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Observer: I work for IMPAQ International, and we are evaluating the system of Comprehensive
Technical Assistance Centers. The U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Education
Sciences contracted with us to conduct this study. As part of our study, we are observing TA
events and activities that Centers provide. The purpose of the study is to gather data to describe
the work of the Centers and how the Centers build the capacities of state departments of
education, and to report that information to the Department of Education. Observations of TA
events will provide detailed data about the strategies that CCs use to support capacity building
and achieve planned outcomes. We will describe various types of TA activities in our reports to
the Department of Education, but we do not use any individual names in our reports.
Basic Information [summary of basic descriptors to be completed by the observer before, during
and after the observation]
1. Title and Date of Event:
2. Brief Description of the Event:
(e.g., This event was a 45 minute webinar offered to SEA staff to increase awareness and
understanding of College and Career Readiness and Success definitions and measures,
and to share best practices and encourage collaboration across states.)
3. If the event is part of a larger project, provide a name and brief description of the
project here:
4. Date and Time of Observation:
5. Observer Name:
6. Comprehensive Center(s) Sponsoring Event:
IMPAQ International, LLC
7. TA Event Observations
7. Other Organizational Sponsors, Organizers, Supporters of the Event:
8. Location:
9. Number of Participants:
10. Organizational Affiliations and Positions of Participants (if available):
11. Priority(ies) Addressed:
Background Information [obtained by the observer prior to the event through interviews and
document reviews]
12. Intended Constituents/Audience for the Event:
13. SEA or regional needs to be addressed:
14. Goals of the event:
15. Expected outcomes:
16. Other background/history of the event:
17. Is there a formal plan (prospectus or other document) for the event? If so, describe (and
attach document if available):
18. How was this event designed to contribute to the overall capacity the targeted SEA(s),
regions or other Regional Centers? Who were the targeted participants?
19. Who participated in planning for the event?
20. What were the roles of Center staff, partners, SEA staff etc.?
21. Is this one of a series? How many have taken place so far and over what time period?
22. Is there any other important background on how the event was planned?
Event Information [completed during the observation]
IMPAQ International, LLC
7. TA Event Observations
23. Indicate which of the following methods/modes are in use and describe how they are
a. In‐person presentations
b. Web‐based presentations
c. Slideshows
d. Videos
e. Handouts
f. Web‐based dialogues, discussion pods
g. In‐person discussions, including breakout groups
h. Other
24. Who is presenting or facilitating?
25. What are their backgrounds and qualifications?
26. What are the roles of Center staff, partners, SEAs in presenting or facilitating?
Observers should address each of the following based on the observation, interview, and other
relevant materials (if a question is not applicable, explain why not):
27. How was the agenda and purpose of the event communicated to the participants?
28. How, if at all, do the presentations or materials use data, scans or research findings, as
needed, to support recommendations for action?
29. How do the presentations, materials or discussion convey, if at all, the applicability of
the information to the targeted SEAs or regions?
30. How is the event is organized and structured?
31. Are there opportunities for participant discussion and questions and, if so, please
describe. Is there opportunity for participants to enter into discussion with experts?
With their own colleagues from their own SEA, LEA or other organization? With
colleagues from other SEAs or organizations like their own? How actively are most
participants engaged in discussion or activity?
32. Does the event provide tools or shared practices that can be used by the participants? If
so, please describe. Do participants receive guidance on how to use/apply these tools
and practices?
IMPAQ International, LLC
7. TA Event Observations
33. Describe how the event concludes. Is there a wrap‐up discussion, including discussion
of plans or next steps, if relevant, at the close of the event? Is there opportunity for
reflection/feedback at the end of the event? Please describe.
Additional Questions [addressed by either during or after the observation]
34. Does the event address the identified need posed by the SEA(s) or identified in the
prospectus or workplan? Describe how it does or does not do so:
35. If different than the above, does the event address the goals identified in the prospectus
or workplan? Describe how it does or does not do so:
36. If relevant, does the event have any definable outcomes, such as plans, decisions, or
37. Does the product or event contribute to SEA and/or RC capacity, and if so, in what
ways? (explain each):
a. Knowledge building/human capacity
(e.g., knowledge, expertise, skills, will, understanding necessary to implement
b. Structural capacity
(e.g., policies, procedures, and formalized practices)
c. Organizational capacity
(e.g., interaction, collaboration, communication among individuals in a system;
evaluation and feedback on processes and structures for continuous
38. Is it clear how the event will build towards future work, and if so, how? Are follow‐up
activities planned?
IMPAQ International, LLC
7. TA Event Observations
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-01-11 |
File Created | 2014-12-12 |