

Multifamily Housing Service Coordinator Program


OMB: 2502-0447

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Section 8 Contract
Administrator (S8CA)

Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS)

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

May 2007

Revision Sheet
Release No.
Rev. 1.0
Rev. 1.1


S8CA eLOCCS Users Guide

Revision Description
Initial version of the document.
Updated text and inserted current screen examples.

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Page #

INTRODUCTION TO eLOCCS ..................................................................................... 1-1


What is LOCCS/eLOCCS?....................................................................................... 1-1


eLOCCS Roles............................................................................................................ 1-1


Hours of Operation .................................................................................................... 1-2


Problems or Questions............................................................................................... 1-2


ACCESSING eLOCCS ................................................................................................... 2-1


Secure Systems Main Menu ...................................................................................... 2-1


eLOCCS Authorizations Screen............................................................................... 2-3


eLOCCS Main Menu.................................................................................................. 2-3



Left Sidebar Options.......................................................................................................................... 2-4

Navigation................................................................................................................... 2-5
eLOCCS MENU OPTIONS............................................................................................ 3-1


Contract Portfolio ...................................................................................................... 3-1
Portfolio by Expiration Date.............................................................................................................. 3-2
Portfolio Offsets ................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Problem Contracts ............................................................................................................................. 3-3
Withdrawn ......................................................................................................................................... 3-4


Contract Selection...................................................................................................... 3-5


Contract Detail ........................................................................................................... 3-6


General............................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Budget................................................................................................................................................ 3-7
Vouchers............................................................................................................................................ 3-8
Documents ......................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Assignments....................................................................................................................................... 3-9


Administrative Fee Contract .................................................................................. 3-10


Outstanding Documents .......................................................................................... 3-11


Wire Payments ......................................................................................................... 3-11


Wire Payments Details..................................................................................................................... 3-12


Recent Funding Changes......................................................................................... 3-12


Missed Payments...................................................................................................... 3-13

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Cutover Date............................................................................................................. 3-15


Maintain Email Addresses ...................................................................................... 3-16


Maintain Email Assignments.................................................................................. 3-18


Email Wire Payments Report................................................................................. 3-19


Portfolio Action Summary ...................................................................................... 3-20


Help Desk Contact Information ............................................................................. 3-20

Page #
Figure 2-1 Secure Systems Main Menu...................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2 eLOCCS Log In Screen ............................................................................................ 2-2
Figure 2-3 eLOCCS Authorization Screen................................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-4 eLOCCS Main Menu ................................................................................................ 2-4
Figure 2-5 eLOCCS Navigation ................................................................................................. 2-5
Figure 3-1 Contract Portfolio Screen.......................................................................................... 3-1
Figure 3-2 By Exp Date Tab....................................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-3 Offsets Tab ................................................................................................................ 3-3
Figure 3-4 Problem Contracts Tab.............................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 3-5 Withdrawn Tab.......................................................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-6 Contract Selection Screen ......................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-7 Contract Detail Screen .............................................................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-8 Budget Schedule Screen............................................................................................ 3-7
Figure 3-9 Voucher Tab.............................................................................................................. 3-8
Figure 3-10 Documents Tab ....................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-11 Assignments Tab..................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-12 Administrative Fee General Tab ........................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-13 Administrative Fee Contract Screen ..................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-14 Outstanding Documents Screen ............................................................................ 3-11
Figure 3-15 Wire Payments Screen .......................................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-16 Wire Payments Detail Screen ............................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-17 Recent Funding Changes Screen........................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-18 Missed Payment Screen ........................................................................................ 3-14
Figure 3-19 Cutover Date Entry Screen ................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-20 Cutover Dates Entry Screen.................................................................................. 3-15
Figure 3-21 Cutover Date Entry ............................................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-22 Updated Cutover Dates ......................................................................................... 3-16
Figure 3-23 Maintain Email Addresses Screen ........................................................................ 3-17
Figure 3-24 Maintain Email Assignments (S8CA) Screen....................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-25 Sample Email Text................................................................................................ 3-19
Figure 3-26 Sample Email Text................................................................................................ 3-20

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Table 1-1. eLOCCS Roles .......................................................................................................... 1-1
Table 3-1. Contract Portfolio Query Icons ................................................................................. 3-2
Table 3-2. Missed Payments Icons ........................................................................................... 3-14

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1.0 Introduction to eLOCCS


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1.0 Introduction to eLOCCS





The Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS) is the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s (HUD) primary disbursement and cash management system, currently managing
disbursements for the majority of HUD Programs, including Section 8 Contract Administrators
(CA). LOCCS automates many recipient payment decisions, providing cash management
savings using electronic funds transfer, and ensures payments are made in a timely manner but
not in excess of the recipients cash needs.
eLOCCS is the web-enabled module in LOCCS, which allows authorized CAs, or their
representatives, to access LOCCS through HUD’s Secure Systems. Once eLOCCS access has
been authorized, the user is allowed to view a wide range of Housing Assistance Payments
(HAP) contract-level information regarding HUD contract payments to the CA and/or HUD
payments made directly to the HAP owner. eLOCCS has a close relationship with the Tenant
Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS). Owner Agents and CAs submit vouchers to
TRACS where validation edits are performed. If the TRACS edits are passed, the request is then
forwarded to LOCCS for payment to the CA or directly to the HAP owner if a CA does not
administer the contract.


eLOCCS Roles

Secure Systems allows system-level roles to be established, and the use of those roles is defined
by each system. eLOCCS has defined three user-type roles. Table 1-1 defines these roles and
their use in eLOCCS.
Table 1-1. eLOCCS Roles
Role Code





Query access allows viewing of any contract within the CA’s portfolio.



Allows updating of email addresses for eLOCCS correspondences.
The Administrator role is a Wild-Card entry for cutover dates. The
Administrator will be allowed to enter cutover dates for any contract in
the eLOCCS portfolio, thus not be limited to only those contracts assigned
to them in Secure Systems.

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1.0 Introduction to eLOCCS


Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday . . . . . . . 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. EST
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Not Available


Problems or Questions

Inability to access the LOCCS hyperlink on the Secure Systems menu is a Secure Systems issue.
The user should:

Contact your Coordinator and make sure the proper eLOCCS roles (refer to Section 1.2)
have been assigned to your User identification (User ID). The hyperlink will not appear if
improper eLOCCS roles are assigned.


If problems persist, contact the REAC Technical Assistance Center at 1-888-245-4860.

All other issues most likely will be related to eLOCCS. Please use the eLOCCS mailbox at
eLOCCS@HUD.Gov to relay appropriate information. If you have an immediate need for
resolution, contact Sean Juman at the LOCCS Help desk (703) 506-8229, ext 4279 or Chris
Davies at (202) 708-1757, ext 3758.

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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS


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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS




Secure Systems Main Menu

Figure 2-1 Secure Systems Main Menu

Access to Secure Systems and eLOCCS is authorized by the Business Partners Secure Systems
Coordinator. Assuming access has been granted, the main menu of Secure Systems will have a
Line of Credit Control System (eLOCCS) hyperlink. (Figure 2-1) is similar to what will be
displayed. Clicking on the hyperlink will access the eLOCCS Log In Screen (Figure 2-2).

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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS

Figure 2-2 eLOCCS Log In Screen

CAs do not have a LOCCS User ID; therefore, the eLOCCS Log In page has a separate button
for S8CA entry. This button is only displayed if the user has at least one Performance Based
contract assigned to them in Secure Systems. If the CA does not have the S8CA Only button
displayed, it is not a LOCCS issue but rather a HEREMS contract assignment issue. Clicking
the S8CA Only button will display specific eLOCCS authorizations.

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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS


eLOCCS Authorizations Screen

The eLOCCS Authorizations Screen (Figure 2-3) displays the user’s authorized eLOCCS access
by Business Partner and eLOCCS program area. The Section 8 Contract Administrator program
is identified in eLOCCS by the 4-character code, S8CA; and for the majority of Contract
Administrators, a single authorization line will appear. If the user has additional eLOCCS
authorization through an approved HUD-27054 eLOCCS security form or S8CA authorization
for multiple Contract Administrators, additional program area authority may appear on this
screen. Each eLOCCS program area will be a hyperlink, and selecting the program area
hyperlink will display a customized menu for the program area. Once in eLOCCS, the user is
wearing one hat at a time. Users authorized for multiple Business Partners can return to the
Authorization page and select another Business Partner link.

Figure 2-3 eLOCCS Authorization Screen


eLOCCS Main Menu

The eLOCCS Main Menu (Figure 2-4) displays options, depending on the eLOCCS roles
assigned by the Secure Systems Coordinator. The sidebar in the left-hand side of the menu
contains a hyperlink that will return the user to the Secure Systems menu. Other hyperlinks in
the sidebar are useful, but are less used eLOCCS options. The main body of the menu contains
frequently used hyperlinks; the Main Menu is further described in Section 3.0, eLOCCS Menu

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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS

Figure 2-4 eLOCCS Main Menu

2.3.1 Left Sidebar Options

The sidebar in the left-hand side of the eLOCCS Main Menu provides the following options:

Secure Systems – Returns the user to the Secure Systems Main Menu.


User Profile – Displays user information, name, roles assigned, and eLOCCS HUD27054 authority, if any.


About LOCCS – Displays basic LOCCS/eLOCCS information, hours of operation,
points of contact, etc.


Authorizations – Returns the user to the eLOCCS Authorizations page.


Mailbox – Displays the eLOCCS electronic mailbox for users’ questions and comments.

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2.0 Accessing eLOCCS



The Program Area Main Menu, the anchor point for eLOCCS navigation, provides a starting
point for “drilling down” to grant and voucher information. The drill-down trail is tracked and
displayed through a navigation bar just underneath the eLOCCS logo at the top of the page, as
shown in Figure 2-5. As successive hyperlinks are selected on each page, the navigation bar
adds the selection to the list. For example, if the portfolio hyperlink is selected from the menu
and then a specific grant and voucher within the grant are selected, the navigation bar displays
the following:

Contract Portfolio

Contract Detail

To return anywhere on the navigation path, click a hyperlink on the navigation bar and the
selected page will appear. To begin another navigation path, select the Menu hyperlink.

NOTE: Browsers provide a “Back” button that takes a user to a previous document. We
recommend not using this button; and instead use the eLOCCS-provided navigation. This is
especially important when performing updates. The browser’s “Back” button pulls up old
documents in the computer cache memory that may not reflect the eLOCCS database, which is
constantly changing.

Figure 2-5 eLOCCS Navigation

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options


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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options




Contract Portfolio

From the eLOCCS Main Menu (Figure 2-4click on the Contract Portfolio link to display the
entire portfolio of HAP contracts which will be sorted by contract number (as shown in Figure
3-1). The contract expiration date, current funded, disbursed, and balance information is
displayed along with a portfolio total at the bottom of the screen for each of these dollar fields.
The expiration date for expired contracts is displayed in red and icons are displayed next to the
contract number, if appropriate, along with a legend at the top of the table. The contract number
appears as a hyperlink on the portfolio screen as well as on many other screens. Clicking the
contract hyperlink on any screen will display the Contract Detail Screen, as described in Section
3.3, Contract Detail.

Figure 3-1 Contract Portfolio Screen

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

Table 3-1 shows the current icons that may be displayed on the contract portfolio query.
Table 3-1. Contract Portfolio Query Icons


Contract is suspended. No payments
will be made.
Contract Administrator Cutover date
has not been entered/approved.

3.1.1 Portfolio by Expiration Date

Selecting the By Exp Date tab (Figure 3-2) displays the same portfolio information sorted by
earliest expiration date.

Figure 3-2 By Exp Date Tab

3.1.2 Portfolio Offsets

Selecting the Offsets tab in the Contract Portfolio Screen (Figure 3-3) displays those contracts in
the portfolio that have an outstanding eLOCCS offset that will be applied to the next payment.
eLOCCS tracks Section 202 loan offsets and any manual offset entered by HUD. The Year-End
Settlement column is not used at this time.

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

Figure 3-3 Offsets Tab

3.1.3 Problem Contracts

The Problem Contracts tab (Figure 3-4) displays contracts that have expiration or funding issues.
A 5-month window of 1 month prior to the current month, the current month, and 3 months in
the future is displayed. Any contract in the portfolio that is expired or will expire in the next 3
months is identified with an hourglass icon in the month it expires, and subsequent months.
Likewise, contracts that do not have sufficient funds to meet current spending are also identified.
They are identified with a red dollar sign $ in the 1st month, which indicates that an eLOCCS
payment will not be made due to insufficient funds, including all subsequent months.
The insufficient funds indicator $, is based on actual disbursements to date and a LOCCS
projection using a contract payment average. The average is calculated using the total contract
payments over the last 12 months, divided by the number of payments in that period.
This is not an exact science, but the projection does give a quick visual of when there may be
payment problems with a contract.
The Problem Contracts page is not a real-time query. The data is based upon the contract status
after the eLOCCS overnight payment cycle; however, the data is recalculated and refreshed
every night.

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Figure 3-4 Problem Contracts Tab

3.1.4 Withdrawn

The Withdrawn tab (Figure 3-5) shows contracts that once were assigned to the CA but have
been withdrawn because they have opted out of the program, have been transferred to another
CA, or have become HUD administered. This tab provides a list of those contracts with a link to
the contract detail page for researching activity that occurred during the time it was assigned to
the CA.

Figure 3-5 Withdrawn Tab

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Contract Selection

From the eLOCCS Main Menu, click on the Contract Detail menu option to display the Contract
Selection Screen (Figure 3-6); a contract may be chosen from the dropdown list box or manually
entered. Clicking the Submit button will display the Contract Detail Screen.

Figure 3-6 Contract Selection Screen

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options


Contract Detail

After selecting a contract hyperlink or manually entering a contract number in the appropriate
field on the Contract Selection Screen, clicking the Submit button displays the Contract Detail
Screen (Figure 3-7).
3.3.1 General
The Contract Detail screen will display the ‘General’ tab set as default along with optional tabs
depending on the Contract. The ‘General’ tab details organizational information, contract dates,
and current funding information specific to that grant.

Figure 3-7 Contract Detail Screen

A critical element on the Contract Detail Screen is the CA Cutover Date, which will initially be
blank for all contracts. The date will automatically be filled by eLOCCS when the Contract
Administrator Oversight Manager (CAOM) approves the cutover date entered by the CA. At
that time, the date will also be sent to TRACS to assist in controlling the transmission of the
voucher. LOCCS will use the cutover date to determine who should be paid. If a voucher from
TRACS has a period prior to the cutover date or if there is no cutover date, LOCCS will pay the
HAP owner directly. TRACS vouchers with a period on or after the cutover date (but prior to a
withdrawn date) are paid to the CA.
The funding definitions shown in the Contract Detail Screen include the following:

Funded – The total Budget Authority committed by HUD for the term of the contract.
eLOCCS will not make payment beyond the Budget Authority balance.

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options


Disbursed – Funds disbursed against the contract, either to the HAP owner directly or the


Disbursed in Process – Generally zero, but may show a warehoused voucher waiting
payment date.


Balance – Remaining undisbursed Budget amount.

3.3.2 Budget

Click on the Budget tab to display the Budget Schedule Screen (Figure 3-8). This screen
displays the budget years of the contract and the prorated budget estimate calculated by eLOCCS
at the time of CA conversion. The ‘per year’ estimate is based on the last 12 months of
disbursements on the project. It is purely an estimate that, if insufficient, eLOCCS will
automatically self adjust and use available balance in other years to satisfy a disbursement. This
process will use any HAP reserve funds first and, once that is exhausted, borrow estimated
scheduled funds from future years. This process assumes Housing analysis will see a shortfall in
funding prior to those funds actually being needed in future years.
A circle next to the first funding year represents a conversion year, where all disbursements
and funding are rolled up into a single year.

Figure 3-8 Budget Schedule Screen

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

3.3.3 Vouchers

Clicking on the Vouchers tab (Figure 3-9) provides payment level information with the most
recent payments displayed first. Initially, when the Contract Administrator module was
implemented in October 2000, eLOCCS made payments based upon the HUD-52663 payment
schedule submitted by the CA and approved by the CAOM. For those payments, eLOCCS
generated a voucher number beginning with ‘CA’, followed by a 10-digit payment reference
number, and the document source was HUD-52263. In April 2001, payments made directly
from the HUD-52663 were terminated, and eLOCCS began paying based on the voucher actuals
sent from TRACS. Those payments have the TRACS voucher number in the Voucher column.
In the Source column, “TRACS/CA” indicates if the Contract Administrator was paid and
“TRACS” if the Owner Agent was paid. The Offset column indicates any eLOCCS offset
applied to the voucher amount. The Wired Amount column represents the amount (if any) wired
for payment.

Figure 3-9 Voucher Tab

3.3.4 Documents

Selecting the Documents tab (Figure 3-10) displays any submitted contract documents and their
status. Currently, only the entry and approval of a Cutover date is tracked. The documents are
displayed in the most recently submitted document order.

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Figure 3-10 Documents Tab

3.3.5 Assignments

Selecting the Assignments tab (Figure 3-11) displays the contracts assignment history. Most
contracts will have a single entry; however, some may show multiple lines if they were
withdrawn from one CA and reassigned to another.

Figure 3-11 Assignments Tab

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Administrative Fee Contract

From the eLOCCS Main Menu, click the Administrative Fee Contract menu option to display the
Administrative Fee Contract Screen “General” tab (Figure 3-12), which is established for
administrative fee payments.

Figure 3-12 Administrative Fee General Tab

Any admin fee payments made against the contract may be viewed by clicking the Contract
Payments tab (Figure 3-13).

Figure 3-13 Administrative Fee Contract Screen

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Outstanding Documents

From the eLOCCS Main Menu, click the Outstanding Documents menu option to display the
Outstanding Documents Screen (Figure 3-14), which displays any outstanding documents
requiring action by the CAOM. The only CAOM action tracked by eLOCCS is the approval of a
contracts cutover date. Contracts that have the initial cutover date entered by the CA and now
await approval by the CAOM will appear on this screen.

Figure 3-14 Outstanding Documents Screen


Wire Payments

From the eLOCCS Main Menu, click the Wire Payments menu option to display any payments
made by eLOCCS to the CA (Figure 3-15); the most recent payments will be shown first. All
HAP payments will be rolled up into a single wire transfer for any payment date. Administrative
fee payments will be a separate wire transfer, even if the same bank and account are used on the
1199 Direct Deposit form.
The remarks indicate an anticipated account deposit date. Once Treasury has confirmed the
schedule, an actual deposit date will be displayed. It should be noted this is a Treasury aggregate
“schedule” deposit date and does not guarantee every individual wire transfer on a schedule was

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

Figure 3-15 Wire Payments Screen

Click on the No of Contracts hyperlink to display detailed wire payments information for that
contract number.
3.6.1 Wire Payments Details

The Wire Payments Detail screen (Figure 3-16) displays information such as offset and wired

Figure 3-16 Wire Payments Detail Screen


Recent Funding Changes

The Recent Funding Changes Screen (Figure 3-17) shows any contract funding changes that
occurred in the portfolio within the last 30 days. Reserved and Obligated changes are not

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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

tracked by eLOCCS; only funding changes that affect the available balance used for a payment
decision are reflected in this query.

Figure 3-17 Recent Funding Changes Screen


Missed Payments

The Missed Payments query screen (Figure 3-18) shows any contract where a payment for a
month was missed, with a window beginning 2 months prior to the current month. A series of
icons displays the status of the period and provides some insight concerning why the payment
was missed. In many cases, the contract has expired or there are insufficient funds to cover the
voucher. In those instances, if TRACS has sent the voucher, eLOCCS will hold the voucher
until the expiration date is extended or additional funds are added in the accounting system.
eLOCCS will immediately release and pay the voucher when that occurs; no action is required
by the CA. eLOCCS will begin tracking the next month’s period on the 1st business day
following the 15th of the month. .
Clicking on a contract link will return the Contract Detail page described in Section 3.3.

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Figure 3-18 Missed Payment Screen

Table 3-2 shows the current icons that are displayed on the Missed Payments Screen.
Table 3-2. Missed Payments Icons

A red sad face indicates a payment was missed being made to the Contract
Administrator. This is determined by the period missed equal to or later
than the contract cutover date.
A yellow sad face indicates a payment was missed being made directly to
the Owner Agent. This is determined by the period missed being before
the cutover date, or a cutover date has not been established yet.
Indicates an expired contract.
Indicates a suspended contract.
Indicates TRACS sent a voucher to eLOCCS, and eLOCCS is holding the
voucher because of a condition indicated by another icon.


Indicates insufficient funds to make the payment.
A warning indicator that the voucher for the next month has not been
received by eLOCCS from TRACS. This will only show in the next
month’s column starting after the 15th of the month, when eLOCCS begins
tracking the next month’s payments.

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Cutover Date

From the eLOCCS Main Menu, click on the Cutover Date menu option to display any contracts
in the portfolio that does not have a cutover date. Figure 3-19 shows the screen if all contracts
have had the cutover date entered, and Figure 3-20 shows a list of contracts whose cutover dates
have not been entered (in this case from another CA–State of Missouri MO800).

Figure 3-19 Cutover Date Entry Screen

Figure 3-20 Cutover Dates Entry Screen

Enter a cutover date in ‘mm/yyyy’ format for any of the selected contracts and click the Submit
button (Figure 3-20). LOCCS will perform an edit on the date(s) which includes making sure the
entered date is within a 180-day range, i.e., the entered date cannot be further than 90 days in the
future or 90 days in the past (Figure 3-21). Accepted cutover date entries should now appear on
the Outstanding documents query, since the entries need to be approved by the CAOM before
the entries become effective.
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The screen will only show 20 contracts at a time; to display additional contracts, click the Next

Figure 3-21 Cutover Date Entry

Accepted entries are returned with a green check next to the date; entries that fail any edits are
returned with appropriate information (Figure 3-22).

Figure 3-22 Updated Cutover Dates

3.10 Maintain Email Addresses
A feature of eLOCCS is the ability to provide information via email. The Business Partner is
responsible for maintaining both the email repository list and the eLOCCS email that each email
address will receive.
In order to update or maintain email addresses, users must have the Secure Systems eLOCCS
role “Administrator” (ADM) assigned to them. With this role, the eLOCCS menu options,
Maintain Email Addresses, and Maintain Email Assignments will appear on any Program
Area main menu.
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3.0 eLOCCS Menu Options

Selecting Maintain Email Addresses displays an entry screen with an upper and lower section
(Figure 3-23). The upper section specifies the primary eLOCCS email address for the Business
Partner. This email address automatically receives all eLOCCS email; no specific email
assignment is necessary. For this reason, it is suggested the primary email address be a generic
eLOCCS email mailbox for the organization rather than the address being an individual so it can
be accessible by multiple individuals.
The bottom portion of the Maintain Email Addresses provides an area to add, delete, and update
any number of additional email addresses for individuals in the organization. These additional
email addresses will not automatically receive any email. They must manually be mapped to an
email through the Email Assignment option.

Figure 3-23 Maintain Email Addresses Screen

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3.11 Maintain Email Assignments
From the eLOCCS Main Menu, select the Maintain Email Assignment menu option to display
the Maintain Email Assignments (S8CA) Screen (Figure 3-24). This screen displays a grid of
email individuals (listed down the page) and the available eLOCCS email (across the top), with a
check box at the intersection of each. To mark the individual for the email, check the check box
and click the Submit button. To remove an individual from an eLOCCS email, uncheck the
check box and click the Submit button.
The emails available to CAs are Wire Payments Summary and Portfolio Action Summary.
Section 202 Offsets is not available as an email, even though the offsets are a selection. Use the
Offset tab on the portfolio page for this information.

Figure 3-24 Maintain Email Assignments (S8CA) Screen

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3.12 Email Wire Payments Report
Wire Payment Email summaries contain a single line summary of the payments made during the
previous eLOCCS payment cycle. Included in the email is a tab-delimited file containing a
detail list of contract information. The file may be imported into an MS Excel or equivalent
database worksheet for reconciliation or additional analysis. Figure 3-25 shows sample email

Figure 3-25 Sample Email Text

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3.13 Portfolio Action Summary
The Portfolio Action Summary email generally contains a list of contracts from the CA portfolio
that had a funding change, either positive or negative. In addition, any contracts assigned or
withdrawn from the portfolio are listed. Figure 3-26 shows sample email text.

Figure 3-26 Sample Email Text

3.14 Help Desk Contact Information

The following table provides Help Desk contact information by System to determine the
appropriate Help Desk to contact. The eLOCCS mailbox, eLOCCS@HUD.Gov provides a
link to send questions and comments through an eLOCCS electronic mailbox.

Help Desk
eLOCCS Help Desk

PIH-REAC Technical Assistance

S8CA eLOCCS Users Guide


Secure Systems


703-506-8229, Ext. 4279

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleUser's Manual Template, Rev. 0 (6/6/00)
AuthorSETA Corporation
File Modified2007-05-02
File Created2007-05-02

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