Section 2 Check Airman Approval and Surveillance
3-1421 GENERAL.
A. Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem (PTRS) Codes.
Pilot: 1346.
Flight Engineer (FE): 1347.
Oceanic Navigation: 1349.
B. Procedures.
1) This section addresses procedures for approval and surveillance of check airmen. All check airmen must be approved by an operator’s principal operations inspector (POI). Approval is based on an airman:
Having the proper certificates and ratings;
Being qualified in accordance with the operator’s approved initial, transition, or upgrade training program;
Having completed the operator’s approved check airman training program for the appropriate check airman functions; and
Having demonstrated the ability to conduct flight checks and to evaluate the performance of airmen to the satisfaction of a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) inspector.
2) The check airman approval process follows the five phases described below.
A. Beginning the Approval Process. The first phase of the check airman approval process involves a discussion between the operator and the POI. The POI should ensure that the operator understands the regulatory check airman training requirements and that a check airman candidate must satisfactorily demonstrate the ability to perform check airman functions to an FAA inspector before approval. The POI should also ensure that the operator is prepared to submit the necessary documentation to initiate the approval process, which is as follows:
B. Required Information. The letter of request constitutes the operator’s nomination. It originates from the operator, not a training center, check airman candidate, or some other party. It includes:
The airman’s full name,
Business address,
Applicable airman’s certificate number,
Current crewmember position,
Requested check airman classification,
Aircraft type,
Brief résumé of the airman’s aviation background and experience,
Copies of the airman’s appropriate airman certificates,
Copy of the airman’s medical certificate (not required if the only check airman classifications requested are proficiency check airman—simulator or line check airman—observer’s seat only), and
Copies of the airman’s training records, including his or her initial, transition, or upgrade training in requested aircraft type; record of most recent applicable recurrent training; and record of check airman training.
NOTE: A POI may require that this information be expanded to suit circumstances.
3-1423 PHASE TWO—SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTATION. Phase two begins when the operator submits the documentation listed in paragraph 3-1422 to the POI for evaluation. The operator may transmit this submission by conventional mail, e-mail, fax, or by other means mutually acceptable to the operator and the POI. The POI will initially review the information to determine if the check airman candidate meets the basic qualification requirements for the type of check airman approval sought. (Refer to Volume 3, Chapter 20, Section 1.)
A. Unacceptable Submission. If the operator’s submission is unacceptable, the POI should return the submitted documentation with a statement of the reason for nonacceptance.
B. Acceptable Submission. If the operator’s submission is acceptable, the POI should initiate phase three.
A. Verification. The POI will verify the check airman candidate’s certificates and background using the Vital Information Subsystem (VIS), the Safety Performance Analysis System (SPAS), PTRS and local office procedures. The POI will then create a file for the individual in the check airman section of VIS.
NOTE: Creation of the VIS file at this point in the process will allow for documentation of subsequent action regarding the individual without having the records rejected. During the upload/download process, check airman surveillance records are cross-checked (last name and certificate number) against the check airman ancillary file in the VIS database file for the operator.
B. Training Requirements. Before the POI can evaluate an airman for approval as a check airman, all required training must be completed. The airman’s training records must show satisfactory completion of initial, transition, or upgrade training and all training required under the operator’s approved check airman training program for the specified classification. The approved training program must contain all training required by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 121, §§ 121.411 and 121.413, or 14 CFR part 135, §§ 135.337 and 135.339 that is applicable to the approval being sought. When the airman’s records show that the airman has previously completed a required curriculum segment, the segment does not have to be repeated.
C. Nonqualification. If, after reviewing the documentation, the POI determines that the candidate does not qualify as a check airman, the POI will provide the operator with a statement of the reason for nonacceptance.
3-1425 PHASE FOUR—CHECK AIRMAN EVALUATION (PTRS CODE 1631: CHECK AIRMAN SURVEILLANCE). In order to evaluate a check airman candidate effectively, inspectors must become thoroughly familiar with the operator’s procedures. Inspectors must also become familiar with any special regulatory requirements affecting the operator, such as special conditions contained in the operations specifications and exemptions.
A. Choosing Airmen as Subjects. The inspector conducting an evaluation for an original check airman approval must observe the check airman candidate conducting an actual check. The purpose of the check airman evaluation is to ensure that the candidate has achieved the required skills for briefing, evaluating, and debriefing an airman. The airman receiving the check should be a line crewmember who is due for an evaluation. The airman will not be an instructor or check airman unless previous approval has been received from the POI. Such approval is reserved for unusual circumstances.
B. Check Airman Candidate’s Flying Skills. Except for an initial cadre approval, a check airman evaluation does not entail an evaluation of the candidate’s flying skills in a crew position. An operator should not request approval of an individual as a check airman when there is any question about the airman’s flying skills in a crew position. Should the POI have reason to question a candidate’s proficiency, the check airman evaluation will not be conducted until the candidate’s proficiency is verified. An acceptable way to verify the airman’s proficiency is to check the check airman candidate. An inspector may conduct a proficiency check, a competency check, or a line check of the check airman candidate, scheduled at some time before the official check airman evaluation. (Such checks are not routinely required.)
C. Satisfactory Evaluation. If the inspector determines that a check airman candidate meets criteria for the requested check airman approval, the inspector will inform the candidate that a recommendation of approval will be reported to the POI. In this case, the check airman candidate will certify the proficiency of the airman receiving the check and complete the necessary recordkeeping tasks. The POI may permit the new check airman to be scheduled immediately as a check airman, even though processing of the letter of approval has not been completed, provided that a PTRS entry has been completed to document the satisfactory check airman evaluation.
Evaluation. If
the inspector determines a candidate does not qualify for the
requested check airman approval, the inspector will inform the
candidate that approval will not be granted. In such a case, the
inspector must determine whether the airman receiving the check
performed satisfactorily, and must certify the airman’s
proficiency and complete the necessary records.
NOTE: The failure of a check airman candidate is uncommon and usually ends a candidate’s eligibility for check airman status. In rare circumstances, the POI may allow a re-evaluation. In such a case, the operator must conduct sufficient additional training, recertify the candidate’s proficiency, and arrange to have another evaluation conducted by an FAA inspector.
E. Content of Check Airman Evaluation. The following guidance applies to an inspector’s evaluation in respect to each of the six classifications of check airmen.
1) Proficiency Check Airman—Aircraft. An inspector must evaluate this candidate while the candidate conducts a proficiency check or competency check in an aircraft in flight. The inspector should observe the candidate conducting the entire check in the aircraft. The candidate should be evaluated on his/her ability to evaluate an individual while, at the same time, performing the crewmember activities normally associated with the seat the check airman candidate occupies. With the approval of POI, the inspector may observe part of the check in the aircraft and the remainder in a simulator or an approved flight-training device (FTD).
2) Proficiency Check Airman—Simulator. An inspector must evaluate this candidate while the candidate conducts the simulator (or FTD) segment of an actual proficiency check, or competency check, as applicable. The candidate should be evaluated on his/her ability to evaluate an individual while, at the same time, demonstrating proficiency in operating the simulator or training device. Time management and the ability to adapt to events that might disrupt a planned sequence of events should be considered. If the entire proficiency check or competency check can be accomplished in a flight simulator (SIM), the candidate must be observed conducting the entire check.
3) Line Check Airman—All Seats. An inspector will evaluate this candidate while the candidate conducts an actual line check from either pilot seat. Satisfactory performance will also permit the candidate to conduct a line check from the forward observer’s seat, during line-oriented flight training, during revenue service or during nonrevenue service. A candidate for line check airman—all seats must be qualified to be the pilot-in-command (PIC) for that operator and hold a first-class medical certificate.
NOTE: The operator must have procedures, published in its operations manual that will be followed in the event that a line check airman determines that a pilot’s performance does not meet standards that would allow the individual to continue to operate the aircraft. The crewmember will not be allowed to continue the flight series or trip. If the line check airman does not possess the appropriate class of medical certificate to substitute for the crewmember, specific alternative procedures must be followed.
4) Line Check Airman—Observer’s Seat Only. An inspector must evaluate this candidate while he or she conducts an actual line check from the forward observer’s seat, during revenue or during ferry service. When the evaluation is conducted during revenue service, in an aircraft with only one observer’s seat, a candidate who holds a second-class medical certificate, who has not yet reached 65 years of age and is otherwise qualified for part 121 operations (does not apply to part 135 operations) may be evaluated while conducting a line check from the right pilot seat. In this case, the PIC must be fully qualified and line current. When the evaluation is conducted during nonrevenue operations in an aircraft with only one observer’s seat, a candidate who holds at least a third-class medical certificate and who is over 65 years of age and is otherwise qualified for part 121 operations (does not apply to part 135 operations) may be evaluated while conducting a line check from the right pilot seat. A check airman who is approved to conduct line checks from the observer’s seat and who does not maintain line currency must be observed by an inspector at least once every 24 calendar months. If an evaluation within this time period is not given, the check airman is not authorized to conduct line checks.
NOTE: The operator must have procedures published in its operations manual that will be followed in the event that a line check airman determines that a pilot’s performance does not meet standards that would allow the individual to continue to operate the aircraft. The crewmember must not be allowed to continue the flight series or trip. If the line check airman is not qualified (including appropriate medical certificate) to substitute for the crewmember, specific alternative procedures must be followed.
5) Check Airman—All Checks. An inspector must evaluate this candidate in accordance with preceding the paragraphs. The evaluations for this approval may be treated cumulatively.
NOTE: An airman may have been a proficiency check airman—aircraft for a number of years, and then qualify as a line check airman—all seats. If the operator does not use simulators in the training program, then upon satisfactory completion of the line check evaluation, the check airman could be approved to conduct all of the forgoing checks.
6) Check FE. An inspector must evaluate this candidate while the candidate conducts an FE proficiency check in a simulator or approved FTD. In normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures, segments of the check are normally accomplished in a simulator or approved FTD. In those instances when a check FE candidate is to conduct any portion of a check in an airplane in flight, the check airman candidate must be a qualified and current FE and must be evaluated during actual flight.
F. Conducting a Check Airman Evaluation.
1) Preevaluation Briefing. An inspector conducting a check airman evaluation must arrange to meet with the candidate in sufficient time for a preevaluation briefing. The inspector must explain the purpose of the evaluation and some ground rules, including: (1) that the check should be conducted as if the candidate were fully qualified in the role of check airman; (2) that during the briefing, the inspector may ask questions of the check airman candidate as part of the evaluation; and (3) that the inspector will not ask questions while the check is in progress.
2) Observing and Debriefing the Candidate. While the check is in progress, the inspector will observe, but should not interrupt or otherwise interfere with the check airman candidate’s management of the check. The inspector must determine that all required events and maneuvers were conducted properly; that the check airman candidate’s evaluation of the airman’s performance was objective and accurate; and that the check airman candidate’s debriefing of the airman was thorough and constructive.
3-1426 PHASE FIVE—CHECK AIRMAN APPROVAL. All check airmen approved for part 121 or part 135 operations must be approved by the operator’s POI.
A. Letter of Approval. POIs may only approve check airmen for operators under their oversight. Approval of a check airman will be in the form of a letter of approval addressed to a responsible official of the operator and signed by the POI, or a representative approved by the POI. This letter of approval may be transmitted to the operator by conventional mail, e-mail, by fax, or by other means acceptable to the operator and the POI. The POI should retain a copy of the check airman letter of approval together with the operator’s original letter of nomination for the candidate. The check airman letter of approval must contain the following:
Identification of the air operator for which the approval is granted,
Check airman’s name and applicable FAA airman’s certificate number,
Approved check airman classification,
Specified category, class, or type of aircraft,
Authorizations and limitations, and
Effective date of each approval (since different approvals may occur at different times, this information simplifies record checks. The date on which the check airman was recommended for approval by an inspector will be the effective date of approval.) See Figures 3-85 through 3-87 for sample letters of approval.
NOTE: Under current regulations, no normal term of expiration is specified for approvals of check airmen (unlike 14 CFR part 183 designees whose authorization must be renewed every 12 months). A check airman’s approval, however, may be given, limited, or withdrawn, in the discretion of the POI.
B. Limitations. A check airman will be approved only in the six classifications listed in this section.
NOTE: Currently, a separate check airman file in the VIS must be entered into the system for each operator for which the check airman holds approval. A forthcoming change to the VIS will result in a single file for each check airman, and will permit the listing of all operator affiliations and classifications.
C. Letter of Approval—Other Copies.
1) The original of the check airman letter of approval will be sent to the operator for which the check airman has been approved.
2) A copy of the letter of approval will be retained in POI’s files, together with the operator’s original letter of request for the check airman candidate. This copy will be maintained in the FAA office files of the overseeing inspector until 2 years after the approval is withdrawn or superseded.
3) When the individual is a training center instructor or Training Center Evaluator (TCE) who is being approved to evaluate an operator’s personnel, and if the POI anticipates requesting assistance from the Training Center Program Manager (TCPM) with check airman surveillance and oversight, a copy of the letter of approval should be forwarded to that TCPM for inclusion in his or her records.
D. PTRS and VIS. The POI must ensure that a record of the approval is entered in the PTRS. A future modification to the PTRS will also require an entry when check airman approval is withdrawn or terminated. Each time a check airman approval is given or withdrawn, the POI must ensure that the operator’s VIS file accurately reflects:
1) The current number of active check airmen approved for the operator, and
2) The correct status of the individual.
3-1427 APPROVAL OF INITIAL CADRE CHECK AIRMEN. During the early phases of establishing a check airman program, initial cadre check airmen are required. Initial check airman candidates must first become fully qualified as flight crewmembers and then be trained, evaluated, and approved as check airmen. Because the regulatory language of parts 121 and 135 does not address a training process for initial cadre check airman, this handbook provides guidance. This process that follows is valuable for startup operations for at least two reasons:
It is a practical way to initiate and build a check airman program; and
It takes advantage of proving flights, when the operator/applicant is under close FAA scrutiny—with desirable effects on the check airman program.
A. Letter of Request from Operator. The overseeing inspector must arrange with the operator/applicant to approve one or more likely check airman candidates to form an initial cadre of temporary check airmen. The operator/applicant will submit a letter of request, as described earlier in this section. This letter comprises the request for initial cadre check airmen and a description of the training that they will undergo.
B. Letter of Approval. The POI must approve the candidates using procedures described earlier in this section. Usually initial cadre check airmen are approved to function as check airman—all checks or check FE, so that they may conduct all types of checks and supervise Operating Experience (OE) during the period that the startup operation is beginning. The initial cadre check airman letter of approval is a temporary approval, to be replaced with a permanent letter of approval after the check airman is fully qualified. The initial cadre check airman letter must contain a statement similar to the following:
(Name) is approved as an initial cadre check airman to function as a check airman—all checks or as a check FE for the purpose of initiating operations with the (type of aircraft) for (name or operator). This approval expires on (expiration date).
3-1428 TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, AND QUALIFICATION—STARTUP. The operator must provide a full qualification process for its initial cadre check airmen.
A. Initial Training and Certification. The operator must first arrange to have initial cadre check airmen trained and appropriately certificated for their cockpit duty positions. The operator may provide the training by contracting with a manufacturer, with another operator of the same 14 CFR operating part, or with properly qualified individuals. An inspector or an aircrew program designee designated examiner may certificate the initial cadre airmen, provided that the examiner is employed by a U.S. air carrier operator.
B. Gaining Proficiency as Instructors. After the initial training and certification, initial cadre check airmen must become proficient in the operator’s proposed training program by instructing each other, or in the case of a single initial cadre check airman, by self-training. During this training, an operator may arrange for a pilot from the manufacturer, from another operator, or from another source to act as the safety pilot or instructor pilot.
C. Proficiency and Competency Checks. After the first initial cadre check airmen have become proficient as instructors, they may then begin the training and checking of other initial cadre check airmen in accordance with the operator’s initially approved flight training and qualification curriculum segments. Each check must be observed by an FAA inspector who holds the appropriate airman’s certificate, and the appropriate type rating, when applicable. If the inspector determines that the performance of an initial cadre check airman conducting a certain check is satisfactory, the inspector will recommend to the overseeing inspector that the airman be approved as a check airman for that type of check. One initial cadre check airman may check another, with the process repeated until each candidate has been approved as a check airman or has been terminated from the program. If only one person is being considered to be the initial cadre check airman, an inspector will observe that person conducting a check of another airman. If the candidate’s performance is satisfactory, the inspector must recommend to the POI that the candidate be removed from temporary status and approved for full-time check airman duty with the operator.
D. OE.
1) Initial cadre check airmen will be permitted to acquire OE flight hours on any flight that can be credited toward the proving-test flight-hour requirement (including training flights, ferry flights, and representative en route proving flights). OE flight hours may be accrued by initial cadre check airmen while they are:
Conducting aircraft checks;
Overseeing the OE of other airmen,
Being checked, or
Acquiring OE under the supervision of other initial cadre check airmen.
2) Initial cadre check airmen must receive a line check and conduct a line check during an en route proving flight or a ferry flight. The same process (above) will apply: one initial cadre check airman line checks another while being observed by an FAA inspector. If the airman’s performance is satisfactory, the inspector may recommend that the person be removed from temporary status and approved for full-time duty as a check airman for the operator. If there is only one initial cadre check airman, then the FAA inspector will conduct the line check.
3-1429 APPROVAL OF A CHECK AIRMAN IN MULTIPLE AIRCRAFT. Before an airman may be approved as a check airman in more than one type of aircraft, the operator must show that there is a need. The airman must be fully qualified and current in each of the aircraft types. Overseeing inspectors must be judicious in approving check airmen and vigilant in overseeing their performance. There are various acceptable combinations of check airman approvals.
A. A check airman may be approved to serve in all single-engine, normal, or commuter category airplanes that an operator operates under part 135.
B. A check airman may be approved to serve in two different types of helicopters.
C. For part 135 operations, a check airman may be approved to serve in a combination of two of the following aircraft families:
One series of multiengine, normal, or commuter category airplanes;
Single-engine, normal, or commuter category airplanes; or
D. Before a candidate may be approved as a check airman in two commuter category aircraft types or two transport category types, the overseeing inspectors must ensure that the following conditions are met:
For proficiency check airman—aircraft or simulator the candidate must have logged at least 500 hours as PIC in each type;
For line check airmen the candidate must have logged at least 100 hours as PIC in each type and at least 1,000 hours as PIC in transport- or commuter-category airplanes; and
For check FE the candidate must have logged at least 500 hours as a FE in each type.
paragraph provides a standard method for approving a check airman to
serve multiple operators. The approval of a check airman to serve
more than one operator is limited to those cases in which the
operator’s aircraft, aircraft operating manuals, procedures,
and checklists are compatible in the judgment of the overseeing
inspector(s). Provision for multiple check airman approvals may be
made for part 135
single-pilot operators, part 135
single-PIC operators, and for part 121
and part 135
operators with programs that are compatible, in the judgment of the
respective operator’s POI. An operator’s POI may also
approve a check airman to serve multiple part 121
or part 135
operators on a temporary basis, when a startup operation is initiated
or when new equipment is being introduced. Other multiple approvals
may be made with the concurrence of the regional Flight Standards
division when justified.
Training centers have made simulator training and checking available
to a broad range of aviation users, including air carriers with
smaller fleets and smaller aircraft. With the approval of an
operator’s POI, an employee of a 14
CFR part 142
training center may serve one or more air operators as a contract
check airman. The guidance contained in this paragraph applies to
training center personnel who have been requested to serve as such
contract check airmen.
A. POI Approves the Check Airman Candidate. Only the POI may approve a check airman for use in an air carrier’s training program. Normal procedures apply, including a letter of request from the operator, and a letter of approval from the operator’s POI.
B. TCPM Role. Without diminishing the responsibility or authority of the POI, experience has shown that the TCPM may be in the best position to make quality assessments at training centers on behalf of the Administrator. The TCPM continually assesses training programs conducted by a training center for certification of airmen under 14 CFR parts 61 and 63. Similarly, the TCPM assesses the instructors and TCEs employed by a training center. At the request of an operator’s POI, a center’s TCPM may therefore assist with the evaluation of an air carrier’s request to use the services of a center’s employee as a contract check airman.
C. Scheduling Multiple-Use Check Airmen and Maintaining Check Airman Status. Before a multiple approval is made, the overseeing inspector must ensure that the operators understand that the scheduling and use of the check airman is their responsibility. An operator entering into a multiple-use arrangement may employ a check airman on a part-time basis; may contract with another operator or training center to provide a check airman; or may contract directly with the check airman.
NOTE: Each operator is responsible for ensuring that the check airman maintains currency as specified in their operations specifications paragraph A031, the appropriate operating rule and Volume 3, Chapter 20, Section 1, and that he or she performs adequately when serving the operator.
D. Issuing Additional Check Airman Letters of Approval. An operator seeking check airman approval for an individual who is serving as a check airman for another operator must provide the necessary information to its POI. The operator’s POI must consider the means the operator will use to train, to qualify, and to maintain qualification of the contract check airman candidate and the documentation that will be required. Contract check airmen may be able to meet recurrent training requirements for more than one operator simultaneously. When the operator and the POI have agreed on the training and qualification necessary for the contract check airman, the operator must submit a written letter of request to the POI, as described earlier in this section. When the second or subsequent POI approves the individual as a contract check airman for his/her operator, that POI will issue an additional check airman letter of approval following the procedures described above. Additionally, if the subject check airman is an employee of a part 142 training center, the POI will forward a copy of the new approval letter to the center’s TCPM.
NOTE: The check airman file in the VIS is being modified to allow for a single file for each individual who has been approved as a check airman for an operator. This consolidated check airman VIS file will be linked to a unique airman identifying number, and will permit multiple entries for aircraft and operator combinations.
E. Primary Oversight Responsibility. Each operator for which an individual is approved as check airman, along with the operator’s POI, has responsibility for oversight of the contract check airman. When the check airman is employed by a training center, the FAA TCPM may provide assistance as requested by the POI with this responsibility. Any POI who has issued an letter of approval to the check airman may, however, conduct surveillance activities at any time.
F. Contract Check Airman LOAs. When approved as a contract check airman for an operator, the POI of that operator will issue a letter of approval showing the operator; the check airman classification; the type(s) of aircraft authorized, and the type(s) of checks authorized (by regulatory reference). A sample contract check airman letter of approval is provided on the FAA’s Air Transportation Division—Air Carrier Training and 142 Training Center Branch Web site. This sample letter provides for the listing of multiple contract check airman approvals for a particular operator on a single letter.
G. Recordkeeping. Each operator is required by their operating rules to maintain training and qualification records for his/her check airmen. This responsibility cannot be delegated. However, by agreement between the operator and the training center, a training center may keep a contract check airman’s training and qualification records. This agreement must be documented in each operator’s recordkeeping system and approved by the POI. The POI must maintain a record in the operator’s file that documents the details of any such arrangement, including the location in the operator’s manual where such arrangement is described.
3-1432 CREWMEMBER FAILURE RATES. The repetitive failure of a single crewmember, or the failure of several crewmembers during proficiency or competency checks, may indicate a training program deficiency. Overseeing inspectors must establish procedures with their certificate holders that provide for FAA notification when unsatisfactory performance occurs. Identified deficiencies should be promptly investigated and corrective action taken. A comparison of failure rates between checks conducted by inspectors and those conducted by check airmen should also be made. If a significant difference in failure rates exists, additional observations and counseling should be conducted. The overseeing inspector must discuss the matter with the appropriate official responsible for the certificate holder’s training and checking activities. Should these discussions not lead to an improvement in the quality of training and evaluations, consideration should be given to withdrawing approval of any check airmen involved, or if appropriate, withdrawing approval for a specific part or for the entire training program.
3-1433 SURVEILLANCE OF CHECK AIRMEN. Overseeing inspectors must establish a surveillance program for each check airman at the time of approval. The POI must determine which geographic surveillance unit will have responsibility for the check airman’s surveillance program and notify that geographic unit of the check airman’s approval. Notification may be accomplished by the POI sending a copy of the check airman’s letter of approval to the geographic unit.
A. Biennial Check Airman Observation. The surveillance program for each office must include an observation by an FAA inspector or aircrew designated examiner of each approved check airman in his or her area of responsibility at least once every 24 months. Check airman observations should be conducted while the check airman is conducting an approved checking activity. For example, a check airman approved to conduct proficiency checks and line checks should be observed conducting a proficiency check in the aircraft or simulator, or conducting a line check, or overseeing initial OE. At the discretion of the POI, an observation conducted by another POI or by a TCPM for a check under the same rule part need not be repeated. It is the responsibility of the operator to maintain records showing that this observation has been completed.
1) Surveillance of Check Airmen by Geographic Units. POIs will monitor the activity of geographic units conducting check airman surveillance on their behalf. When significant events are reported, the POI should provide feedback to the operator. POIs should remain especially vigilant for repetitive failure rates as discussed in paragraph 3-1432 of this section as an indicator of training program deficiency.
2) Constraints of Aircraft with Two Pilot Seats. Inspectors may encounter difficulties in conducting the surveillance of check airmen whose activities are restricted to two-place airplanes or helicopters. In such cases, it may not be possible for an inspector to observe the check airman conducting actual checks. In lieu of these observations, the POI may review the check airman’s activities and arrange for an inspector to administer the check airman’s competency and line checks.
B. Periodic Report by the Operator. The POI should arrange to have the operator provide the POI with a periodic report of each check airman’s checking activities, including a pass/fail rate, to coincide with the POI’s periodic review (annual, semiannual, or other). POIs may arrange for these reports to arrive at a time that meets the POI’s needs. A check airman should be active enough to retain the required knowledge and skills. This activity level may vary depending on the check airman function, the size of the operator, and the number of approved check airmen. Usually a check airman should conduct at least eight authorized check airman activities during a 12-month period (including supervision of OE). The POI should specifically re-assess the operator’s need for those check airmen whose records indicate low activity levels.
C. Withdrawing Check Airman Approval. The POI’s reasons for withdrawing the approval of a check airman may include a lack of check airman activity, a request by the operator, or an unsatisfactory performance on the part of the check airman. To withdraw approval of a check airman, the POI must notify the operator by letter that approval is withdrawn. The letter should include the name of the check airman, the effective date of withdrawal, and the reason approval is being withdrawn. If the approval of a check airman is withdrawn because of unsatisfactory performance, the letter of withdrawal must be sent to the operator by certified mail—return receipt requested. A future additional PTRS activity code will be used to capture data associated with withdrawal or termination of a check airman’s approval.
NOTE: Under current regulations, no normal term of expiration is specified for approvals of check airmen (unlike designated examiners, whose term is 12 months, per 14 CFR part 183). Contract check airmen who are employees of a part 142 training center will have their term contingent upon continued employment with the training center and maintaining their instructor or evaluator qualification with the employing center.
D. POI Authority. A check airman’s approval may be given, limited, withdrawn, or terminated at the discretion of the POI.
Figure 3-85, Check Airman Letter of Approval—Sample A
February 24, 2006
Mr. Sam A. Frost
Chief Pilot
Transcon Express, Inc.
48 Perimeter Rd.
Utica, OH 22032
Dear Mr. Frost:
John R. Smith, FAA certificate number 467120928, is approved as a check airman. This check airman is approved to conduct checks in the Douglas DC-9 aircraft for employees of Transcon Express, Inc. This approval is applicable for the following checking functions:
[ ] Proficiency Check Airman—Aircraft Effective
[X] Proficiency Check Airman—Simulator Effective 8/27/2009
[ ] Line Check Airman—All Seats Effective
[X] Line Check Airman—Observer’s Seat Only Effective 02/20/2009
[ ] Check Airman—All Checks Effective
[ ] Check Flight Engineer Effective
Please retain a copy of this letter in Mr. Smith’s individual flight training records.
James J. Jones
Principal Operations Inspector
Figure 3-86, Check Airman Letter of Approval—Sample B
February 24, 2007
Mr. Sam A. Frost
Chief Pilot
Trans Regional Airlines, Inc.
48 Perimeter Rd.
Utica, OH 22032
Dear Mr. Frost:
John R. Brown, FAA certificate number 467219028, is approved as a check airman. Mr. Brown is approved to conduct checks in multiengine Cessna, reciprocating-series airplanes and in all single-engine airplanes to pilots that are employed by Trans Regional Airlines, Inc. This approval is applicable for the following checking functions:
[ ] Proficiency Check Airman—Aircraft Effective
[ ] Proficiency Check Airman—Simulator Effective
[ ] Line Check Airman—All Seats Effective
[ ] Line Check Airman—Observer’s Seat Only Effective
[X] Check Airman—All Checks Effective 02/24/2009
Please retain a copy of this letter in Mr. Brown’s individual flight training records.
James J. Jones
Principal Operations Inspector
Figure 3-87, Check Airman Letter of Approval for Multiple Operators
February 24, 2007
Mr. Sam A. Frost
Chief Pilot
Trans Regional Airlines, Inc.
48 Perimeter Road
Utica, OH 22032
Dear Mr. Frost:
John R. Brown, FAA certificate number 467219028, is approved as a check airman. Mr. Brown is approved to conduct checks in multiengine Cessna, reciprocating series airplanes and all single engine airplanes to pilots that are employed by:
Trans Regional Airlines, Inc., Effective 02/24/2009, and Transylvania Charter Services, Effective 11/15/2009.
This approval is applicable for the following designated functions:
[X] Proficiency Check Airman—Aircraft Effective MM/DD/YYYY
[ ] Proficiency Check Airman—Simulator Effective
[X] Line Check Airman—All Seats Effective MM/DD/YYYY
[ ] Line Check Airman—Observer’s Seat Only Effective
[X] Check Airman—All Checks Effective MM/DD/YYYY
Please retain a copy of this letter in Mr. Brown’s individual flight training records.
James J. Jones
Principal Operations Inspector
Figure 3-88, Check Airman Approval Job Aid
1. Operator’s Letter Contains Necessary Information: |
[ ] Full name of candidate |
[ ] Business address of candidate |
[ ] Crew position and aircraft type |
[ ] Type of check airman designation requested |
2. Certificates (copies) |
[ ] Applicable airman |
[ ] Medical |
[ ] Any valid check airman Letters of Approval |
3. Training Records (copies) |
[ ] Initial, transition, or upgrade to requested aircraft and crew position |
[ ] Recurrent |
[ ] Check airman |
4. [ ] Resume of experience included |
5. [ ] FSIS verification satisfactory |
6. [ ] Check airman evaluation scheduled |
7. [ ] Report of evaluation received from PTRS |
8. [ ] Open VIS file |
Favorable Report: |
9. Prepare Letter of Approval |
[ ] Original letter to operator |
[ ] Copy to geographic unit supervisor |
[ ] Copy to operator file |
[ ] Copy to other POI (if check airman for another operator) |
10. [ ] Update operator VIS file |
11. [ ] Complete PTRS |
Unfavorable Report |
12. [ ] Prepare letter to operator indicating disapproval |
13. [ ] Update operator VIS file |
14. [ ] Complete PTRS |
RESERVED. Paragraphs 3-1434 through 3-1448.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Taylor CTR Dahl |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |