NSC_2018BAS_AttachmentE_2018 BAS Telephone Scripts

NSC_Attachment E_2018 BAS_Telephone_scripts.pdf

The Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) & Boundary Validation Program (BVP)

NSC_2018BAS_AttachmentE_2018 BAS Telephone Scripts

OMB: 0607-0151

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Click Code = BAS01, Screen descriptor = What is BAS
What is the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) survey?
The U.S. Census Bureau conducts the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) annually to collect
information about selected legally defined geographic areas. The BAS is used to update information
about the legal boundaries and names of all governmental units in the United States. The Census
Bureau uses the boundary information collected in the BAS to tabulate data for the decennial and
economic censuses, and annual estimates and surveys such as the American Community Survey
and the Population Estimates Program. To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search
engine such as Google and type “BAS Census”.

Click Code = BAS02, Screen descriptor = Mandatory_Voluntary
Is the BAS survey mandatory or voluntary?
Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) is a voluntary survey. However, participation in BAS
allows you to ensure your boundaries are correct and up to date. This facilitates correct data being
collected for the Decennial Census and other Census programs. In addition, correct boundaries can
help ensure that any federal funding is correctly distributed to the appropriate governmental unit.

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Click Code = BAS03, Screen descriptor = Due Dates
What are the due dates?
March 1 and May 31 are the two important deadline dates for the Boundary and Annexation
Survey (BAS).
Boundary updates received by March 1 will be reflected in the American Community Survey and
Population Estimates Program published data and in next year’s BAS materials.
Boundary updates received by May 31 will be reflected in next year’s BAS materials.

Click Code = BAS04, Screen descriptor = BAS ID
What is my BAS ID?
The Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) ID is an 11-digit unique identifier for your
governmental unit. Let me look it up for you:
Interviewer Instruction:
Click on PCS link https://app.geo.census.gov/pcspro_prodflow/BAS2018_HOMEPAGE.user_login to
look up BAS ID.

Click the Search icon and enter the Entity Name, then
Select the State and Entity Type (e.g. place, county, minor civil division, etc.).

OR use the BAS website

Click Code = BAS05, Screen descriptor = Current Boundaries
How do I see my current boundaries?
You can review your boundaries using TIGERweb, the BAS partnership shapefiles, or using paper
BAS maps.
You can use the online viewer TIGERWeb at https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/tigerweb/.
Interviewer Instruction:

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. TIGERWeb can be found within the BAS Census website, hover over the “Geographies”
tab found on the left side of the website and then click on “Map Tools”.
The GEOID used to search for your governmental unit’s boundary can be found on the BAS codes
list page at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/bas/technical-documentation/code-lists.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Technical Documentation” tab found on
the left side of the website and then click on “Code List”.
You may download your shapefiles to use in your Geographic Information System (GIS) at
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Geographies” tab found on the left side
of the website and then click on “Mapping Files”.
You may also view your paper BAS maps at https://www.census.gov/geographies/referencemaps/2018/geo/bas/2018-bas-maps.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Geographies” tab found on the left side
of the website and then click on “Reference Files”. Click on “Legal Boundary Change/Annexation

Click Code = BAS06, Screen descriptor = How Respond
How do I respond?
You can request paper maps or digital materials be shipped to you or you can download your
shapefiles from our website to use in your Geographic Information System (GIS) or the Census

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Bureau’s Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS). The last day to report changes is May
You can indicate that your government has changes to report using the online Annual Response
Form or I can record that information for you right now.
Interviewer Instruction:
Step 1: Click on GPP link http://app.geo.census.gov/gppsystem/MainMenuPage.jsp
Confirm the BAS contact’s information.
Update the contact information or add a new BAS contact as necessary.
Mark the contact on the phone as BAS2018 even if the contact is not the BAS contact.
Step 2: Record how the participant would like to respond in the BAS PCS Enter the BAS ID (or
search for it. Click on PCS link


Enter “BAS Entity ID” into the proper field
Click on the Annual Response Module
AR Response dropdown – Select ‘YC - Yes Change or Needs Materials’
AR Materials Requested – Select one of the following options (DL – Download 9 if they are
going to download digital materials; DM – Digital/GUPS(CD) 6 if they are requesting
digital materials shipped; PA – Paper/All 1 if they are requesting all paper maps.
AR Response Type – Select ‘P – Phone’
Click Submit

Click Code = BAS07, Screen descriptor = Report No Changes
How do I report if I have no changes?
I can do that for you now.
Interviewer Instruction:
Step 1: Click on GPP link http://app.geo.census.gov/gppsystem/MainMenuPage.jsp
Confirm the BAS contact’s information.
Update the contact information or add a new BAS contact as necessary.
Mark the contact on the phone as BAS2018 even if the contact is not the BAS contact.

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Step 2: Record how the participant would like to respond in the BAS PCS. Enter the BAS ID (or
search for it). Click on PCS link

Enter the BAS Entity ID into the proper field
Click on the Annual Response Module
AR Response dropdown – Select ‘NC – No Change’
AR Response Type – Select ‘P – Phone’
Click Submit

Click Code = BAS08, Screen descriptor = Send Maps_Plats
Can I just send in my maps/plats?
We prefer that all changes be reflected on paper Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) maps or
in changes shapefiles.

Click Code = BAS09, Screen descriptor = Shapefiles
Can I just send in my Shapefiles?
No, due to our IT security protocol, all submissions must be uploaded via File Transfer Program
our FTP service SWIM. The SWIM is the official web portal for uploading partnership materials to
the Census Bureau.
To access SWIM please go to the following URL https://respond.census.gov/swim
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the SWIM portal use a popular search engine such as Google and type “swim census”.

Click Code = BAS10, Screen descriptor = Return Changes
How do I return my changes to the Census Bureau?
All Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) digital submissions must be uploaded via our File
Transfer Program service FTP, the Secure Web Incoming Module (SWIM). The SWIM is the
official web portal for uploading partnership materials to the Census Bureau. No other methods or
protocols (e.g. email or dropbox) are accepted because of our Census IT security policy.
To access SWIM please go to the following URL https://respond.census.gov/swim

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the SWIM portal use a popular search engine such as Google and type “swim census”
Paper submissions should be returned using the pre-paid return envelope provided with your paper
BAS materials.

Click Code = BAS11, Screen descriptor = SWIM
What is SWIM?
SWIM stands for Secure Web Incoming Module. Due to Census Bureau IT Security policies, all
submission must be made through SWIM. SWIM is the official web portal for uploading partnership
materials to the Census Bureau.
A SWIM token will be emailed to the BAS Contact 5 days after a governmental unit indicates they
have changes to report digitally through the online annual response form. This token is used to
create an individual SWIM account. When boundary changes have been created and are ready to
be submitted, they can be uploaded using the SWIM account.
To access SWIM please go to the following URL https://respond.census.gov/swim
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the SWIM portal use a popular search engine such as Google and type “swim census”

Click Code = BAS12, Screen descriptor = SWIM Token Not Received
I have reported that I will have changes, but have not received my SWIM token. When will I receive this?
A SWIM token is emailed to the BAS Contact 5 days after changes are reported. If you are the
contact and have not received a SWIM token after five days, email geo.bas@census.gov. If you
already have an account you will not get a new SWIM token.
If you just downloaded shapefiles and did not notify us, please fill out the online annual response
form and the BAS contact will be sent a SWIM token in 5 days. In that time, please review your
response by referring to the respondent guides to ensure your submission is in the correct format.

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

To access SWIM please go to the following URL https://respond.census.gov/swim
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the SWIM portal use a popular search engine such as Google and type “swim census”

Click Code = BAS13, Screen descriptor = No Longer BAS Contact
I am no longer the Highest Elected Official (HEO) or BAS contact. How can I correct this?
You have three options:
1) I can take the new HEO or BAS contact information from you at this time.
2) You may update the information online (Annual Response Form is available until May 31
each year) if you have the contact information for the Highest Elected Official (HEO) or
BAS contact at http://www.census.gov/geo/partnerships/bas/bas_ar_form.html
3) You may send an email to geo.bas@census.gov with the information

Interviewer Instruction: Click on the link http://app.geo.census.gov/gppsystem/MainMenuPage.jsp
Confirm the BAS contact’s information.
Update the contact information or add a new BAS contact as necessary.
Mark the contact on the phone as BAS2018 even if the contact is not the BAS contact

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Click Code = BAS14, Screen descriptor = CBAS Agreements
What are the Consolidated BAS (CBAS) agreements?
To reduce the burden on local governments and avoid duplication of efforts, the Census Bureau
offers consolidation agreements to counties that are interested in submitting boundary changes for
the legal governments (incorporated places and minor civil divisions) within their jurisdiction. The
consolidated BAS (CBAS) program allows counties to report boundary and feature changes for
some or all of the legal governments within their county. Once a local government agrees to the
consolidation, the local government will no longer receive BAS materials. Instead, the county BAS
respondent will be responsible for providing the Census Bureau with all boundary updates.
For more information on CBAS, and to see the current agreements in place, visit the CBAS page at:
https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/bas/information/consolidated-bas.html on the BAS
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “Information for Respondents” tab found on the
left side of the website. Click on “BAS State Agreements” or “Consolidated BAS Agreements”

Click Code = BAS15, Screen descriptor = Incorporation_Discorporation
How do I report a new incorporation/discorporation?
Please refer to the following website https://www.census.gov/geographies/reference-files/timeseries/geo/bas/new-annex.html for the specific instructions and paperwork that are required to
report a new incorporation or discorporation.
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Geographies” tab found on the left side
of the website. Click on the “Reference Files” within the Geographies section. Click on “New
Incorporations, Mergers, Consolidations, and Discorporations”.

Click Code = BAS17, Screen descriptor = Not Showing Annexation Info

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

My BAS form does not show any annexation information. Where can I find this?
This information can be found in the legal boundary change files at
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Geographies” tab found on the left side
of the website. Click on the “Reference Files” within the Geographies section. Click on “Legal
Boundary Change/Annexation Data”.

Click Code = BAS18, Screen descriptor = Who authorized survey
Who authorized the survey?
The Boundary and Annexation Survey is authorized by Section 6 of Title 13 of the United States
Code. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approves the survey materials. The current
valid OMB control number is: OMB No. 0607-0151; approval expires on 03-31-2019. The BAS is a
voluntary survey.

Click Code = BAS19, Screen descriptor = How is information used
How is this information used?
The BAS information is used to provide an appropriate record for reporting the results of the
decennial and economic censuses, and annual estimates and surveys such as the Population
Estimates Program and the American Community Survey.
In compliance with the Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-16, the BAS supports the
spatial data steward responsibilities of the Geo.Data.gov and the National Map by updating the
inventory of boundaries for governmental units.

Click Code = BAS20, Screen descriptor = Government surveyed
Will my government be surveyed?
The Census Bureau surveys all federally recognized tribes, states, legally defined counties (and
equivalent areas), incorporated places, and minor civil divisions (MCDs). This survey includes
approximately 40,000 entities and is conducted every year to provide the geographic support
needed for the American Community Survey and Population Estimates Program. The number of

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

entities included in the BAS in a particular year may vary depending on funding and the needs of
the Census Bureau in fulfilling the requirements for its censuses and surveys.
As part of our geographic partnership program, the Census Bureau has entered into several
agreements with state and county governments. The agreements reduce the burden on the
respondents by receiving all boundary updates from a single authoritative source. This also
reduces the cost of conducting the survey. A list of state and county consolidation agreements can
be found on the BAS webpage at: https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/consolidated-bas.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “Information for Respondents” tab found on the
left side of the website. Click on “BAS State Agreements” or “Consolidated BAS Agreements”

If your government is interested in entering a County Consolidation Agreement or State
Agreement, you can access information on how to be a part of either of these Consolidation
Agreements on the BAS Webpage at: https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/consolidated-bas.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “Information for Respondents” tab found on the
left side of the website. Click on “BAS State Agreements” or “Consolidated BAS Agreements”

Click Code = BAS21, Screen descriptor = Receive BAS, when
When will I receive the survey?
The BAS contact will receive an Annual Response email in early January. We are requesting all
governments respond using the Annual Response Online Form to update contact information and
to report whether your government has boundary changes to report. Please contact the Census
Bureau by email at geo.bas@census.gov or by phone at (800) 972-5651 for more information.

Click Code = BAS22, Screen descriptor = County respondent
I am a county respondent, what changes am I responsible for submitting?

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

As a county respondent, we are asking you to review and update your county boundaries as needed.
However, most county respondents also report changes for the legal governments (incorporated
places and minor civil divisions) within their jurisdiction. Some counties have entered into a
Consolidated BAS (CBAS) agreement with those governments, which states that the county will be
responsible for reporting changes for all (or a portion of) governments within the county, reducing
duplication of effort. You can visit the BAS webpage to see which counties are in CBAS and for
more information on how to sign up. https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/consolidated-bas.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “Information for Respondents” tab found on the
left side of the website. Click on “BAS State Agreements” or “Consolidated BAS Agreements”

Click Code = BAS23, Screen descriptor = Change effective after January 1
I have a legal change that is effective after January 1st. Should I go ahead and include that in my changes,
or wait until next year’s BAS?
Go ahead and include all of your legal changes. We will process them accordingly per the effective
date provided. Legal changes that are effective after January 1st will not be processed for inclusion
in the current year’s Census programs (such as the American Community Survey and Population
Estimates Program). They will be processed at a later date and will be included in the following
year’s BAS products.

Click Code = BAS24, Screen descriptor = When will change go into effect
When will my changes be reflected?
This depends on the type of changes you submit and when you submit them. Any legal boundary
changes which are received by the deadline of March 1st and were effective by January 1st of the
same year will be reflected in the products from the same year's ACS. All legal boundary changes
received after March 1st but before May 31st will be reflected in the next year’s BAS products.

Click Code = BAS25, Screen descriptor = Cannot access BAS website
I am unable to access the BAS website and receive an error screen that says, “This page cannot be
displayed.” How can I access the BAS website?
This sometimes happens due to office security settings which protect the user from inadvertently
clicking a link from emails. A feasible work around for this is to copy and paste the link into the
web address area of your browser.
We also recommend using either Internet Explorer or Firefox for viewing and updating the online
Annual Response Form.
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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Click Code = BAS26, Screen descriptor = Digital BAS submission
Are there step-by-step instructions on how to create a Digital BAS submission?
There are multiple accepted methods to create a Digital BAS submission using GIS. We recognize
that users possess a wide range of experience and expertise in GIS, which allows a person to create
a submission in many different ways. However, we do have a recommended 'example process'
located in the Appendix section (Appendix 3A) of the Digital BAS Respondent Guides. The Digital
BAS Respondent Guides can be accessed by going to: https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/respondent-guides.html.
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website and click on the “Respondent Guides”. Click on “BAS Respondent
Guide: Digital”.

While this section does not replace the detailed information within the respondent guide, it can be a
good place to start reading to determine what data is needed, how to set up your files, how to create
change polygons, and how to submit changes to the Census Bureau. The Digital BAS Respondent
Guides can be accessed by going to: https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/respondent-guides.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website and click on the “Respondent Guides”. Click on “BAS Respondent
Guide: Digital”.

Click Code = BAS27, Screen descriptor = Just send in boundary
Can I just send in my boundary?
No, due to our IT security protocol, all submissions must be uploaded via our FTP service SWIM.
The SWIM is the official web portal for uploading partnership materials to the Census Bureau.
We cannot accept or process submissions that only show the entirety of your boundary. The goal of
Digital BAS is to update our geographic database according to the differences and/or changes
between the Census-provided Shapefiles and your local data. Those differences and changes should
be reported as individual polygons that are coded according to the instructions found in the Digital
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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

BAS Respondent Guide. Individual change polygons allow us to process changes to our database in
a uniform manner, while also providing us with all of the required information needed for legal
changes and boundary corrections. The Digital BAS Respondent Guides can be accessed by going
to: https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/bas/information/respondent-guides.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website and click on the “Respondent Guides”. Click on “BAS Respondent
Guide: Digital”.

Click Code = BAS28, Screen descriptor = Which census shapefiles
What specific census shapefiles do I need to use for BAS?
We recommend using the following Census-provided Shapefiles regardless of the level of geography
being reported for: edges, place, mcd/ccd, county, and water. If you are providing changes to Area
Landmarks and/or Point Landmarks, those Shapefiles should be used as well (arealm and pointlm).

Click Code = BAS29, Screen descriptor = return BAS form with digital response
Do I need to return the BAS form with my digital response?
No. The information normally gathered on the forms will be extracted from the returned files. If
any additional information is needed, you will be contacted. We do request that you include a text
or Word file with your contact information or use our online Annual Response Form. The 2018
BAS forms only include 2017 BAS annexations, for all previously reported annexations please go to
Legal Boundary Change/Annexation Data. https://www.census.gov/geographies/referencefiles/time-series/geo/bas/annex.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Geographies” tab found on the left side of
the website and click on the “Reference Files” within the Geographies section. Click on “Legal
Boundary Change/Annexation Data”.

Click Code = BAS30, Screen descriptor = Symmetrical difference or union

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

I just ran Symmetrical Difference (or Union) as suggested and have a large number of polygons after
exploding them. Is this normal?
Yes, this is not unusual. If this is the first time submitting changes through the Digital BAS method,
you will see hundreds or thousands of change polygons. The large number of polygons is due to the
fundamentally different spatial arrangement of linear features in Census TIGER data versus your
local file, and may be aggravated by several years of paper map updates of boundaries during BAS.
Please review the polygons per the Digital BAS Respondent Guide. The Digital BAS Respondent
Guides can be accessed by going to: https://www.census.gov/programssurveys/bas/information/respondent-guides.html
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website and click on the “Respondent Guides”. Click on “BAS Respondent
Guide: Digital”.

Click Code = BAS31, Screen descriptor = Send in my map
Can I just send in a paper map of the entire boundary?
We cannot accept or process submissions that only show the entirety of your boundary.
Individually drawn changes allow us to process changes to our database in a uniform manner,
while also providing us with all of the required information needed for legal changes and boundary
corrections. We prefer that all changes be reflected on paper Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS) maps.

Click Code = BAS32, Screen descriptor = changes to maps
How do I make changes on the paper maps?
Colored pencils are included in the original mailing package. We ask that you use the red pencil to
update any changes to the boundary of your entity and the purple pencil to make any changes to
the road networks, address ranges, or areal features (parks, airports, etc.) within your entity. Note
that changes made in lead pencil or pen are sometimes more difficult to recognize due to existing
symbology color.

Click Code = BAS33, Screen descriptor = Request additional paper maps
How do I request additional maps?

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

The Census Bureau mails an index map showing the entire GU or AIA, along with more detailed
individual map sheets. Index maps are provided as a reference to help locate a map sheet. GUs and
AIAs with more than 30 map sheets receive only an index map and the map sheets that show the
legal boundary. Entities that require more than 30 boundary ring map sheets receive only the index
If you only received an index map for a county, incorporated place, MCD, or AIA where boundary
changes or feature updates need to be made, call (800) 972-5651 or e-mail geo.bas@census.gov to
request an individual map sheet or a full set of maps. Do not make updates on the index map.
Step 1: Click on GPP link http://app.geo.census.gov/gppsystem/MainMenuPage.jsp
Confirm the BAS contact’s information.
Update the contact information or add a new BAS contact as necessary.
Mark the contact on the phone as BAS2018 even if the contact is not the BAS contact
Step 2: Click on PCS link

Enter the BAS Entity ID into the proper field
Modify the Entity

Click Code = BAS34, Screen descriptor = Download GUPS
Where do I download the GUPS software?
The Geographic Update Partnership Software (GUPS) tool is now available for download from the
BAS Web site: http://www2.census.gov/geo/pvs/gups/
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “How to Get Started” tab found in the middle of
the website. Click on the “GUPS Download and Installation Instructions”. Click on “Download
GUPS” to download the GUPS ZIP file.
Instructional Videos about responding to BAS using GUPS can be accessed by going to:

Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website click on “Library” tab found on the left side of the
website. Click on the “Videos” within the Library section.

Click Code = BAS35, Screen descriptor = Cannot see BAS toolbar in GUPS
How do I see the BAS toolbar in GUPS?
You need to enable the GUPS plugin.  On the top of QGIS there will be a Plugins menu item. Click 
Plugins>> and choose Manage and install Plugin. Be sure gupsapp is checked. The GUPS toolbar
should then be displayed.
Also, you may consult the GUPS Installation Guide for any further questions:
All GUPS BAS Respondent Guides can be accessed by going to:

Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website. Click on the “Respondent Guides”. Click on “BAS Respondent
Guide: Digital” and “BAS Respondent Guide: Digital BAS Quick Start”.

Click Code = BAS36, Screen descriptor = Imagery does not load
The imagery layer does not work?
If you do not have access to a web mapping service, have a poor Internet connection, or work under
a restrictive firewall, you can still add other types of imagery files to the GUPS (e.g., a county or
state imagery dataset).
One free county imagery source is from the U.S. Geological Survey at:

Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
Within a search engine such as Google type “usgs imagery wms” Click on the first link for the US
National map

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Click Code = BAS37, Screen descriptor = Snapping
How do you make your mouse snap to a layer?
In Settings / Options / Digitizing, you can define the distance radius in pixel or map units to snap to
other points, and in Settings / Snapping options you can choose which layers can be used for
For more information on Snapping in QGIS see the QGIS documentation on editing:
Interviewer Instruction:
Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
Within a search engine such as Google type “snapping in qgis” Click on the fifth link for the QGIS

Click Code = BAS38, Screen descriptor = ESRI and QGIS Python conflict
Will GUPS/QGIS conflict with other software currently loaded onto a machine?
GUPS/QGIS uses Python. Other software that requires Python most notably ESRI products may
use other versions of Python causing GUPS/QGIS to fail to load. If this is an issue please make sure
to have the correct version of Python loaded onto your machine that GUPS was installed with.

Click Code = BAS39, Screen descriptor = Shapefile does not load
My shapefile will not load?
A shapefile can contain up to 7 different files. Be sure to be using the .shp file and not the .shp.xml

Click Code = BAS40, Screen descriptor = Crash without saving
My computer crashed or I exited GUPS without saving, how do I get my data back?
Be sure to save early and often. GUPS is designed to only save your changes when you click the
Save button. There is no way to get back to unsaved changes you made before exiting GUPS.

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Click Code = BAS41, Screen descriptor = General GUPS error
My GUPS software is corrupted and is slow/broken/corrupted?
GUPS is code written by the Census on top of open source software. We strive our best to produce
flawless software but from time to time it needs to be rebooted, reinstalled, and if necessary
updated when bugs are found. We recommend that you close GUPS at the end of each business day
to prevent the software from creating unwanted errors. If the error you have keeps occurring
please take a screenshot and send it to geo.bas@census.gov or call us back at (800) 972-5651.

Click Code = BAS42, Screen descriptor = Using other GIS software for BAS
I am already a skilled GIS professional and have other GIS software running on my machine I use
frequently, do I still need to use GUPS?
GUPS is designed as a free program for a wide range of individuals to use to contribute to the BAS
Program. If the BAS participant would like to contribute using another software they are more
familiar with they are more than welcome to do so.

Click Code = BAS43, Screen descriptor = Error on loading GUPS
I have loaded the GUPS program disk onto my computer, however, when I go to open it I get an error:
Couldn't load plugin gupsapp due to an error when calling its classFactory() method
When you open GUPS the first time you will receive the error. Close the program. Open the
program again and it should work normally. (Note: You may need to check the GUPS program
within the "Plugins" tab of QGIS to activate it.)

Click Code = BAS44, Screen descriptor = Error downloading GUPS data
I am having an error occur when I try to download data for the GUPS: I get an error: 999999_ssl.c:504:error:14077410:ssl routines:ssl23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
This is a known issue with XP when GUPS was installed incorrectly. Most commonly the
installation occurred when the user tried to install from the zip file, without having unzipped first.
Please reinstall GUPS properly so that this issue does not occur. You may consult the GUPS
Installation Guide for any further questions:

Interviewer Instruction:

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Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
Frequently Asked Questions Screens, Version 2.0

December 12, 2017
Project 6350D16

Read these instructions to the caller on how reach the web site:
To reach the BAS Census website use a popular search engine such as Google and type “BAS
Census”. Within the BAS Census website hover over the “Information for Respondents” tab found
on the left side of the website. Click on the “Respondent Guides” within the Geographies section.
Click on “BAS Respondent Guide: Digital BAS Quick Start”.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleBoundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
AuthorWindows User
File Modified2017-12-19
File Created2017-12-19

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