Secretarial Order No. 3285

Secretarial Order 3285.pdf

Competitive Processes, Terms, and Conditions for Leasing Public Lands for Solar and Wind Energy Development

Secretarial Order No. 3285

OMB: 1004-0206

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ORDER NO. 3285 

Subject: Renewable Energy Development by the Department of the Interior
Sec. I Purpose. This Order establishes the development of renewable energy as a priority for
the Department of the Interior and establishes a Depanmental Task Force on Energy and Climate
Change. This Order also amends and clarifies Depanmental roles and responsibilities to
accomplish this goal.
Sec. 2 Background. The Nation faces significant challenges to meeting its current and future
energy needs. Meet ing these challenges will require strategic planning and a thoughtful ,
balanced approach to domestic resource development that calls upon the coordinated
development of renewable resources, as well as the devel opment of traditional energy resources.
Many of our public lands possess substantial renewable resources that will help meet our
Nation's future energy needs while also providing significant benefits to our environment and
the economy. Increased production of renewable energy wi ll create jobs, provide cleaner, more
sustainable alternatives to traditional energy reso urces, and enhance the energy security of the
United States by adding to the domestic energy suppl y. As the steward of more than one-fifth of
our Nation ' s lands, and neighbor to othe r land managers, the Department of the Interior has a
significant role in coordi nating and ensuring environmentally responsible renewable energy
production and development of associated infrastructure needed to deliver renewable energy to
the consumer.
Sec. 3 Authority . This Order is issued under the authority of Section 2 of Reorganization Plan
No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended. and pursuant to the provisions of Section 211 of the
Energy Policy Act of2005 (P.L. 109-58).
Sec.4 Policy. Encouraging the production. development. and delivery of renewable energy is
one of the Department's highest priorities.. Agencies and bureaus within the Depanment will
work collaboratively wi th each other, and with other Federal agencies, departm ents, states, local
communities, and private landowners to encourage the timely and responsible development of
renewable energy and associated transmission while protecting and enhancing the Nation's
water, wildl ife, and other natural resources.
Sec. 5 Energy and Climate Change Task Force. A Task Force on Energy and Climate
Change is hereby establi shed in the Department. The Deputy Secretary and the Counselor to the
Secretary shall serve as Co-Chairs. The Task Force on Energy and Climate Change shall:
develop a strategy that is designed 10 increase the development and transm ission of
renewable energy from appropriate areas on public lands and the Outer Continental Shelf.
including the following:

(1) quantifying potential contributi ons of solar, wind, geothermal, incremental or
small hydroelectric power on existing structures, and biomass energy;
identifying and prioritizing the specific locations in the United States best
suited for large-scale production of solar, wind. geothermal, incremental or small hydroelectric
power on existing structures, and biomass energy (e.g., renewable energy zones);

(3) identifying, in cooperation with other agencies of the United States and
appropriate state agencies, the electric transmission infrastructure and transmission corridors
needed to deliver these renewable resources to major population centers;

prioritizing the pennitting and appropriate environmental review of
transmission rights-of-way appli cations that are necessary 10 deliver renewable energy
generation to consumers;


estab li shing clear roles and processes for each bureaU/office;

(6) tracking bureaU/office progress and working to identify and resolve obstacles
to renewable energy permitting, siting, development, and production;
(7) identifying additional policics and/or revisions to existing policies or practices
that are needed, including possible revisions to the Geothennal . Wind, and West-Wide Corridors
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statements and their respective Records of Decisions; and
(8) working with individual states, tribes, local governments, and other interested
stakeholders, including renewable generators and transmission and distribution utilities, to
identify appropriate areas for generation and necessary transmission;

develop best management practices for renewable energy and transmission projects
on the public lands to ensure the most environmentally responsible development and delivery of
renewable energy;
establish clear policy direction for authorizing the development of so lar energy on
public lands; and

recommend such other actions as may be necessary to fulfill the goals of this Order.

Sec. 6 Responsibilities.
Program Assistant Secretaries. Program Assistant Secretaries overseeing bureaus
responsible for, or that provide assistance with, the planning, siting, or permitting of renewable
energy generation and transmission facilities on the publi c lands and on the Outer Continental
Shelf. are responsible for:


(1) establishing and participating in management structures that facilitate
cooperation, reporting, and accountability across agencies, including the Task Force on Energy
and Cl imate Change;
(2) establishing joint, single-point-of contact offices that consolidate expertise to
ensure a coordinated, efficient, and expeditious permitting process while ensuring appropriate
siting and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act,
and all other applicable laws; and
(3) working coll aboratively with other departments, state, and local authorities to
coordi nate and hannonize non-Federal permitting processes.
The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is a member of the Task
Force and shall:
(1) ensure that investments associated with Interior managed facilities meet
Federal standards for energy efficiency and greening applications; and


coordinate with the Energy and Climate Change Task Force, as appropriate.

Bureau Heads. Each bureau head is responsible for designating a representative to
the Task Force on Energy and Climate Change.
Sec. 7 Im plementation. The Deputy Secretary is responsible fo r ensuring implementation of
th is Order. This responsibility may be delegated as appropriate.
Sec. 8 Effective Date. This Order is effective immediately and will remain in eITect until its
provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual or until it is amended, superseded, or
revoked, whichever comes first. The termination of thi s Order will not nullify implementation of
the requirements and responsibilities effected herein.

Secretary oflhe Interior

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSecretarial Order No. 3285, Renewable Energy
SubjectSecretarial Order No. 3285, Renewable Energy
AuthorBLM Oregon State Office
File Modified2010-08-19
File Created0000-01-01

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