Insurer (Non-Small) Groups or Companies

Collection of Data from Property and Casualty Insurers for Reports Concerning the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program

2017 TRIP Data Dictionary Insurer (non small) Groups or Companies.xlsx

Insurer (Non-Small) Groups or Companies

OMB: 1505-0257

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Data Dictionary for Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (TRIP) 2017 Data Collection (OMB Form No. 1505-____; Expiration Date: __/__/20__): Insurer (Non-Small) Groups or Companies
Section Field Name Comments
Insurer Group Affiliations

B4 NAIC Group Code As used for state regulatory reporting purposes. If not part of a group, leave blank and report for the individual company in Cell B9.
C4 Insurer Group Name Provide name as used by reporting insurer group. If not part of a group, leave blank and report for the individual company in Cell C9.
B8 NAIC Company Code As used for state regulatory reporting purposes. Enter information for each company within an affiliated group of insurers (as reported in Cells B4 and C4), or report for individual company if not part of a group.
C8 Insurance Company Name Provide name as used by reporting insurance company. Enter information for each company within an affiliated group of insurers (as reported in Cells B4 and C4) , or report for individual company if not part of a group.
D8 Type of Insurer Select from drop-down list to characterize nature of operations of reporting insurer. Select the item that best describes the operations of the reporting insurer as respects the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program (Admitted, Domestic Surplus Lines, Alien Surplus Lines, Joint Underwriting Association/Pooling Arrangement, Residual Market Entity, State Workers' Compensation Fund).

Note: the experience for Alien Surplus Lines insurers that are part of a group involving domestic companies that otherwise report on this form should be included as part of the group. Alien Surplus Lines insurers that are not part of a larger group should complete the separate reporting form for Alien Surplus Lines insurers.
G3 Total 2015 Net Admitted Assets Enter figure in Cell H3 as reported by insurance group or reporting insurance company for state regulatory purposes on its Annual Statement for 2015 at Page 2, Line 28, Column 3. To the extent you do not report this figure for state regulatory purposes, report a net admitted assets figure for 2015 based upon an equivalent methodology.
G4 Total 2015 Policyholder Surplus Enter figure in Cell H4 as reported by insurance group or reporting insurance company for state regulatory purposes on its Annual Statement for 2015 at Page 3, Line 37, Column 1. To the extent you do not report this figure for state regulatory purposes, report a policyholder surplus figure for 2015 based upon an equivalent methodology.

Note: To the extent this figure and the figure in H5 are each less than $600,000,000, do not fill out this template; instead, fill out the template for Small Insurers.
G5 Total 2015 TRIP-Eligible DEP (all lines) Enter the figure entered in Cell C23 in the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for 2015 TRIP-Eligible Direct Earned Premium (DEP), all lines, for all jurisdictions.

Note: To the extent this figure and the figure in H4 are each less than $600,000,000, do not fill out this template; instead, fill out the template for Small Insurers.
G6 Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP (all lines) Enter the sum of Cell D19 in the Policies and DEP (Juris.) spreadsheet for all jurisdictions to provide total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP.

Policies and Direct Earned Premium (DEP) (Jurisdiction)

B2 Jurisdiction Identify jurisdiction (US State, the District of Columbia, or US Territory) for which information is provided. Make a separate copy of this worksheet for each jurisdiction in which premium is earned.

Premium should be allocated in the same fashion that it is for state reporting and premium tax purposes. Accordingly, coverage written on a non-admitted, surplus lines basis may be allocated in full to the home state of the policyholder, as defined by the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act. This allocation approach should be followed in the other worksheets as well where information is sought concerning premium and exposures by jurisdiction, except in the case of the Geographic Exposures worksheet, which seeks information based upon where the exposures identified are located, regardless of the manner in which the premium may have been allocated.
B7-B18 TRIP-Eligible Line of Coverage Commercial Lines of Insurance subject to TRIP, as per 31 CFR 50.4(w).

These differ for purposes of state regulatory reporting on the NAIC Exhibit of Premiums and Losses (commonly known as Statutory Page 14) as follows:
· Allied Lines (Line 2.1) should not include Federal crop insurance or any other type of crop insurance privately issued or reinsured.
· The figures for Workers' Compensation (Line 16) should not include Excess Workers' Compensation (identified as sub-type of insurance 16.003 on the NAIC's Uniform Property & Casualty Product Coding Matrix and otherwise reported under Line 17.3). Report Excess Workers' Compensation Premium separately as indicated.
· Other Liability (Line 17) should not include Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance [see 31 CFR 50.4(t)] or Excess Workers' Compensation Premium, which is entered separately as noted above.
· Notwithstanding the provisions of 31 CFR 50.33, for purposes of this collection reporting insurers do not need to make the premium adjustments in connection with residual market mechanisms provided for under that rule.
C7-C18 NAIC Line (Commercial Only) Line of Insurance number as used for state regulatory reporting purposes on the NAIC Exhibit of Premiums and Losses (commonly known as Statutory Page 14).
D7-D18 Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP (all policies) Total direct earned premium (DEP) for 2016 charged for the lines in question. Generally, DEP figures are to be reported for purposes of this Worksheet as they are reported for state regulatory purposes (on Statutory Page 14), subject to the adjustments to the NAIC Line descriptions identified in connection with the instructions for Column B. To the extent an insurer does not use Statutory Page 14 for purposes of state regulatory reporting, the insurer should seek to allocate its direct earned premium in a fashion consistent with the categories identified in Column B that are derived, as modified, from Statutory Page 14, for purposes of completing these worksheets. In addition, DEP should be included in the calculations for all Worksheets only to the extent that commercial property and casualty coverage is issued for losses at the following locations: (1) Within the United States; (2) In the case of an air carrier (as defined in section 40102 of title 49, United States Code), or a United States flag vessel (or a vessel based principally in the United States, on which United States income tax is paid and whose insurance coverage is subject to regulation in the United States), losses occurring anywhere; and (3) At the premises of any United States mission.

The figures reported in this column will be the sum of the respective figures in Columns E-G. All information in this column as well as in the following columns should be reported, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer.
E7-E18 Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP when Terrorism Risk Coverage Not Purchased Total DEP for 2016 charged for the line in question under policies when Terrorism Risk Coverage was not purchased by the policyholder.
F7-F18 Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP when Terrorism Risk Coverage Provided for Disclosed $0 Charge Total DEP for 2016 charged for the line in question under policies when Terrorism Risk Coverage was provided by the insurer to the policyholder for a disclosed $0 charge.
G7-G18 Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP when Terrorism Risk Coverage Premium Charged Total DEP for 2016 charged for the line in question under policies when Terrorism Risk Coverage was provided by the insurer to the policyholder for a disclosed non-$0 charge.
H7-H18 Total 2016 Disclosed Terrorism Risk Coverage DEP Charged Amount of the 2016 terrorism risk DEP charged as a component of the TRIP-Eligible DEP figure in Column G.
B21 All disclosed terrorism risk premium collected in all TRIP-eligible lines, 2003-2016 Provide the total terrorism risk DEP collected in all TRIP-eligible lines for all years from 2003 through 2016, combined. Include in this figure Terrorism Risk DEP for lines that were TRIP-eligible at the time of writing but are no longer TRIP-eligible today (e.g., Commercial Automobile from 2003-2005).
B22 Years provided in C21 if not fully available for 2003-2016 If data is not available for all years (or the insurer was not writing TRIP-eligible coverage in all years), indicate the years covered by the figure that is provided (using four-digit years separated with a hyphen -- e.g., 2010-2016).
B23 Total 2015 TRIP-eligible DEP (all lines) The requested figure for total 2015 TRIP-eligible DEP (all lines) to be reported in Cell C23 should be calculated in the same fashion as TRIP-eligible DEP for 2016 as requested in this Worksheet, only consolidated by all TRIP-eligible lines.
B24 Total 2016 Number of Policies Containing TRIP-Eligible Coverage Provide the number of policies associated with the DEP reported in Cell C23. Only count Package or Multi-line policies containing multiple lines of TRIP-eligible coverage as single policies for purposes of the policy count that is requested in Cell B24. Because of the different basis of calculation, the total in B24 will likely not be equal to the figure in Cell L19 if you issue Package/Multi-line policies.
I7-I18 Total 2016 Number of Policies by Line (Terrorism Risk Coverage Not Purchased) Provide 2016 policy count associated with the DEP reported in Cells E7-E18 when Terrorism Risk coverage was not purchased by the policyholder. Policy count should be based upon the number of policies incepting in 2016.

Report 2016 information, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Count policies containing multiple lines of TRIP-eligible coverage as separate policies for each line.
J7-J18 Total 2016 Number of Policies by line when Terrorism Risk Coverage Provided for Disclosed $0 Charge Provide 2016 policy count associated with the DEP reported in Cells F7-F18 when Terrorism Risk coverage was extended by the insurer for a disclosed $0 charge. Policy count should be based upon the number of policies incepting in 2016.

Report 2016 information, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Count policies containing multiple lines of TRIP-eligible coverage as separate policies for each line.
K7-K18 Total 2016 Number of Policies by line when Terrorism Risk Coverage Premium Charged Provide 2016 policy count associated with the DEP reported in Cells G7-G18 when Terrorism Risk coverage was provided by the insurer for a disclosed non-$0 premium charge. Policy count should be based upon the number of policies incepting in 2016.

Report 2016 information, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Count policies containing multiple lines of TRIP-eligible coverage as separate policies for each line.
L7-L18 Total 2016 Number of Policies by line The figures appearing in Column L for each line, as well as the total figure in Cell L19, should equal the sum of the respective figures in Columns I-K.

Package/Multi-line Policies (Nationwide)

B Jurisdiction Because this Worksheet only seeks information concerning Package/Multi-line Policies generally and not by individual lines, data for all jurisdictions should be reported in the identified cells on this Worksheet by jurisdiction. The data requested is for commercial multi-peril (CMP) policies only.
C Total 2016 Number of Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line, but where No Terrorism Risk Coverage was Purchased Report 2016 count of policies, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Only count each Package or Multi-line policy once and not once per TRIP-eligible line written under such policies. However, if a Package or Multi-line policy includes more than one jurisdiction, count the policy once per affected jurisdiction.
D Total 2016 Number of Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line where Terrorism Risk Coverage was provided for a Disclosed $0 Premium Report 2016 count of policies, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Only count each Package or Multi-line policy once and not once per TRIP-eligible line written under such policies. However, if a Package or Multi-line policy includes more than one jurisdiction, count the policy once per affected jurisdiction.
E Total 2016 Number of Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line where Terrorism Risk Coverage provided for a Disclosed Premium of >$0 Report 2016 count of policies, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Only count each Package or Multi-line policy once and not once per TRIP-eligible line written under such policies. However, if a Package or Multi-line policy includes more than one jurisdiction, count the policy once per affected jurisdiction.
F Total 2016 Number of Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line The number of policies in Column F should equal the sum of the respective number of policies in Columns C-E.
G Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line, but where No Terrorism Risk Coverage was Purchased Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with the policies identified in Column C. For polices affecting more than one jurisdiction, allocate premium proportionally among each jurisdiction in the same manner used for state reporting and tax purposes.

Report only the 2016 DEP associated with the Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line that is charged for the TRIP-Eligible lines of insurance written under the Package/Multi-line policies. Use the instructions concerning TRIP-Eligible Lines of Coverage on the Policies and Direct Earned Premium (DEP) (Jurisdiction) Worksheet (Column D) to determine whether DEP is TRIP-eligible.
H Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line where Terrorism Risk Coverage was provided for a Disclosed $0 Premium Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with the policies identified in Column D.

Report only the 2016 DEP associated with the Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line that is charged for the TRIP-Eligible lines of insurance written under the Package/Multi-line policies. Use the instructions concerning TRIP-Eligible Lines of Coverage on the Policies and Direct Earned Premium (DEP) (Jurisdiction) Worksheet (Column D) to determine whether DEP is TRIP-eligible.
I Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line where Terrorism Risk Coverage provided for a Disclosed Premium of >$0 Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with the policies identified in Column E.

Report only the 2016 DEP associated with the Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line that is charged for the TRIP-Eligible lines of insurance written under the Package/Multi-line policies. Use the instructions concerning TRIP-Eligible Lines of Coverage on the Policies and Direct Earned Premium (DEP) (Jurisdiction) Worksheet (Column D) to determine whether DEP is TRIP-eligible.
J Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line The DEP figures in Column J should equal the sum of the respective DEP figures in Columns G-I.
K Total 2016 DEP associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line Report 2016 total direct earned premium (DEP) associated with Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-eligible line, even if some portion of the premium in question is for lines of insurance not subject to TRIP.
L Total 2016 Disclosed Terrorism Coverage DEP charged under Package/Multi-line Policies containing at least one TRIP-Eligible Line Report the Terrorism Coverage DEP associated with the number of policies identified in Column E. This DEP figure will be a component of the DEP figure in Column I.

Standalone Terrorism (Nationwide)

B3 2016 DEP for Standalone Terrorism Policies Report 2016 information on a consolidated insurer group basis (unless reporting for a single insurer), nationwide, without reference to individual jurisdictions in which premium is earned. Enter information here if you issue "standalone" policies covering terrorism risk only, whether pursuant to TRIP, or otherwise as defined in the particular policy. Policies that cover any non-terrorism risks are not subject to this worksheet. Direct earned premium (DEP) as requested for these policies should also be otherwise included in the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet associated with the appropriate line of coverage.
B4 Portion of 2016 DEP for TRIP Certified Terrorism Loss Coverage Identify the 2016 portion, if any, of the DEP disclosed in connection with the premium figure in Line 3 as being for insurance coverage subject to TRIP.
B5 Portion of 2016 DEP for Non-Certified Terrorism Loss Coverage Identify the 2016 portion, if any, of the DEP associated with the policies encompassed by Line 3 that was charged in connection with terrorism risk insurance that is not subject to TRIP.
B6 2016 Number of Standalone Terrorism Policies Issued Provide the 2016 policy count requested.
B7 2016 Number of Standalone Terrorism Policies Covering TRIP Loss Issued Provide the 2016 policy count requested.
B8 2016 Total Property Insurance Exposure for Standalone Terrorism Policies Covering TRIP Loss Provide the sum of the 2016 Property Insurance Exposure for any property coverage provided in connection with the premium figure in Line 4. This should include the total amount of the reporting insurer's exposure under the policies in question for a property loss (and thus not include amounts within an insured's deductible, etc.). To the extent the value of the insured's property is not fully insured by the policy in question, use the limits of the property insurance to which the insurer is exposed.
B9 2016 Total Liability Policy Limits for Standalone Terrorism Policies Covering TRIP Loss Please provide the sum of the 2016 Limits of Liability for any liability coverage provided in connection with the premium figure in Line 4. Again, this figure should include the limits of the insurer's exposure, and not amounts for which the policyholder may remain responsible.

Exposure Bases by Jurisdiction

B2 Jurisdiction Identify jurisdiction (US State, the District of Columbia, or US Territory) for which information is provided. Make a separate copy of this Worksheet for each jurisdiction in which premium is earned.
B6-B17 TRIP-Eligible Line of Coverage Commercial Lines of Insurance subject to TRIP, as per 31 CFR 50.5(w). These differ for purposes of state regulatory reporting on the NAIC Exhibit of Premiums and Losses (commonly known as Statutory Page 14) as follows:
· Allied Lines (Line 2.1) should not include Federal crop insurance or any other type of crop insurance privately issued or reinsured.
· The figures for Workers' Compensation (Line 16) should not include Excess Workers' Compensation (identified as sub-type of insurance 16.003 on the NAIC's Uniform Property & Casualty Product Coding Matrix and otherwise reported under Line 17.3). Report Excess Workers' Compensation separately as indicated.
· Other Liability (Line 17) should not include Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance [see 31 CFR 50.4(t)] or Excess Workers' Compensation premium, which is entered separately as noted above.
C6-C17 NAIC Line (Commercial Only) Line of Insurance number as used for state regulatory reporting purposes on the NAIC Exhibit of Premiums and Losses (commonly known as Statutory Page 14).
D6-D17 Total 2016 Property Insurance Exposure Subject to Terrorism Risk Coverage Report 2016 information, by jurisdiction, on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Enter the amount for each jurisdiction (based on property location) individually, even if an aggregate limit may limit exposure across multiple jurisdictions. The blacked out cells indicate that no data will be reportable for that particular cell, given the intersection between the TRIP-eligible line of insurance and the exposure base in question.

In this column, report your total property insurance exposure by line of insurance under all policies where terrorism risk coverage is provided in connection with property coverage. This should include (in this column as well as in other columns where the information is requested) the total amount of the reporting insurer's exposure under the policies in question for a property loss (and thus not include amounts within an insured's deductible, etc.). To the extent the value of the insured's property is not fully insured by the policy in question, use the limits of the property insurance to which the insurer is exposed. If the policy has an aggregate limit, use the aggregate limit; if it is subject to a per occurrence limit and not an aggregate limit, use the single occurrence limit. To the extent the policy exposure is based upon property values or annual sales and is not otherwise subject to a policy limit, use the property values or annual sales figures.
E6-E17 Total 2016 Property Insurance Exposure Not Subject to Terrorism Risk Coverage In this column, report total property insurance exposure by line of insurance under all policies where terrorism risk coverage is not provided in connection with property coverage.
F6-F17 Total 2016 Limits of Liability Subject to Terrorism Risk Coverage In this column, report the sums of policy limits of liability by line of insurance under all policies where terrorism risk coverage is provided in connection with liability coverage.
G6-G17 Total 2016 Limits of Liability Not Subject to Terrorism Risk Coverage Report the sums of Limits of Liability by line of insurance under all policies where terrorism risk coverage is not provided in connection with liability coverage.
H6-H17 Total 2016 Payroll Subject to Terrorism Risk Coverage Report 2016 sums of Payroll for Workers' Compensation and Excess Workers' Compensation under all policies.

Policyholder Industry Code By State (NAICS, SIC, or OTHER)

C4-C24 NAICS Code North American Industrial Classification System Code Number. If the NAICS Code is unavailable for a policy, enter the requested information in Row 24.

Reporting insurers should use either NAICS Codes or SIC Codes (or, possibly, Other Industry Codes) to allocate premium as requested; allocation by multiple coding systems is not required.
D4-D24 NAICS Code Description Applicable to Policyholder Code description for the identified NAICS Code.
C25-C35 SIC Code Standard Industrial Classification System Code Number. If the SIC Code is unavailable for a policy, enter the requested information in Row 35.
D25-D35 SIC Code Description Applicable to Policyholder Code description for the identified SIC Code.
D36-D43 Other Industry Code Code description for other industry code used by insurer to allocate or track premium as between business type of policyholder. To the extent the reporting insurer utilizes ISO Class Codes, premium can be allocated on this basis. If other classification systems are used, please identify this to the data aggregator for further instructions.

If the industry code is not available for a policy, enter the requested information in Row 43.
D36-D43 Other Industry Code Description Code description for the codes otherwise used by the reporting insurer.
E Total 2016 Disclosed Terrorism Risk Coverage DEP Charged for Property Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report Disclosed DEP charged for Terrorism Risk coverage for the Property Lines, which will be a component of the figure in Column G.
F Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Property When Terrorism Risk Coverage Not Purchased Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures for the TRIP Property Lines where Terrorism Risk Coverage is not purchased; see the Exposure Bases by Jurisdiction Worksheet for the division between Property Lines (Columns D & E), Liability Lines (F & G), and Workers' Compensation Lines (Column H) on that Worksheet.
G Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Property When Terrorism Risk Coverage Purchased Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Include policies where terrorism risk coverage was provided at no charge. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures for the TRIP Property Lines where Terrorism Risk Coverage is purchased; see the Exposure Bases by Jurisdiction Worksheet for the division between Property Lines (Columns D & E), Liability Lines (F & G), and Workers' Compensation Lines (Column H) on that Worksheet.
H Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Property The figures in Column H should equal the sum of the respective figures in Columns F & G.
I Total 2016 Disclosed Terrorism Risk Coverage DEP Charged for Liability Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 Disclosed DEP charged for Terrorism Risk coverage for Liability, which will be a component of the figure in Column K.
J Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Liability When Terrorism Risk Coverage Not Purchased Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures for the TRIP Liability Lines where Terrorism Risk Coverage is not purchased; see the Exposure Bases by Jurisdiction Worksheet for the division between Property Lines (Columns D & E), Liability Lines (F & G), and Workers' Compensation Lines (Column H) on that Worksheet.
K Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Liability When Terrorism Risk Coverage Purchased Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Include policies where terrorism risk coverage was provided at no charge. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures for the TRIP Liability Lines where Terrorism Risk Coverage is not purchased; see the Exposure Bases by Jurisdiction Worksheet for the division between Property Lines (Columns D & E), Liability Lines (F & G), and Workers' Compensation Lines (Column H) on that Worksheet.
L Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Liability On this Worksheet, the figures in Column L should equal the sum of the respective figures in Columns J & K.
M Total 2016 Disclosed Terrorism Risk Coverage DEP Charged for Workers' Compensation Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 Disclosed DEP charged for Terrorism Risk coverage for Primary Workers' Compensation, which will be a component of the figure in Column N.
N Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP Workers' Compensation Report 2016 information, on a nationwide, consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Allocate TRIP-Eligible direct earned premium (DEP) figures by industry code as indicated. Include policies where terrorism risk coverage was provided at no charge. Total 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures should match up with the figures reported on the Policies and DEP (Juris.) Worksheet for each relevant jurisdiction.

Report 2016 TRIP-Eligible DEP figures for the TRIP Primary Workers' Compensation.
O Total TRIP-Eligible DEP (all categories) The DEP figures in Column O should equal the sum of the respective figures in Columns H, L, and N.

Geographic Exposures (Nationwide)

B3-B30 Region This Worksheet seeks exposure information by various metropolitan regions (B3-B28), then for the remainder of the US (including territories) as a whole (B29). Use a separate line (B30) to record policies for which location information is not available. Report information on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer.
C3-C30 Description Description of the metropolitan region (by zip code) to be used in connection with providing information. The descriptions are based upon definitions currently in use by private rating agencies. To the extent you do not track your data in this fashion, please report the information by the closest approximation of the US county and city jurisdictions involved. Although in prior sheets information is sought by where the premium is allocated for state reporting and tax purposes, the information sought in this sheet should be reported based upon where the property and workers' compensation exposures are actually located.
D3-D30 Total 2016 Payroll Subject to TRIP Coverage under Primary WC Coverage Provide 2016 information respecting payroll figures in each identified area under primary workers' compensation coverage.
E3-E30 Total 2016 Payroll Subject to TRIP Coverage under Excess WC Coverage Provide 2016 information respecting payroll figures in each identified area under excess workers' compensation coverage.
F3-F30 Total 2016 Property Insurance Exposure Subject to TRIP Property Coverage Provide 2016 information respecting property insurance exposure in each identified area that is subject to TRIP Property Coverage. This should include (in this column as well as in other columns where the information is requested) the total amount of the reporting insurer's exposure under the policies in question for a property loss (and thus not include amounts within an insured's TRIP deductible, etc.). To the extent the value of the insured's property is not fully insured by the policy in question, use the limits of the property insurance to which the insurer is exposed.
G3-G30 Total 2016 Property Insurance Exposure Not Subject to TRIP Property Coverage Provide 2016 information respecting property insurance exposure in each identified area that is not subject to TRIP Property Coverage.
C35-C39 ZIP Code of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Payroll (Metropolitan Regions) Provide the zip codes for the top 5 aggregations of payroll exposure from the list of 26 metropolitan regions provided in Cells B3-B28. Accordingly, zip codes entered into this field will not necessarily correspond to 5 different regions (a company could conceivably have its top 5 aggregations within the same city).
D35-D39 Amount of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Payroll (Metropolitan Regions) Provide the amount of accumulated payroll exposure for the corresponding zip code found in Cells C35-C39.
E35-E39 ZIP Code of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Property Insurance Exposure subject to TRIP Property Coverage (Metropolitan Regions) Provide the zip codes for the top 5 aggregations of property insurance exposure from the list of 26 metropolitan regions provided in Cells B3-B28. Accordingly, zip codes entered into this field will not necessarily correspond to 5 different regions (a company could conceivably have its top 5 aggregations within the same city).
F35-F39 Amount of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Property Insurance Exposure subject to TRIP Property Coverage (Metropolitan Regions) Provide the amount of accumulated property insurance exposure for the corresponding zip code found in Cells C35-C39.
C43-C47 ZIP Code of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Payroll (Non-Metropolitan Areas) Provide the zip codes for the top 5 aggregations of payroll exposure from non-metropolitan areas included in Cell C29. If non-allocated exposures from Cell C30 fall within the top 5 aggregations, enter them here using a zip code of 99999.
D43-D47 Amount of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Payroll (Non-Metropolitan Areas) Provide the amount of accumulated payroll exposure for the corresponding zip code found in Cells C43-C47.
E43-E47 ZIP Code of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Property Insurance Exposure subject to TRIP Property Coverage (Non-Metropolitan Areas) Provide the zip codes for the top 5 aggregations of property insurance exposure from non-metropolitan areas included in Cell C29. If non-allocated exposures from Cell C30 fall within the top 5 aggregations, enter them here using a zip code of 99999.
F43-F47 Amount of Top 5 Largest Accumulated Exposure Locations by Property Insurance Exposure subject to TRIP Property Coverage (Non-Metropolitan Areas) Provide the amount of accumulated property insurance exposure for the corresponding zip code found in C43-C47.
49 ZIP Code Associated with Largest Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Provide the ZIP code for the insurer group or reporting company's largest Probable Maximum Loss at a single street level address location, assuming the detonation of a 2.5-7.5 ton truck bomb at that location (with the range permitting the reporting insurer to use the blast size that it typically uses in connection with such analyses). If you do not typically perform such analyses, use the blast radius estimates found in the Reinsurance (Nationwide) Worksheet, Line 27.
50 Largest PML at a Single Location (Amount) Provide the amount of the insurer group or reporting company's largest Probable Maximum Loss (for all lines) at the location identified in Cell D49, assuming the detonation of a 2.5-7.5 ton truck bomb at that location (with the range permitting the reporting insurer to use the blast size that it typically uses in connection with such analyses).

Reinsurance (Nationwide)

3 Size of TRIP 2016 Deductible (Cell H5 of Insurer Group Affiliations Worksheet x 20%) The TRIP 2016 Deductible by Insurer Group is based upon the TRIP-Eligible DEP for the Group during the prior calendar year, which is reported at Cell H5 of the Insurer Group Affiliations Worksheet.
4 Total 2016 Limits Any One Loss of Purchased Reinsurance Covering TRIP Loss This Worksheet is set up as a questionnaire, with certain amounts requested, yes or no answers sought, and associated explanation to the extent necessary. As a result, and unlike the other worksheets, the data sought may be more easily obtainable from an individual with knowledge of the reinsurance arrangements of the reporting entity, as distinguished from the mechanism of data queries to existing systems.

Report information on a consolidated insurer group basis, unless reporting for a single insurer. Include only reinsurance purchased from an outside reinsurer and exclude reinsurance provided by a parent, affiliate, or other related entity. In this field, report your reinsurance per loss limit covering loss subject to TRIP for 2016.
5 Total 2016 Aggregate Limits of Purchased Reinsurance Covering TRIP Loss Report your 2016 maximum aggregate reinsurance limit per calendar year for loss subject to TRIP.
6 2016 Attachment Point of Purchased Treaty Reinsurance Covering TRIP Loss Provide the 2016 attachment point at which any treaty reinsurance covering loss subject to TRIP applies.
7 2016 Co-Participation Share of Purchased Treaty Reinsurance Covering TRIP Loss Provide the 2016 co-participation share, if any, of your purchased treaty reinsurance covering TRIP exposure.
8 Total 2016 Limits Any One Loss of Purchased Reinsurance Covering Natural Catastrophic Loss Report your 2016 reinsurance per loss limit covering natural catastrophic loss for 2016.
9 Total 2016 Aggregate Limits of Purchased Reinsurance Covering Natural Catastrophic Loss Report your 2016 maximum aggregate reinsurance limit per calendar year for natural catastrophic loss.
10 2016 Attachment Point of Purchased Treaty Reinsurance Covering Natural Catastrophic Loss Provide the 2016 attachment point at which any treaty reinsurance covering natural catastrophic loss applies.
11 2016 Co-Participation Share of Purchased Treaty Reinsurance Covering Natural Catastrophic Loss Provide the 2016 co-participation share, if any, of your purchased treaty reinsurance covering natural catastrophic loss.
12 Any reinsurance exclusions for TRIP Certified Foreign Acts of Terrorism? Indicate whether during 2016 reinsurance that you purchased has any exclusions for TRIP certified acts of terrorism caused by foreign individuals or actors.
13 Any reinsurance exclusions for TRIP Certified Domestic Acts of Terrorism? Indicate whether during 2016 reinsurance that you purchased has any exclusions for TRIP certified acts of terrorism caused by domestic acts of terrorism.
14 Reinsurance for NBCR WC Exposures Resulting from Certified Acts of Terrorism? Indicate whether reinsurance that you obtained for calendar year 2016 provides any coverage for workers' compensation losses involving TRIP certified acts of terrorism resulting from nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological (NBCR) exposures.
15 If Yes, Total 2016 Limits of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving WC Loss Provide the limits of any reinsurance identified in Line 14 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
16 If Yes, 2016 Attachment Point of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving WC Loss Provide the attachment point of any reinsurance identified in Line 14 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
17 If Yes, 2016 Co-Participation Share (if any) of NBCR Reinsurance For Certified Acts of Terrorism involving WC Loss Provide the co-participation share, if any, of any reinsurance identified in Line 14 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
18 Reinsurance for NBCR Property Loss Resulting from Certified Acts of Terrorism? Indicate whether reinsurance that you obtained for calendar year 2016 provides any coverage for property losses involving TRIP certified acts of terrorism resulting from NBCR exposures.
19 If Yes, Total 2016 Limits of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Property Loss Provide the limits of any reinsurance identified in Line 18 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
20 If Yes, 2016 Attachment Point of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Property Loss Provide the attachment point of any reinsurance identified in Line 18 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
21 If Yes, 2016 Co-Participation Share (if any) of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Property Loss Provide the co-participation share, if any, of any reinsurance identified in Line 18 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
22 Reinsurance for NBCR Liability Loss Resulting from Certified Acts of Terrorism? Indicate whether reinsurance that you obtained for calendar year 2016 provides any coverage for liability losses involving TRIP certified acts of terrorism resulting from NBCR exposures.
23 If Yes, Total 2016 Limits of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Liability Loss Provide the limits of any reinsurance identified in Line 22 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
24 If Yes, 2016 Attachment Point of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Liability Loss Provide the attachment point of any reinsurance identified in Line 22 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
25 If Yes, 2016 Co-Participation Share (if any) of NBCR Reinsurance for Certified Acts of Terrorism involving Liability Loss Provide the co-participation share, if any, of any reinsurance identified in Line 22 that you purchased for calendar year 2016.
26 Any other reinsurance exclusions specifically applicable to Certified Acts of Terrorism under TRIP? To the extent not identified in any of your prior responses, identify any exclusions in your 2016 reinsurance contracts that could operate to preclude coverage for losses arising from a TRIP certified act of terrorism.
27-34 Loss to Group or Company within TRIP Deductible, Private Reinsurance Recovery, Deductible/Retention of Insureds, Claim under TRIP, Co-Pay Obligation The last series of questions seeks information as to how a particular defined loss event would likely affect the responding insurer group or reporting insurer, in terms of the total projected loss it would likely sustain (Line 28), with that amount divided into six categories: (1) deductible or retention obligation of insureds under triggered policies (Line 29); (2) net loss to group or company within TRIP deductible, net of policyholder obligations or private reinsurance (Line 30); (3) any private reinsurance recovery of amounts within the reporting insurer's deductible (Line 31); (4) projected recovery from TRIP (Line 32); (5) the net loss of the insurer group or reporting individual insurer above its deductible within the co-pay obligation (Line 33); and (6) any private reinsurance recovery of amounts above the reporting insurer's deductible within the co-pay obligation (Line 34). In terms of making these calculations, use the definitions, instructions and assumptions found in the Worksheet at Line 27. The identification of the truck bomb in question as between 2.5 and 7.5 tons is intended to permit reporting companies to use blast scenario assumptions that they would typically use in internal modeling projections. When responding to these questions, you may use the modeling assumptions that you typically use for blast scenario modeling for a blast of this size. If you do not typically employ any such scenario, please provide estimates using the parameters identified on the worksheet. It is understood that not all reporting insurers will anticipate losses under the stated scenario.
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