1625-0025 Stat/Authority


Carriage of Bulk Solids Requiring Special Handling -- 46 CFR Part 148

1625-0025 Stat/Authority

OMB: 1625-0025

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§ 147A.25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(g) If ventilation is completed after
the vessel leaves port, the person in
charge of the vessel shall ensure that a
qualified person, who is wearing the
personal protection equipment for the
fumigant that is used if remote detection equipment is not used, tests the
space that is fumigated to determine if
there is a danger to the health and
safety of any person, including a danger from fumigant that may be retained in bagged, baled, or other absorbent cargo. If the qualified person
determines that there is a danger, the
person in charge of the vessel shall
take all measures that are, in his discretion, necessary to ensure the health
and safety of all persons who are on
board the vessel.
§ 147A.25

charge of the vessel, shall ensure that
all warning signs are removed and fumigation containers and materials are
removed and disposed of in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
§ 147A.41 Person in charge of fumigation; flammable fumigants.
(a) The person in charge of fumigation shall ensure that:
(1) Before the space that is to be fumigated is sealed, it is thoroughly
cleaned, and all refuse, oily waste, and
other combustible material is removed;
(2) Before fumigation, all fire fighting equipment, including sprinklers
and fire pumps, is in operating condition; and
(3) Before and during fumigation,
electrical circuits that are in the space
that is fumigated are de-energized.
(b) [Reserved]


(a) No person may enter the spaces
that immediately adjoin the space that
is fumigated during fumigation unless
entry is for emergency purposes or the
space is tested and declared safe for
human occupancy by a marine chemist
or other qualified person and is inspected
§ 147A.21(a)(2)
§ 147A.23(d).
(b) If entry is made for emergency
(1) No person may enter the space
that is fumigated or any adjoining
spaces during fumigation unless he
wears the personal protection equipment for the fumigant that is in use;
(2) No person may enter the space
that is fumigated unless the entry is
made by a two person team; and
(3) No person may enter the space
that is fumigated unless he wears a
lifeline and safety harness and each
life-line is tended by a person who is
outside the space and who is wearing
the personal protection equipment for
the fumigant that is in use.

§ 147A.43 Other sources of ignition;
flammable fumigants.
While the space that is fumigated is
being sealed or during fumigation, no
person may use matches, smoking materials, fires, open flames, or any other
source of ignition in any spaces that
are not determined to be safe for occupancy under § 147A.11(b)(1)(i).

Subpart A—General
148.1 Purpose and applicability.
148.2 Responsibility and compliance.
148.3 Definitions.
148.5 Alternative procedures.
148.7 OMB control numbers assigned under
the Paperwork Reduction Act.
148.8 Incorporation by reference.
148.9 Right of appeal.
148.10 Permitted materials.
148.11 Hazardous or potentially dangerous
148.12 Assignment and certification.

§ 147A.31 Removal of fumigation material and warning signs.
After ventilation is completed and a
marine chemist or other qualified person determines that there is no danger
to the health and safety of any person
under § 147A.21(d) or § 147A.23(g), the
person in charge of fumigation, or, if
the vessel has left port, the person in

Subpart B—Special Permits
148.15 Petition for a special permit.
148.20 Deadlines for submission of petition
and related requests.


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.1

148.21 Necessary information.
148.25 Activities covered by a special permit.
148.26 Standard conditions for special permits.
148.30 Records of special permits issued.

148.250 Direct reduced iron (DRI); hot-molded briquettes.
148.255 Ferrosilicon, aluminum ferrosilicon,
and aluminum silicon containing more
than 30% but less than 90% silicon.
148.260 Ferrous metal.
148.265 Fish meal or fish scrap.
148.270 Hazardous substances.
148.275 Iron oxide, spent; iron sponge, spent.
148.280 Magnesia,
magnesia, calcined magnesite, caustic
calcined magnesite).
148.285 Metal sulfide concentrates.
148.290 Peat moss.
148.295 Petroleum
uncalcined, at 55 °C (131 °F) or above.
148.300 Radioactive materials.
148.310 Seed cake.
148.315 Sulfur.
148.320 Tankage; garbage tankage; rough
ammonia tankage; or tankage fertilizer.
148.325 Wood chips; wood pellets; wood pulp
148.330 Zinc ashes; zinc dross; zinc residues;
zinc skimmings.

Subpart C—Minimum Transportation
148.50 Cargoes subject to this subpart.
148.51 Temperature readings.
148.55 International shipments.
148.60 Shipping papers.
148.61 Emergency response information.
148.62 Location of shipping papers and
emergency response information.
148.70 Dangerous cargo manifest; general.
148.71 Information included in the dangerous cargo manifest.
148.72 Dangerous cargo manifest; exceptions.
148.80 Supervision of cargo transfer.
148.85 Required equipment for confined
148.86 Confined space entry.
148.90 Preparations before loading.
148.100 Log book entries.
148.110 Procedures followed after unloading.
148.115 Report of incidents.

Subpart F—Additional Special

Subpart D—Stowage and Segregation
148.120 Stowage and segregation requirements.
148.125 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 4.1.
148.130 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 4.2.
148.135 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 4.3.
148.140 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 5.1.
148.145 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 7.
148.150 Stowage and segregation for materials of Class 9.
148.155 Stowage and segregation for potentially dangerous materials.

Sources of ignition.
Fire hoses.
Toxic gas analyzers.
Flammable gas analyzers.
Electrical circuits in cargo holds.
Adjacent spaces.
Cargoes subject to liquefaction.

AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1602; E.O. 12234, 45 FR
58801, 3 CFR, 1980 Comp., p. 277; 46 U.S.C. 3306,
5111; 49 U.S.C. 5103; Department of Homeland
Security Delegation No. 0170.1.
SOURCE: 75 FR 64591, Oct. 19, 2010, unless
otherwise noted.

Subpart A—General
§ 148.1 Purpose and applicability.
(a) This part prescribes special handling procedures for certain solid materials that present hazards when transported in bulk by vessel.
(b) Except as noted in paragraph (c)
of this section, this part applies to all
domestic and foreign vessels in the
navigable waters of the United States
that transport bulk solid materials requiring special handling.
(c) This part does not apply to an unmanned barge on a domestic voyage
carrying a Potentially Dangerous Material (PDM) found in Table 148.10 of
this part. All barges on international

Subpart E—Special Requirements for
Certain Materials
148.200 Purpose.
148.205 Ammonium nitrate and ammonium
nitrate fertilizers.
148.220 Ammonium nitrate-phosphate fertilizers.
148.225 Calcined pyrites (pyritic ash, fly
148.227 Calcium nitrate fertilizers.
148.230 Calcium oxide (lime, unslaked).
148.235 Castor beans.
148.240 Coal.
148.242 Copra.
148.245 Direct reduced iron (DRI); lumps,
pellets, and cold-molded briquettes.


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§ 148.2

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
material generally uniform in composition, that is loaded directly into the
cargo spaces of a vessel without any intermediate form of containment.
Bulk Cargo Shipping Name or BCSN
identifies a bulk solid material during
transport by sea. When a cargo is listed
in this Part, the BCSN of the cargo is
identified by Roman type and is listed
in Column 1 of Table 148.10 of this part.
When the cargo is a hazardous material, as defined in 49 CFR part 173, the
proper shipping name of that material
is the BCSN.
Cold-molded briquettes are briquettes
of direct reduced iron (DRI) that have
been molded at a temperature of under
650 °C (1,202 °F) or that have a density
of under 5.0 g/cm3.
Commandant (CG–5223) means the
Chief, Hazardous Materials Standards
Division of the Office of Operating and
States Coast Guard, 2100 2nd St., SW.,
Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593–7126.
CG–5223 can be contacted at 202–372–
1420 or Hazmat@comdt.uscg.mil.
Compartment means any space on a
vessel that is enclosed by the vessel’s
decks and its sides or permanent steel
Competent authority means a national
agency responsible under its national
law for the control or regulation of a
particular aspect of the transportation
of hazardous materials.
Confined space means a cargo hold
containing a material listed in Table
148.10 of this part or an adjacent space
not designed for human occupancy.
Domestic voyage means transportation
between places within the United
States other than through a foreign
Hazard class means the category of
hazard assigned to a material under
this part and 49 CFR parts 171 through

voyages must follow the requirements
for PDM.
(d) The regulations in this part have
preemptive impact over State law on
the same subject. The Coast Guard has
determined, after considering the factors developed by the Supreme Court in
U.S. v. Locke, 529 U.S. 89 (2000), that in
directing the Secretary to regulate the
safe transportation of hazardous material and the safety of individuals and
property on board vessels subject to inspection, as well as the provision of
loading information, Congress intended
to preempt the field of safety standards
for solid materials requiring special
handling when transported in bulk on
§ 148.2 Responsibility and compliance.
Each master of a vessel, person in
charge of a barge, owner, operator,
shipper, charterer, or agent must ensure compliance with this part. These
persons are also responsible for communicating requirements to every person performing any function covered
by this part.
§ 148.3 Definitions.
As used in this part—
A–60 class division means a division as
defined in § 32.57–5 of this chapter.
Adjacent space means any enclosed
space on a vessel, such as a cargo hold,
cargo compartment, accommodation
space, working space, storeroom, passageway, or tunnel, that shares a common bulkhead or deck with a hatch,
door, scuttle, cable fitting or other
penetration, with a cargo hold or compartment containing a material listed
in Table 148.10 of this part.
Away from means a horizontal separation of at least 3 meters (10 feet) projected vertically is maintained between
incompatible materials carried in the
same hold or on deck.
Bulk applies to any solid material,
consisting of a combination of particles, granules, or any larger pieces of


(49 CFR)

Class No.

Division No. (if any)


1 ...................
2 ...................

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
2.1, 2.2, 2.3 ......................

3 ...................


Explosives ........................................................................................
Flammable Gas, Non-Flammable Compressed Gas, Poisonous
Flammable and Combustible Liquid ................................................

§ 173.50
§ 173.115
§ 173.120


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§ 148.3

(49 CFR)

Class No.

Division No. (if any)


4 ...................

4.1, 4.2, 4.3 ......................


5.1 ....................................
5.2 ....................................
6.1 ....................................
6.2 ....................................

Flammable Solid, Spontaneously Combustible Material, Dangerous When Wet Material.
Oxidizer ............................................................................................
Organic Peroxide .............................................................................
Poisonous Materials .........................................................................
Infectious Substance ........................................................................
Radioactive Material .........................................................................
Corrosive Material ............................................................................
Miscellaneous Hazardous Material ..................................................


Hazardous substance is a hazardous
substance as defined in 49 CFR 171.8.
Hold means a compartment below
deck that is used exclusively for the
stowage of cargo.
Hot-molded briquettes are briquettes of
DRI that have been molded at a temperature of 650 °C (1,202 °F) or higher,
and that have a density of 5.0 g/cm3 (312
lb/ft3) or greater.
IMSBC Code means the English
version of the ‘‘International Maritime
Solid Bulk Cargoes Code’’ published by
the International Maritime Organization (incorporated by reference, see
§ 148.8).
Incompatible materials means two materials whose stowage together may result in undue hazards in the case of
leakage, spillage, or other accident.
International voyage means voyages—
(1) Between any place in the United
States and any place in a foreign country;
(2) Between places in the United
States through a foreign country; or
(3) Between places in one or more foreign countries through the United
Lower flammability limit or LFL means
the lowest concentration of a material
or gas that will propagate a flame. The
LFL is usually expressed as a percent
by volume of a material or gas in air.
Master means the officer having command of a vessel. The functions assigned to the master in this part may
also be performed by a representative
of the master or by a person in charge
of a barge.
Material safety data sheet or MSDS is
as defined in 29 CFR 1910.1200.
Person in charge of a barge means an
individual designated by the owner or

§ 173.124
§ 173.127
§ 173.128
§ 173.132
§ 173.134
§ 173.403
§ 173.136
§ 173.140

operator of a barge to have charge of
the barge.
Potentially Dangerous Material or
PDM means a material that does not
fall into a particular hazard class but
can present a danger when carried in
bulk aboard a vessel. The dangers often
result from the material’s tendency to
self-heat or cause oxygen depletion.
Materials that present a potential danger due solely to their tendency to
shift in the cargo hold are not PDMs.
For international shipments prepared
in accordance with the IMSBC Code
(incorporated by reference, see § 148.8),
equivalent terminology to PDM is Material Hazardous only in Bulk (MHB).
Readily combustible material means a
material that may not be a hazardous
material but that can easily ignite and
support combustion. Examples are
wood, straw, vegetable fibers, and products made from these materials, and
coal lubricants and oils. The term does
not include packaging material or
Reportable quantity or RQ means the
quantity of a hazardous substance
spilled or released that requires a report to the National Response Center.
The specific RQs for each hazardous
substance are available in 49 CFR
172.101, Appendix A.
Responsible person means a knowledgeable person who the master of a
vessel or owner or operator of a barge
makes responsible for all decisions relating to his or her specific task.
Seed cake means the residue remaining after vegetable oil has been extracted by a solvent or mechanical
process from oil-bearing seeds, such as
coconuts, cotton seed, peanuts, and linseed.


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§ 148.5

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Shipper means any person by whom,
or in whose name, or on whose behalf,
a contract of carriage of goods by sea
has been concluded with a carrier; or
any person by whom or in whose name,
or on whose behalf, the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation
to the contract of carriage by sea.
Shipping paper means a shipping
order, bill of lading, manifest, or other
shipping document serving a similar
Stowage factor means the volume in
cubic meters of 1,000 kilograms (0.984
long tons) of a bulk solid material.
Threshold limit value or TLV means
the time-weighted average concentration of a material that the average
worker can be exposed to over a normal
eight-hour working day, day after day,
without adverse effect. This is a trademark term of the American Conference
of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Transported includes the various operations associated with cargo transportation, such as loading, off-loading,
handling, stowing, carrying, and conveying.
Trimming means any leveling of a
cargo within a cargo hold or compartment, either partial or total.
Tripartite agreement means an agreement between the national administrations of the port of loading, the port of
discharge, and the flag state of the vessel, on the conditions of carriage of a
Ventilation means exchange of air
from outside to inside a cargo space
and includes the following types:
(1) Continuous ventilation means ventilation that is operating at all times.
Continuous ventilation may be either
natural or mechanical;
(2) Mechanical ventilation means
power-generated ventilation;
(3) Natural ventilation means ventilation that is not power-generated; and
(4) Surface ventilation means ventilation of the space above the cargo. Surface ventilation may be either natural
or mechanical.
Vessel means a cargo ship or barge.

IMSBC Code (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8), in place of any requirement of this part if it is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the
Coast Guard that the requirement is
impracticable or unnecessary and that
an equivalent level of safety can be
(b) Each request for authorization of
an alternative procedure must—
(1) Be in writing;
(2) Name the requirement for which
the alternative is requested; and
(3) Contain a detailed explanation
(i) Why the requirement is impractical or unnecessary; and
(ii) How an equivalent level of safety
will be maintained.
§ 148.7 OMB control numbers assigned
under the Paperwork Reduction
The information collection requirements in this part are approved by the
Office of Management and Budget, and
assigned OMB control number 1625–
§ 148.8 Incorporation by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated
by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal
Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at
NARA, call 202–741–6030 or go to http://
ibrllocations.html. Also, it is available
for inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard
Hazardous Materials Standards Division (CG–5223), 2100 2nd St., SW., Stop
7126, Washington, DC 20593–7126, and is
available from the sources listed below.
(b) International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment,
London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom, +44
(0)20 7735 7611, http://www.imo.org.
(1) International Maritime Solid
Bulk Cargoes Code and Supplement,

§ 148.5 Alternative procedures.
(a) The Commandant (CG–5223) may
authorize the use of an alternative procedure, including exemptions to the


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.10

(a) A material listed in Table 148.10 of
this section may be transported as a
bulk solid cargo on a vessel if it is carried according to this part. A material
that is not listed in Table 148.10 of this
section, but which is hazardous or a
(PDM), requires a Special Permit under
§ 148.15 of this part to be transported on
the navigable waters of the United
(b) For each listed material, Table
148.10 identifies the hazard class and
gives the BCSN or directs the user to
the preferred BCSN. In addition, the
table lists specific hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics associated with each material and specifies
or references detailed special requirements in this part pertaining to the
stowage or transport of specific bulk
solid materials. The column descriptions for Table 148.10 are defined as follows:

(1) Column 1: Bulk Solid Material Descriptions and Bulk Cargo Shipping
Names (BCSN). Column 1 lists the bulk
solid material descriptions and the
BCSNs of materials designated as hazardous or PDM. BCSNs are limited to
those shown in Roman type. Trade
names and additional descriptive text
are shown in italics.
(2) Column 2: I.D. Number. Column 2
lists the identification number assigned to each BCSN associated with a
hazardous material. Those preceded by
the letters ‘‘UN’’ are associated with
BCSNs considered appropriate for
international voyages as well as domestic voyages. Those preceded by the
letters ‘‘NA’’ are associated with
BCSNs not recognized for international
voyages, except to and from Canada.
(3) Column 3: Hazard Class or Division.
Column 3 designates the hazard class
or division, or PDM, as appropriate,
corresponding to each BCSN.
(4) Column 4: References. Column 4 refers the user to the preferred BCSN
corresponding to bulk solid material
descriptions listed in Column 1.
(5) Column 5: Hazardous or Potentially
Dangerous Characteristics. Column 5
specifies codes for hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics applicable to specific hazardous materials
or PDMs. Refer to § 148.11 of this part
for the meaning of each code.
(6) Column 6: Other Characteristics.
Column 6 contains other pertinent
characteristics applicable to specific
bulk solid materials listed in Column 1.
(7) Column 7: Special Requirements.
Column 7 specifies the applicable sections of Part 148 of this chapter that
contain detailed special requirements
pertaining to stowage and/or transportation of specific bulk solid materials
in this part. This column is completed
in a manner which indicates that
‘‘§ 148.’’ precedes the designated numerical entry.
(c) The following requirements apply
to combinations of bulk solids carried
at the same time and in the same compartment or hold:

Combinations of bulk solid materials


(1) Material listed in Table 148.10 carried with any other nonhazardous bulk solid material.
(2) Material carried under Special Permit with any non-hazardous bulk solid material.

Requirements specified in Table 148.10 for the listed material.

2009 edition (‘‘IMSBC Code’’), incorporation by reference, excluding supplemental materials, approved for §§ 148.3;
148.5(a); 148.15(d); 148.55(b); 148.205(b);
148.220(b) and (c); 148.240(h); 148.450(a),
(d), and (g).
(2) [Reserved]
(c) United Nations Publications, 2
United Nations Plaza, Room DC2–853,
Dept. C089, New York, NY 10017, (800)
253–9646, http://unp.un.org.
(1) Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of
Tests and Criteria, Fifth revised edition (2009) (‘‘UN Manual of Tests and
Criteria’’), incorporation by reference
approved for §§ 148.205(b); 148.220(b) and
(2) [Reserved]
§ 148.9

Right of appeal.

Any person directly affected by enforcement of this part by or on behalf
of the Coast Guard may appeal the decision or action under Subpart 1.03 of
this chapter.
§ 148.10

Permitted materials.

Requirements specified in the Special Permit.


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§ 148.10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
Combinations of bulk solid materials


(3) Two or more materials listed in Table 148.10 .......................

Must apply for a Special Permit.

(d) An owner, agent, master, operator, or person in charge of a vessel or
barge carrying materials listed in
Table 148.10 of this section must follow

the requirements contained in 46 CFR
part 4 for providing notice and reporting of marine casualties and retaining
voyage records.

Bulk solid material descriptions and bulk cargo
shipping names

I.D. No.

class or


Hazardous or potentially dangerous
characteristics (see
§ 148.11)

Other characteristics

(§ 148.* * *)








Aluminum Ferrosilicon


4.3, 6.1


2, 3

Aluminum Nitrate ............





Aluminum Silicon Powder, Uncoated.




2, 3

Aluminum Smelting Byproducts or Aluminum
Re-melting Byproducts.




1, 2, 3

Ammonium Nitrate ..........




5, 27

Includes aluminum
dross, residues,
spent cathodes,
spent potliner,
and skimmings.

Ammonium Nitrate Based




5, 27


Ammonium Nitrate Based
Barium Nitrate .................
Brown Coal Briquettes ....






5.1, 6.1


4, 7
11, 12, 14, 25

Nitrogen, Phosphate, or Potash.

Calcium fluoride ..............





See Lime,




11, 12, 13, 14, 25


11, 12
1, 2, 12

Dry .........................
Hot-molded briquettes.

Calcium Nitrate ...............



Calcium Oxide .................



Castor Beans ..................
Charcoal ..........................



Chili Saltpeter ..................



Chilean Natural Nitrate ...



Coal .................................



See Sodium Nitrate.
See Sodium Nitrate.

Copra ..............................
Direct reduced iron (A)
with not more than 5%





1, 11, 12

Fine powder or briquettes.

Colorless or white

135, 255,
405(b), 407,
415(a) & (e),
420(b), 445
135, 255,
405(b), 407
415(a) & (e),
420(b), 445
135, 405(b),
420(b), 445

140, 205,
405(a), 407,
140, 205,
405(a), 407,
140, 220,
405(a), 407
155, 240,
405(b), 407,
415(b), 420(a),


White crystals or

140, 227

Whole beans .........
Screenings, briquettes.

150, 235


155, 240,
405(b), 407,
415(b), 420(a)
& (c), 445, 450
130, 242
155, 250,


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.10

Bulk solid material descriptions and bulk cargo
shipping names

I.D. No.

class or


Hazardous or potentially dangerous
characteristics (see
§ 148.11)

Other characteristics

(§ 148.* * *)








Direct reduced iron (B)
with not more than 5%
Environmentally Hazardous Substances,
Solid, n.o.s..




1, 2, 12



Ferrophosphorous ...........



listed in
40 CFR
part 302.


4.3, 6.1

Ferrosilicon with 25%–
30% silicon or 90% or
more silicon.


Ferrous Sulfate ...............


Lumps, pellets, and
cold-molded briquettes.

155, 245,
405(b), 407,
420(b), 445
150, 270

2, 3

Including briquettes


2, 3






155, 415(e),
135, 255,
405(b), 407,
415(a) & (e),
420(b), 445
155, 255,
405(b), 407,
415 (a) & (e),
420(b), 445






See Environmentally

11, 12


130, 260




11, 12

150, 265

Fluorospar .......................




8, 24

Ground and
pelletized (mixture), anti-oxidant

Garbage Tankage ...........



See Tankage.



Iron Swarf ........................





Lead Nitrate ....................
Lignite ..............................


5.1, 6.1

4, 7, 22, 26


Lime, Unslaked ...............
Linted Cotton Seed containing not more than
9% moisture and not
more than 20.5% oil.
Magnesia, Unslaked .......



See Ferrous
Turnings, or
See Brown
Coal Briquettes.



Magnesium Nitrate ..........



Ferrosilicon with 30–90%

Ferrous Metal Borings,
Shavings, Turnings, or
Fish Meal Stabilized or
Fish Scrap, Stabilized.

Iron Oxide, Spent or Iron
Sponge, Spent.


155, 440(a),


3, 11, 12, 14


130, 275,
415(c), (d) &
(f), 445


140, 270

11, 12


155, 230



155, 280



Lightburned magnesia, calcined


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§ 148.10

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Bulk solid material descriptions and bulk cargo
shipping names

I.D. No.

class or


Hazardous or potentially dangerous
characteristics (see
§ 148.11)

Other characteristics

(§ 148.* * *)








Solid, finely divided
sulfide concentrates of copper, iron, lead,
nickel, zinc, or
other metalliferous ores.
Fine to coarse fibrous structure.

155, 285, 450

Metal Sulfide Concentrates.




8, 11, 12, 22, 24

Peat Moss with moisture
content of more than
65% by weight.
Pencil Pitch .....................




8, 12, 13, 14, 24



See Pitch



155, 295

See Pitch
See Pyrites,
See Lime,

14, 16



Fly ash ...................

155, 225, 450


Petroleum Coke calcined
or uncalcined at > 55
°C (131 °F).
Pitch Prill .........................
Potassium Nitrate ............
Prilled Coal Tar ...............





Pyrites, Calcined .............
Pyritic ash .......................



Quicklime ........................



Radioactive Material .......
Radioactive Material .......



Rough Ammonia Tankage.
Saltpeter ..........................





Sawdust ..........................



See Tankage.
See Potassium Nitrate.

Seed Cake ......................




12, 19

Seed Cake ......................
Silicomanganese with silicon content of 25% or




12, 19
2, 3, 12

Sodium Nitrate ................
Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate Mixture.
Steel Swarf ......................








Sulfur ...............................



See Ferrous
Turnings, or

8, 9, 24




12, 18

14, 20

155, 290, 450




Low specific activity
Surface contaminated objects.

145, 300
145, 300


Mechanically expelled or solvent
Solvent extractions
With known hazard
profile or known
to evolve gases.
Mixtures prepared
as fertilizer.

Lumps or coarsegrained powder.

155, 405(a),
130, 310

130, 310
155, 405(b),
407, 415(a) &
(d), 420(b),

125, 315,
405(a), 407,


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.11

Bulk solid material descriptions and bulk cargo
shipping names

I.D. No.

class or


Hazardous or potentially dangerous
characteristics (see
§ 148.11)

Sulfur ...............................




14, 20

Tankage ..........................
Tankage Fertilizer ...........



Vanadium Ore .................
Wood chips, Wood Pellets, Wood Pulp Pellets.
Zinc Ashes ......................



See Tankage.





6 ......
7 ......
8 ......
9 ......
10 ....






(§ 148.* * *)
125, 315,
405(a), 407,


Not subject to the
requirements of
this subchapter
when formed into
specific shapes
(i.e., prills, granules, pellets,
pastiles, or



155, 325

2, 3, 23

Includes zinc dross,
residues, and

135, 330,
405(b), 407,
420(b), 435,

155, 320

PDM, the meaning of that code is set
forth in this section.
(b) Table of Hazardous or Potentially
Dangerous Characteristics.

§ 148.11 Hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristics.
(a) General. When Column 5 refers to
a code for a hazardous material or


Other characteristics

Hazardous or potentially dangerous characteristic
Contact with water may cause heating.
Contact with water may cause evolution of flammable gases, which may form explosive mixtures with air.
Contact with water may cause evolution of toxic gases.
If involved in a fire, will greatly intensify the burning of combustible materials.
A major fire aboard a vessel carrying this material may involve a risk of explosion in the event of contamination (e.g., by
a fuel oil) or strong confinement. If heated strongly will decompose, giving off toxic gases that support combustion.
These mixtures may be subject to self-sustaining decomposition if heated. Decomposition, once initiated, may spread
throughout the remainder, producing gases that are toxic.
Toxic if swallowed and by dust inhalation.
Harmful and irritating by dust inhalation.
Highly corrosive to steel.
Powerful allergen. Toxic by ingestion. Skin contact or inhalation of dust may cause severe irritation of skin, eyes, and
mucous membranes in some people.
May be susceptible to spontaneous heating and ignition.
Liable to cause oxygen depletion in the cargo space.
Liable to emit methane gas which can form explosive mixtures with air.
Dust forms explosive mixtures with air.
May present substantial danger to the public health or welfare or the environment when released into the environment.
Skin contact and dust inhalation should be avoided.
Combustible. Burns with dense black smoke. Dust may cause skin and eye irritation.
Radiation hazard from dust inhalation and contact with mucous membranes.
Susceptible to fire from sparks and open flames.
May self-heat slowly and, if wet or containing an excessive proportion of unoxidized oil, ignite spontaneously.
Fire may produce irritating or poisonous gases.
Dust may contain toxic constituents.
Lead nitrate and lead sulfide are hazardous substances; see code 15 of this table and § 148.270.
Hazardous substance when consisting of pieces having a diameter less than 100 micrometers (0.004 in.); see code 15
of this table and § 148.270.
Cargo subject to liquefaction.
Subject to liquefaction if average particle size of cargo is less than 10 mm (.394 in.).
This entry is considered a Marine Pollutant in accordance with 49 CFR 172.101 Appendix B.
This entry is considered a certain dangerous cargo in accordance with 33 CFR 160.204.


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§ 148.12
§ 148.12

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
quests for extension or renewal of an
existing special permit must be submitted 20 days before the date of expiration.
(b) Requests for extension or renewal
must include the information required
under § 148.21(a), (f), and (g) of this part.

Assignment and certification.

(a) The National Cargo Bureau is authorized to assist the Coast Guard in
administering the provisions of this
part by—
(1) Inspecting vessels for suitability
for loading solid materials in bulk;
(2) Examining stowage of solid materials loaded in bulk on board vessels;
(3) Making recommendations on
stowage requirements applicable to the
transportation of solid materials in
bulk; and
(4) Issuing certificates of loading that
verify stowage of the solid material in
bulk meets requirements of this part.
(b) Certificates of loading from the
National Cargo Bureau are accepted as
evidence of compliance with bulk solid
transport regulations.

§ 148.21

Each petition for a special permit
must contain at least the following:
(a) A description of the material, including, if a hazardous material—
(1) The proper shipping name from
the table in 49 CFR 172.101;
(2) The hazard class and division of
the material; and
(3) The identification number of the
(b) A material safety data sheet
(MSDS) for the material or—
(1) The chemical name and any trade
names or common names of the material;
(2) The composition of the material,
including the weight percent of each
(3) Physical data, including color,
odor, appearance, melting point, and
(4) Fire and explosion data, including
auto-ignition temperature, any unusual fire or explosion hazards, and any
special fire fighting procedures;
(5) Health hazards, including any
dust inhalation hazards and any chronic health effects;
(6) The threshold limit value (TLV)
of the material or its major constituents, if available, and any relevant toxicity data;
(7) Reactivity data, including any
hazardous decomposition products and
any incompatible materials; and
(8) Special protection information,
including ventilation requirements and
personal protection equipment required.
(c) Other potentially dangerous characteristics of the material not covered
by paragraph (b) of this section, including—
(1) Self-heating;
(2) Depletion of oxygen in the cargo
(3) Dust explosion; and
(4) Liquefaction.

Subpart B—Special Permits
§ 148.15

Necessary information.

Petition for a special permit.

(a) Each shipper who wishes to ship a
bulk solid material not listed in Table
148.10 of this part must determine
whether the material meets the definition of any hazard class, or the definition of a PDM, as those terms are defined in § 148.3 of this part.
(b) If the material meets any of the
definitions described in paragraph (a)
of this section, the shipper then must
submit a petition in writing to the
Commandant (CG–5223) for authorization to ship any hazardous material or
PDM not listed in Table 148.10 of this
(c) If the Commandant (CG–5223) approves a petition for authorization, the
Commandant (CG–5223) issues the petitioner a Coast Guard special permit.
The permit allows the material to be
transported in bulk by vessel and outlines requirements for this transport.
(d) A tripartite agreement developed
in conjunction with the United States
and in accordance with the IMSBC
Code (incorporated by reference, see
§ 148.8) may be used in lieu of a special
§ 148.20 Deadlines for submission of
petition and related requests.
(a) A petition for a special permit
must be submitted at least 45 days before the requested effective date. Re-


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§ 148.55

(d) A detailed description of the proposed transportation operation, including—
(1) The type of vessel proposed for
water movements;
(2) The expected loading and discharge ports, if known;
(3) Procedures to be used for loading
and unloading the material;
(4) Precautions to be taken when
handling the material; and
(5) The expected temperature of the
material at the time it will be loaded
on the vessel.
(e) Test results (if required under
Subpart E of this part).
(f) Previous approvals or permits.
(g) Any relevant shipping or accident
experience (or any other relevant
transportation history by any mode of

(d) The person in charge of a barge
transporting any special permit material must ensure that a copy of the special permit is on board the tug or towing vessel. When the barge is moored,
the special permit must be kept on the
barge with the shipping papers as prescribed in § 148.62 of this part.
§ 148.30 Records of special permits
A list of all special permits issued,
and copies of each, are available from
the Commandant (CG–5223).

Subpart C—Minimum
Transportation Requirements
§ 148.50 Cargoes subject to this subpart.
The regulations in this subpart apply
to each bulk shipment of—
(a) A material listed in Table 148.10 of
this part; and
(b) Any solid material shipped under
the terms of a Coast Guard special permit.

§ 148.25 Activities covered by a special
(a) Each special permit covers any
shipment of the permitted material by
the shipper and also covers for each
(1) Each transfer operation;
(2) Each vessel involved in the shipment; and
(3) Each individual involved in any
cargo handling operation.
(b) Each special permit is valid for a
period determined by the Commandant
(CG–5223) and specified in the special
permit. The period will not exceed 4
years and is subject to suspension or
revocation before its expiration date.

§ 148.51 Temperature readings.
When Subpart D of this part sets a
temperature limit for loading or transporting a material, apply the following
(a) The temperature of the material
must be measured 20 to 36 centimeters
(8 to 14 inches) below the surface at 3
meter (10 foot) intervals over the
length and width of the stockpile or
cargo hold.
(b) The temperature must be measured at every spot in the stockpile or
cargo hold that shows evidence of heating.
(c) Before loading or transporting the
material, all temperatures measured
must be below the temperature limit
set in Subpart D of this part.

§ 148.26 Standard conditions for special permits.
(a) Each special permit holder must
comply with all the requirements of
this part unless specifically exempted
by the terms of the special permit.
(b) Each special permit holder must
provide a copy of the special permit
and the information required in § 148.60
of this part to the master or person in
charge of each vessel carrying the material.
(c) The master of a vessel transporting a special permit material must
ensure that a copy of the special permit is on board the vessel. The special
permit must be kept with the dangerous cargo manifest if such a manifest is required by § 148.70 of this part.

§ 148.55 International shipments.
(a) Importer’s responsibility. Each person importing any bulk solid material
requiring special handling into the
United States must provide the shipper
and the forwarding agent at the place
of entry into the United States with
timely and complete information as to
the requirements of this part that will
apply to the shipment of the material
within the United States.


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§ 148.60

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(b) IMSBC Code. Notwithstanding the
provisions of this part, a bulk solid material that is classed, described,
stowed, and segregated in accordance
with the IMSBC Code (incorporated by
reference, see § 148.8), and otherwise
conforms to the requirements of this
section, may be offered and accepted
for transportation and transported
within the United States. The following conditions and limitations
(1) A bulk solid material that is listed in Table 148.10 of this part, but is
not subject to the requirements of the
IMSBC Code, may not be transported
under the provisions of this section and
is subject to the requirements of this
part. Examples of such materials include environmentally hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s.
(2) Zinc Ashes must conform to the
requirements found in § 148.330 of this
(3) Exemptions granted by other competent authorities in accordance with
the IMSBC Code must be approved by
the Commandant (CG–5223) in accordance with § 148.5 of this part.
(4) Tripartite agreements granted by
other competent authorities in accordance with the IMSBC Code must be authorized for use in the United States by
the Commandant (CG–5223).

(h) A certificate on the moisture content of the cargo and its transportable
moisture limit for cargoes that are
subject to liquefaction;
(i) Likelihood of formation of a wet
(j) Toxic or flammable gases that
may be generated by the cargo, if applicable;
(k) Flammability, toxicity, corrosiveness, and propensity to oxygen depletion of the cargo, if applicable;
(l) Self-heating properties of the
cargo, if applicable;
(m) Properties on emission of flammable gases in contact with water, if
(n) Radioactive properties, if applicable;
(o) The name and address of the U.S.
shipper (consignor) or, if the shipment
originates in a foreign country, the
U.S. consignee.
(p) A certification, signed by the
shipper, that bears the following statement: ‘‘This is to certify that the
above named material is properly
named, prepared, and otherwise in
proper condition for bulk shipment by
vessel in accordance with the applicable regulations of the U.S. Coast
§ 148.61 Emergency response information.

§ 148.60 Shipping papers.
The shipper of a material listed in
Table 148.10 of this part must provide
the master or his representative with
appropriate information on the cargo
in the form of a shipping paper, in
English, prior to loading. Information
on the shipping paper must include the
(a) The appropriate BCSN. Secondary
names may be used in addition to the
(b) The identification number, if applicable;
(c) The hazard class of the material
as listed in Table 148.10 of this part or
on the Special Permit for the material;
(d) The total quantity of the material
to be transported;
(e) The stowage factor;
(f) The need for trimming and the
trimming procedures, as necessary;
(g) The likelihood of shifting, including angle of repose, if applicable;

The shipper of a material listed in
Table 148.10 of this part must provide
the master or his representative with
appropriate emergency response information. This information may be included on the shipping papers or in a
separate document such as a material
safety data sheet (MSDS). The information must include preliminary first
aid measures and emergency procedures to be carried out in the event of
an incident or fire involving the cargo.
§ 148.62 Location of shipping papers
and emergency response information.
(a) The shipping paper and emergency response information required by
§§ 148.60 and 148.61 of this part must be
kept on board the vessel along with the
dangerous cargo manifest required by
§ 148.70 of this part. When the shipment


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§ 148.86

is by unmanned barge the shipping papers and emergency response information must be kept on the tug or towing
vessel. When an unmanned barge is
moored, the shipping paper and emergency response information must be on
board the barge in a readily retrievable
(b) Any written certification or
statement from the shipper to the master of a vessel or to the person in
charge of a barge must be on, or attached to, the shipping paper. See Subparts E and F of this part for required

(2) Shipments of materials designated as potentially dangerous materials in Table 148.10 of this part.
(b) When a dangerous cargo manifest
is required for an unmanned barge on
an international voyage, § 148.71(d) of
this part does not apply, unless the
barge has more than one cargo compartment.

§ 148.70 Dangerous


§ 148.85 Required equipment for confined spaces.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section and in § 148.72 of this
part, each vessel transporting materials listed in Table 148.10 of this part
must have a dangerous cargo manifest
on board.
(b) This document must be kept in a
designated holder on or near the vessel’s bridge. When required for an unmanned barge, the document must be
on board the tug or towing vessel.

When transporting a material that is
listed in Table 148.10 of this part, each
vessel, other than an unmanned barge,
must have on board the following:
(a) Equipment capable of measuring
atmospheric oxygen. At least two
members of the crew must be knowledgeable in the use of the equipment,
which must be maintained in a condition ready for use and calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
(b) At least two self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air breathing apparatus approved by the Mine Safety and
Health Administration (MSHA) or the
National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30-minute air supply.
Each foreign flag vessel must have on
board at least two such apparatus that
are approved by the flag state administration. The master must ensure that
the breathing apparatus is used only by
persons trained in its use.


§ 148.80

Supervision of cargo transfer.

The master must ensure that cargo
transfer operations are supervised by a
responsible person as defined in § 148.3
of this part.

§ 148.71 Information included in the
dangerous cargo manifest.
The dangerous cargo manifest must
include the following:
(a) The name and official number of
the vessel. If the vessel has no official
number, the international radio call
sign must be substituted;
(b) The nationality of the vessel;
(c) The name of the material as listed
in Table 148.10 of this part;
(d) The hold or cargo compartment in
which the material is being transported;
(e) The quantity of material loaded
in each hold or cargo compartment;
(f) The signature of the master acknowledging that the manifest is correct, and the date of the signature.

§ 148.86

Confined space entry.

(a) Except in an emergency, no person may enter a confined space unless
that space has been tested to ensure
there is sufficient oxygen to support
life. If the oxygen content is below 19.5
percent, the space must be ventilated
and retested before entry.
(b) In an emergency, a confined space
may be entered by a trained person
wearing self-contained breathing apparatus, suitable protective clothing as
necessary, and a wire rope safety line
tended by a trained person outside the

§ 148.72 Dangerous cargo manifest; exceptions.
(a) No dangerous cargo manifest is
required for—
(1) Shipments by unmanned barge,
except on an international voyage; and


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§ 148.90

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

hold or in an adjacent space. Emergency entry into a confined space must
be supervised by a responsible person
as defined in § 148.3 of this part.

part, the master must notify the nearest Captain of the Port as soon as possible and comply with any instructions
(b) Any incident or casualty occurring while transporting a material covered by this part must also be reported
as required under 49 CFR 171.15, if applicable. A copy of the written report
required under 49 CFR 171.16 must also
be sent to the Commandant (CG–5223),
U.S. Coast Guard, 2100 2nd St., SW.,
Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593–7126,
at the earliest practicable moment.
(c) Any release to the environment of
a hazardous substance in a quantity
equal to or in excess of its reportable
quantity (RQ) must be reported immediately to the National Response Center at (800) 424–8802 (toll free) or (202)

§ 148.90 Preparations before loading.
Before loading any material listed in
Table 148.10 of this part, in bulk on
board a vessel, the following conditions
must be met:
(a) If a hold previously has contained
any material required under Subpart D
of this part to be segregated from the
material to be loaded, the hold must be
thoroughly cleaned of all residue of the
previous cargoes.
(b) If the material to be loaded is
Class 4.1, 4.2, or 5.1, then all combustible materials must be removed from
the hold. Examples of some combustible materials are residue of previous
cargoes, loose debris, and dunnage.
Permanent wooden battens or sheathing may remain in the hold unless forbidden by Subpart E of this part.
(c) If the material to be loaded is
classified as Class 4.3, or is subject to
liquefaction, the hold and associated
bilge must be as dry as practicable.

Subpart D—Stowage and
§ 148.120 Stowage and segregation requirements.
(a) Each material listed in Table
148.10 of this part must be segregated
from incompatible materials in accordance with—
(1) The requirements of Tables
148.120A and 148.120B of this section
that pertain to the primary or subsidiary hazard class to which the materials belong. Whenever a subsidiary
hazard may exist, the most stringent
segregation requirement applies; and
(2) Any specific requirements in Subpart D of this part.
(b) Materials that are required to be
separated during stowage must not be
handled at the same time. Any residue
from a material must be removed before a material required to be separated from it is loaded.
(c) Definitions and application of segregation terms:
(1) ‘‘Separated from’’ means located in
different cargo compartments or holds
when stowed under deck. If the intervening deck is resistant to fire and liquid, a vertical separation, i.e., in different cargo compartments, is acceptable as equivalent to this segregation.
(2) ‘‘Separated by a complete cargo compartment or hold from’’ means either a
vertical or horizontal separation, for

§ 148.100 Log book entries.
During the transport in bulk of a material listed in Table 148.10 of this part,
the master must keep a record of each
temperature measurement and each
test for toxic or flammable gases required by this part. The date and time
of each measurement and test must be
recorded in the vessel’s log.
§ 148.110 Procedures followed after
(a) After a material covered by this
part has been unloaded from a vessel,
each hold or cargo compartment must
be thoroughly cleaned of all residue of
such material unless the hold is to be
reloaded with that same cargo.
(b) When on U.S. territorial seas or
inland waters, cargo associated wastes,
cargo residue, and deck sweepings must
be retained on the vessel and disposed
of in accordance with 33 CFR parts
151.51 through 151.77.
§ 148.115 Report of incidents.
(a) When a fire or other hazardous
condition occurs on a vessel transporting a material covered by this


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§ 148.125
(3) ‘‘Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete cargo compartment or
hold from’’ means that vertical separation alone does not meet this requirement.

example, by a complete cargo compartment or hold. If the intervening decks
are not resistant to fire and liquid,
only horizontal separation is acceptable.

Bulk solid materials









Flammable solid ....................................
Spontaneously combustible material ....
Dangerous when wet material ..............
Oxidizer .................................................
Poisonous material ...............................
Radioactive material .............................
Corrosive material .................................
Miscellaneous hazardous material and
potential dangerous material .............



















Numbers and symbols indicate the following terms as defined in § 148.3 of this part:
2—‘‘Separated from’’.
3—‘‘Separated by a complete hold or compartment from’’.
X—No segregation required, except as specified in an applicable section of this subpart or Subpart E of this part.

Bulk solid material
Packaged hazardous material
Explosives .............................................

Explosives .............................................
Explosives .............................................
Flammable gas .....................................
Non-flammable compressed gas ..........
Poisonous gas ......................................
Flammable liquid ...................................
Flammable solid ....................................
Spontaneously combustible material ....
Dangerous when wet material ..............
Oxidizer .................................................
Organic peroxide ...................................
Poisonous material ...............................
Infectious substance .............................
Radioactive material .............................
Corrosive material .................................
Miscellaneous hazardous material .......



































Numbers and symbols indicate the following terms as defined in § 148.3 of this part:
1—‘‘Away from’’.
2—‘‘Separated from’’.
3—‘‘Separated by a complete hold or compartment from’’.
4—‘‘Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from’’.
X—No segregation required, except as specified in an applicable section of this subpart or Subpart E of this part.

(4) Be stowed clear of sources of heat
and ignition and protected from sparks
and open flame.
(b) Bulkheads between a hold containing a Class 4.1 material and incompatible materials must have cable and
conduit penetrations sealed against the
passage of gas and vapor.

§ 148.125 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 4.1.
(a) Class 4.1 materials listed in Table
148.10 of this part must—
(1) Be kept as cool and dry as practical before loading;
(2) Not be loaded or transferred between vessels during periods of rain or
(3) Be stowed separated from foodstuffs; and


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§ 148.130

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
materials are clean and, whenever
practical, only noncombustible securing and protecting materials are used.
(c) Class 5.1 materials must be prevented from entering bilges or other
cargo holds.

§ 148.130 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 4.2.
(a) Class 4.2 materials listed in Table
148.10 of this part must—
(1) Be kept as cool and dry as practical before loading;
(2) Not be loaded or transferred between vessels during periods of rain or
(3) Be stowed clear of sources of heat
and ignition and protected from sparks
and open flame; and
(4) Except for copra and seed cake, be
stowed separate from foodstuffs.
(b) The bulkhead between a hold containing a Class 4.2 material and a hold
containing a material not permitted to
mix with Class 4.2 materials must have
cable and conduit penetrations sealed
against the passage of gas and vapor.

§ 148.145 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 7.
(a) Class 7 material listed in Table
148.10 of this part must be stowed—
(1) Separate from foodstuffs; and
(2) In a hold or barge closed or covered to prevent dispersal of the material during transportation.
(b) [Reserved]
§ 148.150 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 9.
(a) A bulk solid cargo of Class 9 material (miscellaneous hazardous material) listed in Table 148.10 of this part
must be stowed and segregated as required by this section.
(b) Ammonium nitrate fertilizer of
Class 9 must be segregated as required
for Class 5.1 materials in §§ 148.120 and
148.140 of this part and must be
(1) Separated by a complete hold or
compartment from readily combustible
materials, chlorates, hypochlorites,
nitrites, permanganates, and fibrous
materials (e.g., cotton, jute, sisal, etc.);
(2) Clear of all sources of heat, including insulated piping; and
(3) Out of direct contact with metal
engine-room boundaries.
(c) Castor beans must be stowed separate from foodstuffs and Class 5.1 materials.
(d) Fish meal must be stowed and
segregated as required for Class 4.2 materials in §§ 148.120 and 148.130 of this
part. In addition, its temperature at
loading must not exceed 35 °C (95 °F),
or 5 °C (9 °F) above ambient temperature, whichever is higher.
(e) Sulfur must be stowed and segregated as required under §§ 148.120 and
148.125 of this part for a material of
Class 4.1.

§ 148.135 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 4.3.
(a) Class 4.3 materials listed in Table
148.10 of this part which, in contact
with water, emit flammable gases,
(1) Be kept as cool and dry as practical before loading;
(2) Not be loaded or transferred between vessels during periods of rain or
(3) Be stowed separate from foodstuffs and all Class 8 liquids; and
(4) Be stowed in a mechanically ventilated hold. Exhaust gases must not
penetrate into accommodation, work
or control spaces. Unmanned barges
that have adequate natural ventilation
need not have mechanical ventilation.
(b) The bulkhead between a hold containing a Class 4.3 material and incompatible materials must have cable and
conduit penetrations sealed against the
passage of gas and vapor.
§ 148.140 Stowage and segregation for
materials of Class 5.1.
(a) Class 5.1 materials listed in Table
148.10 of this part must—
(1) Be kept as cool and dry as practical before loading;
(2) Be stowed away from all sources
of heat or ignition; and
(3) Be stowed separate from foodstuffs and all readily combustible materials.
(b) Special care must be taken to ensure that holds containing Class 5.1

§ 148.155 Stowage and segregation for
potentially dangerous materials.
(a) A PDM must be stowed and segregated according to the requirements
of this section and Table 148.155 of this


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§ 148.155

(b) When transporting coal—
(1) Coal must be stowed separate
from materials of Class/division 1.4 and
Classes 2, 3, 4, and 5 in packaged form;
and separated from bulk solid materials of Classes 4 and 5.1;
(2) No material of Class 5.1, in either
packaged or bulk solid form, may be
stowed above or below a cargo of coal;
(3) Coal must be separated longitudinally by an intervening complete
cargo compartment or hold from materials of Class 1 other than Class/division 1.4.
(c) When transporting direct reduced
iron (DRI)—
(1) DRI lumps, pellets, or cold-molded
briquettes, and DRI hot-molded bri-

quettes, must be separated from materials of Class/division 1.4, Classes 2, 3, 4,
5, Class 8 acids in packaged form, and
bulk solid materials of Classes 4 and
5.1; and
(2) No material of Class 1, other than
Class/division 1.4, may be transported
on the same vessel with DRI.
(d) Petroleum coke, calcined or
uncalcined, must be—
(1) Separated longitudinally by an intervening complete cargo compartment
or hold from materials of Class/divisions 1.1 and 1.5; and
(2) Separated by a complete cargo
compartment or hold from all hazardous materials and other potentially
dangerous materials in packaged and
bulk solid form.

Potentially dangerous material

as for class
listed 1

from’’ foodstuffs

Load only
under dry

Keep dry


Smelting Byproducts or
Aluminum Remelting Byproducts.
Brown Coal Briquettes.






Class 8 liquids






Charcoal ...........
Coal ..................






Direct reduced
iron (A).






Direct reduced
iron (B).






See paragraph
(b) of this
Oily materials
See paragraph
(b) of this
See paragraph
(c) of this
See paragraph
(c) of this
Class 8 liquids

Ferrolilicon ........
Fluorospar ........
Lime, Unslaked

Linted Cotton

Metal Sulfide
Petroleum Coke
Pitch Prill ..........
Sawdust ............









































‘‘Separate from’’
material listed

Special provisions

See paragraph
(b) of this
See paragraph
(b) of this
See paragraph
(c) of this
See paragraph
(c) of this

Class 8 liquids
Class 8 liquids
All packaged
and bulk solid

All packaged
and bulk solid
Class 8 liquids
See section

All Class 5.1
and 8 liquids.


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§ 148.200

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Potentially dangerous material

as for class
listed 1

from’’ foodstuffs

Load only
under dry

Keep dry


Tankage ...........
Vanadium .........
Wood chips ......
Wood pellets ....
Wood pulp pellets.











1 See

‘‘Separate from’’
material listed

Special provisions

Class 8 liquids

Tables 148.120A and B.

(4) Nitrogen phosphate or nitrogen/
potash type fertilizers or complete nitrogen/phosphate/potash
fertilizers containing more than 70 percent but less than 90 percent of ammonium nitrate and a maximum of 0.4
percent of combustible material.
(b) No material covered by this section may be transported in bulk unless
it demonstrates resistance to detonation when tested by one of the following methods:
(1) Appendix 2, Section 5, of the
IMSBC Code (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8);
(2) Test series 1 and 2 of the Class 1
(explosive) in the UN Manual of Tests
and Criteria, Part I (incorporated by
reference, see § 148.8); or
(3) An equivalent test satisfactory to
the Administration of the country of
(c) Before loading a material covered
by this section—
(1) The shipper must give the master
of the vessel written certification that
the material has met the test requirements of paragraph (b) of this section;
(2) The cargo hold must be inspected
for cleanliness and free from readily
combustible materials;
(3) Each cargo hatch must be weathertight as defined in § 42.13–10 of this
(4) The temperature of the material
must be less than 55 °C (131 °F); and
(5) Each fuel tank under a cargo hold
where the material is stowed must be
pressure tested before loading to ensure that there is no leakage of manholes or piping systems leading
through the cargo hold.

Subpart E—Special Requirements
for Certain Materials
§ 148.200 Purpose.
This subpart prescribes special requirements for specific materials.
These requirements are in addition to
the minimum transportation requirements in Subpart C of this part that
are applicable to all materials listed in
Table 148.10 of this part.
§ 148.205 Ammonium nitrate and ammonium nitrate fertilizers.
(a) This section applies to the stowage and transportation in bulk of ammonium nitrate and the following fertilizers composed of uniform, non-segregating mixtures containing ammonium nitrate:
(1) Ammonium nitrate containing
added organic matter that is chemically inert towards the ammonium nitrate; containing at least 90 percent
ammonium nitrate and a maximum of
0.2 percent of combustible material (including organic material calculated as
carbon); or containing less than 90 percent but more than 70 percent of ammonium nitrate and a maximum of 0.4
percent combustible material;
(2) Ammonium nitrate with calcium
carbonate and/or dolomite, containing
more than 80 percent but less than 90
percent of ammonium nitrate and a
maximum of 0.4 percent of total combustible material;
(3) Ammonium nitrate with ammonium sulfate containing more than 45
percent but a maximum of 70 percent of
ammonium nitrate and containing a
maximum of 0.4 percent of combustible
material; and


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.227

(d) Bunkering or transferring of fuel
to or from the vessel may not be performed during cargo loading and unloading operations involving a material covered by this section.
(e) When a material covered by this
section is transported on a cargo vessel—
(1) No other material may be stowed
in the same hold with that material;
(2) In addition to the segregation requirements in § 148.140 of this part, the
material must be separated by a complete cargo compartment or hold from
readily combustible materials, chlorates,
hypochlorites, nitrites, permanganates,
and fibrous materials; and
(3) The bulkhead between a cargo
hold containing a material covered by
this section and the engine room must
be insulated to ‘‘A–60’’ class division or
an equivalent arrangement to the satisfaction of the cognizant Coast Guard
Captain of the Port or the Administration of the country of shipment.

III, Subsection 38.2 (incorporated by
reference, see § 148.8), it has a self-sustaining decomposition rate that is
greater than 0.25 meters per hour, or is
liable to self-heat sufficient to initiate
(d) Fertilizers covered by this section
must be stowed away from all sources
of heat, and out of direct contact with
a metal engine compartment boundary.
(e) Bunkering or transferring of fuel
may not be performed during loading
and unloading of fertilizer covered by
this section.
(f) Fertilizer covered by this section
must be segregated as prescribed in
§§ 148.140 and 148.220(d) of this part.
§ 148.225 Calcined pyrites (pyritic ash,
fly ash).
(a) This part does not apply to the
shipment of calcined pyrites that are
the residual ash of oil or coal fired
power stations.
(b) This section applies to the stowage and transportation of calcined pyrites that are the residual product of
sulfuric acid production or elemental
metal recovery operations.
(c) Before loading calcined pyrites
covered by this section—
(1) The cargo space must be as clean
and dry as practical;
(2) The calcined pyrites must be dry;
(3) Precautions must be taken to prevent the penetration of calcined pyrites into other cargo spaces, bilges,
wells, and ceiling boards.
(d) After calcined pyrites covered by
this section have been unloaded from a
cargo space, the cargo space must be
thoroughly cleaned. Cargo residues and
sweepings must be disposed of as prescribed in 33 CFR parts 151.55 through

§ 148.220 Ammonium
nitrate-phosphate fertilizers.
(a) This section applies to the stowage and transportation of uniform,
nonsegregating mixtures of nitrogen/
phosphate or nitrogen/potash type fertilizers, or complete fertilizers of nitrogen/phosphate/potash type containing a
maximum of 70 percent of ammonium
nitrate and containing a maximum of
0.4 percent total added combustible
material or containing a maximum of
45 percent ammonium nitrate with unrestricted combustible material.
(b) A fertilizer mixture described in
paragraph (a) of this section is exempt
(1) When tested in accordance with
the trough test prescribed in Appendix
2, Section 4, of the IMSBC Code or in
the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria,
Part III, Subsection 38.2 (incorporated
by reference, see § 148.8), it is found to
be free from the risk of self-sustaining
(2) [Reserved]
(c) No fertilizer covered by this section may be transported in bulk if,
when tested in accordance with the
trough test prescribed in Appendix 2,
Section 4, of the IMSBC Code or in the
UN Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part

§ 148.227

Calcium nitrate fertilizers.

This part does not apply to commercial grades of calcium nitrate fertilizers consisting mainly of a double
salt (calcium nitrate and ammonium
nitrate) and containing a maximum of
15.5 percent nitrogen and at least 12
percent of water.


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§ 148.230

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

§ 148.230 Calcium


(3) The vessel has adequate ventilation as required by paragraph (f) of this
section; and
(4) If the temperature of the coal is
to be monitored under paragraph
(e)(2)(i) of this section, the vessel has
instruments that are capable of measuring the temperature of the cargo in
the range 0°–100 °C (32 °–212 °F) without
entry into the cargo hold.
(d) A cargo hold containing coal must
not be ventilated unless the conditions
of paragraph (f) of this section are met,
or unless methane is detected under
paragraph (h) of this section.
(e) If coal waiting to be loaded has
shown a tendency to self-heat, has been
handled so that it may likely self-heat,
or has been observed to be heating, the
master is responsible for monitoring
the temperature of the coal at several
intervals during these times:
(1) Before loading; and
(2) During the voyage, by—
(i) Measuring the temperature of the
(ii) Measuring the emission of carbon
monoxide; or
(iii) Both.
(f) If coal waiting to be loaded has a
potential to emit dangerous amounts
of methane, for example it is freshly
mined, or has a history of emitting
dangerous amounts of methane, then:
(1) Surface ventilation, either natural or from fixed or portable nonsparking fans, must be provided; and
(2) The atmosphere above the coal
must be monitored for the presence of
methane as prescribed in paragraph (h)
of this section. The results of this monitoring must be recorded at least twice
in every 24-hour period, unless the conditions of paragraph (m) of this section
are met.
(g) Electrical equipment and cables
in a hold containing a coal described in
paragraph (f) of this section must be either suitable for use in an explosive gas
atmosphere or de-energized at a point
outside the hold. Electrical equipment
and cables necessary for continuous
safe operations, such as lighting fixtures, must be suitable for use in an explosive gas atmosphere. The master of
the vessel must ensure that the affected equipment and cables remain deenergized as long as this coal remains
in the hold.


(a) When transported by barge,
unslaked lime (calcium oxide) must be
carried in an unmanned, all steel, double-hulled barge equipped with weathertight hatches or covers. The barge
must not carry any other cargo while
unslaked lime is on board.
(b) The shipping paper requirements
in § 148.60 of this part and the dangerous cargo manifest requirements in
§ 148.70 of this part do not apply to the
transportation of unslaked lime under
paragraph (a) of this section.
§ 148.235

Castor beans.

(a) This part applies only to the
stowage and transportation of whole
castor beans. Castor meal, castor pomace, and castor flakes may not be
shipped in bulk.
(b) Persons handling castor beans
must wear dust masks and goggles.
(c) Care must be taken to prevent
castor bean dust from entering accommodation, control, or service spaces
during cargo transfer operations.
§ 148.240


(a) The electrical equipment in cargo
holds carrying coal must meet the requirements of Subpart 111.105 of this
chapter or an equivalent standard approved by the administration of the
vessel’s flag state.
(b) Before coal is loaded in a cargo
hold, the bilges must be as clean and
dry as practical. The hold must also be
free of any readily combustible material, including the residue of previous
cargoes if other than coal.
(c) The master of each vessel carrying coal must ensure that—
(1) All openings to the cargo hold, except for unloading gates on self-unloading vessels, are sealed before loading
the coal and, unless the coal is as described in paragraph (f) of this section,
the hatches must also be sealed after
(2) As far as practical, gases emitted
by the coal do not accumulate in enclosed working spaces such as storerooms, shops, or passageways, and tunnel spaces on self-unloading vessels,
and that such spaces are adequately


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.245

(h) For all coal loaded on a vessel,
other than an unmanned barge, the atmosphere above the coal must be routinely tested for the presence of methane, carbon monoxide, and oxygen, following the procedures in the Appendices to the schedules for Coal and
Brown Coal Briquettes as contained in
the IMSBC Code (incorporated by reference, see § 148.8). This testing must be
performed in such a way that the cargo
hatches are not opened and entry into
the hold is not necessary.
(i) When carrying a coal described in
paragraph (e) of this section, the atmosphere above the coal must be monitored for the presence of carbon monoxide as prescribed in paragraph (h) of
this section. The results of this monitoring must be recorded at least twice
in every 24-hour period, unless the conditions of paragraph (m) of this section
are met. If the level of carbon monoxide is increasing rapidly or reaches
20 percent of the lower flammability
limit (LFL), the frequency of monitoring must be increased.
(j) When a cargo of coal has a potential to self-heat or has been observed to
be heating, the hatches should be
closed and sealed and all surface ventilation halted except as necessary to
remove any methane that may have accumulated.
(k) If the level of carbon monoxide
monitored under paragraph (i) of this
section continues to increase rapidly or
the temperature of coal carried on
board a vessel exceeds 55 °C (131 °F) and
is increasing rapidly, the master must
notify the nearest Coast Guard Captain
of the Port of—
(1) The name, nationality, and position of the vessel;
(2) The most recent temperature, if
measured, and levels of carbon monoxide and methane;
(3) The port where the coal was loaded and the destination of the coal;
(4) The last port of call of the vessel
and its next port of call; and
(5) What action has been taken.
(l) If the level of methane as monitored under paragraph (h) of this section reaches 20 percent of the LFL or is
increasing rapidly, ventilation of the
cargo hold, under paragraph (f) of this
section, must be initiated. If this ventilation is provided by opening the

cargo hatches, care must be taken to
avoid generating sparks.
(m) The frequency of monitoring required by paragraph (f) of this section
may be reduced at the discretion of the
master provided that—
(1) The level of gas measured is less
than 20 percent of the LFL;
(2) The level of gas measured has remained steady or decreased over three
consecutive readings, or has increased
by less than 5 percent over four consecutive readings spanning at least 48
hours; and
(3) Monitoring continues at intervals
sufficient to determine that the level
of gas remains within the parameters
of paragraphs (m)(1) and (m)(2) of this
§ 148.242 Copra.
Copra must have surface ventilation.
It must not be stowed against heated
surfaces including fuel oil tanks which
may require heating.
§ 148.245 Direct reduced iron (DRI);
lumps, pellets, and cold-molded briquettes.
(a) Before loading DRI lumps, pellets,
or cold-molded briquettes—
(1) The master must have a written
certification from a competent person
appointed by the shipper and recognized by the Commandant (CG–5223)
stating that the DRI, at the time of
loading, is suitable for shipment;
(2) The DRI must be aged for at least
3 days, or be treated with an air
passivation technique or some other
equivalent method that reduces its reactivity to at least the same level as
the aged DRI; and
(3) Each hold and bilge must be as
clean and dry as practical. Other than
double bottom tanks, adjacent ballast
tanks must be kept empty when possible. All wooden fixtures, such as battens, must be removed from the hold.
(b) Each boundary of a hold where
DRI lumps, pellets, or cold-molded briquettes are to be carried must be resistant to fire and passage of water.
(c) DRI lumps, pellets, or cold-molded briquettes that are wet, or that are
known to have been wetted, may not be
accepted for transport. The moisture
content of the DRI must not exceed 0.3
percent prior to loading.


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§ 148.250

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(d) DRI lumps, pellets and cold-molded briquettes must be protected at all
times from contact with water, and
must not be loaded or transferred from
one vessel to another during periods of
rain or snow.
(e) DRI lumps, pellets, or cold-molded briquettes may not be loaded if their
temperature is greater than 65 °C (150
(f) The shipper of DRI lumps, pellets,
or cold-molded briquettes in bulk must
ensure that an inert atmosphere of less
than 5 percent oxygen and 1 percent
hydrogen, by volume, is maintained
throughout the voyage in any hold containing these materials.
(g) When DRI lumps, pellets, or coldmolded briquettes are loaded, precautions must be taken to avoid the
concentration of fines (pieces less than
6.35mm in size) in any one location in
the cargo hold.
(h) Radar and RDF scanners must be
protected against the dust generated
during cargo transfer operations of DRI
lumps, pellets, or cold-molded briquettes.

avoid the concentration of fines (pieces
less than 6.35mm in size) in any one location in the cargo hold.
(f) Adequate surface ventilation must
be provided when carrying or loading
DRI hot-molded briquettes.
(g) When DRI hot-molded briquettes
are carried by unmanned barge—
(1) The barge must be fitted with
vents adequate to provide natural ventilation; and
(2) The cargo hatches must be closed
at all times after loading the DRI hotmolded briquettes.
(h) Radar and RDF scanners must be
adequately protected against dust generated during cargo transfer operations
of DRI hot-molded briquettes.
(i) During final discharge only, a fine
spray of water may be used to control
dust from DRI hot-molded briquettes.
§ 148.255 Ferrosilicon,
ferrosilicon, and aluminum silicon
containing more than 30% but less
than 90% silicon.
(a) This section applies to the stowage and transportation of ferrosilicon,
aluminum ferrosilicon, and aluminum
silicon containing more than 30 percent
but less than 90 percent silicon.
(b) The shipper of material described
in paragraph (a) of this section must
give the master a written certification
stating that after manufacture the material was stored under cover, but exposed to the weather, in the particle
size in which it is to be shipped, for at
least three days before shipment.
(c) Material described in paragraph
(a) of this section must be protected at
all times from contact with water, and
must not be loaded or unloaded during
periods of rain or snow.
(d) Except as provided in paragraph
(e) of this section, each hold containing
material described in paragraph (a) of
this section must be mechanically ventilated by at least two separate fans.
The total ventilation must be at least
five air changes per hour, based on the
empty hold. Ventilation must not
allow escaping gas to reach accommodation or work spaces, on or under
(e) An unmanned barge which is provided with natural ventilation need not
comply with paragraph (d) of this section.

§ 148.250 Direct reduced iron (DRI);
hot-molded briquettes.
(a) Before loading DRI hot-molded
(1) The master must have a written
certification from a competent person
appointed by the shipper and recognized by the Commandant (CG–5223)
that at the time of loading the DRI
hot-molded briquettes are suitable for
shipment; and
(2) Each hold and bilge must be as
clean and dry as practical. Except double bottom tanks, adjacent ballast
tanks must be kept empty where possible. All wooden fixtures, such as battens, must be removed.
(b) All boundaries of a hold must be
resistant to fire and passage of water
to carry DRI hot-molded briquettes.
(c) DRI hot-molded briquettes must
be protected at all times from contact
with water. They must not be loaded or
transferred from one vessel to another
during periods of rain or snow.
(d) DRI hot-molded briquettes may
not be loaded if their temperature is
greater than 65 °C (150 °F).
(e) When loading DRI hot-molded briquettes, precautions must be taken to


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 148.260

(f) Each space adjacent to a hold containing material described in paragraph (a) of this section must be well
ventilated with mechanical fans. No
person may enter that space unless it
has been tested to ensure that it is free
from phosphine and arsine gases.
(g) Scuttles and windows in accommodation and work spaces adjacent to
holds containing material described in
paragraph (a) of this section must be
kept closed while this material is being
loaded and unloaded.
(h) Any bulkhead between a hold containing material described in paragraph (a) of this section and an accommodation or work space must be gas
tight and adequately protected against
damage from any unloading equipment.
(i) When a hold containing material
described in paragraph (a) of this section is equipped with atmosphere sampling type smoke detectors with lines
that terminate in accommodation or
work spaces, those lines must be
blanked off gas-tight.
(j) If a hold containing material described in paragraph (a) of this section
must be entered at any time, the
hatches must be open for two hours before entry to dissipate any accumulated gases. The atmosphere in the
hold must be tested to ensure that
there is no phosphine or arsine gas
(k) After unloading material described in paragraph (a) of this section,
each cargo hold must be thoroughly
cleaned and tested to ensure that no
phosphine or arsine gas remains.
§ 148.260

otherwise protected to keep the material dry;
(3) During loading and transporting,
the bilge of each hold in which ferrous
metal is stowed or will be stowed must
be kept as dry as practical;
(4) During loading, the ferrous metal
must be compacted in the hold as frequently as practicable with a bulldozer
or other means that provides equivalent surface compaction;
(5) No other material may be loaded
in a hold containing ferrous metal unless—
(i) The material to be loaded in the
same hold with the ferrous metal is not
a material listed in Table 148.10 of this
part or a readily combustible material;
(ii) The loading of the ferrous metal
is completed first; and
(iii) The temperature of the ferrous
metal in the hold is below 55 °C (131 °F)
or has not increased in eight hours before the loading of the other material;
(6) During loading, the temperature
of the ferrous metal in the pile being
loaded must be below 55 °C (131 °F).
(c) The master of a vessel that is
loading or transporting a ferrous metal
must ensure that the temperature of
the ferrous metal is taken—
(1) Before loading;
(2) During loading, in each hold and
pile being loaded, at least once every
twenty-four hours and, if the temperature is rising, as often as is necessary
to ensure that the requirements of this
section are met; and
(3) After loading, in each hold, at
least once every 24 hours.
(d) During loading, if the temperature of the ferrous metal in a hold is 93
°C (200 °F) or higher, the master must
notify the Coast Guard Captain of the
Port and suspend loading until the
Captain of the Port is satisfied that the
temperature of the ferrous metal is 88
°C (190 °F) or less.
(e) After loading ferrous metal—
(1) If the temperature of the ferrous
metal in each hold is 65 °C (150 °F) or
above, the master must notify the
Coast Guard Captain of the Port, and
the vessel must remain in the port area
until the Captain of the Port is satisfied that the temperature of ferrous
metal has shown a downward trend
below 65 °C (150 °F) for at least eight

Ferrous metal.

(a) This part does not apply to the
stowage and transportation in bulk of
turnings, or cuttings; nor does this
part apply to an unmanned barge on a
voyage entirely on the navigable waters of United States.
(b) Ferrous metal may not be stowed
or transported in bulk unless the following conditions are met:
(1) All wooden sweat battens,
dunnage, and debris must be removed
from the hold before the ferrous metal
is loaded;
(2) If weather is inclement during
loading, hatches must be covered or


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§ 148.265

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
months after the treatment prescribed
in paragraph (c) of this section.
(e) Fish meal or fish scrap must contain at least 100 mg/kg (ppm) of
ethoxyquin or butylated hydroxytoluene or at least 250 mg/kg (ppm) of
tocopherol-based antioxidant at the
time of shipment.
(f) At the time of loading, the temperature of the fish meal or fish scrap
to be loaded may not exceed 35 °C (95
°F), or 5 °C (9 °F) above the ambient
temperature, whichever is higher.
(g) For each shipment of fish meal or
fish scrap, the shipper must give the
master a written certification stating—
(1) The total weight of the shipment;
(2) The moisture content of the material;
(3) The fat content of the material;
(4) The type of antioxidant and its
concentration in the fish meal or fish
scrap at the time of shipment;
(5) The date of production of the material; and
(6) The temperature of the material
at the time of shipment.
(h) During a voyage, temperature
readings must be taken of fish meal or
fish scrap three times a day and recorded. If the temperature of the material exceeds 55 °C (131 °F) and continues
to increase, ventilation to the hold
must be restricted. This paragraph
does not apply to shipments by unmanned barge.

hours after completion of loading of
the hold; or
(2) If the temperature of the ferrous
metal in each hold is less than 88 °C
(190 °F) and has shown a downward
trend for at least eight hours after the
completion of loading, the master must
notify the Coast Guard Captain of the
Port, and the vessel must remain in
the port area until the Captain of the
Port confirms that the vessel is sailing
directly to another port, no further
than 12 hours sailing time, for the purpose of loading more ferrous metal in
bulk or to completely off-load the ferrous metal.
(f) Except for shipments of ferrous
metal in bulk which leave the port of
loading under the conditions specified
in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, if
after the vessel leaves the port, the
temperature of the ferrous metal in the
hold rises above 65 °C (150 °F), the master must notify the nearest Coast
Guard Captain of the Port as soon as
possible of—
(1) The name, nationality, and position of the vessel;
(2) The most recent temperature
(3) The length of time that the temperature has been above 65 °C (150 °F)
and the rate of rise, if any;
(4) The port where the ferrous metal
was loaded and the destination of the
ferrous metal;
(5) The last port of call of the vessel
and its next port of call;
(6) What action has been taken; and
(7) Whether any other cargo is endangered.

§ 148.270 Hazardous substances.
(a) Each bulk shipment of a hazardous substance must—
(1) Be assigned a shipping name in accordance with 49 CFR 172.203(c); and
(2) If the hazardous substance is also
listed as a hazardous solid waste in 40
CFR part 261, follow the applicable requirements of 40 CFR chapter I, subchapter I.
(b) Each release of a quantity of a
designated substance equal to or greater than the reportable quantity, as set
out in Table 1 to Appendix A of 49 CFR
171.101, when discharged into or upon
the navigable waters of the United
States, adjoining shorelines, into or
upon the contiguous zone, or beyond
the contiguous zone, must be reported
as required in subpart B of 33 CFR part

§ 148.265 Fish meal or fish scrap.
(a) This part does not apply to fish
meal or fish scrap that contains less
than 5 percent moisture by weight.
(b) Fish meal or fish scrap may contain a maximum of 12 percent moisture
by weight and a maximum of 15 percent
fat by weight.
(c) At the time of production, fish
meal or fish scrap must be treated with
an effective antioxidant (at least 400
mg/kg (ppm) ethoxyquin, at least 1000
hydroxytoluene, or at least 1000 mg/kg (ppm) of
tocopherol-based liquid antioxidant).
(d) Shipment of the fish meal or fish
scrap must take place a maximum of 12


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§ 148.295

(c) A hazardous substance must be
stowed in a hold or barge that is closed
or covered and prevents dispersal of the
material during transportation.
(d) During cargo transfer operations,
a spill or release of a hazardous substance must be minimized to the greatest extent possible. Each release must
be reported as required in paragraph (b)
of this section.
(e) After a hazardous substance is unloaded, the hold in which it was carried
must be cleaned thoroughly. The residue of the substance must be disposed
of pursuant to 33 CFR 151.55 through
151.77 and the applicable regulations of
40 CFR subchapter I.
§ 148.275 Iron
sponge, spent.


mable gases, the appropriate gas detection equipment from §§ 148.415 and
148.420 of this part must be on board
the vessel.
(b) No cargo hold containing a metal
sulfide concentrate may be ventilated.
(c) No person may enter a hold containing a metal sulfide concentrate unless—
(1) The atmosphere in the cargo hold
has been tested and contains sufficient
oxygen to support life and, where the
shipper indicates that toxic gas(es)
may be generated, the atmosphere in
the cargo hold has been tested for the
toxic gas(es) and the concentration of
the gas(es) is found to be less than the
TLV; or
(2) An emergency situation exists and
the person entering the cargo hold is
wearing the appropriate self-contained
breathing apparatus.


(a) Before spent iron oxide or spent
iron sponge is loaded in a closed hold,
the shipper must give the master a
written certification that the material
has been cooled and weathered for at
least eight weeks.
(b) Both spent iron oxide and spent
iron sponge may be transported on
open hold all-steel barges after exposure to air for a period of at least ten

§ 148.290 Peat moss.
(a) Before shipment, peat moss must
be stockpiled under cover to allow
drainage and reduce its moisture content.
(b) The cargo must be ventilated so
that escaping gases cannot reach living
quarters on or above deck.
(c) Persons handling or coming into
contact with peat moss must wear
gloves, a dust mask, and goggles.

§ 148.280 Magnesia,
(lightburned magnesia, calcined
magnesite, caustic calcined magnesite).

§ 148.295 Petroleum coke, calcined or
uncalcined, at 55 ≥C (131 ≥F) or
(a) This part does not apply to shipments of petroleum coke, calcined or
uncalcined, on any vessel when the
temperature of the material is less
than 55 °C (131 °F).
(b) Petroleum coke, calcined or
uncalcined, or a mixture of calcined
and uncalcined petroleum coke may
not be loaded when its temperature exceeds 107 °C (225 °F).
(c) No other hazardous materials may
be stowed in any hold adjacent to a
hold containing petroleum coke except
as provided in paragraph (d) of this section.
(d) Before petroleum coke at 55 °C
(131 °F) or above may be loaded into a
hold over a tank containing fuel or material having a flashpoint of less than
93 °C (200 °F), a 0.6 to 1.0 meter (2 to 3
foot) layer of the petroleum coke at a

(a) This part does not apply to the
transport of natural magnesite, magnesium carbonate, or magnesia clinkers.
(b) When transported by barge,
unslaked magnesia must be carried in
an unmanned, all-steel, double-hulled
barge equipped with weathertight
hatches or covers. The barge may not
carry any other cargo while unslaked
magnesia is on board.
(c) The shipping paper requirements
in § 148.60 of this part and the dangerous cargo manifest requirements in
§ 148.70 of this part do not apply to
unslaked magnesia transported under
the requirements of paragraph (b) of
this section.
§ 148.285 Metal sulfide concentrates.
(a) When information given by the
shipper under § 148.60 of this part indicates that the metal sulfide concentrate may generate toxic or flam-


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§ 148.300

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

temperature not greater than 43 °C (110
°F) must first be loaded.
(e) Petroleum coke must be loaded as
(1) For a shipment in a hold over a
fuel tank, the loading of a cooler layer
of petroleum coke in the hold as required by paragraph (d) of this section
must be completed before loading the
petroleum coke at 55 °C (131 °F) or
above in any hold of the vessel;
(2) Upon completion of the loading
described in paragraph (e)(1) of this
section, a 0.6 to 1.0 meter (2 to 3 foot)
layer of the petroleum coke at 55 °C
(131 °F) or above must first be loaded
into each hold, including those holds
already containing a cooler layer of the
petroleum coke; and
(3) Upon completion of the loading
described in paragraph (e)(2) of this
section, normal loading of the petroleum coke may be completed.
(f) The master of the vessel must
warn members of a crew that petroleum coke is hot, and that injury due
to burns is possible.
(g) During the voyage, the temperature of the petroleum coke must be
monitored often enough to detect spontaneous heating.

238, thorium-232, thorium-228 and thorium-230 when contained in ores or
physical or chemical concentrates, and
radionuclides with a half-life of less
than 10 days; and
(2) 0.4 Bq/cm2 (10¥5 uCi/cm2) for all
other alpha emitters.
§ 148.310

Seed cake.

(a) This part does not apply to solvent-extracted rape seed meal, pellets,
soya bean meal, cotton seed meal, or
sunflower seed meal that—
(1) Contains a maximum of 4 percent
vegetable oil and a maximum of 15 percent vegetable oil and moisture combined; and
(2) As far as practical, is free from
flammable solvent.
(b) This part does not apply to mechanically expelled citrus pulp pellets
containing not more than 2.5 percent
oil and a maximum of 14 percent oil
and moisture combined.
(c) Before loading, the seed cake
must be aged per the instructions of
the shipper.
(d) Before loading, the shipper must
give the master or person in charge of
a barge a certificate from a competent
testing laboratory stating the oil and
moisture content of the seed cake.
(e) The seed cake must be kept as dry
as practical at all times.
(f) If the seed cake is solvent-extracted, it must be—
(1) As free as practical from flammable solvent; and
(2) Stowed in a mechanically ventilated hold.
(g) For a voyage with a planned duration greater than 5 days, the vessel
must be equipped with facilities for introducing carbon dioxide or another
inert gas into the hold.
(h) Temperature readings of the seed
cake must be taken at least once in
every 24-hour period. If the temperature exceeds 55 °C (131 °F) and continues to increase, ventilation to the
cargo hold must be discontinued. If
heating continues after ventilation has
been discontinued, carbon dioxide or
the inert gas required under paragraph
(g) of this section must be introduced
into the hold. If the seed cake is solvent-extracted, the use of inert gas

§ 148.300 Radioactive materials.
(a) Radioactive materials that may
be stowed or transported in bulk are
limited to those radioactive materials
defined in 49 CFR 173.403 as Low Specific Activity Material, LSA–1, or Surface Contaminated Object, SCO–1.
(b) Skin contact, inhalation or ingestion of dusts generated by Class 7 material listed in Table 148.10 of this part
must be minimized.
(c) Each hold used for the transportation of Class 7 material (radioactive)
listed in Table 148.10 of this part must
be surveyed after the completion of offloading by a qualified person using appropriate radiation detection instruments. Such holds must not be used for
the transportation of any other material until the non-fixed contamination
on any surface, when averaged over an
area of 300 cm2, does not exceed the following levels:
(1) 4.0 Bq/cm2 (10¥4 uCi/cm2;) for beta
and gamma emitters and low toxicity
alpha emitters, natural uranium, natural thorium, uranium-235, uranium-


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§ 148.330

must not be introduced until fire is apparent, to avoid the possibility of igniting the solvent vapors by the generation of static electricity.
(i) Seed cake must be carried under
the terms of a Special Permit issued by
the Commandant (CG–5223) per subpart
B of this part if—
(1) The oil was mechanically expelled; and
(2) It contains more than 10 percent
vegetable oil or more than 20 percent
vegetable oil and moisture combined.
§ 148.315

(b) No person may enter a cargo hold
containing wood chips, wood pellets, or
wood pulp pellets, unless—
(1) The atmosphere in the cargo hold
has been tested and contains enough
oxygen to support life; or
(2) The person entering the cargo
hold is wearing the appropriate selfcontained breathing apparatus.
§ 148.330 Zinc ashes; zinc dross; zinc
residues; zinc skimmings.
(a) The shipper must inform the cognizant Coast Guard Captain of the Port
in advance of any cargo transfer operations involving zinc ashes, zinc dross,
zinc residues, or zinc skimmings (collectively, ‘‘zinc material’’) in bulk.
(b) Zinc material must be aged by exposure to the elements for at least one
year before shipment in bulk.
(c) Before loading in bulk, zinc material must be stored under cover for a
period of time to ensure that it is as
dry as practical. No zinc material that
is wet may be accepted for shipment.
(d) Zinc material may not be loaded
in bulk if its temperature is greater
than 11.1 °C (52 °F) in excess of the ambient temperature.
(e) Paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(5) of
this section apply only when zinc materials are carried by a cargo vessel:
(1) Zinc material in bulk must be
stowed in a mechanically ventilated
hold that—
(i) Is designed for at least one complete air change every 30 minutes based
on the empty hold;
(ii) Has explosion-proof motors approved for use in Class I, Division 1,
Group B atmospheres or equivalent
motors approved by the vessel’s flag
state administration for use in hydrogen atmospheres; and
(iii) Has nonsparking fans.
(2) Combustible gas detectors capable
of measuring hydrogen concentrations
of 0 to 4.1 percent by volume must be
permanently installed in holds that
will carry zinc material. If the concentration of hydrogen in the space
above the cargo exceeds 1 percent by
volume, the ventilation system must
be run until the concentration drops
below 1 percent by volume.
(3) Thermocouples must be installed
approximately 6 inches below the surface of the zinc material or in the space


(a) This part applies to lump or
coarse grain powder sulfur only. Finegrained powder (‘‘flowers of sulfur’’)
may not be transported in bulk.
(b) After the loading or unloading of
lump or coarse grain powder sulfur has
been completed, sulfur dust must be removed from the vessel’s decks, bulkheads, and overheads. Cargo residues
and deck sweepings must be disposed of
pursuant to 33 CFR 151.55 through
(c) A cargo space that contains sulfur
or the residue of a sulfur cargo must be
adequately ventilated, preferably by
mechanical means. Each ventilator intake must be fitted with a spark-arresting screen.
§ 148.320 Tankage; garbage tankage;
rough ammonia tankage; or tankage fertilizer.
(a) This part applies to rough ammonia tankage in bulk that contains 7
percent or more moisture by weight,
and garbage tankage and tankage fertilizer that contains 8 percent or more
moisture by weight.
(b) Tankage to which this part applies may not be loaded in bulk if its
temperature exceeds 38 °C (100 °F).
(c) During the voyage, the temperature of the tankage must be monitored
often enough to detect spontaneous
§ 148.325 Wood chips;
wood pulp pellets.



(a) This part applies to wood chips
and wood pulp pellets in bulk that may
oxidize, leading to depletion of oxygen
and an increase in carbon dioxide in
the cargo hold.


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§ 148.400

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)
in spaces adjacent to the cargo hold
and on the vessel’s deck in the vicinity
of cargo hatches, ventilator outlets,
and other accesses to the hold containing the material. ‘‘NO SMOKING’’
signs must be displayed in conspicuous
locations in the areas where smoking is

immediately above the zinc material.
If an increase in temperature is detected, the mechanical ventilation system required by paragraph (d) of this
section must be used until the temperature of the zinc material is below
55 °C (131 °F).
(4) Except as provided in paragraph
(e)(5) of this section, the cargo hatches
of holds containing zinc material must
remain sealed to prevent the entry of
(5) If the concentration of hydrogen
is near 4.1 percent by volume and increasing, despite ventilation, or the
temperature of the zinc material
reaches 65 °C (150 °F), the cargo hatches
should be opened provided that weather
and sea conditions are favorable. When
hatches are opened take care to prevent sparks and minimize the entry of

§ 148.410 Fire hoses.
When Table 148.10 of this part associates a material with a reference to this
section, a fire hose must be available
at each hatch through which the material is being loaded.
§ 148.415 Toxic gas analyzers.
When Table 148.10 of this part associates a material with a reference to a
paragraph in this section, each vessel
transporting the material, other than
an unmanned barge, must have on
board a gas analyzer appropriate for
the toxic gas listed in that paragraph.
At least two members of the crew must
be knowledgeable in the use of the
equipment. The equipment must be
maintained in a condition ready for use
and calibrated according to the instructions of its manufacturer. The atmosphere in the cargo hold and adjacent spaces must be tested before a person is allowed to enter these spaces. If
toxic gases are detected, the space
must be ventilated and retested before
entry. The toxic gases for which the requirements of this section must be met
(a) Arsine;
(b) Carbon monoxide;
(c) Hydrogen cyanide;
(d) Hydrogen sulfide;
(e) Phosphine; and
(f) Sulfur dioxide.

Subpart F—Additional Special
§ 148.400 Applicability.
Unless stated otherwise, the requirements of this subpart apply only to the
shipment or loading of materials, listed in Table 148.10 of this part, for which
Table 148.10 contains a reference to a
section or paragraph of this subpart.
§ 148.405 Sources of ignition.
(a) Except in an emergency, no welding, burning, cutting, chipping, or
other operations involving the use of
fire, open flame, sparks, or arc-producing equipment, may be performed
in a cargo hold containing a Table
148.10 material or in an adjacent space.
(b) A cargo hold or adjacent space
must not have any flammable gas concentrations over 10 percent of the LFL
before the master may approve operations involving the use of fire, open
flame, or spark- or arc-producing
equipment in that hold or adjacent

§ 148.420 Flammable gas analyzers.
When Table 148.10 of this part associates a material with a reference to a
paragraph in this section, each vessel
transporting the material, other than
an unmanned barge, must have on
board a gas analyzer appropriate for
the flammable gas listed in that paragraph. At least two members of the
crew must be knowledgeable in the use
of the equipment. The equipment must
be maintained in a condition ready for
use, capable of measuring 0 to 100 percent LFL for the gas indicated, and

§ 148.407 Smoking.
When Table 148.10 of this part associates a material with a reference to this
section, and that material is being
loaded or unloaded, smoking is prohibited anywhere on the weatherdeck of
the vessel. While such a material is on
board the vessel, smoking is prohibited


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§ 148.450
(1) The space has been tested, or is
routinely monitored, for the appropriate flammable gas and oxygen;
(2) The level of flammable gas is less
than 10 percent of the LFL; and
(3) The level of toxic gas, if required
to be tested, is less than the TLV.
(d) No person may enter an adjacent
space if the level of flammable gas is
greater than 30 percent of the LFL. If
emergency entry is necessary, each
person who enters the space must wear
a self-contained breathing apparatus
and caution must be exercised to ensure that no sparks are produced.

calibrated in accordance with the instructions of its manufacturer. The atmosphere in the cargo hold must be
tested before any person is allowed to
enter. If flammable gases are detected,
the space must be ventilated and retested before entry. The flammable
gases for which the requirements of
this section must be met are:
(a) Carbon monoxide;
(b) Hydrogen; and
(c) Methane.
§ 148.435 Electrical circuits in cargo
During transport of a material that
Table 148.10 of this part associates with
a reference to this section, each electrical circuit terminating in a cargo
hold containing the material must be
electrically disconnected from the
power source at a point outside of the
cargo hold. The point of disconnection
must be marked to prevent the circuit
from being reenergized while the material is on board.
§ 148.445

§ 148.450 Cargoes




(a) This section applies only to cargoes identified in Table 148.10 of this
part with a reference to this section
and cargoes identified in the IMSBC
Code (incorporated by reference, see
§ 148.8) as cargoes that may liquefy.
(b) This section does not apply to—
(1) Shipments by unmanned barge; or
(2) Cargoes of coal that have an average particle size of 10mm (.394 in.) or
(c) Definitions as used in this section—
(1) Cargo subject to liquefaction means
a material that is subject to moisture
migration and subsequent liquefaction
if shipped with moisture content in excess of the transportable moisture
(2) Moisture migration is the movement of moisture by settling and consolidation of a material, which may result in the development of a flow state
in the material.
(3) Transportable moisture limit or TML
of a cargo that may liquefy is the maximum moisture content that is considered safe for carriage on vessels.
(d) Except on a vessel that is specially constructed or specially fitted
for the purpose of carrying such cargoes (see also section 7 of the IMSBC
Code, incorporated by reference, see
§ 148.8), a cargo subject to liquefaction
may not be transported by vessel if its
moisture content exceeds its TML.
(e) The shipper of a cargo subject to
liquefaction must give the master the
material’s moisture content and TML.

Adjacent spaces.

When transporting a material that
Table 148.10 of this part associates with
a reference to this section, the following requirements must be met:
(a) Each space adjacent to a cargo
hold must be ventilated by natural
ventilation or by ventilation equipment safe for use in an explosive gas
(b) Each space adjacent to a cargo
hold containing the material must be
regularly monitored for the presence of
the flammable gas indicated by reference to § 148.420 of this part. If the
level of flammable gas in any space
reaches 30 percent of the LFL, all electrical equipment that is not certified
safe for use in an explosive gas atmosphere must be de-energized at a location outside of that space. This location must be labeled to prohibit reenergizing until the atmosphere in the
space is tested and found to be less
than 30 percent of the LFL.
(c) Each person who enters any space
adjacent to a cargo hold or compartment containing the material must
wear a self-contained breathing apparatus unless—


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§ 148.450

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(f) The master of a vessel shipping a
cargo subject to liquefaction must ensure that—
(1) A cargo containing a liquid is not
stowed in the same cargo space with a
cargo subject to liquefaction; and
(2) Precautions are taken to prevent
the entry of liquids into a cargo space

containing a cargo subject to liquefaction.
(g) The moisture content and TML of
a material may be determined by the
tests described in Appendix 2, Section
1, of the IMSBC Code (incorporated by
reference, see § 148.8).



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