Nonresponse Followup/Update Enumerate Followup
Questionnaire Content Document for the Enumerator Instrument
2018 Census Test RI/RI CATI Instrument Specification
Back Section
Universal Functionality:
Census Day will be displayed as April 1, 2018 for the purpose of the 2018 Census Test.
Question wording key
Black text = Read by interviewer
Bold black = Roster names and you/your references
Blue text = Optional text for interviewer to read
Red text = Interviewer instruction
Help text
The Help Icon will display a message “Help is not available for this question.” when there is no specific help text for a question. Screens are listed in 2016 CT US 16-84.
Off-Path Data
Any roster attributes (persons, demographics, flags, etc.) should be removed from the roster once they are deemed off-path. See US 17-86.
Text boxes in the NRFU instrument should only accept the following characters: a-z A-Z ñáéíóúüÑÁÉÍÓÚÜ 0-9 [ ] { } ~ % $ ? ¿ # @ ! ¡ - _ ( ) / : ; "' . , * + = |
Description of Global Options across all screens:
The DK/REF option for screens that have it available exhibit a global behavior and is not readily available on screen as an option. Once DK/REF is available as a response option, selecting either DK (if available) or REF will default the original response options to an unselected or null value. Similarly, with the DK/REF options available on a screen, selecting any of the original options will set the DK/REF response to a null value.
Exit Survey
Upon pressing the Exit Survey icon, a pop-up (not a hard/soft edit) appears asking “Are you sure you want to exit the interview?” with Yes and No response options in the form of buttons. Pressing “Yes” will take the enumerator through one or two additional screens before reaching CASE NOTES, and then back to ACTIVE CASELIST.
Automatic Synchronization Events: (See US 18-643)
During these automatic synchronizations throughtout a day, the system will send any case information stored locally on the instrument without deleting anything from the caselists, as well as receive any necessary information from OCS. The system will automatically attempt a sync at the following events:
The enumerator logs into the instrument
The enumerator logs out of the instrument
The enumerator swipes past the CASE NOTES screen
Two hours have passed since the last sync attempt
The instrument enters a connected state after being in a disconnected state for at least 10 minutes
The fill for <PARTIAL ADDRESS>, <PARTIAL RESPONDENT ADDRESS>, and <PARTIAL CENSUS ADDRESS> will include any address information detailed below that is provided in the original Census address, and should be in the following format depending on the address type:
Additional Information
Sprint 6 version created from final COMPASS Spec for 2017 Census Test.
Creating a bookmark - Select desired text -> insert -> bookmark -> type in desired text in box (no spaces or special characters) -> Add
Inserting a hyperlink bookmark – Select desired text -> insert -> hyperlink -> bookmark -> choose existing hyperlink
Please note: the table of contents will ONLY be updated once track changes have been accepted. Due to this, page numbers in the table of contents might not accurately reflect all screen names.
The following step should ONLY occur after track changes have been accepted.
Table of Contents – Highlight page number -> insert -> quickparts -> field -> page reference -> in scroll down list, select corresponding bookmark -> Numeric format: 0 -> Format: 1,2,3 -> click okay.
To update/reflect changes on table of content – Ctrl A -> F9. This will update all page numbers in table of content.
Revision History
Sprint |
Date |
Change |
Sprint 6 |
11/14/16 |
Create a new option on the UNABLE TO ATTEMPT screen (18-491). Changing the year 2017 into 2018 (18-492). Create eventcode (18-493). Update NO COMPLETE response options (18-494). Updating PERSONAL NON-CONTACT response options (18-495). Update STRATEGIES previous screens (18-496). Update EXIT POP-STATUS previous screens (18-497). Update UNABLE TO ATTEMPT previous screens (18-498). Update MU INTRO question wording for outbound telephone housing unit (18-499). Update RESP LOCATION response options (18-500). Update DETAILED ORIGIN screens instruction wording (18-501). Update OWNER and RENTER response options (18-502). |
Sprint 6 |
11/21/16 |
Remove tribal enrollment screens (18-503). Remove tribal enrollment 2 from previous screens on the ELSEWHERE screens (18-504). Remove rev tribal enrollment from previous screens on REVIEW (18-505). Remove the branching to tribal enrollment (18-506). Updating year from 1891 to 1892 (18-507). Update LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP instructional wording (18-508). Update INMOVER DONE question wording (18-509). Update MU ANYONE branching (18-510). Update NO COMPLETE previous screens, response options and special instructions (18-511). Updating PROXY PHONE response options and question wording (18-512). Update for PROXY ADDRESS response options and question wording (18-513). Update CASE NOTES previous screens (18-514). Update GOOD BYE previous screens (18-515). Update RI INTRO branching (18-516). Update CASE NOTES branching (18-517). Update PERSONAL NON CONTACT branching (18-518). Update ACTIVE CASELIST, INACTIVE CASELIST and CASE DETAILS (18-524). Update ATTEMPT TYPE branching for MU RI (18-519). Update ELIGIBLE RESP wording for MU RI (18-520). Update branching to MU ANYONE for MU RI (18-521). Update branching from RI CONTACT RESP for MU RI (18-522). Update VARIABLES SET AFTER CASE NOTES for MU RI (18-523). Add navigation hard edit and special instructions to ATTEMPT TYPE (18-525). Update NO COMPLETE screen branching (18-526). Update LANGUAGE BARRIER previous screens (18-527). Update STRATEGIES question wording (18-528). |
Sprint 7 |
12/19/16 |
Update BEST TIME instructional text (18-529). Update branching to NO COMPLETE for RI of proxy (18-530). Update RI INTRO branching for proxy (18-531). Update RI VERIFY ADDRESS branching for proxy (18-532). Update BEST TIME for RI of proxy (18-533). Update branching from KNOW ADDRESS for RI of proxy (18-534). Update MU ANYONE question wording (18-535). Update MU INTRO question wording (18-536). Update MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT question wording (18-537). Update soft edits, hard edits, and branching on PEOPLE (18-538). Update POPCOUNT branching (18-539). Update UNDERCOUNT hard edits (18-540). Update ELSEWHERE WHY help text (18-541). Update ELSEWHERE help text (18-542). Update PEOPLE help text (18-543). Update POPCOUNT help text (18-544). Update UNDERCOUNT help text (18-545). Update WHO help text (18-546). Update WHO question wording (18-547). Update RESP NAME hard edits (18-548). Update ROSTER ADD hard edit (18-549). Update ROSTER EDIT hard edit (18-550). Remove NONID_Reinterview from the instrument (18-551). Remove NONID RI INTRO screen (18-552). Update ATTEMPT TYPE branching (18-553). Update DIAL OUTCOME branching and hard edit (18-554). Update NUMBER CALLED previous screens and response options (18-555). Update Relationship-Age check on CONFIRM AGE (18-556). Update REVIEW instructions (18-557). Update STRATEGIES branching (18-558). Update branching for proxy respondent on OWNER screen (18-559). Update DATE OF BIRTH branching (18-560). Update DATE OF BIRTH previous screens (18-561). Update OTHER VACANT response options to fix grammatical errors (18-562). Update predictive text for DETAILED ORIGIN screens (18-563). Update ANYONE to display census address for RI of proxy (18-564). Update EXIT POP-STATUS branching to avoid INMOVER DONE for RI (18-565). Update HOME wording for RI of proxy (18-566). Update OCCUPANCY to display census address for RI of proxy (18-567). Update OWNER to display census address for RI of proxy (18-568). Update PEOPLE wording for telephone RI of proxy (18-569). Update POPCOUNT branching and address display for RI of proxy (18-570). Update RENTER to display census address for RI of proxy (18-571). Update WHO to display Census address for RI of proxy (18-572). |
Sprint 7 |
1/9/17 |
Update Previous screens and branching on RELATIONSHIP CHECK (18-615). Update RELATIONSHIP OTHER question wording (18-616). Update RELATIONSHIP RESP question wording (18-617). Update RELATION OT question wording (18-618). Update RELATION SD question wording (18-619). |
Sprint 8 |
1/9/17 |
Update CHANGE RELATION RS OT question wording (18-609). Update AGE screen for new baby flag pathing (18-624). Update CHANGE AGE branching and response options (18-626). Refine help text for MCM screens (18-576). Update help text for RI COUNT (18-577). Expand all help text on DETAILED ORIGIN (18-578). Update HOME help text (18-579). Update RACE help text (18-580). Update SEX help text (18-581). Update DATE OF BIRTH help text (18-582). Update languages in Appendix B (18-583). Update SCAN BARCODE hard edit and special instructions (18-585). Update STRATEGIES question wording for UE (18-586). Update VERIFY DIALED NUMBER branching for UE (18-587). Update OTHER VACANT Ri of proxy wording (18-590). Update SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS wording for RI of proxy (18-592). Update VACANT DESCRIPTION wording for RI of proxy (18-593). Update ADDRESS help text (18-594). Update RESP NAME help text (18-595). Update path of proxy eligible cases (18-596). Update CASE DETAILS beginning an interview (18-597). Remove APPOINTMENT DETAILS screen (18-598). Update DISTANCE question wording (18-599). Update ELIGILBE RESP question wording (18-600). Update FIND ADDRESS soft edit (18-601). Update NEW CASE ADDRESS screen (18-602). Update NO COMPLETE screen (18-603). Update for PROXY ADDRESS (18-604). Update PROXY ALERTS screen (18-605). Update PROXY ATTEMPT screen (18-606). Update PROXY LOCATION screen (18-607). Create new screen AGE2 (18-610). Create CHANGE AGE 2 (18-611). Create new screen CONFIRM AGE 2 (18-612). Remove REV BABY FLAG (18-613). Update CHANGE DATE OF BIRTH for updated baby flag pathing (18-614). Update NO COMPLETE previous screens (18-621). Update RACE previous screens (18-622). Update REVIEW screens for new baby flag pathing (18-623). Update BABY FLAG branching and help text (18-625). Update DATE OF BIRTH previous screens (18-627). Update RESP NAME branching (18-584). Update REVIEW branching (18-589). Update RESP PHONE branching (18-591). Update ANYONE screen (18-628). Update ATTEMPT TYPE screen (18-629). Update UNABLE TO ATTEMPT screen (18-631). Update CONTACT HISTORY with proxy required icon (18-638). |
Sprint 8 |
1/11/17 |
Added note in ELSEWHERE response options. Added note to MAXDISTANCE wording throughout spec. |
Sprint 8 |
1/12/17 |
Update Census ID formatting (18-634). Update LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP screens (18-635). |
Sprint 9 |
1/25/17 |
Update UNABLE TO ATTEMPT hard edit (18-641). Add REL-SEX check to the SEX screen (18-642). Update LANGUAGE response options and special instructions (18-573). Standardize hard edits for relationship and sex screens (18-574). Replace empty help text (18-575). |
Sprint 9 |
1/26/17 |
Update RESP LOCATION screen (18-608). Update ACTIVE CASELIST with Proxy required icon (18-636). Update CASE DETAILS with Poxy required icon (18-637). Update INACTIVE CASELIST with Proxy required icon (18-639). Update Instructional Text on SEX (18-640). |
Sprint 9 |
1/27/17 |
Define automatic synchronizations (18-643). Update OCCUPANCY help text (18-644). Update branching on RELATIONSHIP CHECK (18-645). Remove PHONE NUMBERS screen (18-646). Removing PHONE NUMBERS from CASE DETAILS screen (18-647). Update CHANGE DATE OF BIRTH branching (18-649). Update Special Instructions on CHANGE RELATION RS SD (18-650). |
Sprint 10 |
2/17/17 |
CASE NOTES Screen RI /RI CATI (18-632). Revsing languages in Appendix B (18-651). Update response options on EXIT POP-STATUS for RI (18-666). |
Sprint 11 |
3/13/17 |
Telephone pathing for RI with new variables (18-674). Update LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP (18-687). Update LANGUAGE PHONE (18-688). Update REFUSAL REASON (18-690). Update on EXIT POP-STATUS for RI (18-698). Special instructions to prevent blank case notes for NRFU, RI, MCM (18-704). |
Sprint 12 |
4/3/17 |
Move OTHER VACANT screen to Front Section. |
Sprint 13 |
4/24/17 |
Update LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP (corrected special instruction 18-687). Update LANGUAGE PHONE (corrected special instruction 18-688). Removal of Predictive Text on PROXY ADDRESS, NEW CASE ADDRESS, and PROXY LOCATION (18-717). Update to CASE NOTES Formatting (18-720). Updates for RI (18-729). |
Sprint 14 |
5/15/17 |
RI Update Case Notes Formatting (18-724). Change UTC to GMT (18-732). Clearing the text box when “Other” is selected as a response option (18-731). List Refusal Reasons for Generated Case Notes (18-733). Previous screen update for BEST TIME RI (18-735). LANGUAGE ASSIST question wording for Puerto Rico for NRFU and RI (18-743). |
Question Index
Screen name |
Screen Owner |
Previous Questions that an action on a question leads to this screen |
Next Questions that follows this question based on an action |
Page Number |
Kristin koslap (pop)
12 |
15 |
20 |
Language Barrier |
Language assist |
21 |
23 |
24 |
26 |
29 |
Proxy Name |
30 |
32 |
TYPE OF PROXY Review no complete |
34 |
36 |
37 |
Language |
38 |
39 |
40 |
43 |
n/a |
n/a |
50 |
69 |
71 |
75 |
Question Wording choice logic:
These are the variables and logic used to correctly choose what wording should be used for that screen for any given interview. The logic below correctly chooses between the question wording of an “In person housing unit respondent”, “Telephone housing unit respondent”, “In person proxy respondent”, and “Telephone proxy respondent”.
If ATTACTUAL=PV then the “In Person” question wording should be displayed for any screens following the ATTEMPT TYPE screen with alternate question wording indicated in the Questionnaire Content Document.
If ATTACTUAL=T then the “Telephone” question wording should be displayed for any screens following the ATTEMPT TYPE screen with alternate question wording indicated in the Questionnaire Content Document.
If RESP_TYPE=HH then the “Housing Unit Respondent” question wording should be displayed for any screens following the ADDRESS screen with alternate question wording indicated in the Questionnaire Content Document.
If RESP_TYPE=proxy, then the “Proxy Respondent” question wording should be displayed for any screens following the ADDRESS screen with alternate question wording indicated in the Questionnaire Content Document.
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
ELIGIBLE RESP = No, unable to conduct interview, DK or REF
If Exit interview button on toolbar is selected while on screens KNOW ADDRESS, INTRO, ADDRESS, ANYONE, WHO, RESP NAME, or RESP PHONE |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
If RESPTYPE_PROD=HH Including yourself, how many people were living or staying at <PARTIAL CENSUS ADDRESS> on <CENSUSDAY>? Enter the number of people, or select the unit status.
If RESPTYPE_PROD=PROXY How many people were living or staying at <PARTIAL CENSUS ADDRESS> on <CENSUSDAY>? Enter the number of people, or select the unit status..
Response options |
Number of people: <2-digit numerical text box, with a valid values range of 1-99>
Unit status:
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If WHO = NO or REF go to GOOD BYE. Else, go to NO COMPLETE. If Exit Survey is selected, go to NO COMPLETE If UNABLE TO ATTEMPT= “Contact made, unable to interview” branch to NO COMPLETE
Data needed |
Help text |
We need to count people where they live and sleep most of the time. Enter the number of people that were living or staying at the address on <CENSUSDAY>.
If the number of people is unknown, or the unit is unoccupied, select the other status that is most applicable.
What is a Housing Unit? - A housing unit may be a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms or a single room that can be occupied as separate living quarters (which have separate and direct access from outside the building or through a common hall). Boats, recreational vehicles (RVs), vans, tents, railroad cars, and the like are included only if they are occupied as someone's current place of residence. Excluded from the housing inventory are quarters being used entirely for nonresidential purposes, such as a store or an office, or quarters used for the storage of business supplies or inventory, machinery, or agricultural products.
Occupied - A housing unit is classified as occupied if it is the usual place of residence of the person or group of people living in it on census day, even if the usual occupants are temporarily away on vacation or a business trip. The living quarters occupied by staff personnel within any group quarters are separate housing units if they satisfy the housing unit criteria of separateness and direct access; otherwise, they are considered group quarters (not a housing unit). Occupied rooms or suites of rooms in hotels, motels, and similar places are classified as housing units only when occupied by people who consider the hotel as their usual place of residence or have no usual home elsewhere.
Vacant - A housing unit is vacant if no one is living in it on census day. Units occupied on census day entirely by persons who have a usual home elsewhere are classified as “vacant.” Usual home elsewhere is the place where a person lives and sleeps most of the time. New units not yet occupied are classified as vacant housing units if construction has reached a point where all exterior windows and doors are installed and final usable floors are in place. Also, vacant units are excluded from the housing inventory if they have a sign saying that they are condemned or that they will be demolished. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: Please provide an answer to the question. If “Unit status” is Occupied, and there is no response for “Number of people”: Please enter the number of people. If “Number of people” is DK/REF and there is no response for “Unit status”: Please select the unit status. If 0 (zero) or any non-numeric characters are entered for “Number of people”: For the number of people, you can only enter a number between 1 and 99. |
Special instructions |
If 1-99 is entered for “Number of People,” automatically select Occupied for the “Unit status.”
If 1-99 is already entered for “Number of people” and then (Vacant, Not a housing unit, or DK/REF) is selected for “Unit status,” automatically reset “Number of people” text box to blank.
When swiping to next
screen: |
DK/REF options |
Available separately for both “Number of people” and “Unit status” |
Exit Survey option |
Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-71, 16-99, 16-125, 17-73, 17-117, 17-145, 17-153, 17-284, 17-158, 18-497, 18-551, 18-565, 18-666, 18-698 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
POPCOUNT=DK or REF PEOPLE: if REF/DK after second edit message or if “Exit Survey” is selected OCCUPANCY=DK or REF Exit Interview button in toolbar.
RI INTRO = Contact made, respondent not home/unable to continue or Respondent not home RI CONTACT RESP= (Unable to complete) or (REF) ANYONE=(DK) or (REF)
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Thank you for your time. Why are you unable to conduct this interview? |
Response options |
For ATTACTUAL=PV and RESPTYPE_PROD=Proxy: (Radio buttons)
If other selected, display 200-character text box with the label Specify.
For ATTACTUAL=PV and RESPTYPE_PROD=HH: (Radio buttons)
If other selected, display 200-character text box with the label Specify.
For ATTACTUAL=T and RESPTYPE_PROD=proxy: (Radio buttons)
If other selected, display 200-character text box with the label Specify.
For ATTACTUAL=T and RESPTYPE_PROD=HH: (Radio buttons)
If other selected, display 200-character text box with the label Specify.
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If ATTACTUAL=PV and RESPTYPE_PROD=Proxy, and { <RESP NAME> not available, go to BEST TIME Respondent doesn’t live there/doesn’t exist, go to CASE NOTES Inconvenient time, go to BEST TIME Language barrier, go to LANGUAGE BARRIER Hearing barrier, go to CASE NOTES Refusal by respondent, go to REFUSAL REASON Dangerous address, go to CASE NOTES Not a housing unit, go to UNABLE TO ATTEMPT Other, go to CASE NOTES }
If ATTACTUAL=PV and RESPTYPE_PROD=HH, and { Eligible respondent not available, go to BEST TIME Respondent doesn’t live there/doesn’t exist, go to CASE NOTES Inconvenient time, go to BEST TIME Language barrier, go to LANGUAGE BARRIER Hearing barrier, go to CASE NOTES Refusal by respondent, go to REFUSAL REASON Dangerous address, go to CASE NOTES Not a housing unit, go to UNABLE TO ATTEMPT Other, go to CASE NOTES }
If ATTACTUAL=T and RESPTYPE_PROD=Proxy, and { <RESP NAME> not available, go to BEST TIME Wrong number/No one by that name, go to CASE NOTES Inconvenient time, go to BEST TIME Language barrier, go to CASE NOTES Hearing barrier, go to CASE NOTES Refusal by respondent, go to REFUSAL REASON Other, go to CASE NOTES }
If ATTACTUAL=T and RESPTYPE_PROD=HH, and { Eligible respondent not available, go to BEST TIME Wrong number/No one by that name, go to CASE NOTES Inconvenient time, go to BEST TIME Language barrier, go to CASE NOTES Hearing barrier, go to CASE NOTES Refusal by respondent, go to REFUSAL REASON Other, go to CASE NOTES }
Data needed |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
If no option is selected, display “Please provide an answer to the question.” If “Other” is selected and the text box is left blank, display “Please specify the reason that you are unable to conduct this interview.” |
Special instructions |
A case note is automatically generated when navigating to CASE NOTES. The case note should display on the CASE NOTES screen, formatted as followed:
Set noteOrigin=8 Note: Each case note that is generated has the variable noteOrigin associated with it to describe where the case note originated from. Refer to the 'List of Variables' document for a full list of possible values for the variable noteOrigin.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-68, 16-84, 16-99, 16-148, 16-167, 16-177, 16-232, 16-242, 16-243, 16-245, 16-293, 17-116, 17-158, 17-444, 18-494, 18-511, 18-526, 18-530, 18-551, 18-621, 18-603, 18-575, 18-689, 18-724, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Should proxy attempt path branch to BEST TIME screen if Eligible respondent not available or Inconvenient time is selected? |
Screen name |
Language Barrier |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
NO COMPLETE = (Language barrier) and ATTACTUAL=PV |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
In which language was this interview attempted? |
Response options |
(checkboxes of languages with other option without text box) |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Go to Language BARRIER RESP |
Data needed |
Drop down box of languages. |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse, “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
Languages available in Appendix B. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 17-436, 18-527, 18-635, 18-575, 18-651 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Language Barrier |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
What language does the respondent speak? (Hand respondent the Language ID Flashcard) |
Response options |
(drop down box of languages with other option without text box) |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
Drop down box of languages. |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse, “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
A case note is automatically generated when navigating to CASE NOTES. The case note should display on the CASE NOTES screen, formatted as followed:
Set noteOrigin=8 Note: Each case note that is generated has the variable noteOrigin associated with it to describe where the case note originated from. Refer to the 'List of Variables' document for a full list of possible values for the variable noteOrigin. |
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-99, 16-280, 16-293, 17-69, 17-436, 17-428, 18-508, 18-635, 18-575, 18-651, 18-687, corrected 18-687, 18-724 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Is there an interpreter available or another eligible respondent who speaks <INSERT_1>? |
Response options |
(Radio buttons)
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If respondent DK/REF branch to CASE NOTES
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
Fill logic for the instructional text fill <INSERT_1>:
If stateside, <INSERT_1> = “English” Else if Puerto Rico, <INSERT_1> = “Spanish”
A Puerto Rico case will be determined by a OCS input flag.
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
NA |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
NA |
User Story Number |
17-68, 17-326, 18-575, 18-729, 18-743 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Record the respondent’s phone number. |
Response options |
Phone Number (separate by a hyphen with auto-tabbing)
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
A case note is automatically generated when navigating to CASE NOTES. The case note should display on the CASE NOTES screen, formatted as followed:
Set noteOrigin=8 Note: Each case note that is generated has the variable noteOrigin associated with it to describe where the case note originated from. Refer to the 'List of Variables' document for a full list of possible values for the variable noteOrigin. |
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
NA |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
NA |
User Story Number |
17-67, 17-138, 18-635, 18-575, 18-688, corrected 18-688, 18-724 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Refusal Reason |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
NO COMPLETE = Refusal by Respondent |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
What reasons were given for the refusal, if known?
Response options |
If “other” selected, display a 200-character text box with the label Specify.
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse, “Please provide an answer to the question.” For a response of Other without text in the Specify text box, “Please specify a reason.” |
Special instructions |
A case note is automatically generated when navigating to CASE NOTES. The case note should display on the CASE NOTES screen, formatted as followed:
Set noteOrigin=8 Note: Each case note that is generated has the variable noteOrigin associated with it to describe where the case note originated from. Refer to the 'List of Variables' document for a full list of possible values for the variable noteOrigin.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-68, 16-84, 16-99, 16-147, 16-244, 16-293, 17-436, 18-551, 18-575, 18-690, 18-724, 18-731, 18-733 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
In case I or someone else from the Census Bureau needs to contact you again for additional information.
Ask or confirm. What is your name?
Response options |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
Pressing Forward Arrow moves the cursor to the next entry field, and does not close the NRFU instrument Keypad. |
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person proxy respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-167, 16-40, 17-87, 18-575, 18-674 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
What is the best phone number to reach you? |
Response options |
If ATTEMPT TYPE=Outbound call attempt:
If no, then the following question should be displayed as well as the text boxes to collect the phone number: (Ask or confirm) What is the best phone number to reach you?
If ATTEMPT TYPE =Personal visit:
Phone Number (separate by a hyphen with auto-tabbing)
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” If a phone number of less than 10 digits is entered:“The phone number must be in the format (xxx) xxx-xxxx.”
Special instructions |
Just to clarify, if it is an outbound call then instead of just asking for the best number to reach the proxy respondent question wording should appear the verifies if the number selected in NUMBER CALLED is the best number. If it isn’t, then wording appears to solicit and capture the best phone number.
Prevent adding duplicate phone numbers: When a user adds a new phone number, if that same phone number with PHONEASSOC=already exists for that case, the system should not add the phone number to the case.
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
Is <fill with phone number from NUMBER CALLED > the best phone number to reach you?
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 17-443, 17-327, 18-512, 18-575, 18-674 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Question name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
PROXY PHONE NO COMPLETE (where (Eligible respondent not available, Hearing Barrier, or Other), LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP (where ATTACTUAL=T) REFUSAL REASON (where ATTACTUAL=T) GOOD BYE (where REVIEW is not ONPATH For a Personal Visit, Outbound Call, or Inbound Call at a Proxy Address:
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
What best describes the proxy? |
Response options |
(Radio buttons)
If Other, display a 125-character text box with the label Specify. |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If previous screen was PROXY PHONE, go to BEST TIME If previous screens were not PROXY PHONE, go to CASE NOTES |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” If “Other” selected and text box is blank or if < 3 non-space characters: “Please specify the type of proxy.” |
Special instructions |
If the previous screen was PROXY ADDRESS, display the “Enumerator Personal Knowledge” response option, otherwise do not display the “Enumerator Personal Knowledge” response option.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-99, 16-125, 16-243, 17-32, 17-153, 17-331, 18-575, 18-674, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Best Time |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
REVIEW (where RESP_TYPE=HH) NO COMPLETE = Eligible respondent not available or Inconvenient time NO COMPLETE (where RESPTYPE_PROD=proxy) = <RESP NAME> not available
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
If NO COMPLETE=Inconvenient time: Someone from the Census Bureau may contact you to complete the full interview. What are the best days and times to contact you again? Check all that apply.
If NO COMPLETE = <RESP NAME> not available: What are the best days and times to talk with <RESP NAME>? Check all that apply.
Else: Another Census employee may contact you to evaluate my work. What are the best days and times to contact you? Check all that apply. |
Response options |
(As each day is selected, the list of times below will be displayed as an expanded list)
When a day is checked, the default will be that all times (Morning, Afternoon, and Evening) are selected with the ability to unselect times that are not needed.
When “Anytime” is selected all days are expanded with all times and days checked. If one time or day is unselected, then “Anytime” is unchecked.
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If ATTACTUAL=PV, RESP_TYPE=HH, and NO COMPLETE = Inconvenient time, <RESP NAME> not available, or Eligible respondent not available: Go to CASE NOTES If ATTACTUAL=T, RESP_TYPE=HH, and NO COMPLETE=Inconvenient time, <RESP NAME> not available, or Eligible respondent not available Go to CASE NOTES If RESULT OF MESSAGE=Specifies day and time for an interview Go to CASE NOTES Else: Go to GOOD BYE
Data needed |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
If a day is selected, automatically select all times for that day. Allow for the ability to uncheck times when necessary. If “Anytime” is selected, select all days and times.
DK/REF options |
Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-231, 16-275, 16-289, 16-293, 17-283, 17-440, 18-529, 18-533, 18-551, 18-575, 18-735 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
That completes the interview. Thank you for your time and cooperation. |
Response options |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If from (Best Time), then go to Interpreter. If (VERIFY DIALED NUMBER=No), go to CASE NOTES. Else go to CASE NOTES
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
N/A |
Special instructions |
N/A |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-99, 16-177, 16-254, 16-280, 17-329, 18-515, 18-575 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Was there an interpreter present?
Response options |
(Radio buttons)
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If yes, go to ID INTERPRETER. If no, go to LANGUAGE. |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” |
Special instructions |
N/A |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-69, 16-84, 17-427, 18-575 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Who was the interpreter? |
Response options |
(Radio buttons)
If “other” selected, display a 100-character text box with the label Specify. |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
HH roster |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” If “Other” selected and text box is blank or if < 3 non-space characters: “Please specify an interpreter.” |
Special instructions |
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-69, 16-84, 16-243, 17-32, 18-575, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
If Interpreter=no, What language was the interview conducted in?
If Interpreter= yes: What language was the interview interpreted from? |
Response options |
(list of languages with other option with text box)
If “other” selected, display 35-character text box with the label Specify. |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse: “Please provide an answer to the question.” If “Other” selected and text box is blank or if < 3 non-space characters: “Please specify type of Language.” |
Special instructions |
The response options should be ordered English, Spanish, and remaining languages listed alphabetically. Drop down should default to blank.
Languages available in Appendix B.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 17-89, 18-573, 18-575, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
RESP LOCATION = Unable to attempt address or (Unable to attempt) NO COMPLETE = Not a housing unit. |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Why are you unable to make an attempt at <partial address>?. |
Response options |
(Radio buttons)
If “Duplicate” selected, display a 200-character text box with the label “Please describe why this is a duplicate.” If “Other” selected, display a 200-character text box with the label “Specify”. |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
N/A |
Help text |
Demolished – Mark this category for vacant units which are to be demolished if there is positive evidence such as a sign, notice, or mark on the house or in the block, that the unit is to be demolished but on which demolition has not yet been started. Burned out – if the unit is burned out and uninhabitable. Nonresidential – if no one lives there and this building is not used as living quarters (for example, as a business or commercial facility). Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction – if the housing unit is open to elements, condemned, or under construction Empty mobile home/trailer site – if in a Mobile Home Park and the site was empty on Census Day. Duplicate – if the unit occurs twice in the case list or if the unit has two addresses associated with it. Multiunit, missing unit designation – if upon enumeration, you discover that the unit has two or more units within it that have unique addresses. An example of a missing unit designation would be a house (123 Main Ave) that is now divided into two apartments (123 Main Ave APT A and 123 Main Ave APT B). This case would then be deleted upon selecting this category, and you should add two new cases in order to enumerate the two units separately using their respective addresses. Restricted access – if the unit is not reachable due to scenarios such as locked gates or gatekeepers preventing access. Group quarters – if the unit is a group quarters. A group quarters is a place where people live or stay in a group living arrangement that is owned or managed by an entity or organization providing housing and/or services for the residents. Some examples of group quarters include college residence halls, nursing homes, group homes, halfway houses, workers’ dormitories, and shelters. Any living quarters that is occupied by staff members within a group quarters is also considered to be a group quarters, unless it has a separate address and satisfies the housing unit criteria of separateness and direct access. Other – if the unit is not livable and does not fall into any the other response .
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
If nonresponse, display “Please provide an answer to the question. ” If “Duplicate” is selected and the text box is left blank, display “Please describe the reason that this is a duplicate.” If “Other” is selected and the text box is left blank, display “Please specify the reason that you are unable to make an attempt.” |
Special instructions |
If (Restricted access), set RESTRICTED_ACCESS=1 Else, set RESTRICTED_ACCESS=0
A case note is automatically generated when navigating to CASE NOTES depending on the selection made on UNABLE TO ATTEMPT. The case note displays on the CASE NOTES screen as UNABLE TO ATTEMPT- <response option>: <text box input> if the response option had a text box with input. Otherwise, the case note just displays UNABLE TO ATTEMPT - <response option>.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-152, 16-237, 16-243, 16-293, 17-489, 18-491, 18-498, 18-551, 18-631, 18-641, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Enter any notes about the case in the text box.
Response options |
A large Text Box that allows as many characters that make sense for the screen [ ] |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
Any notes for that case If original MU=1, ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the original MU=1 case, the ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the original MU=2 (parent) case, and the ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the MU RI / MU RI CATI case (if applicable) If original NRFU, ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the original NRFU case If original UE, ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the original UE case If original UEF, ‘Important’ Case notes entered in the original UE and UEF case Case notes from previous RI or RI CATI attempts <PARTIAL CENSUS ADDRESS> (refers to the original census address) <PARTIAL RESPONDENT ADDRESS> (refers to the address of the respondent) |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
If (OUTCOME ≠ (100 or 102) or PROXYELIGIBLE=0 or PROXY ATTEMPT=No or PROXYCOUNTER>4), then after swiping off of the CASE NOTES screen, the systems shall display a message next to inform the enumerator that this is the last screen during that interview attempt and another swipe will end this attempt and return them to the case list: “This is the last screen for this attempt. Swipe again to exit the case and return to the case list.”
For a proxy eligible case (i.e. after recording ‘no answers” for a personal visit): “This is the last screen for this attempt. Swipe again and you will either return to the case list or, if eligible, attempt a proxy”
After saying “No” on the subsequent PROXY ATTEMPT screen): “This is the last screen for this attempt. Swipe again to exit the case and return to the case list”. |
Hard Edit |
N/A |
Special instructions |
For all operations: {
o User ID o Date and time o Proxy: ADDRESS UNKNOWN o KNOW ADDRESS: <Text box input>
Added case notes have the following info displayed:
Note: The ‘important’ case notes from the original interviews will show on CASE NOTES during RI and RI CATI attempts. Meaning, if the original interview was:
The case notes entered for a RI or RI CATI case will remain on CASE NOTES during future contact attempts.
Upon swiping past the soft edit, the system attempts a sync, sending all case information to OCS. |
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
N/A |
User Story Number |
16-84, 16-99, 16-123, 16-157, 16-167, 16-196, 17-7, 17-70, 17-122, 17-134, 17-139, 17-280, 18-514, 18-517, 18-575, 18-643, 18-632, 18-704, 18-720, 18-724, 18-733 |
Future Suggested Changes |
EVENTCODE initialized to 1.040 (Partial or break-off with insufficient information).
If RESP TYPE=proxy, set EVENTCODE=1.041 (Partial or break-off with insufficient information by proxy).
If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE= 1.050 (Partial or break-off with sufficient information).
If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= proxy and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE= 1.051 (Partial or break-off with sufficient information by proxy).
If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 1.010 (Complete interview).
If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= proxy and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE= 1.021 (Complete by proxy).
If NO COMPLETE=Hands the enumerator a completed form and ONPATH=1, then set EVENTCODE=1.030 (Form provided to enumerator).
If (RI CONTACT RESP = Yes, and RI COUNT Unit Status = Occupied, REF, DK) then set EVENTCODE= 1.050 (Partial or break-off with sufficient information)
If RI CONTACT RESP = NO or DK and ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1)), then set EVENTCODE= 1.050 (Partial or break-off with sufficient information).
If( RI CONTACT RESP = Yes and (ROSTER REVIEW = No change necessary, DK or REF and ONPATH = 1) then set EVENTCODE= 1.010 (Complete Interview).
If RI CONTACT RESP = NO or DK and ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1)), then set EVENTCODE= 1.010 (Complete Interview).
If (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Refusal by respondent and ONPATH= 1) or (NO COMPLETE=Inconvenient time and BEST TIME=dk or ref and ONPATH), then set EVENTCODE= 3.001 (Refusal by respondent)).
If ((ATTEMPT TYPE= Cancel attempt and ONPATH= 1) or (DISTANCE= No and ONPATH= 1) or (for all phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Number not dialed/Number misdialed and ONPATH= 1) or (ATTEMPT TYPE= Message Received and ONPATH= 1), or (INTRO=No, not correct address and ONPATH=1)) then set EVENTCODE = 3.020 (Not Attempted).
If (RESP_TYPE=HH and (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT= No one answers (none of the above), Appears occupied, undetermined and ONPATH=1)) then set EVENTCODE=3.021 (No contact)
If (for all phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Ring no answer, Answering machine/service-No message left, New number from recording, Normal busy/circuits busy, Fast or WATTS busy/FTS busy, Fax machine reached-no message sent, Number could not be completed as dialed, No signal or funny signal, Number not in service, Number changed-no new number given, Bad connection, Temporarily not in service, TDD or TYY reached, Other noncontact and ONPATH= 1) or (for a phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Answering machine/service-Message left and ONPATH= 1) or (KNOW ADDRESS=No, Yes, DK or REF and ONPATH=1) or (DIAL OUTCOME= Number not dialed/Number misdialed, for one or more, but not all phone numbers in loop and DIAL OUTCOME≠ Someone answers for any phone number in loop and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE = 3.021 (No Contact)
If (RI INTRO = No one home and ONPATH= 1) then set EVENTCODE = 3.021 (No Contact)
If (RESP_TYPE=HH and (NO COMPLETE=Eligible respondent not available)) then set EVENTCODE=3.021 (No Contact)
If (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Hearing barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE = 3.063 (Hearing Barrier).
If (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Language barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE = 3.062 (Language Barrier).
If (RESP_TYPE=Proxy and ((NO COMPLETE = Hearing barrier, Language barrier, Refusal by respondent, Dangerous Address, Other and ONPATH= 1)) then set EVENTCODE=4.012 (Proxy cannot provide information)
If (RESP_TYPE=Proxy and (NO COMPLETE= Eligible respondent not available, Inconvenient time and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=3.022 (Non-contact proxy/can recontact proxy)
If (RESP_TYPE=Proxy and (INTRO=No and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=4.012 (Proxy cannot provide information)
If (RESP_TYPE=Proxy and (INTRO=No contact with proxy and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=3.022 (Non-contact proxy/can recontact proxy)
If (RESP_TYPE=HH and NO COMPLETE= Other and ONPATH= 1), then set EVENTCODE = 4.090 (Non-interview other).
If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Restricted access and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE = 4.030 (Restricted access)
If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Dangerous Address and ONPATH= 1) then set EVENTCODE = 4.031 (Dangerous Address)
If (RESP_TYPE= HH and ((REFUSAL REASON= Hostile Resp/Dangerous situation/threatened enumerator and ONPATH= 1) or (NO COMPLETE = Dangerous address and ONPATH=1)), then set EVENTCODE = 4.031 (Dangerous Address).
If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Unable to locate and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE = 4.032 (Unable to Locate).
If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Does not exist and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification) If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Demolished/burned out and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification) If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Nonresidential and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification). If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction) and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification). If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Empty mobile home/trailer site and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification) If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Multiunit, missing unit designation and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.051 (Multiunit, missing unit designation). If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Duplicate and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.080 (Duplicate listing). If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Group quarters and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.043 (Group quarters). If (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Other and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification) If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Does Not Exist and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.081 (Does not exist). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Demolished/burned out and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.082 (Demolished). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Nonresidential and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.040 (Nonresidence). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction) and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.084 (Uninhabitable). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Empty mobile home/trailer site and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.085 (Empty mobile home site). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Group quarters and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.043 (Group quarters). If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS = Other and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.090 (Other not eligible). If (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT = Appears vacant and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.047 (Vacant – needs verification). If (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT = Appears nonresidential and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.062 (Delete-needs verification) If (OCCUPANCY = Vacant and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.048 (Vacant by proxy). If (OCCUPANCY = Not a housing unit and ONPATH=1) then set EVENTCODE=5.054 (Delete by proxy). If (RESPTYPE_PROD = Proxy and RI CONTATCT RESP = Yes and RI COUNT Unit Status = Vacant) then set EVENTCODE= 5.048 (Vacant by proxy). If (EVENTCODE=5.047 and a previous visit had a EVENTCODE of 5.047) then set EVENTCODE = 5.050 (Vacant verified by 2 enumerators) If (EVENTCODE=5.062 and a previous visit had a EVENTCODE of 5.062) then set EVENTCODE=5.064 (Delete verified by 2 enumerators)
FIELD VERIFICATION If (FIND ADDRESS=Yes) then set EVENTCODE = 13.000 If (FIND ADDRESS=No) then set EVENTCODE = 13.001 If (FIND ADDRESS=Other) then set EVENTCODE = 13.002
MULTI-UNIT or MULTI-UNIT Reinterview For a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case (MULTIUNIT=2) OR MU Reinterview (RI): If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (ATTEMPT TYPE=Cancel Attempt)) then set EVENTCODE = 3.020 (Not attempted) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT= A manager cannot be found at this time)) then set EVENTCODE= 3.021 (No contact) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT= No manager exists to be interviewed)) then set EVENTCODE= 5.061 (No eligible respondent) If (MU INTRO=No) then set EVENTCODE= 3.020 (Not attempted) If (MU INTRO=No one answers) then set EVENTCODE= 3.021 (No contact) If (MU ANYONE with status determined for all units), then set EVENTCODE=1.021 (Complete) If (MU ANYONE with status not determined for all units), then set EVENTCODE=1.040 (Insufficient Partial) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (NO COMPLETE=Language barrier)) then set EVENTCODE= 5.061 (No eligible respondent) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (NO COMPLETE=Hearing barrier)) then set EVENTCODE= 5.061 (No eligible respondent) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (NO COMPLETE=Refusal by respondent)) then set EVENTCODE= 3.001 (Refusal) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (NO COMPLETE=Other)) then set EVENTCODE= 5.061 (No eligible respondent) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (BEST TIME=DK/REF)) then set EVENTCODE= 3.001 (Refusal) If (MULTIUNIT=2 and (BEST TIME with specifies day and time for an interview)), then set EVENTCODE=3.021 (No contact)
For the Children Cases (MULTIUNIT=1) associated with the Manager Visit If (MU ANYONE=Occupied) then set EVENTCODE=3.025 (Occupied by manager) If (MU ANYONE=Vacant) then set EVENTCODE=5.049 (Vacant by manager) If (MU ANYONE=Other) then set EVENTCODE=5.063 (Delete by manager) If (MU ANYONE=blank) then set EVENTCODE=4.091 (Unknown eligibility by manager visit)
Result of the contact attempt |
If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS=Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Empty mobile home/trailer site, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), or Other and ONPATH= 1) or (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS= blank, DK, REF and (OCCUPANCY= Not a housing unit and ONPATH= 1)),or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Duplicate or Multiunit, missing unit designation), or (OCCUPANCY = Vacant and ONPATH=1) or (NO COMPLETE=Hands the enumerator a completed form and ONPATH=1)
or ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 99 (Complete).
Else if (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Language barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 11 (Language Barrier).
Else if (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Hearing barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 12 (Hearing Barrier).
Else if (RESP_TYPE= HH and ((REFUSAL REASON= Hostile Resp/Dangerous situation/threatened enumerator and ONPATH= 1) or (NO COMPLETE = Dangerous address and ONPATH=1) or UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Dangerous address), then set SUBOUTCOME= 13 (Dangerous Situation).
Else if (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Refusal by respondent and ONPATH= 1) or (NO COMPLETE=Inconvenient time and BEST TIME=dk or ref and ONPATH), then set SUBOUTCOME= 10 (Refusal). Else if (RESP_TYPE= HH and (NO COMPLETE= Other and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 14 (Non-interview other).
Else if ((ATTEMPT TYPE= Cancel attempt and ONPATH= 1) or (DISTANCE= No and ONPATH= 1) or (for all phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Number not dialed/Number misdialed and ONPATH= 1) or (ATTEMPT TYPE= Message Received and ONPATH= 1), or (INTRO=No, not correct address and ONPATH=1) or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Unable to locate and ONPATH=1) then set SUBOUTCOME= 00 (Not Attempted).
Else if (for all phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Ring no answer, Answering machine/service-No message left, New number from recording, Normal busy/circuits busy, Fast or WATTS busy/FTS busy, Fax machine reached-no message sent, Number could not be completed as dialed, No signal or funny signal, Number not in service, Number changed-no new number given, Bad connection, Temporarily not in service, TDD or TYY reached, Other noncontact and ONPATH= 1) or (for a phone number in the loop, DIAL OUTCOME= Answering machine/service-Message left and ONPATH= 1) or (KNOW ADDRESS=No, Yes, DK or REF and ONPATH=1) or (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=No one answers (none of the above) and ONPATH=1) or (= No contact with proxy, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (DIAL OUTCOME= Number not dialed/Number misdialed, for one or more, but not all phone numbers in loop and DIAL OUTCOME≠ Someone answers for any phone number in loop and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 01 (No Contact).
Else if (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Restricted access and ONPATH=1) then set SUBOUTCOME=90 (Restricted access)
Else if (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears vacant and ONPATH=1) then set SUBOUTCOME=23 (Vacant by observation)
Else if (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears non-residential and ONPATH=1) or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), Empty mobile home/trailer site or other and ONPATH=1), then set SUBOUTCOME=24 (Not a housing unit by observation)
Else set SUBOUTCOME= 02 (Partial Insufficient).
For MU:
For a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case (MULTIUNIT=2):
If ATTEMPT TYPE=Cancel attempt, then set SUBOUTCOME=00 (Not Attempted).
If (MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=No manager exists to be interviewed) or (MU ANYONE with status determined for all units), then set SUBOUTCOME=99 (Complete).
Else if (MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=A manager cannot be found at this time) or (MU INTRO=No; No one answers; Contact made unable to interview; or DK|REF) or (MU ANYONE with status determined for none of the units) then set SUBOUTCOME=01 (No contact).
Else if (MU ANYONE with status determined for some but not all units), then set SUBOUTCOME=02 (Insuff. Partial).
For MULTIUNIT=2 , if SUBOUTCOME=00 (Not attempted) keep on active caselist, else move to inactive caselist.
For an individual housing unit (MULTIUNIT=1) that was grouped in a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case but status was undetermined:
If (MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=No manager exists to be interviewed) or (NO COMPLETE=Refusal by respondent or Dangerous address), then set SUBOUTCOME=03 (MU-Do not Regroup).
For an individual housing unit (MULTIUNIT=1) that was grouped in a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case with status determined:
If (MU ANYONE=Occupied) , then set SUBOUTCOME=02 (Insuff Partial).
If (MU ANYONE=Vacant or Other), then set SUBOUTCOME=99 (Complete).
Else, then set SUBOUTCOME=04 (MU Regroup).
For MULTIUNIT=1, SUBOUTCOME=02, 03, and 04 and MULTIUNIT=2, SUBOUTCOME=00, stay on active caselist until EXPIRETIME. For MULTIUNIT=2, SUBOUTCOME=01 and 02 stay on inactive caselist until EXPIRETIME.
For RI: (instrumentType=NRFU.RI) If ATTEMPT TYPE=Cancel attempt, Or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Unable to locate and ONPATH=1) then set SUBOUTCOME= 00 (Not Attempted).
Else if (RI COUNT Unit Status = Not a housing unit, Vacant, Occupied, DK, REF and ONPATH=1), or (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears vacant and ONPATH=1) Or ((PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears non-residential and ONPATH=1) or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), Empty mobile home/trailer site or other and ONPATH=1)
or (NO COMPLETE=Hands the enumerator a completed form and ONPATH=1), or (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS= Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Empty mobile home/trailer site, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), or Other and ONPATH= 1)
or (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS= blank, DK, REF and (OCCUPANCY= Not a housing unit and ONPATH= 1)), or (OCCUPANCY = Vacant and ONPATH=1) or (RI CONTACT RESP = Yes and ROSTER REVIEW ONPATH=1) or (RI CONTACT RESP = Yes, and RI COUNT Unit Status = Occupied, REF, DK,) or ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1),
then set SUBOUTCOME= 99 (Complete).
Else if (RI INTRO = No one home and ONPATH= 1) then set SUBOUTCOME= 01 (No Contact)
Else if (NO COMPLETE= Refusal by respondent and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 10 (Refusal).
Else if (NO COMPLETE= Language barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 11 (Language Barrier).
Else if (NO COMPLETE= Hearing barrier and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME= 12 (Hearing Barrier).
Else if (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT = Dangerous Address and ONPATH= 1) or (NO COMPLETE = Dangerous Address and ONPATH= 1) then set SUBOUTCOME= 13 (Dangerous Address)
Else if (NO COMPLETE= Other and ONPATH= 1), then set SUBOUTCOME = 14 (Non-interview other).
Else if (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Restricted access and ONPATH=1) then set SUBOUTCOME=90 (Restricted access)
Else set SUBOUTCOME= 02 (Partial Insufficient)
Current result of the case |
OUTCOME initialized to 100. If (SUBOUTCOME= 01, 02), then set OUTCOME= 102 (Insufficent Partial).
If (OCCUPANCY= Vacant and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 103 (Vacant).
If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS= Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Empty mobile home/trailer site, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), or Other and ONPATH= 1) or (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS= blank, DK, REF and (OCCUPANCY= Not a housing unit and ONPATH= 1)), or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Duplicate or Multiunit, missing unit designation), then set OUTCOME= 104 (Delete).If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 106 (Sufficient Partial w/ HH). If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= proxy and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 107 (Sufficient Partial w/ proxy). If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 108 (Complete w/ HH). If (HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= proxy and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1), then set OUTCOME= 109 (Complete w/ proxy). If SUBOUTCOME= 10, then set OUTCOME= 110 (Refusal). If SUBOUTCOME= 11, then set OUTCOME= 111 (NI-Language Barrier). If SUBOUTCOME= 12, then set OUTCOME= 112 (NI-Hearing Barrier). If SUBOUTCOME= 13, then set OUTCOME= 113 (NI-Dangerous Situation). If SUBOUTCOME= 14, then set OUTCOME= 114 (NI-Other). If SUBOUTCOME=90 then set OUTCOME = 100 (No contact).
If (SUBOUTCOME=23 and a previous visit had a suboutcome of 23) then set OUTCOME = 123 (Vacant by observation) If (SUBOUTCOME=23 and no previous visits have a suboutcome of 23) then set OUTCOME =102 (Insufficient partial)
If (SUBOUTCOME=24 and a previous visit had a suboutcome of 24) then set OUTCOME=124 (Delete by observation) If (SUBOUTCOME=24 and no previous visits have a suboutcome of 24) then set OUTCOME = 102 (Insufficient partial) If NO COMPLETE=Hands the enumerator a completed form and ONPATH=1, then set OUTCOME=119 (Resp. provided form).
For MU and MU RI:
For a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case:
If ATTEMPT TYPE=Cancel attempt, then set OUTCOME=100 (Not Attempted).
If (MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=No manager exists to be interviewed) then set OUTCOME=104 (Delete). ELSE IF: (MU ANYONE with status determined for all units) then set OUTCOME=109 (Complete w/ proxy).
ELSE: Set OUTCOME=102(Attempted)
For an individual housing unit that was grouped in a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case but status was undetermined:
If (MU UNABLE TO ATTEMPT= A manager cannot be found at this time or No manager exists to be interviewed) or (NO COMPLETE= Eligible respondent not available, Inconvenient time, Refusal by respondent, Language barrier, Hearing barrier, Dangerous address or Other) or (DIAL OUTCOME≠Someone answers) or (MU ANYONE with status not determined for this unit) or (MU INTRO=No one answers), then set OUTCOME=100 (Not Attempted).
For an individual housing unit that was grouped in a multi-unit (MU) manager interview case with status determined:
If (MU ANYONE=Occupied) , then set OUTCOME=102 (Attempted).
If (MU ANYONE=Vacant), then set OUTCOME=103 (Vacant).
If (MU ANYONE=Other), then set OUTCOME=104 (Delete)
For RI:
OUTCOME initialized to 100. If (SUBOUTCOME= 01, 02), then set OUTCOME= 102 (Insufficent Partial).
If (OCCUPANCY= Vacant and ONPATH= 1), Or (RESPTYPE_PROD = Proxy and RI CONTATCT RESP = Yes and RI COUNT Unit Status = Vacant) Or (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears vacant and ONPATH=1, then set OUTCOME= 103 (Vacant).
If (SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS=Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), Empty mobile home/trailer site or other and ONPATH=1), Or RI CONTACT RESP = Yes and RI COUNT Unit Status = Not a housing unit) Or (PERSONAL NON-CONTACT=Appears non-residential and ONPATH=1) or (UNABLE TO ATTEMPT=Does not exist, Demolished/burned out, Nonresidential, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), Empty mobile home/trailer site or Other and ONPATH=1), then set OUTCOME=104 (Delete w/proxy)
If RI CONTACT RESP = Yes, and RI COUNT Unit Status = Occupied, REF, DK, then set OUTCOME= 106 (Sufficient Partial w/ HH)
If RI CONTACT RESP = NO or DK and ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW= blank for one or more person on the roster and ONPATH= 1)), then set OUTCOME= 106 (Sufficient Partial w/ HH).
If RI CONTACT RESP = Yes and ROSTER REVIEW ONPATH = 1, then set OUTCOME= 108 (Complete w/ HH).
If RI CONTACT RESP = NO or DK and ((HOME≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (for at least one person on the roster, (RELATIONSHIP RESP≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RELATIONSHIP OTHER≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (SEX≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (AGE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (year field on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (month and day fields on DATE OF BIRTH≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1) or (RACE≠ blank, DK, REF and ONPATH= 1)) and RESP_TYPE= HH and (REVIEW≠ blank for each person on the roster and ONPATH= 1)), then set OUTCOME= 108 (Complete w/ HH).
If SUBOUTCOME= 10, then set OUTCOME= 110 (Refusal).
If SUBOUTCOME= 11, then set OUTCOME= 111 (NI-Language Barrier).
If SUBOUTCOME= 12, then set OUTCOME= 112 (NI-Hearing Barrier).
If SUBOUTCOME= 13, then set OUTCOME= 113 (NI-Dangerous Situation).
If SUBOUTCOME= 14, then set OUTCOME= 114 (NI-Other).
If SUBOUTCOME=90 then set OUTCOME = 100 (No contact).
For FV:
If FIND ADDRESS=Yes, or No or Other, then set OUTCOME=108. |
Result of field verification case |
If FIND ADDRESS=Yes, then set FVCODE = 13.012 If FIND ADDRESS=No, then set FVCODE = 13.014 If FIND ADDRESS=Other, then set FVCODE = 13.016 |
Current status of the case |
If OUTCOME= 100, then STATUSCODE= NA (Not Attempted). If OUTCOME= 101 or 102, then STATUSCODE= A (Attempted). If OUTCOME= 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 119, 123, or 124 then STATUSCODE= C (Complete). If OUTCOME= 110, then set STATUSCODE= RF (Refusal). If OUTCOME= 111 or 112, then STATUSCODE= LH (Language/Hearing Barrier). If OUTCOME= 113, then set STATUSCODE= DS (Dangerous Situation). If OUTCOME= 114, then set STATUSCODE= NO (NI-Other). If ‘ReassignCase’ operation command is received and OUTCOME≠ 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124 then set STATUSCODE= R (Reassigned).
Result of the NEW CASE ADDRESS screen |
Set NEWCASE=1, if “Yes” is selected from the popup window on NEW CASE ADDRESS.
The default for the NEWCASE flag will be NEWCASE=0
If NEWCASE=1, case will be determined as new or duplicate after CASE NOTES before it is added to the NRFU address frame. |
Case is proxy eligible |
If MULTIUNIT=1 and SUBOUTCOME=(01 or 02), then set PROXYELIGIBLE=Proxy. If PERSONAL NON-CONTACT= (Appears vacant or Appears nonresidential), then set PROXYELIGIBLE=1.
If UNABLE TO ATTEMPT= (Unable to Locate, Does Not Exist, Demolished / Burned Out, Nonresidential, Uninhabitable (open to elements, condemned, under construction), Empty mobile home / trailer site, or Other), then set PROXYELIGIBLE=1.
If ANYONE=DK or REF or (If ANYONE=Yes and WHO)=No or REF, then set PROXYELIGIBLE=1
If ATTHOW=PV/Proxy and SUBOUTCOME=(01 or 02), then set PROXYELIGIBLE=1.
If NEWCASE=1and ATTHOWCOUNTER<3, then PROXYELIGIBLE≠1 (In-field adds are not proxy eligible on the first attempt.)
If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.000, then PROXYALERTS=1 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.001, then PROXYALERTS=1 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.031, then PROXYALERTS=1 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.062, then PROXYALERTS=1 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.063, then PROXYALERTS=1 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and PROXYCODE = 12.080, then PROXYALERTS=1 The default for the PROXYALERT flag is 0 unless PROXYALERTS=1 |
If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Eligible respondent not available, then the PROXYCODE = 12.000 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Refusal by respondent, then the PROXYCODE = 12.001 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Dangerous address, then the PROXYCODE = 12.031 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Language barrier, then PROXYCODE = 12.062 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Hearing barrier, then PROXYCODE = 12.063 If RESP_TYPE=Proxy and NO COMPLETE = Other, then PROXYCODE = 12.080 |
Suggested method for next contact attempt |
If MULTIUNIT=1 and SUBOUTCOME=(01 or 02), then set ATTHOWNEXT=Proxy Else if SUBOUTCOME=00, then ATTHOWNEXT will be set to the value of ATTHOW. Else if ATTHOW=PV, then ATTHOWNEXT=PV. Else if ATTHOW=Proxy, then ATTHOWNEXT=Proxy. Else if ATTHOW=PV/Proxy and SUBOUTCOME=(01 or 02), then set ATTHOWNEXT=Proxy Else if PROXYELIGIBLE=1, then set ATTHOWNEXT=Proxy. |
Status of the housing unit as occupied, vacant, or not a housing unit |
If SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS=Demolished / burned out, Does not exist, Nonresidential, Empty mobile home / trailer site, Uninhabitable or Other, set UNIT_STAT=nothu. If OCCUPANCY=Vacant, set UNIT_STAT=vacant. If OCCUPANCY=Not a housing unit, set UNIT_STAT=nothu. If ADDRESS=Yes, then set UNIT_STAT=occupied. If ANYONE=Yes, then set unit_stat=occupied. If ANYONE=Not a housing unit, set unit_stat=nothu.
For MU and MU RI: For a case marked as Vacant on the MU ANYONE screen, set UNIT_STAT=vacant. For a case marked as Other on the MU ANYONE screen, set UNIT_STAT=nothu. For a case marked as Occupied on the MU ANYONE screen, initially set UNIT_STAT=occupied. |
Population Count for interview |
If SPECIFIC UNIT STATUS=Demolished, Burned out, Does not exist, Nonresidential, Empty mobile home/trailer site, Uninhabitable or Other, set POP_COUNT=0. If OCCUPANCY=Vacant, Not a housing unit, DK or REF set POP_COUNT=0. If UNIT_STAT=occupied, set the POP_COUNT variable to the number of people in the roster. If VACANT DESCRIPTION=For rent; Rented, not occupied; For sale only; Sold, not occupied, For seasonal, recreation, or occasional use; For migrant workers; or Other, set POP_COUNT=0.
For MU and MU RI: For a case marked as Vacant or Other on the MU ANYONE screen, set POP_COUNT=0. For a case marked as Occupied on the MU ANYONE screen, initially set POP_COUNT=0. |
Person is interpreter |
If a household member from the roster is selected on the ID INTERPRETER screen, then set ISINTERPRETER=T. |
Unit status if exiting interview |
If EXIT POP-STATUS status wheel=Occupied, then set EXIT_STATUS=occupied. If EXIT POP-STATUS status wheel=Vacant, then set EXIT_STATUS=vacant. If EXIT POP-STATUS status wheel=Not a housing unit, then set EXIT_STATUS=nothu. |
Pop count if exiting interview |
If EXIT POP-STATUS status wheel=Vacant or Not a housing unit, then set EXIT_POP=0. If 1-99 is selected on the EXIT POP-STATUS number wheel, then set EXIT_POP to the value selected on the number wheel. |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Before you leave the area, you should attempt to find a proxy to complete the interview.
Are you currently trying to locate a proxy respondent for <PARTIAL ADDRESS>?
If you are unable to locate a proxy, select “No.” |
Response options |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If Yes, by personal visit, and PROXYALERT≠1, then go to PROXY LOCATION. If Yes, by personal visit, and PROXYALERT=1, then go to PROXY ALERTS. If Yes, by telephone and PROXYALERT≠1, then go to PROXY LOCATION. If Yes, by telephone, and PROXYALERT=1, then go to PROXY ALERTS If No, then go to CASE NOTES. |
Data needed |
Partial Census Address |
Help text |
Whom to interview as a proxy:
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
For nonresponse, “Please provide an answer to the question.” For swiping backwards (or selecting previous) on this screen, “Already past end of survey.” |
Special instructions |
If (Yes, by personal visit or Yes, by telephone), then the NRFU instrument should close the current attempt and open a new contact attempt.
If “Yes, by personal visit”, then for the newly created record, set RESP_TYPE=proxy and ATTACTUAL=PV for the new attempt record. If “Yes, by telephone”, then for the newly created record, set RESP_TYPE=proxy and ATTACTUAL=T for the new attempt record.
When swiping to the next screen for a new attempt, DATEOFCONTACT is set, which is a GMT timestamp of the current time.
DK/REF options |
Not Available |
Exit Survey option |
Not Available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent)
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
(Same as in person housing unit respondent) |
User Story Number |
16-158, 16-273, 17-48, 17-8, 18-606, 18-732 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
RESP LOCATION if ((ATTEMPT TYPE=Personal visit or Outbound call attempt), (RESP LOCATION=Attempting proxy address) and (PROXYALERT=1)) PROXY ATTEMPT (if PROXYALERT=1) |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Response options |
Branching/Skip Patterns |
If Yes, continue proxy attempt, go to PROXY LOCATION If No, unable to continue, go to CASE NOTES |
Data needed |
Text entered on PROXY LOCATION during previous proxy attempts if a PROXYALERT flag was set after CASE NOTES |
Help text |
Help is not available for this question. |
Soft Edit |
N/A |
Hard Edit |
Special instructions |
If PROXYALERT=1 is set after CASE NOTES, then the information from PROXY LOCATION (from a previous proxy attempt) will be listed on PROXY ALERTS.
If Stateside: { If the user selected “Street address” as the Proxy Location: If the user provides an address and a description, the format for the address should be displayed as: <Address Number><Street Name><Apt/Unit> <Description> If the user provides an address without a description, the format for the address should be displayed as: <Address Number><Street Name><Apt/Unit> If the user provides a description without an address, the format of the address should be displayed as: <Description> If the user selected “Rural route” as the Proxy Location: If the user provides a rural route and a description, the format for the rural route should be displayed as: <Rural Route Descriptor> <Rural Route #> Box <RR Box ID #> <Description> If the user provides a rural route without a description, the format for the rural route should be displayed as: <Rural Route Descriptor> <Rural Route #> Box <RR Box ID #> If the user provides a description without a rural route, the format of the rural route should be displayed as: <Description> If the user selected “Other” as the Proxy Location: The format for the decription provided in the ‘Specify’ write-in textbox should be displayed as: <Other>
The addresses, rural routes, and descriptions should be displayed using the following format (add lines to separate each address, rural route, or other description:
(for example)
1234 Proxy Lane White house across the street
RR 545 Box 6789
Red house two doors down
Sign in yard with realtor’s information
} If Puerto Rico: { The format for the PR General addresses to be displayed will be: <Address Number><Street Name><Apt/Unit> <Description>
The format for the PR Urbanización addresses to be displayed will be: <Urbanización Name> <Address Number><Street Name><Apt/Unit> <Description>
The format for the PR Apartment Complex addresses to be displayed will be: <Apartment Complex Name> <Address Number><Street Name><Building Descriptor ><Building ID><Apt/Unit> <Description>
The format for the PR Area Name addresses to be displayed will be: <Area Name 1><Area Name 2><Address Number> <Street Name><Apt/Unit><KM/HM> <Description>
The format for the PR Rural Route addresses to be displayed will be: <Rural Route Descriptor> <Rural Route #> Box <RR Box ID #> <Description>
If the user selects “General Address”, “Urbanización Address”, “Apartment Complex”, “Area Name Address”, or “Rural route”, and the only field where information was collected was the “Description” field, then the address should be displayed as: <Description>
If the user selected “Other” as the Proxy Location: The format for the decription provided in the ‘Specify’ write-in textbox should be displayed as: <Other>
The addresses, rural routes, and descriptions should be displayed using the following format (add lines to separate each address, rural route, or description):
(for example)
1234 Proxy Lane White house across the street ![]()
RR 545 Box 6789 ![]()
Red house two doors down ![]()
Sign in yard with realtor’s information ![]()
The overall formatting of the PROXY ALERTS Screen should look as follows:
“Please do not make proxy attempts at the following addresses and locations:”
Listed in order from oldest to most recent:
1234 Proxy Lane ![]()
Red house two doors down ![]()
Sign in yard with realtor’s info ![]()
125 Main St. White house across street ![]()
“Are you still able to locate a proxy respondent for <PARTIAL ADDRESS>?”
DK/REF options |
Not available |
Exit Survey option |
Not available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Please do not make proxy attempts at the following addresses and locations:
<Insert addresses/decriptions (entered on the PROXY LOCATION screen during proxy attempts that resulted in a PROXYALERT flag being set after CASE NOTES) here – see Special instructions for appropriate formatting>
“Are you still able to locate a proxy respondent for <PARTIAL ADDRESS>?” |
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
Same as in person proxy respondent |
User Story Number |
17-53, 17-92, 17-130, 18-605, 18-575 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Screen name |
Previous screen(s) and response option(s) |
RESP LOCATION (if ATTEMPT TYPE=Personal visit or Outbound call attempt, and RESP LOCATION=Attempting proxy address, and if PROXYALERT=0) PROXY ATTEMPT if PROXYALERT=0 |
Question wording for in person housing unit respondent |
Response options |
If Stateside: { Please select address type: (Radio buttons)
(If user selects “Street address” as the Proxy Location, display the following address collection fields)
(If user selects “Rural Route” for the Proxy Location, display the following address collection fields)
o RR o HC o SR o PSC o RTE
(If user selects “Other” as the Proxy Location, display 200-character text box with label Specify.)
If Puerto Rico: { Please select address type: (Radio buttons)
(If user selects “General Address” for the Address Type, display the following address collection fields)
(If user selects “Urbanización Address” for the Address Type, display the following address collection fields)
(If user selects “Apartment Complex” for the Address Type, display the following address collection fields)
(Drop down menu with the following options:)
(If user selects “Area Name Address” for the Address Type, display the following address collection fields)
(If user selects “Rural Route” for the Address Type, display the following address collection fields)
(If user selects “Other” as the Proxy Location, display 200-character text box with label Specify.)
Branching/Skip Patterns |
Data needed |
Help text |
For Stateside: {
For Puerto Rico: {
Soft Edit |
If State ≠ “PR” and the provided ZIP is outside of the acceptable range (must be a 5-digit numeric value within the range 01001 – 99950 and other than 11111, 22222, 33333, 55555, 66666, 77777, or 88888)) or ZIP length in (1,2,3,4), OR if State = “PR” and the provided ZIP is outside of the acceptable range (must be a 5-digit numeric value within the range 00601 – 00988) or ZIP length in (1,2,3,4): “Please provide a valid ZIP code.” |
Hard Edit |
Special instructions |
The “Other” option will have specify text box.
If State=PR, auto-populate ‘State’ with ‘Puerto Rico’. The Instrument output data should include a variable that indicates which Address Type the user selected and any address information that he/she provided for that Address Type. Information from this screen may be used on the PROXY ADDRESS screen or PROXY ALERTS screen when appropriate.
Note: When text is entered in a text box, the system shall clear the text box every time the “Other” response option is selected (on both radio buttons and check boxes) instead of displaying the previously entered text. |
DK/REF options |
Not available |
Exit Survey option |
Not available |
Question wording for telephone housing unit respondent |
N/A |
Question wording for in person proxy respondent |
Where are you attempting a proxy interview?
Question wording for telephone proxy respondent |
(Same as in person proxy respondent) |
User Story Number |
17-31, 17-97, 17-98, 17-131, 17-142, 17-151, 18-607, 18-717, 18-731 |
Future Suggested Changes |
Appendix A
Race/origin list for predictive text
ENGLISH Wording |
SPANISH Wording |
Abenaki Canadian |
Abenaki Canadian |
Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi |
Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi |
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Absentee Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Acadia Band |
Acadia Band |
Ache Dene Koe |
Ache Dene Koe |
Ache Indian |
Indigena Ache |
Afghanistani |
Afgano(a) |
African |
Africano(a) |
African American |
Afroamericano(a) |
Afro-American |
Afroamericano(a) |
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove |
Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove |
Agua Caliente |
Agua Caliente |
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Ahousaht |
Ahousaht |
Ahtna Inc. Corporation |
Ahtna Inc. Corporation |
Ak-Chin Indian Community of the Maricopa Indian Reservation |
Ak-Chin Indian Community of the Maricopa Indian Reservation |
Akiachak Native Community |
Akiachak Native Community |
Akiak Native Community |
Akiak Native Community |
Alabama Creek |
Alabama Creek |
Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town |
Alabama Quassarte Tribal Town |
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas |
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas |
Alanvik |
Alanvik |
Alaska Indian |
Indigena de Alaska |
Alaska Native |
Nativo(a) de Alaska |
Alaskan Athabascan |
Alaskan Athabascan |
Alatna Village |
Alatna Village |
Albanian |
Albanes(esa) |
Alderville First Nation |
Alderville First Nation |
Aleut |
Aleut |
Aleut Corporation |
Aleut Corporation |
Alexander |
Alexander |
Alexandria Band |
Alexandria Band |
Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary’s) |
Algaaciq Native Village (St. Mary’s) |
Algerian |
Argelino(a) |
Algonquian |
Algonquian |
Algonquins of Barriere Lake |
Algonquins of Barriere Lake |
Allakaket Village |
Allakaket Village |
Allegheny Lenape |
Allegheny Lenape |
Alpine |
Alpine |
Alsatian |
Alsaciano(a) |
Alsea |
Alsea |
Alturas Indian Rancheria |
Alturas Indian Rancheria |
Alutiiq |
Alutiiq |
Amazigh |
Amazigh |
Amazon Indian |
Indigena Amazona |
American |
Americano(a) |
American Eskimo |
Esquimal americano(a) |
American Indian |
Indigena de las Americas |
Amuzgo |
Amuzgo(a) |
Andalusian |
Andaluz(a) |
Andean Indian |
Indigena andino(a) |
Angoon Community Association |
Angoon Community Association |
Ani-stohini |
Ani-stohini |
Unami |
Unami |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Antigua y Barbuda |
Anvik Village |
Anvik Village |
Apache |
Apache |
Apache Tribe of Oklahoma |
Apache Tribe of Oklahoma |
Arab |
Arabe |
Aramean |
Arameo(a) |
Arapaho |
Arapaho |
Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation Wyoming |
Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Reservation Wyoming |
Arawak |
Arawak |
Arctic Slope Corporation |
Arctic Slope Corporation |
Arctic Village |
Arctic Village |
Argentinean |
Argentino(a) |
Argentinean Indian |
Indigena argentino(a) |
Arikara (Sahnish) |
Arikara (Sahnish) |
Arizona Tewa |
Arizona Tewa |
Armenian |
Armenio(a) |
Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians |
Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians |
Aruba Islander |
De la isla Aruba |
Aryan |
Ario(a) |
Asa’carsarmiut Tribe |
Asa’carsarmiut Tribe |
Asian |
Asiatico(a) |
Asian Indian |
Indio(a) asiatico(a) |
Asiatic |
Asiatico(a) |
Assiniboine |
Assiniboine |
Assiniboine Sioux |
Assiniboine Sioux |
Assonet Band of the Wampanoag Nation |
Assonet Band of the Wampanoag Nation |
Assyrian |
Asirio(a) |
Asturian |
Asturiano(a) |
Atqasuk Village (Atkasook) |
Atqasuk Village (Atkasook) |
Atsina |
Atsina |
Attacapa |
Attacapa |
Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Auraca |
Auracano(a) |
Australian |
Australiano(a) |
Austrian |
Austriaco(a) |
Aymara |
Aymara |
Azerbaijani |
Azerbaiyano(a) |
Aztec |
Azteca |
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe |
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe |
Bahamian |
Bahamense |
Bahraini |
Bahreini |
Balearic Islander |
De las Islas Baleares |
Bangladeshi |
Bengali |
Bannock |
Bannock |
Barbadian |
Barbadense |
Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band |
Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band |
Basque |
Vasco(a) |
Batchewana First Nation |
Batchewana First Nation |
Batswana |
Botswana |
Battle Mountain Band |
Battle Mountain Band |
Bay Mills Indian Community |
Bay Mills Indian Community |
Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria |
Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria |
Beardys and Okemasis Band |
Beardys and Okemasis Band |
Beausoleil |
Beausoleil |
Beaver Creek Indians |
Beaver Creek Indians |
Beaver Village |
Beaver Village |
Bedouin |
Beduino(a) |
Beecher Bay |
Beecher Bay |
Belarusian |
Bielorrus(a) |
Belgian |
Belga |
Belize Indian |
Indigena de Belice |
Belizean |
Beliceno(a) |
Bella Coola (Nuxalk Nation) |
Bella Coola (Nuxalk Nation) |
Beothuk |
Beothuk |
Berber |
Bereber |
Bering Straits Inupiat |
Bering Straits Inupiat |
Bermudan |
Bermudeno(a) |
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Bhutanese |
Butanes(sa) |
Big Cove |
Big Cove |
Big Cypress Reservation |
Big Cypress Reservation |
Big Grassy |
Big Grassy |
Big Lagoon Rancheria |
Big Lagoon Rancheria |
Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley |
Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley |
Big Sandy Band of Western Mono Indians |
Big Sandy Band of Western Mono Indians |
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria |
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria |
Bigstone Cree Nation |
Bigstone Cree Nation |
Biloxi |
Biloxi |
Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Confederation |
Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Confederation |
Birch Creek Tribe |
Birch Creek Tribe |
Bishop Paiute Tribe |
Bishop Paiute Tribe |
Black |
Negro(a) |
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana |
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana |
Blue Lake Rancheria |
Blue Lake Rancheria |
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa |
Bois Forte Band of Chippewa |
Bolivian |
Boliviano(a) |
Bolivian Indian |
Indigena boliviano(a) |
Bonaparte Band |
Bonaparte Band |
Bosnian |
Bosnio(a) |
Boston Bar First Nation |
Boston Bar First Nation |
Brazilian |
Brasileno(a) |
Brazilian Indian |
Indigena brasileno(a) |
Bridge River |
Bridge River |
Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony |
Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony |
Brighton Reservation |
Brighton Reservation |
Bristol Bay |
Bristol Bay |
Bristol Bay Aleut |
Bristol Bay Aleut |
British |
Britanico(a) |
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation |
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation |
Brotherton |
Brotherton |
Brule Sioux |
Brule Sioux |
Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Buffalo Point Band |
Buffalo Point Band |
Bulgarian |
Bulgar(a) |
Burmese |
Birmano(a) |
Burns Paiute Tribe |
Burns Paiute Tribe |
Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians |
Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians |
Burt Lake Chippewa |
Burt Lake Chippewa |
Burt Lake Ottawa |
Burt Lake Ottawa |
Cabazon Band of Mission Indians |
Cabazon Band of Mission Indians |
Cachil Dehe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Rancheria |
Cachil Dehe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Rancheria |
Caddo |
Caddo |
Caddo Adais Indians |
Caddo Adais Indians |
Caddo Nation of Oklahoma |
Caddo Nation of Oklahoma |
Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria |
Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria |
Cahuilla |
Cahuilla |
Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians |
Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians |
Cajun |
Cajun |
Cakchiquel |
Cakchiquel |
Caldwell |
Caldwell |
California Valley Miwok Tribe |
California Valley Miwok Tribe |
Californio |
Californio(a) |
Calista |
Calista |
Cambodian |
Camboyano(a) |
Cameroonian |
Camerunes(esa) |
Campbell River Band |
Campbell River Band |
Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Canadian |
Canadiense |
Canadian Indian |
Indigena de Canada |
Canal Zone |
Zona del Canal |
Canela |
Canela |
Cape Mudge Band |
Cape Mudge Band |
Cape Verdean |
Caboverdiano(a) |
Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Carcross |
Carcross |
Tagish First Nation |
Tagish First Nation |
Carib |
Caribe |
Caribbean |
Caribeno(a) |
Caribou |
Caribou |
Carolinian |
Caroliniano(a) |
Carrier Nation |
Carrier Nation |
Carry the Kettle Band |
Carry the Kettle Band |
Castillian |
Castellano(a) |
Catalonian |
Catalán(catalana) |
Catawba Indian Nation |
Catawba Indian Nation |
Caucasian |
Caucasico(a) |
Cayenne |
Cayenne |
Cayman Islander |
De las islas Caiman |
Cayuga Nation |
Cayuga Nation |
Cayuse |
Cayuse |
Cedarville Rancheria |
Cedarville Rancheria |
Celilo |
Celilo |
Celtic |
Celta |
Central American |
Centroamericano(a) |
Central American Indian |
Indigena centroamericano(a) |
Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes |
Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes |
Central Pomo |
Central Pomo |
Chaldean |
Caldeo(a) |
Chaldo |
Caldeo(a) |
Chalkyitsik Village |
Chalkyitsik Village |
Chaloklowa Chickasaw |
Chaloklowa Chickasaw |
Chamorro |
Chamorro |
Chappaquiddick Tribe of the Wampanoag Indian Nation |
Chappaquiddick Tribe of the Wampanoag Indian Nation |
Chatino |
Chatino(a) |
Chaubunagungamaug Nipmuck |
Chaubunagungamaug Nipmuck |
Cheam Band |
Cheam Band |
Cheesh-Na Tribe (Chistochina) |
Cheesh-Na Tribe (Chistochina) |
Chemainus First Nation |
Chemainus First Nation |
Chemakuan |
Chemakuan |
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe |
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe |
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria |
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria |
Cher-O-Creek Intratribal Indians |
Cher-O-Creek Intratribal Indians |
Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) |
Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) |
Cherokee |
Cherokee |
Cherokee Alabama |
Cherokee Alabama |
Cherokee Bear Clan of South Carolina |
Cherokee Bear Clan of South Carolina |
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (Western Cherokee) |
Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma (Western Cherokee) |
Cherokee of Georgia |
Cherokee of Georgia |
Cherokee Tribe of Northeast Alabama |
Cherokee Tribe of Northeast Alabama |
Chevak Native Village |
Chevak Native Village |
Cheyenne |
Cheyenne |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Oklahoma |
Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes, Oklahoma |
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota |
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota |
Chicano |
Chicano(a) |
Chickahominy Eastern Band |
Chickahominy Eastern Band |
Chickahominy Indian Tribe |
Chickahominy Indian Tribe |
Chickaloon Native Village |
Chickaloon Native Village |
Chickasaw Nation |
Chickasaw Nation |
Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians |
Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians |
Chignik Bay Tribal Council (Native Village of Chignik) |
Chignik Bay Tribal Council (Native Village of Chignik) |
Chignik Lake Village |
Chignik Lake Village |
Chilcotin Nation |
Chilcotin Nation |
Chilean |
Chileno(a) |
Chilean Indian |
Indigena chileno(a) |
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) |
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) |
Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines) |
Chilkoot Indian Association (Haines) |
Chimariko |
Chimariko |
Chinantec |
Chinanteco(a) |
Chinese |
Chino(a) |
Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin) |
Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin) |
Chinook |
Chinook |
Chippewa |
Chippewa |
Ojibwe Canadian |
Ojibwe Canadian |
Chippewa of Sarnia |
Chippewa of Sarnia |
Chippewa of the Thames |
Chippewa of the Thames |
Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation |
Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation |
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana |
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana |
Choctaw |
Choctaw |
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma |
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma |
Choctaw-Apache Community of Ebarb |
Choctaw-Apache Community of Ebarb |
Chugach Aleut |
Chugach Aleut |
Chugach Corporation |
Chugach Corporation |
Chuloonawick Native Village |
Chuloonawick Native Village |
Chumash |
Chumash |
Chuukese |
Chuukes(sa) |
Circle Native Community |
Circle Native Community |
Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma |
Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma |
Clatsop |
Clatsop |
Clayoquot |
Clayoquot |
Clear Lake |
Clear Lake |
Clifton Choctaw |
Clifton Choctaw |
Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California |
Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California |
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona |
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona |
Coe Clan |
Coe Clan |
Coeur D’Alene Tribe |
Coeur D’Alene Tribe |
Coharie Indian Tribe |
Coharie Indian Tribe |
Cold Lake First Nations |
Cold Lake First Nations |
Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians |
Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians |
Coldwater Band |
Coldwater Band |
Colombian |
Colombiano(a) |
Colombian Indian |
Indigena colombiano(a) |
Colorado River Indian Tribes |
Colorado River Indian Tribes |
Columbia River Chinook |
Columbia River Chinook |
Comanche Nation, Oklahoma |
Comanche Nation, Oklahoma |
Comox Band |
Comox Band |
Concho |
Concho(a) |
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation |
Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation |
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation |
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation |
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians |
Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians |
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon |
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon |
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Washington |
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Washington |
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon |
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation |
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs |
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs |
Congolese |
Congoles(esa) |
Cook Inlet |
Cook Inlet |
Coos |
Coos |
Copper River |
Copper River |
Copt |
Copto |
Coquille Indian Tribe |
Coquille Indian Tribe |
Coquitlam Band |
Coquitlam Band |
Cora |
Cora |
Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians |
Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians |
Costa Rica Indian |
Indigena de Costa Rica |
Costa Rican |
Costarricense |
Costanoan |
Costanoan |
Cote First Nation |
Cote First Nation |
Couchiching First Nation |
Couchiching First Nation |
Couhimi |
Couhimi |
Coushatta |
Coushatta |
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana |
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana |
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians of Oregon |
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians of Oregon |
Cowessess Band |
Cowessess Band |
Cowichan |
Cowichan |
Cowlitz Indian Tribe |
Cowlitz Indian Tribe |
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California |
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California |
Craig Community Association |
Craig Community Association |
Cree |
Cree |
Cree Canadian |
Cree Canadian |
Creole |
Criollo(a) |
Croatan |
Croatan |
Croatian |
Croata |
Cross Lake First Nation |
Cross Lake First Nation |
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of the Crow Creek Reservation South Dakota |
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of the Crow Creek Reservation South Dakota |
Crow Tribe of Montana |
Crow Tribe of Montana |
Cuban |
Cubano(a) |
Cuicatec |
Cuicateco(a) |
Cumberland County Association for Indian People |
Cumberland County Association for Indian People |
Cupeno |
Cupeno |
Curve Lake Band |
Curve Lake Band |
Curyung Tribal Council (Native Village of Dillingham) |
Curyung Tribal Council (Native Village of Dillingham) |
Cypriot |
Chipriota |
Czech |
Checo(a) |
Czechoslovakian |
Checoslovaco(a) |
Dakota Sioux |
Dakota Sioux |
Danish |
Danes(esa) |
Death Valley Timbi-Sha Shoshone |
Death Valley Timbi-Sha Shoshone |
Delaware (Lenni-Lenape) |
Delaware (Lenni-Lenape) |
Delaware Nation |
Delaware Nation |
Delaware Tribe of Indians Oklahoma |
Delaware Tribe of Indians Oklahoma |
Dene Band Nwt (Nw Terr.) |
Dene Band Nwt (Nw Terr.) |
Dene Canadian |
Dene Canadian |
Diegueno (Kumeyaay) |
Diegueno (Kumeyaay) |
Ditidaht Band |
Ditidaht Band |
Dogrib |
Dogrib |
Dominica Islander |
Isleno(a) de Dominica |
Dominican |
Dominicano(a) |
Dominican Indian |
Indigena dominicano(a) |
Dominican(Dominican Republic) |
Dominicano(a)(de Republica Dominicana) |
Douglas Indian Association |
Douglas Indian Association |
Doyon |
Doyon |
Druze |
Druze |
Dry Creek Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Dry Creek Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe |
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe |
Dutch |
Holandes(esa) |
Duwamish |
Duwamish |
Eagle Lake Band |
Eagle Lake Band |
East of the River Shawnee |
East of the River Shawnee |
Eastern |
Eastern |
Eastern Band of Cherokees |
Eastern Band of Cherokees |
Eastern Cree |
Eastern Cree |
Eastern Creek |
Eastern Creek |
Eastern Muscogee |
Eastern Muscogee |
Eastern Pequot |
Eastern Pequot |
Eastern Pomo |
Eastern Pomo |
Eastern Shawnee |
Eastern Shawnee |
Eastern Shoshone (Wind River) |
Eastern Shoshone (Wind River) |
Ebb and Flow Band |
Ebb and Flow Band |
Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama |
Echota Cherokee Tribe of Alabama |
Ecuadorian |
Ecuatoriano(a) |
Ecuadorian Indian |
Indigena ecuatoriano(a) |
Egegik Village |
Egegik Village |
Egyptian |
Egipcio(a) |
Eklutna Native Village |
Eklutna Native Village |
Ekwok Village |
Ekwok Village |
El Salvador Indian |
Indigena salvadoreno(a) |
Elem Indian Colony of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria |
Elem Indian Colony of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria |
Elk Valley Rancheria |
Elk Valley Rancheria |
Elko Band |
Elko Band |
Elnu Abenaki Tribe |
Elnu Abenaki Tribe |
Ely Shoshone Tribe |
Ely Shoshone Tribe |
Emirati |
Emiratí |
Emmonak Village |
Emmonak Village |
English |
Ingles(esa) |
English River First Nation |
English River First Nation |
Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Eskasoni |
Eskasoni |
Eskimo |
Esquimal |
Esquimalt |
Esquimalt |
Esselen |
Esselen |
Estonian |
Estonio(a) |
Ethiopian |
Etiope |
European |
Europeo(a) |
Evansville Village (Bettles Field) |
Evansville Village (Bettles Field) |
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians |
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians |
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria |
Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria |
Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians |
Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians |
Fijian |
Fiyiano(a) |
Filipino |
Filipino(a) |
Finnish |
Finlandes(esa) |
Fisher River |
Fisher River |
Five Nations |
Five Nations |
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota |
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota |
Fond du Lac |
Fond du Lac |
Forest County Potawatomi Community Wisconsin |
Forest County Potawatomi Community Wisconsin |
Fort Alexander Band |
Fort Alexander Band |
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation |
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation |
Fort Bidwell Indian Community |
Fort Bidwell Indian Community |
Fort Independence Indian Community |
Fort Independence Indian Community |
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe of Nevada and Oregon |
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribe of Nevada and Oregon |
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation |
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation |
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe of Arizona California Nevada |
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe of Arizona California Nevada |
Fort Peck Assiniboine |
Fort Peck Assiniboine |
Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation |
Fort Peck Sioux |
Fort Peck Sioux |
Fort Sill Apache (Chiricahua) |
Fort Sill Apache (Chiricahua) |
Four Winds Cherokee |
Four Winds Cherokee |
French |
Frances(esa) |
French Canadian Indian |
French American Indian |
French Canadian |
Gabrieleno |
Gabrieleno |
Galena Village (Louden Village) |
Galena Village (Louden Village) |
Galician |
Gallego(a) |
Garden River Nation |
Garden River Nation |
Garifuna |
Garifuna |
Georgetown |
Georgetown |
Georgia Eastern Cherokee |
Georgia Eastern Cherokee |
German |
Aleman(a) |
Ghanaian |
Ghanes(esa) |
Gibson Band |
Gibson Band |
Gila Bend |
Gila Bend |
Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation |
Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation |
Gitksan |
Gitksan |
Gitlakdamix Band |
Gitlakdamix Band |
Golden Hill Paugussett |
Golden Hill Paugussett |
Grand Portage |
Grand Portage |
Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians |
Grand River Band of Ottawa Indians |
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians |
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians |
Grassy Narrows First Nation |
Grassy Narrows First Nation |
Greek |
Griego(a) |
Greenland Eskimo |
Esquimal de Groenlandia |
Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Grenadian |
Granadino(a) |
Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians |
Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians |
Gros Ventres |
Gros Ventres |
Guamanian |
Guameno(a) |
Guarani |
Guarani |
Guatemala Indian |
Indigena guatemalteco(a) |
Guatemalan |
Guatemalteco(a) |
Guaymi |
Guaymi |
Guidiville Rancheria of California |
Guidiville Rancheria of California |
Guilford Native American Association |
Guilford Native American Association |
Gulkana Village |
Gulkana Village |
Gull Bay Band |
Gull Bay Band |
Guyanese |
Guyanes(sa) |
Guyanese South American Indian |
Indigena guyanes(sa) suramericano(a) |
Gwichya Gwich'in |
Gwichya Gwich'in |
Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake |
Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake |
Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians of Upper Lake Rancheria |
Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians of Upper Lake Rancheria |
Haida |
Haida |
Haitian |
Haitiano(a) |
Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe |
Haliwa-Saponi Indian Tribe |
Hannahville Potawatomi Indian Tribe Michigan |
Hannahville Potawatomi Indian Tribe Michigan |
Hassanamisco Band of the Nipmuc Nation |
Hassanamisco Band of the Nipmuc Nation |
Hatay |
Hatay |
Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation |
Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation |
Hawaiian |
Hawaiano(a) |
Healy Lake Village |
Healy Lake Village |
Heiltsuk Band |
Heiltsuk Band |
Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe |
Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe |
Herzegovinian |
Herzegovino(a) |
Hesquiaht Band |
Hesquiaht Band |
Hiawatha First Nation |
Hiawatha First Nation |
Hidatsa |
Hidatsa |
Hispanic |
Hispano, hispana |
Hmong |
Hmong |
Ho-Chunk Nation |
Ho-Chunk Nation |
Hoh Indian Tribe of the Hoh Reservation Washington |
Hoh Indian Tribe of the Hoh Reservation Washington |
Hollywood Reservation (Dania) |
Hollywood Reservation (Dania) |
Holy Cross Village |
Holy Cross Village |
Honduran |
Hondureno(a) |
Honduras Indian |
Indigena hondureno(a) |
Hoonah Indian Association |
Hoonah Indian Association |
Hoopa Extension |
Hoopa Extension |
Hoopa Valley Tribe |
Hoopa Valley Tribe |
Hope Band (Chawathill Nation) |
Hope Band (Chawathill Nation) |
Hopi Tribe of Arizona |
Hopi Tribe of Arizona |
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians |
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians |
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians |
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians |
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation |
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation |
Huastec |
Huasteco(a) |
Huave |
Huave |
Hughes Village |
Hughes Village |
Huichol |
Huichol |
Hungarian |
Hungaro(a) |
Huron |
Huron |
Huron of Lorretteville |
Huron of Lorretteville |
Huslia Village |
Huslia Village |
Hydaburg Cooperative Association |
Hydaburg Cooperative Association |
Icelander |
Islandes(esa) |
Igiugig Village |
Igiugig Village |
Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel |
Iipay Nation of Santa Ysabel |
I-Kiribati |
I-Kiribati |
Illinois Miami |
Illinois Miami |
Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation |
Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation |
Inca |
Inca |
Indian |
Indigena |
Indian Township |
Indian Township |
Indiana Miami |
Indiana Miami |
Indo-Chinese |
Indochino(a) |
Indonesian |
Indonesio(a) |
Innu (Montagnais) |
Innu (Montagnais) |
Interior Salish |
Interior Salish |
Inuit |
Inuit |
Inupiat (Inupiaq) |
Inupiat (Inupiaq) |
Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope |
Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope |
Ione Band of Miwok Indians |
Ione Band of Miwok Indians |
Iowa |
Iowa |
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska |
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska |
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma |
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma |
Iqurmuit Traditional Council |
Iqurmuit Traditional Council |
Iranian |
Irani |
Iraqi |
Iraqui |
Irish |
Irlandes(esa) |
Iroquois |
Iroquois |
Israeli |
Israeli |
Italian |
Italiano(a) |
Ivanoff Bay Village |
Ivanoff Bay Village |
Iwo Jiman |
Iwo jimano(a) |
Ixcatec |
Ixcateco(a) |
Jackson Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Jackson Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Jamaican |
Jamaiquino(a) |
James Bay Cree |
James Bay Cree |
James Smith Cree Nation |
James Smith Cree Nation |
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe of Washington |
Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe of Washington |
Jamul Indian Village |
Jamul Indian Village |
Japanese |
Japones(sa) |
Jena Band of Choctaw |
Jena Band of Choctaw |
Jicarilla Apache Nation |
Jicarilla Apache Nation |
Jordanian |
Jordano(a) |
Juaneno (Acjachemem) |
Juaneno (Acjachemem) |
Kabyle |
Cabilio(a) |
Kaguyak Village |
Kaguyak Village |
Kahkewistahaw First Nation |
Kahkewistahaw First Nation |
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation |
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation |
Kaktovik Village (Barter Island) |
Kaktovik Village (Barter Island) |
Kalapuya |
Kalapuya |
Kalispel Indian Community |
Kalispel Indian Community |
Kamloops Band |
Kamloops Band |
Kanaka Bar |
Kanaka Bar |
Kanesatake Band |
Kanesatake Band |
Kanjobal |
Kanjobal |
Karuk Tribe of California |
Karuk Tribe of California |
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria |
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria |
Kaska Dena |
Kaska Dena |
Kathlamet |
Kathlamet |
Kaw Nation |
Kaw Nation |
Kawaiisu |
Kawaiisu |
Kawerak |
Kawerak |
Keechi |
Keechi |
Keeseekoose Band |
Keeseekoose Band |
Kekchi |
Kekchi |
Kenaitze Indian Tribe |
Kenaitze Indian Tribe |
Kenyan |
Keniano(a) |
Kern River Paiute Council |
Kern River Paiute Council |
Ketchikan Indian Corporation |
Ketchikan Indian Corporation |
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community |
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community |
Kialegee Tribal Town |
Kialegee Tribal Town |
Kickapoo |
Kickapoo |
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas |
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas |
Kickapoo Tribe of Indians in Kansas |
Kickapoo Tribe of Indians in Kansas |
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma |
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma |
Kikiallus |
Kikiallus |
Kincolith Band |
Kincolith Band |
King Cove |
King Cove |
King Island Native Community |
King Island Native Community |
King Salmon Tribe |
King Salmon Tribe |
Kingsclear Band |
Kingsclear Band |
Kiowa |
Kiowa |
Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma |
Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma |
Kitamaat |
Kitamaat |
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg |
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg |
Klahoose First Nation |
Klahoose First Nation |
Klallam |
Klallam |
Klamath Indian Tribe of Oregon |
Klamath Indian Tribe of Oregon |
Klawock Cooperative Association |
Klawock Cooperative Association |
Knik Tribe |
Knik Tribe |
Koasek (Cowasuck) Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation |
Koasek (Cowasuck) Traditional Band of the Sovereign Abenaki Nation |
Kodiak |
Kodiak |
Kokhanok Village |
Kokhanok Village |
Koniag Aleut |
Koniag Aleut |
Konkow |
Konkow |
Kootenai |
Kootenai |
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho |
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho |
Korean |
Coreano(a) |
Kosraean |
Kosraeano(a) |
Koyukuk Native Village |
Koyukuk Native Village |
Kuna Indian |
Indigenas Kuna |
Kuria Muria Islander |
De las Islas Kuria Muria |
Kurdish |
Kurdo(a) |
Kuwaiti |
Kuwaiti |
Kwakiutl |
Kwakiutl |
Kyuquot Band |
Kyuquot Band |
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
Lac du Flambeau |
Lac du Flambeau |
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians |
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians |
Lacandon |
Lacadon(a) |
Lagunero |
Lagunero(a) |
Lakahahmen Band |
Lakahahmen Band |
Lake Manitoba Band |
Lake Manitoba Band |
Lake Minchumina |
Lake Minchumina |
Lake St. Martin Band |
Lake St. Martin Band |
Lake Superior Chippewa |
Lake Superior Chippewa |
Laotian |
Laosiano(a) |
Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony |
Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony |
Lassik |
Lassik |
Latakian |
De Latakia |
Latin |
Latino(a) |
Latin American |
Latinoamericano(a) |
Latino |
Latino(a) |
Latvian |
Leton(a) |
Lebanese |
Libanés(esa) |
Leech Lake |
Leech Lake |
Lemhi-Shoshone |
Lemhi-Shoshone |
Lenca |
Lenca |
Lennox Island Band |
Lennox Island Band |
Lesnoi Village (Woody Island) |
Lesnoi Village (Woody Island) |
Levelock Village |
Levelock Village |
Liard River First Nation |
Liard River First Nation |
Liberian |
Liberiano(a) |
Libyan |
Libio(a) |
Lillooet |
Lillooet |
Lime Village |
Lime Village |
Lipan Apache |
Lipan Apache |
Lithuanian |
Lituano(a) |
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians of Michigan |
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians of Michigan |
Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana |
Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana |
Little Shuswap Band |
Little Shuswap Band |
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians |
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians |
Lone Pine |
Lone Pine |
Long Plain First Nation |
Long Plain First Nation |
Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians |
Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians |
Louisiana Choctaw Tribe |
Louisiana Choctaw Tribe |
Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony Nevada |
Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony Nevada |
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation South Dakota |
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation South Dakota |
Lower Creek Muscogee Tribe East Star Clan |
Lower Creek Muscogee Tribe East Star Clan |
Lower Elwha Tribal Community of the Lower Elwha Reservation Washington |
Lower Elwha Tribal Community of the Lower Elwha Reservation Washington |
Lower Lake Rancheria Koi Nation |
Lower Lake Rancheria Koi Nation |
Lower Muscogee Creek Tama Tribal Town |
Lower Muscogee Creek Tama Tribal Town |
Lower Nicola Indian Band |
Lower Nicola Indian Band |
Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota |
Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota |
Lower Skagit |
Lower Skagit |
Luiseno |
Luiseno |
Lumbee Indian Tribe |
Lumbee Indian Tribe |
Lummi Tribe |
Lummi Tribe |
Lytton Rancheria of California |
Lytton Rancheria of California |
Macedonian |
Macedonio(a) |
MaChis Lower Creek Indian Tribe |
MaChis Lower Creek Indian Tribe |
Maghreb |
Maghreb |
Maidu |
Maidu |
Makah Indian Tribe |
Makah Indian Tribe |
Malahat First Nation |
Malahat First Nation |
Malaysian |
Malasio(a) |
Maldivian |
Maldiviano(a) |
Malheur Paiute |
Malheur Paiute |
Maliseet |
Maliseet |
Maltese |
Maltés(esa) |
Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria |
Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria |
Mandan |
Mandan |
Manley Village Council (Manley Hot Springs) |
Manley Village Council (Manley Hot Springs) |
Manokotak Village |
Manokotak Village |
Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Mapuche (Araucanian) |
Mapuche (araucano(a)) |
Mariana Islander |
De las Islas Mariana |
Maricopa |
Maricopa |
Marietta Band of Nooksack |
Marietta Band of Nooksack |
Marshallese |
Marshalés(esa) |
Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut |
Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut |
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe |
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe |
Matachewan Band |
Matachewan Band |
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians |
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians |
Matinecock |
Matinecock |
Mattaponi Indian Tribe |
Mattaponi Indian Tribe |
Mattole |
Mattole |
Maya |
Maya |
Maya Central American |
Maya de America Central |
Maya South American |
Maya suramericano(a) |
Mazahua |
Mazahua |
Mazatec |
Mazateco(a) |
McGrath Native Village |
McGrath Native Village |
Mcleod Lake |
Mcleod Lake |
Mdewakanton Sioux |
Mdewakanton Sioux |
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria |
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria |
Meherrin Indian Tribe |
Meherrin Indian Tribe |
Melanesian |
Melanesiano(a) |
Menominee Indian Tribe |
Menominee Indian Tribe |
Mentasta Traditional Council |
Mentasta Traditional Council |
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation New Mexico |
Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation New Mexico |
Meso American Indian |
Indígena mesoamericano(a) |
Mestizo |
Mestizo(a) |
Metis |
Metis |
Metlakatla Indian Community Annette Island Reserve |
Metlakatla Indian Community Annette Island Reserve |
Metrolina Native American Association |
Metrolina Native American Association |
Mexican |
Mexicano(a) |
Mexican American |
Mexicano americano(a) |
Mexican American Indian |
Indigena mexicano(a) americano(a) |
Mexican Indian |
Indígena mexicano(a) |
Miami |
Miami |
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma |
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma |
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida |
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida |
Micmac |
Micmac |
Micronesian |
Micronesio(a) |
Middle Eastern |
Middle East |
Medio Oriente |
Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Millbrook First Nation |
Millbrook First Nation |
Mille Lacs |
Mille Lacs |
Minnesota Chippewa |
Minnesota Chippewa |
Miskito |
Misquito(a) |
Mission Indians |
Mission Indians |
Mississaugas of the Credit |
Mississaugas of the Credit |
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians |
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians |
Miwok |
Miwok |
Me-Wuk |
Me-Wuk |
Mixe |
Mixe |
Mixtec |
Mixteco(a) |
Moapa Band of Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Indian Reservation Nevada |
Moapa Band of Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Indian Reservation Nevada |
Modoc |
Modoc |
Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma |
Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma |
Mohawk |
Mohawk |
Mohawk Bay of Quinte |
Mohawk Bay of Quinte |
Mohawk Canadian |
Mohawk Canadian |
Mohawk Kahnawake |
Mohawk Kahnawake |
Mohegan Indian Tribe |
Mohegan Indian Tribe |
Mohican Canadian |
Mohican Canadian |
Molalla |
Molalla |
Monacan Indian Nation |
Monacan Indian Nation |
Mongolian |
Mongol(a) |
Mono |
Mono |
Montauk |
Montauk |
Moor |
Moor |
Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians |
Morena |
Morena |
Moroccan |
Marroqui |
Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians |
Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians |
Mountain Maidu |
Mountain Maidu |
MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians |
MOWA Band of Choctaw Indians |
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe |
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe |
Munsee |
Munsee |
Muscogee (Creek) Nation |
Muscogee (Creek) Nation |
Musqueam Band |
Musqueam Band |
N’Quatqua (Anderson Lake) |
N’Quatqua (Anderson Lake) |
Nahuatl |
Nahuatl |
Naknek Native Village |
Naknek Native Village |
Namgis First Nation (Nimpkish) |
Namgis First Nation (Nimpkish) |
Namibian |
Namibio(a) |
Nana Inupiat |
Nana Inupiat |
Nanaimo (Snuneymuxw) |
Nanaimo (Snuneymuxw) |
Nanoose First Nation |
Nanoose First Nation |
Nansemond Indian Tribe |
Nansemond Indian Tribe |
Nanticoke |
Nanticoke |
Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape |
Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape |
Narragansett Indian Tribe |
Narragansett Indian Tribe |
Naskapi |
Naskapi |
Natchez Indian Tribe of South Carolina (Kusso-Natchez; Edisto) |
Natchez Indian Tribe of South Carolina (Kusso-Natchez; Edisto) |
Nation Huronne Wendat |
Nation Huronne Wendat |
Native Hawaiian |
Nativo de Hawaii |
Native Village of Afognak |
Native Village of Afognak |
Native Village of Akhiok |
Native Village of Akhiok |
Native Village of Akutan |
Native Village of Akutan |
Native Village of Aleknagik |
Native Village of Aleknagik |
Native Village of Ambler |
Native Village of Ambler |
Native Village of Atka |
Native Village of Atka |
Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government |
Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government |
Native Village of Belkofski |
Native Village of Belkofski |
Native Village of Brevig Mission |
Native Village of Brevig Mission |
Native Village of Buckland |
Native Village of Buckland |
Native Village of Cantwell |
Native Village of Cantwell |
Native Village of Chanega (Chenega) |
Native Village of Chanega (Chenega) |
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon |
Native Village of Chignik Lagoon |
Native Village of Chitina |
Native Village of Chitina |
Native Village of Chuathbaluk |
Native Village of Chuathbaluk |
Native Village of Council |
Native Village of Council |
Native Village of Deering |
Native Village of Deering |
Native Village of Diomede (Inalik) |
Native Village of Diomede (Inalik) |
Native Village of Eagle |
Native Village of Eagle |
Native Village of Eek |
Native Village of Eek |
Native Village of Ekuk |
Native Village of Ekuk |
Native Village of Elim |
Native Village of Elim |
Native Village of Eyak (Cordova) |
Native Village of Eyak (Cordova) |
Native Village of False Pass |
Native Village of False Pass |
Native Village of Fort Yukon |
Native Village of Fort Yukon |
Native Village of Gakona |
Native Village of Gakona |
Native Village of Gambell |
Native Village of Gambell |
Native Village of Georgetown |
Native Village of Georgetown |
Native Village of Goodnews Bay |
Native Village of Goodnews Bay |
Native Village of Hamilton |
Native Village of Hamilton |
Native Village of Hooper Bay (Naparyarmiut) |
Native Village of Hooper Bay (Naparyarmiut) |
Native Village of Kanatak |
Native Village of Kanatak |
Native Village of Karluk |
Native Village of Karluk |
Native Village of Kasigluk |
Native Village of Kasigluk |
Native Village of Kiana |
Native Village of Kiana |
Native Village of Kipnuk |
Native Village of Kipnuk |
Native Village of Kivalina |
Native Village of Kivalina |
Native Village of Kluti Kaah (Copper Center) |
Native Village of Kluti Kaah (Copper Center) |
Native Village of Kobuk |
Native Village of Kobuk |
Native Village of Kongiganak |
Native Village of Kongiganak |
Native Village of Kotzebue |
Native Village of Kotzebue |
Native Village of Koyuk |
Native Village of Koyuk |
Native Village of Kwigillingok |
Native Village of Kwigillingok |
Native Village of Kwinhagak |
Native Village of Kwinhagak |
Native Village of Larsen Bay |
Native Village of Larsen Bay |
Native Village of Marshall (Fortuna Ledge) |
Native Village of Marshall (Fortuna Ledge) |
Native Village of Mary’s Igloo |
Native Village of Mary’s Igloo |
Native Village of Mekoryuk |
Native Village of Mekoryuk |
Native Village of Minto |
Native Village of Minto |
Native Village of Nanwalek (English Bay) |
Native Village of Nanwalek (English Bay) |
Native Village of Napaimute |
Native Village of Napaimute |
Native Village of Napakiak |
Native Village of Napakiak |
Native Village of Napaskiak |
Native Village of Napaskiak |
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon |
Native Village of Nelson Lagoon |
Native Village of Nightmute |
Native Village of Nightmute |
Native Village of Nikolski |
Native Village of Nikolski |
Native Village of Noatak |
Native Village of Noatak |
Native Village of Nuiqsut (Nooiksut) |
Native Village of Nuiqsut (Nooiksut) |
Native Village of Nunam Iqua (Sheldon’s Point) |
Native Village of Nunam Iqua (Sheldon’s Point) |
Native Village of Nunapitchuk |
Native Village of Nunapitchuk |
Native Village of Ouzinkie |
Native Village of Ouzinkie |
Native Village of Perryville |
Native Village of Perryville |
Native Village of Pilot Point |
Native Village of Pilot Point |
Native Village of Pitka's Point |
Native Village of Pitka's Point |
Native Village of Point Hope |
Native Village of Point Hope |
Native Village of Point Lay |
Native Village of Point Lay |
Native Village of Port Graham |
Native Village of Port Graham |
Native Village of Port Heiden |
Native Village of Port Heiden |
Native Village of Port Lions |
Native Village of Port Lions |
Native Village of Ruby |
Native Village of Ruby |
Native Village of Saint Michael |
Native Village of Saint Michael |
Native Village of Savoonga |
Native Village of Savoonga |
Native Village of Scammon Bay |
Native Village of Scammon Bay |
Native Village of Selawik |
Native Village of Selawik |
Native Village of Shaktoolik |
Native Village of Shaktoolik |
Native Village of Shishmaref |
Native Village of Shishmaref |
Native Village of Shungnak |
Native Village of Shungnak |
Native Village of Stevens |
Native Village of Stevens |
Native Village of Tanacross |
Native Village of Tanacross |
Native Village of Tanana |
Native Village of Tanana |
Native Village of Tatitlek |
Native Village of Tatitlek |
Native Village of Tazlina |
Native Village of Tazlina |
Native Village of Teller |
Native Village of Teller |
Native Village of Tetlin |
Native Village of Tetlin |
Native Village of Tuntutuliak |
Native Village of Tuntutuliak |
Native Village of Tununak |
Native Village of Tununak |
Native Village of Tyonek |
Native Village of Tyonek |
Native Village of Unalakleet |
Native Village of Unalakleet |
Native Village of Unga |
Native Village of Unga |
Native Village of Wales |
Native Village of Wales |
Native Village of White Mountain |
Native Village of White Mountain |
Nausu Waiwash |
Nausu Waiwash |
Navajo Nation |
Navajo Nation |
Near Easterner |
Del Cercano Oriente |
Nenana Native Association |
Nenana Native Association |
Nepalese |
Nepali |
New Jersey Sand Hill Band of Indians, Inc |
New Jersey Sand Hill Band of Indians, Inc |
New Koliganek Village Council |
New Koliganek Village Council |
New Stuyahok Village |
New Stuyahok Village |
New Zealander |
Neozelandés(esa) |
Newhalen Village |
Newhalen Village |
Newtok Village |
Newtok Village |
Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho (Nimiipuu) |
Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho (Nimiipuu) |
Nicaragua Indian |
Indígena nicaragüense |
Nicaraguan |
Nicaragüense |
Nigerian |
Nigeriano(a) |
Nikolai Village |
Nikolai Village |
Ninilchik Village Traditional Council |
Ninilchik Village Traditional Council |
Nipissing First Nation |
Nipissing First Nation |
Nipmuc |
Nipmuc |
Nisenen (Nishinam) |
Nisenen (Nishinam) |
Nisqually Indian Tribe |
Nisqually Indian Tribe |
Ni-Vanuatu (New Hebrides Islander) |
Ni-Vanuatu (De las islas Nuevas Hebridas) |
Nome Eskimo Community |
Nome Eskimo Community |
Nomlaki |
Nomlaki |
Nondalton Village |
Nondalton Village |
Nooksack Indian Tribe |
Nooksack Indian Tribe |
Noorvik Native Community |
Noorvik Native Community |
North African |
Norafricano(a) |
North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians |
North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians |
North Thompson Band (Simpcw First Nation) |
North Thompson Band (Simpcw First Nation) |
Northern Arapaho |
Northern Arapaho |
Northern Cherokee Nation of Missouri and Arkansas |
Northern Cherokee Nation of Missouri and Arkansas |
Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation Montana |
Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation Montana |
Northern Paiute |
Northern Paiute |
Northern Pomo |
Northern Pomo |
Northway Village |
Northway Village |
Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation of Utah (Washakie) |
Northwestern Band of Shoshone Nation of Utah (Washakie) |
Norwegian |
Noruego(a) |
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan |
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Michigan |
Nottoway of Virginia |
Nottoway of Virginia |
Nuevo Mexicano |
Nuevo(a) mexicano(a) |
Nulato Village |
Nulato Village |
Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation |
Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk Abenaki Nation |
Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (Toksook Bay) |
Nunakauyarmiut Tribe (Toksook Bay) |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) |
Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka) |
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation |
Occaneechi Band of the Saponi Nation |
Odanak |
Odanak |
Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota |
Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation South Dakota |
Ohiaht Band |
Ohiaht Band |
Ohkay Owingeh New Mexico |
Ohkay Owingeh New Mexico |
Okinawan |
Okinawense |
Olmec |
Olmeca |
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska |
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska |
Omani |
Omani |
Oneida |
Oneida |
Oneida Nation of New York |
Oneida Nation of New York |
Oneida Nation of the Thames |
Oneida Nation of the Thames |
Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin |
Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin |
Onondaga Nation |
Onondaga Nation |
Opaskwayak Cree Nation |
Opaskwayak Cree Nation |
Opata |
Opata |
Oregon Athabascan |
Oregon Athabascan |
Organized Village of Grayling (Holikachuk) |
Organized Village of Grayling (Holikachuk) |
Organized Village of Kake |
Organized Village of Kake |
Organized Village of Kasaan |
Organized Village of Kasaan |
Organized Village of Kwethluk |
Organized Village of Kwethluk |
Organized Village of Saxman |
Organized Village of Saxman |
Orutsararmiut Native Village (Bethel) |
Orutsararmiut Native Village (Bethel) |
Osage Tribe Oklahoma |
Osage Tribe Oklahoma |
Oscarville Traditional Village |
Oscarville Traditional Village |
Osoyoos Band |
Osoyoos Band |
Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians |
Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians |
Otomi |
Otomi |
Ottawa |
Ottawa |
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma |
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma |
Pacheedaht First Nation |
Pacheedaht First Nation |
Pacific Islander |
De las islas del Pacifico |
Paiute |
Paiute |
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (Southern Paiute) |
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah (Southern Paiute) |
Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony, Nevada |
Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony, Nevada |
Pakistani |
Pakistani |
Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Palauan |
Palauano(a) |
Palestinian |
Palestino(a) |
Pamunkey Indian Tribe |
Pamunkey Indian Tribe |
Panama Indian |
Indigena panameno(a) |
Panamanian |
Panameno(a) |
Papua New Guinean |
Papu neoguineano(a) |
Paraguayan |
Paraguayo(a) |
Paraguayan Indian |
Indigena paraguayo(a) |
Parsi |
Parsi |
Part Hawaiian |
Parte hawaiano(a) |
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona |
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona |
Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians |
Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians |
Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine |
Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine |
Patawomeck Indian Tribe of Virginia |
Patawomeck Indian Tribe of Virginia |
Paucatuck Eastern Pequot |
Paucatuck Eastern Pequot |
Pauloff Harbor Village |
Pauloff Harbor Village |
Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Pauquachin |
Pauquachin |
Pawnee |
Pawnee |
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma |
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma |
Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Pedro Bay Village |
Pedro Bay Village |
Pee Dee Indian Nation of Upper South Carolina |
Pee Dee Indian Nation of Upper South Carolina |
Pee Dee Indian Tribe of South Carolina |
Pee Dee Indian Tribe of South Carolina |
Peepeekisis |
Peepeekisis |
Peeposh |
Peeposh |
Peguis |
Peguis |
Pelican |
Pelican |
Penelakut |
Penelakut |
Penobscot Tribe of Maine |
Penobscot Tribe of Maine |
Penticton |
Penticton |
Peoria |
Peoria |
Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Pequot |
Pequot |
Persian |
Persa |
Peruvian |
Peruano(a) |
Peruvian Indian |
Indigena peruano(a) |
Petersburg Indian Association |
Petersburg Indian Association |
Phoenician |
Fenicio(a) |
Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians |
Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians |
Piedmont American Indian Association-Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation SC (PAIA) |
Piedmont American Indian Association-Lower Eastern Cherokee Nation SC (PAIA) |
Pilot Station Traditional Village |
Pilot Station Traditional Village |
Pima |
Pima |
Pine Creek |
Pine Creek |
Pinoleville Pomo Nation |
Pinoleville Pomo Nation |
Pipestone Sioux |
Pipestone Sioux |
Pipil |
Pipil |
Piqua Shawnee Tribe |
Piqua Shawnee Tribe |
Piro Manso Tiwa Tribe |
Piro Manso Tiwa Tribe |
Piscataway |
Piscataway |
Piscataway Conoy Tribe |
Piscataway Conoy Tribe |
Piscataway Indian Nation |
Piscataway Indian Nation |
Pit River Tribe of California |
Pit River Tribe of California |
Plains Cree |
Plains Cree |
Platinum Traditional Village |
Platinum Traditional Village |
Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy |
Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy |
Poarch Band of Creek Indians |
Poarch Band of Creek Indians |
Pocasset Wampanoag |
Pocasset Wampanoag |
Pocomoke Acohonock |
Pocomoke Acohonock |
Pohnpeian |
Ponapeno(a) |
Pointe Au-Chien Indian Tribe |
Pointe Au-Chien Indian Tribe |
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians |
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians |
Pokanoket (Royal House of Pokanoket) |
Pokanoket (Royal House of Pokanoket) |
Polish |
Polaco(a) |
Polynesian |
Polinesio(a) |
Pomo |
Pomo |
Ponca |
Ponca |
Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska |
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska |
Ponkapoag |
Ponkapoag |
Poospatuck |
Poospatuck |
Popoluca |
Popoluca |
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe |
Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe |
Portage Creek Village (Ohgsenakale) |
Portage Creek Village (Ohgsenakale) |
Portuguese |
Portugués(esa) |
Potawatomi |
Potawatomi |
Potter Valley Tribe |
Potter Valley Tribe |
Powhatan |
Powhatan |
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation Kansas |
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation Kansas |
Prairie Island Indian Community |
Prairie Island Indian Community |
Principal Creek Indian Nation |
Principal Creek Indian Nation |
Pueblo of Acoma |
Pueblo of Acoma |
Pueblo of Cochiti |
Pueblo of Cochiti |
Pueblo of Isleta |
Pueblo of Isleta |
Pueblo of Jemez |
Pueblo of Jemez |
Pueblo of Laguna |
Pueblo of Laguna |
Pueblo of Nambe |
Pueblo of Nambe |
Pueblo of Picuris |
Pueblo of Picuris |
Pueblo of Pojoaque |
Pueblo of Pojoaque |
Pueblo of San Felipe |
Pueblo of San Felipe |
Pueblo of San Ildefonso |
Pueblo of San Ildefonso |
Pueblo of Sandia |
Pueblo of Sandia |
Pueblo of Santa Ana |
Pueblo of Santa Ana |
Pueblo of Santa Clara |
Pueblo of Santa Clara |
Pueblo of Santo Domingo |
Pueblo of Santo Domingo |
Pueblo of Taos |
Pueblo of Taos |
Pueblo of Tesuque |
Pueblo of Tesuque |
Pueblo of Zia |
Pueblo of Zia |
Puerto Rican |
Puertorriqueno(a) |
Puerto Rican Indian |
Indigena puertorriqueno(a) |
Puget Sound Salish |
Puget Sound Salish |
Puyallup Tribe |
Puyallup Tribe |
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of the Pyramid Lake Reservation Nevada |
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of the Pyramid Lake Reservation Nevada |
Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village |
Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point Village |
Qatari |
Catari |
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska |
Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska |
Quapaw Tribe of Indians Oklahoma |
Quapaw Tribe of Indians Oklahoma |
Quartz Valley Indian Reservation |
Quartz Valley Indian Reservation |
Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation |
Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation |
Quechua |
Quechua |
Quiche |
Quiche |
Quichua |
Quichua |
Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Reservation Washington |
Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Reservation Washington |
Quinault Tribe |
Quinault Tribe |
Rainy River First Nations |
Rainy River First Nations |
Rama |
Rama |
Ramapough Lenape Nation (Ramapough Mountain) |
Ramapough Lenape Nation (Ramapough Mountain) |
Ramona Band or Village of Cahuilla |
Ramona Band or Village of Cahuilla |
Rampart Village |
Rampart Village |
Rappahannock Indian Tribe |
Rappahannock Indian Tribe |
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
Red Earth Band |
Red Earth Band |
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians |
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians |
Red Wood |
Red Wood |
Redding Rancheria California |
Redding Rancheria California |
Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Nevada |
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony Nevada |
Resighini Rancheria |
Resighini Rancheria |
Restigouche (Listugaj First Nation) |
Restigouche (Listugaj First Nation) |
Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians |
Romanian |
Rumano(a) |
Roseau River |
Roseau River |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation South Dakota |
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation South Dakota |
Round Valley Indian Tribes |
Round Valley Indian Tribes |
Rumsey Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians |
Rumsey Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians |
Russian |
Ruso(a) |
Sac and Fox |
Sac and Fox |
Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska |
Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska |
Sac and Fox Nation Oklahoma |
Sac and Fox Nation Oklahoma |
Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa |
Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa |
Sac River Band of the Chickamauga-Cherokee |
Sac River Band of the Chickamauga-Cherokee |
Saddle Lake |
Saddle Lake |
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe |
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe |
Sahrawi |
Saharaui |
Saint George Island |
Saint George Island |
Saint Paul Island |
Saint Paul Island |
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe |
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe |
Saipanese |
Saipanés(esa) |
Sakimay First Nations |
Sakimay First Nations |
Salinan |
Salinan |
Salish |
Salish |
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community |
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community |
Salvadoran |
Salvadoreno(a) |
Samish Indian Tribe |
Samish Indian Tribe |
Samoan |
Samoano(a) |
San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation |
San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation |
San Juan |
San Juan |
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Arizona |
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Arizona |
San Luis Rey Mission Indian |
San Luis Rey Mission Indian |
San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians |
San Manuel Band of Serrano Mission Indians |
San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians |
San Xavier |
San Xavier |
Sandy Bay Band |
Sandy Bay Band |
Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians |
Santa Rosa Indian Community |
Santa Rosa Indian Community |
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians |
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians |
Santee Indian Nation of South Carolina |
Santee Indian Nation of South Carolina |
Santee Indian Organization |
Santee Indian Organization |
Santee Sioux Nation Nebraska |
Santee Sioux Nation Nebraska |
Saponi |
Saponi |
Sappony |
Sappony |
Sarcee (Sarci) |
Sarcee (Sarci) |
Saudi Arabian |
Saudi |
Saugeen |
Saugeen |
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe |
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians |
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians |
Saulteau First Nations |
Saulteau First Nations |
Saulteaux |
Saulteaux |
Scandinavian |
Escandinavo(a) |
Schaghticoke |
Schaghticoke |
Scottish |
Escoces(esa) |
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California |
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California |
Seabird Island |
Seabird Island |
Seaconeke Wampanoag |
Seaconeke Wampanoag |
Sealaska Corporation (Southeast Alaska) |
Sealaska Corporation (Southeast Alaska) |
Sechelt |
Sechelt |
Seine River First Nation |
Seine River First Nation |
Seldovia Village Tribe |
Seldovia Village Tribe |
Sells |
Sells |
Seminole |
Seminole |
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma |
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma |
Seminole Tribe of Florida |
Seminole Tribe of Florida |
Seneca |
Seneca |
Seneca Nation |
Seneca Nation |
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma |
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma |
Senegalese |
Senegales(esa) |
Serbian |
Serbio(a) |
Seri |
Seri |
Serpent River |
Serpent River |
Serrano |
Serrano |
Setauket |
Setauket |
Seton Lake |
Seton Lake |
Shageluk Native Village |
Shageluk Native Village |
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (Prior Lake) |
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (Prior Lake) |
Shasta |
Shasta |
Shawnee |
Shawnee |
Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band |
Shawnee Nation United Remnant Band |
Shawnee Tribe Oklahoma |
Shawnee Tribe Oklahoma |
Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California |
Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California |
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians |
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians |
Shinnecock |
Shinnecock |
Shoal Lake Cree Nation |
Shoal Lake Cree Nation |
Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Reservation Washington |
Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Reservation Washington |
Shoshone |
Shoshone |
Shoshone Paiute |
Shoshone Paiute |
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation |
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation |
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation |
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation |
Shuswap |
Shuswap |
Siberian Yupik |
Siberian Yupik |
Sierra Leonean |
Sierraleonés(esa) |
Siksika Canadian |
Siksika Canadian |
Similkameen |
Similkameen |
Singaporean |
Singapurense |
Sioux |
Sioux |
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation South Dakota |
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation South Dakota |
Sitka Tribe of Alaska |
Sitka Tribe of Alaska |
Siuslaw |
Siuslaw |
Six Nation Canadian |
Six Nation Canadian |
Six Nations of the Grand River |
Six Nations of the Grand River |
Skagway Village |
Skagway Village |
Skawahlook First Nation |
Skawahlook First Nation |
Skeetchestn Indian Band |
Skeetchestn Indian Band |
Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Indian Reservation Washington |
Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Indian Reservation Washington |
Skookum Chuck Band |
Skookum Chuck Band |
Skowkale |
Skowkale |
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Utah |
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Utah |
Skuppah |
Skuppah |
Skwah First Nation |
Skwah First Nation |
Skway First Nation |
Skway First Nation |
Skykomish |
Skykomish |
Slana |
Slana |
Slavic |
Eslavo(a) |
Slovak |
Eslovaco(a) |
Slovene |
Esloveno(a) |
Smith River Rancheria |
Smith River Rancheria |
Snohomish |
Snohomish |
Snoqualmie Tribe |
Snoqualmie Tribe |
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians |
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians |
Sokaogon Chippewa Community |
Sokaogon Chippewa Community |
Solomon Islander |
De las islas Solomon |
Somali |
Somalí |
Songhees First Nation |
Songhees First Nation |
Soowahlie First Nation |
Soowahlie First Nation |
South African |
Sudafricano(a) |
South American |
Suramericano(a) |
South American Indian |
Indígena suramericano(a) |
South Fork Band |
South Fork Band |
South Naknek Village |
South Naknek Village |
Southeastern Cherokee Council |
Southeastern Cherokee Council |
Southeastern Indians |
Southeastern Indians |
Southern Arapaho |
Southern Arapaho |
Southern Cheyenne |
Southern Cheyenne |
Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation |
Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation |
Soviet Union |
Union Sovietica |
Spaniard |
Espanol(a) |
Spanish |
Espanol(a) |
Spanish American |
Español(a) americano(a) |
Spanish American Indian |
Indigena hispanoamericano(a) |
Spirit Lake Tribe |
Spirit Lake Tribe |
Spokane Tribe |
Spokane Tribe |
Spuzzum First Nation |
Spuzzum First Nation |
Squamish Nation |
Squamish Nation |
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation Washington |
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation Washington |
Sri Lankan |
Ceilandes(sa) |
St Lucia Islander |
Isleno(a) de Santa Lucia |
St. Croix Chippewa |
St. Croix Chippewa |
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe |
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe |
Stanjikoming First Nation |
Stanjikoming First Nation |
Stebbins Community Association |
Stebbins Community Association |
Steilacoom |
Steilacoom |
Stillaguamish |
Stillaguamish |
Sto:lo Nation |
Sto:lo Nation |
Stockbridge-Munsee Community |
Stockbridge-Munsee Community |
Stone |
Stone |
Stonyford |
Stonyford |
Sucker Creek First Nation |
Sucker Creek First Nation |
Sudamericano |
Sudamericano(a) |
Sudanese |
Sudanes(sa) |
Sugpiaq |
Sugpiaq |
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada |
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada |
Sumo |
Sumu |
Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak |
Sun’aq Tribe of Kodiak |
Surinamer |
Surinames(sa) |
Suryoyo |
Suryoyo |
Susanville Indian Rancheria California |
Susanville Indian Rancheria California |
Susquehanock |
Susquehanock |
Swahili |
Suajili |
Swampy Cree |
Swampy Cree |
Swan Creek Black River Confederate Tribe |
Swan Creek Black River Confederate Tribe |
Swedish |
Sueco(a) |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community |
Swiss |
Suizo(a) |
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation |
Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation |
Syrian |
Sirio(a) |
Table Mountain Rancheria |
Table Mountain Rancheria |
Tachi |
Tachi |
Tahitian |
Tahitiano(a) |
Tahltan |
Tahltan |
Taino |
Taino(a) |
Taiwanese |
Taiwanes(sa) |
Takelma |
Takelma |
Takotna Village |
Takotna Village |
Taku River Tlingit |
Taku River Tlingit |
Talakamish |
Talakamish |
Tampa Reservation |
Tampa Reservation |
Tanana Chiefs |
Tanana Chiefs |
Tarahumara (Raramuri) |
Tarahumara (Raramuri) |
Tarasco (Purepecha) |
Tarasco(a) (Purepecha) |
Tawakonie |
Tawakonie |
Tehuelche |
Tehuelche |
Tejano |
Tejan(a) |
Tejon Indian Tribe |
Tejon Indian Tribe |
Telida Village |
Telida Village |
Temecula |
Temecula |
Te-Moak Tribes of Western Shoshone Indians of Nevada |
Te-Moak Tribes of Western Shoshone Indians of Nevada |
Tenakee Springs |
Tenakee Springs |
Tenino |
Tenino |
Tepehua |
Tepehua |
Tequistlatec |
Tequistlateco(a) |
Tete De Boule (Attikamek) |
Tete De Boule (Attikamek) |
Teton Sioux |
Teton Sioux |
Thai |
Tailandes(sa) |
The Suquamish Tribe |
The Suquamish Tribe |
The Waccamaw Indian People |
The Waccamaw Indian People |
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town |
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town |
Thompson |
Thompson |
Three Affiliated Tribes of Ft. Berthold Reservation North Dakota |
Three Affiliated Tribes of Ft. Berthold Reservation North Dakota |
Tillamook |
Tillamook |
Tla |
Tla |
Tla Wilano |
Tla Wilano |
Tlapanec |
Tlapaneco(a) |
Tlingit |
Tlingit |
Tobacco Plains Band |
Tobacco Plains Band |
Tobique First Nation |
Tobique First Nation |
Tohono O’Odham Nation of Arizona |
Tohono O’Odham Nation of Arizona |
Tojolabal |
Tojolabal |
Tok |
Tok |
Tokelauan |
Tokelauano(a) |
Tolowa |
Tolowa |
Toltec |
Tolteco(a) |
Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians |
Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians |
Tongan |
Tongano(a) |
Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma |
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona |
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona |
Toquaht |
Toquaht |
Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians |
Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians |
Traditional Village of Togiak |
Traditional Village of Togiak |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Trinidad y Tobago |
Trinity |
Trinity |
Triqui (Trique) |
Triqui (Trique) |
Tsartlip |
Tsartlip |
Tsawout First Nation |
Tsawout First Nation |
Tseycum |
Tseycum |
Tsimshian |
Tsimshian |
Tuareg |
Tuareg |
Tuckabachee |
Tuckabachee |
Tulalip Tribes |
Tulalip Tribes |
Tule River Indian Tribe |
Tule River Indian Tribe |
Tuluksak Native Community |
Tuluksak Native Community |
Tunica Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana |
Tunica Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana |
Tunisian |
Tunecino(a) |
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of California |
Tupi |
Tupi |
Turk |
Turco(a) |
Turkish |
Turco(a) |
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota |
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota |
Tuscarora Nation |
Tuscarora Nation |
Tuscola |
Tuscola |
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Luiseno Mission Indians |
Twin Hills Village |
Twin Hills Village |
Tygh |
Tygh |
Tzeltal |
Tzeltal |
Tzotzil |
Tzotzil |
Uchucklesaht |
Uchucklesaht |
Ucluelet First Nation |
Ucluelet First Nation |
Ugandan |
Ugandes(esa) |
Ugashik Village |
Ugashik Village |
Ukrainian |
Ucraniano(a) |
Umkumiute Native Village |
Umkumiute Native Village |
Umpqua |
Umpqua |
Unangan (Unalaska) |
Unangan (Unalaska) |
United Arab Emirates |
Emiratos Arabes Unidos |
United Auburn Indian Community |
United Auburn Indian Community |
United Cherokee Ani-Yun-Wiya Nation |
United Cherokee Ani-Yun-Wiya Nation |
United Houma Nation |
United Houma Nation |
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee |
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee |
Upper Chinook |
Upper Chinook |
Upper Mattaponi Tribe |
Upper Mattaponi Tribe |
Upper Sioux Community |
Upper Sioux Community |
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe |
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe |
Uruguayan |
Uruguayo(a) |
Uruguayan Indian |
Indigena uruguayo(a) |
Ute |
Ute |
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Utah |
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Reservation Utah |
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe |
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe |
Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute Reservation California |
Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute Reservation California |
Valencian |
Valenciano(a) |
Venezuelan |
Venezolano(a) |
Venezuelan Indian |
Indigena venezolano(a) |
Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band |
Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band |
Vietnamese |
Vietnamita |
Village of Alakanuk |
Village of Alakanuk |
Village of Anaktuvuk Pass |
Village of Anaktuvuk Pass |
Village of Aniak |
Village of Aniak |
Village of Atmautluak |
Village of Atmautluak |
Village of Bill Moore’s Slough |
Village of Bill Moore’s Slough |
Village of Chefornak |
Village of Chefornak |
Village of Clark’s Point |
Village of Clark’s Point |
Village of Crooked Creek |
Village of Crooked Creek |
Village of Dot Lake |
Village of Dot Lake |
Village of Iliamna |
Village of Iliamna |
Village of Kalskag |
Village of Kalskag |
Village of Kaltag |
Village of Kaltag |
Village of Kotlik |
Village of Kotlik |
Village of Lower Kalskag |
Village of Lower Kalskag |
Village of Ohogamiut |
Village of Ohogamiut |
Village of Old Harbor |
Village of Old Harbor |
Village of Red Devil |
Village of Red Devil |
Village of Salamatoff |
Village of Salamatoff |
Village of Sleetmute |
Village of Sleetmute |
Village of Solomon |
Village of Solomon |
Village of Stony River |
Village of Stony River |
Village of Venetie |
Village of Venetie |
Village of Wainwright |
Village of Wainwright |
Vincent-Grenadine Islander |
Isleno(a) de San Vicente y las Granadinas |
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation |
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation |
Wabauskang First Nation |
Wabauskang First Nation |
Waccamaw Siouan Indian Tribe |
Waccamaw Siouan Indian Tribe |
Waco |
Waco |
Wahpekute Sioux |
Wahpekute Sioux |
Wailaki |
Wailaki |
Wakiakum Chinook |
Wakiakum Chinook |
Walker River Paiute Tribe of the Walker River Reservation Nevada |
Walker River Paiute Tribe of the Walker River Reservation Nevada |
Walla Walla |
Walla Walla |
Walpole Island |
Walpole Island |
Wampanoag |
Wampanoag |
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) |
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) |
Wappo |
Wappo |
Wasauksing First Nation |
Wasauksing First Nation |
Wascopum |
Wascopum |
Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California |
Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California |
Wassamasaw Tribe of Vernertown Indians |
Wassamasaw Tribe of Vernertown Indians |
Waywayseecappo First Nation |
Waywayseecappo First Nation |
Wazhaza Sioux |
Wazhaza Sioux |
Wells Band |
Wells Band |
Welsh |
Galés(esa) |
Wenatchee |
Wenatchee |
West Bay Band |
West Bay Band |
West Indies |
Indias Occidentales |
Western Saharan |
Del Sahara Occidental |
Whilkut |
Whilkut |
White |
Blanco(a) |
White Bear Band |
White Bear Band |
White Earth |
White Earth |
White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona |
White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona |
White River Band of the Chickamauga-Cherokee |
White River Band of the Chickamauga-Cherokee |
Whitefish Lake Band |
Whitefish Lake Band |
Wichita |
Wichita |
Wicomico |
Wicomico |
Wikwemikong |
Wikwemikong |
Willapa Chinook |
Willapa Chinook |
Wilton Rancheria |
Wilton Rancheria |
Wind River |
Wind River |
Winnebago |
Winnebago |
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska |
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska |
Winnemucca Indian Colony of Nevada |
Winnemucca Indian Colony of Nevada |
Wintun |
Wintun |
Wisconsin Potawatomi |
Wisconsin Potawatomi |
Wiseman |
Wiseman |
Wishram |
Wishram |
Wiyot Tribe California |
Wiyot Tribe California |
Wolf Lake Band |
Wolf Lake Band |
Woodland Cree First Nation |
Woodland Cree First Nation |
Woodstock First Nation |
Woodstock First Nation |
Wrangell Cooperative Association |
Wrangell Cooperative Association |
Wyandotte Nation Oklahoma |
Wyandotte Nation Oklahoma |
Xaxli'p First Nation (Fountain Band) |
Xaxli'p First Nation (Fountain Band) |
Yahooskin Band of Snake |
Yahooskin Band of Snake |
Yakama Cowlitz |
Yakama Cowlitz |
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe |
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe |
Yana |
Yana |
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota |
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota |
Yanktonai Sioux |
Yanktonai Sioux |
Yapese |
Yapes(esa) |
Yaqui |
Yaqui |
Yavapai Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation |
Yavapai Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation |
Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation |
Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation |
Yemeni |
Yemeni |
Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch Nevada |
Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony and Campbell Ranch Nevada |
Yokuts |
Yokuts |
Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation Nevada |
Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation Nevada |
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas |
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas |
Yucatan |
Yucatan |
Yuchi |
Yuchi |
Yugoslavian |
Yugoslavo(a) |
Yuki |
Yuki |
Yup’ik (Yup’ik Eskimo) |
Yup’ik (Yup’ik Eskimo) |
Yupiit of Andreafski |
Yupiit of Andreafski |
Yurok Tribe |
Yurok Tribe |
Zacateco |
Zacateco(a) |
Zaire |
Zaire |
Zaparo |
Zaparo(a) |
Zapotec |
Zapoteco(a) |
Zimbabwean |
Zimbabuense |
Zoque |
Zoque |
Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation |
Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation |
Appendix B
Languages available in wheel on LANGUAGE, LANGUAGE BARRIER, LANGUAGE BARRIER RESP screens
English |
Russian |
Spanish |
Serbian |
Albanian |
Somali |
Amharic |
Swahili |
Arabic |
Tagalog |
Armenian |
Thai |
Bengali |
Tigrinya |
Bulgarian |
Turkish |
Burmese |
Ukrainian |
Cambodian |
Urdu |
Cantonese - Simplified |
Vietnamese |
Cantonese-Traditional |
Yiddish |
Croatian |
Other |
Czech |
Dari |
Dinka |
Dutch |
Farsi (Displayed as Eastern Farsi, output as Farsi) |
French |
French Creole |
German |
Greek |
Hebrew |
Hindi |
Hmong |
Hungarian |
Ilocano |
Italian |
Japanese |
Korean |
Laotian |
Lithuanian |
Malayalam |
Mandarin - Simplified |
Mandarin - Traditional |
Navaho |
Nepali |
Panjabi |
Polish |
Portuguese |
Romanian |
Appendix E
The Census ID Structure Specification Table for Generating Temporary Case IDs after NEW CASE ADDRESS
TYPE OF ID (1) Position 1 |
TEST IDENTIFIER (2) Position 2 thru 3 |
SEQUENCE NUMBER (9) Note: Sequence numbers starting with “9” are permanently reserved for test cases. Positions 4 thru 12 |
CHECK DIGITS (2) Positions 13 thru 14 (MAD97 Check Digits computed over preceding 12 characters) |
4 = Processing ID assigned as needed / on demand |
00 = default |
Format: <Category>0000001 through <Category>9999999, where <Category> is a two digit value assigned as follows:
Category = 51-59 = Non-ID’d Field Enumeration 1
MAD97 Check Digits computed over preceding 12 characters |
NOTE: All 14 digit Processing ID’s are to be used once and only once within a census cycle!!! |
Last updated 5/15/17 Sprint 14
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Lauren Decrosta |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |