reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to
be 30 minutes per response to complete this questionnaire. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this
project is XXXX-XXXX. The control number expires on X/XX/XXXX.
When appropriate, we will be randomizing the order in which answer options appear to minimize bias.
Section headings will not necessarily be shown to respondents; they are included here for ease of review and to show the flow of questions.
Before we ask questions about how you search for and use information, we’d like to learn a little about your education and work context.
Are you currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s program in Social Work?
Yes, I am enrolled in a Bachelor’s in Social Work program
Yes, I am enrolled in a Master’s in Social Work program
No (go to Current Professionals version of survey)
Do you currently receive a child welfare stipend from your educational institution?
In which state do you attend school? (Drop-down selection that includes all states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands)
In addition to your studies, do you currently work (part-time or full-time) for an organization or agency that provides support to children and families that are involved with the child welfare system?
Yes, for a state child welfare agency
Yes, for a county child welfare agency
Yes, for a private agency providing services under contract with a state or county
Yes, for a different type of organization (Please specify)
(If Q4=Yes) you consider the community that you serve to be primarily urban, surburban, or rural?
Don’t know or Not applicable
During your typical day, how much of the time do you have reliable access to the Internet?
Always or almost always
Most of the time
Rarely or never
I don’t know
For the following set of questions, please answer based on your daily life—personal, professional, and academic. Knowing how you access and use information generally will help us interpret later questions that focus on your use of information specifically for work and academic purposes.
How often do you do each of the following?
Once a day or more |
Several times a week |
Several times a month |
Once a month or less |
Never |
Read about news or current events |
Watch online video |
Listen to podcasts or audiobooks |
Search for content on the internet |
Download or view informational products, publications, or resources |
Play online games or apps |
Read ratings and reviews of commercial products or services |
View or take an online course, module or lesson |
Do you have a smartphone and/or tablet (e.g., Android, iphone, iPad)?
No (skip to Q11)
For which of these same activities do you typically use your smartphone and/or tablet? (Select all that apply.)
Read about news or current events
Watch online videos
Listen to podcasts or audiobooks
Search for information or resources on the internet
Download or view informational products, publications, or resources
Play online games
Read ratings and reviews of commercial products or services
View or take an online course, module or lesson
Once an hour or more
Several times a day
Once a day
Several times a week
Several times a month
Once a month or less
Below are several ways that people stay up to date with news and current events. You may use one, some, or all of these sources. Which of the following is your most important source of information about news and current events?
Online videos or clips (e.g., YouTube)
News websites
Social media
Print newspapers or magazines
Other (specify)
We would like to know how often you use social media, whether for personal, professional, or academic reasons. How often do you view or share information on:
Once a day or more |
Several times a week |
Several times a month |
Once a month or less |
Never |
Any social media platform |
Snapchat |
Other (please specify) |
Now we would like to ask you some questions about how you typically access and consume information related to child welfare. “Information about child welfare” could include any tools or sources of information (e.g., technical assistance resources, journal articles, laws and regulations, mobile apps, podcasts) that you might access and use as a part of your academic or professional work.
Do you agree or disagree that you have enough access to information about child welfare for your academic and professional needs?
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly disagree
If Q13 is “disagree” or “strongly disagree”: Please explain your answer to the previous question. What types of information would you like more access to?
If Q13 is “disagree” or “strongly disagree”: What prevents you from having enough access to information about child welfare?
When answering the following set of questions, please think about situations in which you search for information about child welfare that you need for your academic or professional work.
How often do you search for each of the following?
Once a day or more |
Several times a week |
Several times a month |
Once a month or less |
Never |
News about child welfare-related topics |
Information about best practices in child welfare |
Information about child welfare laws and policies |
Research on child welfare (e.g., journal articles, studies from research organizations) |
[For respondents who answered at least ”once a month or less” to at least one of the rows in the previous question] When you need to search for information about child welfare, what do you do most often?
Type in key words on website search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
Visit a specific website (Please name): ______
Go to the intranet or website for my university or program
Ask a social media group or online forum
Ask a peer or colleague
Ask a faculty member, advisor, or someone else at my university
Other (Please specify)
When answering the following set of questions, please think about situations in which you receive information about child welfare that you have not specifically searched for yourself. This could include information that you receive from people you work with, through listservs or distribution lists, or on social media.
How often do you receive information about child welfare (electronically or in hard copy) that you have not specifically searched for?
Once a day or more
Several times a week
Several times a month
Once a month or less
What are the most important ways that you receive information about child welfare that you have not specifically searched for? Please choose up to three responses.
Through a social media account (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn)
Through an email from a peer, professor, or advisor
In person or by telephone from a peer, professor, or advisor
Through an email listserv, electronic newsletter, or subscription list
Through a scholarly or academic journal
Through a training, conference, or workshop (online or in person)
Through class lectures or discussions (online or in person)
Through an online community of practice
Other (Please specify)
If you were going to receive information about a new promising child welfare practice, in what format would you prefer to receive it?
Briefing Document/Executive Summary
News article
Peer-reviewed journal article
Other (Please specify)
Do you subscribe to any email listservs, electronic newsletters, or other types of subscription lists through which you receive child welfare information and resources on a regular basis?
No [If No, skip to end of section]
Think about the listserv or subscription list that you find most valuable to your work. What is it about this listserv or subscription list that makes it most valuable to you? (Open ended responses)
When answering the following set of questions, please think about situations in which you share Information about child welfare with peers, fellow students, professors, or other professional contacts. This could include information you share with a specific person, or information you share more broadly. Again, “information about child welfare” could include any tools or sources of information (e.g., technical assistance resources, journal articles, laws and regulations, mobile apps, podcasts) in the child welfare space that you might access and use as a part of your professional or academic work.
How often do you share information about child welfare with peers, fellow students, or other professional contacts?
Once a day or more
Several times a week
Several times a month
Once a month or less
When you share information about child welfare, how do you most often do so? Please choose up to three responses.
Through social media
Face-to-face conversation
By telephone
Through an electronic listserv, newsletter, or subscription list
Through in person or online class discussions
Through an online community of practice
Through a training, conference, or workshop (online or in person)
Other (Please specify)
Do any of your current courses require that you conduct activities online?
Yes, one or more of my courses require that I conduct activities online, such as participating in online discussions or attending virtual lectures
No, my courses consist solely of in-person sessions
In general, what type of educational activity do you prefer to participate in?
Participants attend in-person
Participants participate online or by telephone at a set time (e.g., webinar, virtual conference)
Participants access the materials online, and complete activities at their own pace (e.g., online course)
If respondent does not have a smartphone or tablet (see Q8) skip to Q31.
If respondent has a smartphone or tablet: Over the past three months, how often have you used your smartphone and/or tablet to search for, access, or share information about child welfare?
Once a day or more
Several times a week
Several times a month
Once a month or less
[If Q27 is NOT “Never”] In your academic work related to child welfare, for what professional purpose(s) have you used your smartphone and/or tablet in the past three months? (Check all that apply)
To take notes in class
To conduct research for class assignments
To participate in online discussions or forums
To access professional development or educational opportunities, such as online courses or webinars
To check my email and access calendar
Other (Please specify)
Which of the following are reasons that you do not use your smartphone and/or tablet more often to search for, access, or share information about child welfare?
Not a reason |
A minor reason |
A major reason |
Rules about using mobile devices at my institution and/or workplace |
A lack of mobile applications that are relevant to my academic and/or professional work |
Limited access to Wi-Fi at my institution or workplace |
My own technology skills |
Are there any other reasons that you do not use your smartphone and/or tablet more often to search for, access, or share information about child welfare? If so, please describe them. (Open-ended)
If respondent does not use any type of social media (see Q12) skip to Q33.
How often do you search for, access, or share information about child welfare through social media?
Once a day or more
Several times a week
Several times a month
Once a month or less
If answer to previous question is not “Never”: Which of the following social media platforms do you use to search for, access, or share information about child welfare? (Check all that apply)
Other (please specify)
CWIG Specific Questions
Have you ever used Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG) (e.g., ordered a publication, contacted an information specialist, used an electronic listserv or subscription service, spoke to CWIG staff or obtained CWIG publication at a conference, etc.)?
I’m not sure
[If answer to Q33 is NOT ‘No’] Which of the following subscription services do you receive (Check all that apply)?
I am not registered for any subscription services.
Child Welfare Information Gateway E-lert!
Children’s Bureau Express (CBX)
Child Welfare In the News
Adoption Triad
Information Gateway Quick Links
My Child Welfare Librarian
I get e-mails from Child Welfare Information Gateway but I’m not sure if they are a subscription service.
I’m not sure.
Other (please describe):_______________________________
NAM Specific Questions
In your professional and/or academic work, do you have a need for information related to adoption?
I’m not sure
Are you aware of the National Adoption Month website, sponsored by the Children’s Bureau (
I’m not sure
(If response is ‘Yes’ or ‘I’m not sure’, go to next question, if response is ‘No’, skip to Demographic section)
Have you ever used the information and resources from the National Adoption Month website?
I’m not sure
(For respondents who answer “Yes” to “Have you ever used information and resources from the National Adoption Month website”) How have you used information and resources from the National Adoption Month website? (Check all that apply)
Provide support to children and youth awaiting adoption
Help identify and recruit prospective adoptive families
Improve training and support for adoptive parents
Increase my knowledge or inform my attitudes about adoption
Support public awareness or advocacy efforts for National Adoption Month so we can support the work of adoption professionals
Train professionals
Other (please describe):____________
(For respondents who answer “No” to “Have you ever used information and resources from the National Adoption Month website”) Why haven’t you used the information and resources from the National Adoption Month website?
National Adoption Month information and resources aren’t useful for me
Get my adoption related resources elsewhere
Not interested in adoption related resources
Other reason (please describe):________________
What is your age?
20 or under
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50
51 to 60
61 or above
Prefer not to answer
Which of the following best describes how you self-identify?
Neither male nor female
Prefer not to answer
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
Prefer not to answer
What is your race? Select all that apply.
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Pacific Islander
Other (Please specify)
Prefer not to answer
Before entering your current educational program, did you previously work for an organization or agency that provides support to children and families who are involved with the child welfare system?
Yes, for a state child welfare agency
Yes, for a county child welfare agency
Yes, for a private agency providing services under contract with a state or county
Yes, for a different type of organization (Please specify)
(If Q44=Yes) For how many years did you work for an organization or agency that provides support to children and families that are involved with the child welfare system before entering your current program?
Less than one year
1 to 5 years
6 to 10 years
11 to 15
16 +
Thank you for your participation in this survey. We are planning to also conduct telephone focus groups on these same topics later this year. Would you be interested in participating in one of these discussions?
No (end survey)
[If previous question = Yes]: Please provide your contact information below so we can reach out to you when focus groups are being scheduled. Your information will not be used for any other purpose, other than contacting you about these focus groups.
If you would like to participate in a focus group but would prefer not to provide your information below, please contact [contact information for Market Research Study Team.]
Name: _______________________
Organization/Affiliation: _________________________
Email: _________________________
Phone number: _________________________
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Colleen Caron |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-20 |