FERC-588 60-day FR

FERC-588 30 day 5.31.pdf

FERC-588 (IC17-5-000, Emergency Natural Gas Transportation, Sale and Exchange Transactions)

FERC-588 60-day FR

OMB: 1902-0144

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Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 31, 2017 / Notices
The forms in this package are updates
to existing Office of Management and
Budget approved forms (1820–0686)
which expire on 5/31/2017.
Dated: May 24, 2017.
Tomakie Washington,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Office of the Chief Privacy
Officer, Office of Management.
[FR Doc. 2017–11122 Filed 5–30–17; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC17–5–000]

Commision Information Collection
Activities (FERC–588); Comment
Request; Extension
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of information collection
and request for comments.

The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) issued on March 23, 2017, a 60day Notice in the Federal Register
requesting public comments on FERC–
588 (Emergency Natural Gas
Transportation, Sale and Exchange
Transactions). No comments were
In compliance with the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
the Commission is submitting the
FERC–588 to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review of the
information collection requirements.
Any interested person may file
comments directly with OMB and
should address a copy of those
comments to the Commission as
explained below.
DATES: Comments on the FERC–588,
previously published March 23, 2017 at
82 FR 14888 are due by June 30, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments filed with OMB,
identified by the OMB Control No.
1902–0144 (FERC–588), should be sent
via email to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs at: oira_

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submission@omb.gov, Attention:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Desk Officer.
A copy of the comments should also
be sent to the Commission, in Docket
No. IC17–5–000, by either of the
following methods:
• eFiling at Commission’s Web site:
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: All submissions must be
formatted and filed in accordance with
submission guidelines at: http://
www.ferc.gov/help/submissionguide.asp. For user assistance, contact
FERC Online Support by email at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket or in viewing/downloading
comments and issuances in this docket
may do so at http://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/docs-filing.asp.
Ellen Brown may be reached by email
at DataClearance@FERC.gov, telephone
at (202) 502–8663, and fax at (202) 273–
Title: FERC–588, Emergency Natural
Gas Transportation, Sale and Exchange
OMB Control No.: 1902–0144.
Type of Request: Three-year extension
of the FERC–588 information collection
requirements with no changes to the
reporting requirements.
Abstract: The FERC–588 is used by
the Commission to implement the
statutory provisions of sections 7(c) of
the Natural Gas Act (NGA) (Pub. L. 75–
688) (15 U.S.C. 717–717w) and
provisions of the Natural Gas Policy Act
of 1978 (NGPA), 15 U.S.C. 3301–3432.
Under the NGA, a natural gas company
must obtain Commission approval to
engage in the transportation, sale or
exchange of natural gas in interstate
commerce. However, section 7(c)
exempts from certificate requirements
‘‘temporary acts or operations for which

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the issuance of a certificate will not be
required in the public interest.’’ The
NGPA also provides for non-certificated
interstate transactions involving
intrastate pipelines and local
distribution companies.
A temporary operation, or emergency,
is defined as any situation in which an
actual or expected shortage of gas
supply would require an interstate
pipeline company, intrastate pipeline,
or local distribution company, or
Hinshaw pipeline to curtail deliveries of
gas or provide less than the projected
level of service to the customer. The
natural gas companies which provide
the temporary assistance to the
companies which are having the
‘‘emergency’’ must file the necessary
information described in 18 CFR part
284, subpart I with the Commission, so
that it may determine if their assisting
transaction/operation qualifies for
exemption. The assisting company may
or may not be under the Commission’s
jurisdiction and if their assisting actions
qualify for the exemption, they will not
become subject to the Commission’s
jurisdiction for such actions.
A report within forty-eight hours of
the commencement of the
transportation, sale or exchange, a
request to extend the sixty-day term of
the emergency transportation, if needed,
and a termination report are required.
The data required to be filed for the
forty-eight hour report is specified by 18
CFR 284.270.
Type of Respondents: Natural Gas
Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The
Commission estimates the Public
Reporting Burden for this information
collection as:
1 Burden is defined as the total time, effort, or
financial resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide
information to or for a Federal agency. For further
explanation of what is included in the information
collection burden, refer to 5 Code of Federal
Regulations 1320.3.
2 The estimates for cost per response are derived
using the 2017 FERC average salary plus benefits of
$158,754/year (or $76.50/hour). Commission staff
finds that the work done for this information
collection is typically done by wage categories
similar to those at FERC.




Federal Register / Vol. 82, No. 103 / Wednesday, May 31, 2017 / Notices
Number of

number of
responses per

Total number
of responses

burden & cost
per response 2

Total annual
burden hours
& total annual

Cost per



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

(5) ÷ (1)

Natural Gas Pipelines ...................


Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden and cost of the collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information collection;
and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.

Accession Number: 20170522–5141.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/12/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1651–000.
Applicants: Virginia Electric and
Power Company, PJM Interconnection,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
VEPCO submits revised Interconnection
Agreement, Service Agreement No. 3453
to be effective 5/16/2017.
Filed Date: 5/22/17.
Accession Number: 20170522–5162.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/12/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1652–000.
Applicants: Bayonne Energy Center,
Description: Petition of Bayonne
Energy Center, LLC for Limited Waiver
and Request for Commission Action by
August 1, 2017.
Filed Date: 5/22/17.
Accession Number: 20170522–5187.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/12/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1653–000.
Applicants: Duke Energy Progress,
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
DEP–DOM IA RS No. 196 Concurrence
to be effective 5/16/2017.
Filed Date: 5/23/17.
Accession Number: 20170523–5004.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/13/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1654–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
2017–05–23_SA 2904 M3 SolarCooperative Energy GIA (J473) to be
effective 5/24/2017.
Filed Date: 5/23/17.
Accession Number: 20170523–5010.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/13/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1656–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
2017–05–23_SA 3017 ATC–DPC
Facilities Reimbursement Agreement to
be effective 5/24/2017.
Filed Date: 5/23/17.
Accession Number: 20170523–5037.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/13/17.
Docket Numbers: ER17–1662–000.
Applicants: Northern States Power
Company, a Minnesota corporation,
Northern States Power Company, a
Wisconsin corporation.

Dated: May 23, 2017.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2017–11201 Filed 5–30–17; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory

nlaroche on DSK30NT082PROD with NOTICES

Combined Notice of Filings #1
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric corporate
Docket Numbers: EC17–121–000.
Applicants: Battery Utility of Ohio,
Description: Application of Battery
Utility of Ohio, LLC for Authorization
Under Section 203 of the Federal Power
Act and Request for Waivers,
Confidential Treatment, Expedited
Action, and Shortened Comment Period.
Filed Date: 5/22/17.
Accession Number: 20170522–5189.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/12/17.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER17–1650–000.
Applicants: ITC Midwest LLC.
Description: § 205(d) Rate Filing:
Filing of a Master Joint Use Agreement
for Distribution Underbuild to be
effective 7/24/2017.
Filed Date: 5/22/17.

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10 hrs.; $765.00 ..

300 hrs.


Description: Notice of Cancellation of
Marshland Facilities Agreement and
Administrative Services Agreement of
Northern States Power Company, a
Minnesota corporation, et al.
Filed Date: 5/23/17.
Accession Number: 20170523–5066.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/13/17.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following public utility
holding company filings:
Docket Numbers: PH17–15–000.
Applicants: PGGM Vermogensbeheer
Description: PGGM Vermogensbeheer
B.V. submits FERC 65–B Material
Change in Facts of Waiver Notification,
et al.
Filed Date: 5/22/17.
Accession Number: 20170522–5160.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 6/12/17.
The filings are accessible in the
Commission’s eLibrary system by
clicking on the links or querying the
docket number.
Any person desiring to intervene or
protest in any of the above proceedings
must file in accordance with Rules 211
and 214 of the Commission’s
Regulations (18 CFR 385.211 and
385.214) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern
time on the specified comment date.
Protests may be considered, but
intervention is necessary to become a
party to the proceeding.
eFiling is encouraged. More detailed
information relating to filing
requirements, interventions, protests,
service, and qualifying facilities filings
can be found at: http://www.ferc.gov/
docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For
other information, call (866) 208–3676
(toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659.
Dated: May 23, 2017.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2017–11200 Filed 5–30–17; 8:45 am]



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File Modified2017-05-31
File Created2017-05-31

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