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pdfFederal Register / Vol. 82, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 5, 2017 / Notices
Total Burden Hours: 1,350.
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Office of Procurement and Property
Title: Voluntary Labeling Program for
Biobased Products.
OMB Control Number: 0503–0020.
Summary of Collection: Section
9002(h) of the Farm Security and Rural
Investment Act (FSRIA) of 2002, as
amended by the Food, Conservation,
and Energy Act (FCEA) of 2008 and the
Agricultural Act of 2014, requires the
Secretary of Agriculture to implement a
voluntary labeling program that would
enable qualifying biobased products to
be certified with a ‘‘USDA Certified
Biobased Product’’ label. The voluntary
labeling program is required to be
consistent, where possible, with the
guidelines implementing the preferred
procurement of biobased products by
Federal agencies (referred to hereafter as
the preferred procurement program),
which is also authorized under section
9002 of FSRIA. Under the preferred
procurement program, Federal agencies
are required to purchase with certain
exceptions, biobased products that are
identified, by rulemaking, for preferred
procurement. The BioPreferred Program
is implemented by USDA’s Office of
Procurement and Property Management
Need and Use of the Information:
Under the voluntary labeling program,
manufacturers and vendors must
complete an application for each standalone biobased product or biobased
product family for which they wish to
use the label. The application process is
electronic and is accessible through the
voluntary labeling program Web site. In
addition manufacturers and vendors
whose applications have been
conditionally approved must provide to
OPPM certain information for posting
by OPPM on the voluntary labeling
program Web site. For each product
approved by the Agency for use of the
label, the manufacturer or vendor must
keep that information for each certified
product up-to-date. The information
requested for inclusion in the
application are: (1) Contact information
(of the manufacturer or vendor and
preparer of application) and (2) product
identification information, including
brand name(s), the applicable
designated item category or categories or
equivalent, and the biobased content of
the product.
Description of Respondents: Business
or other for-profit.
Number of Respondents: 150.
Frequency of Responses:
Recordkeeping; Reporting: Other (once).
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Ruth Brown,
Departmental Information Collection
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2017–14031 Filed 7–3–17; 8:45 am]
Foreign Agricultural Service
Notice of Request for Revision of
Currently Approved Information
Foreign Agricultural Service,
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice announces the Foreign
Agricultural Service’s (FAS) intention to
request a revision for currently
approved information collections in
support of the foreign donation of
agricultural commodities under the
section 416(b) program, the Food for
Progress Program, and the McGovernDole International Food for Education
and Child Nutrition Program.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received by September 5, 2017.
ADDRESSES: We invite you to submit
comments as requested in this
document. In your comment, include
the volume, date, and page number of
this issue of the Federal Register. You
may submit comments by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Mail, hand delivery, or courier:
Benjamin Muskovitz, Director, Food
Assistance Division, Foreign
Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Stop 1034, Washington, DC
• Email: Benjamin.Muskovitz@; or
• Telephone: (202) 720–0886.
Comments will be available for
inspection online at http:// and at the mail
address listed above between 8:00 a.m.
and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday,
except holidays.
Persons with disabilities who require
an alternative means for communication
of information (e.g., Braille, large print,
audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s
Target Center at (202) 720–2600 (voice
and TDD).
Benjamin Muskovitz, Director, Food
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Assistance Division, Foreign
Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Stop 1034, Washington, DC
20250–1034; or by email at; or
by telephone at (202) 720–0886.
Title: Foreign Donation of
Agricultural Commodities (section
416(b) and Food for Progress programs)
and McGovern-Dole International Food
for Education and Child Nutrition
OMB Number: 0551–0035.
Expiration Date of Approval:
November 30, 2017.
Type of Request: Revision of currently
approved information collections.
Abstract: Under the section 416(b)
and Food for Progress programs (the
‘‘Foreign Donation Programs’’) and the
McGovern-Dole International Food for
Education and Child Nutrition
(‘‘McGovern-Dole’’) Program,
information will be gathered from
applicants desiring to receive federal
awards under the programs to determine
the viability of requests for resources to
implement activities in foreign
countries. Recipients of awards under
the programs must submit compliance
reports until activities carried out with
donated commodities or funds, or local
currencies generated from the sale of
donated commodities, are completed.
Recipients that use the services of
freight forwarders must submit
certifications from the freight forwarders
regarding their activities and
affiliations. Documents are used to
develop effective grant and cooperative
agreements for awards under the
programs and assure that statutory
requirements and objectives are met.
Estimate of Burden: The public
reporting burden for each respondent
resulting from information collections
under the Foreign Donation Programs or
the McGovern-Dole Program varies in
direct relation to the number and type
of agreements entered into by such
respondent. The estimated average
reporting burden for the Foreign
Donation Programs is 45.24 hours per
response and for the McGovern-Dole
Program is 45.24 hours per response.
Respondents: Private voluntary
organizations, cooperatives, foreign
governments, intergovernmental
organizations, freight forwarders, ship
owners and brokers, and survey
Estimated Number of Respondents: 61
per annum.
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 32 per annum.
Estimated Total Annual Burden of
Respondents: 88,308.5 hours.
Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 127 / Wednesday, July 5, 2017 / Notices
Request for comments: Send
comments regarding (a) whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Copies of this information collection
can be obtained from Connie Ehrhart,
the Agency Information Collection
Coordinator, at (202) 690–1578 or email
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
also become a matter of public record.
Dated: June 15, 2017.
Holly Higgins,
Acting Administrator, Foreign Agricultural
[FR Doc. 2017–14045 Filed 7–3–17; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES
Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 265—
Conroe, Texas; Authorization of
Production Activity; Bauer
Manufacturing LLC dba NEORig;
(Stationary Oil/Gas Drilling Rigs);
Conroe, Texas
On February 24, 2017, the City of
Conroe, Texas, grantee of FTZ 265,
submitted a notification of proposed
production activity to the FTZ Board on
behalf of Bauer Manufacturing LLC dba
NEORig, within Site 1, in Conroe,
The notification was processed in
accordance with the regulations of the
FTZ Board (15 CFR part 400), including
notice in the Federal Register inviting
public comment (82 FR 12788–12789,
March 7, 2017). On June 26, 2017, the
applicant was notified of the FTZ
Board’s decision that no further review
of the activity is warranted at this time.
The production activity described in the
notification was authorized, subject to
the FTZ Act and the FTZ Board’s
regulations, including Section 400.14.
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Dated: June 29, 2017.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–14051 Filed 7–3–17; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zones Board
‘‘Reading Room’’ section of the FTZ
Board’s Web site, which is accessible
For further information, contact
Elizabeth Whiteman at or (202)
Dated: June 29, 2017.
Elizabeth Whiteman,
Acting Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–14052 Filed 7–3–17; 8:45 am]
Foreign-Trade Zone 29—Louisville,
Kentucky; Application for Subzone
Expansion; Hitachi Automotive
Systems Americas, Inc.; Berea,
An application has been submitted to
the Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) Board by
the Louisville & Jefferson County
Riverport Authority, grantee of FTZ 29,
requesting an expansion of Subzone 29F
on behalf of Hitachi Automotive
Systems Americas, Inc., in Berea,
Kentucky. The application was
submitted pursuant to the provisions of
the Foreign-Trade Zones Act, as
amended (19 U.S.C. 81a–81u), and the
regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR
part 400). It was formally docketed on
June 29, 2017.
The subzone currently consists of the
following sites in Harrodsburg,
Kentucky: Site 1 (50 acres) 955 Warwick
Road; Site 2 (1.56 acres) 601 Robinson
Road; and, Site 3 (1.4 acres) 110 Morgan
Soaper Road.
The applicant is now requesting
authority to include an additional site:
Proposed Site 4 (20 acres), 1150 Mayde
Road, Berea. No additional production
authority is being requested at this time.
As requested, the entire subzone would
be subject to the existing activation limit
of FTZ 29.
In accordance with the FTZ Board’s
regulations, Elizabeth Whiteman of the
FTZ Staff is designated examiner to
review the application and make
recommendations to the Executive
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the FTZ Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is August
14, 2017. Rebuttal comments in
response to material submitted during
the foregoing period may be submitted
during the subsequent 15-day period to
August 29, 2017.
A copy of the application will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
Washington, DC 20230–0002, and in the
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Foreign-Trade Zones Board
Foreign-Trade Zone 283—West
Tennessee Area Application for
Subzone, MTD Consumer Group Inc.,
Martin, Tennessee
An application has been submitted to
the Foreign-Trade Zones Board (the
Board) by the Northwest Tennessee
Regional Port Authority, grantee of FTZ
283, requesting subzone status for the
facility of MTD Consumer Group Inc.
(MTD), located in Martin, Tennessee.
The application was submitted pursuant
to the provisions of the Foreign-Trade
Zones Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a–
81u), and the regulations of the Board
(15 CFR part 400). It was formally
docketed on June 29, 2017.
The proposed subzone (89 acres) is
located at 116, 136 and 181 Industrial
Park Drive, Martin, Tennessee. A
notification of proposed production
activity has been submitted and is being
processed under 15 CFR 400.37 (Doc. B–
41–2017). The proposed subzone would
be subject to the existing activation limit
of FTZ 283.
In accordance with the Board’s
regulations, Kathleen Boyce of the FTZ
Staff is designated examiner to review
the application and make
recommendations to the Executive
Public comment is invited from
interested parties. Submissions shall be
addressed to the Board’s Executive
Secretary at the address below. The
closing period for their receipt is August
14, 2017. Rebuttal comments in
response to material submitted during
the foregoing period may be submitted
during the subsequent 15-day period to
August 29, 2017.
A copy of the application will be
available for public inspection at the
Office of the Executive Secretary,
Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Room
21013, U.S. Department of Commerce,
1401 Constitution Avenue NW.,
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-07-04 |
File Created | 2017-07-04 |