Form FS-2800-9 Contract for Sale of Mineral Materials

Disposal of Mineral Materials

FS_2800_9 v10-2014 (2)

Contract for Sale of Mineral Materials

OMB: 0596-0081

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USDA Forest Service FS-2800-9 (v 10/2014)

OMB No. 0596-0081 (Exp. 10/31/2017)

For Forest Service Use Only




(Ref. FSM 2850)

Forest Service Unit Name      

Contract Number      

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THIS AGREEMENT, made this    day of      , 20     , under authority of the Acts of July 31, 1947 (61 Stat. 681), as amended (30 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), March 4, 1917 (16 U.S.C. 520), and June 11, 1960 (74 Stat. 205), and the regulations set forth in 36 CFR 228, Subpart C, between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (hereinafter called the "Government"), acting through the Authorized Officer of the Forest Service (hereinafter called the "Authorized Officer"), and       (hereinafter called the "Purchaser.")

WITNESSETH, That the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:

Sec. 1. Contract area. The Government hereby sells to Purchaser and Purchaser hereby buys from Government, under the terms and conditions of this contract, all of the mineral materials described in Sec. 2 below, for severance, extraction, or removal, on the following described lands situated in the       National Forest, County of      , State of       as shown on the operating plan marked "Exhibit B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, viz: Section      , Township      , Range      , Meridian      , containing       acres, more or less.

Sec. 2. Amount and price of materials. The total purchase price will be determined by multiplying the total quantity of each kind of mineral material designated by the respective unit price as set forth below, or as changed through reappraisal hereunder.



(Units Specified)



























Determination by the Authorized Officer of the quantity of materials taken is binding on Purchaser subject to appeal only as provided in Sec. 14. All materials in the contract area in excess of the estimated quantity listed above are reserved by Government.

Sec. 3. Payments, passage of title, and risk of loss. Title to materials sold hereunder passes to Purchaser immediately before excavation and upon proper payment for such materials. No part of the material sold hereunder may be severed, extracted, or removed by Purchaser until payment for such materials has been made in accordance with the following:

(a) Unless materials sold under this contract are paid for in full in advance, payment for materials must be made in installments of not less than $       each. The first installment must be paid upon approval of this contract.

(b) Each additional installment is due and payable as billed by the Authorized Officer in advance of removal of the remaining material. The first installment will be retained as additional security for the full and faithful performance of this contract by Purchaser, and will be applied in whole or in part to the payment of the last installment required hereunder to make the total payment equal the total price set forth in Sec. 2, above.

The total purchase price must equal the sum of the total quantities severed, extracted, or designated therefor, multiplied by their respective unit prices. The balance due where less than a full installment remains to be paid upon the total price will be the value of material remaining to be severed or extracted. Each installment will be held in suspense until the quantity of material covered thereby has been determined. The total purchase price must be paid at least 60 days before the expiration date of the contract.

Upon termination, if the total payments made under the contract exceed the total value of the actual materials removed, the excess will be returned to Purchaser, except as noted in 36 CFR 228.66.

(c) Risk of loss shall be borne by the party holding title to the mineral material at the time of loss except that nothing herein shall be construed to relieve either party from liability for breach of contract or any wrongful or negligent act.

Sec. 4. Stipulation and reserved items. The rights of Purchaser are subject to the regulations in 36 CFR 228, Subpart C, which are made a part of this contract, and to the stipulation, if any, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A.

Sec. 5. Bonds.

(a) Purchaser must file with the Authorized Officer and must maintain at all times the bond required under the regulations to be furnished as a condition to the award of this contract in the amounts established by the Authorized Officer and to furnish additional bonds or security as the Authorized Officer may require.

(b) If all terms of this contract are not faithfully and fully performed by Purchaser, the bond in the sum of

$      filed at the time of the signing of this contract will be forfeited to the amount of damages determined

by the Authorized Officer. If damages exceed the amount of the bond, Purchaser hereby acknowledges liability for such excess. Upon satisfactory performance of this contract, the bonds will be canceled, or if cash or United States securities were furnished in lieu of a security bond, such cash or securities will be returned to Purchaser.

(c) Whenever any bond furnished under this contract is found unsatisfactory by the Authorized Officer, the Authorized Officer may require a new bond which is satisfactory.

Sec. 6. Expiration of contract and extensions of time. This contract will expire on            , 20     ,

unless an extension of time is granted in accordance with the provisions of 36 CFR 228.53(b). Written application for an extension of time may be made by Purchaser between 30 and 90 days before the expiration date of the contract.

Sec. 7. Duties of Purchaser. Purchaser must take fire precaution and conservation measures and must dispose of slash and other debris resulting from operations hereunder in accordance with written instructions from the Authorized Officer.

Sec. 8. Notice of operations. Purchaser must notify the Authorized Officer immediately of the commencement and termination of operations hereunder. A report of production will be furnished at least annually by Purchaser to the Authorized Officer.

Sec. 9. Responsibility for damages. Purchaser is liable in damages for the loss or destruction of all Government property for which Purchaser is directly or indirectly responsible under this contract, or resulting from Purchaser's failure to perform under this contract in accordance with the instruction of the Authorized Officer, as well as for costs incurred by Government resulting from Purchaser's breach of any of the terms hereof, or Purchaser's failure to engage in proper conservation practice. For damages resulting from willful action or gross negligence of Purchaser, Purchaser's contractors or subcontractors, or any of their employees, Purchaser is liable for triple the appraised value of damaged or destroyed materials as determined by the Authorized Officer. If the Authorized Officer determines that the damage or destruction did not result from Purchaser's willful action or gross negligence, lesser damages may be charged, buy not less than the actual appraised value of the materials. Purchaser must pay the Government for such damages within 30 days after a written demand therefor by the Authorized Officer.

Sec. 10. Violations, suspension, and cancellation.

(a) If Purchaser violates any provision of this contract, the Authorized Officer may, after giving written notice, suspend any further operations for the Purchaser under this contract, except such operations as may be necessary to remedy any violations. The Authorized Officer may grant Purchaser an additional 30 days, after service of written notice, to correct any violations. If Purchaser fails to remedy all violations, the Authorized Officer may, by written notice, cancel this contract and take appropriate action to recover all damages suffered by the Government by reason of such violations, including application toward payment of such damages of any advance payments and bonds.

(b) If Purchaser extracts or removes any mineral materials sold under this contract during any period of suspension, or if Purchaser extracts any of such material after expiration of the time for extraction or the cancellation of this contract, such extraction or removal is in trespass and renders Purchaser liable for triple damages.

Sec. 11. Time for removal of personal property. Purchaser has the right within       months after expiration of the

time for extraction and removal of mineral materials, if not in default, to remove equipment, improvements, or other personal property from Government lands or rights-of-way. Any improvements such as road surfacing, culverts, and bridges which have become a permanent part of a Government road may not be removed. Any equipment, improvements, or other personal property remaining on Government lands and rights-of-way at the end of the period for removal as set forth herein becomes the property of the Government.

Sec. 12. Assignments. This contract or any portion of it may not be assigned without written approval of the Authorized Officer.

Sec. 13. Tenure. Unless otherwise provided by this contract, Purchaser has the right to extract and remove the materials until the termination of the contract, notwithstanding any subsequent appropriation or disposition under the general land laws, including the mining and mineral leasing laws.

Sec. 14. Appeal. Unless specifically excluded by 36 CFR 214. Purchaser may appeal any decision by the Authorized Officer regarding this sale of mineral materials.





(Individual or Firm Name)

(Authorized Officer)



(Address, Including Zip Code)




(Date) [mm/dd/yy]


If this contract is executed by a corporation, it must affix its corporate seal.

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleContract for the Sale of Mineral Materials
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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