Trafficking Victim Assistance Program Assessment-Key Informant Interview and Focus Groups

ASPE Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Research and Assessment

Attachment C - TVAP Subrecipient Focus Group Protocol FINAL 4.26.18

Trafficking Victim Assistance Program Assessment-Key Informant Interview and Focus Groups

OMB: 0990-0421

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OMB#: 0990-0421

Date of Expiration: 10/16/2020

[Information for facilitator(s)] The purpose of this focus group is to learn more about the perceptions of current, [large (i.e. serving more than five victims) / small (i.e. serving five or fewer victims) Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) subrecipients’ perceptions of funding models for trafficking related services (e.g., TVAP’s per capita funding model, refugee-based funding models). The information will be used to better understand the operations and efficiencies of TVAP.

Preamble/Moderator’s Opening Statements

Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this focus group. I’m [moderator name], and I will facilitate today’s session. I am joined by [co-moderator name]. S/he will take notes and will assist you if you need to step out during the focus group. We are from ICF, an independent research and consulting firm. This discussion is part of a larger program assessment of the Trafficking Victim Assistance Program (TVAP) being funded by the Office on Trafficking in Persons to better understand the operations and efficiencies of TVAP.

[Include if needed based on knowledge of TVAP] As a reminder, TVAP is a grant program intended fund time-limited comprehensive case management services on a per capita basis to foreign national victims of a severe form of trafficking in persons and potential victims of trafficking seeking HHS certification in any location within the United States. Persons qualified for services under this grant means victims of a severe form of trafficking in persons who have received HHS certification; potential victims of a severe form of trafficking who are actively seeking HHS certification; a family member in receipt of a derivative T visa issued by DHS; and minor dependent children of foreign victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons or potential victims of trafficking.

You were invited here today because your organization has an MOU with one of the three TVAP grantees – Tapestri, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), or U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) – and enrolls a [large number of / few] clients into TVAP. We want to leverage your expertise and programmatic experience as we assess different funding models and grant structures.

Participation in this discussion is voluntary; you may choose not to answer any questions, or stop participating at any time. Participation or responses will not influence your grant funding. There are no anticipated risks or discomforts associated with participation in this focus group. All of the information you share with us today will be kept confidential. What you say will not be identified with your name. Any direct quotes that ICF uses for the purposes of reporting will not be associated with any individual person or organization but will be shared with the Office on Trafficking in Persons anonymously.

All focus group members are asked to respect the privacy of other group members. You may tell others that you were in a focus group and the general topic of the discussion but actual names and stories of other participants should not be repeated. Although it is unlikely, ICF cannot guarantee that another member of the focus group will not reveal something about you that they learned from the discussion.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0990-0421. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 60 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, OS/OCIO/PRA, 200 Independence Ave., S.W., Suite 336-E, Washington D.C. 20201, Attention: PRA Reports Clearance Officer

The information gathered in this focus group will be combined with other information gathered through the assessment to help determine which funding models and grant structures are likely to be most cost efficient and best at meeting the needs of the field.

With your permission, we would like to audio record this discussion for notetaking purposes only and to ensure accuracy of the information you share. Only the ICF research team will have access to this recording. Upon transcription of these recordings, we will destroy the recordings themselves, and only keep written records that do not personally identify any individual. With a show of hands, who opposes recording today’s session?

[If recording] Because we are recording, I may remind you occasionally to speak up and to speak one at a time so that we can hear you clearly when we review the tape. After we review the tape, it will be deleted so there is no record of it.

[If not recording] Ok (co-moderator) will be taking notes, I may remind you occasionally to speak slower or to speak one at a time so that (co-moderator) can make sure to get all of your responses.

It is important that you express yourself openly. There are no right or wrong answers-we want your honesty and we expect differences of opinion. While I am the moderator, I am interested in hearing what you think and I want the interaction to flow among you. While there is no need for everyone to respond to all our questions, it is important that a wide range of ideas is expressed. If you would like to add an idea, or if you have an idea that contrasts with those that have been aired, that’s the time to jump into the conversation. You don’t have to go in a circle. There is no such thing as “your turn.” It’s always your turn.

Before we get started with introductions, let’s lay some ground rules for how today’s discussion will operate. [Have standard ground rules for all groups, including restroom, timeframe, talking one at a time, respecting divergent opinions, having conversations stay in the room, etc.].

Are there any questions before we begin?

[If recording]. Start recording.

  1. Introductions

Let’s start with introductions. Please give us your first name only.

[The moderator should select questions from the following list that achieves the goals of the focus group. The number of questions should account for the way the discussion unfolds within the focus group. The moderator should cover as many of the bolded overarching topics as possible. The focus group should not exceed 60 minutes in length.]

  1. General questions

  • I’d like to understand the various types of funding available for trafficking-related services. What types of funding does your organization use other than TVAP to support these services?

    • [Probe] What about any of the following: OVC funds for specialized and comprehensive services (large subrecipients only), VOCA funds, refugee-based models like Wilson Fish or Match Grant, state funds, or private funds?

  1. TVAP per capita funding

Let’s start by discussing TVAP a little bit.

  • What do you think about the per-capita funding model used by TVAP?

  • [Probe] What are the strengths of this model?

  • [Probe] What are the weaknesses of this model?

  • [Probe] To what extent do you think the TVAP per capita funding model allows you to meet the needs of a trafficking victim? How so?

  • [Probe] Do you think you can adequately serve adult and/or minor victims through TVAP? Why or why not?

  • [Probe] What are the most difficult challenges with the TVAP per capita funding model?

  • [Probe] What are the unmet needs of participants or clients due to the structure of the TVAP per capita funding model?

  • [Probe] What, if any challenges do you face with the 12-month and/or 3-month time limitations? How do you address them?

  1. Other types of funding for direct victim services

With our remaining time, let’s talk about the other sources of funding you identified at the start of our discussion (remind participants of the funding streams named).

  • What do you think about these funding models?

  • [Probe] What are the strengths of these funding models?

  • [Probe] What are the weaknesses of these funding models?

  • [Probe] Do you think you can adequately serve adult and/or minor victims through these funding types? Why or why not?

  • [Probe] How do these models compare with the TVAP per capita model?

  • [Probe] What challenges, if any, do you face with these other types of funding?

  • To what extent do these other trafficking funding sources complement or offset shortfalls in TVAP funding? How so?

  1. Suggestions for TVAP

  • If given the chance to restructure TVAP, what would be your priorities?

    • [Probe] Are there changes you would make to the regional structure?

    • [Probe] Are there changes you would make to the per capita funding structure?

    • [Probe] Are there other programs with which you would want to TVAP to be integrated or coordinated with more closely?


We have about 5 minutes left. As our discussion comes to a close, we would like to thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. The ideas you have discussed will be helpful for helpful to better understand the operations and efficiencies of funding programs for trafficking services. Do you have any additional comments, insights, or questions?

If you have questions or concerns after you leave here today about your participation in this focus group, please contact [insert POC and provide contact information].

[If recording] Stop recording.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorField, Michael
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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