NHM&E Feedback on Proposed PS12-1201 Interim Reporting Requirements Participants and External Workgroup Contacts |
Organization |
Name |
Phone |
National Organizations |
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) |
Michelle Batchelor Lynn Shaull
mbatchelor@nastad.org lshaull@nastad.org |
202-434-7128 202-434-8003 |
Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS) |
Marlene McNeese-Ward
Marlene@uchaps.org |
832-647-8207 |
Health Departments |
California |
Juliana Grant |
juliana.grant@cdph.ca.gov |
916-341-7016 |
Chicago |
Griselle Torres Patrick Stonehouse |
griselle.torres@cityofchicago.org patrick.stonehouse@cityofchicago.org |
312-747-9436 312-747-9884 |
Colorado |
Jennifer Donnelly |
jennifer.donnelly@state.co.us |
303-692-6355 |
Connecticut |
Ramon Rodriguez-Santana |
ramon.rodriguez-santana@ct.gov |
860-509-7849 |
District of Columbia |
Benjamin Takai
Florida |
Max Wilson |
max.wilson@flhealth.gov |
904-234-4661 |
Georgia |
Brooke Moorty |
brooke.mootry@dph.ga.gov |
404-463-0392 |
Houston |
Nicholas Sloop |
nick.sloop@houstontx.gov |
832-393-4749 |
Los Angeles |
Mike Janson |
mjanson@ph.lacounty.gov |
213-351-8189 |
Louisiana |
Debbie Wendell |
debbie.wendell@la.gov |
504-568-7474 |
Maryland |
Hope Cassidy-Stewart |
Hope.Cassidy-Stewart@Maryland.gov |
410-937-5210 |
Massachusetts |
Monica Morrison |
monica.morrison@state.ma.us |
617-624-5311 |
Michigan |
Erik Cornet |
CornetE@michigan.gov |
517-335-9221 |
Mississippi |
Antonio Williams |
antonio.williams@msdh.ms.gov |
601-576-7723 |
Missouri |
Michael |
michael.stancil@health.mo.gov |
314-877-0238 |
New Hampshire |
Kirsten Durzy Lindsay Pierce |
Kirsten.Durzy@dhhs.state.nh.us lpierce@dhhs.state.nh.us |
603-271-5935 603-271-4481 |
New York City |
Benjamin Tsoi |
btsoi@health.nyc.gov |
347-396-7627 |
New York State |
Vida B. Chernoff |
vida.chernoff@health.ny.gov |
518-402-6790 |
North Carolina |
Janet Alexander |
janet.alexander@dhhs.nc.gov |
919-733-2030 Ext. 213 |
Ohio |
Nicole Brennan |
nicole.brennan@odh.ohio.gov |
614-466-3173 |
Pennsylvania |
Jill Garland |
jigarland@pa.gov |
717-547-3425 |
Philadelphia |
Patricia Jones |
Patricia.A.Jones@phila.gov |
215-685-5611 |
Puerto Rico |
Carmen A. Díaz |
cadiaz@salud.gov.pr |
787-765-2929 Ext. 3430 |
San Francisco |
Susan Scheer |
susan.sheer@sfdph.org |
415-437-6259 |
Tennessee |
Thomas J. Shavor |
thomas.shavor@gmail.com |
615-532-8506 |
Texas |
Brandon O’Hara |
Brandon.ohara@dshs.texas.gov |
512-533-3057 |
Virginia |
Beth Leftwich Elaine Martin |
elizabeth.leftwich@vdh.virginia.gov elaine.martin@vdh.virginia.gov |
804-864-7953 804-864-7962 |
Washington |
David Heal |
david.heal@doh.wa.gov |
360-236-3517 |
CBO Participants in Reporting Requirements Webinars – NHME Implementation Coordinator Contact Information |
Organization |
Name |
Phone |
Abounding Prosperity, Inc. |
Kirk Myers |
kmyers@aboundingprosperity.org |
214-421-4800 |
Irma Hinkle |
ihinkle@accessaids.org |
757-640-0929 ext. 216 |
Access Community Health Network |
Donna Thompson |
Donna.thompson@accesscommunityhealth.net |
312-526-2051 |
AID Atlanta, Inc. |
Neena Smith-Bankhead |
404-870-7747 |
AID Gwinnett |
Kyle Monroe-Spencer |
Monroe-SpencerK@aidgwinnett.org |
678-990-6430 |
AIDS Action Coalition |
LaTeisha Brandon Elliot |
lelliott@aidsactioncoalition.org |
256-536-4700 ext. 132 |
AIDS Arms Inc. |
Sharon Sanchez |
Sanchez, Sharon |
214-521-5191 ext. 3372 |
AIDS Care Group |
Ann Ferguson |
ann@aidscaregroup.org |
610-389-2302 |
AIDS Community Services of WNY, Inc. |
Kate Gallivan |
kgallivan@evergreenhs.org |
716-847-0315 |
AIDS Council of Northeastern New York |
Nancy Fisher |
nfisher@aidscouncil.org |
518-434-4686 ext. 2307 |
AIDS Foundation Houston, Inc. |
Nike Blue |
Bluen@afhouston.org |
713-623-6796 ext. 261 |
AIDS Project Los Angeles |
Antony Moreno |
amoreno@apla.org |
323-329-9902 |
Primary Health Care, Inc. (Formerly AID Greater Des Moines, Inc.) |
Greg Gross |
ggross@phcinc.net |
515-248-1585 |
AIDS Project of the East Bay |
Michele Grim |
mgrim@apeb.org |
510-663-7978 |
AIDS Service Center NYC |
Brenda Stark-Ross |
brenda@ascnyc.org |
212-645-0875 ext. 311 |
AIDS Services of Austin, Inc. (ASAUSTIN) |
Liza Hinojosa |
liza.hinojosa@asaustin.org |
512-406-6430 |
Aletheia House |
Keisha Kennedy |
kkennedy@specialkindofcaring.org |
205-334-6502 |
Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. |
Ben Cabangun |
ben@apiwellness.or |
415-292-3420 ext. 314 |
Adalexis Rios Orlandi |
arios@aspirapr.org |
787-641-1985 ext. 222 |
Bienestar Human Services, INC. |
Frank Galvan |
fgalvan@bienestar.org |
866-590-6411 ext.117 |
Boston Medical Center |
Randie Kutzen |
randie.kutzen@bmc.org |
617-414-7053 |
Bronx AIDS Services, Inc. |
Candia Richards-Clarke |
crichards-clarke@boomhealth.org |
718-295-5690 ext. 221 |
Brooklyn AIDS Task Force |
Judith Dinar-Lewis |
jdinar@bac-nyc.org |
347-505-5101 |
Building Bridges, Inc. |
Marilyn Moering-Watkins |
mmwatkins@bbims.org |
601-922-0100 |
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center |
William Nazareth |
wnazareth@callen-lorde.org |
CALOR, a Division of Anixter Center (the same as Lester & Rosalie Anixter Center) |
Rosa Martinez-Colon |
remartinez-colon@anixter.org |
773-385-9080 ext. 241 |
Shakema Snow |
ssnow@calpep.org |
510-874-7850 ext. 207 |
Care Resource |
Thomas Pietrogallo |
tpietrogallo@careresource.org |
305-576-1234 ext. 283 |
Carolinas CARE Partnership |
Shannon Warren |
shannonw@carolinascare.org |
704-496-9581 |
Cascade AIDS Project |
Mary Berghaus |
mberghaus@cascadeaids.org |
503-278-3842 |
Center on Halsted |
Edwin Corbin-Gutierrez |
ecorbin-gutierrez@centeronhalsted.org |
773-472-6469 ext. 485 |
Change Happens! |
Amana Turner |
aturner@changehappenstx.org |
713-374-1236 |
Chicago House |
Judy Perloff |
jperloff@chicagohouse.org |
773-248-5200 ext. 311 |
Children's National Medical Center |
Dr. Ricardo LaGrange |
rlagrang@cnmc.org |
202-476-4455 |
COAI, Inc |
Peter M. Shepard-Rivas |
ache.pmshepard@gmail.com |
787-793-7550 |
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation |
Alan Belcher |
alanb@cbwellness.org |
361-814-2001 ext. 122 |
Comprehensive AIDS Program of Palm Beach County, Inc. |
Regina Roberson |
Roberson, Regina |
561-472-2466, ext. 114 |
Diverse and Resilient |
Dan Ruge |
druge@diverseandresilient.org |
414-390-0444 ext. 104 |
Empower U |
Vanessa Mills Ruth Weber |
vmills@empower-u-miami.org rweber@empower-u-miami.org |
786-318-2337 786-318-2337 ext. 111 |
Estancia Corazon, Inc. |
José Luis Vázquez |
vazquezjl5@hotmail.com |
787-831-8366 |
Family Health Centers of San Diego |
Craig Reed |
craigr@fhcsd.org |
619-515-2438 |
Family Planning Council |
Adonis Banegas |
adonis@familyplanning.org |
215-985-6837 |
Fenway Health |
Jon Vincent |
JVincent@fenwayhealth.org |
617-927-6218 |
Friends Research Institute, Inc. |
Kimberly Kisler |
kkisler@friendsresearch.org |
323-463-1601 |
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. (GMHC) |
Hannah Hirschland |
hannahh@gmhc.org |
212-367-1285 |
Guiding Right, INc. |
Theodore Noel |
tnoel@guidingright.org |
405-733-0771 ext. 320 |
HIV/AID Alliance for Region Two, Inc. (HAART) |
Tim Young |
tyoung@haartinc.org |
225-927-1269 |
Harlem United Community AIDS Center |
David Lopez |
dlopez@harlemunited.org |
212-289-2378 ext. 1279 |
Haymarket Center (the same as McDermott Center dba Haymarket Center) |
Dan Lustig |
dlustig@hcenter.org |
312-226-7984 ext. 488 |
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc. |
Phillip Lambert |
plambert@heartlandalliance.org |
773-751-4003 |
Helping Others in a Positive Environment (the same as HOPE Inc.) |
Kahaina Browne |
kbrowne@hopeincvi.org |
340-777-1611 |
HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC) |
Courtney Braunz |
bcourtney@casasegura.org |
510-434-0307 ext. 306 |
Hope and Help Center of Central Florida |
Marilyn Carifi |
mcarifi@hopeandhelp.org |
407-645-2577 ext. 121 |
Hyacinth AIDS Foundation |
Kathy O’Brien |
kobrien@hyacinth.org |
732-246-0204 |
Identity, Inc. |
Candace Kattar |
ckattar@identity-youth.org |
301-963-5900 ext.12 |
Indigenous Peoples Task Force |
Barb Bourquinn |
barbb@indigenouspeoplestf.org |
612-729-9244 |
Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies |
Melanie Powers |
mpowers@iwesnola.org |
504-599-7712 |
Iris House, A Center For Women Living with HIV |
Tara Lankford |
tlankford@irishouse.org |
646-548-0100 ext. 262 |
Justice Resource Institute, Inc. |
Jonathan DeFreese-Weber |
jdefreese-weber@jri.org |
617-457-8150 ext. 2503 |
JWCH Institute |
Al Ballesteros |
aballesteros@jwchinstitute.org |
213-484-1186 ext. 3009 |
Kansas City Free Health Clinic |
Dennis Dunmyer |
dennisd@kccareclinic.org |
816-777-2726 |
La Clinica de La Raza, Inc. |
Jane Garcia |
jgarcia@laclinica.org |
510-535-2924 |
La Clinica del Pueblo |
Suyanna Barker |
sbarker@lcdp.org |
202-507-4802 |
Larkin Street Youth Services |
Haley Mousseau |
hmousseau@larkinstreetyouth.org |
415-673-0911 ext. 333 |
Latino Community Services |
Fernando Morales |
fmorales@lcs-ct.org |
860-296-6400 ext. 272 |
Latinos Salud |
Jonathan Medina |
jmedina@latinossalud.org |
954-765-6239 ext. 203 |
Legacy Community Health Services |
Amy Leonard |
aleonard@legacycommunityhealth.org |
832-548-5086 |
Long Island Association For AIDS Care, Inc. (LIAAC) |
Gail Barouh |
executive@liaac.org |
631-385-2451 |
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center |
Jason Strong |
jstrong@lalgbtcenter.org |
323-993-7576 |
Lutheran Family Health Centers-LMC |
Evelyn Lopez |
elopez2@lmcmc.com |
718-437-5251 |
MAPS (Mass Alliance of Portuguese Speakers) |
Paulo Pinto |
PPinto@maps-inc.org |
617-864-7600 |
Mazzoni Center |
Ron Powers |
rpowers@mazzonicenter.org |
215-563-0652 ext. 210 |
Washington Area Consortium- Metro teen AIDS |
Kevin Jones |
kjones@metroteenaids.org |
202-803-6467 |
Minnesota AIDS Project |
Colleen Bjerke |
colleen.bjerke@mnaidsproject.org |
612-373-2412 |
Miracle of Love, Inc. |
Nicola Norton |
nnorton@miracleofloveinc.org |
612-373-2412 |
My Brother's Keeper, Inc. |
DeMarc A. Hickson |
dhickson@mbk-inc.org |
601-898-0000 ext. 115 |
Neighborhood House |
Warya Pothan |
waryap@nhwa.org |
206-461-4522 ext. 107 |
Newark Community Health Centers, Inc. |
Dr. Ada Emuwa |
aemuwa@nchcfqhc.org |
973-565-0355 ext. 1226 |
North Jersey AIDS Alliance (form. NJCRI) |
Alex William |
a.williams@njcri.org |
973-483-3444 ext. 250 |
NO/AIDS Task Force |
Josh Fegley |
joshf@noaidstf.org |
504-945-4000 ext. 206 |
The Partnership for the Homeless |
Daniel Castellanos |
dcastellanos@pfth.org |
212-645-3444 ext. 500 |
Philadelphia FIGHT Y-HEP |
Tiffany Thompson |
tthompson@fight.org |
215-564-6388 ext. 322 |
People of Color Against AIDS Network (POCAAN) |
Walter McKenzie |
walter@pocaan.org |
206-322-7061 |
Positive Impact, Inc. |
Marty Becker |
marty.becker@positiveimpact-atl.org |
678-365-4300 ext. 109 |
Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS CONCRA |
Rosaura Lopez-Fontanez |
rlopez@prconcra.net |
787-773-0464 |
Puerto Rican Cultural Center |
Dianna Manjarezz |
diannam@prcc-chgo.org |
773-278-6737 |
Quality Home Care Services, Inc. |
Faye Marshall |
efm0513@aol.com |
704-394-8968 ext. 114 |
Norma Barajas |
norma_reachla@earthlink.net |
213-622-1650 ext. 101 |
Regional Medical Center at Lubec |
Erica Famous |
efamous@rmcl.org |
207-263-8706 |
River Region Human Services |
Dr. Rhoda Saunders |
rsaunders@rrhs.org |
904-899-6300 ext. 4608 |
Saint Joseph's Mercy Care Services, Inc. |
Patricia Parsons |
pparsons@mercyatlanta.org |
678-843-8930 |
Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. |
Omotunde Sowole |
osowole@sashabruce.org |
202-675-9370 ext.176 |
South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council (SCHAC) |
Chestley Price |
cprice@schivaidscouncil.org |
803-254-6644 ext. 116 |
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation |
T Loving |
tloving@saaf.org |
520-547-6118 |
Special Service for Groups/Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team |
Stacy To Jury Candelario |
jcandelario@apaitonline.org |
213-553-1899 213-553-1832 |
St. Hope Foundation, Inc. |
Deonna Marshall |
deonna@offeringhope.org |
713-778-1300 |
STOP AIDS Project |
Richard Hill |
rhill@sfaf.org |
415-487-8042 |
Taskforce Prevention and Community Services |
Darryl Washington |
dwash773@aol.com |
773-473-4100 |
The Community Wellness Project |
Dana Williams |
314-421-9600 |
The Door-A Center for Alternatives, Inc |
Carolyn Glaser |
carolyn@door.org |
212-941-9090 ext. 3212 |
The Philadelphia AIDS Consortium |
Yoshiaki Yamasaki |
yoshiaki@tpaconline.org |
215-988-9970 ext. 307 |
The Pride Center (GLCC) |
S.F. Makalani-MaHee |
smakalani-mahee@pridecenterflorida.org |
954-463-9005 ext. 205 |
The Sharing Community Inc. |
Linda Hakim |
linda@thesharingcommunity.org |
914-963-2626 ext. 212 |
The Women's Collective |
June Pollydore |
june@womenscollective.org |
202-483-7003 ext. 115 |
The Wright House Wellness Center |
Vincetta Green |
vincetta@thewrighthouse.org |
512-236-8901 ext. 111 |
UT Southwestern Medical Center (same as Parkland Health and Hospital System) |
Candace Moore |
candace.moore@phhs.org |
214-590-8548 |
Virgin Islands Community AIDS Resource (VICARE) |
Sandra Phaire |
sandra.phaire@vicareinc.org |
340-692-9111 |
Whitney M. Young Jr. Health Center |
Katrina Balovlenkov |
kbalovlenkov@wmyhealth.org |
518-591-4480 |
Women On Maintaining Education and Nutrition/ W.O.M.E.N. |
Catherine Wyatt-Morley |
womenceo@bellsouth.net |
615-256-3882 |
Montefiore Medical Center-Women's Center |
Anitra Pivnick |
212-724-9891 |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | dad5 |
Last Modified By | Davis, David (CDC/OID/NCHHSTP) |
File Modified | 2015-07-13 |
File Created | 2015-07-13 |