FERC-505 60-day Fed Reg

FERC-505 and FERC-512 FED REG.pdf

FERC-505, Small Hydropower Projects and Conduit Facilities including License/Relicense, Exemption, and Qualifying Conduit Facility Determination

FERC-505 60-day Fed Reg

OMB: 1902-0115

Document [pdf]
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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 191 / Wednesday, October 4, 2017 / Notices
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: September 27, 2017.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–21296 Filed 10–3–17; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC17–15–000]

Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–505 and FERC–512);
Consolidated Comment Request;
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of information
collections and request for comments.

In compliance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission
(Commission or FERC) is soliciting
public comment on the requirements
and burden of information collection,
FERC–505 (Small Hydropower Projects
and Conduit Facilities including
License/Relicense, Exemption and
Qualifying Conduit Facility
Determination) and FERC–512
(Preliminary Permit) which will be
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for a review of the
information collection requirements.
DATES: Comments on the collection of
information are due December 4, 2017.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket No. IC17–15–000
by either of the following methods:

• eFiling at Commission’s Web site:
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Please reference the specific
collection number and/or title in your
Instructions: All submissions must be
formatted and filed in accordance with
submission guidelines at: http://
www.ferc.gov/help/submissionguide.asp. For user assistance contact
FERC Online Support by email at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket or in viewing/downloading
comments and issuances in this docket
may do so at http://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/docs-filing.asp.
Ellen Brown may be reached by email
at DataClearance@FERC.gov, telephone
at (202) 502–8663, and fax at (202) 273–
Type of Request: Three-year approval
of the FERC–505 and FERC–512
information collection requirements
with no changes to the current reporting
requirements. Please note that each
collection is distinct from the next.
Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) Whether the collections of
information are necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden and cost of the collections
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information


collections; and (4) ways to minimize
the burden of the collections of
information on those who are to
respond, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Title: FERC–505, Small Hydropower
Projects and Conduit Facilities
including License/Relicense,
Exemption, and Qualifying Conduit
Facility Determination.
OMB Control No.: 1902–0115.
Abstract: The Hydropower Efficiency
Act amended statutory provisions
pertaining to preliminary permits and to
projects that are exempt from certain
licensing requirements under the
Federal Power Act (FPA) in order to
reduce cost and regulatory burden, and
in turn, promote hydropower
development. Specifically, the
Hydropower Efficiency Act gave the
Commission authority to extend a
preliminary permit once for not more
than two additional years without
requiring the permittee to apply for a
successive preliminary permit. The
Hydropower Efficiency Act also
expanded the number of projects that
may qualify for exemptions from certain
licensing requirements under the FPA
(i.e., small conduit hydroelectric
facilities or small hydroelectric power
projects), and allowed other projects to
qualify to operate without Commission
oversight (i.e., qualifying conduit
hydropower facilities). While the
Commission-approved revised
regulations formally implement the
Hydropower Efficiency Act, the
Commission has complied with the Act
since its enactment.
Type of Respondents: Businesses or
other for-profit and not-for-profit
Estimate of Annual Burden: The
Commission estimates the annual public
reporting burden for the information
collection as:


sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

FERC–505 .....

Number of

number of
responses per

number of

Average burden and cost
per response 2

Total annual burden and
total annual cost

Cost per



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

(5) ÷ (1)

273 hrs.; $20,884.50 ..........

4,368 hrs.; $334,152 ..........



Title: FERC–512, Preliminary Permit.
OMB Control No.: 1902–0073.
Abstract: The information collected
under the requirements of FERC–512, is
used by the Commission to implement
the statutory provisions of the Federal

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Power Act (FPA) 16 U.S.C. The purpose
of obtaining a preliminary permit is to
maintain priority of the application for
a license for a hydropower facility while
the applicant conducts surveys to
prepare maps, plans, specifications and

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estimates; conducts engineering,
economic and environmental feasibility
studies; and making financial
arrangements. The conditions under
which the priority will be maintained
are set forth in each permit.




Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 191 / Wednesday, October 4, 2017 / Notices
Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The
Commission estimates the annual public

Type of Respondent: Businesses or
other for-profit and not-for-profit

reporting burden for the information
collection as:

Number of

number of
responses per

number of

Average burden and cost
per response 2

Total annual burden and
total annual cost

Cost per



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

(5) ÷ (1)

24 hrs.; $1,836 ...................

1,200 hrs.; $91,800 ............

FERC–512 .....



Dated: September 28, 2017.
Kimberly D. Bose,

This filing is accessible on-line at
http://www.ferc.gov, using the eLibrary
link and is available for review in the
Commission’s Public Reference Room in
Washington, DC. There is an
eSubscription link on the Web site that
enables subscribers to receive email
notification when a document is added
to a subscribed docket(s). For assistance
with any FERC Online service, please
email FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, or
call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY,
call (202) 502–8659.
Comment Date: 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Time on October 27, 2017.

[FR Doc. 2017–21286 Filed 10–3–17; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. EF17–2–000]

sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with NOTICES

Bonneville Power Administration;
Notice of Filing
Take notice that on September 27,
2017, Bonneville Power Administration
submitted a Notice of Inadvertent Error
in the July 31, 2017 BP–18 Wholesale
Power Rate Filing.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest this filing must file in
accordance with Rules 211 and 214 of
the Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214).
Protests will be considered by the
Commission in determining the
appropriate action to be taken, but will
not serve to make protestants parties to
the proceeding. Any person wishing to
become a party must file a notice of
intervention or motion to intervene, as
appropriate. Such notices, motions, or
protests must be filed on or before the
comment date. On or before the
comment date, it is not necessary to
serve motions to intervene or protests
on persons other than the Applicant.
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper using the
eFiling link at http://www.ferc.gov.
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the protest or intervention to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
1 Burden is the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate,
maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information
to or for a Federal agency. For further explanation
of what is included in the information collection

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Dated: September 28, 2017.
Nathaniel J. Davis, Sr.,
Deputy Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2017–21299 Filed 10–3–17; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. ER17–2548–000]

EGP Stillwater Solar PV II, LLC;
Supplemental Notice That Initial
Market-Based Rate Filing Includes
Request For Blanket Section 204
This is a supplemental notice in the
above-referenced proceeding of EGP
Stillwater Solar PV II, LLC‘s application
for market-based rate authority, with an
accompanying rate tariff, noting that
such application includes a request for
blanket authorization, under 18 CFR
part 34, of future issuances of securities
and assumptions of liability.
Any person desiring to intervene or to
protest should file with the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE., Washington, DC 20426,
in accordance with Rules 211 and 214
of the Commission’s Rules of Practice
burden, reference 5 Code of Federal Regulations
2 Subject matter experts found that industry
employment costs closely resemble FERC’s wage

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and Procedure (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214). Anyone filing a motion to
intervene or protest must serve a copy
of that document on the Applicant.
Notice is hereby given that the
deadline for filing protests with regard
to the applicant’s request for blanket
authorization, under 18 CFR part 34, of
future issuances of securities and
assumptions of liability, is October 18,
The Commission encourages
electronic submission of protests and
interventions in lieu of paper, using the
FERC Online links at http://
www.ferc.gov. To facilitate electronic
service, persons with Internet access
who will eFile a document and/or be
listed as a contact for an intervenor
must create and validate an
eRegistration account using the
eRegistration link. Select the eFiling
link to log on and submit the
intervention or protests.
Persons unable to file electronically
should submit an original and 5 copies
of the intervention or protest to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE., Washington, DC
The filings in the above-referenced
proceeding are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the appropriate link in the
above list. They are also available for
electronic review in the Commission’s
Public Reference Room in Washington,
DC. There is an eSubscription link on
the Web site that enables subscribers to
receive email notification when a
document is added to a subscribed
docket(s). For assistance with any FERC
Online service, please email
FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov. or call
(866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call
(202) 502–8659.
average wage figure. FERC’s 2017 average annual
salary plus benefits per FTE (full-time equivalent)
is $158,754 (or $76.50 per hour).



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2017-10-04
File Created2017-10-04

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