Public Safety Imaging Systems - Human Perception Testing

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Public Safety Imaging Systems - Human Perception Testing

OMB: 0693-0043

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Human Perception Testing – Post‑Study Questionnaire PARTICIPANT # _________

Public Safety Imaging Systems – Human Perception Testing

OMB Control No. 0693-0043 Expiration Date: 31 December 2018

NOTE: This questionnaire contains collection of information requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB control number. The estimated response time is 10 minutes. The response time includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this estimate or any other aspects of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the length of this questionnaire, to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Attn., Nicholas Paulter by e-mail to If you have questions regarding the completion of this questionnaire, please contact Nicholas Paulter by e-mail or by phone on 301-975-2405.


Title of Research: Public Safety Imaging Systems - Human Perception Testing

Investigators: Nicholas Paulter, NIST: 301-975-2405

Jack Glover, NIST: 301-975-8821

Alan Bovik, UT-Austin: 512-471-5370

All questions used in this questionnaire pertain to the imaging technology that was used in your perception testing experience. The questions will be used to assess a collective impression of whether or not 1) the images adequately represented the threats you have observed in practice, 2) the range of image quality adequately represents the quality of images observed with the systems you are familiar with, 3) the study instructions and training adequately prepared you to perform this study, and 4) there were situations that prevented you from performing as best as you expected. Your responses will only be linked to your Participant Number, and not to your name. Please do not include details in your responses that may be linked to your identity. If you have a concern about a question, you may choose to not answer that question.

1. Images of objects of interest (threat, hazard, contraband, etc.)

  1. In the study, which objects of interest, if any, were over represented compared to the threats that you encounter in the field? ____________________________

  2. In the study, which objects of interest, if any, were under represented compared to the threats that you encounter in the field? ____________________________

  3. What other suggestions (deletion, substitution, addition, etc.) do you have about the objects of interest presented in the study?


  1. Image quality

    1. About what percentage of the images you examined had image quality that was much worse than what you have usually observed in the field? ________________

    2. About what percentage of the images you examined had image quality that was much better than what you have usually observed in the field? ________________

    3. Were there specific image quality characteristics (noise, blur, spatial resolution, depth resolution, etc.) that were unusual compared to the imagery you have observed in the field?


    1. Do you have suggestions on how the range of image quality characteristics could be improved?


  1. Instructions and training

    1. Were the instructions clear? Yes No

    2. Please provide suggestions on improving the instructions and/or training.


  1. Extenuating situations

    1. Were the testing conditions satisfactory for your experience (e.g. temperature, humidity, lighting, ambient noise etc.)? Yes No

      1. If no, what issues did you have?


    1. Were there external (profession or personal) pressures that you believe affected your performance in this study? Yes No

  1. Do you have recommendations for improving the testing process? Please do not include details that may be linked to your identity.





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