OMB83C Change Memo

PISA 2018 Recruitment & Field Test Questionnaire Change Memo.doc

Program for International Student Assessment (PISA 2018) Recruitment and Field Test

OMB83C Change Memo

OMB: 1850-0755

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DATE: 31 August 2016

TO: Robert Sivinski, OMB

THROUGH: Kashka Kubzdela, NCES

FROM: Patrick Gonzales, NCES

Re: Program for International Student Assessment (PISA 2018) Field Test Questionnaires Change Request (OMB# 1850-0755 v.19)

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has approved the adaptations to be made to the U.S. versions of the PISA 2018 field trial questionnaires. The international source versions of the questionnaires were included as part of the recently approved PISA 2018 Recruitment and Field Test clearance package (OMB# 1850-0755 v.18). This request amends the PISA 2018 Recruitment and Field Test record with the final versions of the adapted U.S. versions of the PISA 2018 field trial questionnaires (see the attached updated Appendix C). Accordingly, this memo details the changes made to the international source versions in preparation for the U.S. field trial in spring 2017. The changes listed below are arranged by questionnaire (e.g., student, teacher, principal/school), and then by the four types of changes made: adaptations; revised wording or structure; new items; and deleted items (where applicable).

Because a few new questionnaire items have been added, NCES is announcing in the Federal Register another 30-day public comment period to accompany this change request.


The international source versions are authored in U.K. English with terms to-be-standardized marked inside angle brackets (< >). These changes are referred to as adaptations of common terms in the tables below. Along with adaptations of common terms, ISCED levels have been mapped to U.S. education system – some items have been modified by the international group and some by the U.S. (e.g., breaking out ISCED levels to preserve trend; removing irrelevant options for U.S. respondents; adjusting grammar to U.S. standard usage, etc.); these item changes are referred to as items with revised wording or structure in the tables below. The OECD and the international contractors have also deleted several items from the questionnaires, as well as added a few new items. Straightforward adaptations of U.K. English to American English (e.g., favourite to favorite) are not included in the tables below, as these are straightforward.

As in past cycles, the U.S. will include items of national interest within the background questionnaires. These are omitted below because there are no changes to these items as initially submitted with the OMB# 1850-0755 v.18 clearance package, but these are reflected in the final versions of the questionnaires provided in Appendix C.

Summary of Changes to Field Test School and Student Questionnaire Items

  1. School Questionnaire

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  1. Student Questionnaire - Core Background questionnaire

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  3. New items

  4. Deleted items

  1. Student Questionnaire – UH (‘une heure’) questionnaire for students needing accommodation

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  1. Financial Literacy Student Background Questionnaire

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  1. Information and Computer Technology (ICT) Familiarity Questionnaire (Students)

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  1. General Teacher Questionnaire

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  3. New items

  4. Deleted items

  1. English/Language Arts Teacher Questionnaire

  1. Adaptations of common terms

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

  3. Deleted items

  1. School Questionnaire

  1. Adaptation of common terms*

    2018 Field Test

    Int’l term

    U.S. adaptation


    <National modal grade for 15-year-olds>

    10th grade

    SC161, SC162, SC042, SC154, SC167, SC158, SC048, SC004, SC003, SC053, SC150

    <test language>

    English/Language arts or ‘English’

    SC003, SC150, SC160

    <heritage language>

    Heritage language

    SC157, SC048, SC150,

    <Country of test>

    United States

    <district or national>

    district, state, or national


    * Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Final item#

Adapted Item


Is your school a public or a private school?

(Please select one response.)

A public school

(This is a school managed directly or indirectly by a public education authority, government agency, or governing board appointed by government or elected by public franchise.)

A private school

(This is a school managed directly or indirectly by a non-government organisation; e.g. a church, trade union, business, or other private institution.)


Note: The parenthetical examples have been removed as they have been in past rounds.

Is your school a public or a private school?

(Please select one response.)

A public school

A private school


About what percentage of your total funding for a typical school year comes from the following sources?

(Please enter a number for each response. Enter “0” (zero) if there are none.)


Note: added instruction that percentages must add to 100 to preserve trend.

About what percentage of your total funding for a typical school year comes from the following sources?

(Please enter a number for each response. Enter “0” (zero) if there are none.)(Note that the percentages must add up to 100.)


To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your schools’ capacity to enhance learning and teaching using digital devices?

(Please select one response in each row.)

(Please think of different kinds of digital devices such as for example desktop computers, portable laptops, tablet computers or interactive whiteboards)

Teachers have the necessary technical and pedagogical skills to integrate digital devices in instruction.

Teachers have sufficient time to prepare lessons integrating digital devices.


Note: redundant ‘for example’ deleted from second instruction and two items revised.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements about your schools’ capacity to enhance learning and teaching using digital devices?

(Please select one response in each row.)

(Please think of different kinds of digital devices such as desktop computers, portable laptops, tablet computers or interactive whiteboards)

Teachers have the necessary technical and pedagogical skills to integrate digital devices into their instruction.

Teachers have sufficient time to prepare lessons that integrate digital devices.

SC157Q01HA &

SC157 Q03HA

It is beneficial for the academic success of students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds when schools regard their cultural differences.

It is best for school cohesion when schools encourage the expression of cultural differences amongst their students.

SC157Q01HA &

SC157 Q03HA

Note: ‘Regard’ has been worded to ‘consider.’ ‘Amongst’ has been reworded to ‘among.’

It is beneficial for the academic success of students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds when schools regard consider their cultural differences.

It is best for school cohesion when schools encourage the expression of cultural differences amongst their students.


Do the following statements reflect practices for multicultural learning in your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

In our school, students learn about the histories of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in <country of test>.

In our school, students learn about the histories of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in other countries.

In our school, students learn about the cultures (e.g. beliefs, norms, values, customs, or arts) of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in <country of test>.

In our school, students learn about different ethnic and cultural perspectives on historical and social events.

Our school supports activities or organisations that encourage students’ expression of diverse ethnic and cultural identities (e.g. artistic groups).

Our school offers an exchange programme with schools in other countries.

Our school organizes multicultural events (e.g. cultural diversity day).

In our school, we celebrate festivities from other cultures.

We offer students the chance to communicate with people from other cultures via web/internet/social media


Note: two additional items were added to the end of SC163, transforming this item to a new item, SC165.

Do the following statements reflect practices for multicultural learning in your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

In our school, students learn about the histories of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in the United States.

In our school, students learn about the histories of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in other countries.

In our school, students learn about the cultures (e.g., beliefs, norms, values, customs, or arts) of diverse ethnic and cultural groups that live in the United States.

In our school, students learn about different ethnic and cultural perspectives on historical and social events.

Our school supports activities or organisations that encourage students’ expression of diverse ethnic and cultural identities (e.g., artistic groups).

Our school offers an exchange program with schools in other countries.

Our school organizes multicultural events (e.g., cultural diversity day).

In our school, we celebrate festivities from other cultures.

In our school, students are encouraged to communicate with people from other cultures via web/internet/social media.

Our school adopts different approaches to educate students about cultural differences (e.g. teamwork, peer to peer learning, simulations, problem-based learning, music, art, etc.).


To what extent do the following statements reflect an opinion shared by your teaching staff?

(Please select one response in each row.)


Note: The item is exactly the same, but the item ID has been renumbered to SC166.


Is there any formal curriculum for the following skills in <national modal grade for 15-year-olds>?

(Please consider national, state, regional, or school policies.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

Communicating with people from different cultures or countries

Knowledge of different cultures

Openness to intercultural experiences

Respect for cultural diversity

Foreign language skills


Note: An additional item was added to SC153, and SC153 was renumbered to SC167

Is there any formal curriculum for the following skills in 10th grade?

(Please consider national, state, district, or school policies.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

Communicating with people from different cultures or countries

Knowledge of different cultures

Openness to intercultural experiences

Respect for cultural diversity

Foreign languages

Critical thinking skills


SC018 How many of the following teachers are on the staff of your school?

Include both full-time and part-time teachers. A full-time teacher is employed at least 90% of the time as a teacher for the full school year. All other teachers should be considered part-time. Regarding the qualification level, please refer only to the teacher’s highest qualification level.

(Please enter a number in each space provided. Enter “0” (zero) if there are none.)

Teachers in TOTAL

Teachers <fully certified> by <the appropriate authority>

Teachers with an <ISCED Level 5A Bachelor degree> qualification

Teachers with an <ISCED Level 5A Master’s degree> qualification

Teachers with an <ISCED Level 6> qualification


Note: The ISCED qualifications have been mapped to U.S. equivalent qualifications.

Teachers fully certified by the state in their main assignment field

Teachers with a bachelor’s degree

Teachers with a Master’s degree

Teachers with a doctoral degree or professional degree (e.g., J.D. or M.D)


<This academic year>, which of the following activities does your school offer to students in the <national modal grade for 15-year-olds>?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Band, orchestra or choir

School play or school musical

School yearbook, newspaper or magazine

Volunteering or service activities, e.g. <national examples>

Book club

Debating club or debating activities

Art club or art activities

Sporting team or sporting activities

Lectures and/or seminars (e.g. guest speakers such as writers or journalists)

Collaboration with local libraries

Collaboration with local newspapers

<country specific item>


Note: Items Q04 and Q10 have been reworded. Q11 has been deleted as in past rounds.

Volunteering or community service activities

Sports team or sports activities

SC053Q11TA <country specific item>


In the last full academic year, what proportion of students in your school’s final grade left school without a <certificate>?

(A certificate allows students to enter post-school destinations such as university, technical, further or vocational education, apprenticeships or employment.)

(Please move the slider to the appropriate percentage. Select “0” (zero) if no students left without such a certificate.)


Note: The stem and instructions have been adapted to U.S. context.

In the last full academic year, what proportion of students in your school’s final grade left school without a diploma or alternative credential (e.g., a GED)?

(A diploma or alternative credential allows students to enter post-secondary destinations such as university, technical, further or vocational education, apprenticeships or employment.)

(Please move the slider to the appropriate percentage. Select ""0"" (zero) if no students left without such a diploma or credential.)


During <the last academic year>, what proportion of students’ parents participated in the following school-related activities?

(Please move the slider to the appropriate position. If no parents participated in the activity, please select “0” (zero). Select “100” (one hundred) if all parents participated in the activity.)

Participated in local school government, (e.g. parent council or school management committee)


Note: Added specific U.S. example to Item SC064Q03.

Volunteered in physical or extra-curricular activities (e.g., building maintenance, carpentry, gardening or yard work, school play, sports, field trip)

  1. Student Questionnaire (Core Background Questionnaire)

  1. Adaptation of common terms*

    2018 Field Test

    Int’l term

    U.S. adaptation




    ST097, ST100, ST102, ST212, ST104, ST152

    <test language>

    <test language lessons>

    English/Language arts or ‘English’ or

    English/Language arts classes

    ST023, ST097, ST100, ST102, ST211, ST212, ST104, ST213, ST152, ST154, ST153, ST155, ST172, ST173, ST059, ST070, ST071

    <heritage language>

    Heritage language

    ST203, ST172

    <Country of test>

    United States



    College or university


    * Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  2. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



On what date were you born?

(Please select the day, month, and year from the drop-down menus to answer the question.)


Note: This item has been adapted to the common order month-day-year that is used in the U.S. and the stem has been reworded for common usage.

When were you born?

(Please select the month, month, and year from the drop-down menus to answer the question.)


What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your mother?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response.)

<ISCED level 3A>

<ISCED level 3B, 3C>

<ISCED level 2>

<ISCED level 1>

She did not complete <ISCED level 1>


Note: This item has been reworded for clarity about what type of schooling is being asked about and mapped to U.S. specific grades. ISCED level 1 has been deleted as in past cycles.

What is the highest level of schooling (not including college) completed by your mother?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response.)

She completed grade 12 (high school diploma or GED).

She completed grade 9.

She completed grade 6.


She did not complete grade 6.


Does your mother have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

<ISCED level 6>

<ISCED level 5A>

<ISCED level 5B>

<ISCED level 4>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. qualifications for each ISCED level.

Does your mother have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

Master’s, doctoral, or professional degree such as medicine or law

Bachelor’s degree (4-year college degree)

Associate’s degree (2-year degree from a community college)

Vocational or technical certificate/diploma after high school (such as cosmetology or auto mechanics)


What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your father?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response.)

<ISCED level 3A>

<ISCED level 3B, 3C>

<ISCED level 2>

<ISCED level 1>

He did not complete <ISCED level 1>


Note: This item has been reworded for clarity about what type of schooling is being asked about and mapped to U.S. specific grades. ISCED level 1 has been deleted as in past cycles.

What is the highest level of schooling (not including college) completed by your father?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response.)

He completed grade 12 (high school diploma or GED).

He completed grade 9.

He completed grade 6.

<ISCED level 1>

He did not complete grade 6.


Does your father have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

<ISCED level 6>

<ISCED level 5A>

<ISCED level 5B>

<ISCED level 4>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. qualifications for each ISCED level.

Does your father have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

Master’s, doctoral, or professional degree such as medicine or law

Bachelor’s degree (4-year college degree)

Associate’s degree (2-year degree from a community college)

Vocational or technical certificate/diploma after high school (such as cosmetology or auto mechanics)


Which of the following are in your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)

<Country-specific wealth item 1>

<Country-specific wealth item 2>

<Country-specific wealth item 3>


Note: Country-specific items of wealth have been added.

Which of the following are in your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)

A guest room

A musical instrument

ST011Q19TA <Country-specific wealth item 3>


How many of these are there at your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)



Rooms with a bath or shower

<Cell phones> with Internet access (e.g. smartphones)

Computers (desktop computer, portable laptop, or notebook)

<Tablet computers> (e.g. <iPad®>, <BlackBerry® PlayBookTM>)

E-book readers (e.g. <KindleTM>, <Kobo>, <Bookeen>)

Musical instruments (e.g. guitar, piano)


Note: The item examples have been adapted to US common items.

How many of these are there at your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)



Rooms with a bath or shower

Cell phones with Internet access (e.g., smartphones)

Computers (desktop computer, portable laptop, or notebook)

Tablet computers (e.g., iPad®, Samsung Galaxy TM)

E-book readers (e.g., KindleTM, NookTM)

Musical instruments (e.g., guitar, piano)


How many books are there in your home?

There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks.


Note: The example passage has been adapted to U.S. standard units.

How many books are there in your home?

There are usually about 15 books per foot of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks.


The following two questions concern your mother’s job:

(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)

What is your mother’s main job?

(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please type in the job title.__________________________

What does your mother do in her main job?

(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job.


Note: This item has been adapted to include U.S. job titles and examples.

The following two questions concern your mother’s job:

(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)

What is your mother’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, cook, sales manager)

Please type in the job title.__________________________

What does your mother do in her main job?

(e.g., teaches high school students, helps prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job.


The following two questions concern your father’s job:

(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)

What is your father’s main job?

(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please type in the job title. __________________________

What does your father do in his main job?

(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or did in that job.

_______________________________________________________________ 01


Note: This item has been adapted to include U.S. job titles and examples.

The following two questions concern your father’s job:

(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)

What is your father’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, cook, sales manager)

Please type in the job title. __________________________ 01

What does your father do in his main job?

(e.g., teaches high school students, helps prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or did in that job.

_______________________________________________________________ 01


In what country were you and your parents born?

(Please select one response in each column.)

<Country A>

<Country B>

<Country C>

<Country D>


Other country


Note: This item has been adapted to U.S. context and to preserve trend.

In what country were you and your parents born?

(Please select one response in each column.)

United States*

Other country

* NOTE: The “United States” refers to the 50 states, District of Columbia, and U.S. military bases abroad.


What language do you speak at home most of the time?

(Please select one response.)

<Language 1>

<Language 2>

<Language 3>

< …etc. >

Other language


Note: this item has been adapted to US context and to preserve trend.

What language do you speak at home most of the time?

(Please select one response.)



Other language


Which language do you usually speak with the following people?

(Please select one response in each row.)


Note: The international group added the extra instruction after the initial release.

Which language do you usually speak with the following people?

(Please select one response in each row.)

(If English is your heritage language please select "Not applicable.")


How many foreign languages do you learn at your school this school year?


Note: Reworded for clarity.

How many foreign languages are you learning at your school this school year?


Imagine you are talking to people whose native language is different from yours.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I carefully observe their reactions.

I frequently check that we are understanding each other correctly.

I listen carefully to what they say.

I choose and pronounce my words carefully.

I give concrete examples to explain my ideas.

I explain things very carefully.

I try to find what we have in common.

I adapt my language to theirs.


Note: The original item has been modified by the international group after release. The last item has been deleted, and the second to last item has been replaced.

Imagine you are talking to people whose native language is different from yours.

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I carefully observe their reactions.

I frequently check that we are understanding each other correctly.

I listen carefully to what they say.

I choose my words carefully.

I give concrete examples to explain my ideas.

I explain things very carefully.

If there is a problem with communication, I find ways around it (e.g., by using gestures, re-explaining, writing, etc.).


How easy do you think it would be for you to perform the following tasks on your own?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Establish a connection between prices of textiles and working conditions in the countries of production

Explain how economic crises in single countries affect the global economy


Note: The third and sixth items have been reworded for clarity.

Establish a connection between prices of textiles and working conditions in the countries where they are produced

Explain how economic crises in specific countries affect the global economy


Thinking about teachers in your school: to how many of them do the following statements apply?

(Please select one response in each row.)

To none or almost none of them

To some of them

To most of them

To all or almost all of them


Note: The item has be modified by the international group and renumbered.

Thinking about teachers in your school: to how many of them do the following statements apply?

(Please select one response in each row.)

To no teachers or almost no teachers To some teachers To most teachers

To all or almost all teachers


Thinking about yourself and how you normally feel: how often do you feel as described below?

(Please select one response in each row.)












Note: This item has been modified to better connect items and stem.

Thinking about yourself and how you normally feel, how often do you feel …












How old were you when you started <ISCED 0>?


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ICED level 0.

How old were you when you started pre-school?


How old were you when you started <ISCED 1>?


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ICED level 1.

How old were you when you started first grade?


Have you ever repeated a <grade>?

(Please select one response in each row.)

At <ISCED 1>

At <ISCED 2>

At <ISCED 3>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ISCED levels.

Have you ever repeated a grade?

(Please select one response in each row.)

In kindergarten

In grades 1-6

In grades 10-12


Which of the following do you expect to complete?

(Please select one response.)

<ISCED level 2>

<ISCED level 3B or C>

<ISCED level 3A>

<ISCED level 4>

<ISCED level 5B>

<ISCED level 5A or 6>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ISCED levels.

Which of the following do you expect to complete?

(Please select one response.)

Less than high school

High school (high school diploma or GED)

Vocational or technical certificate (such as cosmetology or auto mechanics)

Associate’s degree (2-year degree from a community college)

Bachelor’s degree (4-year college degree)

Master’s degree or doctoral or professional degree such as medicine or law


This question refers to your entire school experience, between when you started <grade 1 of ISCED 1> and today.


Note: The instruction has been mapped to U.S. ISCED level 1.

This question refers to your entire school experience, between when you started first grade and today.


In the PISA test you took before the break, you had to read several texts and answer reading comprehension questions.

How do you feel about these reading tasks?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I understood well most of the texts.


Note: the term ‘assessment’ is preferred over ‘test’ and the first item has been reworded.

In the PISA assessment you took before the break, you had to read several texts and answer reading comprehension questions.

How do you feel about these reading tasks?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I understood most of the texts well.


Do you read in the following situations?

(Please take into account diverse kinds of reading, such as books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, emails…)

(Please select one response in each row.)

In the evening before falling asleep

While traveling (e.g., car, public transport)

While waiting for the dentist, doctor, hairdresser, or in a queue


Note: Item 3 has been adapted to US term for ‘queue’

Do you read in the following situations?

(Please take into account diverse kinds of reading, such as books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, emails…)

(Please select one response in each row.)

While waiting for the dentist, doctor, hairdresser, or while in a line


In which languages do you read?

(Please select all that apply.)

<Test language>

<Heritage language>




Note: this item has been mapped to the appropriate languages for the U.S.

In which languages do you read?

(Please select all that apply.)




  1. New items

2018 Field Test


How well does each of the following statements below describe you?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I want to learn how people live in different countries.

I want to learn more about the religions of the world.

I am interested in how people from various cultures see the world.

Even if something in another culture seems strange to me, I try not to be quick to judge.

I like the idea of living someday in another country.

I am interested in finding out about the traditions of other cultures.


How well does each of the following statements below describe you?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision.

I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to look at them both.

I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.

Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place.

When I’m upset at someone, I try to take the perspective of that person for a while.


How well does each of the following statements below describe you?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I can deal with unusual situations.

I can change me behavior to meet the needs of new situations.

I can adapt to new situations even when under stress or pressure.

I can adapt easily to a new culture.

When encountering difficult situations with other people, I can think of a way to resolve the situation.

I am capable of overcoming my difficulties in interacting with people from other cultures.


How well does each of the following statements below describe you?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I respect people from other cultures as equal human beings.

I treat all people with respect regardless of their cultural background.

I give space to people from other cultures to express themselves.

I respect the values of people from different cultures.

I value the opinions of people from different cultures.


To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

I think of myself as a citizen of the world.

When I see the poor conditions that some people in the world live under, I feel a responsibility to do something about it.

I think my behavior can impact people in other countries.

It is right to boycott companies that are known to provide poor workplace conditions for their employees.

I can do something about the problems of the world.

Looking after the global environment is important to me.

  1. Deleted items

2018 Field Test


Which one of the following <programmes> are you in?

(Please select one response.)

<Programme 1> 01

<Programme 2> 02

<Programme 3> 03

<Programme 4> 04

<Programme 5> 05

<Programme 6> 06


To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I want to know whether or how people in other countries do things differently.

I want to learn how people live in different countries.

I would like to host a foreign exchange student for one school term.

I like to be around people from other countries.

I want to learn more about the religions of the world.

I am interested in how people from various cultures see the world.

I would like to travel the world.

I like to watch TV programs about other cultures.

I would like to participate in a student exchange program abroad.

I like to listen to music from different countries.


To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

When I meet people from another country, I wait until I know them better before I form my opinion about them.

Even if something in another culture seems strange to me, I try not to be quick to judge.

I can handle unfamiliar situations easily.

I like being invited to the homes of friends from other cultures.

I enjoy trying out food from different countries.

When I am in another country, I want to do things like the locals do.

I am aware of how people from other cultures feel.

I want to learn how people from other countries see the world.

When talking to people from another country, I try to see things from their point of view.


To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision.

I believe that there are two sides to every question and try to look at them both.

I sometimes try to understand my friends better by imagining how things look from their perspective.

Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place.

When I’m upset at someone, I usually try to “put myself in his shoes” for a while.


How interested are you in the following issues?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Political or social issues in your country

Political or social issues in other countries

Environmental issues in your country

Environmental issues in other countries

History, culture and arts of your country

History, culture and arts of other countries


To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Spending a few months in another country would be a positive experience for me.

When I make a mistake speaking a foreign language, I can laugh it off.

Even if my behaviour is inappropriate in the eyes of a person from another country, I don't feel embarrassed.

Meeting people from different countries is really fun.

If I was going on a school excursion to another country, I would really look forward to it.

It would be exciting to travel the world.

I find it stressful to spend time with people from other countries.

I easily make friends with people from different cultures.

It would be stressful for me to go to school in another country.

What people from other countries think of my behaviour is unimportant to me.

I do things my way even if I am with people who do things differently, for example in another culture.

I find it stressful to speak in a foreign language.

Student Questionnaire – UH version

  1. Adaptation of common terms

2018 Field Test

Int’l term

U.S. adaptation




ST097, ST100

<test language>

<test language lessons>

English/Language arts or ‘English’ or English/Language arts classes

ST097, ST100

<Country of test>

United States


* Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  1. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



On what date were you born?

(Please select the day, month, and year from the drop-down menus to answer the question.)


Note: This item has been adapted to the common order month-day-year that is used in the U.S. and the stem has been reworded for common usage.

When were you born?

(Please select the month, month, and year from the drop-down menus to answer the question.)


What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your mother?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response.)

<ISCED level 3A>

<ISCED level 3B, 3C>

<ISCED level 2>

<ISCED level 1>

She did not complete <ISCED level 1>


Note: This item has been reworded for clarity about what type of schooling is being asked about and mapped to U.S. specific grades. ISCED level 1 has been deleted as in past cycles.

What is the highest level of schooling (not including college) completed by your mother?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response.)

She completed grade 12 (high school diploma or GED).

She completed grade 9.

She completed grade 6.


She did not complete grade 6.


Does your mother have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

<ISCED level 6>

<ISCED level 5A>

<ISCED level 5B>

<ISCED level 4>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. qualifications for each ISCED level.

Does your mother have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

Master’s, doctoral, or professional degree such as medicine or law

Bachelor’s degree (4-year college degree)

Associate’s degree (2-year degree from a community college)

Vocational or technical certificate/diploma after high school (such as cosmetology or auto mechanics)


What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your father?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response.)

<ISCED level 3A>

<ISCED level 3B, 3C>

<ISCED level 2>

<ISCED level 1>

He did not complete <ISCED level 1>


Note: This item has been reworded for clarity about what type of schooling is being asked about and mapped to U.S. specific grades. ISCED level 1 has been deleted as in past cycles.

What is the highest level of schooling (not including college) completed by your father?

If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the test administrator for help.

(Please select one response.)

He completed grade 12 (high school diploma or GED).

He completed grade 9.

He completed grade 6.

<ISCED level 1>

He did not complete grade 6.


Does your father have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

<ISCED level 6>

<ISCED level 5A>

<ISCED level 5B>

<ISCED level 4>


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. qualifications for each ISCED level.

Does your father have any of the following qualifications?

If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.

(Please select one response in each row.)

Master’s, doctoral, or professional degree such as medicine or law

Bachelor’s degree (4-year college degree)

Associate’s degree (2-year degree from a community college)

Vocational or technical certificate/diploma after high school (such as cosmetology or auto mechanics)


Which of the following are in your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)

<Country-specific wealth item 1>

<Country-specific wealth item 2>

<Country-specific wealth item 3>


Note: Country-specific items of wealth have been added.

Which of the following are in your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)

A guest room

A musical instrument

ST011Q19TA <Country-specific wealth item 3>


How many of these are there at your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)



Rooms with a bath or shower

<Cell phones> with Internet access (e.g. smartphones)

Computers (desktop computer, portable laptop, or notebook)

<Tablet computers> (e.g. <iPad®>, <BlackBerry® PlayBookTM>)

E-book readers (e.g. <KindleTM>, <Kobo>, <Bookeen>)

Musical instruments (e.g. guitar, piano)


Note: The item examples have been adapted to US common items.

How many of these are there at your home?

(Please select one response in each row.)



Rooms with a bath or shower

Cell phones with Internet access (e.g., smartphones)

Computers (desktop computer, portable laptop, or notebook)

Tablet computers (e.g., iPad®, Samsung Galaxy TM)

E-book readers (e.g., KindleTM, NookTM)

Musical instruments (e.g., guitar, piano)


How many books are there in your home?

There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks.


Note: The example passage has been adapted to U.S. standard units.

How many books are there in your home?

There are usually about 15 books per foot of shelving. Do not include magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks.


The following two questions concern your mother’s job:

(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)

What is your mother’s main job?

(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please type in the job title.__________________________

What does your mother do in her main job?

(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job.


Note: This item has been adapted to include U.S. job titles and examples.

The following two questions concern your mother’s job:

(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)

What is your mother’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, cook, sales manager)

Please type in the job title.__________________________

What does your mother do in her main job?

(e.g., teaches high school students, helps prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job.


The following two questions concern your father’s job:

(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)

What is your father’s main job?

(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)

Please type in the job title. __________________________

What does your father do in his main job?

(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or did in that job.

_______________________________________________________________ 01


Note: This item has been adapted to include U.S. job titles and examples.

The following two questions concern your father’s job:

(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)

What is your father’s main job?

(e.g., school teacher, cook, sales manager)

Please type in the job title. __________________________ 01

What does your father do in his main job?

(e.g., teaches high school students, helps prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)

Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or did in that job.

_______________________________________________________________ 01


In what country were you and your parents born?

(Please select one response in each column.)

<Country A>

<Country B>

<Country C>

<Country D>


Other country


Note: This item has been adapted to U.S. context and to preserve trend.

In what country were you and your parents born?

(Please select one response in each column.)

United States*

Other country

* NOTE: The “United States” refers to the 50 states, District of Columbia, and U.S. military bases abroad.


What language do you speak at home most of the time?

(Please select one response.)

<Language 1>

<Language 2>

<Language 3>

< …etc. >

Other language


Note: this item has been adapted to US context and to preserve trend.

What language do you speak at home most of the time?

(Please select one response.)



Other language


How old were you when you started <ISCED 0>?


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ICED level 0.

How old were you when you started pre-school?


How old were you when you started <ISCED 1>?


Note: This item has been mapped to U.S. ICED level 1.

How old were you when you started first grade?

Financial Literacy Student Background Questionnaire

  1. Adaptation of common terms

2018 Field Test

Int’l term

U.S. adaptation


No common terms to adapt were found in the Financial Literacy questionnaire.

* Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  1. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



Have you ever learned how to manage your money in a course?

(Please select one response in each row.)

At school, in a subject or course specifically about managing your money

At school as part of another subject or course

In an activity outside school


Note: This item has been reworded exchanging ‘course’ for ‘class.’

Have you ever learned how to manage your money in a class?

(Please select one response in each row.)

At school, in a subject or class specifically about managing your money

At school as part of another subject or class

In an activity outside school


Thinking about the school text books that you have used in the last 12 months:

(Please select one response in each row.)

Have you had a specific text book on money matters?

Have you had a text book on some other subject that discusses money matters?


Note: This item has been reworded to correct item-stem disagreement.

Thinking about the school text books that you have used in the last 12 months:

(Please select one response in each row.)

Have you used a specific text book on money matters?

Have you used a text book on some other subject that discusses money matters?


We want to know about your experience with the following types of problems about money matters at school. Have you encountered these types of problems during the following classes or activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

During your mathematics class

During another class

During a one-off lesson or activity in school time from an outside visitor (not one of your teachers)

During extra-curricular activity outside of school time


Note: This item has been reworded to fix the usage of ‘school time’

We want to know about your experience with the following types of problems about money matters at school. Have you encountered these types of problems during the following classes or activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

During your mathematics class

During another class

During a one-off lesson or activity in school from an outside visitor (not one of your teachers)

During extra-curricular activity outside of school hours


Where do you get the information you need about money matters (such as spending, saving, banking, investment)?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Parents/guardians or other adult relations


Note: Item 1 has been reworded to correct odd use or ‘relations’

Where do you get the information you need about money matters (such as spending, saving, banking, investment)?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Parents/guardians or other adult relatives


Do you get money from any of these sources?

(Please select one response in each row.)

An allowance or pocket money for regularly doing chores at home

An allowance or pocket money, without having to do any chores

Working outside school hours (e.g. a holiday job, part-time work)

Working in a family business

Occasional informal jobs (e.g. baby-sitting or gardening)

Gifts from friends or relatives

Selling things (e.g. at local markets or on <eBay>)


Note: this item has been reworded to preserve trend from 2012.

Do you get money from any of these sources?

(Please select one response in each row.)

An allowance or spending money for regularly doing chores at home

An allowance or spending money, without having to do any chores

Working outside school hours (e.g., a summer job, part-time work)

Working in a family business

Occasional informal jobs (e.g., babysitting or gardening)

Gifts from friends or relatives

Selling things (e.g., at local markets or on eBay)


When you think about buying a new product from your allowance, how often do you do any of the following?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Wait until the product gets cheaper before buying it


Note: item 4 has been reworded to make clear the distinction between less expensive monetarily and cheaper value.

Wait until the product gets less expensive before buying it


Do you have any of the following things?

(Please select one response in each row.)

An account with a <bank, building society, post office or credit union>

A payment card/debit card

A mobile app to access your account


Note: This item has been adapted to U.S. context.

Do you have any of the following things?

(Please select one response in each row.)

An account with a bank or credit union

A debit card

A mobile app to access your account


In the last 12 months, have you done the following things?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Undertook voluntary work


Note: Item 5 has been reworded to a familiar US term.

In the last 12 months, have you done the following things?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Did volunteer work

Information and Computer Technology (ICT) Familiarity Questionnaire (Students)

  1. Adaptation of common terms

2018 Field Test

Int’l term

U.S. adaptation


<test language>

English/Language arts or ‘English’

IC150, IC151, IC152

* Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  1. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



How often do you use digital devices for the following activities outside of school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Browsing the Internet for schoolwork (e.g. for preparing an essay or presentation).

Browsing the Internet to follow up lessons, e.g. for finding explanations.

Using email for communication with other students about schoolwork.

Using email for communication with teachers and submission of homework or other schoolwork.

Using social networks for communication with other students about schoolwork (e.g. <Facebook>, <MySpace>).

Using social networks for communication with teachers (e.g. <Facebook>, <MySpace>).

Downloading, uploading or browsing material from my school’s website (e.g. timetable or course materials).

Checking the school’s website for announcements, e.g. absence of teachers.

Doing homework on a computer.

Doing homework on a mobile device.

Using learning apps or learning websites on a computer.

Using learning apps or learning websites on a mobile device.

Note: Items have been reworded for US usage and grammar.

How often do you use digital devices for the following activities outside of school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Browsing the Internet for schoolwork (e.g., for preparing an essay or presentation)

Using the internet to find more information about things you learned in class

Emailing with other students about schoolwork

Emailing with teachers and submitting homework or other schoolwork

Using social networks to communicate with other students about schoolwork (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

Using social networks to communicate with teachers (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

Downloading, uploading, or browsing material from my school’s website

Checking the school’s website for announcements (e.g., school closures, teacher absences)

Doing homework on a computer

Doing homework on a mobile device

Using learning apps or learning websites on a computer

Using learning apps or learning websites on a mobile device

General Teacher Questionnaire

  1. Adaptation of common terms

2018 Field Test

Int’l term

U.S. adaptation


<national modal grade for 15-year-olds>

10th grade

TC018, TC164, TC194,

<test language>

English/Language arts or ‘English’


<heritage language>

Heritage language


<Country of test>

United States

TC187, TC188, TC189, TC201,

<college>, <educational institute which is eligible to educate or train teachers>

College or university


* Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  1. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Qualification programme (e.g. a <degree programme>)


Note: the term ‘qualification program’ in the first item has been adapted to ‘degree program’ to localize it in US context.

During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following activities?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Degree program


In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Provide an alternative explanation for example when students are confused


Note: Item 11 has been reworded for clarity.

In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Provide an alternative explanation (e.g., when students are confused)


If at least one book was assigned, which choices did the students have?

(Please select all that apply.)

The students could choose books on a list provided by you or freely, but the choice had to be approved by you.


Note: The last item has been reworded to make the concept of ‘freely’ more readily understood in US.

The students could choose books on a list provided by you or on their own, but the choice had to be approved by you


In what country were you born?

(Please select one response.)

<Country A>

<Country B>

<Country C>

<Country D>


Other country

Note: this item has been adapted to U.S. context and in-parallel with trend student questionnaire item.

In what country were you born?

(Please select one response.)

United States*

Other country

* NOTE: The “United States” refers to the 50 states, District of Columbia, and U.S. military bases abroad


To what extent do the following statements reflect an opinion shared by the teachers of your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

It is beneficial for the academic success of students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds when schools regard their cultural differences.


Note: item 1 has been reworded for common US usage.

To what extent do the following statements reflect an opinion shared by the teachers of your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

It is beneficial for the academic success of students from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds when schools regard consider their cultural differences.


To what extent do the following statements reflect an opinion shared by the teachers of your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

In the classroom, it is important to be responsive to differences between cultures.

It is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values.

Respecting other cultures is something that students should learn as early as possible.

In counselling parents who have a different cultural background than I do, I try to be considerate of cultural aspects.

When meeting with parents of different cultural backgrounds, I spend more time trying to understand and empathize with their perspective.

Intercultural communication should be emphasized in teacher training.

Schools should aim to foster and support the similarities between students from different cultural backgrounds.

In the classroom, it is important that students of different origins recognize the similarities that exist between them.

When there are conflicts between students of different origins, they should be encouraged to resolve the argument by finding common ground.

Students should learn that people of different cultural origins often have a lot in common.


Note: This item has been modified by the international group and renumbered.

To what extent do the following statements reflect an opinion shared by the teachers of your school?

(Please select one response in each row.)

In the classroom, it is important to be responsive to differences in students’ cultural background.

It is important for students to learn that people from other cultures can have different values.

Respecting other cultures is something that students should learn as early as possible.

In communicating with parents who have a different cultural background than I do, I try to be considerate of cultural aspects.

When meeting with parents of different cultural backgrounds, I spend time trying to understand and empathize with their perspective.

Intercultural communication should be emphasized in teacher training.

When there are conflicts between students of different origins, they should be encouraged to resolve the argument by finding common ground.

Students should learn that people of different cultural origins often have a lot in common.


In your lessons, do you include opportunities to promote the following skills?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Communicating with people from different cultures or countries

Knowledge of different cultures

Openness to intercultural experiences

Respect for cultural diversity

Foreign language skills


Note: This item has been modified by the international group and renumbered.

In your lessons, do you include opportunities to promote the following skills?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Communicating with people from different cultures or countries

Knowledge of different cultures

Openness to intercultural experiences

Respect for cultural diversity

Foreign language skills

Critical thinking skills


To what extent do you use the following approaches to assign final <semester> grades to students in <national modal grade for 15-year-olds>.

(If you need further explanation of the term “<standardised tests>”, please use the help button.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

I consider students’ individual improvement of performance since the beginning of the <semester>.

I consider students’ problem solving ability.

I consider students’ critical thinking ability.

I consider students’ performance in collaborative problem solving activities.

I recognize students’ effort even if performance does not improve.

I compare student performance in the current course to that of students from the previous course.

I compare a student’s performance to that of other students in the course.

I compare students’ performance to written <national or regional performance standards>.

I consider the degree to which the student participates in the class.

I base grades on <standardised tests> mandated by national, state or district authorities, e.g. <country specific example>.

I base grades on non-mandatory, publicly or commercially available <standardised tests>, e.g. <country specific example>.


Note: Items8, 13, and 11 have been adapted.

To what extent do you use the following approaches to assign final semester grades to students in the 10th grade.

(If you need further explanation of the term “standardized tests”, please use the help button.)

(Please select one response in each row.)

I consider students’ individual improvement of performance since the beginning of the semester.

I consider students’ problem solving ability.

I consider students’ critical thinking ability.

I consider students’ performance in collaborative problem solving activities.

I recognize students’ effort even if performance does not improve.

I compare student performance in the current course to that of students from the previous course.

I compare a student’s performance to that of other students in the course.

I compare students’ performance to written national or state performance standards.

I consider the degree to which the student participates in the class.

I base grades on standardized tests mandated by national, state or district authorities, e.g., the test in your state.

I base grades on non-mandatory, publicly or commercially available standardized tests (e.g., PSAT, SAT)

  1. New Items

2018 Field Test


Do the following statements reflect your education and training as a teacher?

(Please select one response in each row.)

Have you received training on intercultural communication?

Have you received training on conflict resolution strategies?

Have you received training on the role education can play in confronting discrimination in all its forms?

Have you studied culturally-responsive teaching approaches and techniques?

Have you received training on issues related to teaching in multicultural classrooms?


How do you judge your own competence to teach in a class with a high degree of cultural and ethnic diversity?

(Please select one response in each row.)

I can cope with the challenges of a multicultural classroom.

I can adapt my teaching to the cultural diversity of students.

I can adequately respond to students with different abilities and cultural preconditions.

I can foster better relationships between students with and without a migration background.

I can help students with and without migrant background work together.

I can raise awareness for cultural differences amongst the students.

I can contribute to greater mutual understanding between students from different cultural groups.

I can deal with problems which result from cultural difference.

I can contribute to reducing ethnic stereotypes between the students.

  1. Deleted items

2018 Field Test


How much do you agree with the following statements?

(Please select one response in each row.)

One should be kind to all people.

One should find ways to help others less fortunate than oneself.

A person should be concerned about the wellbeing of others.

There should be equality for everyone – because we are all human beings.

Those who are unable to provide for their basic needs should be helped by others.

A good society is one in which people feel responsible for one another.

Everyone should have an equal chance and an equal say in most things.

Acting to protect the rights and interests of other members of the community is a major obligation for all persons.

English/Language Arts Teacher Questionnaire

  1. Adaptation of common terms

2018 Field Test

Int’l term

U.S. adaptation


<reading literacy>

English/Language arts

TC203, TC204

<test language>, <test language lessons>

English/Language arts or ‘English’ or English/language arts classes

TC150, TC031,TC156, TC167, TC168, TC170, TC171, TC181, TC039, TC043, TC202

<heritage language>

Heritage language


<college>, <educational institute which is eligible to educate or train teachers>.

College or university


<national modal grade for 15-year-olds>

10th grade

TC194, TC164, TC165, TC039

* Items in angle brackets not listed here were maintained as-is with the angle brackets removed.

  1. Items with revised wording or structure

2018 FT Int’l Version

2018 U.S. Field Test version

Item #


Item #



If at least one book was assigned, which choices did the students have?

(Please select all that apply.)

The students could choose books on a list provided by you or freely, but the choice had to be approved by you.


Note: Item 4 was reworded to clarify what ‘freely’ means in this context.

The students could choose books on a list provided by you or on their own, but the choice had to be approved by you.

  1. Deleted items

2018 Field Test


Are you required to take part in professional development activities?

(Please select one response.)




File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByU.S. Department of Education
File Modified2016-09-19
File Created2016-09-14

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