Form 7 site-app-user-guide FY 16

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program

site-app-user-guide FY 16

NHSC Site Application (including recertification)

OMB: 0915-0127

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BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of
Contact User Guide
Last Revised: April 7, 2016


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 1: Purpose of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact ........................................................ 5
What is a Site Point of Contact? ................................................................................................................ 5
What is a Site? ........................................................................................................................................... 5
What is the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact? ................................................................... 5
Part 2: Creating an Account and Logging In .................................................................................................. 6
Creating an Account .................................................................................................................................. 6
Logging In ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Failed Login Attempts.......................................................................................................................... 10
Resetting or Changing a Password ...................................................................................................... 11
Part 3: Managing Your Account and Contact Information .......................................................................... 12
Updating Your Account Settings.............................................................................................................. 12
Changing Your Email Address .............................................................................................................. 12
Changing Your Password ..................................................................................................................... 12
Changing Your Security Information ................................................................................................... 12
Updating Your Program Portal Profile (Contact Information) ................................................................. 14
Job Responsibilities at Multiple Sites .................................................................................................. 15
Annual Program Portal Profile Update ................................................................................................ 16
Idle Accounts ....................................................................................................................................... 16
Part 4: Viewing Your Sites ........................................................................................................................... 17
The “My Sites” Table ............................................................................................................................... 17
Why Don’t I See My Site(s)? ................................................................................................................ 18
Viewing a Specific Site ............................................................................................................................. 19
Part 5: Site Self Service ................................................................................................................................ 20
Managing Current Job Openings ............................................................................................................. 20
Creating a New Position ...................................................................................................................... 21
Closing an Open Position..................................................................................................................... 21
Viewing the Clinician Roster .................................................................................................................... 22
Managing Points of Contact .................................................................................................................... 23
Adding a New POC............................................................................................................................... 24
Editing a POC ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Removing a POC .................................................................................................................................. 26

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Managing the Site Profile ........................................................................................................................ 27
Step 1: Describe Your Site ................................................................................................................... 27
Step 2: Verify Points of Contact ........................................................................................................... 27
Step 3: Upload a Brochure for Your Site .............................................................................................. 28
Step 4: Provide Site Details.................................................................................................................. 28
Step 5: Provide Other Site Information ............................................................................................... 28
Step 6: Managing Profile Images ......................................................................................................... 29
Site Visits ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Part 6: Applying for a New Site.................................................................................................................... 32
Applying for the NURSE Corps ................................................................................................................. 32
Applying for the NHSC ............................................................................................................................. 32
Step 1: Instructions and Eligibility ....................................................................................................... 32
Step 2: Providing General Information ................................................................................................ 36
Step 3: Identifying Points of Contact ................................................................................................... 39
Step 4: Providing NHSC Information.................................................................................................... 40
Step 5: Suggesting HPSA Scores .......................................................................................................... 41
Step 6: Uploading Documents ............................................................................................................. 42
Step 7: Reviewing the NHSC Site Agreement ...................................................................................... 43
What Happens Next? ................................................................................................................................ 43
Canceled, Not Submitted and Denied Applications and Reapplying ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Approval Period and Recertification.................................................................................................... 44
Part 7: Messages and Activities ................................................................................................................... 45
Portal Messages ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Viewing Your Messages ....................................................................................................................... 45
Viewing and Completing Your Activities.................................................................................................. 46
Employment Verifications ................................................................................................................... 48
In-Service Verifications ........................................................................................................................ 49
Site Visit Pending Reponses................................................................................................................. 50
Appendix A: Site POC Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 51
Appendix B: BHW Program Point of Contact Requirements ....................................................................... 52


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide



BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 1: Purpose of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact
What is a Site Point of Contact?
A point of contact (POC) is a person who serves as the coordinator or focal point of information
concerning Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) programs and activities at an organization. The
organization typically has employees interested in or actively participating in one or more BHW
programs. The BHW utilizes POCs in cases where information is time-sensitive and accuracy is
A single organization may have multiple POCs depending on the programs the organization is involved in
and the role of the identified POCs. Specifically, the BHW is interested in POCs who:

Own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their organization and/or understand and have
the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating procedures.
Manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or absences of employees
within their organization.
Hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization.

What is a Site?
A “site” is a specific location at which an employee fulfills a service obligation for a BHW program. An
organization may consist of one or more sites and a POC can be registered as a POC for one or more
sites within the same organization.

What is the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact?
The BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact facilitates the completion of important BHW program
activities and serves as the method by which the BHW contacts POCs in cases where information is timesensitive and accuracy is important. More information about these programs is available by visiting the
BHW website. The following programs are currently supported by the Program Portal:

National Health Service Corps


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 2: Creating an Account and Logging In
The BHW requires that all site POCs create a BHW Program Portal account. Creating and activating an
account allows a POC to perform self-service tasks for their site and helps to support their employees
fulfilling BHW program service obligations. A POC can access the Program Portal here. This section of
the user guide will highlight how to create and log into your Program Portal account.

Creating an Account
Complete the following steps to create a BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact account:
1. Navigate to the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact login page.
2. Select the “Create a Site Point of Contact account” link under the “Create an Account” header.

Figure 1: BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


3. On the “Account Information” screen, complete the “Account Information”, “Professional
Information” and “Job Responsibilities” sections. The next section can be expanded by either
selecting the “next step” button (

) or selecting the expand selection button (


next to each section header. To collapse a section, select the collapse section button ( ).
Fields notated with an asterisk (*) are required. The following fields are required in each
 Account Information
Password Requirements
i. Title (e.g. Mr., Mrs., or Dr.)
ii. First Name
A password must have a minimum length of eight
iii. Last Name
(8) characters and must contain at least one of each
iv. Work Email (this will be your
of the following:
username for login)
 English uppercase character (A-Z)
v. Confirm Work Email
 English lowercase character (a-z)
vi. Create Password (see
 Numerical Digit (0-9)
Password Requirements)
 Special Character (e.g. @,!,$,%)
vii. Confirm Password
A password may not contain:
viii. Security Question
ix. Answer
 Slang or jargon
 Professional Information
 Personal information
i. Job Category
 All or part of the users account name
ii. Specific Job Title
 A character repeated more than once in
iii. Primary Work Phone
iv. Company Name
v. Work Address Line 1
vi. Work Address City
vii. Work Address State
viii. Work Address Zip Code
 Job Responsibilities
i. At least one answer to the question about with whom you work
ii. At least one answer to the question about what you do at your site
4. Select the “continue” button (
select the “cancel” button (
saved if the process is canceled.

) to proceed with account creation. At any time
) to stop the account creation process. No information is


2: Account
BHW PrograFigure
m Portal
for Site
Points ofPage
Contact User Guide



BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


5. Review the “Responsibilities and Account Confirmation” page. This page displays your primary
and secondary responsibilities based on the answers given in the Job Responsibilities section of
the previous page. For more information on POC roles and responsibilities, reference Appendix
A of this guide.
 Primary Responsibilities – This list is based on the job responsibilities you selected.
These are the tasks and activities available on the Program Portal that the BHW will ask
you to oversee or complete.
 Secondary Responsibilities – This list is based on the job responsibilities you did not
select. This list is the remainder of the tasks and activities available on the Program
Portal that you may not need to complete, but should be aware of. You should also be
aware that the BHW may contact you about any of these secondary responsibilities.
6. Certify that all the information provided is correct by selecting the checkbox next to the
certification statement.
7. Select the “back” button (

) to return to the previous page if any information needs to be

8. Select the “register” button (

) to complete the account creation process. Select

the “cancel” button (
) to stop the account creation process. No information is saved if
the process is canceled.
9. Once the account is created a confirmation screen is shown. An email is sent to the Work Email
address provided with a link to activate the account. You will not be able to log in until the
account is activated using the link in the email.
Figure 3: Account Creation Confirmation


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Logging In
Once an account for the portal has been created and activated, you can log into the portal from the
BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact login page (Figure 3).
Complete the following steps to log into a BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact account:
1. From the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact login page, enter your email and
password. The email address is the Work Email you provided when the account was created.
Figure 4: Logging into the Program Portal

2. Select the “log in” button (

) to log into your account.

Failed Login Attempts
If the email and password combination is incorrect, the system will display a warning message. After
three (3) failed login attempts your account will be locked and cannot be accessed until the password is


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Resetting or Changing a Password
To reset or change your account password, select the “forgot your password?” link below the password
field on the login screen and complete the following steps:
1. Enter your email address in the field provided. This is the Work Email address you entered
when the account was created. Select the next button (

) to proceed.

Figure 5: Provide Your Email Address

2. Answer the security question in the field provided to reset your password. Select the submit
button (

) to submit the answer.
Figure 6: Answer Your Security Question

3. You should receive an email containing a link to reset your password. If you do not access this
link and reset your password within two days, the link will expire and you will have to request a
new one.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 3: Managing Your Account and Contact Information
Once logged in to the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact, you can make changes to your
account and Program Portal Profile information as needed. This section of the user guide demonstrates
how to keep your account and contact information up to date.

Updating Your Account Settings
Updating your account settings allows you to update your email address, password and security
question. To access your account settings, select the “Account Settings” link in the toolbar at the top of
the Program Portal.
Figure 7: Accessing Your Account Settings

Changing Your Email Address
To change the email address used to log into your account, complete the following steps:
1. Access your Account Settings
2. On the account settings page, under the “Change Email Address” section enter and confirm your
new email address and enter your current password.
3. Select the “change email” button (
) to change your email.
4. The new email address can now be used to access your account.
Changing Your Password
To change the password used to log into your account, complete the following steps:
1. Access your Account Settings.
2. On the account settings page, under the “Change Password” section enter and confirm your
new password and enter your current password.
3. Select the “change password” button (
4. The new password can now be used to access your account.

) to change your password.

Changing Your Security Information
To change the security question and answer used to unlock or reset your account, complete the
following steps:
1. Access your Account Settings.
2. On the account settings page, under the “Change Security Information” section, select a new
security question and answer and enter your current password.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide

3. Select the change “security information” button (
your new security question and answer.
4. The new security information will now be used to unlock or reset your account.
Figure 8: The Account Settings Page



) to set

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Updating Your Program Portal Profile (Contact Information)
Your Program Portal Profile contains your contact information and your job responsibilities. Once you
have created and activated your account, you can update your Program Portal Profile at any time. It is
important to keep your profile information up to date, as this is the information the BHW will use to
contact you about any important and time-sensitive information.
You can update your Program Portal Profile by selecting the “Update My Program Portal Profile” link in
the “Need Assistance?” section at the bottom of the Program Portal landing page.
Figure 9: Accessing You Program Portal Profile

The following information can be updated and edited as part of your Program Portal Profile. Fields
marked with an asterisk (*) are required:

Job Category*
Specific Job Title*
Primary Work Phone Number*
Alternate Work Phone Number
Work Fax Number
Company Name*
Work Address Line 1*
Work Address Line 2
Work Address City*
Work Address State*
Work Address Zip Code*
Job Responsibilities*
o Who do you work with?
o What do you do?

Figure 10: Your Program Portal Profile

(At least one selection must be made for each
question in the Job Responsibilities section of
the Program Portal Profile.)
The job responsibilities entered in this section
of the Program Portal Profile represent your “default” job responsibilities. Your job responsibilities will

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


determine your roles and responsibilities at your site(s). For more information on POC roles and
responsibilities, reference Appendix A of this guide.

When you have completed updating your profile information, select the “submit” button (
to commit your changes.


Job Responsibilities at Multiple Sites
If you are a POC at multiple sites you have two options for managing your job responsibilities at each of
your sites.
1. Apply your default job responsibilities to all sites – this is the default option and will apply the
job responsibilities selected on the Program Portal Profile to all your sites.
2. Individually manage job responsibilities at each site – this option allows you to set your
responsibilities at each of your sites.
a. Select the checkbox next to “Individually Manage Site Roles” and the screen will display
options for each of your sites.
b. Select your job responsibilities for each of the sites. You must make a selection for each
site. You will not be assigned job responsibilities for sites without a selection.
Figure 11: Job Responsibilities at Multiple Sites


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Annual Program Portal Profile Update
Every 12 months you will be asked to review and verify your Program Portal Profile information. This
will occur automatically upon login if your profile information was not updated. Please take a moment
to review your information in this case and make any updates as needed. This helps ensure that the
BHW has the most up to date contact information for you.
Idle Accounts
If you do not log into the Program Portal for 12 months you will be marked as “idle”. Your account will
still be active, but you will no longer receive email announcements of portal messages until you log in to
the Program Portal.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 4: Viewing Your Sites
One of the primary functions of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact is to allow you, as a
POC, to view information about your site and the various programs your site supports. This section
outlines the functionality allowing you to view your site information.

The “My Sites” Table
Featured at the top of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact landing page, the “My Sites”
table displays a listing of all the sites for which you are identified as a POC.
Figure 12: The "My Sites" Table

The table displays the following information about each of your sites:


Site Name
o Site name is the name of the site recorded by the BHW.
o Address is the physical address of the site recorded by the BHW.
Active Affiliation
o Active affiliations are values shown depending on which BHW programs this site is
approved to support.
o If no active affiliations are listed, then the site is not currently approved for any BHW
My Tasks
o “My Tasks” displays a count of any tasks or activities that may require your attention at
the site.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Selecting the site name will take you to that site page where the specific tasks can be

o Alerts display when urgent action is needed. There are currently three types of alerts
that will display:
 “Add Required Points of Contact” – This alert will display when the site is missing
required POC information. Reference the “Managing Points of Contact” section
of this guide for more information on POC requirements for sites.
 “X Positions will Expire in the Next 15 Days” – This alert will display when an
open position posting by the site through the Job Center is about to expire. If
the position posting is not renewed, the posting will be removed from the Job
Center on the expiration date. Reference the “Managing Open Positions”
section of this guide for more information about posting open positions.
 “Site Approval will expire within the next X days” – This alert will display when
the site’s NHSC approval is expiring soon. Please take action to renew the site’s
approval or it will no longer be eligible to support NHSC programs. Please
reference the NHSC Site Reference Guide for more information about sites and
the NSHC.

Why Don’t I See My Site(s)?
The “My Sites” list only displays sites that the BHW has confirmed you as a POC for . You are not
automatically added as a POC for any site based on your account information alone. There are three
ways that you can be added to a site:
1. You are added as a POC by the BHW.
2. You are added as a POC by another confirmed POC at the site. Another POC can use their
Program Portal account to add you as a POC for the site. Reference the “Managing Points of
Contact” section of this guide for more information.
3. You submit a site application. If you submit an application for a new site, you will automatically
be added as a POC for that site. This applies to NHSC sites only.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Viewing a Specific Site
To view additional information about a site or perform self-service activities, select the site name from
the “My Sites” list.
The site landing page displays information about the
site and provides access to self service functions.
The following information is displayed about the
site on the right side of the page:



BHW ID – This is a unique identifier.
Site Name
Site Address
Highest HPSA Scores – The highest HPSA
score in each of the three disciplines that
apply to the site. Not all sites will have a
score for all three disciplines.
Site Status – The status of the site for
various BHW programs and the expiration
date for the approval of that program (if
Contact Information
Additional Site Information


Figure 13: Viewing Site Information

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 5: Site Self Service
One of the primary functions of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact is it allows you, as an
identified POC, to perform self-service activities for your site. This section of the user guide will highlight
the self service functions available to you and your site.
The self service options available depend on the job responsibilities identified as part of your Program
Portal Profile. For more information on POC roles and responsibilities, reference Appendix A of this
guide. You can access the self service options by selecting the site name in the “My Sites” list, and
choosing from the options in the self-service list on the left hand side of the screen.
Figure 14: The Self-Service Menu

Managing Current Job Openings
Select the “Manage Current Job Openings” link to manage job opening for the site. Job openings for a
site can be posted publically on the NHSC Jobs Center. Only POCs who indicate that they hire and/or
recruit new employees for the organization can manage current job openings at their site. (At this time,
only job openings for NHSC sites may be posted to the NHSC Jobs Center).
Figure 15: Open Positions


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


The “Open Positions” table shows any positions currently being advertised as open at the site. To edit a
position, select the ID of the position.
Creating a New Position
To open a new position, select the “create new position” button (
). When
editing or creating a position, you will be asked to provide the following information about the position.
All fields are required:

Work Schedule: Full-Time or Part-Time
Estimated Hours per Week
Position Description (4,000 characters maximum)
Posting Start Date
Projected Hire Date (The Projected Hire Date may not exceed 365 days (1 year) from the Posting
Start Date. Entering a Projected Hire Date will auto-populate the Posting Expiration Date with a
date that is 90 days after the Projected Hire date. The position will be removed from the NHSC
Jobs Center on the Posting Expiration Date.)
8. Posting Expiration Date (Maximum 90 days from Projected Hire Date) – You can automatically
set the maximum expiration date by selecting the “set maximum expiration” button (
9. Annual Salary
10. Additional Benefit Details (1,000 characters maximum)
The posting start and expiration dates will determine the timeframe when the position will be visible on
the Job Center.
Closing an Open Position
To close an open position, select the position from the list and select the close position button (
). Please provide a reason for closing the position when prompted, and select the
“close” button (
) to close the position. The position will be closed immediately and will no
longer appear on the Job Center.
To view a history of all positions posted for the site, select the “History of Positions” link.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Viewing the Clinician Roster
Select the “View Clinician Roster” to view a list of all BHW clinicians who are currently fulfilling a service
obligation at your site. Clinicians who are not part of a BHW program will not be shown.
Figure 16: Viewing the Clinician Roster

The clinician roster lists the following information about each clinician in service at your site:

Work Schedule (i.e. Full-Time or Part-Time)
Start Date
Obligation End Date – the date by which their program service obligation will be fulfilled.

If your site does not currently have any clinicians in service, a message display stating that the site has
no clinicians in service.

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Managing Points of Contact
Select the “Manage Points of Contact” link to edit, add or remove points of contact from your site.
Selecting the link will display the point of contact list for the current site.
Figure 17: Viewing the POC List

The point of contact list displays the following information about the site’s points of contact:


Work Address (Address)
Primary Work Phone (Phone)
Work Email (Email)
o Active – An active POC has created, activated and logged into their account within the
last 12 months.
o Inactive – An inactive POC has created an account, but has not activated it or logged in.
o Idle – An idle POC has created and activated an account, but has not logged in 12 or
more months.
o No Account – A POC with “No Account” has never created a Program Portal account.
o More information on POC roles and responsibilities can be found in Appendix A. These
roles refer to the types of POCs the BHW is interested in at each site:
 POCs who own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their organization
and have the ability to answer questions about organization policies and
operating procedures.

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


POCs who manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or
absences of employees within their organization.
POCs that hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization.

Adding a New POC
Select the “add another site POC” button (
) to begin the process of
adding another POC to the site. There are 3 methods available to add a new POC; the portal will walk
you through each one of them in order:
Method 1: Add POC from Site Network
The first method is adding a POC from another site in your site’s organization network. In order to add a
POC in this way, your site must be part of a larger organization network, and the BHW must have other
sites of this network identified.
Figure 18: Adding a POC from the Site's Network

To add a POC from your site’s network:
1. Select the POCs name in the dropdown.
2. Select the “add” button (

) to add them to the current site.

If you do not see the POC you would like to add in the dropdown, select the checkbox next to “I do not
see my POC listed” to activate the “Search NHSC Database” button (
Once active (yellow), select the button to proceed to the next method of adding a POC.



BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Method 2: Add POC from the Database
The second method is adding a POC from the database. It is possible that the POC you are trying to add
is already in the system. To search for and add a POC from the database:
Figure 19: Searching the C POC Database

1. Provide information in at least one of the following fields:
a. POC First Name
b. POC Last Name
c. POC Primary Email
d. POC Primary Phone Number
2. Select the “search” button (

) to view the results of your search.
Figure 20: POC Search Results

3. Select the “Add” link at the right hand side of the row.
A POC adding from the database will need to confirm their assignment by selecting a link contained
within an automatically generated email.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


If you do not see your POC listed, select the checkbox next to “No, my POC is not listed in these
matches”. This will activate the “enter new POC” button (
proceed to the next method of adding a POC.

). Select this button to

Method 3: Enter a New POC
The final method of adding a new POC is to create a new POC. When creating a new POC, please
provide the following information. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Figure 21: Adding a New POC


First Name*
Last Name*
Work Email*
Primary Work Phone*
Alternate Work Phone
Work Fax Number
Company Name*
Work Address Line 1*
Work Address Line 2
Work City*
Work State/Province/Region*
Work Zip/Postal Code*

Once you have provided information in all required fields, select the “save” button (
the new POC.

) to create

Editing a POC
Select the POC’s name from the site POC list to edit the information. Modify any of the information on
the page and select the “save” button (
) to update the POC. Please note you cannot edit the
work email of another POC, as this would modify their account settings and affect their ability to log into
the portal.
Removing a POC
To remove a POC from a site, select the POC’s name from the site POC list. On the bottom of the page,
there are two options for altering the POCs relationship with the site:


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Clearing POC Responsibilities
To remove all roles and responsibilities of the POC at the site, but leave the POC on the site’s POC list,
select the “clear responsibilities” button (
). This will remove all POC roles
and responsibilities at this site only. The POC will be prompted to select new roles and responsibilities
when they next log into the Program Portal.
Removing the POC from the Site
To completely remove the POC from the site (e.g. they no longer work there), select the “remove from
site” button (
). This will remove the POC completely from the site, and they will
no longer appear on the site POC list.

Managing the Site Profile
Select the “Manage Site Profile” link to update the information about your site that job seekers can
review from the Job Center. Only POCs who indicate to hire or recruit new employees can manage a
site’s profile.
Step 1: Describe Your Site
Provide a site headline and a site description for your site. These will display on the homepage of your
site profile. Only the site description is required.
Figure 22: Describing your Site

Step 2: Verify Points of Contact
Verify that the points of contact for the site are correct. If changes need to be made, reference the
“Managing Points of Contact” section of this guide.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 3: Upload a Brochure for Your Site
You can upload a one-page flyer or marketing brochure that you use to promote your site. Those who
view your site profile will be able to download this document. To upload a brochure select the “browse”
button and select the file from your computer. Please note that only jpg, doc and pdf files will be
Step 4: Provide Site Details
Provide details in each of the four sections by selecting the check boxes next to each applicable item.

Languages Spoken by Patients
Services Provided
Specialty Services Provided
Other Benefits Provided

If you do not see a value in the list that you would like to indicate, you can enter the value in the field
provided before the list and select the “add it!” button (

) to add the value to the list.

Figure 23: Insert a Custom Value

Step 5: Provide Other Site Information
Provide details on the following information about your site. Required fields are marked with an
asterisk (*).

Number of Patients Served Annually*
Days/Hours of Operation*
Facility Size*
Site Email Address*
Official Website
Site Phone Number*
Site Fax Number
DUNS Number

You can also provide any other relevant web links. To add a web link, enter a name and the link address
in the fields provided and select the “add it!” button (
“delete” button (

) next to the link to remove it.

You can provide social media links: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

). To remove a web link, select the

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide



BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


At this point, you will need to agree to the terms and conditions of the Rules of Behavior before you can
save your site profile. Select the checkbox next to the confirmation message to agree to the terms.
When saving your site profile, you have two options:

To save and preview your profile, select the “save & view profile” button (


). A preview of your site profile will open in a pop-up in your
browser. Please be sure you have pop-ups enabled for this website to preview your site profile.
To save and continue (and not preview your profile), select the “save & continue” button (

Step 6: Managing Profile Images
You are able to upload images that will display alongside your site’s profile on the Job Center. To upload
an image:

Enter an image title.
Enter an image description.
Select the “browse” button and search your computer for your image.
Select the “upload image” button to upload the image to your profile.
Figure 24: Uploading Site Profile Images

Managing Existing Images
Below the image upload fields is a list of all existing images on the profile. You have the options to make
the image the default profile image and to remove the image by selecting the “delete” button (
After you have completed with images, you can save you profile. When saving your final site profile, you
have two options:


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide



To save and preview your profile, select the “save & view profile” button (


). A preview of your site profile will open in a pop-up in your
browser. Please be sure you have pop-ups enabled for this website to preview your site profile.
To save and finish (and not preview your profile), select the “save & finish” button (


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Site Visits
Select the “Site Visits” link to view pending and past site visits for the site. Site visits apply only to NHSC
approved sites and are conducted on a regular basis to ensure compliance with NHSC rules and
regulation. For more information about visits, please see the NHSC Site Reference Guide.
Figure 25: Site Visits

Selecting the date of a past visit will open the site visit summary from the site.
Figure 26: A Site Visit Summary


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 6: Applying for a New Site
If you do not see your site listed in the “My Sites” list, and would like to become approved to support
BHW programs, follow the instructions for the programs you are interested in below.

Applying for the NURSE Corps
If you are interested in your site becoming an approved site for NURSE Corps programs, you do not need
to submit a site application. If you believe your facility may qualify as a Critical Shortage Facility or an
eligible school of nursing, please contact the BHW directly.

Applying for the NHSC
If you are interested in your site being an approved NHSC site, please submit an NHSC Site Application
only if your site has never been approved by the NHSC. If your site was approved in the past, please
submit an NHSC Site Recertification during the open recertification cycle by clicking on the site name
and choosing the "Recertify" option. Visit the NHSC website for more information about becoming an
NHSC approved site. Please be aware that the NHSC Site Application operates on an annual cycle and
may not currently be open. Please check the NHSC website for the most accurate cycle dates.
To start a new site application, select the “Apply for a New NHSC Site” button (
in the “New Site Applications” section on the Program Portal landing page.


Only POCs who have indicated that they own, oversee or manage a significant portion of their
organization and have the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating
procedures can submit a new site application.
Reapplying for the NHSC
If you previously started a site application but did not submit by the deadline, had your application
denied, or otherwise canceled your previous application, you can reapply for the same site during an
open NSHC Site Application cycle. In order to reapply, select the site from your “My Sites” list and under
the “I need to…” section of the site page, look for the reapply link. The “Reapply” link will appear when
all the conditions stated below are met.
Figure 27: The Reapply Link


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


In order to reapply the following conditions must be met:


The NSHC Site Application cycle must be open
The site must have a denied or canceled site application on file (if the site was ever previously
approved, then it must submit a recertification during the separate recertification cycle, see
The site must be eligible to submit an NHSC Site Application
The site must not have a preexisting application in one of following statuses
o In progress
o Approved
o Pending site visit

A reapplication follows the same process steps at the NHSC Site Application. Please refer to “Applying
for the NHSC” section detailed instructions.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 1: Instructions and Eligibility
The first page of the NHSC Site Application is the instructions and pre-screening page. Please read all
the instructions prior to continuing with the site application. When you are ready to proceed, select the
type of site you are applying for from the dropdown provided. Based on your selection, you may be
asked to select a site sub-type as well. Please select the closest match to the site for which you are
Figure 28: Starting an NHSC Site Application

The application will determine if your site is eligible to continue the application based on the site type
indicated. For a complete listing of NHSC eligible and ineligible site types, please refer to the NHSC Site
Reference Guide.
If your site type is eligible to continue with the application, you will be presented with a list of NHSC Site
Eligibility Questions. These seven “yes or no” questions will help to determine if your site’s operating
policies and procedures are in line with NHSC requirements. Please answer each of the questions
honestly for you site.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Figure 29: NHSC Site Eligibility Questions

Once you have provided an answer to each of the NHSC Site Eligibility Questions, select the “continue”
button (
). The “continue” button will not be active unless all the NHSC Site Eligibility
Questions have been answered. When selected, , the application will review your answers to determine
if your site’s policies and procedures are eligible for the NHSC.
If your site is deemed ineligible, a message will display informing you site ineligibility for the NHSC, and
you will not be able to continue with the application.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Figure 30: Your Site is Ineligible

If your site passes the NHSC Site Eligibility questions, you will be presented with the General Information
page of the application.
Note: Eligibility to complete an application does not equate to NHSC approval.
Step 2: Providing General Information
Provide the general information for the site by providing the following information in the fields
provided. All fields marked with an asterisk (*)
Figure 31: General Information Page
are required.
 Site Name* (Please use the full, legal
name of the site)
 Also Known as/Doing Business as Alias
 Address Line 1*
 Address Line 2
 City*
 State/Province/Region*
 Zip/Postal Code*
 County* (The dropdown is filtered by
state selection)
 Site Phone Number*
 Site Fax Number
 Site E-Mail Address*
 Site Web Address
 Site Classification*
 Mailing Address
o Select the checkbox if the
physical address and mailing
address are the same. If
different, please enter the
mailing address in the fields

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


When you have completed filling out the General Information for you site, select the “continue” button (
) to proceed to the next part of the application. At any time during the application, you may
select the “save for later” button (
the Program Portal.

) to save all the information entered and return to

Site Duplication Check
Once general information has been entered, the system needs to ensure that the applying site is not a
duplicate of a site that already exists in the BHW Management Information System Solution. The name
and address provided will be run through the database to determine any exact or similar matches.
An exact match is found if the name and address you have provided match, character for character, a
site already in the data base. If this happens, a screen will be presented showing that an exact duplicate
has been identified. The application will be canceled and you will be notified to contact an existing site
point of contact. If there are no site points of contact, or they are otherwise unreachable, please
contact the Division of Regional Operations using the information provided. A portal message is also
generated with the duplicate site information for your future reference.
Figure 32: A site match has been identified

A “similar” match is founds if the provided site information meets any of the following criteria with one
or more sites in the database:

Within a 1/4 mile of another site
Within 5 miles of another site and has a similar name
Within the same state as another site and has a similar name


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


When a “similar” match is identified, you will be presented with a list of similar matches in a pop-up
window. If one of the sites in the list is the site you are completing an application for, select the “this is
my site” button (
). The system will display the match screen and cancel the application as if
an exact match was determined (see Figure 31above). If your site is not listed, select the “my site is not
listed” button (

) to continue with the application.
Figure 33: Displaying similar site matches


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 3: Identifying Points of Contact
On this page, please identify all points of contact for your site. All sites which are not solo private
practices must identify a minimum of two POCs for each site. For more information about POC
requirements reference Appendix B of this guide.
Figure 34: Add and Edit Site POCs

To add additional POCs select the “Add Additional Site POC” button (
) and
complete the steps as presented. For more information about managing POCs at your site, reference
the “Managing Site POCs” section of this guide.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 4: Providing NHSC Information
This step of the NHSC Site Application asks for information specifically related to your site and the NHSC.
A response in each of the following sections is required.
1. Primary Care Services Provided –
Please select all the primary care






Figure 35: NSHC Information Page

services your site provides. You
must indicate that your site
provides at least one service to
continue and submit your
Nominal Fee – Please provide
the nominal fee charged per
your site’s discounted/sliding fee
schedule. For more information
on discounted/sliding fee
schedules, please see the
reference material here.
Medicare Acceptance – Please
indicate if your site accepts
Medicare. If your site accepts
Medicare, please provide your
Medicare number in the space
provided. If your site does not
accept Medicare, please indicate
the reasons in the space
Medicaid Acceptance - Please
indicate if your site accepts Medicaid. If your site accepts Medicaid, please provide your
Medicaid number in the space provided. If your site does not accept Medicaid, please indicate
the reasons in the space provided.
Children’s Health Insurance Program Acceptance – Please indicate if your site accepts your
state’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If your site accepts CHIP, please provide
your CHIP number. If your site does not accept CHIP, please indicate the reasons in the space
Recruitment and Retention Plan – Please indicate if your site has a current recruitment and
retention plan on file.
You may also provide any additional comments that you would like the NHSC to take into
consideration when reviewing your application.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


When you have provided all the NHSC information required, select the “continue” button (
) to proceed.
Step 5: Suggesting HPSA Scores
This step is entirely optional and may be skipped without penalty on the NHSC Site Application.
This step allows you to suggest which Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) you believe are
applicable for your site. To add a HPSA suggestion:
1. Use the HPSA Find Tool to location HPSAs for your site
2. Enter or copy the HPSA ID into the field provided
3. Select the “add” button (

) to add the HPSA suggestion.

If you have questions about HPSAs, please contact your State Primary Care Office.
Figure 36: Suggesting HPSAs


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 6: Uploading Documents
This step requires you to upload supporting documentation to support the information provided on the
NSHC site application. Please expand and read the “Document Instructions” by selecting the expand
section button (


To upload a document to your NHSC Site Application:
1. Select one or more document types from the list. A single upload may satisfy one or more
document types.
2. Select the “browse” button (
) and select a file from your computer. The file name
will appear in the field to the left of the browse button.
3. Select the “upload document” button (

) to upload the document to the

Figure 37: Uploading Documents

When all the required documents have been uploaded to the application, select the “continue” button (
) to proceed.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Step 7: Reviewing the NHSC Site Agreement
The final step in the NSHC Site Application process asks you to review the NHSC Site Agreement in full.
Please read through the agreement and select the boxes certifying the information in the application is
correct and that you represent your site.
To complete the application, sign the application by entering your password in the space provided and
select the “submit” button (

Figure 38: Reviewing the NHSC Site Agreement

What Happens Next?
After your application is submitted, both your State Primary Care Office and the NHSC will review your
application to determine your eligibility. The complete review process generally takes one to two
months to complete. You will be notified through the Program Portal when a decision on your
application is reached.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Approval Period and Recertification
Your approved NHSC Site Application is good for three years from the date of its approval. At the end of
three years, your site’s approval with NSHC will expire and your site will no longer be able to support
NHSC programs. To prevent this from happening, submit a NHSC Site Recertification prior to your site’s
expiration. (Recertifications may also be submitted for sites that have already expired). To submit a
Recertification, select the site from the “My Sites” list and in the “I Need To…” section select “Recertify”.
Only POCs who have indicated that they own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their
organization and have the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating
procedures can submit a new site application.
The NHSC Site Recertification follows the same process steps at the NHSC Site Application. Please refer
to “Applying for the NHSC” section detailed instructions.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Part 7: Messages and Activities
Portal Messages
Portal messages are the primary means by which the BHW will communicate with Site Points of Contact.
Messages may be about changes to your site, upcoming important dates, task notifications or
application updates. Messages are delivered through the portal in the “My Messages” section. A
generic email notifying you of a new message is also sent to your work email address.
When a new message is received on the portal, you will be notified in two ways:
1. An exclamation symbol will appear next to the “My Messages” section (
), and number of
unread messages will appear.
2. A notification box will appear on the top of the home page showing the subject of the most
recent message.
Figure 39: You Have a New Message

Viewing Your Messages
To view your Portal messages, select the “My Messages” link at the top of the Program Portal Landing
page. This will open the “My Messages” page which shows all your messages in a paginated list. The
newest messages are on the top of the list, and unread messages are marked with an exclamation point
symbol (

). To read a message, select the name of the message to view the message.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Figure 40: The "My Messages" Page

Viewing and Completing Your Activities
As a POC, you will periodically be asked to perform certain tasks to help verify that your site and the
clinicians serving in BHW programs are in compliance. Activities that become available for completion
will appear in the “My Activities” section of the portal. This section is divided into two tables:
1. Portal Activities – This section displays tasks that are pending completion. This list is a
combination of all the tasks from all of your sites.
2. Recently Completed Portal Activities – This section displays tasks that were recently completed
by any of your sites. To view a complete list of tasks, select the “View all Activities” link below
the table.
Figure 41: Viewing Your Activities


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


The “My Activities” table contains the following information about your activities:
Portal Activities

Activity Type – The type of activity that is pending completion.
Site Name – The name of the site the activity is for.
Activity Description – A short description about the activity to help differentiate activities of the
same type.
Status – The status of the activity which varies by activity type.
Due Date – The date the activity needs to be completed by. Not all activities have due dates.

Recently Completed Portal Activities

Activity Type – The type of activity that is pending completion.
Site Name – The name of the site the activity is for.
Activity Description – A short description about the activity to help differentiate activities of the
same type.
Status – The status of the activity which varies by activity type.
Date Last Updated – The last date an action was taken on this activity.
Completed by – The name of the individual who completed the activity.

The “My Sites” table on the top of the Program Portal homepage will also display the number of tasks
that are ready to be completed for each of your sites.
Figure 42: There are Some Tasks Ready for You

Selecting the name of the site to open the site page will allow you to view the activities available
specifically for that site.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Figure 43: Portal Activities on the Site Page

This section briefly covers the three most common activities seen on the Portal.
Employment Verifications
When a clinician applies to become part of a BHW program, transfers to a new location or changes work
hours, an Employment Verification form is required. The BHW utilizes online forms only to verify
POCs who indicated that they manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or
absences of employees within their organization serve as the primary POCs for the completion of
employment verification forms. POCs who serve managers and/or site administrators serve as a backup
if needed.
To complete an employment verification form, select the activity from the activity list and complete the
following steps:
1. Review the instructions, site information and the participant information.
2. Answer the questions about the participant’s current (or future, pending) employment and
license to practice.

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide



a. You may indicate that the participant does not currently have a license to practice due
to the pending completion of a residency or other similar program. This is only available
if the participant’s discipline and specialty allow are eligible for a residency program.
b. If you indicate that the participant does not work at your site or does not have (or will
not have) a license to practice, the verification activity will be completed when you
attempt to continue.
Complete the employment information for the participant.
Complete any additional verification questions for the participant.
Provide any additional credentialing information for the participant.
Indicate whether you performed a National Practitioner Databank search for this participant,
and if so, what the results were.

After providing all of the above information, select the “continue” button (
the next page.

) to proceed to

Review all the verification information entered, confirm the verification request and sign the online form
by entering you r password. Select the “submit” button (
Selecting the “cancel” button (

) to submit the form to the BHW.

) will cancel the request and no progress will be saved.

In-Service Verifications
For every six months of a clinician’s service, the BHW requires that the clinician report of the number of
days absent from the site to determine if the participant is in compliance. The BHW utilizes only online
forms to perform this verification.
Only POCs who indicated that they manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules and/or
absences of employees within their organization can complete employment verification forms.
The BHW relies on the site POCs to verify that the number of days absent reported by the participant is
To complete an in-service verification, select the task from the list, and perform the following steps:
1. Review the participant information.
2. Review the number of days missed reported by the participant.
3. Indicate whether the number of days missed is accurate.
a. If the participant’s report is incorrect, please provide an explanation for the participant.
4. Sign the form by entering your password.
5. Select the “submit” button (

) to submit the form to the BHW.

If you indicate that the number of days missed is not correct, the participant will receive a task to
update their report.

BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Site Visit Pending Reponses
When a site visit is performed and issues are identified for correction at the site, an activity is sent to the
site to collect information on the actions taken to correct the issues. To complete the site visit response
activity, select the activity from the list and perform the following steps:
1. Review the site visit summary and the site visit issues.
2. Provide a detailed response on the actions taken to correct the issues identified.
3. Upload any supporting documents as required to verify the corrective actions taken.
a. Select the “browse” button and select the file from your computer.
b. Enter a document description.
c. Select the “upload” button.
4. Select the “submit response” button (

) to send your response back to the


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Appendix A: Site POC Roles and Responsibilities
The BHW is interested in POCs who perform the following duties at their sites:

Own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their organization and have the ability to
answer questions about organization policies and operating procedures.
Manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules and/or absences of employees
within their organization.
Hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization.

When creating an account, you will self-select the duties you perform at your site from the options
above, and the duties that you indicate will determine the roles and permissions granted at your site. A
single POC can have multiple roles at a site and different roles at different sites. In addition to roles,
each POC will also be associated with one or more BHW programs. The roles are the same regardless of
program affiliation.
Administrator – If you indicate that you own, oversee or manage a significant portion of their
organization and have the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating
procedures then you will be granted the administrator role. You will be responsible for ensuring your
site’s eligibility with NHSC programs, submitting applications and recertifications and answering any
questions about your site’s policies and procedures.
Personnel Verifier – If you indicate that you manage and can confirm employment status, work
schedules, and/or absences of employees within their organization you are granted the personnel
verifier role. You will be responsible for verifying participant’s employment status, work schedules and
days away from the site by completing employment and in-service verifications.
Recruiter – If you indicate that you hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization you will be
granted the recruiter role. You will be responsible for maintaining open positions and the site’s profile
for the Job Center.


BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact User Guide


Appendix B: BHW Program Point of Contact Requirements
Each BHW program has its own requirements on the number and types of POCs that are needed to fully
support the participants at their sites. Currently the Program Portal for Site Points of Contact supports
the following programs:

National Health Service Corps

The following table shows the POC requirements for each program.

Minimum Number
of Physical POCs

Role Required?

Personnel Verifier
Role Required?

Recruiter Role











Warning messages are shown on the program portal if your site does not meet the minimum POC
requirements for the BHW programs it is associated with.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-12-08
File Created2016-04-11

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