Nest_Egg Screen Shots

RCGR Screen Shots 11032018.pdf

Control and Management of Resident Canada Geese, 50 CFR 20.21, 21.49, 21.50, 21.51, 21.52 and 21.61

Nest_Egg Screen Shots

OMB: 1018-0133

Document [pdf]
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Version P1.6

Welcome to the Resident Canada Goose Nest and Egg Registration Site. If
you are a landowner, homeowner’s association, public land manager, or local
government in the lower 48 states or the District of Columbia, you may register
at this site for federal authorization to destroy resident Canada goose nests and
eggs on property under your jurisdiction.
You must register each year prior to taking nests and eggs. You must register
between January 1 and June 30 of the year in which the nests and eggs will be
destroyed. You must also enter the individual names of employees or agents
who may conduct the work on your behalf. You must be at least 18 years of age
to register.
Each registrant must return to this site by October 31 to report the number of
nests with eggs which were destroyed, for each month and location county. You
must report even if you conducted no activity. You will not be able to register for
future seasons if you have an outstanding report after 12/31 of the present
Please note that some states do not participate in this registration program or have
additional or stricter requirements. It is very important that you review the list of State
Agency Contacts and Information link below to determine whether you should proceed
with registration.

User's Guide

New User Click here

Frequently Asked Questions

to select applicant type and create a login, password,
and account profile.

Management of Canada Goose Nesting

Existing User Login

Text of Regulation

Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk *

State Agency Contacts and Information
Summary Data

System Requirements: Pages are best viewed
at 640 x 480 resolution with Internet Explorer
5.0 or higher. Cookies and JavaScript must be
enabled. To view or print online documents, you
will need Adobe Reader.

User Login ID



Forgot User Login ID or Password?


OMB No. 1018-0133
Expires 1/31/2019

Please do not use the internet browser back or
next buttons to navigate this site.
To use the Resident Canada Goose Nest and
Egg Registration Site, you must have a valid email address.

Permits Home Page


Contact RCGR


General: The information requested is authorized by the following: Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16
U.S.C. 703-712); 50 CFR 21; General Provisions, 50 CFR 10; General Permit Procedures, 50 CFR 13
and Wildlife Provisions (Import/export/transport), 50 CFR 14.
Authority: The collection of information is to establish and verify a registrant’s eligibility to conduct
certain activities under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and to comply with the requirement of the
depredation order for resident Canada geese nests and eggs as outlined in 50 CFR 21.50.
Purposes and Uses: The contact information will be used to manage and document resident Canada
goose population levels and implement actions intended to reduce, manage, and control resident
Canada goose populations in the continental United States.
Effects of Nondisclosure: Providing the requested information is voluntary. However, submission of
information is required to lawfully destroy resident Canada goose nests and eggs under a depredation
We are collecting this information subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501) to collect
information to establish and verify a registrant’s eligibility to conduct certain activities under the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and to respond to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act and
the Privacy Act of 1974. The information that you provide is required to obtain or retain a benefit;
however, failure to provide all required information will negate the registration and make the landowner
ineligible to lawfully destroy resident Canada goose nests and eggs under the depredation order.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection
of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. OMB has approved this
collection of information and assigned Control No. 1018-0133.
Public reporting for this collection of information varies with the convenient availability of the requested
information. The relevant burden for the Resident Canada Goose Nest and Egg Registration is 30
minutes for initial registration, 15 minutes to renew the registration, and 15 minutes for reporting.
These burden estimates includes time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data and
completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other
aspect of the form to the Service Information Clearance Officer, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S.
Department of the Interior, 5275 Leesburg Pike, MS: BPHC, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803, or via
email to

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RCGR - Registration Form

Page 1 of 1

New User Login
If you have forgotten your User Login ID, select the 'Back' button and then select 'Forgot User
Login ID or Password?'. If you want to change your User Login ID, select the 'back' button, use
your current ID to login, and then select 'Change User Login ID' from the menu on the home page.

If you have registered in the past, creating a new User Login ID now will prevent you from
viewing your previous registration created under your old ID.
Create a User Login ID and Password of your choice. The Password can be made up of letters or
numbers and no required length. No special characters are required. You must also re-type the
new Password to confirm.
Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk *
Create Login ID






Type ABN No. as it appears below.

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RCGR - Applicant Type

Page 1 of 1

Create/Edit an Account Profile
To access the Resident Canada Goose online registration web site, you must
create an account profile. Please ensure the information is current.
Please select one of the following:


If you are registering as an individual homeowner, provide the complete
name and address of the individual who will be the responsible registrant. If
you are applying on behalf of a homeowner client, the registrant name and
address must be that of the homeowner.
If you are registering as a business (including homeowners association),
corporation, public agency, local government, or institution, provide the complete
name and address of the entity that will be the responsible registrant and
the name and title of the principal officer. If you are applying on behalf of a
client, the information must pertain to the client.
Note: (1) An entity leasing a home or other property is considered the landowner for
purposes of this registration system. (2) A pest management company registering
on behalf of a client at the client's request must register in the name of the client,
not the pest management company. Each client must be registered separately under
a separate account. (3) A property management company that owns multiple
properties may create a single registration account in the name of the property
management company and list individual properties at the Location screen. A
property management company that does not own the properties must register each
property owner separately.



RCGR - User Profile Registration (PER01)

Page 1 of 2

Individual Account Profile

The profile is divided into four sections each of which can be edited by clicking on the Name, Address,
Personal data, or Certification on the navigation bar above.

Existing Users: Please review your account profile data and certify it is
Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk *

Last name


First name


Middle name or
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Street address
(line 1)
* You must enter the street address, but
may also enter a P.O. Box, if applicable.

Street address
(line 2)
Street address
(line 3)






Zip code/Postal


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Personal Data



RCGR - User Profile Registration (PER01)

Page 2 of 2

Alternate phone
E-mail address


Confirm E-mail


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By clicking on the box below, I certify that I am the person responsible for the registration
and the information submitted is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

I Certify
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RCGR - User Profile Registration (BUS01)

Page 1 of 2

Business Account Profile

The profile is divided into five sections each of which can be edited by clicking on the Name, Address,
Business data, Principal officer, or Certification on the navigation bar above.

Existing Users: Please review your account profile data and certify it is
Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk *


Name of
agency or


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Street address
(line 1)
* You must enter the street address, but
may also enter a P.O. Box, if applicable.

Street address
(line 2)
Street address
(line 3)




Zip code/Postal



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Business data (Registrant Type)
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RCGR - User Profile Registration (BUS01)

Page 2 of 2

Principal officer (e.g., president, director)

Last name


First name


Middle name or Initial

Principal officer title


Telephone number(999999-9999)


Primary Contact for Note: The Primary Contact is the person who will respond to inquiries
from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on the behalf of the
Registrant, regarding the activities to be conducted under the RCGR

Primary Contact Name
Contact Telephone
Contact E-mail address


Confirm Contact E-mail


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By clicking on the box below, I certify that I am the person responsible for the registration
and the information submitted is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and
I Certify
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Report of Activity:
(Two screen shots follow to show the upper and lower portions of the Nest and Egg Registration Report screen)

Upper portion of the page:

Bottom portion of the Nest and Egg Registration Report page:

Email Confirmation once the Report is submitted:

View/Print Current Registration Form:

Change User Login ID:

Change Password:

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title
File Modified2018-11-03
File Created2012-09-10

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