Designation



What is the best phone number to contact the [Office Head or Best Point of Contact]?
PHONE NUMBER __________________


What is the best email address to contact the [Office Head or Best Point of Contact]?
EMAIL ADDRESS __________________@__________________

GENERIC THANK YOU. Thank you so much for your time.

END. Thank you. Those are all of the questions that I have. If your office is eligible, RTI
International, the data collection agent for the Bureau of Justice Statistics, will send you
the survey using the contact information provided soon. We thank you for your
cooperation. If you have any questions in the meantime, please call us toll free at 1-XXXXXXX. Thank you for your time.

Appendix B
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
Cognitive Testing Recruitment Materials


American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) email outreach
Email Invitation to Participate in Cognitive Interviews
Cognitive Interview Screener Questions script
ASCLD reminder message
Thank You Letter to Cognitive Interview Participants

Appendix B-1:
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) email outreach
Email Subject: Invitation to Participate in Important Crime Laboratory Study
Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you, your families and loved ones, and your staff are healthy and safe through these
unprecedented times. We know that you are facing a lot of ever-evolving needs as the pandemic continues
to impact personal and professional life.
For those who are feeling very challenged by the times and are unable to do anything beyond what
you are currently doing, please accept our hope that things improve for you, continue to do your
important work, and read no further.
For those who have more time on their hands, we write to ask for volunteers to participate in an
important study regarding our forensic laboratory community.
The U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is preparing to conduct the fifth
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL) in 2019. This survey was last
conducted in 2014 and is designed to gather data on current services offered by publicly funded crime
laboratories and the challenges you face.
With input from subject matter experts and crime laboratory stakeholders, BJS and RTI international,
BJS’s data collection agent for this survey, have developed a new questionnaire and we are asking for
your help to refine the instrument. The perspectives you share will give us the information we need to
refine the CPFFCL instrument to reduce burden while producing meaningful, relevant, and timely
statistics to serve the crime laboratory community.
If you are interested in participating, please contact RTI using the contact information below. The
research effort would involve participating in a 60-minute telephone interview with RTI’s staff. RTI will
email you the survey the day of the interview. During the interview, you and the RTI staff member will
review the questionnaire together to discuss the clarity, meaning, and your understanding of the questions
and answer categories. You will not be asked to complete the survey. BJS is merely testing to see if the
questions and answer categories make sense, and if it would be possible for you to answer the questions.
They are also interested in how long the survey would take. The feedback you provide will be carefully
considered by BJS and used to improve the survey.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Kathryn Greenwell (kgreenwell@rti.org) at RTI
International and provide her with your name, best telephone number, and laboratory name. She will
be in touch with you within two business days. If you have questions or comments about the project in
general, you can also contact Connor Brooks (connor.brooks@usdoj.gov; 202-514-8633) at BJS.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this important study. Please stay safe.
Brooke Arnone
ASCLD President

Erin Forry
ASCLD President-Elect

Appendix B-2:
Email Invitation to Participate in Cognitive Interviews
BJS Letter – Email Attachment
Subject: Bureau of Justice Statistics Interview Request
Dear [NAME],
The U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) is preparing to conduct the fifth
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL). This survey was last conducted in
2014 (see BJS’ 2014 CPFFCL Resources and Services Report). We are aware that the work in your office
has likely changed over the past 5 years and we are making updates and improvements to the forthcoming
CPFFCL survey. We are asking for your help to improve the instrument. The perspectives you share will
give us the information we need to refine the CPFFCL instrument in a way that will reduce burden while
producing meaningful, relevant, and timely statistics to serve the crime laboratory community.
To help us ensure that this year’s data collection is successful in gathering information that is helpful both
to BJS and the forensic community and jurisdictions they serve, we would like you to complete an
interview in which you will go through the revised survey and share your feedback with us.
If you agree to participate and your laboratory is eligible, we will set up a 60-minute telephone interview
with you and staff of our data collection agent, RTI International. RTI will e-mail you the survey. During
this interview, you and the RTI staff member will review part of the questionnaire to discuss the clarity,
meaning, and your understanding of the questions and answer categories. You will not be asked to
complete the survey. We are testing to see if the questions and answer categories make sense, and if it
would be possible for your office to answer the questions. We are also asking for you to estimate the time
it would take to complete the survey. The feedback you provide will be carefully considered by BJS and
used to improve next year’s survey.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about this request at
Connor.Brooks@usdoj.gov or 202-514-8633. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Connor Brooks
CPFFCL Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics

Appendix B-3:
Cognitive Interview Screener Questions
OUTBOUND CALL: Hello. May I please speak with [Prospective Cognitive Interviewee]?
My name is [Recruiter Name] and I work for RTI International, an independent nonprofit research
I am calling you in response to the email you sent indicating that you would be willing to participate in an
interview that will inform revisions to the 2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories,
also called CPFFCL. Specifically, you responded to an email from the American Society of Crime
Laboratory Directors (ASCLD) leadership regarding these interviews that are being conducted by RTI on
behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
As the ASCLD message conveyed, this survey was last conducted in 2014 and we would like to enlist
your help to revise the questionnaire. We have developed a new questionnaire based on input from
leaders in the field. We would like you to participate in an interview with the new version of the survey
and share your feedback on it. This will help us ensure that this year’s data collection is successful in
gathering data that is helpful both to BJS and to your offices and jurisdictions.
If you agree, we will ask you to confirm a few questions today about your laboratory to determine your
laboratory’s eligibility. If eligible, we would then ask you take part in an-hour long interview with me and
another colleague. We will schedule an interview with you either in person or over the phone to walk the
questionnaire—asking you the survey questions and then asking for your feedback on those questions.
The feedback you provide will be carefully considered by BJS and used to improve next year’s survey.
Does this sound like something that you would still be interested in?
IF NO: Thank you so much for your time!
IF YES: Great! Thank you for your interest. Please note that we are hoping to get a variety of respondents
from around the U.S. representing a diverse set of laboratories so that, for example, we avoid having only
state laboratory systems in a given Census region represented. Thus, I would like for you to confirm a few
points of information we have about your laboratory so that we can determine study eligibility. Do you
have 5 minutes now to confirm some basic information about your laboratory?




First, what is your full name and position? ___________________________________


In case we get accidentally disconnected, could you give me the best phone and email address to
reach you?
Phone Number: ________________________________
Email Address: ________________________________


I have [LABORATORY NAME] as the full name of your laboratory/laboratory system. Is that




Can you confirm that your [LABORATORY NAME] is located in [CITY, STATE]?

NO – What is the correct location of your lab? ____________________________

We believe that the [LABORATORY NAME] is governed by a
FEDERAL/STATE/COUNTY/MUNICIPAL government entity. Is this correct?


NO – What is the correct name of your laboratory/laboratory system?

NO – What level of government oversees your lab? ____________________________

About how many full-time personnel does your laboratory/laboratory system have? An estimate
is fine. ___________________________
[LAB ELIGIBLE]: Based on what you have confirmed, you are eligible for the cognitive
interviews. May we go ahead and set up a time when we can interview you? [IF YES, SET UP
[LAB INELIGIBLE]: Based on what you have told me, you are ineligible for the cognitive
interviews because we already have good representation of laboratories or laboratory systems that
resemble the characteristics that you have confirmed with me. We really appreciate your interest
in helping us improve the survey, and the time that you have spent on the telephone with me
today telling me about your laboratory. Please look for the CPFFCL survey towards the end of
2020 or beginning of 2021.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please call me at 1-XXX-XXXX. Thank you for your
time and interest in the 2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories.
If you have any questions you can contact [ME/INTERVIEWER] at [NUMBER] or [EMAIL], or
contact Connor Brooks (Connor.Brooks@usdoj.gov; 202-514-8633) if you have any questions or
concerns about this request.

Appendix B-4:
ASCLD reminder message

NOTE: The following message would be inserted as a forward from the original message (see
Appendix B-1) to the ASCLD crime laboratory director distribution list two weeks after the
initial message was sent if more cognitive interviews are needed.
Email Subject: FWD: Invitation to Participate in Important Crime Laboratory Study
Dear Colleagues:
We hope that you and your staff are healthy and safe.
As a follow up to our message below, and on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, we would like to
thank those who have contacted RTI International (RTI) to participate in the Census of Publicly Funded
Forensic Crime Laboratories cognitive interviews.
If you have not reached out and are able to participate, RTI is still seeking volunteers and has let us know
that more interviews would be helpful to improve the instrument. Thus, if you have time and are willing
to donate an hour of your time to this effort, please contact please contact Kathryn Greenwell
(kgreenwell@rti.org) at RTI International. She will have a few eligibility questions to ask you so that RTI
can ensure that they have a diverse sample of respondents.
Thank you for your time and consideration of this important study. Please stay safe.
Brooke Arnone
ASCLD President

Erin Forry
ASCLD President-Elect

Appendix B-5:
Thank You Letter to Cognitive Interview Participants

Dear [NAME]:
On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and RTI International, thank you for participating in
the interviews to test the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ draft instrument for the Census of Publicly Funded
Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL) on DATE. We know that you are very busy with your important
work and are thus honored that you so generously offered your time and expertise to assist us.
The perspectives you shared along with that of the other subject matter experts and crime laboratory
stakeholders we interviewed, have given us the information we need to refine the CPFFCL instrument in
a way that will reduce burden while producing meaningful, relevant, and timely statistics to serve the
crime laboratory community.
For your invaluable insight, time, and expertise, we extend our deepest appreciation.
Should you have any questions about CPFFCL or have further thoughts to share, please do not hesitate to
contact us.
Gratefully yours,

Connor Brooks

Jeri Ropero-Miller
CPFFCL Principal

Amanda Smith

Appendix C
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
Cognitive Testing Informed Consent


CPFFCL Informed Consent Form for Participants
CPFFCL Informed Consent Form for Interviewers

Appendix C-1
CPFFCL Informed Consent Form for Participants

2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
Cognitive Testing Informed Consent
What is the purpose of the interview? The interview is part of a research study that is being conducted by the
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The purpose of the interview is to receive feedback on the 2019 Census of
Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL).
What will happen during the testing? The interview will take approximately 60 minutes. You will be asked to
read through the CPFFCL survey as if you were completing it on your own. During the survey I will stop you and
ask you some questions about the survey and whether the questions make sense and are easy to answer. The
interview will also involve audio recording your comments for later analysis. The audio recording will only be
heard by authorized project staff and your name will never be used. You can choose not to be audio recorded.
Why was I chosen? You were chosen because you responded to a message from the American Society of Crime
Laboratory Directors message, your laboratory or laboratory system was eligible to participate in this effort, and
because you are a forensic crime laboratory stakeholder. Participants represent the types of people who will take
part in the 2019 CPFFCL Survey.
Are there risks? There is no expected risk to participating in this study. Any information that is learned during
this discussion will not be shared with anyone outside the CPFFCL project staff.
Are there benefits? There are no expected direct benefits to you for participating in this study.
What will I get for participating? By participating you will make an important contribution to the understanding
of the nation’s forensic crime laboratory system.
Do I have to participate? Participation in this interview is entirely voluntary. You can stop the interview at any
time. You can also refuse to answer any question on any form.
Will this be kept private? Participants’ names and other identifying information will not be used in any report
or publication. Everything we learn will be kept private by BJS and RTI to the fullest extent of the law. Only
project team members from RTI and BJS will be allowed access to this information or observe any of the
interviews. You can choose not to be audio recorded or observed.
Whom do I call if I have questions? If you have any questions about the study, you can call the project director,
Jeri Ropero-Miller. Her number is 919-485-5685. If you have any questions about your rights in taking part in
this study, you can call RTI's Office of Research Protection at 1-866-214-2043 (this is a toll-free call).
By participating in this interview, you consent to BJS and RTI using your answers to inform the survey. You are
also acknowledging receipt of this consent form. If there is any part of this form that is not clear to you, be sure to
ask about it before you consent.

Appendix C-2
CPFFCL Informed Consent form for Interviewers

2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories
Cognitive Testing Informed Consent
What is the purpose of the interview? The interview is part of a research study that is being conducted by the
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The purpose of the interview is to receive feedback on the 2019 Census of
Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (CPFFCL).
What will happen during the testing? The interview will take approximately 120 minutes. You will be asked
to complete the CPFFCL. During the survey I will stop you and ask you some questions about the survey and
whether the questions make sense and are easy to answer. The interview will also involve audio recording your
comments for later analysis. The audio recording will only be heard by authorized project staff and your name
will never be used. You can choose not to be audio recorded.
Why was I chosen? You were chosen because you responded to a message from the American Society of Crime
Laboratory Directors message, your laboratory or laboratory system was eligible to participate in this effort, and
because you are a forensic crime laboratory stakeholder. Participants represent the types of people who will take
part in the 2019 CPFFCL Survey.
Are there risks? There is no expected risk to participating in this study. Any information that is learned during
this discussion will not be shared with anyone outside the CPFFCL project staff.
Are there benefits? There are no expected direct benefits to you for participating in this study.
What will I get for participating? By participating you will make an important contribution to the understanding
of the nation’s forensic crime laboratory system.
Do I have to participate? Participation in this interview is entirely voluntary. You can stop the interview at any
time. You can also refuse to answer any question on any form.
Will this be kept private? Participants’ names and other identifying information will not be used in any report
or publication. Everything we learn will be kept private by BJS and RTI to the fullest extent of the law. Only
project team members from RTI and BJS will be allowed access to this information or observe any of the
interviews. You can choose not to be audio recorded or observed.
Whom do I call if I have questions? If you have any questions about the study, you can call the project director,
Jeri Ropero-Miller. Her number is 919-485-5685. If you have any questions about your rights in taking part in
this study, you can call RTI's Office of Research Protection at 1-866-214-2043 (this is a toll-free call).
By participating in this interview, you consent to BJS and RTI using your answers to inform the survey. You are
also acknowledging receipt of this consent form. If there is any part of this form that is not clear to you, be sure to
ask about it before you consent.
Do you have any questions?
Do we have permission to continue with the interview?
 Yes
 No

Do we have your permission to audio record this discussion?
 Yes
 No
IF OBSERVER: Do you agree to have an observer sit in on this interview?
 Yes
 No
I certify that the nature, purpose, and privacy policy associated with participating in this research have been
explained to the participant and the participant has given their consent to participate in this cognitive interview.
Decisions whether or not to record or allow observers were the decisions of the participant.
Signature of Interviewer


Appendix D
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Instrument


Dear [NAME],
Thank you for participating in the testing of the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ draft instrument for
the forthcoming Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories (2020). Your effort will
ensure that our instrument is easily understood, is capturing the desired data, and is relevant to
the work you and offices like yours are doing in the field of forensics.
The attached survey instrument is being provided to you only for reference ahead of your
scheduled interview session with a member of the RTI team. Please do not complete this survey
and return it. At this point, we are interested to know how you interpret the questions and would
go about answering them. We are not collecting the actual answers at this time.
Please feel free to review the survey before your scheduled interview to gather any thoughts or
comments you would like to share with us. If you have any questions about the process please,
feel free to contact me at Connor.Brooks@usdoj.gov or 202-514-8633, or a member of the RTI
data collection team at XXXXX.
Thank you again for your participation.
Connor Brooks
CPFFCL Program Manager
Bureau of Justice Statistics


Section A: Organization
A1. What type of government operates this lab facility? Mark one.
 City, borough, village, or town
 County or parish
 State
 Federal
A2. Which of the following best describes the agency that has administrative oversight of your laboratory?
 Law enforcement agency (e.g., department or division of public safety)
 Department or division of forensic science
 Government attorney’s office (e.g., district attorney)
 Public health agency (e.g., department or division of public health)
 Other (please specify)
A3. As of December 31, 2019, was your laboratory part of a multi-laboratory system? A multi-laboratory system is
defined as two or more separate laboratory entities that are overseen by a single organization. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to A5
A4. As of December 31, 2019, how many individual laboratories were in your multi-lab system? Include your
own laboratory in this total.
____________ laboratories
A5. During 2019, did any of the following types of government agencies submit requests for forensic services to your
individual laboratory? Mark yes or no for each response.
a. City, borough, village, or town
b. County or parish
c. State (state-wide or regional)
d. Federal (nationwide or regional)

Yes No

A6. During 2019, did your individual lab facility perform these forensic functions? Mark yes or no for each listed
function and associated sub-categories. Please follow the skip patterns and mark the appropriate response for the subitems beneath Toxicology, Trace, Impressions, Digital and Multimedia Evidence, Latent Prints, Forensic Biology, and
Crime Scene categories.


b. Toxicology
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Antemortem BAC Analysis
2. Antemortem Drug Analysis
3. Postmortem Analysis





c. Trace



a. Controlled Substances



If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Chemical Unknown Analysis
2. Explosives Analysis
3. Fire Debris Analysis
4. Fiber Examination
5. Gunshot Residue Testing
6.Hair Examination
7. Paint Analysis
8. Other Trace (please specify) _______________




d. Impressions
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Footwear Analysis
2. Tire Tread Analysis





e. Firearms/Toolmarks



f. Digital & Multimedia Evidence
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Traditional Cellphones (not Smartphones) Analysis
2. Smartphone, Tablet, or Mobile Device Analysis
3. Laptop or Desktop Computer Analysis
4. Thumb and External Drives, CDs, DVDs, or Other Storage Media Analysis
5. GPS and Navigation Systems Analysis
6. Audio Files Analysis
7. Cloud and Server Data (including social media) Analysis
8. Other Analyses of Digital/Multimedia Evidence (please specify)





g. Latent Prints
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Print Development Analysis
2. Comparisons Analysis





h. Questioned Documents



i. Forensic Biology
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Casework Analysis
2. Sexual Assault Casework Analysis
3. Convicted Offender DNA Samples Analysis
4. Arrestee DNA Samples Analysis
5. Other DNA Samples (e.g., missing persons) Analysis _______________





j. Crime Scene
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Evidence Collection
2. Reconstruction (e.g., bloodstain pattern analysis)





k. Other (please specify) _______________









A7. As of December 31, 2019, did your individual laboratory have a Laboratory Information Management System
(LIMS)? A LIMS is a computerized system used to manage, compile, or track requests and/or evidence. Mark one.
 Yes
 No → skip to B1
A8. Does your LIMS allow you to track workload by Request?
 Yes
 No
A9. Does your LIMS allow you to track workload by Item?
 Yes
 No

Section B: Budget
B1. What was the total operating budget for your individual laboratory in 2019? Include all funding received such as
fees, grants, and one-time special projects.

□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

B1a. Does your total operating budget (your answer to B1) include your entire multi-lab system?
 Yes
 No
B1b. Are you reporting your budget data for your fiscal year or calendar year?
 Calendar year → skip to B2
 Fiscal year
B1c.If your reported budget (B1) covers your fiscal year, what are the start and end dates of your fiscal year?
___ __ ____ to ___ __ ____
B2. During 2019, did your individual lab receive funding from any of the following sources? Mark yes or no for each
funding source.
a. Asset Forfeitures
b. Donations
c. Fees
d. Grants - Federal
e. Grants - State
f. Partnerships
g. Private Foundations
h. Task Force Funding (Federal and State)




Section C: Staffing
C1. How many full-time employees, part-time employees, and position vacancies in the following categories did your
laboratory have as of December 31, 2019? Report each employee in only one category, based on primary function.
Report employees who normally work less than 35 hours per week as part-time. If none, enter 0.
a. Managerial
b. Clerical or Administrative
c. Analyst/Examiner
1. In-Training or Entry-Level
2. Intermediate/Senior
d. Crime Scene Technician
f. Technical Support
g. Other
Total (Sum a-g)




C2. As of December 31, 2019, how many personnel did you have in the following categories as of December 31, 2019?
If none, enter 0.
A. ________Consultants/Contractors
B. ________Interns
C3. How many hires and separations of key personnel occurred in 2019? Key personnel are defined: Managerial;
Clerical or Administrative; all levels of Analyst/Examiner; Crime Scene Technician; and Technical Support. Mark if number
was estimated.
A. ______ Hires
B. ______ Separations

□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate
□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

C4. As of December 31, 2019, how many of full-time analysts/examiners (as specified in C1, part c) in your individual
laboratory were certified by one or more of the entities listed below? If none were certified, enter ‘0’.
______ Full-time analysts/examiners
List of Selected Certification Entities:
American Board of Criminalistics
American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
American Board of Forensic Odontology
American Board of Forensic Toxicology
American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists
International Association for Identification (not including 10-print certification)
Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board
Forensic Toxicologist Certification Board
Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners
Board of Forensic Document Examiners
International Institute of Forensic Engineering Sciences


C5. As of December 31, 2019 what were the minimum and maximum full-time annual salaries for the following
positions? Exclude benefits and overtime when reporting annual salaries. If position does not exist, mark N/A.
a. Director
b. Supervisor
c. Analyst/Examiner
d. Analyst/Examiner
e. Technical support (e.g., lab tech,
support personnel)





















Section D: Workload
Questions D1 through D17 ask for information about your individual laboratory workload. Do not include requests that
your lab sent to another lab for analysis.
• A request is the submission of one or more items of physical evidence a forensic discipline from a single criminal
investigation. A request may contain more than one item.
• An item is a single piece of evidence submitted for analysis. There may be multiple items within a submission.
• A single criminal investigation (i.e., case) may result in more than one request (e.g. toxicology, and latent prints).
• Contact the Help Line if you could not report the totals as specified or if you are unable to extract data separately for
the given categories in questions D3-D17.
D1. How many requests and items did your laboratory receive from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019?
Include convicted offender and arrestee forensic biology requests/items.
Mark if number(s) was(were) estimated. Mark if number of items is unknown.
A. _______ Requests
□ Number provided is an estimate
□ Number of requests is unknown
B. _______ Items
□ Number provided is an estimate
□ Number of items is unknown
D2. As of January 1, 2020, how many backlogged requests and items unreported for 30 days or longer did your
laboratory have? Include convicted offender and arrestee forensic biology requests. Mark if number was estimated.
Mark if unknown.
A. _______ Requests
B. _______ Items
The next section asks questions about the number of requests your lab received in 2019. Please answer the following
questions for each discipline. Mark if any of the numbers in D3-D12 were estimated in the checkbox below the table.
A. Total
number of
new requests
received in

D3. Controlled
D4. Toxicology
D5. Trace
D6. Impressions
D7. Firearms/Toolmarks
D8. Digital & Multimedia
D9. Latent Prints


B. Of the
requests received
in 2019, what
was the total
number of items

C. Total
number of
completed in

D. Total
number of all
analysis as of
January 1,

E. Number of
requests that
were unreported
for 30 days or
longer as of
January 1, 2020



D10. Questioned
D11. Crime Scene
D12. Forensic Biology
(including forensic
biology casework, sexual
assault casework and
DNA Databasing)





Mark here if any of the numbers provided in D3-D12 are estimates.

D13. Can you report your workload on Forensic Biology Casework, including sexual assault casework, separately from
the forensic biology totals in D12?
 Yes
 No → skip to D15
 N/A, my individual lab facility does not perform Forensic Biology Casework → skip to D15
D13a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology analysis (D12),
how many were requests for Forensic Biology Casework?


D13b. How many ITEMS were included in the
requests for Forensic Biology Casework (D13a)?


D13c. How many requests for Forensic Biology Casework were

_______________Pending Requests

D13d. How many requests for Forensic Biology Casework were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020

_______________Backlogged Requests

D14. Can you report your workload on Sexual Assault Casework, separately from the Forensic Biology Casework
totals in D13?
 Yes
 No → skip to D15
 N/A, my individual lab facility does not perform Sexual Assault Casework → skip to D15
D14a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology Casework (D13a),
how many were for Sexual Assault Casework?


D14b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Sexual Assault Casework (D14a)?


D14c. How many requests for Sexual Assault Casework were

_______________Pending Requests

D14d. How many requests for Sexual Assault Casework were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020?

_______________Backlogged Requests


D15. Can you report your DNA Databasing request workload, including Arrestee and Convicted Offender samples?
 Yes
 No → skip to D18
 N/A, my individual lab facility perform DNA Databasing → skip to D18
D15a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology analysis (D12),
how many were requests for DNA Databasing?


D15b. How many ITEMS were included in the
requests for DNA Databasing (D15a)?


D15c. How many requests for DNA Databasing were

_______________Pending Requests

D15d. How many requests for DNA Databasing were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020

_______________Backlogged Requests

D16. Can you report your Arrestee Sample Databasing workload, separately from the DNA Databasing totals in D15?
 Yes
 No → skip to D17
 N/A, my individual lab facility did not perform Arrestee Samples Databasing → skip to D17
D16a. Of the new requests for DNA Databasing (D15a),
how many were for Arrestee Samples?


D16b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Arrestee Samples (D16a)?


D16c. How many requests for Arrestee Sample processing were

_______________Pending Requests

D16d. How many requests for Arrestee Sample processing were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020?

_______________Backlogged Requests

D17. Can you report your Convicted Offender Sample Databasing workload, separately from the DNA Databasing
totals in D15?
 Yes
 No → skip to D18
 N/A, my individual lab facility did not perform Convicted Offender Samples Databasing → skip to D18
D17a. Of the new requests for DNA Databasing (D15a),
how many were for Convicted Offender Samples?


D17b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Convicted Offender Samples (D16a)?


D17c. How many requests for Convicted Offender Sample processing
were PENDING OR AWAITING ANALYSIS as of January 1, 2020?
_______________Pending Requests
D17d. How many requests for Convicted Offender Sample processing
were UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020? _______________Backlogged Requests


D18. How long does your laboratory typically retain digital data after analysis is completed? Mark one.
 My laboratory does not retain or archive digital evidence
 Less than 6 months
 6 months to less than 1 year
 1 through less than 3 years
 3 through less than 5 years
 5 through 10 years
 More than 10 years
 Indefinitely
D19. As of January 1, 2020, how much digital data storage does your individual laboratory have available? Mark if
number was estimated.
_____ Terabytes
□ Number is estimated


Section E: Outsourcing
E1. During 2019, did your laboratory outsource the testing of any type of evidence or samples? Outsourcing refers to
contracting or procuring services from an outside vendor to accomplish laboratory functions. It does not refer to
purchasing consumables, materials, or equipment. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to E5
E2. Where did your laboratory send outsourced requests in 2019? Mark yes or no for each laboratory type.
a. Commercial laboratory
b. Publicly funded laboratory



E3. During 2019, did your laboratory outsource analysis of any of the following types of evidence or samples?
Mark yes, no, or N/A if your laboratory does not perform this function.
a. Controlled Substances
b. Toxicology
c. Trace
d. Impressions
e. Firearms/Toolmarks
f. Digital and Multimedia Evidence
g. Latent Prints
h. Questioned Documents
i. Crime Scene
j. Forensic Biology
1. Casework
2. Sexual Assault Casework
3. Convicted Offender Samples
4. Arrestee DNA Samples
k. Other (please specify) ______________




E4. What were your laboratory’s total outsourcing costs in 2019? Outsourcing refers to contracting or procuring
services from an outside vendor to accomplish laboratory functions. It does not refer to purchasing consumables,
materials, or equipment.
□ Please check box if "Don’t know”
□ Please check box if “Do not outsource”
E5. In 2019, did your laboratory bring personnel (e.g., consultants or contractors) in to assist with completing forensic
 Yes
 No


Section F: Quality Assurance
F1. As of December 31, 2019, did your jurisdiction require accreditation?
 Yes
 No
F2. As of December 31, 2019, was your laboratory accredited?
 Yes
 No  skip to F5
F3. As of December 31, 2019, to which standard is your laboratory accredited? Mark yes or no for each
a. ISO 17025
b. ISO 17020
d. Other (please specify) _________



F4. Who is (are) your accreditation body(ies)? Mark yes or no for each accreditation body.
a. A2LA
e. CAP
i. Other (Please specify): ___________________



F5. During 2019, did your laboratory have resources dedicated primarily to research? Research is experimentation
aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, the revision of accepted methods, or practical application of such new
or revised methods or technologies. Resources may include dollars, work-hours, supplies, or other funding dedicated
specifically to supporting research.
 Yes
 No


F6. During 2019, did your laboratory conduct proficiency testing? Proficiency testing is defined as the evaluation of a
participant’s performance against pre-established criteria by mean of inter-laboratory comparison. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to F8
F7. During 2019, which of the following proficiency tests did your laboratory perform internally and
externally? Mark yes or no for each proficiency test.
a. Blind: analyst/examiner is not told which case is for testing
b. Declared: analyst/examiner is told when he/she is being tested
c. Random case reanalysis: random selection of
analyst/examiner’s prior case work for reanalysis by another
d. Round Robin/Challenge Testing
e. Other proficiency testing (please specify)





F8. During 2019, did your laboratory conduct competency testing on its analysts/examiners? Competency is defined as
the evaluation of a person’s knowledge and abilities before performing independent forensic case work. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to F10
F9. Are your analysts/examiners:
a. Competency tested prior to authorization to complete
b. Competency tested on a designated regular time interval (e.g.,
annually tested)?





F10. In 2019, did your laboratory have a written code of ethics? Mark one.
 Yes, our laboratory adopted an existing code of ethics
 Yes, our laboratory created own code of ethics
 No
F11. In 2019, at what level did your laboratory perform technical reviews? A technical review refers to a qualified
second party's evaluation of reports, notes, data, and other documentation to ensure there is appropriate and sufficient
support for the actions, results, conclusions, opinions, and interpretations. Mark one.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on none of the casework.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on some of the casework.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on all of the casework.


F12. As of December 31, 2019, did your laboratory have the following? Mark yes or no for each item.
a. Written Standard Operating Procedures
b. Management Systems Documents (e.g., policy and objective
c. Performance Verification Checks
d. Structured Training Program





F13. As of December 31, 2019, did your analysts have access to the following safety and wellness resources? Mark yes,
directly; yes, through an external agency; or no for each resource.
Yes, through
an external
a. Behavior/Stress Management
b. Employee Assistance Programs
c. Mental Health Debrief
d. Proactive Resiliency Programs
e. Web-based resources
f. Other resources: ________________________________

Section G: Feedback & Submission
G1. Please write any comments you would like to share with the Bureau of Justice Statistics about (a) your survey
responses, (b) the survey content or format, (c) the manner of administration of the survey, or (d) any other applicable


Appendix E
2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories Cognitive Interviewing Protocol

Cognitive Interview Protocol
Participant Number______
Date of Interview ______________
On behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the project team at RTI, thank you for
participating in the testing of the 2019 Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime Laboratories.
We’re talking today because we want to see how well people understand these questions and
how they might answer them.
During this process, you and I will go through the survey items together to understand how you
would answer them. You do not need to provide exact answers or numbers at this point. For
those questions for which you would need to do additional research, please tell me whether
you would be able to answer the question and, if so, how long it would take to get the answer.
However, please let me know if you would not be able to provide exact numbers when we are
actually collecting these data next year.
I may stop you and ask how you came up with your answer, or what specifically you were
thinking about. These questions will help me understand your thought process when answering
the questions.
There are no right or wrong answers to the questions I ask. Our goal is to make sure that the
questions make sense and that people like yourself can answer them and follow the
questionnaire instructions easily. You can help us by pointing out anything you find confusing or
unclear. If something doesn't make sense, please tell me that and why that phrase or item is
unclear. Or, if you're not sure about your response, please tell me that too.
Do you have any questions? [ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS]

Ok, let’s begin.
First, I have a few general questions about you.
Probe1. What is your job title?
Probe2. How long have you been in this position?
Probe3. (If needed) How long have you been at your agency?

Directions: This survey form is for reference only. It has been provided so that you may review the questions
ahead of time before you and a project team member conduct the interview.
Section A: Organization
A1. What type of government operates this lab facility? Mark one.
 City, borough, village, or town
 County or parish
 State
 Federal
A2. Which of the following best describes the agency that has administrative oversight of your laboratory?
 Law enforcement agency (e.g., department or division of public safety)
 Department or division of forensic science
 Government attorney’s office (e.g., district attorney)
 Public health agency (e.g., department or division of public health)
 Other (please specify)
Probe1. Is this question clear or is there anything about it that you found confusing?
Probe2. [If needed] Is there anything missing from this list? Or is there anything on this list that you think should be removed?

A3. As of December 31, 2019, was your laboratory part of a multi-laboratory system? A multi-laboratory system is
defined as two or more separate laboratory entities that are overseen by a single organization. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to A5
A4. As of December 31, 2019, how many individual laboratories were in your multi-lab system? Include your
own laboratory in this total.
____________ laboratories
A5. During 2019, did any of the following types of government agencies submit requests for forensic services to your
individual laboratory? Mark yes or no for each response.
a. City, borough, village, or town
b. County or parish
c. State (state-wide or regional)
d. Federal (nationwide or regional)

Yes No


A6. During 2019, did your individual lab facility perform these forensic functions? Mark yes or no for each listed
function and associated sub-categories. Please follow the skip patterns and mark the appropriate response for the subitems beneath Toxicology, Trace, Impressions, Digital and Multimedia Evidence, Latent Prints, Forensic Biology, and
Crime Scene categories.


b. Toxicology
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Antemortem BAC Analysis
2. Antemortem Drug Analysis
3. Postmortem Analysis





c. Trace
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Chemical Unknown Analysis
2. Explosives Analysis
3. Fire Debris Analysis
4. Fiber Examination
5. Gunshot Residue Testing
6.Hair Examination
7. Paint Analysis
8. Other Trace (please specify) _______________





d. Impressions
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Footwear Analysis
2. Tire Tread Analysis





e. Firearms/Toolmarks



f. Digital & Multimedia Evidence
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Traditional Cellphones (not Smartphones) Analysis
2. Smartphone, Tablet, or Mobile Device Analysis
3. Laptop or Desktop Computer Analysis
4. Thumb and External Drives, CDs, DVDs, or Other Storage Media Analysis
5. GPS and Navigation Systems Analysis
6. Audio Files Analysis
7. Cloud and Server Data (including social media) Analysis
8. Other Analyses of Digital/Multimedia Evidence (please specify)





g. Latent Prints
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Print Development Analysis
2. Comparisons Analysis



a. Controlled Substances









h. Questioned Documents



i. Forensic Biology
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Casework Analysis
2. Sexual Assault Casework Analysis
3. Convicted Offender DNA Samples Analysis
4. Arrestee DNA Samples Analysis
5. Other DNA Samples (e.g., missing persons) Analysis _______________





j. Crime Scene
If YES, mark all specific functions that apply:
1. Evidence Collection
2. Reconstruction (e.g., bloodstain pattern analysis)





k. Other (please specify) _______________





A7. As of December 31, 2019, did your individual laboratory have a Laboratory Information Management System
(LIMS)? A LIMS is a computerized system used to manage, compile, or track requests and/or evidence. Mark one.
 Yes
 No → skip to B1
A8. Does your LIMS allow you to track workload by Request?
 Yes
 No
A9. Does your LIMS allow you to track workload by Item?
 Yes
 No
Probe1. Are all of the response options clear, or are there any that are confusing?
Probe3. What do you think we mean by the term “request” in response question A8?
Probe3a. Does the use of term “request” make sense and seem appropriate in this context? If no, is there a different term that you
think we should be using?
Probe4. In your own words, what do you think we mean by the term “item” in question A9?
Probe4a. Does the use of the term “item” make sense and seem appropriate in this context? If no, is there a different term that you
think we should be using?

Section Wrap-Up
Probe1. Were there any items in this section that we haven’t already discussed that you would like to? Probe2. Overall,
how easy or difficult would it be to respond to the items in this section?


Section B: Budget
B1. What was the total operating budget for your individual laboratory in 2019? Include all funding received such as
fees, grants, and one-time special projects.

□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

B1a. Does your total operating budget (your answer to B1) include your entire multi-lab system?
 Yes
 No
B1b. Are you reporting your budget data for your fiscal year or calendar year?
 Calendar year → skip to B2
 Fiscal year
B1c.If your reported budget (B1) covers your fiscal year, what are the start and end dates of your fiscal year?
___ __ ____ to ___ __ ____
Probe1. How easy or difficult will it be for you to come up with this number?
Probe2. What time frame are you thinking about when answering this question? [If needed – Fiscal year? calendar year?]
Probe3. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020 or early 2021?
Probe4. Were these items clear, or was there anything about them that you found confusing?
Probe2. [If B1c= Fiscal Year] When does your fiscal year begin and end?

B2. During 2019, did your individual lab receive funding from any of the following sources? Mark yes or no for each
funding source.
a. Asset Forfeitures
b. Donations
c. Fees
d. Grants - Federal
e. Grants - State
f. Partnerships
g. Private Foundations
h. Task Force Funding (Federal and State)
Section Wrap-Up
Probe1. Were there any items in this section that we haven’t already discussed that you
would like to?
Probe2. Overall, how easy or difficult would it be to respond to the items in this section?


Section C: Staffing
C1. How many full-time employees, part-time employees, and position vacancies in the following categories did your
laboratory have as of December 31, 2019? Report each employee in only one category, based on primary function.
Report employees who normally work less than 35 hours per week as part-time. If none, enter 0.
a. Managerial
b. Clerical or Administrative
c. Analyst/Examiner
1. In-Training or Entry-Level
2. Intermediate/Senior
d. Crime Scene Technician
f. Technical Support
g. Other
Total (Sum a-g)




Probe1. How easy or difficult would it be to obtain these numbers?
Probe2. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe2a. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers?
Probe3. Are there any personnel categories for which you would have trouble providing staff numbers? If so, which ones?
Probe4.Is there a difference between “in training” and “entry-level”? If so, what?
Probe4a. Is there a more appropriate way to differentiate between those in training and entry level?
Probe5. Are there any scenarios here where you would not know where to put an employee (i.e., fits in multiple categories, missing
Probe6. Is “other” important here? If yes, what type of employee might you put there?
Probe7. Do you think it matters for reporting purposes if the vacancies are full-time or part-time?
Probe8. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in late 2020 or early 2021?

C2. As of December 31, 2019, how many personnel did you have in the following categories as of December 31, 2019?
If none, enter 0.
A. ________Consultants/Contractors
B. ________Interns
Probe1. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe2. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers?
Probe3. Would you have trouble providing numbers for either of these personnel categories? If so, which ones?
Probe3a. Would an estimate box be helpful here?
Probe4.Should this question be combined with previous question such that the consultants/contractors and interns each have their
own column?
Probe5. Do you think this information is important to know on a national scale?
Probe6. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020?


C3. How many hires and separations of key personnel occurred in 2019? Key personnel are defined: Managerial;
Clerical or Administrative; all levels of Analyst/Examiner; Crime Scene Technician; and Technical Support. Mark if number
was estimated.
A. ______ Hires
B. ______ Separations

□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate
□ Please mark here if this figure is an estimate

Probe1. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe2. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers?
Probe3. Would an estimate box be helpful here?
Probe4. Do you think this information is important to know on a national scale?
Probe5. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020 or early 2021?

C4. As of December 31, 2019, how many of full-time analysts/examiners (as specified in C1, part c) in your individual
laboratory were certified by one or more of the entities listed below? If none were certified, enter ‘0’.
______ Full-time analysts/examiners
List of Selected Certification Entities:
American Board of Criminalistics
American Board of Forensic Document Examiners
American Board of Forensic Odontology
American Board of Forensic Toxicology
American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
American Board of Forensic Anthropology
International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists
International Association for Identification (not including 10-print certification)
Forensic Specialties Accreditation Board
Forensic Toxicologist Certification Board
Association of Firearms and Toolmark Examiners
Board of Forensic Document Examiners
International Institute of Forensic Engineering Sciences

C5. As of December 31, 2019 what were the minimum and maximum full-time annual salaries for the following
positions? Exclude benefits and overtime when reporting annual salaries. If position does not exist, mark N/A.
a. Director
b. Supervisor
c. Analyst/Examiner
d. Analyst/Examiner
e. Technical support (e.g., lab tech,
support personnel)




















Section Wrap-Up
Probe1. Were there any items in this section that we haven’t already discussed that you would like to?
Probe2. Overall, how easy or difficult would it be to respond to the items in this section?


Section D: Workload
Questions D1 through D17 ask for information about your individual laboratory workload. Do not include requests that
your lab sent to another lab for analysis.
• A request is the submission of one or more items of physical evidence a forensic discipline from a single criminal
investigation. A request may contain more than one item.
• An item is a single piece of evidence submitted for analysis. There may be multiple items within a submission.
• A single criminal investigation (i.e., case) may result in more than one request (e.g. toxicology, and latent prints).
• Contact the Help Line if you could not report the totals as specified or if you are unable to extract data separately for
the given categories in questions D3-D17.
D1. How many requests and items did your laboratory receive from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019?
Include convicted offender and arrestee forensic biology requests/items.
Mark if number(s) was(were) estimated. Mark if number of items is unknown.
A. _______ Requests
□ Number provided is an estimate
□ Number of requests is unknown
B. _______ Items
□ Number provided is an estimate
□ Number of items is unknown
Probe1. What do you think we mean by the word “request” in this question?
Probe2. What do you think we mean by the word “item” in this question?
Probe3. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe4. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers?
Probe5. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020 or early 2021?


D2. As of January 1, 2020, how many backlogged requests and items unreported for 30 days or longer did your
laboratory have? Include convicted offender and arrestee forensic biology requests. Mark if number was estimated.
Mark if unknown.
A. _______ Requests
B. _______ Items
The next section asks questions about the number of requests your lab received in 2019. Please answer the following
questions for each discipline. Mark if any of the numbers in D3-D12 were estimated in the checkbox below the table.
A. Total
number of
new requests
received in

D3. Controlled substances
D4. Toxicology
D5. Trace
D6. Impressions
D7. Firearms/Toolmarks
D8. Digital & Multimedia
D9. Latent Prints
D10. Questioned
D11. Crime Scene
D12. Forensic Biology
(including forensic biology
casework, sexual assault
casework and DNA

B. Of the
requests received
in 2019, what
was the total
number of items

C. Total
number of
completed in


D. Total
number of all
analysis as of
January 1,

E. Number of
requests that
for 30 days
or longer as
of January 1,





Mark here if any of the numbers provided in D3-D12 are estimates.

Probe1. Does the word “requests” make sense and seem appropriate for each of these categories. If no, which ones?
Probe2. Does the word “item” make sense and seem appropriate for each of these categories? If no, which ones?
Probe 3. What are your thoughts on the format of this question? Is it easy or difficult to follow?
Probe4. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe5. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers? Are any of the numbers easier or more difficult to obtain
compared to the others?
Probe6. Are there any categories that you would add or remove from this question series?
Probe7. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020 or early 2021?
Probe8. Is this table format easy to follow? Can you think of a better way to ask this series of questions?


D13. Can you report your workload on Forensic Biology Casework, including sexual assault casework, separately from
the forensic biology totals in D12?
 Yes
 No → skip to D15
 N/A, my individual lab facility does not perform Forensic Biology Casework → skip to D15
D13a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology analysis (D12),
how many were requests for Forensic Biology Casework?


D13b. How many ITEMS were included in the
requests for Forensic Biology Casework (D13a)?


D13c. How many requests for Forensic Biology Casework were

_______________Pending Requests

D13d. How many requests for Forensic Biology Casework were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020

_______________Backlogged Requests

D14. Can you report your workload on Sexual Assault Casework, separately from the Forensic Biology Casework
totals in D13?
 Yes
 No → skip to D15
 N/A, my individual lab facility does not perform Sexual Assault Casework → skip to D15
D14a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology Casework (D13a),
how many were for Sexual Assault Casework?


D14b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Sexual Assault Casework (D14a)?


D14c. How many requests for Sexual Assault Casework were

_______________Pending Requests

D14d. How many requests for Sexual Assault Casework were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020?

_______________Backlogged Requests


D15. Can you report your DNA Databasing request workload, including Arrestee and Convicted Offender samples?
 Yes
 No → skip to D18
 N/A, my individual lab facility perform DNA Databasing → skip to D18
D15a. Of the new requests for Forensic Biology analysis (D12),
how many were requests for DNA Databasing?


D15b. How many ITEMS were included in the
requests for DNA Databasing (D15a)?


D15c. How many requests for DNA Databasing were

_______________Pending Requests

D15d. How many requests for DNA Databasing were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020

_______________Backlogged Requests

D16. Can you report your Arrestee Sample Databasing workload, separately from the DNA Databasing totals in D15?
 Yes
 No → skip to D17
 N/A, my individual lab facility did not perform Arrestee Samples Databasing → skip to D17
D16a. Of the new requests for DNA Databasing (D15a),
how many were for Arrestee Samples?


D16b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Arrestee Samples (D16a)?


D16c. How many requests for Arrestee Sample processing were

_______________Pending Requests

D16d. How many requests for Arrestee Sample processing were
UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020?

_______________Backlogged Requests

D17. Can you report your Convicted Offender Sample Databasing workload, separately from the DNA Databasing
totals in D15?
 Yes
 No → skip to D18
 N/A, my individual lab facility did not perform Convicted Offender Samples Databasing → skip to D18
D17a. Of the new requests for DNA Databasing (D15a),
how many were for Convicted Offender Samples?


D17b. How many ITEMS were included in
the requests for Convicted Offender Samples (D16a)?


D17c. How many requests for Convicted Offender Sample processing
were PENDING OR AWAITING ANALYSIS as of January 1, 2020?
_______________Pending Requests
D17d. How many requests for Convicted Offender Sample processing
were UNREPORTED FOR 30 DAYS OR MORE as of January 1, 2020? _______________Backlogged Requests




Probe 1. What are your thoughts on the format of this series of questions? Is it easy or difficult to follow?
Probe1a. Compared to the last grid of items [show previous grid], do you think this is easier to follow? More difficult?
Probe2. What would be involved in obtaining these numbers for your office?
Probe3. How long do you think it would take to get these numbers? Are any of the numbers easier or more difficult to obtain
compared to the others?
Probe4. Was it easy or difficult to follow and break out reporting for forensic biology sub items, and their sub items?
Probe5. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020?

D18. How long does your laboratory typically retain digital data after analysis is completed? Mark one.
 My laboratory does not retain or archive digital evidence
 Less than 6 months
 6 months to less than 1 year
 1 through less than 3 years
 3 through less than 5 years
 5 through 10 years
 More than 10 years
 Indefinitely
Probe1. What does digital data mean to you?
Probe2. Do these response categories seem appropriate and make sense? Or are there other time frames that would make more

D19. As of January 1, 2020, how much digital data storage does your individual laboratory have available? Mark if
number was estimated.
_____ Terabytes
□ Number is estimated
Probe1. What does digital data storage mean to you?
Probe2. What would be an appropriate format for a response for this question (decimal format, number of digits)?
Probe3. What would be involved in obtaining this number for your office?
Probe4. How long do you think it would take to get this number?

Section Wrap-Up
Probe1. Were there any items in this section that we haven’t already discussed that you would like to?
Probe2. Overall, how easy or difficult would it be to respond to the items in this section?




Section E: Outsourcing
E1. During 2019, did your laboratory outsource the testing of any type of evidence or samples? Outsourcing refers to
contracting or procuring services from an outside vendor to accomplish laboratory functions. It does not refer to
purchasing consumables, materials, or equipment. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to E5
E2. Where did your laboratory send outsourced requests in 2019? Mark yes or no for each laboratory type.
a. Commercial laboratory
b. Publicly funded laboratory



Probe1. Is this question clear, or is there anything about it that is confusing?

E3. During 2019, did your laboratory outsource analysis of any of the following types of evidence or samples?
Mark yes, no, or N/A if your laboratory does not perform this function.
a. Controlled Substances
b. Toxicology
c. Trace
d. Impressions
e. Firearms/Toolmarks
f. Digital and Multimedia Evidence
g. Latent Prints
h. Questioned Documents
i. Crime Scene
j. Forensic Biology
1. Casework
2. Sexual Assault Casework
3. Convicted Offender Samples
4. Arrestee DNA Samples
k. Other (please specify) ______________




E4. What were your total outsourcing costs in 2019? Outsourcing refers to contracting or procuring services
from an outside vendor to accomplish laboratory functions. It does not refer to purchasing consumables,
materials, or equipment.
□ Please check box if "Don’t know”
□ Please check box if “Do not outsource”
Probe1. Do you think that the definition that we are using here for outsourcing is appropriate and clear?
Probe1a. Are there any situations for outsourcing that this definition would not cover?




Probe2. Is this item easier here? Or under the budget section?
Probe3. How easy or difficult will it be for you to come up with this number?
Probe4. Would you be able to answer this question for 2019, even if the survey was being fielded in the fall 2020?
Probe5. Would an estimate box be helpful here?

E5. In 2019, did your laboratory bring personnel (e.g., consultants or contractors) in to assist with completing forensic
 Yes
 No
Section Wrap-Up
Probe1. Were there any items in this section that we haven’t already discussed that you would like to?
Probe2. Overall, how easy or difficult would it be to respond to the items in this section?

Section F: Quality Assurance
F1. As of December 31, 2019, did your jurisdiction require accreditation?
 Yes
 No
Probe1. What do you think we mean by “accreditation” in this question?

F2. As of December 31, 2019, was your laboratory accredited?
 Yes
 No  skip to F5
F3. As of December 31, 2019, to which standard is your laboratory accredited? Mark yes or no for each
a. ISO 17025
b. ISO 17020
d. Other (please specify) _________



Probe1. Are there additional accrediting standards that you would add to this question?
Probe2. Is this question clear, or is there anything about it that is confusing or unclear?

F4. Who is (are) your accreditation body(ies)? Mark yes or no for each accreditation body.
a. A2LA






e. CAP
i. Other (Please specify): ___________________



Probe1. Are there any accrediting bodies that you would add or remove from this question? If so, which ones?
Probe2. Are these accrediting bodies listed in a way that makes it easy for you to answer the question?
Probe3. Are you familiar with these accrediting bodies? If not, which ones?
Probe4. Is there a reason to indicate which disciplines are accredited for a laboratory?

F5. During 2019, did your laboratory have resources dedicated primarily to research? Research is experimentation
aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, the revision of accepted methods, or practical application of such new
or revised methods or technologies. Resources may include dollars, work-hours, supplies, or other funding dedicated
specifically to supporting research.
 Yes
 No
F6. During 2019, did your laboratory conduct proficiency testing? Proficiency testing is defined as the evaluation of a
participant’s performance against pre-established criteria by mean of inter-laboratory comparison. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to F8
F7. During 2019, which of the following proficiency tests did your laboratory perform internally and
externally? Mark yes or no for each proficiency test.
a. Blind: analyst/examiner is not told which case is for testing
b. Declared: analyst/examiner is told when he/she is being tested
c. Random case reanalysis: random selection of
analyst/examiner’s prior case work for reanalysis by another
d. Round Robin/Challenge Testing
e. Other proficiency testing (please specify)








F8. During 2019, did your laboratory conduct competency testing on its analysts/examiners? Competency is defined as
the evaluation of a person’s knowledge and abilities before performing independent forensic case work. Mark yes or no.
 Yes
 No → skip to F10
F9. Are your analysts/examiners:
a. Competency tested prior to authorization to complete
b. Competency tested on a designated regular time interval (e.g.,
annually tested)?





Probe1. Do you think that the definition of competency that we are using here is appropriate and clear?
Probe2. How easy or difficult would it be to answer these questions?
Probe3. [For F9] Are there any additional categories that need to be added to this question?

F10. In 2019, did your laboratory have a written code of ethics? Mark one.
 Yes, our laboratory adopted an existing code of ethics
 Yes, our laboratory created own code of ethics
 No
F11. In 2019, at what level did your laboratory perform technical reviews? A technical review refers to a qualified
second party's evaluation of reports, notes, data, and other documentation to ensure there is appropriate and sufficient
support for the actions, results, conclusions, opinions, and interpretations. Mark one.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on none of the casework.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on some of the casework.
 My laboratory performed technical reviews on all of the casework.
Probe1.What does “technical reviews” mean to you?
Probe2. Do the “none, some, all” response options make sense given the way that your laboratory operates? If no, what options
would be more appropriate?
Probe3. In your opinion, would ‘some’ account for technical reviews completed through outsourcing? Or would or could it also
account for internal reviews?

F12. As of December 31, 2019, did your laboratory have the following? Mark yes or no for each item.
a. Standard Operating Procedures
b. Management Systems Documents (e.g., policy and objective
c. Performance Verification Checks
d. Structured Training Program





Probe1. How easy or difficult would it be to answer this question?
Probe2. Do you think this information is important to know on a national scale?




Probe3. Are there any other items that would be important to include here?

F13. As of December 31, 2019, did your analysts have access to the following safety and wellness resources? Mark yes,
directly; yes, through an external agency; or no for each resource.
Yes, through
an external
a. Behavior/Stress Management
b. Employee Assistance Programs
c. Mental Health Debrief
d. Proactive Resiliency Programs
e. Web-based resources
f. Other resources: ________________________________
Probe1. What does “access” to these resources mean to you?
Probe2. What does “behavior and stress management” resources mean to you?
Probe3. What does a “mental health debrief” mean to you?
Probe4. What does a “proactive resiliency program” mean to you?
Probe5. Are there any safety and wellness resources that should be included but are not on the list?

Section G: Feedback & Submission
G1. Please write any comments you would like to share with the Bureau of Justice Statistics about (a) your survey
responses, (b) the survey content or format, (c) the manner of administration of the survey, or (d) any other applicable
Cognitive Interview Wrap up
Probe1. Thinking about the survey as a whole, was there anything confusing or unclear that we haven’t already discussed?
Probe2. How long do you think it would take to respond to this survey?
Probe3. Would you need to work with others to respond to these questions (i.e., would this be a “group effort”?)
Probe 4. Do you think it would be feasible to respond given the current work environment due to Covid-19? Please explain.
Probe 5. Could you think of any issues that might make completing difficult once you return to a normal work schedule?
Probe 6. How easy is it to pull 2-year-old data? (For context, we might have to launch data collection in early 2021. If we have to
launch in early 2021, it would may make more sense to collect 2020 data, but we don’t want data that is skewed from the norm
because of COVID-19 slowdowns, decreases in workload, different levels of operations, etc. So our aim is to still collect 2019 data,
which would be 2 years old by the time we launch).
Probe 6. How does your lab, or how might your lab, use data collected from the census? Are there any ways you currently utilize
census data?


Appendix F: IRB Confirmation

January 4, 2019
Jeri Ropero Miller
919-485-5685, x25685
Dear Jeri Ropero Miller:
On 1/4/2019, the IRB reviewed the following protocol:
Type of Review: Initial Study
Title: Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime
Investigator: Jeri Ropero Miller
IRB ID: STUDY00020443
Funding Source: Dept of Justice BJS
Customer/Client Name: Dept of Justice BJS
Project/Proposal Number: 0216652
IND, IDE, or HDE: None
The IRB determined that the proposed activity is not research involving human subjects
as defined by DHHS regulations.
Although RTI IRB oversight of this activity is not required, this determination applies
only to the activities described in the IRB submission and may not apply should any
changes be made. If the nature or scope of the activity changes and there are questions
about whether the revised activities constitute human subjects research, you should
contact the IRB to discuss whether a new submission and determination is necessary.
The RTI Office of Research Protection

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File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorSmiley-McDonald, Hope
File Modified2020-07-10
File Created2020-07-10

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