Survey of Pavement Management Practices

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

FHWA PM Roadmap Baseline Fast Track Survey_09012020

Survey of Pavement Management Practices

OMB: 2125-0628

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FHWA Pavement Management Roadmap Update – Revised Draft Baseline Survey August 25, 2020

FHWA Pavement Management DRAFT BAseline Survey


As a pavement management practitioner, you are being asked to complete this customer satisfaction survey to help the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) gauge satisfaction with FHWA’s pavement management support, and identify interest areas as its Pavement Management Roadmap1 is updated. The last version of the Roadmap, which helped establish prior research and technology transfer needs, was developed 10 years ago and there have been many changes in practice since that time. Your responses will help define the current state of practice and serve as an important first step in identifying areas that would benefit from additional research, guidance, or technology transfer activities.

This survey is being distributed to the Pavement Management Engineer at each of the State Departments of Transportation (DOT) as well as local agency practitioners representing cities, counties, and regional agencies. It is estimated that the survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.


Please complete the survey within 2 weeks after receipt. If you have any problems related to this survey, please contact Katie Zimmerman at Thank you for your feedback!

Questionnaire Tips

  1. To view and print an entire blank questionnaire, click here. Use the keyboard shortcut “CTRL+P” to print.

  2. If you are completing the questionnaire over several days, or to send a partially-completed questionnaire to a colleague, click on the “save and continue” button at any time for an edit link to be sent to your email, which you can use to either return to where you left off or to forward to your colleague.

  3. To ensure that your responses are saved prior to submission, advance to the next page before exiting the survey.

  4. To navigate through this questionnaire, use the “Back” or “Next” buttons at the bottom of each page.

  5. To review and print your answers prior to submittal, advance to the last page of the survey. Print using “control p.”

  6. To submit the survey, click the “Submit” button on the last page.

Survey Questions

Select the best response from the options provided for each question. Optional comment boxes are provided throughout the survey so you can provide additional feedback to FHWA.

The questions are organized into the following categories:

  • Section 1: General –to obtain foundational information about your agency.

  • Section 2: Pavement Management Resources –to learn more about the references your agency has used to support pavement management and areas needing additional guidance or training.

  • Section 3: Pavement Management Practices –to establish a baseline summary of current pavement management practices and to assess additional needs in these areas. This topic includes questions related to pavement data collection/quality management, performance management/target setting, and analysis/project selection/reporting.

  • Section 4: Pavement Management Uses –to learn the extent to which pavement management information is used to support agency-wide activities and areas that might benefit from addition assistance.

  • Section 5: Opportunities –to identify gaps that could be addressed through research, guidance, training, or other strategies.

Section 1. General Questions

These questions ask for foundational information about your agency.

  1. I represent the following type of agency.

    1. State DOT

    2. City

    3. County

    4. Regional planning organization

    5. Other

  2. We have a computerized pavement management system in place.

    1. Yes

      1. If yes, indicate the degree to which your system capabilities satisfy the minimum requirements identified in 23 CFR 515.172 that apply only to NHS pavements (For example, these requirements include inventory and condition data, forecasting deterioration, determining the benefit/cost over an asset life cycle, identifying short- and long-term budget needs, determining improvement strategies that maximize benefits within funding constraints, and recommending improvement programs)

        1. Yes, in full

        2. Yes, in part

        3. No

        4. I’m not sure

    2. No

    3. We are in the process of implementing a system

  3. Our pavement management system performance models and treatment rules are documented in a manual, handbook, guide or other similar reference.

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. We are in the process of documenting our system

    4. We intend to document our system soon

Section 2. Pavement Management Resources

These questions assess the usefulness of available references to support your pavement management efforts.

  1. The following references, guides, and technology transfer materials have been useful to my agency in supporting our pavement management practices. (Select all that apply) (Images of FHWA report covers will be inserted in the online version if easily adaptable.)

□ Federal regulations/requirements for pavement management data collection3.

□ The Pavement Management Guide published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

□ National training on pavement management.

□ Local training on pavement management.

□ FHWA Practical Guide for Quality Management of Pavement Condition Data Collection4.

□ FHWA Guidelines for Data Quality Management Plans5

□ Our agency’s Data Quality Management Plan

□ FHWA Distress Identification Manual for the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Program6

□ FHWA Highway Performance Management System (HPMS) Field Manual7

□ Federal Transportation Performance Management (TPM)8 guidance/regulations/requirements

□ Federal Transportation Asset Management9 guidance/regulations/requirements

□ Other __________________________________________________

  1. Our pavement management staff would benefit from additional guidance and/or training in the following areas. (Select all that apply)

Topics related to:

□ Pavement data collection, such as: __________________

□ Pavement distress ratings, such as: __________________

□ Equipment calibration and certification, such as: ________________

□ Certification of pavement data collection personnel, such as: _______________

□ Pavement data quality control measures, such as: __________________

□ Data sampling, review, and checking processes, such as: ________________

□ Error resolution, such as: ____________________

□ Data management, such as: ____________________

□ Other pavement data-related topics, such as: ____________________

□ Pavement target setting, such as: _______________

□ Pavement data analysis, such as: _______________

□ Pavement performance modeling, such as: ________________

□ Pavement treatment (e.g. maintenance, preservation, or rehabilitation activities) performance, such as: ________________

□ Project and treatment (e.g., maintenance, preservation, or rehabilitation activities) selection, such as: ______________

□ Communicating pavement management results, such as: ______________

□ Risk management, such as: ______________

□ Use of pavement management to calibrate design models, as in AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design

□ Other: ___________________________________________

Section 3. Pavement Management Practices

Your answers to the questions about your pavement management practices will be used to determine gaps between current and desired practices and satisfaction with FHWA support that could be addressed through additional assistance. This section includes questions in three areas: 3.1 - Pavement data collection/quality management, 3.2 - Performance management/target setting, and 3.3 - Analysis/project selection/reporting.

3.1 Data Collection and Quality Management

  1. Using the first three columns in the following table, identify each of the types of pavement condition information that your agency collects on a network-wide basis (as opposed to specific project locations). If you do not collect the information on a network-wide basis, please put an “X” in the first column. If you collect the information, use the shaded columns to identify whether it is collected using inhouse staff (By Agency) or by a vendor (By Vendor). The last column allows you to identify topics on which you would like additional guidance or training. The comments allow you to explain any of your responses.

Not Collected


Would Benefit From Additional Guidance on This Topic

By Agency

By Vendor

  1. Network-level IRI (International Roughness Index)

  1. Network-level pavement surface distress using automated equipment

  1. Network-level pavement surface distress using manual methods

  1. Network-level pavement friction

  1. Network-level pavement deflection testing

  1. Network-level ground penetrating radar (GPR)

  1. Network-level condition information on highway entrance/exit ramps

  1. Network-level condition information on shoulders

  1. Other network-level data collected (please explain):

Comments: _________________________________________________________________

  1. This question explores the degree to which your agency’s current data collection practices satisfactorily addresses your needs. The results will help us identify gaps between current and desired data collection practices. If any of the items listed in the table are not relevant to your agency, you can indicate that using the last column, Do Not Know or Not Applicable. You are encouraged to explain your responses using the Comment box provided for each item in the table, especially if you picked “Somewhat Agree” or “Disagree” as your response so we can learn more about what changes in practice or additional support would be helpful to you.


    Somewhat Agree


    Do Not Know or Not Applicable

    1. Our data collection practices adequately address our agency’s needs in terms of the information being collected and the quantity/quality of the data.


    1. Our data collection practices make it relatively easy to address applicable federal, state, or local requirements.


    1. Our agency’s data collection efforts are streamlined by piggybacking the collection of information on other assets (for example, data on signs or guardrail) with pavement management surveys.

    OPTIONAL: Identify data collected:

    1. Available pavement history data is adequate to meet our agency’s needs.


    1. GIS-based technology is used effectively to support pavement management reporting and/or pavement management decision-making


  2. Our agency has a documented data quality management plan in place.

    1. Yes

    2. No

    3. We are working on it

    4. We intend to do this in the future

  1. This question explores the degree to which innovative or emerging tools and technology are being used to support your pavement management efforts. For each line in the table, please indicate whether your agency is using or considering the use of the tool or technology to support pavement management efforts (rather than other agency efforts). The last column allows you to identify topics that would benefit from additional guidance or FHWA technical support. Comment fields are provided if you want to explain your response or identify guidance that might be needed to enhance your use of the specific tool or technology.




Under Consideration

Would Benefit From Additional Guidance on This Topic

  1. Data collection with small, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), such as drones.


  1. Network-level data collection using smartphone-based technology, such as the collection of IRI data using smartphone accelerometer measurements.


  1. Commercial or publicly-available geospatial tools (such as mapping tools, GIS tools, GPS data, landscape visualization tools, satellite imagery, right-of-way imagery, etc.) to review and verify data related to pavement construction activities.


  1. Crowd-sourced data collection using vehicle sensors, mobile phones, or satellites for applications such as reporting pothole locations or traffic congestion.


  1. LiDAR (a technique to render a 3-D image of an asset)


  1. Other innovative technology: (Please explain in the comment box)


3.2 Performance Management and Target Setting

  1. This question explores your satisfaction with the use of pavement management data to support performance management and target setting. The results will help us identify gaps between current and desired data collection practices and areas that might benefit from additional FHWA technical support. If any of the items listed in the table are not relevant to your agency, you can indicate that using the last column, Do Not Know or Not Applicable. You are encouraged to explain your responses using the Comment box provided for each line in the table, especially if you picked “Somewhat Agree” or “Disagree” as your response so we can learn more about what changes in practice would be helpful to you.


Somewhat Agree


Do Not Know or Not Applicable

  1. Pavement management information is used to set agency, regional, or federal targets.


  1. Pavement management information is provided to our agency by another agency (such as a state DOT providing information to a local agency) for target-setting purposes.


  1. Pavement performance targets are a significant consideration in driving pavement investment decisions.


  1. Historical pavement performance measures can easily be used to satisfy federal or local performance reporting requirements (such as those defined in 23 CFR 490 Subpart C10 or state-legislated requirements)


  1. Our existing pavement condition data is adequate to set achievable pavement performance targets.


  1. Our agency has adequate guidance and/or training available to meet any federal or local pavement performance reporting requirements.


  1. Our agency uses non-traditional pavement performance measures, such as environmental and societal impacts in addition to pavement conditions.


3.3 Analysis, Project Selection, and Reporting

  1. This question explores your satisfaction with the use of pavement management data to conduct analyses, select projects, and report information. The results will help us identify gaps between current and desired data collection practices and potential areas needing FHWA support. If any of the items listed in the table are not relevant to your agency, you can indicate that using the last column, Do Not Know or Not Applicable. You are encouraged to explain your responses using the Comment box provided for each line in the table, especially if you picked “Somewhat Agree” or “Disagree” as your response so we can learn more about what changes in practice or additional technical support would be helpful to you.


Somewhat Agree


Do Not Know or Not Applicable

  1. Our pavement performance models are reliable.


  1. Our future condition forecasts consider risks, such as those associated with extreme weather events or traffic variability.


  1. We review and update our pavement performance models on a regular basis (e.g., every 3-5 years, after each data collection cycle, or when the long-range plan is updated).


  1. Our pavement management analysis considers treatments over the entire life cycle (such as preventive maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction)


  1. Treatment rules and costs are reviewed on a regular basis (e.g, every year, every few years, or when new treatments are introduced).


  1. A feedback loop has been established to ensure construction records and other information are used to update the pavement management system database and models.


  1. Our pavement management analysis optimizes the use of available funding over a multi-year period.


  1. The recommendations from our pavement management system closely match the projects and treatments that are funded. (Note: 70% or better is considered a close match)


  1. Our pavement management system is effective at estimating current and future funding needs.


  1. The information from our pavement management system is adequate to meet our needs for communicating with internal stakeholders.


  1. The information from our pavement management system is adequate to meet our needs for communicating with external stakeholders.


Section 4. Pavement Management Uses

Questions posed in this section explore how pavement management is used in your agency and areas that would benefit from further assistance.

  1. This question explores your satisfaction with how pavement management information is used to support other departments or activities within or outside of your agency. When answering this question, please consider whether pavement management information is used by people OUTSIDE of your pavement management office. For instance, we are curious as to whether the information is used by designers or whether district personnel use the data to select projects. Does your agency leadership rely on pavement management information? The results will help us identify gaps between current and desired data collection practices that might benefit from additional guidance or support.

If any of the lines in the table are not relevant to your agency, you can indicate that using the last column, Do Not Know or Not Applicable. You are encouraged to explain your responses using the Comment box provided for each line in the table, especially if you picked “Somewhat Agree” or “Disagree” as your response so we can learn more about what changes in practice would be helpful to you.


Somewhat Agree


Do Not Know or Not Applicable

  1. Pavement management data is used widely by others within our agency (e.g., federal reporting, asset management, safety, districts, construction, project scoping).


  1. Pavement management data is used by pavement designer to develop pavement structural designs and/or conduct life-cycle cost analyses at our agency.


  1. Pavement management data has been used to calibrate mechanistic-empirical design models (such as those in AASHTO’s Pavement ME Design software).


  1. Pavement management personnel are actively involved in developing our agency’s Transportation Asset Management Plan.


  1. Pavement management information is integrated into agency long-term planning activities, such as a Long-Range Strategic Plan.


  1. Pavement management information is used to support agency project selection and/or programming decisions for capital projects.


  1. Pavement management data is used by maintenance personnel for work scheduling and/or planning.


Section 5. Opportunities

Questions presented in this section explore areas of future development where additional research, guidance, or other technical support might be needed.

  1. This last question explores your interest in different types of future development for pavement management. For each of the lines in the table, please indicate whether you are highly interested, somewhat interested, or not interested in addressing this topic over the next 10 years. You can add items to the table to identify addition future developments your agency expects to make. You are also encouraged to use the comment field associated with each line in the table to explain your response or to identify additional guidance needed in that area.

Actions Anticipated Over The Next Several Years

Highly Interested In This

Somewhat Interested In This

Not Interested

  1. Using new or innovative data collection technologies (such as crowd-sourced data or unmanned aerial devices)


  1. Establishing national standards for pavement cracking or other pavement performance measures


  1. Improving data quality


  1. Reducing the time between data collection and availability of results


  1. Adding additional types of pavement data to the system (such as pavement foundation, material properties, mix design)


  1. Improving consistency in our linear referencing system across programs


  1. Establishing data governance standards


  1. Improving pavement performance models


  1. Using pre-treatment conditions to better estimate expected treatment life


  1. Documenting performance models and treatment rules


  1. Establishing a framework for incorporating pavement sustainability and resiliency considerations into the pavement management system


  1. Integrating risk into pavement management models and analysis


  1. Enhancing life cycle planning capabilities


  1. Improving the alignment of pavement management recommendations and funded projects


  1. Incorporating maintenance into the pavement management analysis


  1. Considering a broader set of factors in project selection, such as transit, bike/ped, social equity, access, and risk


  1. Developing a multi-objective project selection process


  1. Planning for staff transitions


  1. Developing more effective communication tools


  1. Acquiring new software tools to support pavement management


  1. Quantifying the benefits of pavement management


  1. Better integrating pavement management into agency decisions


  1. Training agency staff on pavement management


  1. Other: (Please describe)

OPTIONAL: Please use the comment box for any additional information you would like to provide related to your pavement management practices.


Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. 10

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleThis is your reminder that block paragraphs are used
AuthorKatie Zimmerman
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-13

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