OMB Control No: 0938-1148
ICR Reference No:
Status: Active
Previous ICR Reference No: 201410-0938-016
Agency/Subagency: HHS/CMS
Agency Tracking No: CMCS
Title: Generic Clearance for
Medicaid and CHIP State Plan, Waiver, and Program Submissions
Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a currently approved collection
Common Form ICR: No
Type of Review Request: Regular
OIRA Conclusion Action: Approved
with change
Conclusion Date: 03/01/2018
Notice of Action (NOA)
Date Received in OIRA:
Terms of Clearance:
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
Expiration Date
36 Months From Approved
Time Burden (Hours)
Cost Burden (Dollars)
Abstract: The Center for Medicaid, CHIP, and
Survey & Certification in CMS works in partnership with States
to implement Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program
(CHIP), and the Social Security Act requires written plans between
CMS and the State to implement these programs. The Affordable Care
Act enacted comprehensive reform that requires modification of
existing programs. In addition to the Medicaid and CHIP State
plans, CMS also continues to work with States through other methods
to further the goals of health reform, including program waivers
and demonstrations and other technical assistance initiatives and
reporting. This collection will provide streamlined submission
forms for States to implement health reform initiatives in Medicaid
and CHIP state plans, demonstrations, and waivers, including
legislative requirements enacted by the Affordable Care
Authorizing Statute(s): Statute at
Large: 19
Stat. 1915 Name of Statute: null
Statute at Large: 21
Stat. 2101 Name of Statute: null
Statute at Large: 21
Stat. 1115 Name of Statute: null
Statute at Large: 19
Stat. 1901 Name of Statute: null
Citations for New Statutory
Requirements: Statute at Large: 19 Stat. 1915 Name of
Statute: null
Statute at Large: 21 Stat. 2101 Name of Statute: null
Statute at Large: 21 Stat. 1115 Name of Statute: null
Statute at Large: 19 Stat. 1901 Name of Statute: null
Associated Rulemaking
Stage of Rulemaking:
Federal Register Citation:
Not associated with rulemaking
Federal Register Notices &
60-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
82 FR
30-day Notice:
Federal Register Citation:
Citation Date:
82 FR
Did the Agency receive public comments on
this ICR? No
Number of Information Collection (IC) in this
ICR: 57
IC Title
Form No.
Form Name
GenIC #56 (New):
Section 1115 Demonstration: Budget Neutrality Workbook
CMS-10398 #56
PMDA Budget
Neutrality Workbook Template
GenIC #34 (Revised):
Model Application Template and Instructions for State Child Health
Plan Under Title XXI of the Social Security Act, State Children's
Health Insurance Program
CMS-10398 #34, CMS-10398 #34, CMS-10398 #34
Template for Child
Health Plan Under Title XXI of the Social Security Act Children’s
Health Insurance Program , Crosswalk - Template ,
Track Changes -
GenIC #35 (Extension
w/o change): Eligibility and Enrollment Performance
CMS-10398 #35
Eligibility and
Enrollment Performance Indicators Template
GenIC #37 (Extension
w/o change): Managed Care Rate Setting Guidance
GenIC #61 - Medicaid
Disaster Relief for the COVID-19 National Emergency State Plan
Amendment Template and Instructions
CMS-10398.GenIC#61 - Medicaid
Disaster Relief SPA Template
GenIC # 59 (New) -
Medicaid Section 1115 Severe Mental Illness and Children with
Serious Emotional Disturbance Demonstrations
CMS-10398 #59, CMS-10398 $59, CMS-10398 #59, CMS-10398 #59,
CMS-10398 #59
Plan Template , Monitoring Report Template
, Monitoring Protocol
, Monitoring Workbook ,
Availability Assessment
GenIC #60 (New):
SUPPORT Act Survey of Housing-Related Supports and Services Under
Medicaid to Individuals with Substance Use Disorders
CMS-10398 #60
State Technical
Assistance Needs Assessment Survey
GenIC #48 (Extension
w/o change): Section 223 Demonstration Programs to Improve
Community Mental Health Services
CMS-10398 #48
Attachment B: Quality
Measurement Data Reporting Templates
GenIC #50 (Extension
w/o change): Community First Choice State Plan
CMS-10398 #50
Community First Choice (CFC)
State Plan pre-print
GenIC #1 (Extension
w/o change): CHIP Annual Report Template System (CARTs)
CMS-10398 #1
Framework for the
Annual Report of the Children’s Health Insurance Plans Under Title
XXI of the Social Security Act
GenIC #17 (Extension
w/o change): CHIP State Plan Eligibility
CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17,
CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17,
CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17,
CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #15,
CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17, CMS-10398 #17
CS3 - Eligibility
for Medicaid Expansion Program , CS8 - Eligibility - Targeted
Low-Income Pregnant Women , CS9 - Eligibility - Coverage
From Conception to Birth , CS10 - Eligibility - Children
Who Have Access to Public Employee Coverage , CS11 - Eligibility - Pregnant
Women Who Have Access to Public Employee Coverage ,
CS12 - Eligibility -
Dental Only Supplemental Coverage , CS13 - Eligibility - Deemed
Newborns , CS14 - Eligibility - Children
Ineligible for Medicaid as a Result of the Elimination of Income
Disregards , CS15 - MAGI-Based Income
Methodologies , CS16 - Other Eligibility
Criteria - Spenddowns , CS17 - Non-Financial
Eligibility – Residency , CS19 - Non-Financial
Eligibility - Social Security Number , CS20 - Non-Financial
Eligibility - Substitution of Coverage , CS21 - Non-Financial
Eligibility - Non-Payment of Premiums , CS23 - Non-Financial
Requirements - Other Eligibility Standards , CS24 - General Eligibility -
Eligibility Processing , CS27 - Non-Financial
Requirements - Other Eligibility Standards , CS28 - General Eligibility -
Presumptive Eligibility for Children , CS29 - General Eligibility -
Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women , CS7 - Eligibility - Targeted
Low-Income Children
GenIC #37 (Rev):
Managed Care Rate Setting Guidance
GenIC #37 (Revision)
Managed Care Rate Setting Guidance
GenIC #57 (New):
Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Demonstration: Monitoring
Reports Documents and Templates
1, CMS-10398 #57
1115 SUD Monitoring Report
Template , 1115 SUD Metrics Template
GenIC #52 (Revision) -
Delivery System and Provider Payment Initiatives Under Medicaid
Managed Care Products
CMS-10398 #52
Section 438.6(c)
GenIC #15 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid State Plan Eligibility
CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15,
CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15,
CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15,
CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15,
CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15, CMS-10398 #15
Tab A1-A3 -
Medicaid Administration: State Plan Administration/ Designation and
Authority , Tab S10 – Medicaid Eligibility:
MAGI-Based Income Methodologies , Tab S14 – Medicaid Eligibility:
AFDC Income Standards , Tab S21 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Presumptive Eligibility by Hospitals , Tab S25 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Mandatory Coverage Parents and Other Caretaker Relatives ,
Tab S28 –
Medicaid Eligibility: Mandatory Coverage Pregnant Women ,
Tab S30 –
Medicaid Eligibility: Mandatory Coverage Infants and Children under
Age 19 , Tab
S32 – Medicaid Eligibility: Mandatory Coverage Adult Group ,
Tab S33 –
Medicaid Eligibility: Mandatory Coverage Former Foster Care
Children , Tab S50 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Options for Coverage Individuals above 133% FPL ,
Tab S51 – Medicaid
Eligibility: Options for Coverage Optional Coverage of Parents and
Other Caretaker Relatives , Tab S52 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Options for Coverage Reasonable Classification of Individuals under
Age 21 , Tab
S53 – Medicaid Eligibility: Options for Coverage Children with Non
IV-E Adoption Assistance , Tab S54 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Options for Coverage Optional Targeted Low Income Children ,
Tab S55 –
Medicaid Eligibility: Options for Coverage Individuals with
Tuberculosis , Tab S57 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Options for Coverage Independent Foster Care Adolescents ,
Tab S59 –
Medicaid Eligibility: Options for Coverage Individuals Eligible for
Family Planning Services , Tab S88 – Medicaid Eligibility:
Non-Financial Eligibility State Residency , Tab S94 – Medicaid Eligibility:
General Eligibility Requirements Eligibility Process ,
Tab S89 – Medicaid
Eligibility: Non-Financial Eligibility Citizenship and Non-Citizen
GenIc #9 (Extension
w/o change): Application for Section 1915(b)(4) Waiver - Fee For
Service Selective Contracting Program
CMS-10398 #9
Application for
Section 1915(b)(4) Waiver - Fee For Service Selective Contracting
GenIC #24 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Accountability – UPL ICF/IID, Clinic
Services, Medicaid Qualified Practitioner Services and Other
Inpatient & Outpatient Facility Providers
CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24,
CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24,
CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24, CMS-10398 #24
Qualified Medicaid Practitioner
Enhanced Payment and Average Commercial Rate (ACR) Supplemental
Payment Demonstration Guidance , XII. Intermediate Care
Facilitiy Template , II - Intermediate Care Facility
for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/ID) UPL
, XIV - Clinic Template ,
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Template ,
IX - Funding
Questions ,
IV - Clinic
Upper Payment Limit (UPL) Guidance , UPL Institute Mental Disease
Template 1 , UPL Institute Mental Disease
Template ,
VIII - Other
Inpatient and Outpatient Facility Provider Narrative
Instruction , UPL Physician Template
GenIC #29 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Cost Sharing
CMS-10398 #29
Medicaid Premiums and Cost
GenIC #47 (Extension
w/o change): Health Home Core Sets
GenIC #63 (Transfer) -
1932(a) State Plan Amendment Template
1932(a) State Plan
Amendment Template
GenIC #34 (Revision):
Model Application Template and Instructions for State Child Health
Plan Under Title XXI of the Social Security Act, State Children's
Health Insurance Program
CMS-10398 #34
Template for Child
Health Plan Under Title XXI of The Social Security Act Children’s
Health Insurance Program
GenIC #22 (Extension
w/o change): Health Home State Plan Amendment (SPA)
CMS-10398 #22, CMS-10398 #22
Health Homes
Administrative Component , Health Home State Plan
GenIC #28 (Extension
w/o change): MMIS APD Template NCCI Coding Initiative
CMS-10398 #28
Advance Planning
Document (APD) Template for Implementation of the National Correct
Coding Initiative (NCCI) in a State’s Medicaid Management
Information System (MMIS)
GenIC #46 (Extension
w/o change): 1915(i) State Plan Home and Community Based
CMS-10398 #46
GenIC #33 (Extension
w/o change): Opportunity for families of Disabled Children to
Purchase Medicaid Coverage for Such Children (DRA 6062)
CMS-10398 #33
GenIC #34 (Extension
w/o change): Model Application Template and Instructions for State
Child Health Plan Under Title XXI of the SSA, State CHIP
CMS-10398 #34
Title XXI State
Plan Template
GenIC #2 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Managed Care Data Collection
GenIC #5 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Payment Suspensions
CMS-10398 #5
Payment Suspension
Screen Shots
GenIC #30 (Extension
w/o change): State Reporting Medicaid Payment Suspension
GenIC #32 (Extension
w/o change): Provider-Preventable Conditions under 42 CFR 438.6 and
447.26 and Title 2702 Non-Payment Preprint (Attachment
CMS-10398 #32
Provider-Preventable Conditions
Pre Print
GenIC #55 (New): Limit
on Federal Financial Participation for Durable Medical Equipment in
CMS-10398 #55
State Fee Schedule
GenIC #7 (Revised):
Cycle Vb (Final Report Template for the Round III AI/AN Cooperative
Agreements), Cycle Va (Semi-Annual Template), and Cycle Vb (Monthly
and Final Report Templates)
CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7,
CMS-10398 #7
Va: Semi-Annual Report Template (qualitative report) ,
Final Report Template (qualitative report) , MACRA Cycle Vb, Round III:
Final Report Template , HEALTHY KIDS Cycle Vb: Monthly
Report Targets vs Other (quantitative reporting) ,
Monthly Report (quantitative reporting)
GenIC #52 (Revised):
Delivery System and Provider Payment Initiatives Under Medicaid
Managed Care Products
CMS-10398 #52
Section 438.6(c)
GenIC #62 (New): Data
Collection for Section 1003 of the SUPPORT Act
CMS-10398 #62
Quarterly Progress Report
(QPR) Template
GenIC #54 - Electronic
Visit Verification (EVV) Good Faith Effort Exemption
CMS-10398 #54, CMS-10398 #54
EVV Good Faith
Effort Request Form (Home Health Care Services) ,
EVV Good Faith Effort
Request Form (Personal Care Services)
GenIC #52 (Extension
w/o change): Delivery System and Provider Payment Initiatives Under
Medicaid Managed Care Products
CMS-10398 #52
Section 438.6(c)
GenIC #21 (Extension
w/o change): FMAP Claiming State Plan Amendment
CMS-10398 #21
SPA Attachments:
Threshold Methodology for Identification of Applicable FMAP
GenIC #18 (Extension
w/o change): Alternative Benefit Plans
CMS-10398 #18
Mock-up of Interim
Form for Alternative Benefit Plans
GenIC #13 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Accountability – Nursing Facility, Outpatient
Hospital and Inpatient Hospital Upper Payment Limits
CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13,
CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13, CMS-10398 #13
Outpatient Hospital UPL
Guidance , Inpatient Hospital UPL
Guidance , NF Template ,
OP Template ,
IP Template
, Inpatient
Hospital UPL Guidance , Outpatient Hospital UPL
Guidance , Nursing Facility UPL
GenIC #16 (Extension
w/o change): Federally-Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) Integration
Data Collection Tool
CMS-10398 #16, CMS-10398 #16
Facilitated Marketplace and State Based Rules Integration
Charts , Federally Facilitated
Marketplace and State Based Rules Integration Charts
GenIC #45 (Extension
w/o change): Maternal and Infant Health Quality
CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45,
CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45,
CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45,
CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45, CMS-10398 #45
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #1 (Women) , Maternal and Infant Health
(MIH) Quality Screenshot #3 (Women) , Maternal and Infant Health
(MIH) Quality Screenshot #1 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #6 (Women) , Maternal and Infant Health
(MIH) Quality Screenshot #2 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #3 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #4 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #5 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #6 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #7 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #8 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #9 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #10 (Postpartum Women) ,
Maternal and Infant
Health (MIH) Quality Screenshot #2 (Women) , Maternal and Infant Health
(MIH) Quality Screenshot #4 (Women) , Maternal and Infant Health
(MIH) Quality Screenshot #5 (Women)
GenIC #31 (Extension
w/o change): Statewide HCBS Transition Plans
CMS-10398 #31
Sample Template For State
Settings’ Analysis
(revised) - MAGI-Based Eligibility Verification Plan Template and
CMS-10398.GenIC#11, CMS-10398.GenIC#11.
Eligibility Verification_Plan_Template Final (3-30-20) ,
MAGI-Based Eligibility Verification Plan Attachment Disaster Ver
Plan Addendum FINAL (3-30-20)
GenIC # 58 (New):
Medicaid Section 1115 Eligibility and Coverage Demonstration
Implementation Plan and Monitoring Reports Documents and
CMS-10398 #58, CMS-10398 #58, CMS-10398 #58
Implementation Plan
Template , Monitoring Protocol - Planned
Metrics ,
GenIC #1 (Revision) -
CHIP Annual Report Template System (CARTS)
CMS-10398 #1
CHIP Annual Report
Template System (CARTS)
GenIC #53 (New):
Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Demonstration: Guide for
Developing Implementation Plan Protocols
CMS-10398 #53
Section 1115
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Demonstration: Guide for Developing
Implementation Plan Protocols
GenIC #64 (New):
Federal Meta-Analysis Support: Section 1115 Substance Use Disorder
CMS-10398 #64, CMS-10398 #64, CMS-10398 #64
Characteristics Interview Questions , Implementation Interview
Protocol with Instructions for Interviewer , Demonstration Characteristics
Interview Email Invitation and Grid
GenIC #10 (Extension
w/o change): Section 1115 Demonstration and Waiver
CMS-10398 #10, CMS-10398 #10, CMS-10398 #10, CMS-10398 #10,
CMS-10398 #10, CMS-10398 #10, CMS-10398 #10
Specifications and Provider Qualifications , Budget Neutrality Form
, BN Table Shell ,
Demonstration Financing
Form ,
Long Term Services and
Supports Form
, Long Term Services Benefit
Specifications and Provider Qualifications , Section 1115 Demonstration
Program Application Guide
GenIC #43 (Extension
w/o change): Section 223 Demonstration Programs to Improve
Community Mental Health Services
GenIC #37 (Revised):
Managed Care Rate Setting Guidance
GenIC #51 (Extension
w/o change): Fast Track Federal Review Process for Section 1115
Medicaid and CHIP Demonstration Extensions
CMS-10398 #51, CMS-10398 #51, CMS-10398 #51, CMS-10398 #51
Certification Statement - Section 1115(a) Extension ,
1115(e) Extension State
Certification , 1115(f) Extension State
Certification , Extension With Changes
GenIC #11 (Extension
w/o change): MAGI-Based Eligibility Verification Plan
CMS-10398 #11
Verification Plan
GenIC #7 (Extension
w/o change): Cycle IV (AI/AN Round II Outreach & Enrollment
Grant Final Report Addendum) and Cycle V (Connecting Kids to
Coverage Outreach and Enrollment Semi-Annual and Final
CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7, CMS-10398 #7
Cycle IV AI/AN
Round II Outreach & Enrollment Grant Final Report (Formerly
Known as the Semi-Annual Report) , Cycle Va. Connecting Kids to
Coverage Semi-Annual Report Template , Cycle Vb. Connecting Kids to
Coverage Final Report Template , Cycle IV AI/AN Round II
Outreach & Enrollment Grant Final Report Addendum
GenIC #26 (Extension
w/o change): Medicaid Adult Core Set Measures Reporting
CMS-10398 #26
Medicaid Adult Core
Set Measures Template
GenIC #27 (Extension
w/o change): MAGI Conversion Plan Part 2
CMS-10398 #27
Part 2 of Modified
Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Conversion Plan
GenIC #68 (New) -
Section 1006(b) of the SUPPORT Act: Medicaid Assisted Treatment
CMS-10398 #68, CMS-10398 #68
SPA Coverage
Template for Limitations (Supplement to Attachment 3.1-A) ,
SPA Coverage
Template for Limitations (Supplement to Attachment 3.1-B)
ICR Summary of Burden
Total Approved
Previously Approved
Change Due to New Statute
Change Due to Agency Discretion
Change Due to Adjustment in
Change Due to Potential Violation of
the PRA
Annual Number of Responses
Annual Time Burden (Hours)
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars)
Burden increases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Increase Due to:
Burden decreases because of Program Change due to Agency
Discretion: No
Burden Reduction Due to:
Short Statement:
Annual Cost to Federal Government: $0
Does this IC contain surveys, censuses, or employ
statistical methods? No
Does this ICR request any personally identifiable
information (see OMB Circular No. A-130 for an
explanation of this term)? Please consult with your agency's
privacy program when making this determination.
Does this ICR include a form that requires a Privacy Act
Statement (see 5
U.S.C. §552a(e)(3) )? Please consult with your agency's privacy
program when making this determination.
Is this ICR related to the Affordable Care Act [Pub. L.
111-148 & 111-152]? Yes
Is this ICR related to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act, [Pub. L. 111-203]? No
Is this ICR related to the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)? No
Is this ICR related to the Pandemic Response?
Agency Contact: Mitch Bryman 410 786-5258