QID Arizona Green Survey

Floriculture Survey

0093 - Arizona Green Survey 2018

Floriculture Survey

OMB: 0535-0093

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OMB No. 0535-0093

Approval Expires: XX/XX/20XX

Project Code: XXX

SMetaKey: XXXX





National Agricultural Statistics Service

U.S Department of Agriculture

Mountain Regional Field Office

PO Box 150969

Lakewood, CO 80215-0969

Phone: 1-720-787-3150

Fax: 1-866-314-4029

E-mail: nassfomtr@nass.usda.gov

Please make corrections to name, address and ZIP Code, if necessary.

The Arizona Nursery Association and Arizona Landscape Contractors Association need your help in updating our widely used “Green Industry” publication. The contribution of our industry to the Arizona economy was last measured in 2007 and needs to be brought up to date. Please take a few minutes to complete and return the enclosed questionnaire. The information you provide will be used to promote the industry and to represent you in matters before the state legislature. The survey information will be collected and summarized by USDA-NASS to assure that your report will be kept strictly confidential. If you have questions regarding the survey, please contact NASS at 602-280-8850.

The information you provide will be used for statistical purposes only. Your responses will be kept confidential and any person who willfully discloses ANY identifiable information about you or your operation is subject to a jail term, a fine, or both. This survey is conducted in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107–347, and other applicable Federal laws. For more information on how we protect your information please visit: https://www.nass.usda.gov/confidentiality. Response to this survey is voluntary.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number is 0535-0093. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.

This survey will measure the economic impact of Arizona’s nursery, greenhouse and landscape industry.


During 2018, did your business do any of the following:

- sell nursery or greenhouse crops (include plants, trees, shrubs, either in-ground or container grown,

and sod. Include sales either wholesale or retail)

- sell landscape installation services (also include hardscape installations)

- sell landscape maintenance services

- sell design or consultation services

Shape3 Shape2

If yes, continue If no, go to Section VI on the last page

SECTION I - Organization: This section deals with how your business is organized and factors limiting your ability to expand.

1. In what year was your company established? xxxx year_________

2. In what year did your company begin doing business in Arizona? xxxx year_________

3. In what city and state is your headquarters located? xxxx City______________________

xxxx State_____________________

SECTION I - Organization (continued)

4. Please check the box below that most closely describes your business organization.

sole proprietorship xxxx

partnership xxxx

corporation xxxx

LLC xxxx

Other, specify_____________________ xxxx

5. Please indicate the number of locations (offices, shops, nurseries, or yards) of your business. (If you

have several types of facilities at one address, please count it as one location).

xxxx Number of locations in Arizona___________________

xxxx Total number of locations ____________________

6. Total acres in production including field/containers space and greenhouse space (retail only = 0)

xxxx _______________acres

  1. Based on the total gross receipts for your business conducted in Arizona and other states in 2018, please indicate the approximate percent of receipts earned from business conducted in Arizona.

(If all of your gross receipts are from Arizona operations, enter 100%).

xxxx _________%

  1. Please rank the following factors from 1- 3, with 1 having the least effect and 3 having the most effect, based on their capacity to limit your ability to expand in Arizona. (Place a “ ” in appropriate boxes)


water supply xxxx




hourly labor availability xxxx




ability to hire managers xxxx




land availability xxxx




competition xxxx




government regulations xxxx




market demand xxxx




availability of capital xxxx




other (please list)________________ xxxx




SECTION II - Sales and Labor: In this section, please report the gross receipts for your business in 2018. Use information for the 2018 calendar year or your 2018 fiscal year.

9. What were your total gross receipts from your Arizona facilities in 2018?

(Include revenues from production, wholesale, retail, landscape design, landscape installation, interior

and exterior landscape maintenance, salvage\reveg operations, water feature and irrigation

installations, and arborist operations).

xxxx $_______________

SECTION II - Sales and Labor: (Continued)

10. What percent of your 2018 gross receipts for the plants and planting material you used or sold in

Arizona came from the following categories: (note: producers, wholesalers, retailers, and landscape

service providers should complete this section if they had receipts for plant sales)

Your own fields, nurseries, greenhouses xxxx ______ %

Arizona suppliers xxxx ______ %

California suppliers xxxx _______ %

Texas suppliers xxxx _______ %

Florida suppliers xxxx _______ %

Other suppliers xxxx ______ %

100 %

11. Please indicate the number of hired workers you had in your Arizona operations as of December 31, 2018.

Type of employee Number

150+ Days xxxx _________

<150 Days xxxx _________

12. On any one day during 2018, what was the largest number of employees you had on your payroll for your Arizona operations?

xxxx Number __________

12a. How many unfilled positions do your Arizona operations currently have?

xxxx Number ___________

  1. Please indicate the percent of full time equivalent employees you had in your Arizona operations that worked in the following areas. If an employee worked in more than one area, estimate the amount of time spent in each category. (A full time equivalent is one person working 40 hours. For example, two people working 20 hours each is one full time equivalent).


(full time equivalent)

Nursery/field production

Supervisor/Foreman xxxx ____________

Laborers xxxx ____________

Landscape design/consultation

Licensed Architect xxxx ____________

Designers/Draftsmen, graphic artists, & computer specialists xxxx ____________

Landscape installation

Supervisor/Foreman xxxx ____________

Laborers xxxx ____________

Landscape maintenance

Supervisor/Foreman xxxx ____________

Laborers xxxx ____________

Tree Workers/Arborists xxxx ____________


Managerial xxxx ___________

Administrative/Office Support xxxx ____________

Sales, cashiers, distributors xxxx ____________

Other xxxx ____________


SECTION III –Nursery related Sales and Production: This section deals with gross receipts and the area in production for only your nursery-related business. If your business deals only with landscape services, please skip to Section IV, page 5. Use information for the 2018 calendar year or your 2018 fiscal year.

  1. What percent of your total gross receipts from your Arizona facilities were from the following categories: (Include receipts either wholesale or retail).

Container plant production xxxx ________%

In ground production of horticultural products xxxx ________%

Greenhouse bedding plant production xxxx ________%

Sod production xxxx ________%

Salvage/Revegetation operations xxxx ________%

Re-wholesale trade of greenhouse/nursery products xxxx ________%

Retail seller of greenhouse/nursery products xxxx ________%

Other, specify ________________________________ xxxx ________%


15. What percent of your total gross receipts from Arizona facilities were from:

Arizona buyers xxxx _________ %

Nevada buyers xxxx _________ %

California buyers xxxx _________ %

Texas and New Mexico buyers xxxx _________ %

Rest of U.S. xxxx _________ %

Mexico buyers xxxx _________ %

100 %

16. What percent of your total gross receipts from your Arizona facilities were to:

Wholesale distributors xxxx _________ %

Retail distributors xxxx _________ %

Landscape service firms xxxx _________ %

Final user/general public xxxx _________ %

100 %

SECTION IV - Landscape-related Sales: This section deals with gross receipts for only your

landscape-related business. If your business deals only with nursery production,

wholesaling, or retailing then please skip to Section V, page 6. Use information for the

2018 calendar year or your 2018 fiscal year.

17. What percent of your total gross revenues from your Arizona facilities were to:

Residential customers xxxx _________ %

Commercial customers xxxx _________ %

HOA/Common Area customers xxxx _________ %

Municipalities xxxx _________ %

18. What percent of your total 2018 gross receipts from your Arizona facilities were from the following

categories: (include landscape design, landscape installation, interior and exterior landscape

maintenance, salvage\reveg operations, water feature and irrigation installations, and arborist


Landscape design\consultation xxxx _________%

Landscape installation xxxx _________ %

Landscape maintenance xxxx _________ %

100 %

18a. Please, indicate below the percent of your total gross receipts by activity and type of customer.

Activity Residential Commercial HOA/Common Area Municipalities

Landscape design\consulting xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______%

Landscape installation xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______%

Landscape maintenance xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______% xxxx ______%

SECTION V - Salaries and Expenditures: Both nursery-related and landscape-related businesses

should complete this section. Please report expenses from your Arizona facilities for the

2018 calendar year or your 2018 fiscal year.

19. Please estimate the amount of income, property and sales taxes paid by your firm in 2018.

Arizona corporate income tax xxxx $ ___________

Property taxes paid in Arizona xxxx $ ___________

Sales taxes paid in Arizona (collected by you on your sales) xxxx $ ___________

20. What were the average ANNUAL salaries paid to each type of worker in 2018? (Report totals for

only those categories that apply to your business).

Type of Worker Avg. Annual Salary or Avg. Hourly Wage

Nursery Business only

Laborer xxxx $__________ xxxx $_________

Field supervisors xxxx $__________ xxxx $_________

Landscape Business only

Laborer xxxx $__________ xxxx $_________

Foremen xxxx $__________ xxxx $_________

Tree Worker/Arborist xxxx $__________ xxxx $_________

Nursery & Landscape Businesses

Sales Representatives(include salary & commissions) xxxx $_________ xxxx $_____­_­____

Administrative/Office Support xxxx $__________ xxxx $__________

Managerial xxxx $__________ xxxx $__________

Other, specify_________________________ xxxx $__________ xxxx $__________

SECTION V - Salaries and Expenditures (continued)

  1. Please list the approximate annual expenses for the following items: Please report expenses from

your Arizona facilities for the 2018 calendar year or your 2018 fiscal year. If you do not have

expenses broken down by item, please provide the total expenses for your operation under item Y at

the bottom of the table.

Total Expenses Percent Paid

Entire Operation Outside Arizona

Shape4 Shape5

Vehicle and Equipment Expenses:

a. Vehicle lease or purchase expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

b. All other equipment purchases or leases xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

c. Fuel and motor oil expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

d. Vehicle and equipment repair/maintenance expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

e. All other vehicle and equipment expenses not

reported above xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

Supply Expenses:

f. Plant material expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

g. Rock and other hardscape expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

h. Container and stake expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

i. Fertilizer and chemical expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

j. Soil amendments: bark products, peat moss, etc. xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

k. Greenhouse and related supply expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

l. Irrigation materials/systems and landscape lighting expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

m. Office supply expenses xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

n. All other supply expenses not reported above xxxx $_____________ xxxx _________ %

Utility Expenses:

o. Water/ sewer utilities (include irrigation) xxxx $_____________

p. Electricity and natural gas expenses xxxx $_____________

q. Telephone and other communication expenses xxxx $_____________

r. All other utility expenses not reported above xxxx $_____________

Labor Expenses:

s. Hired labor expenses

(include cash wages and salaries only.

also include the cash outlays for contracted labor.

exclude taxes paid) xxxx $_____________

t. Hired labor benefits expenses

(include the cash outlays of benefits only,

such as health insurance, paid time off,

retirement contributions, etc. exclude

taxes paid) xxxx $_____________

u. Hired labor payroll taxes paid xxxx $_____________

Other Expenses:

v. Mortgage/leasing/rent expenses xxxx $_____________

w. Facility maintenance or repair (excluding labor cost) xxxx $_____________

x. Facility construction/remodeling expenses xxxx $_____________

y. TOTAL EXPENSES IN 2018 (sum of items a - x) xxxx $_____________

SECTION VI - Comments:

22. Please enter any comments that you wish to make.

Please mail in the enclosed postage – paid envelope.

Reported by __________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Phone Number: (______)________________________________




5. Respondent Name:


Phone: ( )

9910 MM DD YY

Date: __ __ __ __ 18

Survey Results: To receive the complete results of this survey on the release date,

go to www.nass.usda.gov/Surveys/Guide_to_NASS_Surveys/

Would you rather have a brief summary mailed to you at a later date?

YES – (Enter code 1.) NO – (Enter code 3.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .









R. Unit


Office Use for POID




4-Office Hold

5-R – Est

6-Inac – Est

7-Off Hold – Est

8-Known Zero








1-PASI (Mail)

2-PATI (Tel)

3-PAPI (Face











__ __ __ - __ __ __ - __ __ __

Optional Use





S/E Name

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMaria Bautista
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-20

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