Attachment 1-
NLS Stakeholder Survey (Winter 2017/18)
Thank you very much for helping us improve the National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS). The National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) are a set of surveys designed to gather information at multiple points in time on the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of men and women.
Even if you are not a frequent user of NLS products or have not used them at all, any feedback you can provide would be appreciated.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary. We estimate that it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
We are collecting this information under OMB Clearance Number 1225-0088. Without this currently approved number, we could not conduct this survey.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact and reference the NLS User Feedback Questionnaire.
For more information about the NLS, please visit:
Click 'Next' to begin the survey.
Please note that this survey is being administered by and resides on a server outside of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) domain. The BLS cannot guarantee the protection of survey responses and advises against the inclusion of personally-identifiable information—such as your full name, phone number, e-mail address, etc.--in any response.
Customer and Usage Information
Q1. Have you ever used National Longitudinal Surveys (NLS) products? NLS products include the NLS news releases, data files, and survey documentation.
Yes Go to Q1a
No Go to Q15
Source of NLS Use
Q1a. Which sources have you used? Please mark all that apply.
NLS Investigator
BLS website Go to Q1b
Other (please specify)
Open-ended box.
None of the above Go to Q15
Q1b. Have you used NLS data or only other NLS products?
NLS data
No data, only other products
Q1c. Which NLS survey (also called cohorts) were? Please mark all that apply.
NLSY79 Child-Young Adult
Older Men
Young Men
Mature Men
Young Women
Q1d. When did you last use an NLS product?
In the last 6 months
More than 6 months but less than 1 year Go to Q1e
Between 1 and 2 years ago
More than 2 years ago
Q1e. For which of the following purposes have you used NLS data? Please mark all that apply.
Media and press reporting
Instruction and education
Consumer market analysis
Economic research
Sociological research Go to Q1f. All else go to Q1g.
Other research
Personal interest
Other purpose (please specify)
Q1f. What was the general topic of your research or analysis? Please mark all that apply.
Labor market outcomes
Household composition
Cohabitation, marriage, and divorce
Childbearing and fertility
Child development
Schooling and education
Income and wealth All go to Q1g
Specific subpopulations, such as teenagers or full-time workers
Recipiency and program assistance
Crime and criminal justice
Survey methods and data quality
Other (please specify)
Q1g. Have you ever used NLS products to develop, promote, or influence public policy?
Yes. Please briefly describe how you used the NLS data and the policy for which it was used.
Open-ended box.
Go to Q5
Satisfaction with NLS Products
Q5. Based on your experience using NLS products, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Response options: Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, no basis to decide
Data are accurate
Data are available for the subpopulations I require
Data are current enough for my needs
Data are easy to find
Data are easy to download Go to Q5a
Data files are in the format I need
News releases provide useful information
News releases are easy to understand
Information is easy to find on the NLS Web site
Information I need is available on the NLS Web site
NLS concepts, sources, and methods are explained in a way I understand
Q5a. For any item with a “disagree” or “strongly disagree” response, please explain what steps NLS can take to better meet your needs.
Go to Q5b
Q5b. Do you have any other suggestions for improving the usefulness of NLS products?
Yes – Please list your suggestions below
Go to Q6
NLS Documentation
Q6. NLS provides the following survey documentation on the NLSINFO Web site. Please rate the usefulness of these survey documents to you.
Response options: Very useful, useful, only a little useful, not useful, not sure, have not used
NLS User’s guide
NLS data codebook file
NLS Questionnaire Go to Q6a
NLS Coding supplements
Q6a. For any item with a “Only a little useful” or “Not useful” response, please describe changes NLS could make to improve this documentation.
Go to Q7
Additional information about customers
Q7. How did you learn about the NLS? (Please mark all that apply)
Coworker or colleague
Internet search
Media or press For all
Research paper Go to Q8
Teacher or professor
Other (please specify)
Q8. How often do you visit the NLS Web site?
Once a year or less
2-3 times a year
4 or more times a year
++ Go to Q9
NLS Customer Service
Q9. Have you ever contacted NLS staff for help with any of the NLS products?
Yes Go to Q9a
No Go to Q13
Q9a. Do you know which support staff you contacted?
Yes, BLS staff only (Go to Q10a, then skip questions 11 & 12 )
Yes, NLS User Services Staff only (located at Ohio State University) (Go to 11a)
Yes, both BLS and NLS User Services Staff (Go to Q10a and go through question 11 as well)
Don’t know (Skip to Q12)
Section about BLS staff
Q10a. How have you contacted BLS staff? Please mark all that apply.
Web site (“Contact us” link)
Direct email
Telephone call Go to Q10b
Other (please specify)
Q10b. Did you receive a timely reply?
No Go to Q10c
Q10c. How satisfied were you with the reply?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Go to Q10d
Very dissatisfied
Q10d. Do you have any additional comments, positive or negative, regarding your interaction with NLS staff? For dissatisfied and very dissatisfied responses please explain what BLS staff could have done to better meet your needs.
If BLS staff only Skip to Q13.
If BLS and NLS staff skip to Q11a
Section about NLS User Services at Ohio State
How have you contacted NLS User Services? Please mark all that
Direct email (
Telephone call Go to Q11b
Other (please specify)
Q11b. Did you receive a timely reply?
No Go to Q11c
Q11c. How satisfied were you with the reply?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Go to Q11d
Very dissatisfied
Q11d. Do you have any additional comments, positive or negative, regarding your interaction with NLS staff? For dissatisfied and very dissatisfied responses please explain what - NLS User Services could have done to better meet your needs.
++ Go to Q13
Section about: Don’t know who they contacted [Answered “don’t know” to question 9 only]
Q12a. How have you contacted NLS staff? Please mark all that apply.
Direct email
Telephone call Go to Q12b
Other (please specify)
Q12b. Did you receive a timely reply?
No Go to Q12c
Q12c. How satisfied were you with the reply?
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Go to Q12d
Very dissatisfied
Q12d. Do you have any additional comments, positive or negative, regarding your interaction with NLS staff? For dissatisfied and very dissatisfied responses please explain what BLS staff could have done to better meet your needs.
++ Go to Question 13
Respondent Affiliation
Q13. Which category best describes the organization at which you work or study?
Academia – Faculty
Academia – Student
U.S. Government – Federal
State or local government
News media
Research organization
Private business
Internet blog
Nonprofit organization
Independent consultant
Data supplier/re-packager
Labor or employee organization
International organization
Other (please specify)
Go to Q14
Concluding Comments
Q14. We appreciate any additional comments or feedback you may have about NLS products. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We appreciate your input.
Click the Submit Your Survey button below when you are done.
Exit Survey
Non-NLS Users
Q15. Were you aware of the National Longitudinal Surveys before deciding to participate in our survey today?
Yes Go to Q15a
No Go to Q15b
Q15a. How did you learn about the NLS? Please mark all that apply
Coworker or colleague
Internet search
Media or press
Research paper
Teacher or professor
Other (please specify)
Go to Q15b
Q15b. How much interest do you have in longitudinal data?
A great deal of interest
Some interest
A little interest
No interest
Not sure, just exploring the topic
If Q15b = no interest, go to Q15e; all else go to Q15c.
Q15c. Have you ever used longitudinal data from other sources?
Yes – Please describe those sources
Go to Q15d
Q15d. Please indicate the reason(s) why you have not used longitudinal data from the NLS. Mark all that apply.
Not familiar to me
Difficult to use
Not applicable to my current research
Not applicable to my field of interest
Not applicable to my business/profession
Not timely enough
Similar to data obtained from another source
Other (please specify)
Go to Q15e
Q15e. Which category best describes the organization at which you work or study?
Academia – Faculty
Academia – Student
U.S. Government – Federal
U.S. Government – State or Local
News media
Research organization
Private business
Internet blog
Nonprofit organization
Independent consultant
Data supplier/re-packager
Labor or employee organization
International organization
Other (please specify)
Go to Q15f
Q15f. We appreciate any other comments you may have about the National Longitudinal Surveys. Thank you.
Click the Submit Your Survey button below when you are done.
Exit Survey
Exit Screen
Thank you for completing the survey!
If you have any questions about the NLS, please contact us at or (202) 691-7410. For more information about the NLS, please visit:
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Amoah, Mammyaa |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |