Form ED-900 General Application for EDA Programs

Application for Investment Assistance


Implementation Grant Applications

OMB: 0610-0094

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OMB Number: 0610-0094
Expiration Date: 09/30/2018

ED-900 – General Application for EDA Programs
A. Applicant Information
A.1. EDA Application Identifier (if available):
A.2. Please identify all applicants for this project:

Expiration Date

Fiscal Year
End Date

Lead Applicant
Co-Applicant 1

B. Project Information
B.1. Provide a geographical definition of the region to be served by the investment (project),
including the specific geographic location of the project within the region.

B.2. Describe and outline the scope of work for the proposed EDA investment, including a list
of tasks to be undertaken.

B.3. Economic development needs
B.3.a. Does the region in which the project will be located have a Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy (CEDS)?

If Yes, what is the source?


If No, then please check one:
B.3.a.i. An alternate strategic planning document that governs this investment is attached.
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B.3.a.ii. This investment is to develop a "strategy grant" to develop, update or refine a CEDS.
N/A – Not Applicable
B.3.b. Describe the economic conditions of your region. Define the economic development need to be
addressed by the proposed EDA investment and explain how the proposed investment will address
that need.

B.4. Applicant’s capability
Briefly describe the applicant’s capability to administer, implement, and maintain the project.

B.5. List and describe the strategic partners and organizations to be engaged in this project

B.6. Describe the investment (project) impact and fit with EDA funding priorities

B.7. Identify the proposed time schedule for the project

B.8. Economic impacts of the project
B.8.a. Please describe the economic impacts of the project:

B.8.b. Please identify the total estimated jobs and private investment that is expected to be
generated by this project:
Estimated Jobs Created

Estimated Jobs Retained

Estimated Private Investment

B.8.c. Please identify the source of Estimates above (check as many as apply):
Letters from Beneficiaries of the Project
Input/Output Model (e.g. IMPLAN, REMI)
Comparison to Similar Projects
Other Method (specify below)

B.9. Beneficiaries of the project


Beneficiary Name

Estimated Jobs Estimated Jobs

Private Investment


B.10. Non-EDA funding for the project
B.10.a. Are all non-EDA funds committed to the project, available as needed, and not conditioned
or encumbered in any way that would preclude their use consistent with the purpose of the

No (explain below)

B.10.b. Identify the source, nature and amount of all non-EDA funds.



Date Available



B.10.c. Does the applicant plan to seek other federal financial assistance as part of or in
connection with this project? If so, please describe the source, amount and any terms and
conditions of the funding, and when the funding will be available for use by the applicant.
Yes (explain below)


B.10.d. Please attach documentation confirming non-EDA (matching or cost share) funding:
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B.11. Justification for sole source procurement
Will you contract work to complete part or all of this project?
B.11.a. No
B.11.b. Yes

If yes, will contracts be awarded by competitive bid?
B.11.b.i. Yes
B.11.b.ii. No

If contracts will not be awarded by competitive bid, please provide a justification. A cost analysis will
be necessary when adequate price competition is lacking, and for sole source procurements.

B.12. Equipment
Will any funds be used to purchase equipment?
B.12.a. No
B.12.b. Yes

If yes, will project funding be used to install the equipment?

Please attach a list, including cost, description, purpose, and estimated useful life of any
equipment that will be purchased as a part of this project.
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C. Regional Eligibility
C.1. Region
Define the area/region that is the basis for the applicant’s claim of eligibility. EDA will review and
evaluate documentation submitted by the applicant to verify and determine eligibility.

C.2. Economic Distress
Check all that apply in establishing regional eligibility (see NOFO for more details):
C.2.A. Unemployment rate
C.2.B. Per capita income
C.2.C. Special need, including:
Substantial out-migration or population loss;
Underemployment; that is, employment of workers at less than full-time or at less skilled
tasks than their training or abilities permit;
Military base closure or realignment, defense contractor reductions-in-force, or U.S.
Department of Energy defense-related funding reductions;
Natural or other major disasters or emergencies;
Extraordinary depletion of natural resources;
Closing or restructuring of an industrial firm or loss of other major employer;
Negative effects of changing trade patterns; or
Other circumstances set forth in the applicable NOFO (please explain below).

C.3. Substantial Direct Benefit
If the project does not meet any of the criteria above, is it located in an Economic Development
District (EDD), and will it provide substantial direct benefit to residents of an area within that EDD
that does meet the distress criteria?


Which Economic Development District?

Please explain how the proposed project will provide a substantial direct benefit to this geographic
area within the EDD.

C.4. Source of data provided for regional eligibility determination
Check the box denoting what data source you used to establish eligibility:
C.4.a. The most recent ACS data published by the U.S. Census Bureau.
C.4.b. The most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics Data.
C.4.c. The most recent other federal data for the region in which the project is located (e.g., U.S.
Census Bureau or the Bureaus of Economic Analysis, Labor Statistics, Indian Affairs, etc.).
C.4.d. If no federal data are available, the most recent data available through the state government for
the region in which the project is located.

C.4.e. Other data to substantiate regional eligibility based on a "Special Need" as defined in 13 C.F.R.
§ 300.3.
Please attach a copy of the documentation used to support your claim of eligibility:
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D. Budget and Staffing
To be completed by applicants for non-construction assistance only
D.1. Budget justification

D.2. Indirect costs

D.3. Key applicant staff

E. Administrative Requirements
E.1. Civil rights
E.1.a. Does the applicant understand and agree to comply with all applicable civil rights
requirements (see 13 C.F.R. § 302.20)?

No (explain below)

E.1.b. Do identified "Other Parties" (as listed in question B.9.), businesses that will create and/or
save fifteen or more jobs as a result of the EDA project, understand and agree to comply
with all applicable civil rights requirements under 13 C.F.R. § 302.20, including the
requirement to provide signed assurances of compliance (ED-900B)?
Not Applicable (No Other Parties Identified)

E.2. Lobbying certifications


No (explain below)

Will you be able to comply with federal requirements regarding lobbying?

No (explain below)

E.3. Compliance with Executive Order 12372, State Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
Does the state in which the project will be located have a project review process that requires
submission to a Single Point of Contact (SPOC)?
E.3.a. No. Go to Question E.4
E.3.b. Yes
If Yes, does this request for EDA investment assistance meet the SPOC process
established by the state?
E.3.b.i. No

E.3.b.ii. Yes

Please explain why not

If Yes, were SPOC comments/clearance received?
E.3.b.ii.a. Yes
Please attach the comments/clearance:
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E.3.b.ii.b. No. The review period has expired and no comments were received.
E.3.b.ii.c. No. Comments have been requested but the review period has not yet expired.
Please attach evidence of your request for comments:
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E.4. Single Audit Act Requirement
E.4.a. Does the applicant understand and agree to the requirements of subpart F of 2 C.F.R. part
200 regarding federal audits?


E.4.b. Is the applicant currently audited under the Single Audit Act?
E.4.b.i. No
E.4.b.ii. Yes, If yes:
E.4.b.ii.a. What is the date of the most recent audit?
E.4.b.ii.b. Was this audit submitted to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse?


F. Requirements for Non-Governmental Applicants (Excluding Public
Universities and Certain District Organizations)
As indicated below, non-governmental applicants (excluding public universities and district organizations)
must also provide a copy of the following items, either using the Attachments form that is part of the
application package downloaded from or providing a hard copy.
F.1. Non-profit organizations must provide a current Certificate of Good Standing from the State in which
they are incorporated.
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F.2. New non-profit organization applicants must provide their Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. Nonprofits with an active EDA grant must either provide a) a revised copy of their Articles of Incorporation
or By-Laws if these have been amended or b) a statement certifying that there has been no change in
the organization’s Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws.
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F.3. Non-profit organizations must provide a resolution passed by a general purpose political subdivision of
a State (e.g., local government entity) or a letter signed by an authorized representative of a local
government acknowledging that the applicant is acting in cooperation with officials of the political
subdivision. EDA may waive this requirement for certain projects of significant regional or national
scope (see 13 CFR § 301.2(b)).
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F.4. If applying for a construction or RLF investment, an applicant must afford the appropriate general
purpose governmental authority a minimum of 15 days to review and comment on the proposed project
(13 CFR § 302.9(a)).
Will the applicant be able to provide these comments?
Not applicable, because the applicant is not applying for a construction or RLF grant
Not applicable, because this requirement has been satisfied under an existing RLF plan
No, for another reason (explain below)

Instructions for Form ED-900
A. Applicant Information
A.1. EDA Application Identifier – If EDA has previously provided an identifier for your proposal/application,
please enter that identifier here. Otherwise, leave blank.
A.2. Please identify all applicants for this project:
The Lead Applicant should be the party who is responsible for handling disbursement of funds and reporting
to EDA.
Note that registration is required of all EDA applicants and awardees. Please list the relevant
CAGE Code and expiration data for all applicants and co-applicants (if any).

B. Project Information
B.1. Define and describe the region in which the investment (project) is located
Clearly and concisely describe the region where the project will be located, including the specific geographic
location of the project within the region, as well as background on the assets of the area, which may include
clusters, and workforce, physical, educational and financial infrastructure.
B.2. Describe and outline the scope of work for the proposed EDA investment
List specific activities that will be undertaken and the specific deliverables that will be produced as a result of
this investment. The description of the proposed project must include a clear statement of the overall
purpose of the project.
Applicants for construction assistance (including design and engineering assistance) should also
include a statement of project components. Indicate if the proposed project involves the construction of a new
facility or facilities or the enlargement, expansion, renovation, or replacement of an existing facility or
facilities. Describe the existing facility and proposed project components in terms of dimensions, capacities,
quantities, etc.
Applicants for Partnership Planning Assistance should provide a narrative on the economic development
activities that will be undertaken including managing and maintaining the CEDS process.
Applicants for Short Term Planning Assistance should provide a narrative explaining how the proposed
scope of work will enhance economic development planning capacity of the identified region. Include any
relationship or collaboration with other public and private entities. Please explain how the strategy will
expand the capacity of public officials and economic development organizations to work effectively with
employers and enable the region to plan and coordinate the use of available resources to support economic
recovery and the development of a regional economy and/or develop innovative approaches to economic
revitalization in the region.
Applicants for State Planning Assistance should provide a narrative outlining the proposed scope of work
for the project. Include the relationship to any existing CEDS or similar planning processes in the region and
the goals and objectives of the proposed project.

B.3. Economic development needs
Except for grants to fund developing, updating or refining a CEDS as described in 13 C.F.R. § 303.7, the
region in which Public Works or Economic Adjustment projects will be located must have a CEDS with which
the project is consistent.
B.3.a. Does the region in which the project will be located have a Comprehensive Economic Development
Strategy (CEDS)?
If Yes, what is the source? Note: If you are unsure if your region has a CEDS, please contact your local
District Organization. In areas without a District Organization, CEDS may also be obtained at the City,
County, or State level.
If No, then please check one of the indicated options:
B.3.a.i. There is an alternate strategic planning document that will govern this investment. Please
identify the strategy and provide a copy of this planning document, either by attaching the
document to this application or submitting a hard copy.
B.3.a.ii. This investment is to create a strategy plan to develop, update or refine a CEDS. Please
explain how the strategy will expand the capacity of public officials and economic
development organizations to work effectively with employers and enable the region to plan
and coordinate the use of available resources to support economic recovery and the
development of a regional economy and/or develop innovative approaches to economic
revitalization in the region.
B.3.b. Briefly describe the economic conditions of the region described in B.1, as well as the economic
adjustment problems or economic dislocations the region has experienced (or is about to experience)
and the regional impact of these conditions. How does the project address the economic
development needs of the region and the goals and objectives of the CEDS for the region or the
alternate strategic planning document described in section b below? See 13 C.F.R. part 303.
B.4. Applicant’s capability
Briefly describe the applicant’s capability to administer, implement, and maintain the project.
B.5. List and describe strategic partners and organizations to be engaged in this project
Describe existing regional partnerships (if any) that are directly engaged in supporting the proposed project,
including a discussion of the extent of participation of government agencies, private sector interests,
education providers, non-profits, community and labor groups, workforce boards, utilities, etc.
B.6. Describe the investment (project) impact and fit with EDA funding priorities
Concisely document how the proposed project aligns with one or more of EDA’s investment priorities.
Applicants that propose projects that do not align with EDA’s investment priorities will not be as competitive
as those that do. Applicants are strongly encouraged to review EDA’s investment priorities, as outlined in
the applicable Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announcement on
B.7. Proposed time schedule for the project
Provide a proposed time schedule for completion of the project, including when (month/year) the project will
begin and end. Explain any potential issues that could affect project implementation.

B.8. Economic impacts of the project
Provide a clear and compelling justification for the long-term potential economic impact of the proposed
project, through anticipated job creation or retention, private investment leveraging, number of businesses or
collaborations supported, or other appropriate measures. All job and private investment estimates should
reflect the anticipated impact within nine years of the potential EDA investment. Applicants must attach
letters of commitment from any identified beneficiaries.
For all other measures, applicants should clearly identify the expected time frame. In all cases, applicants
must document the benefit and provide third-party data or information available to support these claims.
B.9. Beneficiaries of the project
If applicants have identified specific private sector employers that are expected to create and/or save jobs as
a result of the project, applicants should list those beneficiaries in the table provided. All job and private
investment estimates should reflect the anticipated impact within nine years of the potential EDA investment.
NAICS Code: The NAICS code for the major industry category of the beneficiary company (see for a searchable list).
Jobs Created: The number of jobs that the company expects to create as a result of the project.
Jobs Retained: The number of jobs that the company expects to retain as a result of the project.
Private Investment: The amount of private investment that the company expects to make in its business/
community as a result of the project.
Form ED-900B must be completed by each beneficiary that expects to create and/or save fifteen or more
jobs as a result of the project.
B.10. Non-EDA funding for the project
Select the appropriate response to each question. Applicants should identify the source, nature and amount
of all non-EDA funds, including in-kind contributions (non-cash contributions of space, equipment, services,
or assumptions of debt). Explain the status of all funding commitments, including the date the funds will be
available from each source, and describe any conditions or restrictions on the use of such funds. If in-kind
contributions are included, explain the basis on which they are valued. If so, please describe the source,
amount and any terms and conditions of the funding, and when the funding will be available for use by the
applicant. Please attach evidence of commitment from all funding sources. For example, if bonds are
contemplated as match, counsel opinion of the applicant’s bonding authority and eligibility of the bonds for
use as match, along with full disclosure of the type of bonds and the schedule of the applicant’s intended
bond issue, are required.
B.11. Justification for sole source procurement
Select the appropriate response to each question.
B.12. Equipment
Select the appropriate response to each question.

C. Regional Eligibility
Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance projects must satisfy regional eligibility requirements (see
NOFO for more details). This section will assist EDA in determining if the proposed project satisfies these
eligibility requirements.
Planning and Technical Assistance applications: although meeting specific distress criteria is not a prerequisite
for funding under these programs, the economic distress level of the region impacted by a project serves as the
basis for establishing the EDA share of the total cost of the project and can inform competitiveness.
Please answer all questions completely and accurately and attach explanations and supporting documentation
where applicable.
C.1. Region
Clearly define the area/region that is the basis for your claim of eligibility.
C.2. Economic Distress
Check all that apply in establishing regional eligibility (see NOFO for more details):
C.2.A. Unemployment rate: The project is located in a region that has an unemployment rate that is, for the
most recent 24-month period for which data are available, at least one percentage point above the
national unemployment rate.
C.2.B. Per capita income: The project is located in a region that has a per capita income that is, for the
most recent period for which data are available, 80 percent or less of the national average per capita
C.2.C. Special need: The project is located in a region that has experienced or is about to experience a
"Special Need" (as defined in 13 C.F.R. § 300.3) arising from actual or threatened severe
unemployment or economic adjustment problems resulting from severe short-term or long-term
changes in economic conditions, including: Substantial out-migration or population loss;
Underemployment, that is, employment of workers at less than full-time or at less skilled tasks than
their training or abilities permit; Military base closure or realignment, defense contractor reductions-inforce, or U.S. Department of Energy defense-related funding reductions; Natural or other major
disasters or emergencies; Extraordinary depletion of natural resources; Closing or restructuring of an
industrial firm or loss of other major employer; Negative effects of changing trade patterns; or other
circumstances set forth in the applicable NOFO.
C.3. Substantial Direct Benefit
A project located within an Economic Development District (EDD) that is located in a region that does not
meet the economic distress criteria set forth in section C.2 above, is also eligible for EDA investment
assistance if EDA determines that the project will be of "substantial direct benefit" to a geographic area within
the EDD that meets the distress criteria set forth in question C.2 above by providing significant employment
opportunities for unemployed, underemployed, or low-income residents of the distressed geographic area
within the EDD. If applicable, identify the EDD in which the proposed project will be located, as well as the
geographic area within the EDD that meets the economic distress criteria detailed in section C.2., and
explain how the proposed project will provide a substantial direct benefit to this geographic area within the
EDD. (See NOFO for more details.)
C.4. Source of data provided for regional eligibility determination
Check the appropriate box denoting what data source you used to establish eligibility. Please attach data
used to establish eligibility.

D. Budget and Staffing
To be completed by applicants for non-construction assistance only
D.1. Budget justification
Provide a clear budget justification that identifies how funds in each line item of the budget will be utilized to
support the proposed project. Explain the proposed use of any amounts budgeted for "Equipment,"
"Contractual," or "Other," if any, on Form SF-424A, Budget Information - Non-Construction Programs.
D.2. Indirect costs
Explain the types of indirect costs, if any, on Form SF-424A. If there are any indirect costs, please submit a
copy of the current Indirect Cost Rate Agreement that your organization has with its cognizant Federal
agency. Alternatively, applicants must provide supplemental documentation such as: a certificate of indirect
costs and acknowledgment letter from the cognizant agency, a cost allocation plan, an indirect cost rate
proposal and/or other acceptable documents under Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles,
and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) as set forth in 2 C.F.R. part 200 or relevant
procurement regulations.
D.3. Key applicant staff
Identify key applicant staff who will undertake and complete project activities. Include a description of the
knowledge, organizational experience, and expertise of individual staff members. In addition, explain how
organizational resources will be used to complete project activities. For National Technical Assistance,
Training and Research and Evaluation projects, specify which positions will be charged to the federal and
non-federal portion of the project budget.

E. Administrative Requirements
E.1. Civil rights
Select the appropriate response, providing an explanation if "no."
E.2. Lobbying certifications
All applicants for federal financial assistance must certify that federal funds have not been used and will not
be used for lobbying in connection with this request for federal financial assistance (Form CD-511). If nonfederal funds have been or are planned to be used for lobbying in connection with this request for federal
financial assistance, Form SF-LLL also must be completed. Applicants must comply with 13 C.F.R. § 302.10
regarding attorneys' and consultants' fees and the employment of expediters. This regulation requires that
applicants identify and disclose the amount of fees paid to anyone engaged to assist the applicant in
obtaining assistance under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (PWEDA), as
E.3. Compliance with Executive Order 12372, State Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
Select the appropriate response to each question, please attach any comments that have been received. If
the comment period has not yet expired or comments were not received, attach evidence of your request for
E.4. Single Audit Act Requirement
Select the appropriate response to each question.

F. Requirements for Non-Governmental Applicants (Excluding Public Universities
and Certain District Organizations)
As indicated, non-governmental applicants must also provide a copy of the requested items, either using the
Attachments form that is part of the application package downloaded from or submitting a
hard copy. Public Universities and Certain District Organizations may be exempt from this requirement,
please contact your Regional Office to determine the requirements applicable to your organization.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleED_900_GA_1_1-V1.1.pdf
AuthorLaura Black
File Modified2018-07-06
File Created2018-07-06

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