FERC-920 (Proposed Revisions to EQR, in RM01-8, RM10-12 et. al., issued 9/22/2016), Electric Quarterly Report (EQR)

ICR 201609-1902-008

OMB: 1902-0255

Federal Form Document

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ICR Details
1902-0255 201609-1902-008
Historical Inactive 201607-1902-002
FERC-920 (Proposed Revisions to EQR, in RM01-8, RM10-12 et. al., issued 9/22/2016), Electric Quarterly Report (EQR)
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Comment filed on proposed rule and continue 12/15/2016
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 10/07/2016
OMB files this comment in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.11(c) of the Paperwork Reduction Act and is withholding approval of this collection at this time. This OMB action is not an approval to conduct or sponsor an information collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The agency shall examine public comment in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and will include in the supporting statement of the next ICR, to be submitted to OMB at the final rule stage, a description of how the agency has responded to any public comments on the ICR. This action has no effect on any current approvals.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
09/30/2019 36 Months From Approved 11/30/2019
11,275 0 11,275
230,032 0 230,032
0 0 0

In this proposal (issued 9/22/2016), FERC seeks comments on proposed revisions and clarifications of Electric Quarterly Report (EQR) reporting requirements and corresponding updates to the EQR Data Dictionary. In particular, FERC proposes to: require transmission providers to report ancillary services transaction data, to require filers to submit in the EQR certain tariff-related information that they submit in the e-Tariff system, and to require filers to submit time zone information in connection with transmission capacity reassignment transactions. FERC also proposes to clarify how filers should report booked out transactions and seeks comments on issues relating to booked out transactions. FERC-920, In General. The Commission set forth the EQR filing requirements in Order No. 2001 (in RM01-8-000, issued April 25, 2002). Order No. 2001 required public utilities to electronically file EQRs summarizing transaction information for short-term and long-term cost-based sales and market-based rate sales and the contractual terms and conditions in their agreements for all jurisdictional services. The Commission established the EQR reporting requirements to help ensure the collection of information needed to perform its regulatory functions over transmission and sales, while making data more useful to the public and allowing public utilities to better fulfill their responsibility under FPA section 205(c) to have rates on file in a convenient form and place. In RM12-3, FERC is amending its process and the system by which filings are made. FERC adopts a web-based approach to filing EQRs that will allow a public or non-public utility to file an EQR directly through FERC's website, either through a web interface or by submitting an Extensible Mark-Up Language-formatted file. By adopting a process with two options for filing EQRs, FERC seeks to provide the flexibility needed to accommodate a public or non-public utility's technical preference. The Commission also requires a public or non-public utility to identify itself with a company identification number rather than the existing software-based EQR identifier. The changes to the process for filing EQRs will apply to EQR filings beginning with the third quarter 2013 EQR, which will provide data for July through September 2013.

PL: Pub.L. 109 - 58 119 Stat. 594 (2005) Name of Law: EPAct 2005 (Energy Policy Act of 2005)
   US Code: 16 USC 824t Name of Law: Federal Power Act

1902-AF27 Proposed rulemaking 81 FR 69731 10/07/2016


Miscellaneous Actions
The Commission’s EQR reporting requirements must keep pace with market developments and technological advancements. Collecting and formatting data as discussed in this proposal will provide the Commission with the necessary information to identify and address potential exercises of market power and better inform Commission policies and regulations. The proposals will affect public utilities and certain non-public utilities. The proposals would require transmission providers to report ancillary services transaction data; require filers to submit into the FERC Tariff Reference fields in the EQR certain tariff-related information that they currently submit in the e-Tariff system; and require EQR filers to submit time zone information in connection with transmission capacity reassignment transactions. The proposals also clarify how booked out transactions should be reported in the EQR. There are approximately 2,196 public utilities and about 40 non-public utilities that currently file EQRs. About 405 of the 2,196 public utilities only submit data in the ID Data section of the EQR because they have no data to report in the Contract or Transaction Data sections of the EQR. We estimate there are about 266 public utilities and 14 non-public utilities that would be impacted by the proposal to report ancillary service transaction data, based on the number of public utility and non-public utility transmission providers that are currently reporting ancillary services in the Contract Data section of the EQR. Of the total 2,196 public utilities, approximately 1,791 have e-Tariffs on file and submit data in the Contract and/or Transaction Data sections of the EQR and would, therefore, be impacted by the proposal to submit additional tariff-related information in their EQRs. Similarly, about 14 non-public utilities have e-Tariffs on file and submit data in the Contract and/or Transaction Data sections of the EQR and would, therefore, be impacted. We also estimate that approximately 29 public utilities and 3 non-public utilities are currently reporting transmission capacity reassignment transactions and would be affected by the proposal to include the time zone information in connection with these transactions. Finally, we estimate that about 20 public utilities and 5 non-public utilities would need to distinguish between booked out energy and booked out capacity and, therefore, would be impacted by the proposal to separately identify and report these transactions. The additional one-time initial implementation burden (which will be completed in Year 1) of 50,631 hours is being administratively averaged over the three years for this submittal. In Years 1-3, the total additional burden is 33,621 hours [(50,631/3) +16,744]. The additional one-time initial implementation burden will be removed in Year 4.

Maria Vouras 202 502-8062 maria.vouras@ferc.gov


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