WFD Survey (Form 240)

Questions FRA WFD Survey.docx

Workforce Development (WFD) Survey

WFD Survey (Form 240)

OMB: 2130-0621

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Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Workforce Development (WFD) Survey

The FRA-WFD is a survey tool for personnel managers, human resource professionals and workforce development professionals across railroad companies, academia, labor unions and industry related associations. The tool is designed to ensure that the FRA is knowledgeable of railroad industry workforce related issues to better provide a highly skilled workforce and improve safety. By completing this survey, respondents will help the FRA understand current workforce issues, identify priorities for workforce development efforts, and identify training that improves the collective ability of the railroad workforce in meeting today’s and future railroad requirements.

FRA-WFD Overview

It is critical that systems and processes to recruit, train and retain a railroad industry workforce are developed, shared and implemented to support the ever changing needs of the industry. As the workforce ages and new technologies are introduced, the ability to sustain a safe and capable workforce is disrupted. Railroad companies, associations, unions and academia often struggle to address the challenges of this dynamic environment. The input provided through this survey will assist the FRA in aligning strategies, policies and support to the industry to meet their needs.

The FRA-WFD survey will allow respondents to provide input to assess the general state of the railroad workforce and provide specific insight to the critical factors necessary to sustain a robust workforce development strategy. Survey questions are grouped by major workforce themes (e.g., aging, diversity, training and the adoption of new technologies). Many questions include space for additional comments to share more information and details. The survey team encourages you to include your thoughts and welcomes this feedback. When concluded, this survey will enable FRA to identify strategies to address workforce challenges and improve collaboration across the railroad industry to align efforts and achieve greater results.

The results of the survey will be compiled and shared in a published report of the survey analysis to be released later in 2017.

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to the FRA Workforce Development Survey. If you have been invited to complete this survey, you support the railroad industry workforce in some capacity. This includes representation from across railroad companies large and small, passenger and freight. Also included are members of academia, labor unions and industry related associations. Based on this experience, your input is critical to assess the status of the railroad workforce.

This survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The information you provide will be used by FRA to assess the status of the railroad workforce and determine priorities for addressing workforce development challenges and improve collaboration across the industry. The results will be compiled and published for review in 2017.

Please be assured that your responses will be completely anonymous.

Please select the group that best identifies the type of railroad industry organization you represent or belong to.

____ Academia

____ Labor Union

____ Rail Association

____ Class I Passenger

____ Class I Freight

____ Short Line and Regional


Academia Questions

General Workforce Considerations

  1. The current pool of qualified students that are considering a career in the rail industry appears adequate to meet industry needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified railroad candidates in the future (5-10 years) to meet industry needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Trends regarding the qualifications of candidates entering the railroad industry are improving.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve collaboration for developing candidates in academia.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. Succession programs for replacement training and knowledge transfer are adequately addressing the loss of experienced employees due to retirement.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Academia is addressing knowledge management challenges for the industry to capture and use the knowledge lost with the retiring workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) are positively impacting and supporting the railroad industry’s workforce development requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate of qualified students entering the railroad workforce is not sufficient to replace the rate of retirements from the industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

  1. Recruiting and retention activities conducted in the academic environment are addressing diversity in the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Improvement is needed to diversify academic interest in choosing the railroad industry as a career.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. Academia is aware of key workforce development measures and how they are captured and reported.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures that impact the workforce and the railroad industry environment do not exist or are not shared with academia.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Academia has access to data about the railroad workforce, and this data is shared with candidates interested in the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Within academia, recruiting and marketing materials are effectively communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting events and methods are successful in promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by students and faculty.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 New railroad technologies are positively impacting the industry image within academia.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Courses and training offerings are adequately addressing current workforce needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions, and the railroad companies is effective in addressing current workforce training needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Industry training is evaluated to adequately assesses the effectiveness of the training being provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Academia is effective in identifying, elevating and sharing successful training and educational programs to raise the standards and quality of training across the railroad community.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. Academics generally believe the average work to personal life balance in the rail industry is more challenging than most other industries or occupations

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs, in academia or otherwise, to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing time balance issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Academics generally believe the work/life balance in the rail industry negatively impacts

retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Considerations

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for academia to prepare candidates for railroad industry jobs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New rail technologies are positively impacting rail operations and safety, improving student’s interest in, and pursuit of, the rail industry as a career.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Student concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Academia’s course adjustments to address newly introduced or upgraded technology are timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Labor Union Questions

General Considerations

  1. The current workforce talent pool is sufficiently addressing the railroad industry’s needs for qualified personnel.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified workforce candidates to meet the rail road industry needs for the next 5-10 years.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The trends regarding qualified workforce candidates entering the rail industry are improving.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve collaboration across the rail industry to address workforce challenges.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. As the rail industry workforce is aging, succession programs are adequately addressing the loss of experience as employees retire.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Knowledge management programs are adequately capturing and making available the knowledge potentially being lost with the retiring workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) are positively impacting and supporting the need to bring new talent into the industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate of which the workforce is retiring is growing more significant.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

  1. Union-supported recruiting and retention activities are adequately addressing diversity in

the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Despite efforts to diversify the workforce, there are still areas that need to improve.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. The union has access to data reflecting how the rail industry workforce is being developed to meet the needs of the industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures about the railroad industry workforce and how industry needs are being met do not exist.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The available workforce data is readily accessible and consistently reported across the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Industry marketing materials and messaging are effectively communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting approaches are successfully promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by the general public.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The introduction of new railroad technologies is positively impacting the industry image.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Training offerings adequately address current workforce needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions, and the railroad companies is effective in addressing current workforce training needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Industry training is evaluated to adequately assesses the effectiveness of the training being provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Highly effective training is elevated and shared across the railroad community to help raise the standards and quality of training.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. The labor union considers the average work to personal life balance in the rail industry as more challenging than most other industries or occupations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing the issue.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The work/life balance in the rail industry impacts retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Considerations

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for the railroad industry workforce to adapt to and learn.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New technologies are positively impacting railroad operations and safety.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Training for newly introduced or upgraded technology is timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Rail Associations Questions

General Considerations

  1. There are sufficient qualified workforce candidates to meet the railroad industry needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified workforce candidates in the future (5-10 years).

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Trends are improving regarding the availability of qualified workforce candidates to meet industry needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve workforce development collaboration across the industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. As the railroad industry workforce ages, succession programs are adequately addressing the loss of experienced employees to retirement.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Knowledge management programs are adequately capturing and making available the knowledge being lost with the retiring workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) are positively impacting and supporting the railroad workforce requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate at which the workforce is retiring is growing more significant.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

  1. Recruiting and retention activities are adequately addressing diversity in the rail industry workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Despite efforts to diversify the workforce, there are still areas that need to improve.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. The associations capture and report key workforce development measures.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures that impact the workforce and the railroad industry environment do not exist.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce data is readily available and is consistently reported across the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Recruiting and marketing materials are communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting approaches are successful in promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by the general public.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 New railroad technologies are positively impacting the railroad industry image.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Training offerings, from all available sources, adequately address current workforce needs.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions and the railroad workforce is effectively addressing current workforce training requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Industry training is evaluated to adequately assesses the effectiveness of the training being provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Highly effective training is elevated and shared across the railroad community to raise the standards and quality of training.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. Association membership considers the average work to personal life balance in the rail industry as more challenging than most other industries or occupations

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing the issue.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The work/life balance in the railroad industry impacts retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Consideration

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for the workforce to adapt to and learn.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New technologies are having a positive impact on railroad operations and safety.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Training for newly introduced or upgraded technology is timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Class I Passenger Questions

General Considerations

  1. There are currently enough qualified workforce candidates to meet the operational

requirements of the Class I Passenger railroads.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified workforce candidates in Class I Passenger in the future (5-10 years) to meet requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce trends are improving with regard to having enough qualified workforce candidates for Class I Passenger operations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve workforce development collaboration.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. Succession programs are adequately addressing the loss of experienced employees to retirement.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Knowledge management programs are adequately capturing and making available the knowledge of the retiring workforce for use by their successors.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) between the railroad industry and academia are positively impacting and supporting the railroad workforce requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate at which the workforce is retiring is growing more significant.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

1 Recruiting and retention activities are adequately addressing diversity in the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Despite efforts to diversify the workforce, there are still areas that need to improve.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. Key workforce development measures for Class I Passenger operations are adequately captured and reported.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures that impact the Class I Passenger workforce and the railroad industry environment do not exist.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Data regarding the Class I Passenger workforce is readily available and is consistently reported across the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Recruiting and marketing materials are communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting approaches for the Class I Passenger field are successful in promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by the general public.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 New railroad technologies are positively impacting the industry image.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Training offerings, from all sources, adequately address the current workforce needs of the Class I Passenger field.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions and the railroad workforce is effectively addressing current workforce training requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The evaluation of training across the industry adequately assesses the effectiveness the training provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Highly effective training is elevated and shared across the railroad community to raise the standards and quality of training.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. For Class I Passenger employees, the average work to personal life balance is more challenging than most other industries or occupations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing the issue.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The work/life balance in the rail industry impacts retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Consideration

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for the workforce to adapt and learn.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New technologies are positively impacting rail operations and safety.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Training for newly introduced or upgraded technology is timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Class I Freight Questions

General Considerations

1 There are currently enough qualified workforce candidates to meet operational requirements in the Class I Freight field.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified workforce candidates in Class I Freight in the future (5-10 years) to meet requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce trends are improving with regard to having enough qualified workforce candidates for Class I Freight operations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve workforce development collaboration.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. Succession programs are adequately addressing the loss of experienced employees to retirement.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Knowledge management programs are adequately capturing and making available the knowledge of the retiring workforce for use by their successors.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) between the railroad industry and academia are positively impacting and supporting the railroad industry’s workforce requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate at which the workforce is retiring is growing more significant.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

1 Recruiting and retention activities are adequately addressing diversity in the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Despite efforts to diversify the workforce there are still areas that need to improve.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. Key workforce development measures for Class I Freight operations are adequately captured and reported.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures that impact the Class I Freight workforce and the railroad industry environment do not exist.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Data regarding the Class I Freight workforce is readily available and is consistently reported across the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Recruiting and marketing materials are communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting approaches for the Class I Freight field are successful in promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by the general public.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 New railroad technologies are positively impacting the industry image.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Training offerings, from all sources, adequately address current workforce needs of the Class I Freight field.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions and the railroad workforce is effectively addressing current workforce training requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The evaluation of training across the industry adequately assesses the effectiveness the training provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Highly effective training is elevated and shared across the railroad community to raise the standards and quality of training.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. For Class I Freight operations, the average work to personal life balance is more challenging than most other industries or occupations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing the issue.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The work/life balance in the rail industry impacts retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Consideration

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for the workforce to adapt and learn.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New technologies are positively impacting rail operations and safety.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Training for newly introduced or upgraded technology is timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Short Line and Regional Questions

General Considerations

1 There are currently enough qualified workforce candidates to meet operational requirements in the Short Line and Regional railroad segment.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 There will be enough qualified workforce candidates in the Short Line and Regional railroad segment in the future (5-10 years) to meet requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce trends are improving with regard to having enough qualified workforce candidates for Short Line and Regional railroad operations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Collaborative efforts between academia, railroad associations, labor unions and railroad companies across the industry are adequately addressing workforce issues.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

5 DOT and FRA should improve workforce development collaboration.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Aging Workforce Considerations

  1. Succession programs are adequately addressing the loss of experienced employees to retirement.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Knowledge management programs are adequately capturing and making available the knowledge of the retiring workforce for use by their successors.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Partnerships at all academic levels (K-12 to Post Graduate) between the railroad industry and academia are positively impacting and supporting the railroad workforce requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 The rate at which the workforce is retiring is growing more significant.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Diversity Considerations

1 Recruiting and retention activities are adequately addressing diversity in the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Despite efforts to diversify the workforce, there are still areas that need to improve.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The current railroad workforce is diversified and representative of the overall population.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Development Data

  1. Key workforce development measures for Short Line and Regional railroad operations are adequately captured and reported.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Key measures that impact the Short Line and Regional workforce and the railroad industry environment do not exist.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Data regarding the Short Line and Regional workforce is readily available and is consistently reported across the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Industry Image Considerations

  1. Recruiting and marketing materials are communicating a positive and promising image of the railroad industry.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Recruiting approaches for the Short Line and Regional segment are successful in promoting a positive image and attracting qualified candidates.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The railroad industry is seen as a promising and rewarding career by the general public.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 New railroad technologies are positively impacting the industry image.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Workforce Training Considerations

  1. Training offerings, from all sources, adequately address current workforce needs of the Short Line and Regional segment.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 Cross industry collaboration between academia, associations, labor unions and the railroad workforce is effectively addressing current workforce training requirements.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The evaluation of training across the industry adequately assesses the effectiveness the training provided.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Highly effective/successful training is elevated and shared across the railroad community to raise the standards and quality of training.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Work/Life Balance Considerations

  1. For Short Line and Regional operations, the average work to personal life balance is more challenging than most other industries or occupations.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

  1. Programs to address work/life balance for the railroad workforce are adequately addressing the issue.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 The work/life balance in the rail industry impacts retention of the workforce.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

Technology Adoption and Impact Consideration

  1. Newly introduced technologies are creating challenges for the workforce to adapt and learn.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

2 New technologies are positively impacting rail operations and safety.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

3 Workforce concerns about the loss of jobs due to automation are being addressed.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________

4 Training for newly introduced or upgraded technology is timely and adequate to ensure safe and efficient use of the technology.

Strongly Agree – Agree - Not Sure – Disagree - Strongly Disagree - Choose not to respond

Additional comments/remarks: ________________________________________________


FRA F 240 (09/16) OPI: FRA, Office of Railroad Policy and Development

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleSurvey Request
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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