Matrix of Evaluation Questions, Indicators, Data Sources, and Analysis

Att 4_Evaluation Matrix.docx

Assessing the Impact of Targeted Training and Technical Assistance Efforts on the Implementation of Comprehensive Cancer Control

Matrix of Evaluation Questions, Indicators, Data Sources, and Analysis

OMB: 0920-1193

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Attachment 4. Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Subquestions


Data Sources

Potential Analysis

Evaluation Question 1: How are DP13-1314 and DP13-1315 grantees implementing the components of their respective FOAs to build capacity among their target audience(s)?

EQ 1A. How are DP13-1314 grantees implementing the components of their FOA to build capacity among their target audience?

  • Description of activities related to the five components of the FOA:

  • Administering national network (e.g., # and type of affiliated organizations/partners in each network, process for governing network and promoting engagement with CDC funded programs)

  • Educating and communicating support for evidence based interventions for tobacco and cancer prevention (e.g., # and types of training offered, educating CDC about target audience)

  • Convening partners and promoting health systems interventions (e.g., # and types of partnerships developed, type of promotion activities)

  • Building support for strategies to improve community-clinical linkages (e.g., # and type of activities focused on educating target audience on available community resources)

  • Translating and disseminating data for action (e.g., # and type of opportunities provided to share relevant data to target audience)

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

EQ 1B. What factors affect grantees’ implementation of DP13-1314 FOA components?

  • Contextual factors. Potential factors include:

  • Costs/funding

  • Staffing/personnel

  • Amount of time

  • Program maturity/infrastructure

  • Staff capacity

  • Access to those with subject matter expertise

  • Partnerships

  • Organizational factors

  • History

  • Maturity

  • Mission

  • Leadership

  • Qualities inherent to the cooperative agreement

  • TA received

  • Tools/resources made available

  • Access to new partners

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

EQ 1C. How are DP13-1315 grantees implementing the components of their FOA to build capacity among their target audience?

  • Description of activities related to the five components of the FOA:

  • Coordinating technical assistance efforts

  • Proving TTA to facilitate: local CCC implementation; implementation of policy, system, and environmental approaches; and partnership sustainability.

  • Accelerating the reach of evidence-based and promising practices

  • Supporting communication strategies to promote CCC success stories

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

EQ 1D. What factors affect grantees' implementation of DP13-1315 FOA components?

  • Contextual factors

  • Costs/funding

  • Staffing/personnel

  • Amount of time

  • Program maturity/infrastructure

  • Staff capacity

  • Access to those with subject matter expertise

  • Partnerships

  • Organizational factors

  • History

  • Maturity

  • Mission

  • Leadership

  • Qualities inherent to the cooperative agreement

  • TA received

  • Tools/resources made available

  • Access to new partners

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

Evaluation Question 2: To what extent are DP13-1314 and DP13-1315 grantees implementing the components of the TTA framework?

EQ 2A. What components of the TTA framework are DP13-1314 grantees implementing?

  • Description of training and technical assistance approaches, strategies, and activities are related to the components of the TTA framework:

  • Identifying needs of target audience

  • # and type of TTA planning activities (e.g., needs assessment)

  • Conducting capacity building

  • Working with network to build and engage partnerships

  • Planning and developing TTA

  • Developing a training curriculum, developing webinar topics.

  • Implementing TTA

  • # and type of TTA provided in terms of dose, frequency, intensity, and mode (e.g. in person, group, one-on one, virtual, website)

  • # and type of materials and/or products developed (e.g. webinars, presentations, podcasts, guidance documents, factsheets, newsletters)

  • # and types of evidence-based interventions and/or promising practice for cancer prevention (e.g., reduce tobacco and cancer related health disparities)

  • # and type of channels used to disseminate evidence-based interventions and/or promising practices

  • Evaluating and monitoring TTA efforts

  • Development of an evaluation plan

  • Conduct of evaluation activities (e.g., pre-post assessment of training activities, assessment of TA efforts)

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

EQ 2B. What factors affect grantees’ implementation of TTA framework components?

  • Characteristics of the population-specific networks

  • Characteristics of the CCC programs

  • Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

  • Demographic or behavioral characteristics of the specific populations

  • Characteristics of the population-specific EBI’s

  • Characteristics of the National Organizations and their respective networks

  • Characteristics of the systems and environmental strategies

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic Analysis

EQ 2C. What components of the TTA framework are DP13-1315 grantees implementing?

  • Description of training and technical assistance approaches, strategies, and activities are related to the components of the TTA framework:

  • Identifying needs of target audience

  • # and type of TTA planning activities (e.g., needs assessment)

  • Conducting capacity building

  • Working with network to build and engage partnerships

  • Planning and developing TTA

  • Developing a training curriculum, developing webinar topics.

  • Implementing TTA

  • # and type of TTA provided in terms of dose, frequency, intensity, and mode (e.g. in person, group, one-on one, virtual, website)

  • # and type of materials and/or products developed (e.g. webinars, presentations, podcasts, guidance documents, factsheets, newsletters)

  • # and types of evidence-based interventions and/or promising practice for cancer prevention (e.g., reduce tobacco and cancer related health disparities)

  • # and type of channels used to disseminate evidence-based interventions and/or promising practices

  • Evaluating and monitoring TTA efforts

  • Development of an evaluation plan

  • Conduct of evaluation activities (e.g., pre-post assessment of training activities, assessment of TA efforts

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

EQ 2D. What factors affect grantees’ implementation of TTA framework components?

  • Characteristics of the population-specific networks

  • Characteristics of the CCC programs

  • Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

  • Demographic or behavioral characteristics of the specific populations

  • Characteristics of the population-specific EBI’s

  • Characteristics of the National Organizations and their respective networks

  • Characteristics of the systems and environmental strategies

  • Program materials (e.g., work plans, progress reports, evaluation reports, program logic models)

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

Evaluation Questions 3: To what extent did DP13-1314 and DP13-1315 grantees achieve planned short-term outcomes?

EQ 3A.To what extent did DP13-1314 grantees achieve planned short-term outcomes?

  • # of CCC programs, organizational coalition members and partners who newly support tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention as priority areas for target populations (short-term)

  • # of CCC programs, organizational coalition members and partners who strengthened support of tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention as priority areas (short-term)

  • # of CCC programs, organizational coalition members and partners who report newly using evidenced-based population specific practice and service strategies for tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention (short-term)

  • Level of dissemination of culturally appropriate population specific strategies for tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention to local CCC programs, coalition members, local and national partners

  • Level of diffusion of culturally appropriate population specific strategies for tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention within CCC programs and their partnership networks

  • Program materials review

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

EQ 3B.To what extent did DP13-1315 grantees achieve planned short-term outcomes?

  • Establishment of a system and infrastructure to assure priority issues are addressed

  • Development of a network to implement and support TTA activities

  • # and type of needs assessments conducted with CCC program

  • # and type of promising practices/optimal approaches disseminated

  • # of CCC programs with enhanced capacity to implement CCC activities

  • # of CCC programs with improved implementation of policy, systems and environmental change strategies

  • # of CCC programs with enhanced and more sustainable partnerships

  • # and type of training, resources, and tools available for CCC programs

  • Program materials review

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

Evaluation Questions 4: To what extent did DP13-1314 and DP13-1315 grantees TTA activities contribute to CCC implementation and achievement in NCCCP priorities and goals?

EQ 4A. How do key stakeholders from DP13-1314 perceive the effectiveness of TTA in contributing to NCCCP implementation and achievement in NCCCP goals?

  • # and type of individuals perceptions of the overall effectiveness of the TTA provided by each population specific network

  • # and type of individuals’ perceptions of the most effective aspects of the TTA provided by each population specific network

  • # and type of individuals’ perceptions of the least effective aspects of the TTA provided by each population specific network

  • # and type of individuals’ suggestions for improving the effectiveness each population specific network

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

EQ 4B. How do key stakeholders from DP13-1315 perceive the effectiveness of TTA in contributing to NCCCP implementation and achievement in NCCCP goals?

  • # and type of individuals’ perceptions of the overall effectiveness of the TTA provided by each National Organization and its’ respective network

  • # and type of individuals’ perceptions of the most effective aspects of the TTA provided by each National Organization and its’ respective network

  • # and type of individuals’ perceptions of the least effective aspects of the TTA provided by each National Organization and its’ respective network

  • # and type of individuals’ suggestions for improving the effectiveness of each National Organization and its’ respective network

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1315 conducted via case studies

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

EQ 4C. In what ways, if any, has the TTA provided by each FOA influenced the goals, priorities and activities of NCCCP-funded programs?

  • # of CCC programs that report the promotion of population-specific tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention as a priority

  • # of CCC programs that newly report the use of population-specific EBIs for tobacco use and cancer prevention

  • # of CCC programs that report increased use of population-specific EBIs for tobacco use

  • # of CCC programs that report increased/expanded implementation CCC activities

  • # of CCC programs and coalition members that use systems and environmental strategies to prevent and reduce cancer burden

  • # of CCC programs that report use of strategies to improved and more sustainable partnerships

  • # of CCC programs that of report increased use communication strategies to prevent and reduce cancer burden

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with NCCCP grantee program directors (identified via survey) that received extensive TTA

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

EQ 4D. To what extent has the TTA influenced NCCCP programmatic outcomes?

  • # of CCC programs that report improvements in outcomes aligned with the use of population-specific EBIs for tobacco use and cancer prevention (e.g. improved community clinical linkages, increased patient navigation, increased use of culturally appropriate smoking cessation programs)

  • # of CCC programs that report improved capacity to implement CCC activities

  • # of CCC programs and coalition members that report improved capacity to implement systems and environmental strategies to prevent and reduce cancer burden

  • # of CCC programs that report improved and more sustainable partnerships

  • # of CCC programs that report improved communication strategies to prevent and reduce cancer burden

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with NCCCP grantee program directors (identified via survey) that received extensive TTA

  • Thematic analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

Evaluation Question 5: What are the essential elements of a TTA model that build the capacity of NCCCP programs?

5A. Which, if any, of the TTA approaches, strategies or activities implemented under DP13-1314 contributed the most to improved NCCCP programmatic capacity and/or outcomes?

  • #, type and content of the National Network model’s TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities that result in the improved outcomes

  • #, type and content of the National Network model’s TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities CCC program staff, coalition chairs, organizational partners consider core/essential

  • #, type and content of the National Network model’s TA&T approaches, strategies and/or activities National Network populations specific grantees consider core/essential

  • #, type and content the National Network model’s TA&T approaches, strategies and/or activities national networks consider core/essential

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with NCCCP grantee program directors (identified via survey) that received extensive TTA

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

  • Qualitative comparative analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

  • Bivariate analysis

5B. Which, if any, of the TTA approaches, strategies or activities implemented under DP13-1315 contributed the most to improved NCCCP programmatic capacity and/or outcomes?

  • #, type and content of the National Organizations’ TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities that result in the most improved outcomes

  • #, type and content of the National Organizations’ TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities CCC program staff, coalition chairs, organizational partners consider core/essential

  • #, type and content of the National Organizations’ TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities CCC program directors, coalition members, or partners consider core/essential#, type and content the National Organizations’ TTA approaches, strategies and/or activities CDC staff and national organizations consider core/essential

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with NCCCP grantee program directors (identified via survey) that received extensive TTA

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

  • Qualitative comparative analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

  • Bivariate analysis

5C. What contextual factors, influence the effectiveness of each TTA model?

  • Characteristics related to 1314 FOA

  • Characteristics related to 1315 FOA

  • Characteristics of the population-specific networks

  • Characteristics of the CCC programs

  • Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

  • Demographic or behavioral characteristics of the specific populations

  • Characteristics of the population-specific EBI’s

  • Characteristics of the National Organizations and their respective networks

  • Characteristics of the CCC programs

  • Characteristics of the organizations of participating coalition members and partners

  • Characteristics of the systems and environmental strategies

  • Survey of CCC program director, coalition chair and up to 3 partners per program

  • Interviews with NCCCP grantee program directors (identified via survey) that received extensive TTA

  • Interviews with organizational staff that support the implementation of 1314 conducted via case studies

  • Thematic analysis

  • Qualitative comparative analysis

  • Descriptive analysis

  • Bivariate analysis

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorOdell, Sarah
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-22

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