Heart Of Recovery

Heart of Recovery

Caregiver Survey_4-30-18

Heart Of Recovery

OMB: 0702-0143

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Military Caregivers Program: Heart of Recovery

Caregiver’s Assessment of Responsibility Evaluation (CARE)


The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0702-XXXX, is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at whs.mc-alex.esd.mbx.dd-dod-information-collections@mail.mil. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.

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Privacy Advisory
Army Regulation 40-5 (25 May 2007) Preventive Medicine directs Army Public Health Center to conduct evaluations of regional and local programs in support of USAMEDCOM oversight responsibilities (at para 2-19.j. page 14).
The Army Public Health Center (APHC) will collect information to provide feedback to the Office of The Surgeon General (OTSG) to help determine the best way to better serve those who provide caregiver support to military personnel in an effort to develop the Military Caregivers Heart of Recovery Program.
Routine Uses: The information will be used by and disclosed to APHC and OTSG personnel and contractors to coordinate development of the Military Caregivers Heart of Recovery Program.
Disclosure: Furnishing this information is voluntary.


What is a Military Caregiver?
A Military Caregiver is someone who provides unpaid care and assistance or receives SCAADL for, or manage the care of, someone who is at least 18 years old and has an illness, injury or condition for which they require outside support. This may include help with tasks such as personal care, bathing, dressing, feeding, giving medicines or treatments, help with memory tasks for someone with brain injury, help coping with symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), transportation to doctors’ appointments, or arranging for services, etc. You do not need to live with the person. Care and assistance are considered unpaid if you provide them without receiving financial compensation in exchange for doing so.

What is the Military Caregivers Heart of Recovery program and why should I participate in this survey?
Military Caregivers enhance the quality of life for Service Members and play a vital role in facilitating and improving their recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration. There are numerous military, veteran, corporate, agency, and nonprofit programs and services available to meet the needs of those who provide caregiver support. To streamline this information, the Care for Caregivers program is being developed by the Office of the Surgeon General (OTSG), in collaboration with numerous partners, to serve as a central location for services and resources that provide support to wounded warriors and their families. The Army Public Health Center (APHC) is responsible for evaluation of the Heart of Recovery program. We will be collecting information about your general health status, type(s) of caregiver support, needs, services and resources used or required to provide support. This information is being collected to provide feedback to OTSG to help determine the best way to better serve those who provide caregiver support to military personnel. If you provide care to more than one recipient, please refer to the person with whom you spend the most time when responding to this survey.

Why is my participation in this evaluation important?
The Military Caregivers Heart of Recovery program is being designed to provide services, resources, and training opportunities to address the needs of persons who provide caregiver support to military personnel. As a caregiver, your participation in this survey is critical because this program will assist you, your family, your friends, and ultimately your care recipient. The information we learn from this evaluation will help us build a program designed specifically to meet your needs.

What information am I required to provide and what is voluntary?
Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your information will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. You may complete some or all of the survey. If you are uncomfortable answering an item, you may skip that item and move on to the next item. You may discontinue participation in this survey at any time. Please do not take the survey more than once.

What are the potential risks associated with participation in this evaluation?

The primary risk to you is emotional upset and discomfort as a result of completing the evaluation survey questions. Participation in this evaluation might also involve risks that are currently unknown or unforeseeable.

What are the potential benefits associated with participation in this evaluation?

It is unknown whether you will get any benefits by taking part in this study. We do not know if the Military Caregivers Heart of Recovery program will be helpful to you. That is why this evaluation is being conducted. There may be no personal benefit from your participation, but the information gained by doing this evaluation may help others.

Who can I contact to ask questions about this public health evaluation?
If you have any questions about this survey or evaluation, please contact the APHC Public Health Assessment Division at usarmy.apg.medcom-phc.mbx.hpwwebcontacts@mail.mil.

If you agree to participate in this survey, please press NEXT.

Section A. Introduction

1. Are you over eighteen years of age?



2. Do you provide continuous supervision or assistance to a Service Member with any of the tasks below, due to being wounded, ill, injured, or impaired (including mental and physical conditions)? Please check all that apply.



Using the telephone or computer


Keeping track of finances

Ensuring safety

Arranging paid services






Personal hygiene


Caring for wounds


Recreational activities

Scheduling and managing Military Command activities (e.g. mustering)

Scheduling and managing medical services (e.g. scheduling appointments)

Managing medications and/or medical equipment

Assisting with physical therapy exercises

Assisting with memory tasks

Career planning

Helping to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

No, my Soldier does not require continuous assistance or supervision with

any tasks due to being wounded, ill, or injured.

3. What social, emotional, or spiritual support do you provide to your care recipient? Please select all that apply.

Providing pet care

Comforting my care recipient

Discussing stressful topics with my care recipient

Helping my care recipient relax

Helping my care recipient with healthy living decisions

Engaging in activities of faith (e.g. praying)

Guiding my care recipient in meditation

Providing inspirational/uplifting material

Engaging in activities of faith with the care recipient

Helping my care recipient deal with perceived disgrace or stigma

from  others

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

4. What best describes your care recipient?

Army Active Duty

Army Reserve

Army National Guard

Army Veteran (former Soldier separated from the Military)

Army Other. Please Specify: ____________________

Air Force Active Duty

Air Force Reserve

Air National Guard

Air Force Veteran (former Airman separated from the Military)

Air Force Other. Please Specify: ____________________

5. With what installation is your care recipient affiliated?

Joint Base Lewis McChord (JBLM)

Joint Base San Antonio (JBSA)

Fort Sill

Fort Bragg

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

Section B. Caregiver Support

This section will ask questions regarding your relationship to the Service Member to whom you provide care or assistance. If you provide care to more than one Service Member, please refer to the Service Member with whom you spend the most time (primary care recipient).

6. What is your relationship with your care recipient?


Significant Other (Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Partner)









Unit Member

Support Group Member

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

7. Approximately, how far away do you live from your care recipient?

I live with my care recipient

Less than 5 miles

6-10 miles

11-20 miles

21-60 miles

61-100 miles

More than 100 miles

8. Did you relocate to care for your care recipient?



9. Where is your care recipient currently residing?

At home

In the hospital

Extended-care facility

Other: ____________________

10. Approximately, how many days per week do you provide support to your care recipient?

Less than one








11. Approximately, how many hours per day do you provide support to your care recipient (on the days that you provide care)?

Less than 1 hour per day

1-4 hours

5-8 hours

9-12 hours

13-16 hours

17 or more hours

12. Please type the number of other people (besides you) who provide support to the care recipient from each category. 


_____Significant other (e.g., girlfriend, boyfriend, partner)


_____Extended family (e.g., grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, cousin)


_____Military connections

_____Religious organization members

_____Home health aide/nurse

Section C. Level of Caregiver Burden

This section will ask questions regarding physical, emotional, and financial burden caused by providing caregiver support.

13. Approximately how much of your personal funds were used to provide caregiver support in the past 12 months?

I do not spend my own personal funds to provide caregiver support

Less than $1,000






$50,000 or more

14. Please mark the appropriate response for the questions below.




Quite Frequently

Nearly Always

Has providing caregiver support affected your ability to work?

Do you feel that because of the time you spend with your care recipient you don't have enough time for yourself?

Do you feel embarrassed over your care recipient's behavior?

Do you feel angry when you are around your care recipient?

Do you feel that your care recipient currently affects your relationships with other family members or friends in a negative way?

Are you afraid of what the future holds for your care recipient?

Do you feel your care recipient is dependent on you?

Do you feel strained when you are around your care recipient?

Do you feel your health has suffered because of your involvement with your care recipient?

Do you feel that you don't have as much privacy as you would like because of your care recipient?

Do you feel that your social life has suffered because you are caring for your care recipient?

Do you feel uncomfortable about having friends over because of your care recipient?

Do you feel that your care recipient seems to expect you to take care of him/her as if you were the only one he/she could depend on?

Do you feel that you don't have enough money to take care of your care recipient in addition to the rest of your expenses?

Do you feel that you will be unable to take care of your care recipient much longer?

Do you feel you have lost control of your life since your care recipient's illness?

Do you wish you could leave the care of your care recipient to someone else?

Do you feel you should be doing more for your care recipient?

Do you feel you could do a better job in caring for your care recipient?

Overall, how burdened do you feel in caring for your care recipient?

Do you feel others scorn you because you care for your care recipient?

15. How much has your caregiving experience helped you:

Not at all

Just a Little



Very Much

Grow as a person since caring for your care recipient?

Learned to do things you didn’t do before since caring for your care recipient?

Section D. Care Recipient

The next section will ask questions regarding the person to whom you provide caregiver support.

16. How old is your care recipient?

18 to 30 years

31 to 55 years

56 to 65 years

66 to 80 years

81 years or older

I don’t know

17. How many times has your care recipient been injured on a named operational deployment (e.g., Operation Enduring Freedom)?





Three times

Four times

Five times or more

18. Does your care recipient have any of the following conditions? Please select all that apply and indicate whether they were service related or not:

Yes, Service Related

Yes, not Service Related



Anger management issues







Heart disease

Internal injury

Open wounds

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Sprains / strains

Traumatic brain injury

Sleep disorders

Substance use or abuse

Other health condition (including behavioral or mental health conditions).

19. Please specify what other health conditions your care recipient has: ____________

Section E. Health Status of the Caregiver

This section will ask questions regarding your current health status.

20. In general, how would you describe your current health status?


Very good




21. Do you have any of the following conditions? Please select all that apply.

Alzheimer’s Disease



Autoimmune Disease


Bipolar Disorder


Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Cystic Fibrosis




Heart disease


Muscular Dystrophy



Parkinson’s Disease

Physical Impairments

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Sleep Disorders

Substance Use or Abuse

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

22. Please mark the appropriate response for the questions below.

Without any difficulty

With a little difficulty

With some difficulty

With much difficulty

Unable to do

Are you able to do chores such as vacuuming or yard work?

Are you able to go up and down stairs at a normal pace?

Are you able to go for a walk for at least 15 minutes?

Are you able to run errands and shop?

23. During the past 7 days…

Not at all

A Little Bit


Quite a Bit

Very Much

I feel fatigued

I have trouble starting things

because I am tired

I feel run down

My sleep is refreshing

I have a problem with my sleep

I have difficulty falling asleep

24. During the past 7 days…

Very Poor




Very Good

My sleep quality was…

25. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your work life?

Much less than usual

Less than usual

About the same as usual

More than usual

Much more than usual

26. Overall, how would you rate the current level of stress in your personal life?

Much less than usual

Less than usual

About the same as usual

More than usual

Much more than usual

Section F. Services & Resources

The next section will discuss the resources or services being used or needed to provide caregiver support.

27. What would help you become a more effective caregiver?  Please select all that apply.


Assistance accessing spiritual services

Assistance navigating the military/VA health system/health insurance for my care


Access to short-term care for my care recipient

Assistance with living arrangements

Assistance acquiring life or disability insurance for my care recipient

Assistance with creating a living will, advanced directive, or trust fund

Assistance with assigning power of attorney, estate executor, or

custody/guardianship of your care recipient

Assistance taking care of my personal responsibilities

Assistance acquiring health insurance for myself

Access to military healthcare resources for myself

Access to healthcare resources for myself

Flexibility with my job

Assistance finding a job for myself

Social support

Child and family support

Education or training to be a better caregiver

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

28. What resources or services have you used to provide caregiver support?  Please select all that apply.

Army Community Center

Army Family Team Building

Army Wellness Center

Army Wounded Warrior Program

Behavioral Health System of Care

Catholic Charities

Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness

Defense Center of Excellence

Defense Health Agency Clinical Support Division

Employment Readiness Program

Family Advocacy Program

Family Medical Leave Act

Family Overcoming Under Stress

Federal Recovery Coordination Program (FRCP)

G.I. Forum


Military & Family Counseling Program

Military Warriors Support Foundation

National Intrepid Center of Excellence

Peer Support Coordinator

Operation Comfort

Operation Finally Home

Ready and Resilient Campaign

Recovery Care Coordination Program

Reintegrate, Educate, and Advocate Combatants in Health Care (REACH)

San Antonio Coalition for Veterans

Soldier for Life

Soldier and Family Assistance Centers (SFAC)

Soldier for Life Transition Assistance Program

Strong Bonds


United States Army Reserve Care Coordination

United States Special Operations Command Care Coalition

United Way


Wounded Soldier & Family Hotline

Wounded Warrior Project

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

None of the Above

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

29. Please select all forms of assistance that were provided to you by the installation once your care recipient entered the Military Treatment Facility:

Not applicable, my care recipient did not enter or visit a Military Treatment Facility

Assistance traveling to visit your care recipient

Assistance paying for food or  gas

Assistance acquiring local lodging

Assistance getting acquainted with the installation

Assistance completing Military Treatment Facility paperwork

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

None of the above

Section G. Caregiver Support Training

The next section will assess your desire for additional training and education.

30. Would you be interested in participating in caregiver training?



Section G. Caregiver Support Training

The next section will your specific training and education needs, if you indicated you desired additional training or education per the above question.

31. Which of the following topics would you be interested in learning more about? Please select all that apply.

My care recipient’s condition

Legal help for myself

Career transition for myself

Physical care skills (e.g. changing wound dressings, delivering medications,

assisting with activities of daily living, physical therapy exercises)

Navigating visits to the doctor/hospital

Navigating insurance companies

Emotional support for myself (e.g. stress management, conflict resolution)

Financial support for myself

Caregiver support groups

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

32. How would you like to receive caregiver training? Please select all that apply.

In person seminar training

In person hands-on training

Online webinar/tutorial

Online discussion forum

Smart phone application

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

33. How much time would you be willing to spend in a training session?

15 minutes

30 minutes

45 minutes

1 hour

2 hours

More than 2 hours

34. How often would you like to receive caregiver training?

Once a week

Once a month

Once a quarter

Twice a year

Once a year

Less than once a year

Section H. Caregiver Demographic Characteristics

These few questions relate to your demographic characteristics.

35. What is your gender?



36. How old are you?

18 – 30 years

31 to 55 years

56 to 65 years

66 to 80 years

81 years or older

37. What is your marital status?





Never married

38. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino?

No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino

Yes, Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or other


39. What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be.

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian (e.g. Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese)

Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (e.g. Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro)


40. What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed?

Some high school, no diploma

High school graduate, diploma equivalent

Some college credit, no degree

Associate’s degree

Bachelor’s degree

Master’s degree

PhD or Professional Degree

41. Which of the following best describes your current work status?

Full-time employee (for an external company or agency working 40 hours a week or


Part-time employee (for an external company or agency working 1 or more hours

per week)



Other. Please Specify: ____________________

42. What is your annual household income?

Less than $25,000



$100,000 or more

43. How did you hear about this survey? Please check all that apply.

Tip Card


Table tent



.Mil website

Military Treatment Facility

Family Readiness Group

Other. Please Specify: ____________________

44. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience being a caregiver? Please do not include any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in your response.


The United States Army Public Health Center appreciates your participation in this survey.  If you have any additional questions, please contact the Health Information Operations Program at usarmy.apg.medcom-phc.mbx.hio-program@mail.mil

The Wounded Soldier & Family Hotline at (800) 984-8523 (wsfsupport@conus.armymil) is available to help if needed. It operates 24/7 and offers wounded, injured, or ill Soldiers and their families a way to share concerns on the quality of patient care, provides senior Army leaders with visibility on medically-related issues, gathers information about medical care and suggests ways to improve medical support systems, and prohibits retribution directed towards the caller.
Please hit the submit button below to submit your survey.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleCaregiver’s Assessment of Responsibility Evaluation (CARE) Questionnaire
AuthorGrattan, Lauren E Dr CTR US USA MEDCOM PHC
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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