Title IV-A SEA Needs Assessment

Master Generic Plan for Customer Surveys and Focus Groups

Title IV-A SEA Needs Assessment DRAFT submission 11 9 17

Title IV-A SEA Needs Assessment

OMB: 1800-0011

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Instructions for SEAs to Complete Assessment

The National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE) is working collaboratively with the Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) to effectively build a foundation of resources and technical assistance to support the Every Student Succeeds Act, Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A), Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program’s grantees, including state educational agencies (SEAs), sub-grantees, local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools. This foundation will allow SEAs, LEAs, and schools to build their capacity to provide all students with access to a well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning, and improve the use of technology to support academic achievement and digital literacy of all students, while leveraging the SSAE funds to tailor their resources based on the needs of their unique student populations.

Preliminary steps in the process are to assess the needs of SEAs related to Title IV, Part A SSAE program support and implementation and to inform the development of a set of resources, training materials and technical assistance support.

The following needs assessment is estimated to take approximately 15-20 minutes total to complete. There are minimal text boxes requiring written responses.

If you have any questions or need assistance to complete this survey please contact NCSSLE@air.org or call 800-258-8413.

Please be candid. Your answers will help OSHS and NCSSLE develop the training and technical assistance (T/TA) that you need.

Section I


  1. Please select your state: (Add drop-down menu of states)

  1. Provide contact information for the person who will lead or manage your state Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program.

(If this person has not yet been named, please check here. __)

Name: Title: Email address: Phone: Physical address:

  1. Provide contact information for the individual who has responsibility for engaging with training/technical assistance offered by ED/NCSSLE. (If this is the same person as the program lead or manager named above, please check here.___)

Name: Title: Email address: Phone: Physical address:


The questions below relate to your SEA’s overall capacity to successfully implement the Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) Grant Program activities you named in your state plan. To achieve each of the capacities named, please select the extent of T/TA (if any) you believe your SEA will require.


I don’t have enough information to address this issue.

We need access to substantial resources T/TA

to achieve this.

We need access to some resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to minimal resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need no resources or T/TA to achieve this.

  1. Positive and open communication between our SEA and LEAs that can support collaborative Title IV-A activities over time

  1. Positive and open communication between our SEA and other state-level partners (e.g., family- and child-serving systems and the juvenile justice system) to support collaborative Title IV-A activities over time

  1. Our SEA’s ability to ensure cultural and linguistic competence in all Title IV-A program activities consistent with the LEAs and student/family populations to be served

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have an adequate T/TA infrastructure in place that will allow us to provide necessary support to groups of LEAs implementing Title IV-A activities

  1. Our SEA’s ability to deliver training and technical assistance that is tailored to the needs of individual LEAs when requested

  1. Our SEA’s distribution of funds consistent with the processes (formula and/or competitive) proposed in our state plan

  1. Our SEA’s dedication of sufficient staff to accomplish its responsibilities and priority objectives under the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program

  1. Our SEA’s information systems that will allow involved personnel to collect, analyze, use, and share LEA-level information necessary to support our named priorities under the Title IV-A SSAE program

  1. Our SEA’s detailed plan for monitoring implementation of Title IV-A SSAE grants to receiving LEAs

  1. Our SEA’s detailed plan for making appropriate process improvements when performance data indicate they are necessary

Section II

SEAs named priority activities in their Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program state plan. In this section, you will be prompted to answer questions about your SEA’s capacity in each of three priority content areas: Well-Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Students, and Effective Use of Technology. You will also be prompted to address questions about the specific activities you named as priorities related to those content areas. You will also see places where you can enter the name(s) of any additional programs or initiatives that your state is considering under the Title IV-A SSAE grant, that are not listed in this assessment. We encourage you to think about your capacity in those areas as well, even though your state may not have named it as a priority.

Well-Rounded Education

(NOTE: Every state should answer questions 14-19.)

  1. Does your SEA already have existing state-level activities or initiatives(s) in place that support state goals for Well-Rounded Education (outside of those you may plan to establish under the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program)?

Yes No

If yes, please name the activities or initiative(s).

The questions below relate to your SEA’s overall capacity to successfully implement the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program activities related to Well-Rounded Education that you named in your state plan.

For each of the capacities listed below, please select the extent to which your SEA requires access to resources or training/technical assistance (T/TA) to achieve that capacity.


I don’t have enough information to address this issue.

We need access to substantial resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to some resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to minimal resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need no resources or T/TA to achieve this.

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have a dedicated management structure in place to support Title IV-A activities between SEA and LEAs related to well-rounded education

  1. Our SEA’s ability to work with stakeholder groups and organizations in collaborative efforts to implement the priority activities we named related to well-rounded education

  1. Our SEA has, or can access the subject matter expertise to provide effective T/TA on the priority activities we named related to well-rounded education

  1. Our SEA’s evidence-informed practices and programs related to well-rounded education

  1. Our SEA’s teaching resources (e.g., curricula, manuals, credentialing/training programs) related to well-rounded education


In the next set of questions, we ask about each of the activities identified as priorities in your SSAE state plan.


Our staff would benefit from additional support to strengthen

our work in the following areas. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, are not sure, disagree, or strongly disagree to each Activity statement.

  1. High-quality courses in STEM, including computer science

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Music and the arts

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Foreign languages

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Postsecondary level courses accepted for credit at institutions of higher education (IHEs), including dual/concurrent enrollment and early college high schools

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Postsecondary level instruction and examinations that are accepted for credit at institutions of higher education (IHEs), including Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Environmental education

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. American history, civics, economics, geography, social studies, or government education

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Reimbursing low-income students to cover part or all of the costs of accelerated learning examination fees

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Career pathways and training

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Serving ELL students

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Serving gifted/talented students

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Please name any additional programs or initiatives not listed above that your state is considering under the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program that would contribute to a well-rounded education.

Safe and Healthy Students

(NOTE: Every state should answer questions 32-37.)

  1. Does your SEA already have existing activities or initiatives(s) in place that clearly align with or support your state’s goals for Safe and Healthy Students (outside of those you plan to establish under the Title IV-A Grant Program) ?

Yes No

If yes, please name the activities or initiatives(s).

The questions below relate to your SEA’s overall capacity to successfully implement the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program activities related to Safe and Healthy Students that you named in your state plan.

For each of the capacities listed below, please select the extent to which your SEA requires access to resources or training/technical assistance (T/TA) to achieve that capacity.


I don’t have enough information to address this issue.

We need access to substantial resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to some resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to minimal resources or T/TA to achieve this.

We need no resources or T/TA to achieve this.

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have a dedicated management structure in place to support Title IV-A activities between SEA and LEAs related to safe and healthy students

  1. Our SEA’s ability to work with stakeholder groups and organizations in collaborative efforts to implement the priority activities we named related to safe and healthy students

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have or access the subject matter expertise to provide effective T/TA on activities related to safe and healthy students

  1. Our SEA’s evidence-informed practices and programs related to safe and healthy students

  1. Our SEA’s teaching resources (e.g., curricula, manuals, credentialing/training programs) related to safe and healthy students

NOTE: Only states that named an activity related to “Safea and Healthy Students” will be asked to complete this section.

In the next set of questions, we ask about each of the activities identified as priorities in your SSAE state plan. If your state is considering activities listed below but not named in your plan, please feel free to respond to those items as well.


Our staff would benefit from additional support to strengthen

our work in the following areas. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, are not sure, disagree, or strongly disagree to each Activity statement.

  1. Coordination with any LEAs or consortia implementing a plan to reduce exclusionary discipline practices

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Implementation of evidence-based mental health awareness training programs to provide education to school personnel regarding resources available in the community

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Expansion of access to or coordination of resources for school-based counseling and mental health programs

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Providing LEAs with evidence-based resources addressing ways to integrate health and safety practices into school or athletic programs

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Disseminating best practices and evaluating program outcomes related to any LEA activities to promote student safety and violence prevention

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Providing LEAs with evidence-based resources addressing ways to prevent school drop-out

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Please name any additional programs or inititatives not listed above that your state is considering under Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program that would contribute to safe and healthy students.

Effective Use of Technology

(Note: Every state should answer questions 45-50.)

  1. Does your SEA already have existing activities and initiatives(s) in place that clearly support state goals for Effective Use of Technology (outside of those you plan to establish under the Title IV-A Grant Program)?

Yes No

If yes, please name the activities and initiatives(s).

The questions below relate to your SEA’s overall capacity to successfully implement the Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program activities related to Effective Use of Technology that you named in your SSAE state plan.

For each of the capacities listed below, please select the extent to which your SEA requires access to resources or training/technical assistance (T/TA) to achieve that capacity.


I don’t have enough information to address this issue.

We need access to substantial resources and/or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to some resources and/or T/TA to achieve this.

We need access to minimal resources/ T/TA to achieve this.

We need no resources or T/TA to achieve this.

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have a dedicated management structure in place to support Title IV-A activities between SEA and LEAs related to effective use of technology

  1. Our SEA’s ability to work with stakeholder groups and organizations in collaborative efforts to implement the priority activities we named related to effective use of technology

  1. Our SEA’s ability to have or access the subject matter expertise to provide effective T/TA on the priority activities we named related to the effective use of technology

  1. Our SEA’s evidence-informed practices and programs related to the effective use of technology

  1. Our SEA’s teaching resources (e.g. curricula, manuals, credentialing/training programs) related to the effective use of technology


In the next set of questions, we ask you about each of the activities identified as priorities in your state plan. If your state is considering activities listed below but not named in your SSAE state plan, please feel free to respond to those items as well.


Our staff would benefit from additional support to strengthen

our work in the following areas. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, are not sure, disagree, or strongly disagree to each Activity statement.

  1. Identifying and addressing technology readiness needs

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Using technology to support the learning needs of all students (including disabled and ELL students)

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Building the capacity of school leaders and LEA administrators to support teachers in using data and technology to improve instruction and personalize learning

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Implementing school- and district-wide approaches to inform instruction, support teacher collaboration, and personalize learning

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Supporting schools in rural and remote areas to expand access to high-quality digital learning opportunities

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Developing or implementing specialized or rigorous academic courses using technology, including assistive technology

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Dissemination of promising practices related to technology instruction, data security, and the acquisition and implementation of technology tools and applications

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Providing school personnel and administrators with the knowledge and skills to use technology effectively

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Making instructional content widely available through open educational resources

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral/Not Sure Disagree Strongly Disagree

If you checked strongly agree or agree, please be specific about what you think you need. ______________________________________________

  1. Please name any additional programs or initiatives not listed above that your state is considering under Title IV-A SSAE Grant Program that would contribute to effective use of technology.

Thank you for completing this assessment. Please click on ‘submit.’

Title IV-A SSAE T/TA Needs Assessment- Draft 11/8/17 7

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorFrank Rider
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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