Privacy PIA registration


ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors Registry

Privacy PIA registration

OMB: 1028-0110

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Department of the Interior
Privacy Impact Assessment Template
Name of Project: ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors Registry
Bureau: U.S. Geological Survey
Project’s Unique ID: GX14EE000101000
Once the PIA is completed and the signature approval page is signed, please provide
copies of the PIA to the following:

Bureau/office IT Security Manager
Bureau/office Privacy Act Officer
DOI OCIO IT Portfolio Division
DOI Privacy Act Officer

Do not email the approved PIA directly to the Office of Management and Budget
email address identified on the Exhibit 300 form. One transmission will be sent by
the OCIO Portfolio Management Division.
Also refer to the signature approval page at the end of this document.
1) Who is the person completing this document? (Name, title, organization
and contact information).
Vaishal P. Sheth
Web Administrator
22nd Century Technologies Inc. (Contractor)
Federal Geographic Data Committee Office of the Secretariat, USGS
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 590
Reston, VA 20192
2) Who is the system owner? (Name, organization and contact information).
Ken Shaffer
Deputy Executive Director
Federal Geographic Data Committee Office of the Secretariat, USGS
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 590
Reston, VA 20192

3) Who is the system manager for this system or application? (Name,
organization, and contact information).
Jennifer Carlino
FGDC Metadata Coordinator
Federal Geographic Data Committee Office of the Secretariat, USGS
Denver Federal Center, PO Box 25046, Bldg. 810
Room 8000, MS 302
Denver, CO 80225

4) Who is the IT Security Manager who reviewed this document? (Name,
organization, and contact information).
Vaishal P. Sheth
Web Administrator
22nd Century Technologies Inc. (Contractor)
Federal Geographic Data Committee Office of the Secretariat, USGS
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 590
Reston, VA 20192

5) Who is the Bureau/Office Privacy Act Officer who reviewed this
document? (Name, organization, and contact information).
William Reilly
IT Specialist (Infosec)
USGS Administration and Enterprise Information
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192
6) Who is the Reviewing Official? (According to OMB, this is the agency CIO
or other agency head designee, who is other than the official procuring the
system or the official who conducts the PIA).
Rich L. Frazier
Associate Director for Information Resources

MS 159
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

1) Does this system contain any information about individuals?
a. Is this information identifiable to the individual1?
(If there is NO information collected, maintained, or used that is identifiable to the
individual in the system, the remainder of the Privacy Impact Assessment does not have
to be completed).
b. Is the information about individual members of the public?
(If YES, a PIA must be submitted with the OMB Exhibit 300, and with the IT Security
C&A documentation).
c. Is the information about employees? (If yes and there is no
information about members of the public, the PIA is required for the DOI IT Security
C&A process, but is not required to be submitted with the OMB Exhibit 300
Employees of the federal government agencies that have developed an ISO
Geospatial Metadata Editor may elect to register the editor in the registry, in
which case the system would contain their business email address.
2) What is the purpose of the system/application?
As National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) stakeholders move forward
with the implementation of the International Organization for

“Identifiable Form” - According to the OMB Memo M-03-22, this means information in an IT system or
online collection: (i) that directly identifies an individual (e.g., name, address, social security number or
other identifying number or code, telephone number, email address, etc.) or (ii) by which an agency intends
to identify specific individuals in conjunction with other data elements, i.e., indirect identification. (These
data elements may include a combination of gender, race, birth date, geographic indicator, and other

Standardization’s (ISO) 191** series of geospatial metadata standards,
endorsed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), there is
increasing demand for information about applications/editors that can be
used to create ISO compliant metadata records.
As per Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16: “Metadata are
information about data and/or geospatial services, such as content, source,
vintage, spatial scale, accuracy, projection, responsible party, contact phone
number, method of collection, and other descriptions. Metadata are critical
to document, preserve and protect agencies' spatial data assets. Reliable
metadata, structured in a standardized manner, are essential to ensuring that
geospatial data are used appropriately, and that any resulting analysis is
credible. Metadata also can be used to facilitate the search and access of
data sets or geospatial services within a Clearinghouse or data library. All
spatial data collected or derived directly or indirectly using federal funds
will have FGDC metadata.”
The USGS, through the FGDC Office of the Secretariat (,
proposes development of an online registration system for developers of
ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors, either public or private entities, to
voluntarily describe their metadata tools. Developers will be asked to
include information such as features of the editor, its functionality,
supported standards, and point of contact information through a login-based,
online form. The FGDC Metadata Working Group (MWG)
(, whose
membership represents Federal, State, Local and Tribal governments and the
Private Sector, has requested the development of the registry as a useful tool
to learn about available ISO Geospatial Metadata Editors. Since the
information about the editors may be of interest or utility to others
implementing ISO geospatial metadata standards, supporting the
advancement of the NSDI, the FGDC will make the information collected
available on the Web in the form of a simple registry type database. FGDC
MWG members as well as non FGDC MWG members including geospatial
metadata implementers from private sector, academia, all forms of
government, and the general public, will have read-only access to the editor
information published in the registry.
3) What legal authority authorizes the purchase or development of this
OMB Circular A-16
Executive Order 12906

OMB Circular A-119 -

C. DATA in the SYSTEM:
1) What categories of individuals are covered in the system?
Federal, State, Local and Tribal governments, private sector, and
others involved in the development of ISO geospatial metadata.
2) What are the sources of the information in the system?
a. Is the source of the information from the individual or is it taken from
another source? If not directly from the individual, then what other
The information is taken directly from the developer or a company
representative, of the ISO Geospatial Metadata Editor.
b. What Federal agencies are providing data for use in the system?
No particular federal agency is providing data but an employee of an
agency that has developed an ISO Geospatial Metadata Editor can
voluntarily register the editor in the registry at any time.
c. What Tribal, State and local agencies are providing data for use in the
No particular tribal, state or local agency is providing data but an
employee of an agency that has developed an ISO Geospatial Metadata
Editor can voluntarily register the editor in the registry at any time.
d. From what other third party sources will data be collected?
No particular third party source is providing data but representatives from
the private sector, academia and others involved in the development of an
ISO Geospatial Metadata Editor can voluntarily register the editor in the
registry at any time.
e. What information will be collected from the employee and the public?
Business email address, First Name, Last Name and Organization for
registration purposes (such information is not made public) and
information about the ISO Geospatial Metadata Editor (no such
information is user related or personally identifiable). This information is
only used to provide user authentication. Developers of ISO Geospatial

Metadata Editors voluntarily elect to submit information describing their
metadata editor and create an account profile that contains their business
email address.

3) Accuracy, Timeliness, and Reliability
a. How will data collected from sources other than DOI records be
verified for accuracy?
Users of the site will be responsible for accurately submitting their
information. Email addresses will be verified for complete format only.
Before access to the additional features is granted, a return email will be
sent to verify that the email address is a functioning address. The
submitted information will be reviewed for appropriateness prior to being
b. How will data be checked for completeness?
Emails addresses will be verified for complete format only. Before access
to the additional features is granted, a return email will be sent to verify
that the email address is a functioning email address. This is a spam
reduction measure.
c. Is the data current? What steps or procedures are taken to ensure the
data is current and not out-of-date? Name the document (e.g., data
The features of the registry requiring a login are made available for
voluntary use. Users will be responsible for accurately submitting an email
address. We rely on the users to update their email address if it changes.
Before access to the additional features is granted, a return email address
will be sent to verify that the email address is a functioning email address.
This is a spam reduction measure.
d. Are the data elements described in detail and documented? If yes,
what is the name of the document?
Data elements are self-explanatory.


1) Is the use of the data both relevant and necessary to the purpose for
which the system is being designed?
2) Will the system derive new data or create previously unavailable data
about an individual through aggregation from the information collected,
and how will this be maintained and filed?
3) Will the new data be placed in the individual’s record?
No new data; not applicable
4) Can the system make determinations about employees/public that would
not be possible without the new data?
No new data; not applicable
5) How will the new data be verified for relevance and accuracy?
No new data; not applicable
6) If the data is being consolidated, what controls are in place to protect the
data from unauthorized access or use?
No new data; not applicable
7) If processes are being consolidated, are the proper controls remaining in
place to protect the data and prevent unauthorized access? Explain.
No new data; not applicable
8) How will the data be retrieved? Does a personal identifier retrieve the
data? If yes, explain and list the identifiers that will be used to retrieve
information on the individual.
Email address is used for authentication purposes within the account at the
time of first login. All subsequent retrieval of data internal to the system is
done using a unique database id number that is sequentially assigned to users
on registration which on its own is not personally identifiable.
9) What kinds of reports can be produced on individuals? What will be the
use of these reports? Who will have access to them?

An email list of website users could be produced, but no process is in place to
produce any such reports.
10) What opportunities do individuals have to decline to provide
information (i.e., where providing information is voluntary) or to consent
to particular uses of the information (other than required or authorized
uses), and how individuals can grant consent.)
All information is voluntary. Individuals have the option to not provide the
information in which case the account won’t be created and no information
could be submitted.


1) If the system is operated in more than one site, how will consistent use of
the system and data be maintained in all sites?
The system will operate only on one site.
2) What are the retention periods of data in this system?
The registry will retain users’ registration details permanently, unless the user
deletes their account, which they may do at any time by email to a support
address. This is a standard feature of websites in which the creation of a
unique, persistent user account is a requirement for participation. (In this case,
it is a requirement only for certain optional uses of the site.)
3) What are the procedures for disposition of the data at the end of the
retention period? How long will the reports produced be kept? Where
are the procedures documented?
The registry will retain users’ registration details permanently, unless the user
deletes their account, which they may do at any time by email to a support
address, or the online capability is sun-setted. The continued use of the
registry and the need for information retention will be evaluated annually by
the FGDC OS and appropriate retention steps will be taken based on the
submitted information, its source, and value.

4) Is the system using technologies in ways that the DOI has not previously
employed (e.g., monitoring software, Smart Cards, Caller-ID)?

5) How does the use of this technology affect public/employee privacy?
No new technology; not applicable
6) Will this system provide the capability to identify, locate, and monitor
individuals? If yes, explain.
7) What kinds of information are collected as a function of the monitoring of
Not applicable
8) What controls will be used to prevent unauthorized monitoring?
Not applicable
9) Under which Privacy Act systems of records notice does the system
operate? Provide number and name.
Not applicable. Business Email address is used for authentication purposes
within the account at the time of first login.
10) If the system is being modified, will the Privacy Act system of records
notice require amendment or revision? Explain.
Not applicable

1) Who will have access to the data in the system? (E.g., contractors, users,
managers, system administrators, developers, tribes, other)
Access to the database is limited to Web administrators which may include
contractors. Public will have access to the editor data submitted by the users,
but not to their email address or profile information. Reviewers will have
access to the data submitted by the users for approval purposes, but not to
their email address or profile information.
2) How is access to the data by a user determined? Are criteria, procedures,
controls, and responsibilities regarding access documented?
Access to the data for system administrators is determined by a series of
controls. A userid is established which governs the rights to use the system.

This userid must then be included in an Administrator group for access to
user-supplied data within the application. Direct access to the database is
governed by a separate database user id and required permissions. Controls on
userid and password security are documented in the USGS Computer and
Network Security Handbook.
3) Will users have access to all data on the system or will the user’s access be
restricted? Explain.
A user has access to their data only; administrator or elevated access
privileges to the database is limited by the controls specified above.
4) What controls are in place to prevent the misuse (e.g., unauthorized
browsing) of data by those having access? (Please list processes and
training materials)
Security measures and controls consist of: passwords, application permissions,
user identification, IP addresses, database permission, and software controls.
All employees including contractors must meet the requirements for
protecting Privacy Act protected information.
5) Are contractors involved with the design and development of the system
and will they be involved with the maintenance of the system? If yes, were
Privacy Act contract clauses inserted in their contracts and other regulatory
measures addressed?
Contractors are involved in the development and maintenance of the system.
There is a Privacy Act clause included in their contracts.
6) Do other systems share data or have access to the data in the system? If
yes, explain.
7) Who will be responsible for protecting the privacy rights of the public
and employees affected by the interface?
Not applicable, no interface with other systems.

8) Will other agencies share data or have access to the data in this system
(Federal, State, Local, Other (e.g., Tribal))?

9) How will the data be used by the other agency?
Not applicable
10) Who is responsible for assuring proper use of the data?
Not applicable

See Attached Approval Page

The Following Officials Have Approved this Document
1) System Manager

_________________________ ___
Digitally signed by JENNIFER CARLINO
DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government,
ou=Department of the Interior, ou=Geological
Date: 2014.09.29 18:26:28 -06'00'

(Signature) ________________(Date)

Name: Jennifer Carlino
Title: FGDC Metadata Coordinator

2) IT Security Manager


Digitally signed by VAISHAL SHETH (Affiliate)
DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=Department
of the Interior, ou=Geological Survey,
cn=VAISHAL SHETH (Affiliate)
Date: 2014.09.29 12:44:11 -04'00'

_____________________________ (Signature) ________________(Date)
Name: Vaishal Sheth
Title: Web Administrator
22nd Century Technologies Inc. (Contractor)

3) Privacy Act Officer

____________________________ (Signature) ________________(Date)
Name: William Reilly
Title: Privacy Act Officer

4) Reviewing Official

_____________________________ (Signature) ________________(Date)
Name: Eldrich Frazier
Title: Associate Director for Information Resources

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - PIA-iso-geospatial-metadata-editors-registry-draft_v4.doc
File Modified2014-09-29
File Created2014-09-29

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