NO. 1901-0287
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx
Burden: 90 Hours
Legislative Authority: Data on this mandatory form are collected under authority of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (15 USC Schedule 761 et seq.), and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended (42 USC 10101 et seq.). Failure to file after receiving Energy Information Administration (EIA) notification may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by the law. Data being collected on this form are not considered to be confidential.
Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 makes it a criminal offense for any person knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction.
Public Reporting Burden: The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 90 hours per response. The estimate by respondent category is 100 hours per response for operating nuclear reactors, 60 hours per response for permanently shutdown nuclear reactors, and 40 hours per response for storage facilities and research/test reactors. The estimate includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Energy Information Administration, Office of Survey Development and Statistical Integration, EI-21, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20585, and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, 735 17th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20503.
Form Due Date: This form shall be submitted by August 31, 2018. Unless otherwise indicated, data on the form should reflect the spent fuel discharged from July 1, 2013 - December 31, 2017.
Voluntary Data: Schedule C.1.2 Fuel Cycle History is not mandatory.
EIA Contacts: Refer all questions to Marta Gospodarczyk at (202) 586-0527 or by email to
Return completed forms by email to:
or by mail to:
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Attn: Marta M. Gospodarczyk, EI-34
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585
Operator Name:
Begin Report Period: July 1, 2013 End Report Period: December 31, 2017 |
If this is a resubmission, insert X in the block |
If there are no data changes from the previous GC-859 submission, insert X in the block |
A.1.1 Site Operator Name:
A.1.2 List all reactors being covered by this report.
See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”
Reactor Identifier |
Reactor Name |
A.1.3 List all spent fuel storage facilities being covered by this report.
See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”
Storage Facility Identifier |
Storage Facility Name |
Provide a site operator point of contact for verification of information provided on this form.
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
I certify as a cognizant individual that the historical information contained herein and in any associated electronic media supplied and other materials appended hereto are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. (NOTE: Corporate Officer signature is not required, but the signatory must be appropriately authorized.)
Provide any comments you have concerning Site Operator Data (Section A.1, A.2, A.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Complete a Schedule B.1 for each reactor, including operating and shutdown reactors.
Provide a reactor point of contact for verification of information provided on this form.
If the person is also the site operator point of contact, insert X in the block. |
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
__________ (See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”)
B.2.2 NRC License Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY): ___/ ___ /_______
Provide the expiration date of the reactor’s NRC operating license as of the end of the reporting period for this data submission. If the reactor is permanently shutdown, provide the expiration date of the NRC possession only license.
.2.4 Reactor
Provide any comments you have concerning Reactor Data (Section B.1, B.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Provide the following data for all operating cycles.
The first cycle of a reactor's operations is designated 01 and successive cycles are numbered consecutively. Operating cycles covered by this report should continue the sequential cycle numbering listed in the previous reporting period, which are provided.
If the reactor has experienced an outage in the midst of a cycle where fuel assemblies were temporarily or permanently discharged, indicate by providing subcycle numbers and start up and shutdown dates as if the subcycle were a complete cycle. Designate subcycles as a, b, c, etc. (example 16a, 16b, 16c). If no fuel assemblies were discharged, simply report the cycle number, start up and shutdown dates without regard to subcycles.
Cycle Number |
Start Up Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Shutdown Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
Provide any comments you have concerning Reactor Data (Section B.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
The Form GC-859 survey collects data on an assembly-specific basis to ensure that all owners have been properly allocated spent nuclear fuel acceptance capacity in the Acceptance Priority Ranking & Annual Capacity Report (APR/ACR). For this reason, respondents are requested to report all discharged fuel including spent nuclear fuel that has been shipped/transferred to another storage site location. Report permanently discharged fuel only. If you are not certain if an assembly will be reinserted, prioritization rules suggest that this is in the utility’s interest to report it as permanently discharged (and modify the total burnup, last cycle number, and last cycle shutdown date later if the assembly is subsequently reinserted).
The assembly specific data to be reported in C.1.1 are as follows:
Column |
Data Element |
Description |
1 |
Assembly Identifier |
The unique operator-assigned identifier or the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) identifier. The identifier indicated as the “Primary” assembly identifier should be used throughout the survey form. |
2 |
Initial Heavy Metal Content |
The initial heavy metal content (uranium) of the fuel assembly in kilograms (reported to the nearest thousandth of a kilogram). |
3 |
Initial Enrichment |
The initial enrichment of the assembly (reported to the nearest hundredth of a percent). Report the maximum Planar Initial Enrichment. |
4 |
Mixed Oxide Fuel Data |
Check box and report MOX data (plutonium) in comments, if necessary. |
5 |
Discharge Burnup |
The assembly burnup at discharge (reported in megawatt days thermal per metric ton of (initially loaded) uranium (MWDt/MTU)). |
6 |
Last Cycle Number |
The cycle number (including subcycles) for the assembly’s final cycle of irradiation. |
7 |
Fuel Assembly Type Code |
Select the Fuel Assembly Type Code for each assembly from the dropdown menu and Appendix E. Alternatively, respondents can use Schedule C.1.3 to report Fuel Assembly Type Codes by cycle and fuel batch. See Schedule C.1.3 for instructions. |
8 |
Assembly Status |
Check the appropriate status indicators from the following table. Check all that apply. |
Status Identifier |
Description |
8A |
Non-standard assembly.1, 2 |
8B |
Failed fuel.3 |
8C |
Containerized assembly; the assembly has been placed in a single-element container. Do not report assemblies that have been placed into a multi-element canister as containerized. |
8D |
Fuel rods have been removed from the original assembly. |
8E |
Fueled replacement rods have been inserted into the assembly (8D must also be checked for all 8E assemblies). |
8F |
Stainless steel or other non-fueled replacement rods have been inserted into the assembly (8D must also be checked for all 8F assemblies). |
8G |
Assembly has special characteristics that do not fall into the previous categories. Provide a description of these characteristics in the comment box. |
9 |
Storage Location |
The pool or dry storage site identifier (from Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes”) corresponding to the current storage location of the assembly. |
For each assembly in which non-fuel components (NFC) are stored, select each type of non-fuel component. Estimate the weight of the assembly including all the non-fuel components. If the storage of non-fuel components within an assembly classifies that assembly as non-standard according to Appendix E of the Standard Contract, check the Yes box in the Non-standard Assembly column. For example, changes to an assembly’s maximum physical dimensions due to the NFC may cause it to be classified as non-standard. The non-fuel component integral to an assembly specific data to be reported in C.1.1 are as follows:
Column |
Data Element |
Description |
10 |
Non-fuel Component1 |
The type of non-fuel component that is integral to that assembly.
11 |
Non-fuel Component Identifier |
The alphanumeric characters which identified the non-fuel component that is integral to that assembly. |
12 |
Estimated Total Weight |
The estimated total weight of the non-fuel component plus assembly, reported in pounds. |
1. Standard assembly, non-standard assembly, and non-fuel component as defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E.
2. Respondents need not report assemblies in the spent fuel pool as non-standard if the minimum cooling time (Nonstandard Fuel Class NS-3) is not met as this can be determined by the Last Cycle shutdown date.
3. Failed Fuel Classes F-1 and F-3 are defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E. For Class F-2 Radioactive “Leakage” use the definition consistent with NRC NUREG-1617, Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel: “Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel: spent nuclear fuel with known or suspected cladding defects greater than a hairline crack or a pinhole leak.”
Note: A copy of the Standard Contract is provided in Appendix B.
Report all discharged fuel assemblies and non-fuel components integral to the assembly. See the Table in Section C.1 for descriptions of individual data elements in the table below.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Assembly Identifier |
Initial Heavy Metal Content |
Initial Enrichment (Weight %) |
Mixed Oxide Fuel Data1 |
Discharge Burnup (MWDt/MTU) |
Last Cycle Number |
Fuel Assembly Type Code2 |
Assembly Status Indicators |
Storage Location |
NFC Identifier
Estimated Total Weight (lbs) 4
Non-Standard |
Failed |
Containerized |
Fuel Rod(s) Removed |
Replacement Rods (Fueled) |
Replacement Rods (Non-fueled) |
Other |
Primary |
Secondary |
8A |
8B |
8C |
8D |
8E |
8F |
8G |
1 For MOX fuel, please include a comment stating the initial heavy metal content (kgPu) and weight percentage of the plutonium (239Pu and 241Pu).
2 Fuel Assembly Type data selected from Appendix E (drop-down menu) or entered by cycle and fuel batch using Schedule C.1.3.
3 If the assembly has non-fuel components (NFC) stored as an integral part of the assembly, please select the type of non-fuel component(s) from the drop-down menu.
4 Estimated total weight of the non-fuel component(s) plus assembly
Provide any comments you have concerning Data On Discharged Fuel Assemblies and Non-Fuel Components Integral to the Assembly (Section C.1.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
For all assemblies irradiated in this reactor, including each assembly listed in Table C.1.1, identify the cycles during which the assembly was irradiated in the reactor core and the cumulative assembly burnup for each cycle. Include data for all discharged assemblies. The Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
Providing cycle numbers and cumulative burnup data for each assembly is voluntary. To the extent that a respondent provides complete, assembly level cumulative burnup data by cycle number, the utility is considered to have satisfied the utility’s obligation under the Standard Contract for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste (10 CFR 961) Appendix F - Detailed Description of Purchaser's Fuel subsection IV regarding assembly level “irradiation history.”
Assembly Identifier |
Reactor Cycle Numbers |
Cumulative Burnup for Each Cycle (MWDt/MTU) |
Provide any comments you have concerning Fuel Cycle History (Section C.1.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Fuel Assembly Types are used to describe a combination of fuel vendor, lattice size, and fuel features. The Fuel Assembly Type is based on the Oak Ridge National Lab report ORNL/TM-10901 “A Classification Scheme for LWR Fuel Assemblies” November 1988. Fuel Assembly Type is identified via the use of Fuel Assembly Type Codes which are provided in Appendix E.
Within the GC-859 software, Fuel Assembly Type Code selection is limited to the codes that are appropriate for each individual reactor, so that only a limited number of choices are available. Because most reloads will consist of only one or two Fuel Assembly Types, C.1.3 simplifies the process by removing the need to report Fuel Assembly Types on an individual assembly basis.
Respondents should report the identification of Fuel Assembly Types for batches of fuel as assemblies are initially loaded into the reactor core. The associated range of assembly IDs and number of assemblies is also requested in order for EIA to accurately transfer the Fuel Assembly Type Codes into Table C.1.1.
Initial Cycle in Core |
Assembly ID 1 Range |
Number of Assemblies
Fuel Assembly Type Code 2, 3, 4 |
1. Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
2. Select the Fuel Assembly Type Code from Appendix E or the drop-down menu.
3. If the Fuel Assembly Type Code is not listed in Appendix E, use the ‘Other’ code provided for each reactor design and provide assembly details in the comments.
4. The following reactors have their own unique codes: South Texas Units 1 and 2, Ft. Calhoun, Palisades, and St. Lucie Unit 2. See Appendix E.10
Fuel Assembly Type data was not collected in the 2013 GC-859 Survey. As a result, Fuel Assembly Types are to be reported for all assemblies discharged from January 1, 2003 – June 30, 2013. For discharges that are early in this range, the Initial Cycle in Core may extend back several cycles. For example, if Cycle 10 shutdown in January 2003 and it contained three regions of fuel with LTAs in Cycle 10, input to Table C.1.3 for the first few cycles may look like the following:
Example C.1.3 Fuel Assembly Type Code input |
Initial Cycle In Core |
Assembly ID Range |
Number of Assemblies
Fuel Assembly Type Code |
8 |
K01 – K80 |
80 |
C1414WT |
9 |
L01 – L68 |
68 |
C1414WT |
10 |
M01 - M12, M17 - M76 |
72 |
C1414WT |
10 |
M13 – M16 |
4 |
C14_OTH |
11 |
N01 – N80 |
80 |
C1414WT |
Fuel Assembly Type Codes for fuel discharged from July, 1 2013 - December 31, 2017 may also be entered in Schedule C.1.3 if not already entered in Schedule C.1.1..
Provide any comments you have concerning Fuel Assembly Type Code (Section C.1.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.1.4 Shipments/Transfers of Discharged Fuel
Report all shipments of fuel assemblies from this site to another storage site (pool or dry storage) since January 1, 2003 (when this this data was last collected in the RW-859). Use the storage site identifiers from Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”
Assembly Identifier |
Original Storage Site Identifier |
Current Storage Site Identifier |
Provide any comments you have concerning Fuel Assembly Type Code (Section C.1.4) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Deleted beginning with the survey covering July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2017.
Report in this section, data on the following. Check all that apply.
Single Assembly Canisters (Complete Schedule C.3.1)
Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces (Complete Schedule C.3.2)
Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies; Dimensionally or
Other than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies; & Failed Fuel (Complete Schedule C.3.3)
A canister is defined as any single assembly canister designed to confine contents that may be delivered to a DOE facility. Within this schedule, canistered material may include damaged assemblies, reconstituted assemblies, fuel rods that have been removed from an assembly, and miscellaneous fuel. Empty canisters should not be reported.
Does your facility have single assembly canisters?
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule C.3.1
______ No. Skip to Schedule C.3.2
For all single assembly canisters, provide a detailed description.
Canister Identifier |
Canister Shape |
Canister Dimensions (to the nearest 0.1 inch) |
Loaded Weight (to nearest lb) |
Storage Identifier1 |
C |
R |
Length |
Diameter/ Width |
Depth |
C = cylindrical R = rectangular
1See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”
C.3.1.2 Qualitative Single Assembly Canister Contents
For each canister identified in Schedule C.3.1.1, provide a qualitative description of the contents and identify the method used to close the canister. Also indicate whether the canister may be handled as a standard fuel assembly.
Canister Identifier |
Description of Contents (check all that apply) 1 |
Canister Closure |
Is Canister Handled As A Standard Fuel Assembly? |
B |
W |
NS |
Yes |
No |
__ Assembly with failed fuel __ Reconstituted/reconstructed fuel assembly __ Fuel rods __ Fuel debris (rod pieces, fuel pellets, etc.). |
__ Assembly with failed fuel __ Reconstituted/reconstructed fuel assembly __ Fuel rods __ Fuel debris (rod pieces, fuel pellets, etc.). |
__ Assembly with failed fuel __ Reconstituted/reconstructed fuel assembly __ Fuel rods __ Fuel debris (rod pieces, fuel pellets, etc.). |
B = bolted W = welded NS = not sealed
1. Failed Fuel as defined in the Standard Contract and Appendix D – Glossary of Terms
C.3.1.3 Detailed Single Assembly Canister Contents
For each canister identified in Schedule C.3.1.1, provide a detailed description of the contents.
Canister Identifier |
Source Assembly Identifier1 |
Number of Fuel Rod Equivalents from Assembly |
Initial Heavy Metal Content2 |
Discharge Burnup3 (MWDt/MTU) |
Initial kgU
1 Source Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
2 The Initial Heavy Metal Content is calculated as the weight of only the number of fuel rod equivalents from assembly.
3 Discharge Burnup of Source Assembly Identifier.
Provide any comments you have concerning Special Fuel Form – Canisters (Section C.3.1.1, C.3.1.2 and C.3.1.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.3.2 Special Fuel Form – Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces
Does your facility have uncanistered fuel? Include all materials that were not listed in Schedule C.3.1 (i.e., materials stored in baskets, materials to be repackaged, etc.).
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule C.3.2
______ No. Skip to Schedule C.3.3
For all uncanistered fuel rods and fuel pieces, provide a detailed description.
Source Assembly Identifier1 |
Number of Uncanistered Fuel Rods or Pieces from Assembly |
Initial Heavy Metal Content2 |
Discharge Burnup3 (MWDt/MTU) |
Initial kgU
1 Source Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
2 The Initial Heavy Metal Content is calculated as the weight of only the number of fuel rod equivalents from assembly.
3 Discharge Burnup of Source Assembly Identifier.
Provide any comments you have concerning Special Fuel Form – Uncanistered Fuel Rods/Pieces (Section C.3.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.3.3 Special Fuel Form – Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies; Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies; & Failed Fuel
C.3.3.1 Special Fuel Form – Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies
Does your facility have consolidated/reconstituted/reconstructed assemblies? Include assemblies that have been modified by removing or replacing fuel rods.
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule C.3.3.1
______ No. Skip to Schedule C.3.3.2
For each consolidated/reconstituted/reconstructed assembly provide a detailed description.
Type1 |
Current Location (Assembly Identifier) |
Source Assembly Identifier2 |
Number of Rods from Source Assembly (or other location) |
Initial Heavy Metal Content3 |
Description of Assembly |
Initial kgU
1 Current Location Assembly Identifier and Source Assembly Identifier may only match if Type is Reconstructed.
2 Source Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable. If source assembly is not used (i.e. reconstituted with new rods), input type of rod used. Typical examples are Stainless Steel, Natural U-235, Enriched U-235, Inert Rod, or Water Rod.
3 The Initial Heavy Metal Content is calculated as the weight of only the number of fuel rods from source assembly.
Provide any comments you have concerning Special Fuel Form – Consolidated/Reconstituted/Reconstructed Assemblies (Section C.3.3.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.3.3.2 Special Fuel Form – Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-Standard Assemblies
Does your facility have non-standard assemblies as defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E paragraphs B.1 Maximum Nominal Physical Dimensions or B.4 Non-LWR?
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule C.3.3.2
______ No. Skip to Schedule C.3.3.3
For each assembly that is non-standard due to either exceeding the maximum nominal physical dimensions specification set forth in Appendix E of the Standard Contract (also provided below) or being other than light water reactor (LWR) assembly, please provide the assembly identifier and a description of why the assembly is non-standard.
Maximum Nominal Physical Dimensions
Reactor (BWR) |
Reactor (PWR) |
Overall Length |
14 feet, 11 inches |
14 feet, 10 inches |
Active Fuel Length |
12 feet, 6 inches |
12 feet, 0 inches |
Cross Section* |
6 inches x 6 inches |
9 inches x 9 inches |
*The Cross Section of the fuel assembly shall not include the channel.
Assembly Identifier1 |
Description of Non-Standard Assembly |
All fuel from this reactor is considered non-standard.
Provide any comments you have concerning Special Fuel Form – Dimensionally or Other Than LWR Non-standard Assemblies (Section C.3.3.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.3.3.3 Special Fuel Form – Failed Fuel
Does your facility have failed fuel?
Failed Fuel Classes F-1 and F-3 are defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E. For Class F-2 Radioactive “Leakage” use the definition consistent with NRC NUREG-1617, Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel: “Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel: spent nuclear fuel with known or suspected cladding defects greater than a hairline crack or a pinhole leak.”
Note: A copy of the Standard Contract is provided in Appendix B.
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule C.3.3.3
______ No. Skip to Schedule C.4
For each assembly with failed fuel that is currently stored canistered or uncanistered in the pool, provide the assembly identifier and a description of why the assembly is classified as Failed Fuel.
Assembly Identifier1 |
Failed Fuel Class2 |
Description of Failure |
1 Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
2 Chose from pulldown menu: F-1: Visual Failure or Damage; F-2: Radioactive “Leakage”; F-3: Encapsulated
Provide any comments you have concerning Special Fuel Form – Failed Assemblies (Section C.3.3.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
C.4 Potential High Level Waste
Has your utility entered into a contract for reprocessing any discharged fuel which will result in high level waste expected to be disposed of by the Federal Government?
____ Yes.
____ No.
C.4.1 If Yes, is this contract with a domestic or international supplier of reprocessing services?
____ Domestic
____ International
____ Both Domestic and International
C.4.2 What quantity of discharged fuel will be reprocessed?
________________________________________ (Metric Tons)
C.4.3 Provide details as to the type of waste anticipated to be generated.
Provide any comments you have concerning Potential High Level Waste (Section C.4) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
D.1 Storage Facility Point of Contact
Provide a storage facility point of contact for verification of information provided on this form.
If contact information is the same as in Schedule A or B, insert X in the block. A B
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone Number:
Provide any comments you have concerning Storage Facility Point of Contact (Sections D.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
D.2 Storage Facility Information (Pool Storage)
Complete a Schedule D.2 for each pool storage site.
D.2.1 Storage Site Identifier
_________ (See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”)
D.2.2 Storage Capacity
Number of Assemblies |
Current NRC Licensed Storage Capacity |
Current Installed Storage Capacity |
Current NRC Licensed Storage Capacity -- report in number of assemblies. If the site is licensed for different types of fuel (PWR, BWR), note each in the appropriate column. Note any change from previous reporting period in the comments.
Current Installed Storage Capacity -- report in number of assemblies. If the site is licensed for different types of fuel (PWR, BWR), note each in the appropriate column. Do not deduct inventory from current capacity.
Note in the comments if some of the storage capacity is unusable due to mechanical/physical limitations.
D.2.3 Storage Inventory
Storage Inventory -- Provide the number of assemblies stored at the storage site. Also enter the number of assemblies discharged from each contributing reactor that are stored at the storage site.
Contributing Reactor Name |
Number of Assemblies |
Total Storage Site Inventory |
Provide any comments you have concerning Storage Facility Information (Pool Storage) (Sections D.2.1, D.2.2 and D.2.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
D.3 Storage Facility Information (Dry Storage)
If your company has implemented a dry storage cask storage system at your site, an independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI), provide the following information.
D.3.1 Storage Site Identifier
(See Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes.”)
D.3.2 Multi-Assembly Canisters/Casks Inventory
Number of multi-assembly canisters/casks in service _____________
For each canister/cask model, provide and/or reference a loading map that clearly indicates identifiers for basket cell locations relative to fixed drain and vent port locations. For systems stored horizontally, map should indicate which direction is “up” when placed in horizontal storage module. Map reference should cite page number and figure number from either the Certificate of Compliance (CoC), a completed plant procedure, or Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Provided maps should be in the form of a pdf file.
Unique Canister/Cask Identifier |
Vendor |
Model Number |
Date Loaded (MM/YYYY) |
Number of Assemblies Stored |
Map Reference |
Map Filename |
Total Number of Assemblies in Dry Storage |
Note: If there were any anomalies or deviations from the standard operating procedures, FSAR and/or CoC experienced during the canister or cask drying, backfilling, leak test, or pad transfer processes (e.g., inadvertent stoppage of active cooling, insufficient helium backfill), provide specific details in the comment section.
Provide any comments you have concerning Storage Facility Information (Dry Storage) (Sections D.3.1, D.3.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
D.3.3 Assemblies in Dry Storage
For each multi-assembly canister/cask, enter the assembly identifier and position according to the map for each assembly in that canister/cask.
Unique Canister/Cask Identifier |
Assembly Identifier1 |
Position According to Map |
________________ |
________________ |
________________ |
________________ |
________________ |
1 Assembly Identifier must match the primary assembly identifier in Section C.1.1 of the current or prior data collection, whichever is applicable.
Provide any comments you have concerning Storage Facility Information (Dry Storage) (Section D.3.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
All materials not listed in Schedule C.3, Special Fuel Forms, should be included here. Non-fuel components may be integral to an assembly (enter data in Schedule C.1.1), canistered (enter data in Schedule E.3), or separate from an assembly and uncanistered in the storage pool (enter data in Schedule E.4).
Does your facility have non-fuel components that may be delivered to a DOE facility?
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule E
______ No. Skip to Schedule F
Non-fuel components are defined in the Standard Contract, as including, but not limited to, control spiders, burnable poison rod assemblies, control rod elements, thimble plugs, fission chambers, and primary and secondary neutron sources, that are contained within the fuel assembly, or BWR channels that are an integral part of the fuel assembly, which do not require special handling and may be included as part of the spent nuclear fuel. Note: Fuel that does not meet these specifications shall be classified as non-standard fuel.
From the drop-down menu in the Type of Non-fuel Component column, select each type of non-fuel component currently stored at this storage facility. Provide the quantity of each type of non-fuel component identified.
Indicate in the Status Code columns how each type of non-fuel component is currently stored. Check all status codes that apply. The status codes are:
( I ) – Stored as an integral part of an assembly (Enter the data in Schedule C.1.1)
( C ) – Stored in a single assembly canister (Enter the data in Schedule E.3)
( S ) – Stored separate from an assembly and uncanistered in the storage pool (Enter the data in Schedule E.4)
Type of Non-fuel Component |
Number of Individual Items |
Non-fuel Components Status Code(s) |
I |
C |
S |
Provide any comments you have concerning Non-Fuel Data (Non-fuel Components) (Section E.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
E.2 Non-fuel Components – Integral to an Assembly
This data is reported in C.1.1 columns 10, 11, and 12. E.2 is no longer used and is kept as a place holder for consistency with prior surveys. If reporting this data in C.1.1 instead of E.2 is a large burden to the respondent, please contact EIA.
E.3 Non-fuel Components – Canistered
A canister is defined as a container designed to confine waste that may be delivered to a DOE facility. Report in this Schedule non-fuel components data for single assembly canisters or containers which are currently stored in a storage pool. Data for single assembly canisters that contain any spent nuclear fuel should also be reported in Schedule C.3, Special Fuel Forms.
Are there canisters or containers of non-fuel components in your pool planned for delivery to a DOE facility?
____ Yes. Provide the data requested in the table below for each canister
____ No. Skip to Schedule E.4
Canister Identifier |
Canister Shape |
Canister Dimensions (to nearest 0.1 inch) |
Loaded Weight (lbs)1 |
Type of Non-fuel Component2 |
Number of Individual Items |
Canister Closure |
Is Canister Handled As A Standard Fuel Assembly? 3 |
Storage Location4 |
C |
R |
Length |
Diameter/ Width |
Depth |
B |
W |
NC |
Yes |
No |
C = cylindrical R = rectangular B = bolted W = welded NC = not closed
1 Loaded Weight is the weight of the Canister including the non-fuel components.
2 For each canister identified in Schedule E.3 in which non-fuel components are stored, list and estimate the number of each applicable type of non-fuel component that is stored in that canister.
3 Indicate whether the canister may be handled as a standard fuel assembly, using the same equipment used to move assemblies.
4 The storage location is from Appendix C, “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes”.
Provide any comments you have concerning Non-Fuel Data (Non-fuel Components – Canistered) (Section E.3) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Does your facility have uncanistered non-fuel components that are separate from an assembly and currently stored in a storage pool that are planned for delivery to a DOE facility?
______ Yes. Complete the remainder of Schedule E.4
______ No. Skip to Schedule F
List and estimate the number of each applicable type of uncanistered non-fuel component separate from an assembly and indicate the storage pool location from Appendix C “Reactor and Spent Fuel Storage Site Identification Codes”.
Type of Non-fuel Component |
Number of Individual Items |
Storage Location |
Provide any comments you have concerning Non-Fuel Data (Non-fuel Components – Separate from an Assembly and Uncanistered) (Section E.4) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
DOE is requesting information on Greater-Than-Class C waste (GTCC) inventories. GTCC is waste in which the concentrations of radionuclides exceed the limits for Class C low-level radioactive waste established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 10 CFR Part 61.55, Tables 1 and 2.
F.1 Greater-Than-Class-C Waste Point of Contact
Provide a GTCC point of contact for verification of information provided on this form.
If contact information is the same as in Schedule A or B insert X in the block.
Mailing Address:
City: State: Zip Code: _________
Telephone Number:
Provide any comments you have concerning Greater-Than-Class-C Waste Data Point of Contact (Section F.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
F.2 Stored Inventory
Include in this section GTCC waste that is currently packaged and available for disposal as of December 31, 2017.
F.2.1 Activated Metals
Activated metals are removed from the reactor prior to decommissioning nuclear reactors. Portions of the reactor assembly and other components near the nuclear fuel are activated by neutrons during reactor operations, producing high concentrations of radionuclides. The major radionuclides in these wastes are typically cobalt-60, nickel-63, niobium-94, and carbon-14.
1 Packaged Volume (ft 3): Combined volume of the waste and the storage container.
2 Package Contents: Identify the contents of each package.
3 Packaging Type and Number: Provide an entry for each waste stream indicating the type of package (for other, describe what the package is) and the quantity of packages.
4 Total Package Activity (MCi): Report the total activity of the package in million curies associated with the activated metals.
5 Radionuclide: Report the radionuclides that account for > 1% of total activity anticipated in the waste stream.
6 Remotely Handled: If the package has a dose rate of greater than 200 mrem/hr on the surface of the package, indicate if the package must be remotely handled.
7 Date of Last Criticality: The date of last criticality is the date the reactor was last critical from which the metal was derived.
8 Latest Date of Segmentation: For activated metal waste, indicate the date when the waste segmentation was complete.
* Alpha emitting transuranic nuclides with half-life greater than 5 years
Provide any comments you have concerning GTCC Stored Inventory - Activated Metals (Section F.2.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
Process and other waste includes GTCC waste that is not activated metals. It consists of contaminated equipment, debris, trash, filters, resins, scrap metal, and decontamination and decommissioning waste.
1 Packaged Volume (ft 3): Combined volume of the waste and the storage container.
2 Package Contents: Identify the contents of each package (e.g., resins, filters, etc.).
3 Packaging Type and Number: Provide an entry for each waste stream indicating the type of package (for other, describe what the package is) and the quantity of packages.
4 Total Package Activity (MCi): Report the total activity of the package in million curies associated with the process waste.
5 Radionuclide: Report the radionuclides that account for > 1% of total activity anticipated in the waste stream.
6 Remotely Handled: If the package has a dose rate of greater than 200 mrem/hr on the surface of the package, indicate if the package must be remotely handled.
7 Date Contents Were Removed From Service: For multiple dates, use the latest date.
8 RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste Constituents or Characteristics: If mixed waste, list any Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste constituents or characteristics.
* Alpha emitting transuranic nuclides with half-life greater than 5 years
Provide any comments you have concerning GTCC Stored Inventory - Process Waste/Other Waste (Section F.2.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
F.3 Projected Inventory (2018-2065)
F.3.1 Activated Metals
Include GTCC waste not packaged and waste projected to be generated from licensed activities from 2018 through reactor decommissioning. Include all waste not in F.2.1.
Years Packaged |
Description of Waste1 |
Estimated Unpackaged Volume2 (ft3) |
Estimated Packaged Volume3 [If known] (ft3) |
2018-2020 |
2021-2030 |
2031-2040 |
2041-2050 |
2051-2060 |
2061-2065 |
1 Description of Waste: Identify the specific content of the waste.
2 Estimated Unpackaged Volume (ft3): Volume of only the waste without any storage container.
3 Estimated Packaged Volume (ft3): Volume of the waste including any storage container.
Provide any comments you have concerning GTCC Projected Inventory – Activated Metals (Section F.3.1) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
F.3.2 Process Waste/Other Waste
Include process and other GTCC waste not packaged and waste projected to be generated from licensed activities from 2018 through reactor decommissioning. Include all waste not in F.2.2.
Years Packaged |
Description of Waste1 |
Estimated Unpackaged Volume2 (ft3) |
Estimated Packaged Volume3 [If known] (ft3) |
RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste Constituents or Characteristics4 |
2018-2020 |
2021-2030 |
2031-2040 |
2041-2050 |
2051-2060 |
2061-2065 |
1 Description of Waste: Identify the specific content of the waste. (e.g., resins, filters, etc.)
2 Estimated Unpackaged Volume (ft3): Volume of only the waste without any storage container.
3 Estimated Packaged Volume (ft3): Volume of the waste including any storage container.
4 RCRA Listed Hazardous Waste Constituents or Characteristics: If mixed waste, list any Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste constituents or characteristics.
Provide any comments you have concerning GTCC Projected Inventory – Process Waste/Other Waste (Section F.3.2) in the comment section below. Label your comments by the Schedule and Item Number to which they refer.
Schedule and Item Number |
Comment |
General Instructions
1. Purpose and Use of Data
The Form GC-859 Nuclear Fuel Data survey collects data that the DOE uses for assessing storage and disposal requirements for spent fuel, high level waste, and GTCC waste.
2. Who Should Submit
This form should be submitted by all owners and custodians of spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste.
3. When To Submit
This form shall be submitted by August 31, 2018 following receipt of the form. Unless otherwise indicated, data on the form should reflect the spent fuel discharged from July 1, 2013 - December 31, 2017.
4. What To Submit
DOE has provided respondents with a data collection system to facilitate their responses. The Form GC-859 data collection system is automated and the Microsoft Windows-based software is included in this package. Respondents will also be provided with electronic files to aid in the current submittal and operating instructions for the software.
To the greatest extent practicable, respondents will provide data either in the data collection system or as any commonly readable, present-day electronic spreadsheet file type. Survey response can be provided by email (recommended) or on CD/DVD. If the respondent is unable to provide the data in commonly readable present-day electronic spreadsheet format, the respondent will be required to re-verify any data which is manually input by DOE.
Sign Schedule A and return it with your data to the address in Section 5, below.
5. Where To Submit
Submit Form GC-859 and associated materials to:
or by mail to:
Energy Information Administration
Attn: Marta M. Gospodarczyk, EI-34
1000 Independence Ave. SW
Washington, DC 20585
Also include a signed copy (i.e. scanned to PDF file) of Schedule A along with your submittal.
You will receive a notice from the DOE confirming receipt of the files. If you have not received a confirmation notice within three business days, contact DOE at the telephone number or email provided on the cover sheet of this form.
6. Legal Authority and Sanctions Statement
Data on this mandatory form are collected under authority of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 (15 USC Schedule 761 et seq.), and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 (42 USC 10101 et seq.). Data being collected on this form are not considered to be confidential.
Instructions for filing the individual Schedules of the Form GC-859 survey are included within the schedules.
Operating instructions for the software are provided with the Form GC-859 data collection system.
Storage Location |
Reactor ID |
Storage Site ID |
Note |
Aerotest |
8001 |
8001 |
Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 1 |
0401 |
0401 |
Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit 2 |
0402 |
0402 |
Arkansas Nuclear One (ISFSI) |
- |
0401D |
DC |
Beaver Valley - Unit 1 |
1601 |
1601 |
Beaver Valley - Unit 2 |
1602 |
1602 |
Beaver Valley (ISFSI) |
- |
1601D |
DC |
Big Rock Point |
1201 |
1201 |
Big Rock Point (ISFSI) |
- |
1201D |
DC |
Braidwood - Unit 1 |
1001 |
1001 |
CP |
Braidwood - Unit 2 |
1002 |
1001 |
CP |
Braidwood (ISFSI) |
- |
1001D |
DC |
Browns Ferry - Unit 1 |
4803 |
4803 |
TC |
Browns Ferry - Unit 2 |
4804 |
4803 |
TC |
Browns Ferry - Unit 3 |
4805 |
4805 |
Browns Ferry (ISFSI) |
- |
4803D |
DC |
Brunswick - Unit 1 |
0701 |
0701 |
Brunswick - Unit 2 |
0702 |
0702 |
Brunswick (ISFSI) |
- |
0701D |
DC |
BWXT Services (Lynchburg) |
7101 |
7101 |
Byron - Unit 1 |
1003 |
1003 |
CP |
Byron - Unit 2 |
1004 |
1003 |
CP |
Byron (ISFSI) |
- |
1003D |
DC |
Callaway |
5101 |
5101 |
Callaway (ISFSI) |
- |
5101D |
DC |
Calvert Cliffs - Unit 1 |
0501 |
0501 |
TC |
Calvert Cliffs - Unit 2 |
0502 |
0501 |
TC |
Calvert Cliffs (ISFSI) |
- |
0501D |
DC |
Catawba - Unit 1 |
1501 |
1501 |
Catawba - Unit 2 |
1502 |
1502 |
Catawba (ISFSI) |
- |
1501D |
DC |
Clinton |
2301 |
2301 |
Clinton (ISFSI) |
- |
2301D |
DC |
Columbia |
5302 |
5302 |
Columbia (ISFSI) |
- |
5302D |
DC |
Comanche Peak - Unit 1 |
4901 |
4901 |
TC |
Comanche Peak - Unit 2 |
4902 |
4901 |
TC |
Comanche Peak (ISFSI) |
- |
4901D |
DC |
Cook - Unit 1 |
5801 |
5801 |
CP |
Cook - Unit 2 |
5802 |
5801 |
CP |
Cook (ISFSI) |
- |
5801D |
DC |
Cooper Station |
3001 |
3001 |
Cooper Station (ISFSI) |
- |
3001D |
DC |
Crystal River 3 |
1701 |
1701 |
Crystal River 3 (ISFSI) |
- |
1701D |
DC |
Davis-Besse |
5001 |
5001 |
Davis-Besse (ISFSI) |
- |
5001D |
DC |
Diablo Canyon - Unit 1 |
3501 |
3501 |
Diablo Canyon - Unit 2 |
3502 |
3502 |
Diablo Canyon (ISFSI) |
- |
3501D |
DC |
Dow |
8103 |
8103 |
Dresden - Unit 1 |
1005 |
1005 |
Dresden - Unit 2 |
1006 |
1006 |
Dresden - Unit 3 |
1007 |
1007 |
Dresden (ISFSI) |
- |
1005D |
DC |
Duane Arnold |
2401 |
2401 |
Duane Arnold (ISFSI) |
- |
2401D |
DC |
Enrico Fermi 2 |
1402 |
1402 |
Enrico Fermi 2 (ISFSI) |
- |
1402D |
DC |
Farley - Unit 1 |
0101 |
0101 |
Farley - Unit 2 |
0102 |
0102 |
Farley (ISFSI) |
- |
0101D |
DC |
Fitzpatrick |
3901 |
3901 |
Fitzpatrick (ISFSI) |
- |
3901D |
DC |
Fort Calhoun |
3401 |
3401 |
Fort Calhoun (ISFSI) |
- |
3401D |
DC |
Fort St. Vrain |
4101 |
4101 |
Fort St. Vrain (ISFSI) |
- |
4101D |
DC |
General Atomics |
8102 |
8102 |
GE-Hitachi (Morris) |
- |
6601 |
GE-Hitachi (Vallecitos) |
- |
6201 |
Ginna |
4401 |
4401 |
Ginna (ISFSI) |
- |
4401D |
DC |
Grand Gulf |
2901 |
2901 |
Grand Gulf (ISFSI) |
- |
2901D |
DC |
H. B. Robinson |
0705 |
0705 |
H. B. Robinson (ISFSI) |
- |
0705D |
DC |
Haddam Neck |
5701 |
5701 |
Haddam Neck (ISFSI) |
- |
5701D |
DC |
Harris |
0703 |
0703 |
Harris (ISFSI) |
- |
0703D |
DC |
Hatch - Unit 1 |
2001 |
2001 |
TC |
Hatch - Unit 2 |
2002 |
2001 |
TC |
Hatch (ISFSI) |
- |
2001D |
DC |
Hope Creek |
4201 |
4201 |
Hope Creek/Salem (ISFSI) |
- |
4201D |
DC |
Humboldt Bay |
3503 |
3503 |
Humboldt Bay (ISFSI) |
- |
3503D |
DC |
Idaho National Laboratory |
- |
7002 |
Indian Point - Unit 1 |
1101 |
1101 |
Indian Point - Unit 2 |
1102 |
1102 |
Indian Point - Unit 3 |
3902 |
3902 |
Indian Point (ISFSI) |
- |
1101D |
DC |
Kewaunee |
5501 |
5501 |
Kewaunee (ISFSI) |
- |
5501D |
DC |
Lacrosse |
1301 |
1301 |
Lacrosse (ISFSI) |
- |
1301D |
DC |
LaSalle County - Unit 1 |
1008 |
1008 |
TC |
LaSalle County - Unit 2 |
1009 |
1008 |
TC |
LaSalle County (ISFSI) |
- |
1008D |
DC |
Limerick - Unit 1 |
3701 |
3701 |
TC |
Limerick - Unit 2 |
3702 |
3701 |
TC |
Limerick (ISFSI) |
- |
3701D |
DC |
Maine Yankee |
2801 |
2801 |
Maine Yankee (ISFSI) |
- |
2801D |
DC |
McGuire - Unit 1 |
1504 |
1504 |
McGuire - Unit 2 |
1505 |
1505 |
McGuire (ISFSI) |
- |
1504D |
DC |
Millstone - Unit 1 |
3201 |
3201 |
Millstone - Unit 2 |
3202 |
3202 |
Millstone - Unit 3 |
3203 |
3203 |
Millstone (ISFSI) |
- |
3201D |
DC |
Monticello |
3301 |
3301 |
Monticello (ISFSI) |
- |
3301D |
DC |
Nine Mile Point - Unit 1 |
3101 |
3101 |
Nine Mile Point - Unit 2 |
3102 |
3102 |
Nine Mile Point (ISFSI) |
- |
3101D |
DC |
North Anna - Unit 1 |
5201 |
5201 |
CP |
North Anna - Unit 2 |
5202 |
5201 |
CP |
North Anna (ISFSI) |
- |
5201D |
DC |
Storage Location |
Reactor ID |
Storage Site ID |
Note |
Oconee - Unit 1 |
1506 |
1506 |
CP |
Oconee - Unit 2 |
1507 |
1506 |
CP |
Oconee - Unit 3 |
1508 |
1508 |
Oconee (ISFSI) |
- |
1506D |
DC |
Oyster Creek |
1903 |
1903 |
Oyster Creek (ISFSI) |
- |
1903D |
DC |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
- |
8401 |
Palisades |
1204 |
1204 |
Palisades (ISFSI) |
- |
1204D |
DC |
Palo Verde - Unit 1 |
0301 |
0301 |
Palo Verde - Unit 2 |
0302 |
0302 |
Palo Verde - Unit 3 |
0303 |
0303 |
Palo Verde (ISFSI) |
- |
0303D |
DC |
Peach Bottom - Unit 2 |
3704 |
3704 |
Peach Bottom - Unit 3 |
3705 |
3705 |
Peach Bottom (ISFSI) |
- |
3704D |
DC |
Perry - Unit 1 |
0901 |
0901 |
Perry (ISFSI) |
- |
0901D |
DC |
Pilgrim - Unit 1 |
0601 |
0601 |
Pilgrim (ISFSI) |
- |
0601D |
DC |
Point Beach - Unit 1 |
5401 |
5401 |
CP |
Point Beach - Unit 2 |
5402 |
5401 |
CP |
Point Beach (ISFSI) |
- |
5401D |
DC |
Prairie Island - Unit 1 |
3302 |
3302 |
CP |
Prairie Island - Unit 2 |
3303 |
3302 |
CP |
Prairie Island (ISFSI) |
- |
3302D |
DC |
Quad Cities - Unit 1 |
1010 |
1010 |
TC |
Quad Cities - Unit 2 |
1011 |
1010 |
TC |
Quad Cities (ISFSI) |
- |
1010D |
DC |
Rancho Seco |
4501 |
4501 |
Rancho Seco (ISFSI) |
- |
4501D |
DC |
River Bend |
2101 |
2101 |
River Bend (ISFSI) |
- |
2101D |
DC |
Salem - Unit 1 |
4202 |
4202 |
Salem - Unit 2 |
4203 |
4203 |
Salem/Hope Creek (ISFSI) |
- |
4201D |
DC |
San Onofre - Unit 1 |
4701 |
4701 |
San Onofre - Unit 2 |
4702 |
4702 |
San Onofre - Unit 3 |
4703 |
4703 |
San Onofre (ISFSI) |
- |
4701D |
DC |
Savannah River Site |
- |
7001 |
Seabrook |
5901 |
5901 |
Seabrook (ISFSI) |
- |
5901D |
DC |
Sequoyah - Unit 1 |
4808 |
4808 |
CP |
Sequoyah - Unit 2 |
4809 |
4808 |
CP |
Sequoyah (ISFSI) |
- |
4808D |
Shoreham |
2601 |
2601 |
South Texas One - Unit 1 |
2201 |
2201 |
South Texas One - Unit 2 |
2202 |
2202 |
South Texas One (ISFSI) |
- |
2201D |
DC |
St Lucie - Unit 1 |
1801 |
1801 |
St Lucie - Unit 2 |
1802 |
1802 |
St Lucie (ISFSI) |
- |
1801D |
DC |
Summer |
4601 |
4601 |
Summer (ISFSI) |
- |
4601D |
DC |
Surry - Unit 1 |
5203 |
5203 |
CP |
Surry - Unit 2 |
5204 |
5203 |
CP |
Surry (ISFSI) |
- |
5203D |
DC |
Susquehanna - Unit 1 |
3601 |
3601 |
TC |
Susquehanna - Unit 2 |
3602 |
3601 |
TC |
Susquehanna (ISFSI) |
- |
3601D |
DC |
Three Mile Island - Unit 1 |
1901 |
1901 |
Trojan |
3801 |
3801 |
Trojan (ISFSI) |
- |
3801D |
DC |
Turkey Point - Unit 3 |
1803 |
1803 |
Turkey Point - Unit 4 |
1804 |
1804 |
Turkey Point (ISFSI) |
- |
1803D |
DC |
Vermont Yankee |
6001 |
6001 |
Vermont Yankee (ISFSI) |
- |
6001D |
DC |
Vogtle - Unit 1 |
2003 |
2003 |
TC |
Vogtle - Unit 2 |
2004 |
2003 |
TC |
Vogtle (ISFSI) |
- |
2003D |
DC |
Washington Hanford |
- |
7007 |
Waterford 3 |
2701 |
2701 |
Waterford 3 (ISFSI) |
- |
2701D |
DC |
Watts Bar - Unit 1 |
4810 |
4810 |
CP |
Watts Bar - Unit 2 |
4811 |
4810 |
CP |
Watts Bar (ISFSI) |
- |
4810D |
DC |
Wolf Creek |
2501 |
2501 |
Wolf Creek (ISFSI) |
- |
2501D |
DC |
Yankee Rowe |
5601 |
5601 |
Yankee Rowe (ISFSI) |
- |
5601D |
DC |
Zion - Unit 1 |
1012 |
1012 |
CP |
Zion - Unit 2 |
1013 |
1012 |
CP |
Zion (ISFSI) |
- |
1012D |
DC |
TC: Transfer Canal |
CP: Common Pool Serving Two or More Reactors |
DC: Dry Storage Site |
ISFSI: Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation |
Activated Metals: Activated metals result from decommissioning nuclear reactors. Portions of the reactor assembly and other components near the nuclear fuel are activated by neutrons during reactor operations, producing high concentrations of radionuclides. The major radionuclides in these wastes are typically cobalt-60, nickel-63, niobium-94, and carbon-14.
ANSI Assembly Identifier: The serial numbering scheme adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to ensure uniqueness of an assembly serial number.
Assembly Identifier: A unique string of alphanumeric characters which identifies an assembly, bundle, or canister for a specific reactor in which it has been irradiated. This identifier should be consistent with other submissions to the DOE/NRC, i.e., previous Form RW-859 and DOE/NRC Form 741.
Average Assembly Weight: Average initial loading weight in kilograms (kg) of heavy metal of fresh fuel assemblies in a batch before they are initially inserted into the reactor core.
Average Discharge Burnup: The average amount of energy produced by each assembly in a batch of spent fuel assemblies discharged from a nuclear reactor, reported in thousand megawatt days thermal per metric ton of uranium (MWDt/MTU).
Average Initial Enrichment: Average initial enrichment for a fresh fuel assembly as specified and ordered in fuel cycle planning. This average should include axial blankets, and axially and radially zoned enrichments.
Basket: An open container into which fuel and/or non-fuel components including rods, sections of rods, fuel pellets, garbage, debris, etc., are placed. Baskets are usually defined as rodlet or garbage and debris containers with dimensions less than that of a fuel assembly.
Batch: A batch (or group) is a logical grouping of assemblies with similar characteristics. All assemblies in a batch have the same initial average enrichment, the same cycle/reactor history, the same current location, the same burnup, the same owner, and the same assembly design characteristics.
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR): A light water reactor in which water, used as both coolant and moderator, is allowed to boil in the core. The resulting steam is used directly to drive a turbine.
Burnup: Amount of thermal energy generated per unit mass of fuel, measured in units of megawatt days thermal per initial metric ton of uranium (MWDt/MTU).
Canister: A single assembly canister is defined as any container designed to confine waste that may be delivered to a DOE facility. A canister has dimensions that fit within the envelope defined by the Standard Contract and can be handled similar to an assembly.
Cell: A physical position in a rack in a storage pool or a dry storage module, which is intended to be occupied by an assembly or equivalent (that is, a canister or an assembly skeleton).
Consolidated Fuel: Fuel rods are removed from an assembly and placed into a canister in a grid with spacing closer than that of an assembly.
Core: The place in the reactor in which the nuclear fuel is irradiated and thermal energy is generated.
Core Size: The fixed number of fuel assemblies that can be irradiated at any one time in the reactor core.
Current Installed Capacity: Total number of assembly storage cells in the spent nuclear fuel pool. Both occupied and unoccupied cells are included in the current capacity.
Current Inventory: Number of spent nuclear fuel assemblies stored at a given site or spent nuclear fuel pool, at a given point in time.
Cycle: For the purposes of this form, a cycle is the time period beginning with the startup of a reactor after refueling (or initial fueling) to the time the reactor is considered subcritical. Refueling times should not be included in cycle lengths.
DOE Facility: The term DOE facility means a facility operated by or on behalf of DOE for the purpose of disposing of spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, or such other facility(ies) to which spent nuclear fuel and/ or high-level radioactive waste may be shipped by DOE prior to its transportation to a disposal facility.
Enrichment: A nuclear fuel cycle process in which the concentration of fissionable uranium is increased above its natural level. Enrichment is the process that changes the isotopic ratio in a material.
Failed Fuel: Failed Fuel Class F-1 Visual Failure or Damage and Class F-3 Encapsulated are defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E. For Class F-2 Radioactive “Leakage” use the definition consistent with NRC NUREG-1617, Standard Review Plan for Transportation Packages for Spent Nuclear Fuel: “Damaged Spent Nuclear Fuel: spent nuclear fuel with known or suspected cladding defects greater than a hairline crack or a pinhole leak”
Fuel Assembly: The basic unit of nuclear fuel. Uranium dioxide (UO2) pellets are encased in cladding to form a fuel rod. Fuel rods are structurally connected to form a fuel assembly.
Fuel Cycle: The length of time a reactor is operated between refueling, typically 18 to 24 months, including the refueling time, measured from the startup of one cycle to the startup of the following cycle.
Greater Than Class C (GTCC) Waste: Greater-Than-Class-C waste (GTCC) is generated by licensees of the NRC. The waste has concentrations of certain radionuclides above the Class C limits as stated in 10 CFR 61.55. Most forms of GTCC waste are generated by routine operations at nuclear power plants. Examples of GTCC waste could include activated metal hardware (e.g., nuclear power reactor control rods), spent fuel disassembly hardware, ion exchange resins, filters and evaporator residues.
High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLW): The highly radioactive materials produced as byproducts of fuel reprocessing or of the reactions that occur inside nuclear reactors. HLW includes irradiated spent nuclear fuel discharged from commercial nuclear power reactors, highly radioactive liquid and solid materials resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, and other highly radioactive materials that the NRC may determine require permanent isolation.
High-Temperature, Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR): A reactor that is cooled by helium and moderated by graphite.
Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI): A dry storage complex designed and constructed for the interim storage of spent nuclear fuel; solid, reactor-related, greater than Class C waste; and other associated radioactive materials. A spent fuel storage facility may be considered independent, even if it is located on the site of another NRC-licensed facility.
Initial Enrichment: The isotopic percentage of uranium-235 or plutonium, by weight, that is present in nuclear fuel.
Initial Loading Weight: Average weight in kilograms (kg) of heavy metal in a fresh fuel assembly before it is inserted into the reactor core.
Lattice Size: Lattice is the arrangement or array of fuel rods in a nuclear fuel assembly.
Light Water Reactor (LWR): A nuclear reactor that uses water as the primary coolant and moderator, with slightly enriched uranium as fuel. There are two types of commercial light water reactors: the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water reactor (PWR).
Multi-Assembly Canister/Cask: A container capable of holding multiple assemblies that is designed and licensed for storage purposes.
Cell: A physical position in a rack in a storage pool or
Non-fuel Components (NFC): As defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E Section B.2.
Non-fuel Component Identifier: A string of alphanumeric characters which identifies a non-fuel component.
Non-standard Fuel: As defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E Section A.1.b.
NRC Licensed Site Capacity: Maximum number of spent nuclear fuel assembly and canister slots licensed for use at a given site or spent nuclear fuel pool, as licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Nuclear Fuel: Fissionable materials that are enriched to such a composition that when placed in a nuclear reactor will support a self-sustaining fission chain reaction, producing heat in a controlled manner for process use.
Permanently Discharged Fuel: Spent nuclear fuel for which there are no plans for reinsertion in the reactor core.
Planar Initial Enrichment: The average of the distributed fuel rod initial enrichments within a given axial plane of the assembly lattice.
Pool Site: One or more spent fuel storage pools, which have a single cask loading area. Dry cask storage areas are considered separate sites.
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR): A light water reactor in which heat is transferred from the core to a heat exchanger via water kept under high pressure, so that high temperatures can be maintained in the primary system without boiling the water. Steam is generated in a secondary circuit.
Process Waste: Process and other waste includes Greater than Class C (GTCC) waste that is not activated metals or sealed sources. It consists of contaminated equipment, debris, trash, filters, resins, scrap metal, and decontamination and decommissioning waste.
Radioactivity: The rate at which radioactive material emits radiation, stated in terms of the number of nuclear disintegrations occurring per unit of time; the basic unit of radioactivity is the curie.
Radionuclide: An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously, thereby emitting radiation. Approximately 5,000 natural and artificial radioisotopes have been identified.
Reconstituted Fuel: Spent nuclear fuel assembly which has had a defective rod or rods removed and replaced with another rod or rods. The recipient fuel assembly is intended to be reinserted into a subsequent fuel cycle.
Reconstructed Assembly: Spent nuclear fuel assembly which has fuel rods transferred from a damaged assembly to a new assembly skeleton.
Refueling: The process of shutting down a reactor and replacing some of the spent nuclear fuel assemblies.
Reinserted Fuel: Irradiated fuel that is discharged in one cycle and inserted in the same reactor during a subsequent refueling. In a few cases, fuel discharged from one reactor has been used to fuel a different reactor.
Shutdown Date: Day, month, and year of shutdown for fuel discharge and refueling. The date should be the point at which the reactor became subcritical.
Source Assembly: The originating fuel assembly from which fuel rods used in consolidation, reconstitution, or reconstruction are obtained.
Spent Fuel Disassembly (SFD) Hardware: The skeleton of a fuel assembly after the fuel rods have been removed. Generally, SFD hardware for PWR assemblies includes guide tubes; instrument tubes; top and bottom nozzles; grid spacers; hold-down springs; and attachment components, such as nuts and locking caps. For BWR fuel assemblies, SFD hardware includes the top and bottom tie plates, compression springs for individual fuel rods, grid spacers, and water rods.
Standard Contract: The agreement (as set forth in 10 CFR Part 961.11) between the Department of Energy (DOE) and the owners or generators of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste.
Standard Fuel: As defined in the Standard Contract Appendix E Section A.1.a
Storage Site ID: Spent nuclear fuel storage pool or dry cask storage facility, usually located at the reactor site, as licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
Temporarily Discharged Fuel: Fuel which was irradiated in the previous fuel cycle (cycle N) and not in the following fuel cycle (cycle N+1), and for which there are definite plans to irradiate in a subsequent fuel cycle.
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
B&W |
Mark B10 |
Mark B9 features; cruciform leaf-springs on redesigned upper end fitting, zone-loaded fuel enrichment variations. |
B1515B10 |
B&W |
Mark B11 |
Plug-in-grid debris filter, reduced diameter fuel rod (0.416"), M5 cladding, quick disconnect upper end fitting, flow mixing grids. |
B1515B11 |
B&W |
Mark B12 |
Heavy loaded fuel rod (0.430" diameter), M5 cladding and guide tubes, optional quick disconnect upper end fitting. |
B1515B12 |
Areva |
Mark B-HTP |
High thermal performance (HTP) spacers; FUELGUARDTM lower tie plate |
B1515AH |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for BW 15x15 reactors. |
B1515AG |
W |
W-manufactured fuel for BW 15x15 reactors. |
B1515W |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
B15_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
CE |
CE fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors, manufactured in Hematite, MO. |
C1414C |
W |
W fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors, manufactured in Columbia, SC. |
C1414W |
W |
Turbo |
CE/W fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors, with flow mixers on the spacer grids and I-springs. |
C1414WT |
W |
W-manufactured Next Generation Fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors. |
C1414WN |
Areva (ANF) |
ANF-manufactured fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors. |
C1414A |
Areva |
M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes |
C1414AH |
Areva |
"Advanced" HTP |
Areva-manufactured fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
C1414AHa |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for CE 14 x 14 reactors. |
C1414AG |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
C14_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code
CE |
CE fuel for CE 16 x 16 reactors, manufactured in Hematite, MO. |
C1616C |
W |
W fuel for CE 16 x 16 reactors, manufactured in Columbia, SC. |
C1616W |
W |
Turbo |
CE/W fuel for CE 16 x 16 reactors, with flow mixers on the spacer grids and I-springs. |
C1616WT |
W |
W-manufactured Next Generation Fuel for CE 16 x 16 reactors. Features include fuel rods with a 0.374" diameter and Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding; intermediate flow mixers; ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers and axial blankets; GUARDIANTM bottle nozzles and longer, solid fuel rod lower end plug. |
C1616WN |
Areva (ANF) |
ANF-manufactured fuel for CE 14 x 14 reactors. |
C1414A |
Areva |
Areva-manufactured fuel for CE 16 x 16 reactors. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
C1616AH |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for CE 16 x 16 reactors. |
C1616AG |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
C16_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code
CE |
CE fuel for CE System 80 reactors, manufactured in Hematite, MO. |
C8016C |
W |
W fuel for CE System 80 reactors, manufactured in Columbia, SC. |
C8016W |
W |
W-manufactured Next Generation Fuel for CE System 80 reactors. Features include fuel rods with a 0.374" diameter and Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding; intermediate flow mixers; ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers and axial blankets; GUARDIANTM bottle nozzles and longer, solid fuel rod lower end plug. |
C8016WN |
Areva |
Areva-manufactured fuel for System 80 reactors. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
C8016AH |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for CE System 80 reactors. |
C8016AG |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
C80_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
GE11 |
9x9 bundle, with 74 fuel rods (66 full-length and 8 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. |
G2309G11 |
GE12 |
10x10 bundle, with 92 fuel rods (78 full-length and 14 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. |
G2310G12 |
GE13 |
9x9 bundle, with 74 fuel rods (66 full-length and 8 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. |
G2309G13 |
GE14 |
10x10 bundle, with 92 fuel rods (78 full-length and 14 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. No ferrules in top 3 spacers above part length rods. |
G2310G14 |
GNF2 |
DefenderTM debris filter; advanced spacer design with reduced thickness inconel grids and flow wings; multiple sizes of part-length fuel rods; increased plenum volume and high mass fuel pellets; and simplified channels. |
G2310GG2 |
GNF3 |
Evolutionary fuel based on GNF2. Features include NSF fuel channels, better fuel cycle economics, and improved resistance to debris failures (potential debris capture sites in spacers were eliminated). |
G2310GG3 |
Areva |
Atrium-10 (A/B) |
8 bi-metallic ULTRAFLOWTM spacer grids, 8 part-length fuel rods, 1 water channel, 10.05 mm fuel rod diameter |
G2310A |
Areva |
Atrium-10XP |
8 inconel-718 ULTRAFLOWTM spacer grids, 10 part-length fuel rods, 3 water channel crowns; 10.28 mm fuel rod diameter |
G2310AXP |
Areva |
Atrium-10XM |
Unique pellet end; Improved FUELGUARDTM filter; 9 inconel-718 ULTRAFLOWTM Type 62 spacer grids; secure quick-disconnect end fitting; 12 part-length fuel rods; 5 water channel crowns; 10.28 mm fuel rod diameter |
G2310AXM |
Areva |
Atrium-11 |
112 fuel rods - 92 full-length, 8 long part-length, and 12 short part-length fuel rods; Z4B fuel channels; 3rd generation FUELGUARDTM debris filters; 9 ULTRAFLOWTM spacers, axial load compression springs |
G2311A |
W |
Optima2 |
10x10 fuel lattice with 96 fueled rods, including 84 regular full-length rods, 8 long part-length rods, and 4 short part-length rods; water cross with centralized water channel. |
G2310WO2 |
W |
Optima3 |
Similar to Optima2 fuel, with simplified top spacer and bottom tie plate (non-tie rods rest freely on the bottom tie plate); shorter end plugs/longer cladding tube, new sleeve-type spacer design. |
G2310WO3 |
W |
Triton11 |
11x11 fuel lattice using HiFiTM cladding; three cylindrical water rods, 109 fueled rod, including 91 full-length rods, 8 long part-length fuel rods, and 10 short part-length fuel rods; ADOPTTM doped fuel pellets |
G2311WTr |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
G23_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
GE |
GE11 |
9x9 bundle, with 74 fuel rods (66 full-length and 8 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. |
G4609G11 |
GE |
GE12 |
10x10 bundle, with 92 fuel rods (78 full-length and 14 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. |
G4610G12 |
GE |
GE13 |
9x9 bundle, with 74 fuel rods (66 full-length and 8 part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. |
G4609G13 |
GE14 |
10x10 bundle, with 92 fuel rods (78 full-length and 14 short part-length rods) and 2 large water rods. Adds 8th spacer grid. No ferrules in the top three spacers above the part-length rods. |
G4610G14 |
GNF2 |
DefenderTM debris filter; advanced spacer design with reduced thickness inconel grids and flow wings; multiple sizes of part-length fuel rods; increased plenum volume and high mass fuel pellets; and simplified channels. |
G4610GG2 |
GNF3 |
Evolutionary fuel based on GNF2. Features include NSF fuel channels, better fuel cycle economics, and improved resistance to debris failures (potential debris capture sites in spacers were eliminated). |
G4610GG3 |
Areva |
Atrium-10 (A/B) |
8 bi-metallic ULTRAFLOWTM spacer grids, 8 part-length fuel rods, 1 water channel, 10.05 mm fuel rod diameter |
G4610A |
Areva |
Atrium-10XP |
8 inconel-718 ULTRAFLOWTM spacer grids, 10 part-length fuel rods, 3 water channel crowns; 10.28 mm fuel rod diameter |
G4610AXP |
Areva |
Atrium-10XM |
Unique pellet end; Improved FUELGUARDTM filter; 9 inconel-718 ULTRAFLOWTM Type 62 spacer grids; secure quick-disconnect end fitting; 12 part-length fuel rods; 5 water channel crowns; 10.28 mm fuel rod diameter |
G4610AXM |
Areva |
Atrium-11 |
112 fuel rods - 92 full-length, 8 long part-length, and 12 short part-length fuel rods; Z4B fuel channels; 3rd generation FUELGUARDTM debris filters; 9 ULTRAFLOWTM spacers, axial load compression springs |
G4611A |
CE |
CE-manufactured SVEA fuel for BWR/4-6 reactors. |
G4610C |
W |
SVEA-100 |
W-manufactured SVEA fuel for BWR/4-6 reactors. 10x10 fuel lattice with integral water cross separating 4 mini 5x5 fuel bundles. |
G4610W |
W |
SVEA-96 Optima |
10x10 fuel lattice with 96 fueled rods, including 76 regular full-length rods, 8 long part-length rods, and 12 increased diameter full-length rods; water cross with centralized water channel. |
G4610WO |
W |
Optima2 |
10x10 fuel lattice with 96 fueled rods, including 84 regular full-length rods, 8 long part-length rods, and 4 short part-length rods; water cross with centralized water channel. |
G4610WO2 |
W |
Optima3 |
Similar to Optima2 fuel, with simplified top spacer and bottom tie plate (non-tie rods rest freely on the bottom tie plate); shorter end plugs/longer cladding tube, new sleeve-type spacer design. |
G4610WO3 |
W |
Triton11 |
11x11 fuel lattice using HiFiTM cladding; three cylindrical water rods, 109 fueled rod, including 91 full-length rods, 8 long part-length fuel rods, and 10 short part-length fuel rods; ADOPTTM doped fuel pellets |
G4611WTr |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
G46_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
W |
W-manufactured fuel for W 14 x 14 reactors; Optimized Fuel Assembly; zircaloy spacer grids; ~358 kg U/assembly |
W1414WO |
W |
400 Vantage+ |
Vantage+ fuel with 0.400-inch fuel rod diameter |
W1414WV1 |
W |
422 Vantage+ |
Vantage+ fuel with 0.422-inch fuel rod diameter |
W1414WV2 |
W |
Performance+ |
Vantage+ fuel with low cobalt top and bottom nozzles, ZrO2 coated lower fuel rods, ZIRLO mid-grids, and mid-enrichment of the annular or solid pellets in axial blankets. |
W1414WP |
W |
Robust Fuel Assembly for use at W 14x14 plants. RFA fuel is based on Vantage+ fuel, and features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding; 0.374" diameter fuel rods; increased guide and instrument tube diameters, low pressure drop mid grips, modified IFMs, a protective bottom grid with long fuel rod end plugs, and a quick release top nozzle. |
W1414WR |
W |
RFA-2 |
Robust Fuel Assembly 2 for use at W 14x14 plants. Features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, heat transfer improvements, ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers, enhanced debris mitigation, and reduced enrichment axial blankets. |
W1414WR2 |
W |
W-manufactured Next Generation Fuel for W 14 x 14 reactors. Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, axial blanket pellets, WIN top nozzle |
W1414WN |
Areva |
Areva-manufactured fuel for W 14 x 14 reactors. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
W1414AH |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for W 14 x 14 reactors. |
W1414AG |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
W14_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
W |
W-manufactured fuel for W 15 x 15 reactors; Optimized Fuel Assembly; zircaloy spacer grids; ~460 kg U/assembly |
W1515WO |
W |
Vantage 5 |
W-manufactured fuel for W 15 x 15 reactors; integral ZrB2 neutron absorbers in fuel; natural uranium axial blankets; IFMs; removable top nozzle; increased discharge burnup; other OFA features; ~461 kg U/assembly |
W1515WV5 |
W |
Performance+ |
Vantage+ fuel with low cobalt top and bottom nozzles, ZrO2 coated lower fuel rods, ZIRLO mid-grids, and mid-enrichment of the annular or solid pellets in axial blankets. |
W1515WP |
W |
Robust Fuel Assembly for use at W 15x15 plants. RFA fuel is based on Vantage+ fuel, and features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding; 0.374" diameter fuel rods; increased guide and instrument tube diameters, low pressure drop mid grips, modified IFMs, a protective bottom grid with long fuel rod end plugs, and a quick release top nozzle. |
W1515WR |
W |
RFA-2 |
Robust Fuel Assembly 2 for use at W 15x15 plants. Features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, heat transfer improvements, ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers, enhanced debris mitigation, and reduced enrichment axial blankets. |
W1515WR2 |
W |
W-manufactured Next Generation Fuel for W 15 x 15 reactors. Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, 0.374" diameter fuel rods, axial blanket pellets, WIN top nozzle |
W1515WN |
Areva |
Areva-manufactured fuel for W 15 x 15 reactors. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
W1515AH |
Areva |
GAIA features may be used in Areva-manufactured fuel assemblies for W 15x15 reactors. |
W1515AG |
Areva |
AGORA® 5A-1 |
M5 cladding; evolution of the European AFA 3GTM design. |
W1515AAg |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
W15_OTH |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
W |
Vantage 5 |
W-manufactured fuel for W 17 x 17 reactors; integral ZrB2 neutron absorbers in fuel; natural uranium axial blankets; IFMs; removable top nozzle; increased discharge burnup; other OFA features; ~426 kg U/assembly |
W1717WV5 |
W |
Vantage+ |
W-manufactured fuel for W 17 x 17 reactors, Vantage 5 features with ZIRLOTM cladding |
W1717WV+ |
W |
Vantage 5H |
W-manufactured fuel for W 17 x 17 reactors; hybrid fuel combining the advanced neutronic features of Vantage 5 fuel with the larger fuel rod diameter associated with LOPAR fuel. |
W1717WVH |
W |
Vantage 5H+ |
W-manufactured fuel for W 17 x 17 reactors, Vantage 5H features with ZIRLOTM cladding |
W1717VWJ |
W |
Performance+ |
W manufactured 17x17 fuel using ZIRLOTM cladding, low-cobalt top and bottom nozzle, enriched axial blankets, enriched ZrB2 pellets, and ZIRLOTM guide tubes, grids and IFMs. |
W1717WP |
W |
Robust Fuel Assembly for use at W 17x17 plants. RFA fuel is based on Vantage+ fuel, and features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding; 0.374" diameter fuel rods; increased guide and instrument tube diameters, low pressure drop mid grips, modified IFMs, a protective bottom grid with long fuel rod end plugs, and a quick release top nozzle. |
W1717WR |
W |
RFA-2 |
Robust Fuel Assembly 2 for use at W 17x17 plants. Features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, heat transfer improvements, ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers, enhanced debris mitigation, and reduced enrichment axial blankets. |
W1717WR2 |
W |
W manufactured Next Generation Fuel for W 17 x 17 reactors. Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, 0.374" diameter fuel rods, axial blanket pellets, WIN top nozzle |
W1717WN |
Framatome/ |
Advanced |
Framatome/Areva reload fuel for W 17x17 reactors; slightly longer (0.36") fuel rods; M5 fuel rod cladding, guide thimbles, instrument tube, and spacer/mixing grids; mid-span mixing grids; and quick disconnect top nozzle connection. |
W1717BAd |
Areva |
Slightly heavier than Mark BW fuel; Spacer grids welded to guide tubes; Fuel Guard bottom nozzle |
W1717AH |
Areva |
Q12 guide/instrument tubes, M5 cladding, GAIA structural mixing spacer grid, GRIP bottom nozzle, HMP end grid, optional chromia fuel doping |
W1717AG |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
W17_OTH |
South Texas |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
W |
XL |
Original W manufactured fuel for use at South Texas. |
WST17W |
W |
W manufactured fuel for use at South Texas. Robust Fuel Assemblies, with no IFMs; ZIRLOTM cladding; reduced enrichment axial blankets, IFBA rods and gadolinia rods |
W |
XL RFA-2 |
W manufactured fuel for use at South Texas. Robust Fuel Assembly 2 for use at South Texas. Features include Optimized ZIRLOTM cladding, heat transfer improvements, ZrB2 integral burnable absorbers, enhanced debris mitigation, and reduced enrichment axial blankets. |
WST17WR2 |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
Fort Calhoun |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
CE |
CE-manufactured fuel for Fort Calhoun reactor. |
XFC14C |
ANF-manufactured fuel for Fort Calhoun reactor. |
XFC14A |
W |
W manufactured fuel for Fort Calhoun reactor. |
XFC14W |
Areva/ |
Areva-manufactured fuel for Fort Calhoun reactor. Fuel rods use M5 cladding. |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
Palisades |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
CE |
CE-manufactured fuel for Palisades reactor. |
XPA15C |
ANF-manufactured fuel for Palisades reactor. |
XPA15A |
Areva/ |
Areva-manufactured fuel for Palisades reactor. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle. |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
St. Lucie 2 |
Vendor |
Fuel Design |
Distinguishing Features |
FA Type Code |
CE |
CE-manufactured fuel for St. Lucie 2 reactor. |
XSL16C |
W |
W manufactured fuel for St. Lucie 2 reactor. |
XSL16W |
Areva |
Areva-manufactured HTP fuel for St. Lucie 2 reactor. Features include M5 Cladding, Advanced fuel rod geometry, HTP spacer grids, Z-4 MONOBLOCTM guide tubes; gadolinia burnable absorbers, FUELGUARDTM bottom nozzle |
Other Fuel Assembly Type not otherwise described. Includes Lead Test Assemblies/Lead Use Assemblies. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | USCX |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |