Census Questionnaire Assistance Operational Assessment Study Plan
Date 12/08/2017 v1.0
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Census Questionnaire Assistance (CQA) at the U.S. Census Bureau interfaces with respondents over the telephone to assist them with responding to and completing census questionnaires. CQA facilitates responses by fielding questions and, in some cases, by completing the questionnaire via an interview with the respondent. CQA will also support multiple languages beyond English and Spanish and will be able to assist respondents with special needs, such as the hearing impaired. Overall, the primary CQA goals and objectives are:
Promote self-response on the internet by assisting respondents who have questions, or have difficulty or limitations in using an internet response instrument.
Provide Interactive Voice Response (IVR) self-service tools and human assistance via Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) to answer questions and to collect census questionnaire information from callers.
Support Census Outbound Operations to verify or clarify respondent information submitted during the 2018 End-to-End Census Test.
A large outsourced Contact Center Operation will support the CQA by executing inbound (respondent assistance) and outbound operations (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). This 2018 End-to-End Census Test CQA Assessment provides background from the 2010 Census operation, which was named Telephone Questionnaire Assistance (TQA), questions to be answered, and the methodology for analysis for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test.
During the 2010 Census, the TQA operation was designed to provide three primary services:
Assistance – Provide answers to questions about the 2010 Census and to provide guidance for completing the census questionnaire.
Fulfillment Requests – Take requests for census questionnaires or language assistance guides.
Short-Form Data Capture – Conduct telephone interviews to collect census questionnaire information as appropriate (Zajac, 2012).
For the 2020 Census, the Census Bureau has planned a transition from paper census questionnaires to interactive online data collection via the internet. Based on the results of previous census tests, the transition from paper questionnaires to internet data collection will significantly affect CQA workload and operations.
Respondents using the internet instrument will have the ability to contact CQA by telephone when web-based self-service help tools cannot answer their questions. The shift from paper to internet-based forms will also change the reasons that respondents contact the CQA contact centers, where a top reason that respondents call for assistance (as seen in tests following the 2010 Census) is not having internet or computer access (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016).
Each language line will have its own toll-free number for callers. On the English and Spanish languages lines, callers will first be presented with a self-service IVR system. The IVR will offer callers a number of options, such as answers to FAQs (see Appendices A and B), and will also have the ability to route calls to appropriately skilled CSRs (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016). All callers who need assistance in languages other than English or Spanish will be connected directly with a CSR.
In previous decennial census tests, the call centers experienced peaks in calls on the day the mail materials were delivered and on Mondays (Nichols et al., 2017). In order to reduce the burden on the call centers and smooth out the peaks of calls, the mail materials will be sent to households in staggered cohorts for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test and the 2020 Census. For the 2018 End-to-End Census Test, the mailing strategy is as follows:
Self-response Contact Strategy in Home Delivery Dates |
mailing 1 (Letter) |
mailing 2 (Letter) |
mailing 3* (Postcard) |
mailing 4* (Q'nnaire + Letter) |
mailing 5* ("not too late" postcard) |
Internet Choice |
Friday 3/16/2018 |
Tuesday 3/20/2018 |
Friday 3/30/2018 |
Thursday 4/12/2018 |
Monday 4/23/2018 |
internet First Cohort 1 |
Friday 3/16/2018 |
Tuesday 3/20/2018 Friday 3/30/2018 |
Thursday 4/12/2018 Monday 4/23/2018 |
internet First Cohort 2 |
Tuesday 3/20/2018 |
Friday 3/23/2018 |
Tuesday 4/3/2018 |
Monday 4/16/2018 |
Thursday 4/26/2018 |
internet First Cohort 3 |
Friday 3/23/2018 |
Tuesday 3/27/2018 Friday 4/6/2018 |
Thursday 4/19/2018 Monday 4/30/2018 |
*=ta rgeted only to non-respondents |
Key assumptions include the following:
CQA will support Nonresponse Followup (NRFU) Reinterview (RI) operations for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test.
CQA will support Coverage Improvement (CI) operations for the 2018 End-to-End Census Test.
IVR is projected to deflect 30 percent of inbound calls on the English and Spanish language lines. That is, 30 percent of all calls on these language lines will be resolved by the IVR and will not need to be handled by CSRs.
Response data will not be collected by the IVR (U.S. Census Bureau, 2016).
The 2017 CQA final CQA operations deck will provide an adequate baseline against which the 2018 results can be measured. See Appendix D for the results from 2017.
The 2018 CQA lessons learned will provide input for the 2020 production system.
The assessment will cover inbound call metrics, CSR metrics, and outbound call metrics.
Inbound Call Metrics
The 2017 CQA test measured inbound calls. See the table below for a sample of the CQA operational daily call report.
What were the overall inbound call metrics?
How many total calls were received? By language line?
How many calls were serviced entirely within the IVR? What was the IVR deflection rate? (i.e.
– On the English and Spanish lines, these are calls that made it to the IVR but were not transferred to a CSR.)
How many calls were handled by CSRs? This metric includes calls on the English and Spanish language lines where a caller went through the IVR and was transferred to a CSR, as well as callers to the non-English, non-Spanish language lines where a caller was directly connected to a CSR.
How many calls were abandoned?
How many calls were made by hour of the day (12-12:59, 1-1:59, etc.), day of the week (Sunday, Monday, etc.), and week of data collection (March X – March Y, etc.)?
What was the average wait time (in seconds) for calls?
What was the average handle time (in minutes) overall? For IVR-only calls? For CSR-only handled calls?
Why did callers contact CQA?
What were the frequent questions accessed in the IVR? The FAQs for the IVR are in Appendix B.
What were the most frequent questions accessed by CSRs?
How often did a CSR complete a Census questionnaire for a caller?
Customer Service Representative Metrics
The CSRs will be rated using standards outlined in the CQA Quality Scoring Standards document. They will be trained based on the standards outlined in this same document.
How well did CSRs adhere to CQA quality standards?
What percentage of calls were answered by a CSR in 30 seconds or less?
How many questionnaires were completed by CSRs?
Outbound Call Metrics
Outbound call metrics consist of reinterview for NRFU and coverage improvement and interviewer debriefings. This disposition codes are shown in Appendix C.
What were the overall outbound call metrics by operation (reinterview for NRFU and coverage improvement)?
How many total calls were made?
How many calls were made by hour of the day, day of the week, and week of data collection?
What was the success rate of reaching the target respondent?
How many attempts were made before a successful contact was made?
What was the final outcome of each case?
Other Items
These are other items that cut across various areas of CQA operations.
What types of technical issues were encountered and how often?
What was learned during CSR debriefings (at the end of operations)?
CQA data from the 2018 End-to-End Census Test will be collected and incorporated into reports by the contractor, which will then be used as a basis for analysis to answer the research questions.
Based on the 2017 results, CSRs will be trained to gather as much information from callers as possible in order to complete the questionnaire. See Appendix D for 2017 results.
At the end of operations, the USCB and CQA contractor staff will work together to determine CSR debriefing questions. These questions will be presented to a select number of CSRs in order to elicit their experiences and opinions on various aspects of the CQA program in order to identify areas that could be improved as we move toward the 2020 Census.
The following is an example of a chart that will be produced to visualize the call patterns. The purpose of this chart is to show a distribution of CQA calls in relation to the in-home dates of the mailing materials. The final format of the chart may change slightly, but the content will remain the same.
The level of satisfaction with help received by callers will not be measured through CQA in 2018 due to time, resource, and budget restrictions, but this is under consideration for the 2020 CQA Assessment.
In June 2017, some elements of the CQA program were scaled back for budgetary reasons. One of these elements was the web chat functionality, which is still under consideration for the 2020 Census.
The primary focus of the 2018 End-to-End Census Test operational assessments will be to report on various aspects of the CQA program, with the primary focus being on operational metrics associated with inbound and outbound operations. At this point there are some unknowns, such as the scope of questions asked by callers and related call patterns. The detailed measurements are listed under the section “IV. Scope of the Assessment and Questions To Be Answered”.
The operational assessment also plans to track quality measures based on the CQA requirement functions for CSR responses and the CQA requirements for outbound operations.
The CQA contractor and CQA PMO will incorporate the operational assessment metrics into the design of 2018 CQA production operation. The success of the 2018 End-to-End Census Test will be calculated using metrics supplied by comparing the actual date of metrics to CQA-developed models
and the contract requirements, as well as by comparing the results to the requirements as outlined in the 2020 CQA Concept of Operations and the 2020 Census Detailed Concept of Operations for 17. Census Questionnaire Assistance Operation.
There are some expectations for the CQA 2018 test based on the 2017 test results. CQA is estimating that about 30% of calls will be resolved by IVRs. The 2017 test results are available in Appendix C. These results will provide the thresholds and benchmarks for 2018.
In order to fully answer the research questions, certain metrics will need to be collected following the completion of the 2018 End-to-End Census Test CQA Operation. This will include results such as the time and date of calls, the number and duration of calls, the success rates of outbound calls, the IVR deflection rate, the answer rates of the CSRs, the types of questions asked, and the number of questionnaires completed via CQA.
CQA GPMO oversees all areas of the contractor’s duties. GPMO will provide verification on the daily call reports and will review the final data product results for accuracy. The data collection follows requirements as outlined in the detailed design. Additionally, the CQA contractor has prior experience based on the 2010 Census call center operations.
The CSRs are trained by the contractor as described in the CQA Quality Scoring Standards document. Rigid monitoring is built into the contract. As CSRs perform their duties, CQA will use ECaSE to collect the data and paradata and send it to the database centers for storage.
Role |
Responsibility/Authority |
Rosanne Tingley, Dan Wellwood, Charles Fowler, DCEO |
Manages the 2018 E2E Census Test study plan and assessment report. |
Kevin Zajac, DCEO Contact Center Management Lead |
Subject Matter Expert |
GDIT CQA 2018 E2E Census Test Team |
Develops the data collection system and disseminates data for the assessment reports. |
Rachel Gliozzi, Sarah Konya, Michael Bentley, DSSD |
Develops the statistical content of the study plan. Evaluates the data and paradata from the 2018 E2E Census Test and prepares the assessment report. |
Sheila Proudfoot, DCEO ADC -- CQA |
Reviews and approves the study plan. |
Reviews the plan and coordinates the review with the DROM Working Group. |
Decennial Research Objectives and Methods (DROM) Working Group |
First-level management review of the study plan. |
DPMO/2020 PMGB |
Reviews the plan at the portfolio governance level. |
The 2018 End-to-End Census Test schedule includes study plan development prior to the test and the assessment report after the test. All activity IDs start with “18CQA-“ on the master schedule.
Activity ID |
Activity Name |
Orig Duration |
Start |
Finish |
CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
First Draft |
10130 |
Prepare First Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
5 days |
3/23/2017 |
6/12/2017 |
10140 |
Distribute First Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Census Test Operational Assessment Study Plan to the Assessment Sponsoring DCMD ADC and Other Review ers |
1 day |
6/23/2017 |
7/21/2017 |
10150 |
Incorporate DCEO ADC – CQA and Other Comments to CQA 2018 End-to-End Census Test Operational Assessment Study Plan |
5 days |
7/21/2017 |
7/25/2017 |
Initial Draft |
10155 |
Prepare Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Census Test Operational Assessment Study Plan |
5 days |
7/21/2017 |
7/27/2017 |
10165 |
Distribute Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan to Evaluations & Experiments Coordination Branch (EXCB) |
1 day |
7/27/2017 |
7/27/2017 |
10175 |
EXCB Distributes Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to- End Operational Assessment Study Plan to the DROM Working Group for Electronic Review |
1 day |
7/27/2017 |
7/27/2017 |
10185 |
Receive Comments from the DROM Working Group on the Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Census Test Operational Assessment Study Plan |
1 day |
8/10/2017 |
8/10/2017 |
10205 |
Discuss DROM Comments on Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
11 days |
8/10/2017 |
8/23/2017 |
Final Draft |
10215 |
Prepare Final Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
30 days |
8/25/17 |
11/02/17 |
Activity ID |
Activity Name |
Orig Duration |
Start |
Finish |
10225 |
Distribute Final Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan to the DPMO and the EXCB |
1 day |
11/02/17 |
11/02/17 |
10230 |
Discuss Final Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan w ith the 2020 PMGB |
10 days |
11/02/17 |
11/15/17 |
10245 |
Incorporate 2020 PMGB Comments for CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
5 days |
11/15/17 |
11/30/17 |
10350 |
Prepare FINAL CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan |
1 days |
11/30/17 |
11/30/17 |
10255 |
Distribute FINAL CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Study Plan to the EXCB |
1 day |
11/30/17 |
11/30/17 |
CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
First Draft of Assessment Report |
00620 |
Deliver CQA Call Center Data to DSSD |
5 days |
8/1/18 |
8/7/18 |
10410 |
Prepare First Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
15 days |
9/04/18 |
9/24/18 |
10415 |
Distribute First Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report to the Assessment Sponsoring DCMD ADC and Other Review ers |
1 day |
9/25/18 |
9/25/18 |
10425 |
Incorporate DCMD ADC and Other Comments CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
5 days |
9/26/18 |
10/02/18 |
Initial Draft of Assessment Report |
10530 |
Prepare Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
10 days |
10/03/18 |
10/17/18 |
10440 |
Distribute Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report to Evaluations & Experiments Coordination Br. (EXCB) |
1 day |
10/18/18 |
10/18/18 |
10450 |
Distributes Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report to the EXCB - DROM Working Group for Electronic Review |
1 day |
10/18/18 |
10/18/18 |
10460 |
Receive Comments from the DROM Working Group on the Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
10 days |
10/19/18 |
11/01/18 |
Activity ID |
Activity Name |
Orig Duration |
Start |
Finish |
10470 |
Discuss DROM Comments on Initial Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
11 days |
11/02/18 |
11/19/18 |
Final Draft of Assessment Report |
10480 |
Prepare Final Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
25 days |
11/20/18 |
12/26/18 |
10490 |
Distribute Final Draft of CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report to the DPMO and the EXCB |
1 day |
12/27/18 |
12/27/18 |
10500 |
Discuss Final Draft CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report w ith the 2020 PMGB |
10 days |
12/28/18 |
1/11/19 |
10510 |
Incorporate 2020 PMGB Comments for CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
10 days |
1/14/19 |
1/28/19 |
Final Assessment Report |
10540 |
Prepare FINAL CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report |
15 days |
1/29/19 |
2/19/19 |
10520 |
Deliver FINAL CQA 2018 End-to-End Operational Assessment Report to the EXC |
0 days |
2/19/19 |
2/19/19 |
None at this time.
Role |
Electronic Signature |
Date |
Author’s Division Chief (or designee) |
Luis Cano |
12/07/17 |
Sheila Proudf oot |
11/30/17 |
DROM DCMD co-executive sponsor (or designee) |
DROM DSSD co-executive sponsor (or designee) |
Associate Director for R&M (or designee) |
Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs (or designee) |
2020 PMGB |
v. 1.0/Rachel Gliozzi |
07/27/2017 |
First Draft |
v. 1.0/Rosanne Tingley |
11/01/2017 |
Final Draft for PGMB |
v. 1.0/Rosanne Tingley |
12/08/17 |
Changes to title and approval table |
Acronym |
Definition |
Assistant Division Chief |
Census Questionnaire Assistance |
Customer Service Representative |
Decennial Contracts Execution Office |
Decennial Census Management Division |
Decennial Program Management Office |
Decennial Statistical Studies Division |
Decennial Research Objectives and Methods Working Group |
Decennial Statistical Studies Division |
E2E |
End to End |
Evaluations & Experiments Coordination Branch |
Interactive Voice Response |
Census Test Nonresponse Followup |
Portfolio Management Governing Board |
R&M |
Research & Methodology Directorate |
Telephone Questionnaire Assistance |
Nichols, E., Eggleston, C., Horwitz, R., & Konya, S. (2017). Plan for February 2017 Small Scale Mail Testing (SMarT). Decennial Census Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau.
U.S. Census Bureau (2016). 2020 Census Detailed Operational Plan for 17. Census Questionnaire Assistance (CQA) Operation. Decennial Census Management Division, U.S. Census Bureau.
Zajac, Kevin (2012). 2010 Census Telephone Questionnaire Assistance Assessment Report. Decennial Statistical Studies Division, U.S. Census Bureau.
U.S. Census Bureau (2017). 2020 Census Questionnaire Assistance Phase 1B – 2018 End-to-End Census Test Detailed System Design. Decennial Contracts Execution Office, U.S. Census Bureau.
U.S. Census Bureau (2017). 2020 Census Questionnaire Assistance Quality Scoring Standards. Decennial Contracts Execution Office, U.S. Census Bureau.
This table contains the frequently asked questions by callers to CQA.
Category/ Topic |
Title |
Keywords |
Content |
Address |
English: "What do I do if my online questionnaire has the wrong address?" |
English, FAQ, Online, Wrong, Address, ADDx |
If the address shown on the screen is not your address, select ‘No’ and then type in your User ID again. You will be able to provide your correct address. |
Address |
English: "What if there is more than one housing unit (such as house, apartment, mobile home) at the same address but there is no unit designation (house/apartment/buildin g/unit/lot number) on the online questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Incomplete, Address, ADDx |
If your address is not complete or correct as it appears on the screen, select 'No' and then type your User ID again. Youwill be able to enter your complete address. |
Address |
English: "What if there is more than one housing unit (such as house, apartment, mobile home) at the same address?" |
English, FAQ, Multiple, Units, ADDx |
If your address does not appear correct on the screen, select 'No' and then type your User ID again. You will be able to enter your complete address. Or, I can take your information now. |
Address |
English: "What if this address is nonresidential?" |
English, FAQ, Nonresidential, Vacant. Empty, Business, ADDx |
If the address is nonresidential (such as a business or vacant lot) and no one lives or stays at that address, then do not complete the questionnaire. A census worker will visit to verify that the address is nonresidential and remove the address from the census address list.
If you receive additional letters or survey requests, please ignore them. |
Address |
English: "I live at two different addresses during the year. How should I respond?" |
English, FAQ, Snowbird, Vacation Home, Two, addresses, Moved, ADDx |
If you moved residences this year, you should answer the census at the place where you lived on April 1, 2018.
If you goback and forth betweenresidences, you should answer the census at your usual residence, that is the place where you live and sleep most of the time. If you are not sure, answer the census using the address of the place where you were staying on April 1, 2018.
If you receive questionnaires, lettersor postcards for the address that is not your usual residence, I can take your information now for that address or you can respond |
online for that place to indicate that you do not live there. |
Address, Paper |
English: "What do I do if my paper questionnaire has the wrong address?" |
English, FAQ, Paper, Wrong, Address, ADDx, PPRx |
I cantake your information now. You will be able to provide your correct address and complete the survey by phone. |
Address, Paper |
English: "What if there is no apartment, unit, suite, building, or lot number on the paper questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Incomplete ,Address, ADDx, PPRx |
I cantake your information now. You will be able to provide your complete address. Or you may complete and send in the questionnaire for your unit. |
AdminRecords |
English: "How are administrative records used?" |
English, FAQ, Administrative, Records, ADMINx |
The Census Bureau is researching ways to use information that households have already provided to the government so that you do not have to provide the same information again. This would make it easier for you and lower the cost of conducting the census. |
AdminRecords |
English: "I live or stay in military barracksor base housing. Why wasn't I selected to participate in this test?" |
English, FAQ, Military, Barracks, Base, Housing, Not Selected, ADMINx |
People who live or stay in military barracks and base housing are not included in this census test. The Census Bureau plans to count personnel living or staying in military barracks and base housing using administrative records. |
Authority |
English: "What is the OMB Number?" |
English, FAQ, OMB, Number, AUTHx |
The eight-digit OMB approval number is xxxx- xxxx. |
Authority, Objection |
English: "What authority does the Census Bureau have to collect my information?" |
English, FAQ, Authority, Collect, Information, AUTHx, OBJx |
We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193. This collection of information has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
You are not required to respond to this survey if it does not display a valid OMB approval number. The eight-digit OMB approval number is xxxx-xxxx. |
Benefit |
English: "How will our community benefit from the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Community, Benefit, BENx, |
Responding to the 2018 Census Test helps ensure your community is counted in the 2020 Census. Census data are used to distribute federal and state funds for projects in your community, including funds for education and transportation. |
Benefit |
English: "Will any results be available from the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Results, BENx, |
Yes. Though official counts will result from the 2020 Census, some data products will be createdduring the 2018 Census Test. |
Benefit |
English: "Why are you asking about name(s)?" |
English, FAQ, Names, BENx, |
We ask for names in case we need to contact someone to ask about incomplete, inconsistent, or missing information on the questionnaire. This information is never published, does not result in published estimates, and is carefully protectedto respect the personal information of respondents. |
Benefit |
English: "Why are you asking about the people at this address?" |
English, FAQ, People, Address, BENx |
Establishing an accurate count is critical for determining how many representatives a state should have in Congress, and population counts are factoredinto the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars from more than 100 federal programs. |
Benefit |
English: "How is homeownership data used?" |
English, FAQ, Homeownership , Home, Owner, BENx, |
The answer to this question helps local, state, tribal, and federal governments make decisions about housing programsand planning. In addition, homeownership rates are an indicator of the state of the nation’s economy. |
Benefit |
English: "How is data on males and females used?" |
English, FAQ, Males, Females, Gender, BENx |
Many federal programsuse data on males and females for funding, implementing, and evaluating their program. Lawspromoting equal employment opportunity for women are one example. This information also can be important for analyzing social and economic trends. |
Benefit |
English: "How is date of birth data used?" |
English, FAQ, Birth, Date, Birthday, BENx, |
Many funding and planning decisions are based on age-relatedstatisticsand trends. For example, the federal government uses them to decide how to allocate education funds and to project the healthcare needs of the older population and veterans. State and local governments use them to determine age- relatedneeds, such as a need to increase school system resources due toan increase in the population of school-aged children. |
Benefit |
English: "How is race and ethnicity data used?" |
English, FAQ, Race, Ethnicity, BENx, |
A question about race and ethnicity is asked because these data are required for federal and state programs and are critical factorsin the basic researchbehind numerous policies, particularly for civil rights.
These data are also used to promote equal employment opportunities and to address disparities in health and environmental risks. |
Benefit |
English: "Why do you need to know about other places where I live or stay?" |
English, FAQ, Live, Stay, BENx, |
It is important to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.
Establishing an accurate count is critical for determining how many representatives a state should have in Congress, and population counts are factoredinto the distribution of hundreds of billions of dollars from more than 100 federal programs. |
Benefit |
English: "Why does the Census Bureau need to know my race and ethnicity?" |
English, FAQ, Race, Ethnicity, BENx, |
A question about race and ethnicity is asked because these data are required for federal and state programs and are critical factorsin the basic researchbehind numerous policies, particularly for civil rights.
These data are also used to promote equal employment opportunities and to address disparities in health and environmental risks. |
Benefit, Objection |
English: "How will the 2018 Census Test benefit me personally?" |
English, FAQ, Personal, Benefit, BENx, OBJx |
Responding to the 2018 Census Test helps the Census Bureau plan for a cost-effective and accurate 2020 Census. The 2020 Census data will be used to determine how many representativesyour state has in the U.S. Congress and how your community is represented in your state legislatures and local school boards. Census data are also used to distribute federal and state funds for projects in your community (including funds for education and transportation). |
Bilingual |
English: "What languages will the Census Questionnaire Assistance (CQA) Centers provide assistance for?" |
English, FAQ, Language, Assistance, BILx |
In addition to English, we provide assistance in Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Russian, Tagalog (tah-GAH-lawg), and Vietnamese. |
Bilingual |
English: "Will there be a bilingual questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Bilingual, Questionnaire, BILx |
You will be able to respond online in English or Spanish. Or we can provide assistance over the telephone in English, Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Russian, Tagalog (tah-GAH-lawg), and Vietnamese. |
Bilingual |
English: "Why did I receive a bilingual questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Multi-language, Questionnaire, BILx |
Our goal is to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place, including respondents who may need a version of the questionnaire in a language other than English in order to provide an accurate response. |
CensusTest |
English: "What is the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Define, Test, 18CTx |
The 2018 Census Test will allow the Census Bureauto test and validate new methods for the 2020 Census. |
CensusTest |
English: "Where are you conducting the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Test, Where, Locations, Pierce, Rhode, Oak, 18CTx |
The 2018 Census Test will take place in three locations, covering more than 700,000 housing units in total. The test locations are: Pierce County, Washington; Providence County, Rhode Island; and the Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, West Virginia area. |
CensusTest |
English: "What is Census Dayfor the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Census Day, April, 18CTx |
Census Day for the 2018 Census Test is April 1, 2018. You should fill out the census questionnaire based on the people in the household as of April 1, 2018. Even if you are filling out the questionnaire a few days before or a few days after Census Day, your answers should include information about people living in your household on April 1, 2018. |
CensusTest |
English: "Why was I selected for the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Test, Selected, 18CTx |
The Census Bureau chose your address, not you personally, as part of a randomly selected sample. Your address was selected to represent similar households in your area. |
Confidential, Objection |
English: "Are my responses confidential?" |
English, FAQ, Responses, Confidential, Privacy, Private, PRVx, OBJx |
Yes. We take our responsibility to protect your information very seriously. The law puts in place very stringent measures to protect your information. The Census Bureau is not permittedto publicly release your responses in a way that could identify you or your household. By law, the Census Bureaucan only use your responses toproduce statistics. Your information is also protectedfrom cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. All web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy.
Optional: We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Sections 141 and 193. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United States Code, Section 9). For more information about how we protect your information, please visit our website at census.gov and click on “Data Protection and Privacy Policy” at the bottom of the home page. |
Confidential, Objection |
English: "How is the privacy of respondents protected?" |
English, FAQ, Privacy, Protected, Secure, PRVx, OBJx |
The Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. The Census Bureau is not permittedto publicly release your responses in a waythat could identify you or your household.
Optional: Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protectedfrom cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. Disclosure of the information provided is permittedunder the Privacy Act of 1974 (Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 552a) and may be shared among Census Bureaustaff for work-related purposes. This information may also be disclosed for the published routine uses identified in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice COMMERCE/CENSUS-5, Decennial Census Program. For more information about how we protect your information, please visit our website at census.gov and click on “Data Protection and Privacy Policy” at the bottom of the home page. |
Confidential, Objection |
English: "Is my information protected?" |
English, FAQ, Safe, Online, Protected, Secure, Personal, PRVx, OBJx |
Yes, your information is protected. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential (Title 13, United States Code, Section 9). By law, the Census Bureaucan only use your responses to produce statistics.
Optional: Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protectedfrom cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. For more information about how we protect your information, please visit our website at census.gov, and at the bottom of the home page, click on “Data Protectionand Privacy Policy." In addition, all web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy. |
ContactCenter |
English: "I was trying to reachthe hearing impaired number. Can you help me?" |
English, FAQ, Deaf, Hearing, Impaired, TTY, TDD, CCx |
The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 844 467 2020. The lines are open every day from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. Eastern Time. |
ContactCenter |
English: "Where are you located?" |
English, FAQ, CQA Location, Located, CCx |
Our phone lines are answered out of several locations in the United States.
If you are pressedfor a more specific answer: |
“I’m sorry, but I am unable to provide an exact location. We are located within the continental United States.” |
ContactCenter |
English: Extended Wait Time |
English, FAQ, Delay, Hold, Wait CCx |
I apologize for the extended delay. We are experiencing a higher than normal call volume at this time. How may I help you? |
ContactCenter |
English: "What are your hours?" |
English, FAQ, Hours, Open, CCx |
We are available to assist you 7 days a week. Call 1-844-330-2020 betweenthe hours of 7am and 12am Eastern Time. The telephone call is free. |
Count |
English: "Should I count people who don’t live or stay here most of the time?" |
English, FAQ, Count, Temporary, Not Permanent, CNTx |
Include all people who live and sleep there most of the time. Also include people who are staying there on April 1, 2018, who have no permanent place to live.
Also, if a person cannot determine where they live and sleep most of the time, then they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Who should be included on the questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Count, Permanent, Live, CNTx |
The person filling out the questionnaire should include information about all household members who live and sleep at the address most of the time, including themselves. They should also include people who are staying there on April 1, 2018, who have no permanent place to live.
Also, if a person cannot determine where they live and sleep most of the time, then they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Does the census count babies and very young children?" |
English, FAQ, Babies, Children, CNTx |
Children of all ages, even newborns, who are born on or before April 1, 2018 are counted at their usual residence where they live and sleep most of the time. Babies born on or before April 1, 2018 should be counted at the residence where they will live and sleep most of the time, even if they are still in the hospital on April 1, 2018.
If a usual residence cannot be determined, they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Where does the census count a person who is just sleeping or staying at an address and does not have a usual residence anywhere?" |
English, FAQ, No Residence, Homeless, CNTx |
Adults and children who do not have a usual residence where they live and sleep most of the time, or who cannot determine a usual residence, should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Where should children in shared custody agreementsbe counted?" |
English, FAQ, Custody, Divorced, Separated, CNTx |
Children in shared custody or other arrangements, wholive at more than one residence, should be counted at the residence where they live and sleep most of the time. If time is equally divided, or a usual residence cannot be determined, they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Does the census count the children of roommates, housemates, roomers, or boarders?" |
English, FAQ, Roommates, Housemates, CNTx |
The children of roommates, housemates, roomers, and boarders should be counted at their usual residence, which is the place where they live and sleep most of the time. If a usual residence cannot be determined, they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Should a grandchild be counted at an address even if their mom or parent does not live or stay there?" |
English, FAQ, Grand, Grandchild, CNTx |
All children, including babies, should be counted at their usual residence where they live and sleep most of the time, even if the mom or parent does not live and sleep at the same address most of the time.
If a usual residence cannot be determined, they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Count |
English: "Does the census count foster children?" |
English, FAQ, Foster, Children, CNTx |
Foster children should be counted at their usual residence where they live and sleep most of the time.
If a usual residence cannot be determined, they should be counted where they are staying on April 1, 2018. |
Date |
English: "What is the due date for completing/returning the questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Due, Date, DATx |
Please respond as quickly as possible to help the Census Bureau save taxpayer money and avoid follow up visits by a Census Bureau worker.
Optional: You can respond any time between March 19, 2018 and August xx, 2018. Or with your help, I can take your information over the phone right now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Date |
English: "Do I fill out the questionnaire if I'm moving out before April 1st or if the unit will be vacant on April 1, 2018?" |
English, FAQ, Moving, Sold, Moved, Vacant, DATx |
Do not complete the questionnaire if you are moving out before April 1, 2018. The 2018 Census Test counts people where they live on April 1.
If you know that no one will be living or |
staying there on April 1, 2018, then I cantake that information over the phone now with a brief interview. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Date |
English: "Why do we ask about April 1, 2018?" |
English, FAQ, Census Day, April, DATx |
Every respondent is asked about the same day so that the results are consistent. Census Day is April 1, 2018. |
Definition |
English: "What is the U.S. Census Bureau?" |
English, FAQ, Define, USCB, Census Bureau, DEFx |
The Census Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Census Bureau's mission is to serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, share our expertise globally, and conduct our work openly. We are guided on this mission by scientific objectivity, our strong and capable workforce, our devotion to research-based innovation, and our abiding commitment to our customers. |
Definition |
English: "What does the Census Bureau do?" |
English, FAQ, Responsibility, Goal, USCB, Census Bureau, DEFx |
The Census Bureau collects data about the nation's people, places, and economy. Our goal is to provide the best mix of timeliness, relevancy, quality, and cost for the data we collect and services we provide.
The Census Bureau also conducts an economic census and a census of governments every five years ending in twoand seven, a multitude of periodic and one-time surveys, and releases reports on key economic indicators. |
Definition |
English: "What is the decennial census?" |
English, FAQ, Define, Decennial, Ten Years, 10, DEFx |
The decennial census counts eachperson in the country, where they live on April 1, every ten years ending in zero. The last census was in 2010, and the next census will be in 2020.
Optional: The Constitution mandatesthe census or population count to help determine how to apportion the House of Representativesamong the states. |
Definition |
English: "Why does the census happen every 10 years?" |
English, FAQ, Decennial, Why, Ten Years, 10, DEFx |
The Constitution of the United States, Article 1, Sections 2 and 9, directs that a census or population count be taken every 10 years. Throughout the decade, we conduct research and testing to inform design decisions for the next census.
Optional: The decennial census program also includes the American Community Survey, an ongoing survey of a sample of U.S. households, conducted each month. |
Definition |
English: "What is self- response?" |
English: FAQ, Define, Self- Response, DEFx |
"Self-response” is a census term that describes when someone completes his or her census questionnaire via the internet, on paper, or over the telephone. Self-response, particularly via the Internet, is significantly less expensive than having a Census Bureauinterviewer visit your home to collect the information. |
Definition |
English: "What is the American Community Survey?" |
English, FAQ, Define, ACS, Survey, DEFx |
During past censuses, we sent some households a short questionnaire and some households a longer questionnaire. During the last census, we sent everyone the short questionnaire.
Because the information on the long- questionnaire was so valuable to communities and businesses, we started sending it out every year to about 3 million households and we call it the American Community Survey. This way, that very valuable information is available every year rather than only every ten years. |
Definition, AdminRecords |
English: "What are administrative records?" |
English, FAQ, Define, Administrative, Records, DEFx, ADMINx |
Administrative records are records collected by other government agenciesin order to run or administer a program. This includes information you provide to the US Postal Service, the Social Security Administration, or the Internal Revenue Service. |
Error |
English: "Can I make corrections to a submitted online questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Online, Corrections, Error, Mistake, ERRx |
I'm sorry; there is no way that we can correct the information you provided for your household. |
Error, Paper |
English: "How do I correct an error on my paper questionnaire before I mail it?" |
English, FAQ,Paper, Corrections, Error, Mistake, ERRx |
If the error is in a writtenanswer, carefully draw a line through the incorrect entry and write the correct information as close as possible to the entry you crossed out. This way, the person who reviews it will know what you intended.
If you checked the wrong box, just draw a line through it and mark the correct box for the question.
Or, if you prefer, I cantake your information over the phone right now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
General |
English: "Can I get paid to complete this questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Paid, GENx |
You cannot get paid to complete the questionnaire. |
General |
English: "Why can’t you use my answers from the 2010 Census questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Previous, Answers, 2010, GENx |
Some questions and response categoriesfrom the 2010 Census may not match the current versions. |
General |
English: "Where do I find my User ID?" |
English, FAQ, User ID, GENx |
Your User ID can be found on your questionnaire, letter, and postcard. |
General |
English: Political Commentary |
English, FAQ, Political, Commentary, GENx |
Thank you for sharing your concerns. Is there something else I may help you with?” |
HomeVisit |
English: "Will census workers come to my door?" |
English, FAQ, Home Visit, In Person, Workers, Door, HOMx |
Census workers may need to visit your household to update the Census Bureau’s address list, ask follow-up questions about your responses, deliver a questionnaire or ask you to complete the questionnaire face-to- face. |
HomeVisit |
English: "I returned my completed questionnaire but a census worker still visited my home. Why?" |
English, FAQ, Returned, Completed, Worker, Visit, HOMx |
Thank you for your participation. A census worker may have been assigned to visit your address before your questionnaire was received. We want to limit census worker visits to your home, so we may ask the census worker to collect your information even if you are sure your response has been submitted.
Optional: When your response is received, we will remove any duplicates. |
HomeVisit |
English: "What if I'm not home when the census worker visits?" |
English, FAQ, Not Home, Away, Visits, HOMx |
If you are not at home, the census worker will leave a Notice of Visit that will tell you how to respond to census online or by calling a toll- free number.
Please respond quickly to help the Census Bureausave taxpayer money. |
HomeVisit |
English: "What will happen if the Census Bureaudoes not receive the questionnaire I submitted?" |
English, FAQ, Not Received, Submitted, HOMx |
If we do not receive your response online, by phone, or by mail, a Census Bureau interviewer may come to your home to collect the information.
With your help, I can take your information over the phone right now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Legal |
English: "Is there a fine for not responding?" |
English, FAQ, Fine, Consequence, LAWx |
Both Title 13 and Title 18, of the U.S. Code, provide penalties if people do not respond. However, the Census Bureau's job is to encourage people to respond because it is important, not because they could be fined. We work to help people understand how an accurate census benefits them, and offer many opportunities and tools to respond.
Optional: Title 18, U.S. Code, beginning at Section 3551, the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984, establishes uniform penalties for all federal crimes. Title 13, U.S. Code, Section 221, makes it a misdemeanor torefuse or willfully neglect to complete the questionnaire or answer questions posed by census workers and imposes a fine of not more than $100. This fine was changedby the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 from $100 to not more than $5000. |
Legal, Objection |
English: "Do I have to respond to the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Required, Mandatory, OBJx, LAWx |
The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept completely confidential. By law, the Census Bureaucan only use your responses to produce statistics. If you do not respond, we will need to send a census worker to your home to collect the information. |
OfferEnumerati on |
English: "I am having computer/internet problems. Can you help me?" |
English, FAQ, Tech, Computer, Internet, Problems, ENUMx |
If you'd like, I can take your information over the phone now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
OfferEnumerati on |
English: "I'm having trouble completing the questionnaire online." |
English, FAQ, Online, Difficult, Too Hard, ENUMx |
I’m sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with the online questionnaire. Would you like me to take your information and complete it now? It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
OfferEnumerati on |
English: "I do not have a computer/internet, can you take my information?" |
English, FAQ, No Computer, No Internet, ENUMx |
Yes, I would be happy to take your information over the phone now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
OfferEnumerati on |
English: "I cannot complete my response online now." |
English, FAQ, Online, Busy, No Time, ENUMx |
It only takes a few minutes to collect your information and I am happy toassist you with that process now. However, if you would prefer to wait, you are welcome to call us back on any day between 7 a.m. and 12 a.m. Eastern Time. |
OfferEnumerati on |
English: "Can I respond on the Internet?" |
English, FAQ, Respond, Online, Internet, ENUMx |
Yes, you can respond online by going to survey dot census dot gov (survey.census.gov). Or with your help, I can take your information over the phone right now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Outbound |
English: "Does the Census Bureaumake outbound calls?" |
English, FAQ, Outbound, Calls, OUTx |
Yes, the Census Bureaumakes calls to support some of the hundreds of surveys conducted each year.
Optional: We have three contact centers across the United States that support these efforts. For confidentiality purposes, our interviewers are instructed to speak with a specific person, or an adult in the household. The interviewers must verify that the telephone number, address, or name they have reachedis the correct telephone number, housing unit (such as house, apartment, mobile home, etc.), or the sample person for the case. After the appropriate information has been verified, the interviewer is allowed to provide: The name of the survey or operation, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) number that authorizes the Census Bureau to collect the data, whether or not the survey or operation is mandatoryor voluntary, and how long the average interview takes. |
Outbound |
English: "Can you tell me why someone from the Census Bureau called me today?" |
English, FAQ, Outbound, Call, Why Called, OUTx |
It is possible that you were called as part of a reinterview, or follow-up process, or for another survey. |
Outbound |
English: "I got a call about the questionnaire I recently submitted, is this legitimate?" |
English, FAQ, Outbound, Calls, Legitimate Call, OUTx |
It is possible that you were called as part of a reinterview, or follow-up process. If you are contacted, the caller should be able to provide a Case ID, the caller’sname, and why he or she is contacting you. |
Paper |
English: "What do I use to fill out the questionnaire - pen or pencil?" |
English, FAQ, Pen, Pencil, PPRx |
Please fill out the questionnaire with a blue or black ink pen. Please do not use a pencil. |
Paper |
English: "Why do census workers have iPhones/handheld computers instead of paper questionnaires?" |
English, FAQ, iPhone, Handheld, Paper, PPRx |
Using handheld computers/iPhones allows the Census Bureau to reduce costs. Some census workers will use a handheld device to access maps, update addresses, and collect information from households. This technology allows us to reduce the amount of time census workers are in the field, increasing productivity and saving money. |
Paper |
English: "Can you mail me a questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Request, Paper, Options, PPRx |
I'm sorry, we cannot mail you a questionnaire, but you do have other options. You can respond online at survey.census.gov.
Or, if you'd like, I can take your information now. It'squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes. |
Paper |
English: "Why are there no paper questionnaires?" |
English, FAQ, No Paper, Reasons, Low Cost, PPRx |
The U.S. Census Bureauis minimizing the use of the traditional paper questionnaire in favor of faster and more cost-efficient methods, such as self-responding using the internet. If you are unable toaccess the internet (or are uncomfortable doing so) you are encouraged to provide your information over the phone.
Optional: With your help, I can complete the survey over the phone right now. It’squick and easy and only takes about 10 minutes! |
Paper |
English: "Can you send me a paper questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Request, Paper, Future Mailing, No Computer, PPRx |
The U.S. Census Bureauis minimizing the use of paper questionnaires in favor of faster and more cost-efficient methods, such as responding online. If you do not want to respond online or over the phone, we will mail out questionnaires in early April. |
Questionnaire |
English: "Who should complete the questionnaire? Can anyone help?" |
English, FAQ, Complete, Proxy, QUESx |
This questionnaire should be completed by someone who is at least 15 years old, who lives in your household, and knows about the people in the household. If the residents of the household are physically unable to provide information, and you are 15 years or older, and are knowledgeable about the address, please complete the questionnaire for the household.
Or with your help, I can take the information over the phone right now. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Questionnaire |
English: "How long will it take to complete the questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, How Long, 10 Minutes, QUESx |
The U.S. Census Bureauestimatesthat completing the questionnaire will take 10 minutes on average. |
Questionnaire |
English: "Why doesn’t the race and ethnicity question include more categories?" |
English, FAQ, Race, Ethnicity, Categories, QUESx |
The U.S. Census Bureaucollects race and ethnicity data based on the Office of Management and Budget standards on race and ethnicity. The groups are based on self- identification; the categoriesare not an attempt to define race and ethnicity biologically, anthropologically, or genetically. |
Questionnaire |
English: "What questions will be asked?" |
English, FAQ, Type, Questions, QUESx |
For each household, we will ask how many people are living or staying at this address, and for each person we will ask about his or her name, sex, age, date of birth, relationship, and race and ethnicity. We also will ask whether the housing unit (such as house, apartment, mobile home) is owned or rented, and for contact information in case additional information is needed. |
Questionnaire |
English: "What if I lost my return envelope?" |
English, FAQ, Lost, Envelope, Return, QUESx |
If you would like, I can take your information now. Otherwise, please mail your completed questionnaire to:
U.S. Census Bureau National Processing Center 1201 East 10th Street Jeffersonville, IN 47132. |
Questionnaire |
English: "Why does the census questionnaire have room for only six people?" |
English, FAQ, 6, People, QUESx |
Given the small number of households with more than six people, it is less expensive for the Census Bureau tofollow-up with those households than it is toproduce a questionnaire with space for more than six people. |
Questionnaire |
English: "If I have more than six people in my household, where do I put the information?" |
English, FAQ, 6+, >6, People, QUESx |
If you have more thansix people in your household, you will be able to provide the names, sex, age/date of birth, and relationship for up to 4 additional people on the last page of your questionnaire. The best way to provide accurate information for households with more than six people is to respond online or over the phone. I can take that information now if you would like me to. It’squick and easy. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. |
Questionnaire |
English: "Why do you need my name?" |
English, FAQ, Name, Alias, QUESx |
In order to complete the questionnaire, we need to have a name for each individual. This name is used to ensure we count everyone once, only once, and in the right place, and in case someone must be contactedto verify information in a follow-up operation.
Optional: If you are uncomfortable providing your name, please enter a nickname or description so that we will know who each question refers to. |
Questionnaire |
English: "What if I have more than one last name?" |
English, Multiple, Last, Names, Suffix, Jr., Sr., QUESx |
Provide your legal name. If you use Junior or Senior, include your last name and the suffix in the Last Name(s) field. |
Questionnaire, Status |
English: "I completed my census questionnaire over the phone. Will I receive a confirmation for completing my census questionnaire over the phone?" |
English, FAQ, Confirmation, QUESx |
Unfortunately, we can't provide a confirmation. Thank you for completing your survey over the phone. |
Referral |
English: "Where can I write to complain, or if I have a concern?" |
English, FAQ, Complaint, Write, Concern, REFx |
For comments about the 2018 Census Test, write to:
Paperwork Reduction Project xxxx-xxxx, U.S. Census Bureau - DCMD-2H174 4600 Silver Hill Road Washington, DC 20233
Or email: 2020.census.paperwork@census.gov and type “Paperwork Reduction Project xxxx- xxxx” in the subject line. |
Referral |
English: "I have a question about another government agencyor department. Can you help me?" |
English, FAQ, Government, Agency, Department, REFx |
For information about other government agencies, please visit www.USA.govor call 1- 800-FED-INFO or 1-800-333-4636. |
Referral |
English: "How do I apply for a job to work on the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, Employment, Job, Work, REFx |
Starting in Spring 2017, the Census Bureau beganrecruiting for temporaryfull and part- time positions in support of the 2018 Census Test. More information is available on www.census.gov. |
Referral |
English: "Where can I find more information on the census for a research paper?" |
English, FAQ, Infographics, History, Student, Research, REFx |
The best place to find information for your researchpaper is www.census.gov. At this website, you will be able to find data on population, the economy, education, housing, and employment, as well as photos, infographics, press releases, and a complete history of the decennial census. |
Reminder |
English: "Why does the Census Bureau send out so many reminders and notifications?" |
English, FAQ, Reminders, Notifications, Postcard, Letter, REMx |
We remind you often because responding early saves taxpayer money. Sending a Census Bureauinterviewer to your home to collect your information is more expensive. |
Reminder |
English: "I submitted my completed questionnaire online, but I'm still receiving mailings/postcards. Why?" |
English, FAQ, Completed, Online, Reminders, Postcard, Letter, REMx |
Thanks so much for submitting your questionnaire. The mailing you receivedmay have been sent before we received your response. I appreciate you following up, but don't worry, you don't need to do anything else since you alreadysubmitted the questionnaire. |
Reminder |
English: "I completed my questionnaire over the phone with CQA, but I'm still receiving mailings/postcards." |
English, FAQ, Completed, Phone, Reminders, Postcard, Letter, REMx |
Thank you for your participation. This mailing may have been sent before your response was received. No other action is required. |
Reminder |
English: "I returned my complete questionnaire via mail, but I'm still receiving mailings/postcards. Why?" |
English, FAQ, Returned, Paper, Reminders, Postcard, Letter, REMx |
Thank you for your participation. This mailing may have been sent before your response was received. No other action is required. |
Secure |
English: "Is it safe to complete this survey online?" |
English, FAQ, Safe, Online, SECx |
Yes, responding online is safe. The U.S. Census Bureauis required by law to protect your information.
Optional: Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, your data are protectedfrom cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems that transmit your data. For more information about how we protect your information, please visit our website at census.gov, and at the bottom of the home page, click on “Data Protectionand Privacy Policy." In addition, all web data submissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy. |
Secure, HomeVisit |
English: "How will I know if someone is an official census worker?" |
English, FAQ, Workers, Door, Verify, Official, SECx, HOMEx |
All census workers carryofficial government badges which they are required to show you before asking any questions. |
Secure, HomeVisit |
English: "Is the information collectedon iPhone/handheld computers secure?" |
English, FAQ, iPhone, Handheld, Secure, SECx, HOMx |
Yes. If you do not respond online, by paper or by phone, we send a census worker to your home to make sure you are counted. That census worker will use a smartphone to collect your information. Your responses are protectedby a suite of security measures.
Optional: We take our responsibility to protect your personal information extremelyseriously and we strictly abide by the laws that protect your information. As soon as the census worker collects your answers and hits send, the information doesn't stay on the device. When your responses get into our IT network, they are protected by a suite of security measures. |
Secure, HomeVisit |
English: "What happens to my information if the handheld computer/iPhone is lost?" |
English, FAQ, iPhone, Lost, SECx, HOMx |
As soon as the census worker collects your answers and hits send, the information doesn't stay on the device. When your responses get into our IT network, they are protectedby a suite of security measures. The data are encrypted and cannot be accessed by somebody who does not have authorization from the U.S. Census Bureau. |
Secure, Objection, ContactCenter |
English: "How do I know you work for the Census Bureau?" |
English, FAQ, Verify Identity, Scam, Legitimate, OBJx, SECx, CCx |
I understand your concern for the security of your information. To verify that you have reachedthe U.S. Census Bureau, you may visit www.census.gov/2018censustest for a complete listing of our toll-free phone numbers.
This page also provides you with additional information about the 2018 Census Test, such as our goals and methods, and a link to the online survey. |
Status |
English: "Have you received my census questionnaire in the mail?" |
English, FAQ, Check, Status, Paper, Mail, STATx |
We do not currently have the ability to check the status of your census questionnaire. If you returned the questionnaire in the envelope we provided, thank you! |
Status |
English: "Have you received my online census questionnaire?" |
English, FAQ, Check, Status, Online, STATx |
Thank you for completing your survey online. We do not currently have the ability to check the status of your census questionnaire.
Optional: If you were not presented with a confirmation page, return to survey dot census dot gov, complete the survey, and press submit. You can also use the "Generate PDF" button to print the page for your records. |
Surveys |
English: "Why did I receive a questionnaire for the 2018 Census Test and a questionnaire from the American Community Survey or some other Census Bureau survey?" |
English, FAQ, ACS, Survey, SRVx |
The Census Bureau conducts many ongoing surveys, including the American Community Survey. If you receive both questionnaires, please respond to both. |
Surveys |
English: "Will the American Community Survey be conducted during the 2018 Census Test?" |
English, FAQ, ACS, Conducted, SRVx |
Yes. The American Community Survey will be conducted during the 2018 Census Test. |
Surveys |
English: "Are there other censuses or surveys being conducted by the Census Bureau?" |
English, FAQ, Other, Surveys, SRVx |
There are testing activities throughout the decade to prepare for the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau also conducts other censuses and surveys, including the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, the Current Population Survey and over 100 others. |
Surveys |
English: "Why did I receive a census questionnaire in a non-census year?" |
English, FAQ, Received, Non- Census Year, SRVx |
During non-census years, the Census Bureau conducts several censuses and surveys, including the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, the Current Population Survey and over 100 others. |
Surveys, CensusTest |
English: "What is the difference between the 2018 Census Test and the American Community Survey?" |
English, FAQ, Compare, ACS, Census Test, SRVx, 18CTx |
The 2018 Census Test is a one-time survey that helps the Census Bureau prepare for the 2020 Census. The American Community Survey is an annual survey that collects more detailed information by contacting a sample of the population. |
SystemDown |
English: ISR Unavailable- External |
English, FAQ, Website, down, Unavailable, ISR, SYSx |
I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience, but the website for the online questionnaire is currently unavailable. We are working on the issue and hope to have it resolved quickly. In the meantime, I recommend that you continue trying to accessthe website. |
SystemDown |
English: ISR Unavailable- Internal |
English, FAQ, System, Down, Unavailable, ISR, DCT, SYSx |
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am not able to access the questionnaire at this time. We are working on the issue and hope to have it resolved quickly. Could you call back at a later time? |
This section lists the IVR messages that will be used in Phase 1B testing. The answers to frequently asked questions are shaded in gray.
Message ID |
English Text |
Spanish Text |
Exit Code |
English Word Count |
Test line to validate word count |
6 |
2500 |
Main Menu. For Frequently Asked Questions aboutthe 2018 Census Test Questionnaire, say Questionnaire or press 1. If you are unable to complete your Census Questionnaire online or would like to provide your information over the phone, say Help or press 2. |
"Menú principal". Si desea escuchar las preguntas frecuentes sobre el cuestionario de laPrueba del Censo del 2018, diga "Cuestionario" o presione 1. Si no puede completar su cuestionario del censo por internet o desea proporcionar su información por teléfono, diga "Ayuda" o presione 2. |
3000 |
42 |
2504 |
At any time, for help with another question say question or press 7. To go back to the Main Menu, say Main Menu or press 8. |
En cualquier momento, diga "Pregunta" o presione 7 para recibir ayuda con otra pregunta. Pararegresar al menú principal, diga "Menú principal" o presione 8. |
2505 |
I am sorry but due to technical difficulties, ourrepresentatives cannot assistwith completingthequestionnaire right now. Please call back duringour business hours of 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern Time. |
Lo siento, pero debido a dificultades técnicas, nuestros representantes no pueden ayudar a completar el cuestionario en este momento. Vuelva a llamar durante nuestro horario de atención, de 7 a. m. a 9 p. m., hora del este. |
2002 |
33 |
2506 |
To go back to the previous menu, say ‘go back’ or press the starkey. |
Para regresar al menú anterior, diga‘regresar’ o presione la tecla delasterisco. |
15 |
2510 |
For information about mailings received or obtaining areplacement questionnaire, say Mailing orpress 1. For general information about the Census say General or press 2. For help with a question on the Census questionnaire say Help or press 3. For information about Census data confidentiality or the Census Bureau's Authority to collect this information say Authority or press 4. |
Para recibir información sobre lacorrespondencia queha recibido u obtener un cuestionario de reemplazo, diga "Correspondencia" o presione 1. Para recibir información general sobre el censo, diga "Información general" o presione 2. Para recibirayuda con una de las preguntas del cuestionario del censo, diga "Ayuda" o presione3. Para recibir información acerca de la confidencialidad de los datos censales o la autoridad de la Oficina del Censo para recopilar esta información, diga "Autoridad" o presione 4. |
1000 |
60 |
2520 |
To request a new Census questionnaire, say Questionnaire or press 1. If you responded, butcontinue to receive mailings from the Census Bureau, say Mailings or press 2. If you lost the return envelope for the Census questionnaire, say Envelope orpress 3. For concerns aboutthe number of reminders and notifications you h a v e received, say Notifications or press 4. |
Para solicitar un nuevo cuestionario del censo, diga "Cuestionario" o presione 1. Si usted ya respondió pero continúa recibiendo correspondencia de parte de la Oficina del Censo, diga "Correspondencia" o presione 2. Si se le extravió el sobre de devolución para el cuestionario del censo, diga "Sobre" o presione 3. Si tiene alguna inquietud acerca de la cantidad de recordatorios y notificaciones que harecibido, diga "Notificaciones" o presione 4. |
1100 |
60 |
2521 |
I'm sorry, we cannotmail you a questionnaire, butother options include responding online at survey.census.gov. Or, a representative could takeyour information now which would take about 10 minutes. |
Lamentablemente, no podemos enviarleun cuestionario por correo, pero tiene otras opciones como responder por internet en survey.census.gov. O un representante podría tomar su información ahora, lo cual tomaría unos 10 minutos. |
1101 |
30 |
2522 |
Thanks for your participation. This mailingmay have been sent before your response was received. |
Gracias por su participación. Es posible que hayamos enviado esta correspondencia antes de que recibiéramos su respuesta. |
1102 |
2523 |
The 2018 Census Test allows the Census Bureau to testand validate new methods for the 2020 Census. We remind you often because responding early saves taxpayer money. Sending a Census Bureau interviewer to your home to collect your information is more expensive. |
La Prueba del Censo del 2018 le permitirá a la Oficina del Censo probar y validar nuevos métodos para el Censo del 2020. Le enviamos recordatorios con frecuencia porque responder temprano ahorra el dinero de los contribuyentes. Enviar a un entrevistador de la Oficina del Censo a su hogar para recopilar su información es más costoso. |
1103 |
43 |
2524 |
If your postage-paid envelope is lostor missingfromyour package, you can mail your completed questionnaire to: United States Census Bureau National Processing Center, 1201East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132. Alternatively, you could provide your questionnaire information onlineat survey.census.gov orprovide your information to a representative right now over the phone. |
Si el sobre con franqueo pagado se extravió o no está en su paquete, puede enviar su cuestionario completado por correo a: United States Census Bureau National Processing Center, 1201 East 10th Street, Jeffersonville, IN 47132. De otra forma, puede proporcionar la información de su cuestionario por internet a través de survey.census.gov o le puede proporcionarsu información a un representante ahora mismo por teléfono. |
1104 |
55 |
2540 |
For more information aboutthe 2018 Census Test, say 2018 or press 1. For help finding your User ID, say User ID orpress 2. To find out if you are required to respond to the 2018 Census Test, say Required or press 3. To find out if there is a fine fornot responding, say Fine or press 4. To find outwhyyou were selected for the 2018 Census Test, say Why Me or press 5. |
Para obtener más información sobre la Prueba del Censo del 2018, diga "2018" o presione 1. Para obtener ayuda para encontrarsu identificación de usuario, diga "Identificación de usuario" o presione 2. Para averiguar si se requiere que usted respondaa la Prueba del Censo del 2018, diga "Se requiere" o presione 3. Para averiguar si hay una multa porno responder, diga "Multa" o presione 4. Para averiguar por qué fue seleccionado para la Prueba del Censo del 2018, diga "Por qué yo" o presione 5. |
1200 |
78 |
2541 |
The 2018 Census Test allows the Census Bureau to testand validate new methods forthe 2020 Census. Youranswers should include information aboutpeople living in your household on Census Day, April 1, 2018. |
La Prueba del Censo del 2018 le permitirá a la Oficina del Censo probar y validar nuevos métodos para el Censo del 2020. Sus respuestas deben incluir la información de las personas que vivan en su hogar el Día del Censo, 1 de abril de 2018. |
1201 |
35 |
2542 |
The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept completely confidential. By law, the Census Bureau can only use your responses to produce statistics. If you do not respond, we will need to send a census worker to your home to collect the information. |
El censo es tan importante que la ley requiere que usted responda y sus respuestas se mantienen completamente confidenciales. Por ley, la Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solamente para producir estadísticas. Si usted no responde, tendremos que enviar a un empleado del censo a su hogar para recopilar la información. |
1202 |
52 |
2543 |
The United States Census Bureau chose your address, not you personally, as part of a randomly selected sample. Your address was selected to represent a cross section of households in your area. |
La Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos seleccionó su dirección, no a usted personalmente, como parte de una muestra seleccionada al azar. Su dirección fue seleccionada para representar varios hogares en su área. |
1203 |
32 |
2544 |
Both Title 13 and Title 18, of the United States Code, provide penalties if people do not respond. However, the Census Bureau's job is to encourage people to respond because it is important, not because they could be fined. We work to help people understand how an accurate census benefits them, and offer many opportunities and tools to respond. |
Tanto el Título 13 como el Título 18 del Código de los Estados Unidos imponen sanciones si las personas no responden. Sin embargo, el deber de la Oficina del Censo es motivar a las personas a responder porque es importante y no porque puedan ser multadas. Trabajamos para ayudar a las personas a entender cómo un censo preciso las beneficia y ofrecemos muchas oportunidades y herramientas para responder. |
1204 |
59 |
2545 |
Your 12-digit User ID can be found within the body of the letter you received from the Census Bureau preceded bythe word “User ID” or below the barcode on the postcard or paper Questionnaire. |
Su identificación de usuario de 12 dígitos se encuentra en la parte principal de la carta que recibió de la Oficina del Censo, luego de la frase "identificación de usuario", o debajo del código de barras en la tarjeta postal o en el cuestionario impreso. |
1205 |
35 |
2560 |
If you received a questionnaire or letter at a nonresidential address, say Nonresidential or press 1. Forinformation about moving out on or before April 1st, say Move Out orpress 2. For information about who should complete the Census Questionnaire, say Who Should Complete or press 3. For information about the people you should include on your Census Questionnaire, say People orpress 4. For information about race and ethnicity, say Race or press 5. |
Si recibió un cuestionario o una carta en una dirección no residencial, diga "No residencial" o presione 1. Para recibir información sobre las personas que se mudan el 1 de abril o antes, diga "Mudarse" o presione 2. Para recibir información acerca de quién debe completar el cuestionario del censo, diga "Quién debe completar" o presione 3. Para recibirinformación acerca de las personas que usted debe incluiren su cuestionario del censo, diga "Personas" o presione 4. Para recibir información acerca de raza y origen étnico, diga "Raza" o presione 5. |
1300 |
76 |
2561 |
The 2018 Census Test counts people where they live or stay on April 1, 2018. Do not complete the questionnaire if you are moving out before April 1, 2018. |
La Prueba del Censo cuenta a las personas donde vivan o se estén quedando el 1 de abril de 2018. No complete el cuestionario si usted se va a mudar antes del 1 de abril de 2018. |
1301 |
29 |
2562 |
If the address is nonresidential (such as a business or vacantlot) and no one lives or stays at that address, then do not complete the questionnaire. A census worker will visit to verify that the address is nonresidential and remove the address from the census address list. If you receive additional letters or survey requests, please ignore them. |
Si la dirección no es residencial (como un negocio o un lote vacante) y nadie vive o se queda en esa dirección, entonces no complete el cuestionario. Un empleado del censo lo visitará para confirmar que la dirección no es residencial y quitar la dirección de la lista de direcciones del censo. Si recibe cartas o solicitudes de encuesta adicionales, ignórelas. |
1302 |
59 |
2563 |
The Census Bureau collects race and ethnicity data based on the Office of Management and Budget standards on race and ethnicity. The groups are based on self-identification; the categories are not an attempt to define race and ethnicitybiologically, anthropologically, or genetically. Mark all boxes that apply AND print ethnicities in the spaces below. You may report more than one group. |
La Oficina del Censo de los EE. UU. recopila datos de raza y origen étnico basándose en los estándares sobre raza y origen étnico de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto. Los grupos están basados en la autoidentificación; las categorías no son un intento de definir la raza y el origen étnico de forma biológica, antropológica o genética. Marque todas las casillas que correspondan yescriba los orígenes étnicos en los espacios que aparecen debajo. Puede reportar más de un grupo. |
1303 |
61 |
2564 |
A person who either owns or rents the living quarters should complete the questionnaire. However, it may be filled out by any household member who is at least 15 years of age. |
Una persona que sea dueña o alquile la vivienda debe completar el cuestionario. Sin embargo, puede completarlo cualquier miembro del hogar que tenga por lo menos 15 años de edad. |
1304 |
32 |
2565 |
The person filling out the questionnaire should include information about all household members who live and sleep at the address most of the time, including him or herself. Also include people who are either staying there on April 1, 2018, who have no permanent place to live or cannotdetermine where they live and sleep most of the time. |
La persona que complete el cuestionario debe incluir información sobre todos los miembros del hogar que vivan y duerman en esa dirección la mayor parte del tiempo, incluyéndose a sí misma. También se deben incluir a las personas que se estén quedando ahí el 1 de abril de 2018 que no tengan un lugar permanente donde vivir o que no puedan determinar dónde viven y duermen la mayor parte del tiempo. |
1305 |
59 |
2580 |
To find outabout the Census Bureau's authority to collect this information, say Authorityor press 1. For information about the online safety and privacy of completingyour Census questionnaire, say Online or press 2. To find out aboutthe confidentiality of the Census information you provide, say Confidentiality or press 3. |
Para averiguar sobre la autoridad que tiene la Oficina del Censo para recopilar esta información, diga "Autoridad" o presione 1. Para recibir información acerca de la seguridad y la privacidad al completar el cuestionario del censo en línea, diga "En línea" o presione2. Para averiguar sobre la confidencialidad de la información censalque usted proporcione, diga "Confidencialidad" o presione 3. |
1400 |
52 |
2581 |
The Census Bureau is conductingthis survey under the authority of Title 13, U.S. Code, Sections 141 and 193. This collection of information has been approved bythe Office of Management and Budget (OMB). You are not required to respond to this survey if it does not display a valid OMB approval number. The eight-digit OMB approvalnumber is 0607-0999. |
La Oficina del Censo está realizando estaencuesta en conformidad con el Título 13, Código de los Estados Unidos, secciones 141 y 193. Esta recopilación de información ha sido aprobada por la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto (OMB, por sus siglas en inglés). Usted no tiene la obligación de responder a esta encuestasi no se muestra un número de aprobación válido de la OMB. El número de aprobación de laOMB de ocho dígitos es 0607-0999. |
1401 |
60 |
2582 |
Responding online is safe. The U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2015, yourdata are protected from cybersecurity risks through screening of the systems thattransmit your data. For more information abouthowwe protect your information, please visit our website at census.gov, and at the bottom of the home page, click on “Data Protection and Privacy Policy." In addition, allweb datasubmissions are encrypted in order to protect your privacy. |
Responder porinternet es seguro. La Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos está obligada por ley a proteger su información. En conformidad con la Leypara el Fortalecimiento de la Seguridad Cibernética Federal del 2015, sus datos están protegidos contra los riesgos de seguridad cibernética mediante los controles aplicados a los sistemas quetrasmiten su información. Para más información acerca de cómo protegemos su información, visite nuestro sitio web census.gov y, en la parte inferiorde la página principal, haga clic en “Data Protection and Privacy Policy”. Además, todos los datos que se envían por internet son cifrados para proteger su privacidad. |
1402 |
84 |
2583 |
Your information is protected. Federal law protects your privacy and keeps your answers confidential(Title 13, United States Code, Section 9). By law, the Census Bureau can onlyuse your responses to produce statistics. |
Su información está protegida. La ley federal protege su privacidad y mantiene confidenciales sus respuestas (Título 13, Código de los Estados Unidos, sección 9). Por ley, la Oficina del Censo puede usar sus respuestas solamente para producirestadísticas. |
1403 |
34 |
2600 |
To speak with a representative, sayrepresentative or press 0. |
Para hablar con un representante, diga representante o presione 0. |
1110 |
10 |
2601 |
To repeat this again, say Repeat orpress 6. |
Si desea que repita, diga Repita o presione 6. |
1XXX X-Context |
9 |
2602 |
To provide your Census Questionnaire information rightnow over the phone, say Provide Information or press 5. |
Para proporcionar su información del cuestionario del censo ahora mismo por teléfono, diga "Proporcionar información" o presione 5. |
1X99 X-Context Menu |
17 |
2603 |
For assistance fromoneof ourrepresentatives, say representative or press 0. |
Para asistencia de uno de nuestros representantes, diga Representante o presione 0. |
12 |
2604 |
If you have another question and would like to continue using our automated system, say Question or press 7. |
Si tiene otra pregunta ydesea continuar usando nuestro sistema automatizado, diga "Pregunta" o presione 7. |
2605 |
If you are finished, say Exit orpress 9. |
Si ha terminado, diga Salir o presione 9. |
2610 |
I am sorry; I did notget your response. |
Lo siento. No entendísu respuesta. |
3XXX |
9 |
2612 |
I am sorry; an invalid entrywas made. Please try again. |
Lo siento. Se hizo una anotación que no es válida. Inténtelo de nuevo. |
3XXX |
11 |
2615 |
Okay, can you please provide your User ID. |
Muy bien, ¿puede proporcionar su identificación deusuario? |
8 |
2620 |
Please say or enter your 12-digit User ID one digit at a time. |
Por favor, diga o presione su identificación de usuario de 12 dígitos, un dígito a la vez. |
1X98 X-Context Menu |
13 |
2621 |
That was |
Usted me dijo |
1XXX |
2 |
2623 |
If you don't knowyour User ID, please say don'tknow or press the pound key. |
Si no sabe su identificación de usuario, diga “No sé” o presione la teclanumeral. |
1X97 X-Context Menu |
16 |
2630 |
Is that correct? Say Yes or press 1, otherwise say No or press 2. |
¿Es correcto? Diga Sí o presione 1. De otro modo, diga No o presione2. |
1X96 X-Context Menu |
14 |
2650 |
Thank you for contacting the United States Census Bureau. Goodbye. |
Gracias por comunicarse con la Oficina del Censo de los Estados Unidos. Hasta luego. |
1999 |
10 |
Outbound |
English Only |
4000 |
2 |
4000 |
This is the United States Census Bureau. Please return our call at |
4001 |
and refer to case number |
4010 |
Our business hours are 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern Time. |
4020 |
Thank you. Goodbye. |
CI/RI Outbound Dialed Call Disposition Rules
The table below presents the case status update rules to be applied assuming the case is active in CRM.
Outbound Dialed Call Agent Disposition Rules – Unsuccessful Attempt and Closed
Agent Desktop Disposition Name |
Description |
Disposition Category: Unsuccessful Attempt |
Answ ering Machine – Left Message |
Interview er connected to voice mail or answ ering machine and left message |
Answ ering Machine – No Message Left |
Interview er connected to voice mail or answ ering machine and did not leave message *Note: Thisisfor interviewer left message only |
Call Disconnected – Disconnect |
Interview er hung up – bad connection |
Call Disconnected – Immediate Hang Up |
Interview ee hung up – no progress |
Call Disconnected – Refusal |
Interview ee hung up – refused to be interview ed |
Call Disconnected – FAX |
Interview er detected fax machine*
* Note: Most will be dispositioned by the Dialer, but occasionally calls will be sent to Interviewersif the Fax Tonesdon’t come in within 2.5 seconds. |
Language Barrier – Non-English |
Household determined to be unknow n or other language – could not communicate |
Will Call Back (CI and RI) |
Interview ee indicated they w ill call back |
No Qualified Respondent |
Qualified Respondent not reached – no callback scheduled |
Interview Started - Not Completed |
Respondent w as qualified but interview w as not completed |
Callback – Alternate Phone Number (CI only) |
Callback scheduled w ith alternate number |
Callback – Scheduled (CI only) |
Callback scheduled for primary telephone number |
Technical Error |
There w as a technical error experienced during the call, w hether pre- interview or post-interview. |
None Selected or “-“ |
The agent did not select a disposition |
Agent Desktop Disposition Name |
Description |
Disposition Category: Closed |
Case Already Closed |
Case closed before the Dialer and Agent Desktop performed their sync process |
Case Closed per Instrument |
Dialer/CRM had case as active but instrument indicated case w as closed. Previous interview er did not disposition call properly as “Interview Completed” |
No One on Roster Lives at Address |
Qualified Respondent no longer lives at Address |
Interview Completed |
Interview successfully completed |
Reached Wrong Address |
Wrong address reached |
Call Disconnected – Aggressive Refusal |
Interview ee hung up – refused to be interview ed and w as very agitated and/or aggressive |
Language Barrier-TDD or TTY |
Household identified as requiring TDD/TTY communication *Note: Thisisonly if an Interviewer speaksto a non-qualified respondent at the household and isthen told that the Qualified Respondent needsa TDD/TTY machine to communicate. |
CI Respondent Callback Disposition Rules
The table below presents the case status update rules to be applied by CRM for CI Respondent Callbacks. Please note that the RI Operation will not allow Respondent Callbacks.
Table 1: CI Respondent Callback Disposition Rules – Unsuccessful Attempt and Closed
Agent Desktop Disposition Name |
Description |
Disposition Category: Unsuccessful Attempt |
Case Not Found |
Case could not be found by Case ID or telephone number search |
Case Already in Use |
Case is already open in Agent Desktop |
Call Disconnected – Disconnect |
Interview er hung up – bad connection |
Call Disconnected – Immediate Hang Up |
Interview ee hung up – no progress |
Call Disconnected – Refusal |
Interview ee hung up – refused to be interview ed |
Call Disconnected – FAX |
Interview er detected fax machine*
* Note: Most will be dispositioned by the Dialer, but occasionally calls will be sent to Interviewersif the Fax Tonesdon’t come in within 2.5 seconds. |
Language Barrier – Non-English |
Household determined to be unknow n or other language – could not communicate |
Agent Desktop Disposition Name |
Description |
Will Call Back |
Interview ee indicated they w ill call back |
No Qualified Respondent |
Qualified Respondent not reached |
Interview Started - Not Completed |
Respondent w as qualified but interview w as not completed |
Technical Error |
There w as a technical error experienced during the interview . (Instead of agent interpreting w hether interview w as completed, keep the case open.) |
None Selected or “-“ |
The agent did not select a disposition |
Disposition Category: Closed |
Case Already Closed (applies since cannot attempt a RC w hen the case is closed) |
Respondent calls back after the case has been closed |
Case Closed per Instrument |
Dialer/CRM had case as active but instrument indicated case w as closed. Previous interview er did not disposition call properly as “Interview Completed” |
No One on Roster Lives at Address |
Qualified Respondent no longer lives at Address |
Interview Completed |
Interview successfully completed |
Reached Wrong Address |
Wrong address reached |
Call Disconnected – Aggressive Refusal |
Interview ee hung up – refused to be interview ed and w as very agitated and/or aggressive |
Language Barrier-TDD or TTY |
Household identified as requiring TDD/TTY communication *Note: Thisisonly if an Interviewer speaksto a non-qualified respondent at the household and isthen told that the Qualified Respondent needsa TDD/TTY machine to communicate. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | 2018 End-to-End Census Test: Census Questionnaire Assistance Operational Assessment Study Plan, Version 1.0 |
Author | Rachel Gliozzi (CENSUS/DSSD FED) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |