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Economic Contribution of Federal Investments in Restoration of Degraded, Damaged, or Destroyed Ecosystems.

1028-0107 ProjectSummarySurvey 2016-11-07

Project Managers Survey - Private Industry

OMB: 1028-0107

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OMB Control #: 1028-0107

Expiration Date: Under Review at OMB

Instructions for Reviewers

This project summary survey is one of two surveys associated with DOI’s study on the economic contribution of restoration (the other survey is the project expenditure survey).

The project summary survey will be completed by the project manager for each restoration project. The purpose of this survey is to gather background information that will be used to classify and describe the restoration project.

This survey will be conducted online, providing an opportunity to tailor the questions to each respondent. The survey software Survey Monkey will automate the skipping process so that respondents will not have to take the time to navigate the skipping pattern. In this annotated version of the survey there are arrows next to answers that will direct the reviewer to the next question in the skipping sequence.

In response to question 2 in the PRA Supporting Statement Part A, we have justified the questions in this survey. Throughout the survey we have included text in shaded boxes. These boxes provide the required justification and additional information for groups of questions or individual questions.

Project Summary Survey


Thank you for participating in our study of the economic contributions of restoration. This project summary survey asks descriptive questions about the restoration project, including questions about the type of injury to the land, the restoration actions that took place, land ownership and reality changes on restored lands, the type of land cover that was restored, the focus of the restoration, and any cultural or tribal resources that were affected. For most questions you will be asked to select the best response(s) for your project. We expect that the survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. You can pause at any time during the survey; simply close the window and your answers will be saved. To resume and complete the survey, you will need to click on the link to the survey in the email you received. At that point, you can answer any remaining questions and/or edit any of your previous responses. At the end of the survey, click on the “Submit” button to finish the survey.

If you have any questions about the survey or the case study, please contact me at 970-226-9164 or

Thank you,

Cathy Cullinane Thomas


U.S. Geological Survey

This survey was approved by the Office of Management and Budget (1028-0107).

Question 1 will be used to identify the name and location of the restoration project being surveyed. This question is important so that the NRDA Restoration Program and the USGS can address the restoration project by the name given by the project manager. It is also important to the NRDA Restoration Program to be able to link each project to the NRDA case it is associated with.

  1. Name of restoration project: __________________________________

Name of NRDA case and state (if project is funded by more than one case settlement, please list additional case names): ______________________________

Please describe the location of the restoration project:

State(s) ____________________

County(s) __________________

Questions 2-30 are descriptive questions about the restoration actions involved in the completion of the project. The NRDA Restoration Program does not have all of this information about each action. These same descriptive/categorizing questions will be standardized in the Restoration Program’s project tracking database and will allow the program to search for restoration actions that meet certain criteria. These questions will also be used to write the narratives for the case studies. The descriptive questions include questions about the type of injury to the land, the restoration actions that took place, land ownership and reality changes on restored lands, the type of land cover that was restored, the focus of the restoration, and any cultural or tribal resources that were affected.

  1. Indicate the cause of the injury to land that required restoration actions: (Check all that apply) Directed to Question 4 for all responses except for “Other,” which is directed to Question 3

_____Oil (OPA)

_____Hazardous substances (CERCLA)/hazardous materials (RCRA)


_____Human-built, temporary or permanent structures (such as roads, dams,

buildings, pipelines)

_____Natural processes/hazards (e.g., flooding, landslide, mudslide, earthquake,



_____Other →Directed to Question 3

  1. Please describe the “Other” class of injury to lands that required restoration actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please identify the ownership of the land where the restoration actions took place (Check all that apply):

_____U.S. Department of the Interior land (e.g., National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service)

_____Other U.S. Government land

_____State land

_____Land held by other levels of government

_____Tribal land

_____Private land

_____Land outside the U.S.

  1. Please indicate how the restoration actions were accomplished: (Check all that apply)

_____Realty actions (i.e., purchased or acquired easements or otherwise acquired land for U.S. Department of the Interior Land or other U.S. Government land, private land, or land outside the U.S.)Directed to Question 6

_____Enhancement of existing (improve baseline conditions) →Directed to Question 8

_____Creation/conversion of existing (change baseline conditions) →Directed to Question 8

  1. As part of the restoration project, indicate any realty actions (i.e., purchased or acquired easements or otherwise acquired land for U.S. Department of the Interior Land or other U.S. Government land, private land, or land outside the U.S.): (Check all that apply) Directed to Question 8 for all responses except for “Other,” which is directed to Question 7

_____Conservation easement

_____Land acquisition

_____Direct land swap

_____Transfer to third party for conservation

_____Other →Directed to Question 7

  1. Please describe “Other” realty changes for U.S. Department of the Interior land (or Other U.S. Government Land, Private Land, or Land outside the U.S.): (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please identify the restoration type: (check one)

_____Primarily terrestrial →Directed to answer Question 9 only

_____Primarily aquatic →Directed to answer Question 11 only

_____Both aquatic and terrestrial →Directed to answer both Questions 9 and 11

  1. Please indicate the land cover that describes the restored condition using the following terrestrial categories: (Check all that apply)

_____Mostly broadleaf

_____Mostly conifer

_____Mostly shrub/scrub

_____Mostly herbaceous (grass, sedge, forb)



_____Waste/impaired for organismal life

_____Built (human-based structures and roads)

_____Other Directed to answer Question 10

  1. Please describe “Other” terrestrial categories that were part of this restoration project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the land cover type or condition using the following aquatic categories: (Check all that apply) Directed to answer Questions 12 and 13 if “Other” and “Riverine” are selected, respectively. Respondent will be directed to Question 15 otherwise.

_____Riverine (non-tidal)→Directed to answer Question 13

_____Lacustrine (lake environment)


_____Tidally influenced/coastal/beach


_____Spring/fen (groundwater influenced)

_____Other →Directed to answer Question 12

  1. Please describe “Other” aquatic categories that were part of this restoration project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the type of riverine system using these sub-categories: (Check all that apply)

_____Perennial stream/river

_____Intermittent stream/creek

_____Headwater channel

_____Other Directed to answer Question 14

  1. Please describe “Other” riverine system-related sub-categories that were part of this restoration project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  2. Please select the restoration focus that applies to this specific action. Please note that restoration intended to benefit specific organisms primarily through habitat work should be considered habitat-based: (Check all that apply)

_____Habitat-based only

Directed to answer Questions 17

_____Organism-based only

Directed to answer Question 18

_____Both habitat and organism-based

Directed to answer Questions 17 and 18

_____Non-biotic human use and/or cultural (non-Tribal)

Directed to answer Questions 26 and 27


Directed to answer Question 29


Directed to answer Question 16

  1. Please describe “Other” restoration focuses that were part of this restoration project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the habitat-based restoration actions using the following categories: (Check all that apply)




_____Storage (e.g., seed banking)

_____Invasive species control

_____Cropland conversion

_____Woody fuels management

_____Herbaceous fuels management

_____Vegetation management

_____Debris addition (e.g., coarse woody)

_____Bank stabilization/erosion control


_____Dam removal



_____Erosion control

_____Sediment removal

_____Coral reef restoration or creation

_____Wetland restoration or creation

_____Marsh restoration or creation

_____Shoreline restoration or creation


  1. Please indicate which of the following were included in the organism-based restoration actions: (Check all that apply)

_____Bird → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Fish → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Mammal → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Amphibian → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Reptile → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Mollusc → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Invertebrate (not including mollusc) → Directed to Questions 20 and 22

_____Grass → Directed to Questions 20 and 24

_____Forb → Directed to Questions 20 and 24

_____Shrub → Directed to Questions 20 and 24

_____Tree → Directed to Questions 20 and 24

_____Other (e.g., lichen, moss, etc.) → Question 19

  1. Please describe the “Other” organism-based restoration actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the listing status of the organism on which the restoration actions were focused: (Check all that apply)

_____Federally threatened or endangered species

_____State threatened or endangered species

_____Non-listed species

_____Other special concerns → Question 21

  1. Please describe the “Other special concerns” for the organism on which the restoration actions were focused: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the faunal organism-based restoration actions: (Check all that apply)



_____Nest creation/inserts


_____Other → Question 23

  1. Please describe the “Other” faunal organism-based restoration action(s) of this project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the floral organism-based restoration actions: (Check all that apply)


_____Plant propagation



_____Storage (e.g., seed banking)

_____Other → Question 25

  1. Please describe the “Other” floral organism-based restoration actions for this project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the non-biotic human use restoration actions of this project: (Check all that apply)

    _____Built/replaced/repaired (e.g., buildings, boat ramps, trails)

    _____Education (e.g., signage, visitor center, audio/visual materials, social media, classes)

    _____Stakeholder involvement (e.g., communication, guidance, decision support)

    _____Removal (e.g., dam, building, road)

    _____Other → Question 28

  2. If applicable, please indicate the non-biotic human use restoration actions that were conducted for cultural, non-tribal purposes and provide a brief description of this purpose (e.g., archaeological, historical significance): (Check all that apply, plus open-ended response for each checked action)

_____Built/replaced/repaired (e.g., buildings, boat ramps, trails) → Question 28

_____Education (e.g., signage, visitor center, audio/visual materials, social media, classes) → Question 29

_____Stakeholder involvement (e.g., communication, guidance, decision support) → Question 30

_____Removal (e.g., dam, building, road) → Question 31

_____Other → Question 32

  1. Please describe the “built/replaced/repaired” non-biotic human use and/or cultural restoration actions for this project, and, if applicable, describe the cultural, non-tribal purposes for these actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please describe the “education” non-biotic human use and/or cultural restoration actions for this project, and, if applicable, describe the cultural, non-tribal purposes for these actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please describe the “stakeholder involvement” non-biotic human use and/or cultural restoration actions for this project, and, if applicable, describe the cultural, non-tribal purposes for these actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please describe the “removal” non-biotic human use and/or cultural restoration actions for this project, and, if applicable, describe the cultural, non-tribal purposes for these actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please describe the “Other” non-biotic human use and/or cultural restoration actions for this project, and, if applicable, describe the cultural, non-tribal purposes for these actions: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

  1. Please indicate the tribal restoration actions of this project: (Check all that apply)


    _____Ecological (habitat and/or organism-based not already addressed in Q’s 17-25)

    _____Societal (e.g., health care facilities, job training, scholarships)


    _____Environmental quality (e.g., clean water, air, subsistence-based food sources)

    _____Economic (e.g., commercial fishery, tourism)

    _____Other → Question 34

  2. Please describe the “Other” tribal restoration actions for this project: (Open-ended; response limited to 1500 words)

Questions 35-37 collect information about the type and location of the organization that lead the project management for the restoration project. This information will be used for direct economic impact estimates.

  1. What type of organization do you work for? (Mark one choice)

_____Federal government

_____State or local government

_____Non-profit or non-governmental organization

_____Private company → Question 32

  1. What is the primary 6-digit 2012 NAICS code for your company? NAICS codes can be found at (numerical response)

  1. Where is your organization located? If your organization has multiple offices, please list the location that was primarily responsible for the work done for this restoration project.

State ____________________

County __________________

City _____________________

This is the end of the survey. Thank you for taking the time to provide this information about your restoration project.

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT STATEMENT: The Paperwork Reduction Act requires us to tell you why we are collecting this information, how we will use it, and whether or not you have to respond. The information that we collect in this survey will help improve agency decision making on individual restoration projects, help prioritize spending across restoration projects, and meet internal guidelines for credible economic analysis. Your response is voluntary. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and you are not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. We estimate it will take an average of 30 minutes to complete this survey. You may send comments concerning the burden estimate or any aspect of the survey to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive MS 807, Reston, VA 20192. OMB CONTROL #1028-XXXX EXPIRATION DATE XX/XX/201X.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorHuber, Christopher C.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-15

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