American Survey Coral Reef Survey

Socioeconomics of Coral Reef Conservation

For OMB_NCRMP Soc Survey_Am Samoa_08.23.13

CRCP Question Bank, Core Survey Module and jurisdictional surveys

OMB: 0648-0646

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NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program

National Coral Reef Monitoring Program

Resident Coral Reef Survey

OMB Control Number 0648-0646

Expiration Date: 02/28/2015

**American Samoa Survey**

Survey conducted in (circle one): Samoan English

Talofa/Hello, My name is __________. We are conducting a survey of residents in American Samoa and are interested in obtaining your opinions on some important issues related to coral reefs and the environment in American Samoa.

Your participation is voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to (Peter Edwards), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency, National Ocean Service, Coral Reef Conservation Program, (1305 East West Highway, Silver Spring, MD, 20910, USA.


  1. How often do you usually participate in each of the following activities?


Once a month or less

2-3 times a month

4 times a month or more

No Response



Diving (SCUBA or free diving)

Waterside/ beach camping

Beach recreation (beach sports, picnics)


Outrigger canoe/Fautasi



Gathering of marine resources (lobsters, conch, seaweed, palolo)

SKIP PATTERN-- If respondent answers ‘never’ to fishing or gathering of marine resources, then skip to #3:


  1. How often do you fish or harvest marine resources (includes all fishing and harvesting of shells, octopus, lobster, sea cucumber, or other non-fish species) for each of the following reasons?





No Response

To feed myself and my family/ household

To sell

To give to extended family members and/or friends

To give to pastors and village leaders)

For fun

For special occasions and cultural events (e.g., fa’alavelave)

  1. How often does your family eat fish/seafood?

a. Every day

b. A few times a week

c. About once a week

d. 1-3 times a month

e. Less than once a month

f. Never

SKIP PATTERN-- If respondent answers f. Never, skip to question #5

  1. Where do you get the fish or seafood your family eats? Please pick the top 2.

  1. Purchased by myself or someone in my household at a store or restaurant

  2. Purchased by myself or someone in my household at a market or roadside vendor

  3. Caught by myself or someone in my household

  4. Caught by extended family members

  5. Other, please specify ______________________


  1. In your opinion, how are American Samoa’s marine resources currently doing? Please rank from very bad to very good.

Very Bad


Neither Bad nor Good


Very Good

Not sure

Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

Amount of Coral

Number of Fish

Number of Faisua (Giant Clams)

Amount of animals for gleaning (shells, octopus, etc.)

  1. How would you say the condition of each of the following has changed over the last 10 years: from 1=it has gotten a lot worse to 5=it has gotten a lot better. [Q53]

A lot Worse

Somewhat Worse

No Change

Somewhat Better

A lot Better

Not Sure

Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

Amount of Coral

Number of Fish

Number of Faisua (Giant Clams)

Amount of animals for gleaning (shells, octopus, etc.)

  1. In the next 10 years, do you think the condition of the marine resources in American Samoa will get worse, stay the same or improve?

  1. Get worse

  2. Stay the same

  3. Improve

  4. Not sure


  1. Please say whether you disagree or agree with each of the following statements.

Strongly Disagree




Strongly Agree

Not Sure

Coral reefs protect the American Samoa from erosion and natural disasters.

Coral reefs are only important to fishermen, divers and snorkelers.

Healthy coral reefs attract tourists to American Samoa.

Coral reefs are important to American Samoa culture.

  1. How familiar are you with each of the following potential threats facing the coral reefs in American Samoa?

Very Unfamiliar


Neither Familiar nor Unfamiliar


Very Familiar

Not sure

Climate change

Coral bleaching

Hurricanes and other natural disasters

Pollution (stormwater, wastewater, chemical runoff and trash/littering)

Coastal/urban development

Invasive species

Too much fishing and gathering

Damage from ships and boats

Crown of Thorn starfish outbreaks (alamea)

  1. Do you believe that the threats to coral reefs in American Samoa are:

  1. Extreme

  2. Large

  3. Moderate

  4. Minimal

  1. None

  2. Not sure


  1. A Marine Protected Area is an area of the ocean where human activity is typically restricted to protect living, non-living, cultural, and/or historic resources. How familiar are you with Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)?

  1. Very Unfamiliar

  2. Unfamiliar

  3. Neither Unfamiliar nor Familiar

  4. Familiar

  5. Very Familiar

  6. Not sure

SKIP PATTERN-- If respondent answers a ‘Very unfamiliar’ or b ‘Unfamiliar’, then skip to #12:

  1. Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with each of the following statements.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Sure

MPAs protect coral reefs

MPAs increase the number of fish

There should be fewer MPAs in American Samoa

There should be more MPAs in American Samoa

There has been economic benefit to American Samoa from the establishment of MPAs

Fishermen’s livelihoods have been negatively impacted from the establishment of MPAs in American Samoa

MPAs help increase tourism in American Samoa

The establishment of MPAs increases the likelihood that people will vacation in American Samoa

I would support adding new MPAs in American Samoa if there is evidence that the ones we have are improving American Samoa’s marine resources

I generally support the establishment of MPAs


  1. The following are proposed or existing strategies used to manage the marine environment in American Samoa. We are interested in your opinion about the use of these strategies to improve the protection of coral reefs. Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with each of the following:

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor Disagree


Strongly Agree

Not Sure

Ban on fishing “big fish” species including bumphead parrotfish, humphead wrasse, giant grouper

Expansion of Fagatele National Marine Sanctuary

Establishing community-based Village MPAs

Establishing permanent no-take MPAs

Establishing areas with temporary fishing closures


  1. How often do you participate in any activity to protect the environment (for example, beach clean ups, volunteering with an environmental group)?

  1. Not At All

  2. Once a year or Less

  3. Several times a year

  4. At least once a month

  5. Several Times a Month or more

  6. Not Sure

  1. Which of the following would you consider to be your top 3 sources of information about coral reefs and the environment in American Samoa? [interviewer checks the top 3 sources of information in box below]

  1. To what degree do you trust each of your top rated sources of information to provide you the most accurate information on coral reefs and coral reef related topics in American Samoa? [respondent rates only the top 3 sources of information in box below]

Top 3


Very untrustworthy


Neither Trustworthy nor Untrustworthy


Very Trustworthy

Not sure

Newspapers, other print publications




Friends and family

Community leaders

Church leaders

Government of American Samoa (Dept. of Marine and Wildlife, AS EPA, Coastal Management Program)

Federal government agencies (NOAA, National Parks, US EPA)


  1. How involved is the local community in protecting and managing coral reefs?

  1. Not at all involved

  2. Somewhat involved

  3. Moderately involved

  4. Involved

  5. Very involved

  6. Not sure

  1. How involved are you in making decisions related to the management of coral reefs in American Samoa?

  1. Not at all involved

  2. Slightly involved

  3. Moderately involved

  4. Involved

  5. Very involved

  6. Not sure


I just have a few more questions that will help us to interpret our results. As a reminder, the information you provide is completely confidential.

  1. Are you male or female?

  1. Male

  2. Female

  1. What is your year of birth? __________________

  1. How long have you lived in American Samoa?

  1. 1 year or less

  2. 2-5 years

  3. 6-10 years

  4. more than 10 years

  5. all my life

  1. Including your primary language, please name each language you speak. [interviewer should not read options below, but should allow respondent to answer]

1. English

2. Spanish

3. French

4. German

5. Italian

6. Portuguese

7. Arabic

8. Chinese

9. Japanese

10. Korean

11. Tagolog

12. Hindi

13. Hawaiian

14. Hawaii Pidgin English

15. Sāmoan

16. Chamorro

17. Carolinian

18. Creole

19. Crucian

20. Tongan

21. Other: Please list __________________

22. No Response

  1. What race/ethnicity do you consider yourself? [interviewer should not read options below, but should allow respondent to answer]

    1. Chamorro

    2. Filipino

    3. Carolinian

    4. Korean

    5. Yapese

    6. Kosraen

    7. Chuukese

    8. Pohnpeian

    9. Palauan

    10. Chinese

    11. Japanese

    12. Indian

    13. Samoan

    14. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

    15. White

    16. American Indian or Alaskan Native

    17. Other: Please specify __________________

    18. No response

  1. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

  1. 8th Grade or Less

  2. Some high school

  3. High School Graduate, GED

  4. Some college, community college or AA

  5. College Graduate

  6. Graduate School, Law School, Medical School

  7. No Response

  1. What is your current employment status?

  1. Unemployed

  2. Student

  3. Employed full-time

  4. Homemaker

  5. Employed part-time

  6. Retired

  7. None of the above: Please specify __________________

  8. No Response

  1. What is your occupation? [open ended] ___________________ [Q125]

  1. May I ask, what is your annual household income?

  1. Under $10,000

  2. $10,000-19,999

  3. $20,000-29,999

  4. $30,000-39,999

  5. $40,000-49,999

  6. $50,000-59,999

  7. $60,000-74,999

  8. $75,000-99,999

  9. $100,000-149,999

  10. $150,000 or More

  11. No Response


If you would like a copy of the results, please provide us with your mailing address or email address (write on separate contact sheet that is not linked to survey answers).


Draft v.08.21.13 – For Review Only

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorPeter Edwards
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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