30 CFR Part 732 - Procedures and Criteria for Approval or Disapproval of State Program Submissions

ICR 201701-1029-001

OMB: 1029-0024

Federal Form Document

Forms and Documents
Supplementary Document
Supporting Statement A
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
ICR Details
1029-0024 201701-1029-001
Historical Active 201311-1029-002
DOI/OSMRE Part 732-extension
30 CFR Part 732 - Procedures and Criteria for Approval or Disapproval of State Program Submissions
Extension without change of a currently approved collection   No
Approved with change 07/06/2017
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 04/10/2017
OSMRE is developing new guidance and supporting documents for states to use when preparing amendments to approved programs. These documents must be submitted to OIRA for review and approval, and may be processed as a change request to the control number.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
07/31/2020 36 Months From Approved 07/31/2017
33 0 40
4,765 0 6,775
0 0 0

Part 732 establishes the procedures and criteria for approval and disapproval of State program submissions. The regulations govern the submission of information regarding the effective implementation of State programs regulating surface coal mining and reclamation operations. The information submitted is used to evaluate whether State regulatory authorities are meeting the provisions of the approved programs.

US Code: 30 USC 1201 et seq. Name of Law: Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977

Not associated with rulemaking

  82 FR 3356 01/11/2017
82 FR 17279 04/10/2017

  Total Approved Previously Approved Change Due to New Statute Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA
Annual Number of Responses 33 40 0 0 -7 0
Annual Time Burden (Hours) 4,765 6,775 0 0 -2,010 0
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0
There are currently 6,775 hours approved by OMB. This collection request will reduce the hours approved for this Part by 2,010 as adjustments. Although there was an increase in the estimated burden per respondent to submit program amendments under 732.17(f) and (g) , from 150 hours to 350 hours, there were fewer received recently, from 11 to 4 received. Both of these changes are due to adjustments.

John Trelease 202 208-2783 jtrelease@osmre.gov


On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that the collection of information encompassed by this request complies with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR 1320.8(b)(3).
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding the proposed collection of information, that the certification covers:
    (i) Why the information is being collected;
    (ii) Use of information;
    (iii) Burden estimate;
    (iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a benefit, or mandatory);
    (v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
    (vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control number;
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.

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