Form 1 Questionnaire

Generic Clearance for Internet Nonprobability Panel Pretesting

Attachment I-Persuasion Experiment Questionnaire

University of Virginia-Census Persuasion Survey

OMB: 0607-0978

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US Census Bureau | UVA Persuasion - Master - Fall 2019

Survey Flow

Block: Consent (5 Questions)

Standard: Risk-Trust-Priv (4 Questions)

Standard: Reminder Instructions (1 Question)

BlockRandomizer: 1 -

Block: email 01 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 01 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 01 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 01 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 01 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 01 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 02 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 02 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 02 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 02 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 02 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 02 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 03 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 03 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 03 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 03 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 03 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 03 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 04 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 04 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 04 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 04 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 04 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 04 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 05 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 05 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 05 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 05 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 05 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 05 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 06 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 06 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 06 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 06 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 06 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 06 both (3 Questions)

Block: email 07 mail (3 Questions)

Block: email 07 online (3 Questions)

Block: email 07 both (3 Questions)

Block: letter 07 mail (3 Questions)

Block: letter 07 online (3 Questions)

Block: letter 07 both (3 Questions)

Standard: Manip (6 Questions)

Standard: Basic Stats (7 Questions)

Standard: ATI-S Scale (Short) (2 Questions)

Standard: BFI-2-XS (2 Questions)


Page Break

Start of Block: Consent


This research is a joint venture between the US Census Bureau and the University of Virginia. Please read this consent agreement carefully before you decide to participate in the study.

Informed Consent Agreement

Purpose of the research study: In this study, we will gain an understanding of what persuasion mechanisms, privacy policies and cybersecurity assurances can mitigate the perceptions of risk in participation in the 2020 US Census online.

What you will do in the study: You will now be given a definition of a type of persuasion and then asked if particular messages fit with this definition. You will also be asked if the message persuades you to participate in the 2020 US Census. There are six persuasion types in total and between three and seven messages for each type of persuasion, for a total of 30 messages to rate altogether. 

Time required: The study will require about 15 minutes of your time to complete the survey.

Risks: There is very limited risk involved with this survey.

Benefits: There are no direct benefits to you for participating in this research study. The study may help us understand how to motivate more US citizens to participate in the US Census. This may have some cost savings for the US Federal Government.

Confidentiality: The information that you give in the study will be handled confidentially. The information collected in the survey will be assigned a code number. The list connecting your name to this code will be kept in an encrypted file. When the study is completed and the data have been analyzed, this list will be destroyed. Your name will not be used in any report. Only the Primary Investigator will have access to the encrypted file.

Voluntary participation: Your participation in the study is completely voluntary.

Right to withdraw from the study: You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.

How to withdraw from the study:  If you want to withdraw from the study, you can stop the survey at any time. There is no penalty for withdrawing.

Payment: You will receive no payment for participating in the study from the University of Virginia.

Consent2 If you have questions about the study, contact:
Ryan Wright, MBA, Ph.D.
McIntire School of Commerce Rouss & Robertson Halls, East Lawn
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903.  
Telephone: (434) 924-8501
Email address:

If you have questions about your rights in the study, contact:
Tonya R. Moon, Ph.D.
Chair, Institutional Review Board for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
One Morton Dr Suite 500
University of Virginia, P.O. Box 800392
Charlottesville, VA 22908-0392
Telephone:  (434) 924-5999

  • I agree to participate (1)

  • I decline to participate (2)

Page Break

18plus Are you 18 years or older? 

  • Yes (1)

  • No (0)

Reside I reside in the U.S.A.

  • Yes (1)

  • No (0)

End of Block: Consent

Start of Block: Risk-Trust-Priv

Risk Answer the following questions about your thoughts on the US Census Bureau. 

Strongly disagree (1)

Disagree (2)

Somewhat disagree (3)

Neither agree nor disagree (4)

Somewhat agree (5)

Agree (6)

Strongly Agree (7)

It would be risky to give my information to the US Census Bureau. (15)

There would be high potential for loss associated with giving my information to the US Census Bureau. (16)

There would be too much uncertainty associated with giving my information to the US Census Bureau. (17)

Providing the US Census Bureau with my information would involve many unexpected problems. (18)

Trust Now we are interested in how you trust the US Census Bureau. 

Strongly disagree (1)

Disagree (2)

Somewhat disagree (3)

Neither agree nor disagree (4)

Somewhat agree (5)

Agree (6)

Strongly agree (7)

I trust the US Census Bureau. (15)

I generally give the US Census Bureau the benefit of the doubt. (16)

Most of the time, I believe the US Census Bureau until they give me a reason not to believe them. (17)

My typical approach is to trust the US Census Bureau until they prove I should not trust them. (18)

Page Break

Rewards Now tell us about your perceptions of the 2020 US Census.

Strongly disagree (1)

Disagree (2)

Somewhat disagree (3)

Neither agree nor disagree (4)

Somewhat agree (5)

Agree (6)

Strongly agree (7)

Providing my information to the US Census will help my country. (Quick2)

Providing my information to the US Census will help my home state. (Quick3)

Providing my information to the US Census will help my home town. (EmailExp_27)

To make sure you are not a computer please mark Somewhat Disagree. (Rewards_31)

Providing my information to the US Census will help my neighbors. (EmailExp_28)

Providing my information to the US Census will help my family. (Response._29)

Providing my information to the US Census will help me. (Rewards_30)

Privacy To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements about your online privacy?

Strongly disagree (1)

Disagree (2)

Somewhat disagree (3)

Neither agree nor disagree (4)

Somewhat agree (5)

Agree (6)

Strongly agree (7)

Compared to others, I am more sensitive about the way the government handles my personal information. (9)

Compared with other subjects on my mind, personal privacy is very important. (10)

All things considered, I would have privacy problems if I disclose my information to the government. (6)

To me, it is the most important thing to keep my privacy intact from the government. (7)

I believe other people are much too concerned with online privacy issues. (8)

I am concerned about threats to my personal privacy today. (1)

End of Block: Risk-Trust-Priv

Start of Block: Reminder Instructions

  As part of the upcoming 2020 Census, we are conducting a survey to understand US citizens’ views of the “save the date” letter that is sent out to millions of Americans.  

You will now be shown an example of this “save the date” letter and asked some questions about the letter and your views on privacy. You will not receive the follow-up Census questionnaire that is mentioned in the letter.

End of Block: Reminder Instructions

Start of Block: email 01 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 01 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q123 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 01 mail

Start of Block: email 01 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 01 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q124 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 01 online

Start of Block: email 01 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 01 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q125 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 01 both

Start of Block: letter 01 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 01 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q126 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 01 mail

Start of Block: letter 01 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 01 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q127 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 01 online

Start of Block: letter 01 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 01 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q128 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 01 both

Start of Block: email 02 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.
​ ​

email 02 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q129 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 02 mail

Start of Block: email 02 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 02 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q130 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 02 online

Start of Block: email 02 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 02 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q131 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 02 both

Start of Block: letter 02 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 02 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q132 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 02 mail

Start of Block: letter 02 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 02 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q133 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 02 online

Start of Block: letter 02 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 02 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q134 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 02 both

Start of Block: email 03 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 03 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q135 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 03 mail

Start of Block: email 03 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 03 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q136 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 03 online

Start of Block: email 03 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 03 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q137 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 03 both

Start of Block: letter 03 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 03 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q138 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 03 mail

Start of Block: letter 03 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 03 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q139 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 03 online

Start of Block: letter 03 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 03 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • Yes (1)

Q140 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 03 both

Start of Block: email 04 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 04 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q141 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 04 mail

Start of Block: email 04 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 04 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (3)

Q142 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 04 online

Start of Block: email 04 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 04 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q143 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 04 both

Start of Block: letter 04 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 04 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q144 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 04 mail

Start of Block: letter 04 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 04 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q145 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 04 online

Start of Block: letter 04 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 04 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q146 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 04 both

Start of Block: email 05 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 05 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q147 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 05 mail

Start of Block: email 05 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 05 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q148 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 05 online

Start of Block: email 05 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 05 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q149 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 05 both

Start of Block: letter 05 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 05 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q150 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 05 mail

Start of Block: letter 05 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 05 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q151 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 05 online

Start of Block: letter 05 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 05 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q152 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 05 both

Start of Block: email 06 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 06 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q153 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 06 mail

Start of Block: email 06 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 06 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q154 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 06 online

Start of Block: email 06 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 06 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q155 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 06 both

Start of Block: letter 06 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 06 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q156 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 06 mail

Start of Block: letter 06 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 06 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q157 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 06 online

Start of Block: letter 06 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 06 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q158 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 06 both

Start of Block: email 07 mail

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 07 mail I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q159 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 07 mail

Start of Block: email 07 online

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 07 online I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q160 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 07 online

Start of Block: email 07 both

​You have received the email below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this email before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

email 07 both I have read the email and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q161 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: email 07 both

Start of Block: letter 07 mail

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 07 mail I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q162 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 07 mail

Start of Block: letter 07 online

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 07 online I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q163 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 07 online

Start of Block: letter 07 both

​You have received the letter below from the US Census Bureau at your home. Please look at this letter before continuing as we will be asking you questions about its content.

letter 07 both I have read the letter and am ready to answer questions about it.

  • YES (1)

Q164 Timing

First Click (1)

Last Click (2)

Page Submit (3)

Click Count (4)

End of Block: letter 07 both

Start of Block: Manip

MOT1 Based on the message from the U.S. Census I just read, I am interested in filling out the US Census Questionnaire.

  • Strongly agree (7)

  • Agree (6)

  • Somewhat agree (5)

  • Neither agree nor disagree (4)

  • Somewhat disagree (3)

  • Disagree (2)

  • Strongly disagree (1)

MOT2 Based on the message I just read, I intend to answer the US Census Bureau questions.

  • Strongly agree (7)

  • Agree (6)

  • Somewhat agree (5)

  • Neither agree nor disagree (4)

  • Somewhat disagree (3)

  • Disagree (2)

  • Strongly disagree (1)

MOT3 Based on the message I just read, I am motivated to participate in the US 2020 Census.

  • Strongly agree (7)

  • Agree (6)

  • Somewhat agree (5)

  • Neither agree nor disagree (4)

  • Somewhat disagree (3)

  • Disagree (2)

  • Strongly disagree (1)

Page Break

Prefer Please let us know which form of the US Census you'd prefer to participate in. 

Do not prefer (1)

Prefer slightly (2)

Prefer a moderate amount (3)

Prefer a lot (4)

Prefer a great deal (5)

Paper form sent to your home, which you will mail back in. (1)

Letter sent to your house with a personalized link to the US Census questionnaire online. (2)

An email sent to you with a personalized link to the US Census questionnaire online. (4)

US Census worker showing up at your house to gather data. (7)

Page Break

Manip1 In the US Census message you just read...

  • You were going to receive a personalized link to complete the 2020 US Census. (1)

  • You were going to receive a paper 2020 US Census to fill out and mail back. (2)

  • I was given a choice of a paper 2020 US Census to fill out OR a personalized link to the US Census form online. (3)

Manip2 In the US Census message you just read...

  • You were told, "If everyone responded to the 2020 Census, the federal government would save $2 billion in taxpayer dollars." (1)

  • You were told, "You wouldn’t leave $400 billion on the table. Don’t miss out on your chance to determine where federal funds are distributed by filling out your 2020 Census questionnaire." (2)

  • You were told, "Your community needs your help. When you fill out your 2020 Census questionnaire, you are helping your community to pay for hospitals and schools, support school lunch programs, improve emergency services, build bridges, and inform businesses looking to add jobs and expand to new markets, and much more." (3)

  • You were told, "US law requires everyone living in the United States to provide census information (Title 13, US Code). Please complete your 2020 Census questionnaire." (4)

  • You were told, "Penalty for nonresponse can be up to $500. Fill out your 2020 Census questionnaire to avoid this fine." (5)

  • You were told, "Did you know that funding for our first responders is impacted by data collected in the Census? Fill out your 2020 Census questionnaire to help our first responders!" (6)

  • You were told, "More than $400 billion are distributed to states and communities based in part on the census data that people like you provide. Please make sure your community gets its correct allocation and fill out your 2020 Census questionnaire". (7)

Page Break

End of Block: Manip

Start of Block: Basic Stats

Past_Part Please let us know if you or a family member participated in the US Census in the past.

Yes (1)

No (2)

Unsure (3)

I completed the US Census in 2010. (1)

A family member completed the US Census in 2010 for our household. (2)

Sex What is your sex?

  • Male (1)

  • Female (2)

  • Prefer not to answer (3)

Zip What is your five-digit ZIP code?


Age How old are you (in years)?


ESL Is English your first language?

  • Yes (1)

  • No (2)

CMB Last question: please let us know about your current job.

Strongly agree (7)

Agree (6)

Somewhat agree (5)

Neither agree nor disagree (4)

Somewhat disagree (3)

Disagree (2)

Strongly disagree (1)

I am proud of the work I do. (1)

I am enthusiastic about my work. (2)

My work inspires me. (3)

Metadata Browser Meta Info

Browser (1)

Version (2)

Operating System (3)

Screen Resolution (4)

Flash Version (5)

Java Support (6)

User Agent (7)

End of Block: Basic Stats

Start of Block: ATI-S Scale (Short)

Q176 In the following questionnaire, we will ask you about your interaction with technical systems. The term “technical systems” refers to apps and other software applications, as well as entire digital devices (e.g., mobile phone, computer, TV, car navigation).

Q177 Please indicate the degree to which you agree/disagree with the following statements.

completely disagree (1)

largely disagree (2)

slightly disagree (3)

slightly agree (4)

largely agree (5)

completely agree (6)

I like to occupy myself in greater detail with technical systems. (1)

I like testing the functions of new technical systems. (2)

It is enough for me that a technical system works; I don’t care how or why. (3)

It is enough for me to know the basic functions of a technical system. (4)

End of Block: ATI-S Scale (Short)

Start of Block: BFI-2-XS

Q170 Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. For example, do you agree that you are someone who likes to spend time with others? Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement.

Q171 I am someone who...

1 - Disagree strongly (1)

2 - Disagree a little (6)

3 - Neutral; no opinion (2)

4 - Agree a little (3)

5 - Agree strongly (4)

Tends to be quiet. (1)

Is compassionate, has a soft heart. (2)

Tends to be disorganized. (3)

Worries a lot. (4)

Is fascinated by art, music, or literature. (5)

Is dominant, acts as a leader. (6)

Is sometimes rude to others. (7)

Has difficulty getting started on tasks. (8)

Tends to feel depressed, blue. (9)

Has little interest in abstract ideas. (10)

Is full of energy. (11)

Assumes the best about people. (12)

Is reliable, can always be counted on. (13)

Is emotionally stable, not easily upset. (14)

Is original, comes up with new ideas. (15)

End of Block: BFI-2-XS

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleUS Census Bureau | UVA Persuasion - Master - Fall 2019
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-14

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