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pdfInstructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
All section references are to Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Reporting requirements are
contained in Part 191, “Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipeline; Annual Reports, Incident
Reports and Safety Related Condition Reports.” Except as provided in §191.11(b), each operator of a
gas distribution pipeline (see definitions below) must submit an annual report Form PHMSA F 7100.11 for the preceding calendar year not later than March 15th. Be sure to report TOTAL miles of main
pipeline and services in the system at the end of the reporting year, including additions to the system
during the year. The annual reporting period is on a calendar year basis ending on December 31st of
each year.
If you need copies of the Form PHMSA F 7100.1-1 and/or instructions, they can be found on The documents are included in the section titled
Accident/Incident/Annual Reporting Forms.
If electronic reporting imposes an undue burden and hardship, an operator may submit a written
request for an alternative reporting method to the Information Resources Manager, Office of Pipeline
Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, PHP-20, 1200 New Jersey Avenue,
SE Washington DC 20590. The request must describe the undue burden and hardship. PHMSA will
review the request and may authorize, in writing, an alternative reporting method. An authorization
will state the period for which it is valid, which may be indefinite. An operator must contact PHMSA
at 202-366-8075, or electronically to or make arrangements for
submitting a report that is due after a request for alternative reporting is submitted but before an
authorization or denial is received.
Annual Reports must be submitted online through the PHMSA Portal at, unless an alternate method is approved (see Alternate Reporting
Methods below).
You will not be able to submit reports until you have met all of the Portal registration requirements –
Completing these registration requirements could take several weeks. Plan ahead and register well in
advance of the report due date.
Use the following procedure for online reporting:
1. Go to the PHMSA Portal at
2. Enter PHMSA Portal Username and Password ; press enter
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
3. Select OPID; press “continue” button.
4. Under “Create Reports” on the left side of the screen, under Annual select “Gas
Distribution” and proceed with entering your data. Note: Data fields marked with a
single asterisk are considered required fields that must be completed before the
system will accept your initial submission. Also, only one annual report by
commodity for an OPID may be submitted per year.
5. To save intermediate work without formally submitting it to PHMSA, click Save. To
modify a draft of an annual report that you saved, go to Saved Reports and click on
Gas Distribution. Locate your saved report by the date, report year, or commodity.
Select the record by clicking on it once, and then click Modify above the record.
6. Once all sections of the form have been completed, click on Validate to ensure all
required fields have been completed and data meets all other requirements. A list of
errors will be generated that must be fixed prior to submitting an Annual Report.
7. Click Submit when you have completed the Report (for either an Initial Report or a
Supplemental Report), and are ready to initiate formal submission of your Report to
8. A confirmation message will appear that confirms a record has been successfully
submitted. To save or print a copy of your submission, go to Submitted Reports on
the left hand side, and click on Gas Distribution. Locate your submitted report by
the date, report year, or Commodity Group, and then click on the PDF icon to either
open the file and print it, or save an electronic copy.
9. To submit a Supplemental Report, go to Submitted Reports on the left hand side,
and click on Gas Distribution. Locate your submitted report by the date, report year,
or Commodity Group. Select the record by clicking on it once, and then click
“Create Supplemental”.
The following definitions are from § 192.3:
1. “Distribution line” means a pipeline other than a gathering or transmission line.
2. “Gathering line” means a pipeline that transports gas from a current production facility to a
transmission line or main.
3. “Transmission line” means a pipeline, other than a gathering line, that:
a. Transports gas from a gathering line or storage facility to a distribution center, storage
facility, or large volume customer that is not downstream from a distribution center;
b. Operates at a hoop stress of 20 percent or more of SMYS; or
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
c. Transports gas within a storage field. A large volume customer may receive similar
volumes of gas as a distribution center, and includes factories, power plants, and
institutional users of gas.
4. “Operator” means a person who engages in the transportation of gas.
Make an entry in each block for which data are available. Estimate data if necessary. Avoid entering
any data in the UNKNOWN columns, if possible. Some companies may have very old pipe for which
installation records do not exist. Estimate the total of such mileage in the UNKNOWN column of Part
B, item 2 “Miles of Main in System at End of Year” and item 3 “Number of Services in System at End
of Year”, and item 4 “Miles of Main and Number of Services by Decade of Installation.”
Do not report miles of pipe, pipe segments, or pipeline in feet. When main miles and service counts
for the same set of pipelines is reported in different parts of the form, the online system will require the
different parts to be consistent. Main miles and service counts over 60 must be within 0.5% of the
baseline and values under 60 must be within 0.3 miles for main and service counts must match exactly.
Part B4, decade of installation, will serve as the baseline for main miles and service counts. For
example, if you report 60 miles of main in Part B4, the miles of main in Parts B1 and B2 must be
within 0.3 miles of 60. For main miles, use the number of decimal places needed to satisfy these
consistency checks. Service counts may only be entered as positive integers.
For a given OPID, a separate Annual Report is required for each Commodity Group within that
OPID. As an example, if an operator uses a single OPID and has one set of pipeline facilities
transporting natural gas and another transporting landfill gas, this operator must file two
Annual Reports – one Annual Report covering natural gas facilities and a second for the landfill
gas facilities. When a pipeline facility transports two or more Commodity Groups, the pipeline
facility should be reported only once under the predominantly transported Commodity Group.
1. Name of Operator
This is the company name associated with the OPID. For online entries, the name will be
automatically populated based on the OPID entered in A3. If the name that appears is not correct, you
need to submit an Operator Name Change (Type A) Notification.
2. Location of Office Where Additional Information May Be Obtained
Enter the appropriate address.
3. Operator’s 5-digit Identification Number (OPID)
For online entries, the OPID will automatically populate based on the selection you made when
entering the Portal. If you have log-in credentials for multiple OPID, be sure the report is being
created for the appropriate OPID. Contact PHMSA’s Operator Hotline at 202-366-8075 if you need
assistance with an OPID.
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
4. Headquarters Name and Address
This is the headquarters address associated with the OPID. For online entries, the address will
automatically populate based on the OPID entered in A3. If the address that appears is not correct, you
need to change it in the online Contacts module.
5. State of Operation
Enter the State for which information is being reported. Submit a separate report for each State
in which the company operates a gas distribution pipeline system.
6. Commodity Group
It is a PHMSA requirement that operators submit separate Reports for each Commodity Group
within a particular OPID.
File a separate Annual Report for each of the following Commodity Groups:
Natural Gas
Synthetic Gas (such as manufactured gas based on naphtha)
Hydrogen Gas
Propane Gas
Landfill Gas (includes biogas)
Other Gas – If this Commodity Group is selected, report the name of the other gas in the
space provided.
Note: When a pipeline facility transports two or more of the above Commodity Groups, the pipeline
facility should be reported only once under the predominantly transported Commodity Group. For
example, if an operator has a pipeline segment that is used to transport natural gas during the majority
of the year and propane for a couple of weeks, that operator should only file an annual report for the
natural gas. If an operator has two pipeline segments with one pipeline segment used to transport
natural gas and the other pipeline segment transporting hydrogen gas, that operator should file two
annual reports - 1 report for natural gas and 1 report for hydrogen gas.
7. Operator Type
Enter the Type of Operator based on the structure of the company included in this OPID for which this
report is being submitted.
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
“Coated” means pipe coated with any effective hot or cold applied dielectric coating or wrapper.
“Reconditioned Cast Iron” means cast iron gas distribution pipe that has been lined internally by use of
suitable materials that ensure safe operation at an MAOP not to exceed the previously established
MAOP. “Reconditioned Cast Iron” does not include cast iron pipe inserted with a gas pipe that is, by
itself, suitable for gas service under Part 192, e.g., an ASTM D2513 pipe meeting code requirements
for the intended gas service. Such insertions shall be reported as the material used in the insertion. The
intent of the definition is to make a clear distinction between a liner and inserted pipe. An example of
“Reconditioned Cast Iron” would be the insertion of a liner inside cast iron pipe where the liner relies
on the structural integrity of the cast iron pipe. For details on liner insertion, see ASTM F2207,
Standard Specification for Cured-in-Place Pipe Lining System for Rehabilitation of Metallic Gas Pipe.
Methods of installation like pipe-splitting or bursting that involve the installation of a new stand-alone
pipe while the host pipe is destroyed does not result in “Reconditioned Cast Iron”.
“PVC” means polyvinyl chloride plastic.
“PE” means polyethylene plastic.
“ABS” means acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene plastic.
“Cathodically protected” applies to both “bare” and “coated.”
“Other” means a pipe of any material not specifically designated on the form. If you enter miles of
main or services in the “other” category, describe these materials in the appropriate text box.
“Number of service” is the number of service lines, not the number of customers served.
Provide miles of main and numbers of services by decade installed in Part B, section 4.
If you do not know the decade of installation of the pipe because there are no records containing such
information, enter an estimate in the UNKNOWN column. The sum total of mileage and number of
services reported for Part B, section 4 must be consistent with total mileage and number of services
reported in sections 1, 2, and 3 in Part B.
In the appropriate column, include the total number of leaks and the number of hazardous leaks
eliminated by repair, replacement or other action during the reporting year. The number of “hazardous
leaks” eliminated or repaired during the year is reported as a performance measure for integrity
management per § 192.1007(g). When reporting leaks or hazardous leaks eliminated by replacing or
abandoning a segment of pipe, count the leaks that existed in the pipe segment before it was replaced
or abandoned. Also include leaks and hazardous leaks reported on form PHMSA 7100.1, “Incident
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
Report Gas Distribution Systems.” A reportable incident is one described in § 191.3. Do not include
leaks that occurred during testing.
A “leak” is defined as an unintentional escape of gas from the pipeline. Do NOT report a leak
determined to be non-hazardous and eliminated by lubrication, adjustment, or tightening.
A “hazardous leak” means a leak that represents an existing or probable hazard to persons or property
and requires immediate repair or continuous action until the conditions are no longer hazardous. A
“hazardous leak” which occurs aboveground or belowground is a leak and must be reported.
Operators who do not grade leaks for hazard, but rather repair all leaks when found, need not grade
repaired leaks solely for the purpose of this report. Such operators treat all leaks as if hazardous.
Operators who do not grade leaks must report the same values for both total and hazardous leaks for
each cause.
The “number of known system leaks at the end of the year scheduled for repair” is the total number
pipeline system leaks being monitored and scheduled for repair at the end of the calendar year.
Monitored leaks also include those leaks which have been temporarily repaired until a permanent
repair can be performed. These leaks are non-hazardous unless reclassified following the operator’s
operation and maintenance procedures.
Leak causes are classified as:
CORROSION FAILURE: leak caused by galvanic, atmospheric, stray current, microbiological, or other
corrosive action. A corrosion release or failure is not limited to a hole in the pipe or other piece of
equipment. If the bonnet or packing gland on a valve or flange on piping deteriorates or becomes loose and
leaks due to corrosion and failure of bolts, it is classified as Corrosion. (Note: If the bonnet, packing, or
other gasket has deteriorated to failure, whether before or after the end of its expected life, but not due to
corrosive action, report it under a different cause category, such as G4 Incorrect Operation for improper
installation or G6 Equipment Failure if the gasket failed)
NATURAL FORCE DAMAGE: leak caused by outside forces attributable to causes NOT involving
humans, such as earth movement, earthquakes, landslides, subsidence, heavy rains/floods, lightning,
temperature, thermal stress, frozen components, high winds (Including damage caused by impact from
objects blown by wind), or other similar natural causes. Lightning includes both damage and/or fire
caused by a direct lighting strike and damage and/or fire as a secondary effect from a lightning strike in
the area. An example of such a secondary effect would be a forest fire started by lightning that results
in damage to a gas distribution system asset which results in an incident.
EXCAVATION DAMAGE: leak resulting directly from excavation damage by operator's personnel
(oftentimes referred to as “first party” excavation damage) or by the operator’s contractor (oftentimes
referred to as “second party” excavation damage) or by people or contractors not associated with the
operator (oftentimes referred to as “third party” excavation damage). Also, this section includes a
release or failure determined to have resulted from previous damage due to excavation activity. For
damage from outside forces OTHER than excavation which results in a release, use Natural Force
Damage or Other Outside Force, as appropriate.
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OTHER OUTSIDE FORCE DAMAGE: leak resulting from outside force damage, other than
excavation damage or natural forces such as:
Nearby Industrial, Man-made or Other Fire/Explosion as Primary Cause of Incident (unless the fire
was caused by natural forces, in which case the leak should be classified Natural Forces. Forest
fires that are caused by human activity and result in a release should be reported as Other Outside
Damage by Car, Truck, or Other Motorized Vehicle/Equipment NOT Engaged in Excavation.
Other motorized vehicles/equipment includes tractors, mowers, backhoes, bulldozers and other
tracked vehicles, and heavy equipment that can move. Leaks resulting from vehicular traffic
loading or other contact (except report as “Excavation Damage” if the activity involved digging,
drilling, boring, grading, cultivation or similar activities.
Damage by Boats, Barges, Drilling Rigs, or Other Maritime Equipment or Vessels so long as those
activities are not excavation activities. If those activities are excavation activities such as dredging
or bank stabilization or renewal, the leak repair should be reported as “Excavation Damage”.
Previous Mechanical Damage NOT Related to Excavation. A leak caused by damage that occurred
at some time prior to the release that was apparently NOT related to excavation activities, and would
include prior outside force damage of an unknown nature, prior natural force damage, prior damage
from other outside forces, and any other previous mechanical damage other than that which was
apparently related to prior excavation. Leaks resulting from previous damage sustained during
construction, installation, or fabrication of the pipe, weld, or joint from which the release eventually
occurred are to be reported under “Pipe, Weld, or Joint Failure”. Leaks resulting from previous damage
sustained as a result of excavation activities should be reported under “Excavation Damage” unless due
to corrosion in which case it should be reported as a corrosion leak.
Intentional Damage/. Vandalism means willful or malicious destruction of the operator’s pipeline
facility or equipment. This category would include pranks, systematic damage inflicted to harass
the operator, motor vehicle damage that was inflicted intentionally, and a variety of other
intentional acts.
Terrorism, per 28 C.F.R. § 0.85 General functions, includes the unlawful use of force and violence
against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any
segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
Theft. Theft means damage by any individual or entity, by any mechanism, specifically to steal, or
attempt to steal, the transported gas or pipeline equipment.
PIPE, WELD, OR JOINT FAILURE : Leak resulting from a material defect within the pipe,
component or joint due to faulty manufacturing procedures, desing defects, or in-service stresses such
as vibration, fatigue and environmental cracking. Material defect means an inherent flaw in the
material or weld that occurred in the manufacture or at a point prior to construction, fabrication or
installation. Design defect means an aspect inherent in a component to which a subsequent failure has
been attributed that is not associated with errors in installation, i.e., is not a construction defect. This
could include, for example, errors in engineering design. Fitting means a device, usually metal, for
joining lengths of pipe into various piping systems. It includes couplings, ells, tees, crosses, reducers,
unions, caps and plugs. Any leak that is associated with a component or process that joins pipe such as
threaded connections, flanges, mechanical couplings, welds, and pipe fusions that leak as a result from
poor construction should be classified as “Incorrect Operation”. Leaks resulting from failure of
original sound material from force applied during construction that caused a dent, gouge, excessive
stress, or other defect, including leaks due to faulty wrinkle bends, faulty field welds, and damage
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sustained in transportation to the construction or fabrication site that eventually resulted in a leak,
should be reported as “Pipe, Weld or Joint Failure”.
EQUIPMENT FAILURE: leak caused by malfunctions of control and relief equipment including
regulators, valves, meters, compressors, or other instrumentation or functional equipment, Failures
may be from threaded components, Flanges, collars, couplings and broken or cracked components, or
from O- Ring failures, Gasket failures, seal failures, and failures in packing or similar leaks. Leaks
caused by overpressurization resulting from malfunction of control or alarm device; relief valve
malfunction: and valves failing to open or close on command; or valves which opened or closed when
not commanded to do so. If overpressurization or some other aspect of this incident was caused by
incorrect operation, the incident should be reported under “Incorrect Operation.”
INCORRECT OPERATION: leak resulting from inadequate procedures or safety practices, or
failure to follow correct procedures, or other operator error. It includes leaks due to improper valve
selection or operation, inadvertent overpressurization, or improper selection or installation of
equipment. It includes a leak resulting from the unintentional ignition of the transported gas during a
welding or maintenance activity.
OTHER CAUSE: leak resulting from any other cause not attributable to the above causes. A best
effort should be made to assign a specific leak cause before choosing the Other cause category. An
operator replacing a bare steel pipeline with a history of external corrosion leaks without visual
observation of the actual leak, may form a hypothesis based on available information that the leak was
caused by external corrosion and assign the Corrosion cause category to the leak.
Excavation damages are reported as a measure of the effectiveness of integrity management programs
(§ 192.1007(g)).
Report the “Number of Excavation Damages” experienced during the calendar year by the following
apparent root cause which are classified as:
One-Call Notification Practices Not Sufficient: Damages resulting from no notification made to the
One-Call Center; or notification to one-call center made, but not sufficient; or wrong information
provided to One Call Center.
Locating Practices Not Sufficient: Damages resulting from facility could not be found or located; or
facility marking or location not sufficient; or facility was not located or marked; or incorrect facility
Excavation Practices Not Sufficient: Damages resulting from failure to maintain marks; or failure to
support exposed facilities; or failure to use hand tools where required; or failure to test-hole (pot-hole);
or improper backfilling practices; or failure to maintain clearance; or other insufficient excavation
Other: Damages resulting from One-Call Center error; or abandoned facility; or deteriorated facility;
or previous damage or data not collected; or other.
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Instructions (rev 01‐2017) for completing Form PHMSA F 7100.1‐1 (rev 01‐2017)
The Total Number of Excavation Damages will be calculated automatically based on the data entered.
For this purpose, “Excavation Damage” means any impact that results in the need to repair or replace
an underground facility due to a weakening, or the partial or complete destruction, of the facility,
including, but not limited to, the protective coating, plastic pipe tracer wire, lateral support, cathodic
protection or the housing for the line device or facility.
Report also the “Number of Excavation Tickets” received during the year, (i.e., receipt of information
by the operator from the notification center).
Report the number of EFV and manual service line shut-off valves installed during the calendar
year. Report the estimated total number of EFV and manual service line shut-off valves in the system
at the end of the calendar reporting year. Be sure to include the number installed during the calendar
year when reporting the estimated number in the system at the end of the calendar year.
Federal Lands: As defined in 30 U.S.C. §185, federal lands means “all lands owned by the United
States except lands in the National Park System, lands held in trust for an Indian or Indian tribe, and
lands on the Outer Continental Shelf.” Indicate only those leaks repaired, eliminated, or scheduled for
repair during the reporting year, including those incidents reported on Form PHMSA F 7100.1.
“Unaccounted for gas” is gas lost; that is, gas that the operator cannot account for as usage or through
appropriate adjustment. Adjustments are appropriately made for such factors as variations in
temperature, pressure, meter-reading cycles, or heat content; calculable losses from construction,
purging, line breaks, etc., where specific data are available to allow reasonable calculation or estimate;
or other similar factors.
State the amount of unaccounted for gas as a percent of total input for the 12 months ending June 30 of
the reporting year.
[(Purchased gas + produced gas) minus (customer use + company use + appropriate adjustments)]
divided by (purchased gas + produced gas) equals percent unaccounted for.
Do not report “gained” gas. If a net gain of gas is indicated by the calculations, report “0%” here.
(Decimal or fractional percentages may be entered.)
Include any additional information which will assist in clarifying or classifying the reported data.
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PREPARER is the name of the person most knowledgeable about the report or the person to be
contacted for more information. Please include the direct phone number and email address as
applicable (e-mail address is desired but not required). It should be noted that PHMSA will use your
e-mail address to issue correspondence that is normally sent via mass mailings. “Correspondence”
includes notifications such as the annual reminder letter for Annual Report filings.
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2017-01-30 |
File Created | 2017-01-30 |