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pdfE-mail: BAS 1L <> and Text
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
“BAS ID:” <> <><>
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS). Do not miss your opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS to ensure that the Census Bureau has
current and accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental status information for your government.
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection,
tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020 Census, the American
Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP), and many other censuses and
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for health,
welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that your local government receives the funds for which it
is entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS website, you will find step-by-step instructions on how
to start the boundary updating process and respond to the 2018 BAS.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes, annexations,
or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm that your
government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond, we will contact your government
to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018
Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be reported in
the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and PEP data
estimates and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
E-mail- BAS 2L - American Indian Areas <> and Text
Subject: YYYY Tribal Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS). Do not miss your opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS and ensure that the Census Bureau
has current and accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental functioning status information for
your government.
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection,
tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020 Census, the American
Community Survey (ACS), and many other censuses and surveys.
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for health,
welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that your local government receives the funds for which it
is entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
The National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) will also notify its members about the 2018 BAS.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS website, you will find step-by-step instructions on how
to respond to the 2018 BAS and how to start the boundary updating process for the 2018 BAS.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes, annexations,
or contact updates to report for your tribal government. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm that
your tribal government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond, we will contact your
tribal government to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018
Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be reported in
the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS data estimates
and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
Email: BAS 3L <> and Text– County and State Consolidations
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey – CBAS
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS). The Census Bureau and your state or county BAS representative are collaborating to consolidate
responses to the BAS. The representative has agreed to report all boundary updates, legal name
changes, and governmental status updates to the Census Bureau. Please confirm your entity’s BAS and
Highest Elected Official (HEO) contact information is correct using the website link below, and work with
your state or county BAS contact to ensure all boundary changes for your government are reported by
your representative.
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection,
tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020 Census, the American
Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP), and many other censuses and
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for health,
welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures your local government receives the funds for which it is
entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
Action Step:
• (1) Click on the website link below
• (2) Confirm and update your contact information and the contact information for your
government’s HEO by filling out the annual response form online or through email.
Click here to go to the Contact Update Form
NOTE: Because your government participates in a consolidated BAS agreement, the Census Bureau will
not provide you with additional BAS materials.
Questions for your consolidated BAS representative can be directed to:
“Mailing Address:”
“City, State, Zip, Zip+4:” < BAS_CITY_STATE_ZIP>
General BAS questions can be directed to:
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
Email: BAS 4L- <> and text-not currently CBAS but their County is
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) – Not included in County’s CBAS
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS). Do not miss your opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS to ensure that the Census Bureau has
current and accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental status information for your government.
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection,
tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020 Census, the American
Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP), and many other censuses and
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for health,
welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that your local government receives the funds for which it
is entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
Your county currently participates in a consolidated BAS agreement. If you would prefer your county to
report for your government, please send an email to requesting to be included in
the consolidated agreement. Include your 11-digit BAS ID in the subject of the email.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS website, you will find step-by-step instructions on how
to respond to the 2018 BAS and how to start the boundary updating process for the 2018 BAS.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes, annexations,
or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm that your
government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond, we will contact your government
to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018
Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be reported in
the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and PEP data
estimates and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Web site:
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
Email: BAS 5L <> and text- CBAS Partial -Entity in more than one county
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey – Partial CBAS
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey
(BAS). Do not miss your opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS to ensure that the Census Bureau has
current and accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental status information for your government.
Your government is in more than one county, and at least one of these counties is responding to the BAS
on behalf of a portion of your government. Please respond to the BAS for the portion of your
government not included in the BAS consolidation agreement. Click on the Web site link below to view
the list of counties with BAS consolidation agreements to determine which portion of your government
is not included in an agreement and requires your response. If you are interested in joining a CBAS
agreement that your government is not included in, please email for more
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data collection,
tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020 Census, the American
Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP), and many other censuses and
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for health,
welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that your local government receives the funds for which it
is entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS Web site, you will find step-by-step instructions on how
to respond to the 2018 BAS and how to start the boundary updating process for the 2018 BAS.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes, annexations,
or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm that your
government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond, we will contact your government
to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018
Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be reported in
the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and PEP data
estimates and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
BAS- HEO/TC CC-Email <> and Text
Subject: BASYYYY Annual Response – HEO/TC Courtesy Copy
“BAS ID:” <> <> <>
This is a courtesy copy to the Highest Elected Official (HEO)/Tribal Chair (TC).
Please verify that the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) contact has responded to the
survey. If they have, no further action is required.
The BAS Annual Response information has recently been sent to this BAS contact:
Name: <>
Position: <>
Department: <>
Shipping Address: <>
City, State, Zip: <>
Phone: <>
E-mail: <>
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 BAS. Do not miss your
opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS and ensure that the Census Bureau has current and
accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental status information for your government.
We strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data
collection, tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020
Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP),
and many other censuses and surveys.
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for
health, welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that your local government receives the funds for
which it is entitled and has the best data available for its decision-making processes.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – You will find step-by-step instructions on how to respond to
the 2018 BAS on the BAS website linked below.
BAS- HEO/TC CC-Email <> and Text
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes,
annexations, or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are
able to confirm that your government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond,
we will contact your government to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018 All boundary changes must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and
PEP published data and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s
BAS materials.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
BAS-YesChangeResponse-Email Template
Subject: BASYYYY Digital Submission Information
BAS ID: <>, <><>
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) received your response to the Boundary and
Annexation Survey (BAS) indicating that your government has boundary changes to report.
Action Steps
• (1) Report boundary changes to the Census Bureau - On the BAS website you will find
detailed information on how to respond to the BAS digitally, or using paper maps. There
you will find respondent guidelines, the Geographic Update Partnership Software
(GUPS), partnership shapefiles, paper maps, previous annexation data, and other
important documentation.
(2) Obtain a Secure Web Incoming Module (SWIM) registration token - All governments
responding digitally must use SWIM. This token will be provided in a separate email.
Paper participants or those with an existing SWIM account will not receive a registration
Click here to go to the BAS website
Note: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if, after reviewing your government’s boundaries,
you determine that there is no boundary changes to report. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm
that your government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond with boundary changes
or a “NO” response, we will contact your government to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018 All boundary changes must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the
American Community Survey (ACS) and Population Estimates Program (PEP)
published data and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s
BAS materials.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
BAS-YesChangeResponse-Email Template
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
BAS - ‘Yes Change’ Already has SWIM Token Email Template
Subject: SWIM Registration Token
This email account: <> already has a U.S. Census Bureau Secure Web
Incoming Module (SWIM) account. A new token is not required. Please sign in to the SWIM
using the previously established user name and password. If you have questions, please contact
us at the email or phone number listed below.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the Boundary and Annexation Survey.
BAS- YesChangeResponseToken- Email Template
Subject: SWIM Registration Token
SWIM Registration Token - XXXXXXXXXXXX
All digital submissions must be submitted through the U.S. Census Bureau Secure Web
Incoming Module (SWIM). The Census Information Technology security policy prohibits
submissions by all other methods or protocols (e.g., email or ftp). If you have any questions,
please contact us at the email or phone number listed below for your reference.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
BAS- Non-Response Email Template
Subject: BAS17 Upcoming Deadline March 1, 2018 NR
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is sending this email to alert you that your government
has not yet responded to the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS). As a reminder, we sent an
email and follow up letter asking whether your government had any boundary updates and/or
changes to the government contact that we have on file. You still have time to participate in the
2018 BAS.
Action Step:
• (1) Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS website, you will find step-by-step
instructions on how to respond to the 2018 BAS.
(2) The Census Bureau is offering informational BAS webinars and workshops. For more
information, please visit the Events page on the website linked below.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes, annexations,
or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are able to confirm that your
government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond, we will contact your government
to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018 All boundary changes must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the
American Community Survey (ACS) and Population Estimates Program (PEP)
published data and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s
BAS materials.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
BAS- YesChange- No Return Email Template
Subject: BAS18 Upcoming Deadline March 1, 2018 YC
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is sending you this email to acknowledge and thank
you for your recent response to the 2018 Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS). Your
government has indicated that there are boundary changes to report, however we have not yet
received these changes.
Action Steps:
• (1) Report boundary changes to the Census Bureau - On the BAS website you will find
detailed information on how to respond to the BAS digitally, or using paper maps. There
you will find respondent guidelines, the Geographic Update Partnership Software
(GUPS), partnership shapefiles, paper maps, previous annexation data, and other
important documentation.
(2) The Census Bureau is offering informational BAS workshops and webinars. For more
information, please visit the Events page on the website linked below.
Click here to go to the BAS website
Note: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if, after reviewing your government’s boundaries,
you determine that there are no boundary changes to report. By responding “NO”, we are able to
confirm that your government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond with boundary
changes or a “NO” response, we will contact your government to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018 All boundary changes must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the
American Community Survey (ACS) and Population Estimates Program (PEP)
published data and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
BAS boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s
BAS materials.
Phone: 1-800-972-5651
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
E-mail: BAS Announcement: State Agreement Contact
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation
Survey (BAS). Do not miss your opportunity to participate in the 2018 BAS to ensure that the
Census Bureau has current and accurate boundary, legal name, and governmental status
information for your state.
As a BAS State agreement contact, we strongly encourage your participation in the 2018 BAS
for the following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data
collection, tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020
Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP),
and many other censuses and surveys.
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for
health, welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that local governments in your state receive the
funds for which they’re entitled and have the best data available for their decisionmaking processes.
Action Step:
• Respond to the 2018 BAS – On the BAS website, you will find step-by-step instructions
on how to start the boundary updating process and respond to the 2018 BAS.
Click here to go to the BAS website
NOTE: Please respond to the BAS with a “NO” response if you have no boundary changes,
annexations, or contact updates to report for your government. By responding “NO”, we are
able to confirm that your government has received and reviewed the BAS. If you do not respond,
we will contact your government to confirm your boundary change status.
January 1, 2018 Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and PEP
data estimates and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-301-763-1099
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
E-mail: BAS Announcement: State Data Center
Subject: YYYY Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS)
The U.S. Census Bureau (Census Bureau) is now conducting the 2018 Boundary and Annexation
Survey (BAS). Throughout your state, governments are asked to participate in the 2018 BAS to
ensure that the Census Bureau has current and accurate boundary, legal name, and
governmental status information for your state.
As a State Data Center contact, we strongly encourage your support in the 2018 BAS for the
following reasons:
Boundary updates complete the Census Bureau’s geographic framework for data
collection, tabulation, and dissemination, and are vital to the success of the 2020
Census, the American Community Survey (ACS), Population Estimates Program (PEP),
and many other censuses and surveys.
The federal government allocates more than $675 billion in federal funds annually for
health, welfare, infrastructure, education, and other federal programs and services.
Responding to the 2018 BAS ensures that local governments in your state receive the
funds for which they’re entitled and have the best data available for their decisionmaking processes.
Action Step:
• Encourage governments throughout your state to critically review their legal boundaries
and participate in the 2018 BAS.
• Inform the Census Bureau if you are able to assist with non-response follow up during
the 2018 BAS cycle.
January 1, 2018 Boundary updates must be legally in effect on or before this date to be
reported in the 2018 BAS.
March 1, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in the ACS and PEP
data estimates and in next year’s BAS materials.
May 31, 2018
Boundary updates submitted by this date will be reflected in next year’s BAS
Phone: 1-301-763-1099
Thank you for your participation in the BAS.
File Type | application/pdf |
Author | Tammi Elaine Gorsak |
File Modified | 2017-12-19 |
File Created | 2017-12-19 |