Application for Employment ..... olG......,. OMQ No: 7100-0181 h(>tt¥VCI t-lq)ii'ff Oe.tobef' 3 \ 2-017 of tht Feoero1Rltterve SytU!m Woohin.gton, OC lility ond would lb to request o n oc.convnodolion in order to opptf for o job ot the Boord, pleose eoll 2.02.-452.-3880 or e-mol FRSReenJiting@frb.gcw. Equo1 Opportunity Empk)'er We ore on Equal Opport\rit1 Employer ond do not diaui'ninote ogoinsl ony emplo)'E!'e or ""plicont for employment on the bosis of rooe,. c~ r eliQion. sex. sexuol orientoti:>n. Qender identitog notionof oriOn. OQe, di&Obiity, Qene-tic informotion, or coplicotion, Nmbe-rsh-0, or service in the unib'me-d services. Prtvoey Vou m lfHoqf:onli!' ho,,.. ~ reooon~. incb:lin.o ~~to~~ i-lform«ion i-1 1he r@QUW@d form ond to rev;ew i-lot veliono ond ~~t(! 1he ooplieotion.. Thi: Fe-d@rd Re o@rvto lft ee.t of t hio erni>loymerrt oo.liGotion,. W.du~o °"oQE tol~ Yes StortOot~ Gn:id\>oted 0 I No I Iflid D<:itt I Progrom 1nrormot1on 1ns tttut1on ·- PvooronVMo.iot" Stlffol Ad tol~ Groduote? I Yl!-4r Gn:iduoted 0 Ir StortOotE 1ns tttut1on Progrom 1nrormot1on ·- PvooronVMo.iot" S~AcJ.cWo• I City/Town I Zip/Pootol ~ $t(l(e/ProvineE I """'fCAJ Did Groduote? 0 StortOotE Progrom 1nrormot1on ·- PvooronVMo.iot" St~ineE City/Town I £1Pfl"'OOtOI~ I ..:ount-y Did 'fCAJ Groduote? 0 I """ I II ~r~ctuoted Yes I[ 1ns tttut1on I No Irflid D<:itE- I Tn>tol~ Yl!-4r Gn:iduoted S~AcJ.cWo• 0 I I I .,_,.,, Yes 0 Jrflid D<:itE- I Tn>tol~ !>tort Uol'I! 0 No JI CllCI l><:ibli' I Certiflcotlons/Professionol Licenses Enter the most rek!Yont c erti ficotionlprofessionol lieense first. Co not list expired certi ficotions/profestionol licenses. Ce..-ti ficotion/Professionol License FR 28 I No I Yes I Issuing Orgoniz ot ion 11120'6 I Employment Record Please lis t ol employment, W'letudrlg periods of 1¥1employment. You must specify ot teoa:t one W<>rk experience entry. Liat current ill Nome OuMg Employment? litti' ........of..,Position .........___________ ~ .-.o'° .-'C =l•..• .. •i- --·on - G;,.'.°od.;,•;...__ INo. of H'n Wrkd pl Week I ...,.,..,,,,,,,,,. Stort Dote ...,.,,,...,,,.,.,_ End Dote • ~ Employer MMIYYYV Sok)ry or Ei0rn1ng s End sCurre-nt/ ___ _ s____ Start Bose -·- ·- ·- ·- ·- · $ _ _ _ __ ~lemen tol -·- $ _ _ _ __ Supervisor ,_ __________ MMIYYYV __,1 _.~1,_..,,...., Nome Pboo n ol (Mies ond Reseonsibftes ~' a __________________.11.____________~I 1...... g ..,........C>JMg ..____________ Nome Employment? Titlebf Position · - - '°..-.'C=l•..•.;,•i- ---·on- G ;.'°-d.;,•;...__ I I No. of Hrs Wrkd pl Week Stort Dote End Dote rtMIYYYY Employer so~ry MMIYYYY or Eorn1ngs Stort Bose -·- ·- ·- ·- ·- · $ _ _ _ __ ~lementol -·- $ _ _ _ __ sCurrf!ol'lt/End ____ s____ Supervisor I I .• -- - . - - - - - - - - - - _ , Phot'le Ni.fl'lbef' City/f ow" Moy we contoc t this supervisor? D Yes a No Zip/Po• tol Co6E Reoson for Chonge r. Emptormen t Brief Oewipti:>n ol tMiH ond Reseonsibftes '---------' '~-----' • • Nome C\IMg Employment? ........,..........____________ Ti tle of Positicn · - - '°..-.'C=l•..•.;,•i- ---·on- G ;.'°-d.;,•;...__ I I No. of Hrs Wrkd pl Week Stort Dote End Dote rtMIYYYY Employer so~ry rtMIYYYY or Eorn1ngs Stort Bose -·- ·- ·- ·- ·- · $ _ _ _ __ ~lementol -·- $ _ _ _ __ sCurre.1t/End ____ s____ Supervisor I City/fow" Stot~~ ·.~--.----------"" Phot'l@NJll'lbef' Moy we contoc t this supervisor? Brief Oewipt on ol tMiH ond Reseonsibftes D Yes a I No Reoson for Chonge r. Emptormen t '-----------------------"----------------'' FR28 11/20 '6 References l ist three persons who ore not reloted to yoo ond ....tlo hove de finite knowledge ot :;our obility to pre6orm the ~ties of the poeition for which )'OU Ole opplying. Do not repeot the nomes of ~isors listed under • e mployment Record". Vou must specify three re-f@rence entries. lo• t Nome Fir•t Nome Ph~ Emoil Nul'f\ber oenero1Quesuon:s Complete ol the que·stions below If you onawer "Yes• to ony of these questions, exploin fully below eoch question. A "Yes" response to 1J1rf o f these questions moy ho¥e on effect on whether the Boord hire-s you b-oae-d upon 6ederol ~ ~ ulotiona. ond the Boord"s policies. 0 Ves 0 No 2. N e you now under chorges. on triol, or owoitin g triol on cti'ninol chorges for Orff viokbon o f low (such os o misdemeonor or •O felonv)? 0 Ves 0 No 3. N e you retoted to ony or direetor o f o finonciol ond/ or bonking ina-titution7 l_J Ves l_J No 4 . N e you retoted to or oc .¥ spouse. or your mi'lor children own shores o f o finoncio l services sector ITl.ltvol fund or E TF? 0 Ves 0 No 8. During the lost SEYen ye.ors. h~ you ever been convicted o f o eri'ne. ~isoned, on probotion, or on porole? { Vou must indude felonies, fi'eorms or e:xplos~s vio&otions, militory court·mortiols, misdemeon0ts. ond IJl'f other molter thot wos r esolved by o pleo of nolo oontendere (no con test). However (yov mat onVt: g minor troffic violo tions thot r eNted o fine o f $300 or len ; b ony ottense convnitt@d before your 16 th birthdoy; ~ ony offense convnitted before your 18th brthdoy thol woa finolly ocf)Udicoted in o juvenile court or WM:ter o youth o ffender low: ond s! IJl'f convic tion in which the record hos been exp111ged under fe
File Type application/pdf File Title Application for Employment–FR28 Subject Application for Employment–FR28 Author Federal Reserve Board File Modified 2016-11-01 File Created 0000-00-00