Goat 2019
Animal Health Monitoring System
Centre Ave, Bldg B
Collins, CO 80526
Number 0579-0354
expires: xxxx
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1.0 hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected.
Farm ID: |
Collector name and phone number: |
Interview Date: |
Start Time: |
(6 digits) |
(mm/dd/yy) |
(hh:mm) |
1. During the previous 12 months, were members of the general
public invited onto the farm other than to the home? a101 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 1 = No, do not administer the questionnaire. Go to the Office Use Section and select response code 6.]
2. Did the public have access to areas or facilities on the farm that
house or contain animals, feed, manure, or farm equipment? a102 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 2 = No, do not administer the rest of the questionnaire. Go to the Office Use Section and select response code 6.]
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid
OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this
information collection is 0579-0354. The time required to complete
this information collection is estimated to average 45 minutes per
response, including the time to review instructions, search existing
data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the
information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to
a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection
is 0579-0326. The time required to complete this information
collection is estimated to average 1.0
hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search
existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collected.
For the purposes of this questionnaire, members of the general public that are invited onto this farm are considered “visitors.” This includes individual visitors as well as organized groups, whether or not the visitors are charged admission.
3. How many days of the month, for each month, did visitors have access to the facilities on the farm that housed or contained animals, feed, manure, or farm equipment? What was the average number of visitors for each month?
Number Average number of
of days visitors per month
a. September 2018 a103/a115 _____ d _____ #
b. October 2018 a104/a116 _____ d _____ #
c. November 2018 a105/a117 _____ d _____ #
d. December 2018 a106/a118 _____ d _____ #
e. January 2019 a107/a119 _____ d _____ #
f. February 2019 a108/a120 _____ d _____ #
g. March 2019 a109/a121 _____ d _____ #
h. April 2019 a110/a122 _____ d _____ #
i. May 2019 a111/a123 _____ d _____ #
j. June 2019 a112/a124 _____ d _____ #
k. July 2019 a113/a125 _____ d _____ #
l. August 2019 a114/a126 _____ d _____ #
4. Was there designated parking for visitors away from the
regular farm traffic? a127 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 4 = No, SKIP to question 7.]
5. Was the parking area downhill from any animal facilities, manure
storage areas, or crop fields that were fertilized with animal manure? a128 1 Yes 3 No
6. Did the parking area share a fence line with
an animal pen or pasture? a129 1 Yes 3 No
7. During the previous 12 months, did visitors have access to the following areas of the farm?
a. Milking areas a130 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA
b. General goat housing areas a131 1 Yes 3 No
c. Kidding areas a132 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA
d. Feed or hay storage areas a133 1 Yes 3 No
e. Manure piles/storage areas a134 1 Yes 3 No
8. Could runoff from the manure pile or goat pens have entered
areas where visitors had access? a135 1 Yes 3 No
9. During the previous 12 months, what goat types, and other animals,
were available for public visitation? For available animals, were visitors allowed
to touch the animals, and were visitors allowed in the animal pens?
If Yes,
Visitors Visitors
Available for allowed allowed
public visitation? to touch? in pens?
a. Newborn kids (≤1 day of age) a136/a142/a148 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
b. Preweaned kids a137/a143/a149 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Weaned kids a138/a144/a150 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Does that are kidding a139/a145/a151 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
e. Other adult goats a140/a146/a152 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
f. Other animal species
(specify: __________) a141oth a141/a147/a153 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
10. During the previous 12 months, did dogs or cats have access to visitor areas?
If Yes, were they vaccinated against rabies?
If Yes,
Animal Vaccinated
Present? against rabies?
a, Dogs a154/a156 1 Yes 3 No 1Yes 3 No 4 DK
b. Cats a155/a157 1 Yes 3 No 1Yes 3 No 4 DK
11. Is there a clearly defined transition area (physical or conceptual)
between animal and non-animal areas, as pictured on reference card 1? a158 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 11 = No, SKIP to question 13.]
12. Is this transition area marked by signage visible and easily understood
by visitors, including what is expected of them in the animal area? a159 1 Yes 3 No
13. Is each visitor group escorted through goat visitor areas
by a guide? a160 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 13 = Yes, SKIP to question 16.]
14. Are there employees available throughout the goat visitor areas
to answer animal questions and direct visitors? a161 1 Yes 3 No
15. How do visitors typically move through the goat visitor areas?
[Check one only.] a162
1 One-direction flow of visitor traffic
2 Controlled movement in more than one direction
(e.g., directed two-way traffic)
3 Visitors move freely through the areas with no restrictions
4 Other (specify: ____________________) a162oth
16. Does this farm require any of the following policies?
If policies are used, are there signs present?
Are the policies verbally communicated?
If Yes,
Policy Signage Verbally
Policy used? present? Communicated?
a. Prohibit any food, drinks, or water
in the animal areas a163/a169/a175 1
No 1
No 1
b. Prohibit strollers in the animal
areas a164/a170/a176 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Prohibit smoking in the barn a165/a171/a177 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Require supervision of children
in animal areas a166/a172/a178 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
e. Require that hands be
washed after contact with
animals a167/a173/a179 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
f. Require use of footbaths a168/a174/a180 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
17. Does this farm warn visitors regarding the following risks?
If warnings are given, are there signs present and/or
are the warnings verbally communicated?
If Yes,
Signage verbally
Risks Warnings given? present? communicated?
a. Risk of placing anything in
the visitor’s mouth once entering
animal areas? a181/a185/a189 1
No 1
No 1
b. Health risks related to
touching animals? a182/a186/a190 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
c. Physical safety risks related to
touching animals? a183/a187/a191 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
d. Higher health risks in certain
populations (e.g., children under
the age of 5, adults over the age
of 65, those immunocompromised,
and pregnant women) a184/a188/a192 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No 1 Yes 3 No
18. Are visitors allowed to feed goats? a194 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 18 = No, SKIP to question 21.]
19. Which of the following methods do visitors use to feed the goats?
a. Hand or bottle feed from outside the pen and through the fence a201 1 Yes 3 No
b. Hand or bottle feed inside the pen a202 1 Yes 3 No
c. Feed placed in a one-way feeding tube a203 1 Yes 3 No
d. Other (specify: ___________________________) a204oth a204 1 Yes 3 No
20. Are high-risk populations, such as children under the age of 5,
prevented from feeding goats? a205 1 Yes 3 No
21. Are hand-washing stations with soap and water available to visitors
when they exit the goat visitor areas? a206 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 21 = No, SKIP to question 25.]
22. Do hand-washing stations have both hot and cold water? a207 1 Yes 3 No
23. On average, how frequently (times per day/per week/per month)
when visitors are present are the hand-washing stations
checked for availability of items
such as water, soap, and paper towels? a208/a209/a210 _____ OR _____ OR _____ times
per day per week per month
24. Is a checklist used for employees to know the frequency of
inspections for hand-washing areas? a211 1 Yes 3 No
25. Is hand sanitizer available to farm visitors when they exit
the goat visitor areas? a212 1 Yes 3 No
26. How many times per week are goat visitor areas cleaned
of manure and debris? a213 _____ times
27. How often are goat visitor areas routinely disinfected?
(Disinfectant could be 1:10 bleach dilution, phenolic product
(1-Stroke Environ® or SynPhenol-3™), or an accelerated hydrogen
peroxide product (Intervention™) or Lime).
[Check one only.] a214
1 After every cleaning
2 Several times per year
3 Once per year
4 Only when sick animals have been removed
5 Other frequency (specify: _________________________) a214oth
6 Never disinfected
28. Are any employees or farm personnel trained or educated on the following topics?
a. How to communicate agricultural practices to visitors a215 1 Yes 3 No
b. How to keep visitors safe in goat visiting areas a216 1 Yes 3 No
c. Disease transmission risks to visitors a217 1 Yes 3 No
d. Cleaning and disinfecting protocols a218 1 Yes 3 No
29. Is there a protocol in place to make sure employees remove animals showing
signs of illness (e.g., diarrhea, fever, coughing) from public visitation areas? a220 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 29 = No, SKIP to question 33.]
30. Was a veterinarian involved in developing this protocol? a221 1 Yes 3 No
31. Is the protocol:
a. Written? a222 1 Yes 3 No
b. Verbal? a223 1 Yes 3 No
32. How often does the protocol require that these checks for sick animals occur?
[Check one only.] a224
1 Daily
2 Weekly
3 Only on exhibit days
4 Other (specify: _________________) a224oth
33. In the last 12 months, have pregnant does been included
in the goat visitor area? a225 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 33 = No, SKIP to question 35.]
34. In the event of an abortion in the goat visitor area, would you:
[Check one only.] a226
1 Leave goats in the goat visitor area?
If Yes,
a. Are visitors prevented from contact with aborting does? a227 1 Yes 3 No
b. Is there a barrier, such as glass, to prevent shared air space
with aborting does ? a228 1 Yes 3 No
2 Remove aborting doe from the goat visitor area?
If Yes, is contaminated bedding also removed? a229 1 Yes 3 No
3 Close the goat visitor area
4 Other (specify: _________________________) a226oth
35. In the event of at least one goat becoming ill in the goat visitor area
with something other than abortion (for example, diarrhea), which action would be taken? Would you:
[Check one only.] a230
1 Leave kids or goats in the area(s) open to visitors?
If Yes, are visitors prevented from contact with sick goats? a231 1 Yes 3 No
2 Remove sick animal(s) from the area(s) open to visitors?
3 Close the goat visitor area?
4 Other (specify: ________________________________) a231oth
36. Is any food or drink available for visitors as samples or to purchase? a232 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 36 = No, SKIP to question 44.]
37. Is food and drink served in an area where animals have ever been
kept or where there is possible contact with animals? a232 1 Yes 3 No
38. Are any unpasteurized products served, such as milk,
cheese, yogurt, or fruit juice? a233 1 Yes 3 No
39. Are hand-washing stations with soap and water available to farm
visitors at the entry to the food service area? a234 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 39 = No, SKIP to question 41.]
40. For these hand-washing stations:
a. Are visitors required to wash their hands prior to eating? a236 1 Yes 3 No
b. Are there signs reminding visitors to wash their hands prior to eating? a237 1 Yes 3 No
c. Are there signs indicating where visitors can wash their hands? a238 1 Yes 3 No
41. Is hand sanitizer available to visitors in the food service area? a239 1 Yes 3 No
42. Do employees who handle the animals also serve food or drink to visitors? a240 1 Yes 3 No
[If question 42 = No, SKIP to question 44.]
43. Between
handling animals and serving food or drink to visitors,
employees required to:
a. Change clothing? a241 1 Yes 3 No
b. Change footwear? a242 1 Yes 3 No
c. Wash hands? a243 1 Yes 3 No
d. Wear disposable gloves? a244 1 Yes 3 No
44. a. Have you met with an insurance agent about protecting your
farm through policies for an agritourism operation? a245 1 Yes 3 No
b. If Yes, have you added policies specific to public
visitation on your farm? a246 1 Yes 3 No
Office Use Only
Farm ID: |
Collector name and phone number: |
Interview date: |
Ending time: |
(6 digits) |
(mm/dd/yy) |
(hh:mm) |
1. Total time for interview (include time to discuss the program and
complete the questionnaire). If more than one data collector present,
enter the combined time tmin _____ min
2. Enter response code 99 if questionnaire is completed or enter
04 or 07 to best describe the reason why the owner
is not participating notpart _____ code
99 = Survey completed
04 = Does not want to do another survey or divulge information
06 = Not eligible
07 = Other reason (explain below)
3. Which of the following best describes the respondent’s position
with this operation? pos _____ code
1 = Owner
2 = Manager
3 = Family member (other than owner or manager)
4 = Other hired employee
5 = Other (specify: _______________________________) posoth
4. Producer data quality dqual 1 Good to excellent 2 OK 3 Poor
5. Did the respondent use written or computerized records to
assist in answering this survey? rec 1 Yes 3 No
Comments regarding this questionnaire or operation:
VMO or AHT signature: ___________________________________________________
Field data quality fqual 1 Good to excellent 2 OK 3 Poor
Agritourism Reference Card 1- Transition Area
(Adapted from NASPHV Animal Contact Compendium Committee 2013. Compendium of
measures to prevent disease associated with animals in public settings, 2013. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 2013;243:1270–1288.)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-15 |