Form 2017 CPS CWS Quest 2017 CPS CWS Quest 2017 CPS CWS Questionnaire (CATI/CAPI)

Contingent Work Supplement to the Current Population Survey

Attachment A - ContingentQuestionnaire

Contingent Work Supplement to the CPS

OMB: 1220-0153

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Proposed Questionnaire for May 2017 Contingent Worker Supplement

LEADIN To learn more about the characteristics of jobs people hold, I have a few additional questions about the job at which you worked LAST WEEK.

Section 1. Expectation of Continuing Employment

S1VER. Before I continue, I need to check that you still have the same job today that you had last week. (Is your main job still with) (Do you still work for) {note fill: employer’s name from Basic CPS} (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1. Some people are in temporary jobs that last only for a limited time or until the completion of a project. (Is) (Was) your (main) job temporary?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1SCRI. Could you have continued to work at your (main) job if you had wished?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1SCR. Provided the economy does not change and your job performance is adequate, can you continue to work for your current employer as long as you wish?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1a. (Are) (Were) you working only until a specific project(s) (was) (were) completed?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1b. Were you hired to temporarily replace another worker?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1c. Were you hired for a fixed period of time?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1d. Was your job a year-round job or is it only AVAILABLE during certain times of the year?

1 Year-round job

2 Only available certain times of the year

O Don't know

O Refused

S1ftim. How much longer do you expect to work in your current job? Enter <S> for something else

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S1FNUM Do not read to respondent

Enter number of days/weeks/months/years

S1f1. How much longer do you expect to work in your current job?

1 As long as I want

2 Until I retire

3 Until I find a different job

4 Until I finish school

5 Until I go back to school

6 Other (Not much longer, Rest of career, Until project is finished)

O Don't know

O Refused

S1g. Do you think it will be more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1h. Is that more than a year away?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1i. What is the main reason you expect to work at your current job (for only [S1f]) (for less than a year)?

Economic Personal

1 Job is temporary 5 Job performance

2 Business conditions 6 Obtaining another job

3 Introduction of new technology/modernization 7 Attending school

4 Other economic 8 Family responsibilities

9 Retirement

10 Health

11 Other personal

Don't know


S1iDK. What is the main reason you do not expect to stay at your current job?

Economic Personal

1 Job is temporary 5 Job performance

2 Business conditions 6 Obtaining another job

3 Introduction of new technology/modernization 7 Attending school

4 Other economic 8 Family responsibilities

9 Retirement

10 Health

11 Other personal

Don't know


S1iIN. What is the main reason you left the job you held last week?

Economic Personal

1 Job was temporary 5 Job performance

2 Business conditions 6 Obtaining another job

3 Introduction of new technology/modernization 7 Attending school

4 Other economic 8 Family responsibilities

9 Retirement

10 Health

11 Other personal

Don't know


Slj1. If it were not for this reason, could you keep working at your current job for more than one year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S1j2. If it were not for this reason, could you have kept working at the job you

had last week?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S2INS. (Are) (Were) you paid by a temporary help agency (on your main job)?

[READ ONLY IF NECESSARY: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies on an as needed basis.]

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S2. Even though you told me your (main) job (is)(was) not temporary, (are) (were) you paid by a temporary help agency)?

[READ ONLY IF NECESSARY: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies primarily for short term assignments.]

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S2aINS. Were you registered with more than one temporary help agency last week?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S2a. Were you assigned to work at more than one place last week by your temporary help agency? [READ IF NECESSARY: If you worked at two or more departments in the same company last week, count it as one place.]

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S3. Earlier you told me you worked for (fill: employer’s name from basic CPS). Is this the place where your temporary help agency assigned you to work or is this the temporary help agency?

1 Place where temporary help agency assigned me to work

2 Temporary help agency

O Don't know

O Refused

S3a. Is the place where you were assigned to work last week a government agency, a private company, or a non-profit organization?

1 Government agency

2 Private company

3 Non-profit organization

O Don't know

O Refused

S3b1. What is the name of the government agency where you were working?

S3b2. What is the name of the company where you were working?

S3b3. What is the name of non-profit organization where you were working?


O Don't know

O Refused

S3c. What kind of business or industry is this?


O Don't know

O Refused


S3d. Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade,

or something else?

1 Manufacturing

2 Retail Trade

3 Wholesale Trade

4 Something else

  • Don’t Know

  • Refused

S3TADS Earlier you said that you expect to work at your current job for (fill: amount of time specified in S1f.) (more than a year) (less than a year) (an unspecified time) Were you referring to how long you expect to work for the temporary help agency or the customer for whom you worked last week?

1 Temporary help agency

2 Customer

3 Both

  • Don’t Know

  • Refused

S3TADT How much longer do you expect to work (at the place you were assigned last week) (for the temporary help agencies)?

Enter S for something else

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

S3TADN Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S3TAD1 How much longer do you expect to work (at the place you were assigned last week) (for the temporary help agency)?

1 As long as I want

2 Until I retire

3 Until I find other employment

4 Until I finish school

5 Until I go back to school

6 Other

Don’t know


S3TADa. Do you think it will be more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S3TADb. Is that more than a year away?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S4. [Some people are in a pool of workers who are ONLY called to work as needed, although they can be scheduled to work for several days or weeks in a row, for example substitute teachers, and construction workers supplied by a union hiring hall. These people are sometimes referred to as ON-CALL workers.] Were you an ON-CALL worker (on your main job) last week?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S4A Some ON-CALL workers have regularly scheduled hours, but IN ADDITION must work when called (for example, doctors, nurses, and managers). Other ON-CALL workers work ONLY when called (for example, substitute teachers). Which type of ON-CALL worker are you?

1 Work regular hours, but must be available

2 Only work when called

3 Other (Specify)

S4AS Enter verbatim response.

S5. [Some people get work by waiting at a place where employers pick up people to work for a day. These people are sometimes called DAY LABORERS.] Were you a DAY LABORER last week?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S6. [Some companies provide employees or their services to others under contract. A few examples of services that can be contracted out include security, landscaping, or computer programming.] Did you work for a company that contracts out you or your services last week?

O Yes

O No

O Don't know

O Refused

S6a. Are you usually assigned to more than one customer?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S6b. Do you usually work at the customer's worksite?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Don't have a usual worksite

O Don't know

O Refused

Note: If the worker usually works at the customer's worksite and usually works for only one client, S6IO is asked. This question will determine if the company the worker identified in the main questionnaire as their employer is the contract firm or the customer for whom they are doing the work.

Note: The question is plugged with the name of the company or government agency provided as the employer in the main questionnaire.

S6IO. Is (IO1NMP)(IO1NMG) the company that contracts out your services or the customer for whom you do the work?

1 Company that contracts out

2 Customer for whom do the work

O Don't know

O Refused

S6IOa. Is your customer a government agency, a private company, or a non-profit organization?

1 Government

2 Private for Profit Company

3 Non-profit Organization

O Don't know

O Refused

S6IOb1. What is the name of the government agency where you were working?

S6IOb2. What is the name of the company where you were working?

S6IOb3. What is the name of nonprofit organization where you were working?


O Don't know

O Refused

S6IOc. What kind of business or industry is this?


O Don't know

O Refused


S6IOd. Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?

1 Manufacturing

2 Retail Trade

3 Wholesale Trade

4 Something else

O Don't know

O Refused

S7CCDX Earlier you said that you did not have the same job you had last week. Were you referring to your work at the contract company or the customer for whom you worked last week?

1 Contract company

2 Customer

3 Both

O Don't know

O Refused

S7CCDS. Earlier you said that you (were uncertain about how long you) expect to work at your current job (for employer name) (for less than a year). Were you referring to how long you expect to work for the company that contracts out your services or the customer for whom you worked last week?

1 Contract company

2 Customer

3 Both

O Don't know

O Refused

S7CCDt. How much longer do you expect to work for the company that contracts out your services?

Enter S for something else

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 Days

S7CCDN Do not read to respondent

Enter number Days/Weeks/Months/Years

S7CCD1 How much longer do you expect to work for the company that contracts out your services?

1 As long as I want

2 Until I retire

3 Until I find other employment

4 Until I finish school

5 until I go back to school

O Don't know

O Refused

S7CCDa. Do you think it will be more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S7CCDb. Is that more than a year away?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S7. Last week, were you working as an independent contractor, independent consultant, or a freelance worker? [That is, someone who obtains customers on their own to provide a product or service]. [READ IF NECESSARY: Independent contractors, independent consultants, and freelance workers can have other employees working for them.]

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

PreS8 If S7 = "1", then READ: "For the rest of the survey, we will refer to you as an independent contractor."

S8ICDS. Earlier you said that you (were uncertain how long you) expect to work at your current job (for S1f) (for less than a year). Were you referring to how long you expect to work as an independent contractor or for your current customer?

1 Independent contractor

2 Customer

3 Both

O Don't know

O Refused

S8ICDt. How much longer do you expect to be an independent contractor?

_____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

If entry=1-4, go to S8ICDN, else go to S8ICDI

S8ICDN Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S8ICDI How much longer do you expect to be an independent contractor?

1 As long as I want

2 Until I retire

3 Until I find other employment

4 Until I finish school

5 Until I go back to school

6 Other (Not much longer, Rest of career, Until project is finished)

O Don't know

O Refused

S8ICDa. Do you think it will be more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S8ICDb. Is that more than a year away?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

Note: Those identified as self-employed in the Basic CPS will be asked S8IC.

S8IC. Are you self-employed as an independent contractor, independent consultant, freelance worker, or something else? [Read parenthetical if needed. (Such as a shop or restaurant owner)]

1 Independent contractor/Independent consultant/Freelance worker

2 Something else

Don't know

O Refused

Q8SEDt. How much longer do you expect to be self-employed?

Enter S for something else

_____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

S8SEDN Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S8SED1 How much longer do you expect to be self-employed?

1 As long as I want

2 Until I retire

3 Until I find other employment

4 No longer self-employed

5 Other (Not much longer, Rest of career, Until project is finished)

O Don't know

O Refused

S8SEDa. Do you think it will be more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S8SEDb. Is that more than a year away?

1 Yes

2 N

O Don't know

O Refused

S9a. Do you usually have any paid employees?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S9b. Excluding all owners, how many employees do you usually have?

Enter Number________

O Don't know

O Refused

S10tim. How long have you been (self-employed) (an independent contractor)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused

S10Num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S10NPR Has it been more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S10WST. How long have you worked for the employer where you worked last week?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused

S10WSN Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S10WPR Has it been more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No



S11. Just before you became (fill: self-employed) (an independent contractor) did you have other employment?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S12 Right before you became (fill: self-employed) (an independent contractor) were you LOOKING for another type of employment?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S12a. What was your major activity before you became (fill: self-employed) (an independent contractor)?

1 Attending to personal or family obligations (including maintaining household, raising children, caring for elderly parents)

2 Going to school

3 In retirement

4 In the military

5 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S13. Before you started looking for work, were you employed?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S14. Did you lose that job, quit that job or was it a temporary job that ended?

1 Lost job

2 Quit job

3 Temporary job that ended

4 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S15tim. How long did you work in this other job?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused

S15NUM Do not read to respondent

Enter number of days/weeks/months/years

S16. At the job at which you worked before being (self-employed) (an independent contractor), were you employed by government, by a private company, or a non-profit organization?

1 Government

2 Private for Profit Company

3 Non-profit Organization

4 Self-employed

O Don't know

O Refused

S17b1. What is the name of the government agency where you worked?

S17b2. What is the name of the company where you worked?

S17b3. What is the name of nonprofit organization where you worked?

S17b4. What was the name of your business?


O Don't know

O Refused

S17c. What kind of business or industry was this?

O Don't know

O Refused

S17d. Was this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?

1 Manufacturing

2 Retail Trade

3 Wholesale Trade

4 Something else

O Don't know

O Refused

Section 2. Workers’ Satisfaction with their Current Employment

S25a. Would you prefer to have a job that is permanent rather than temporary?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends

O Don't know

O Refused

S25aR. [People have temporary jobs for a variety of reasons. For example, some people have temporary jobs because it is the only type of work they could find. Others have temporary jobs because they enjoy the flexibility or for other personal reasons.] What is the MAIN reason you have a temporary job?



1 Employer laid off and hired back as temporary worker

2 Only type of work could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic

5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Child care problems

7 Other family/personal obligations

8 In school/training

9 Money is better

10 To obtain experience/training

11 Only wanted to work for a short period of time

12 For the money

13 Health limitations

14 Retired/SS earnings limit

15 Nature of work/seasonal

16 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S25AP Other than money, what is the main reason you are a temporary rather than a permanent worker?



1 Employer laid off and hired back as temporary worker

2 Only type of work could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic

5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Child care problems

7 Other family/personal obligations

8 In school/training

9 Money is better

10 To obtain experience/training

11 Only wanted to work for a short period of time

12 Health limitations

13 Retired/SS earnings limit

14 Nature of work/seasonal

15 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S25b. You indicated (you could not) (you did not know if you could) stay in your

job for as long as you wish. Would you prefer to be in a job where you could almost certainly stay for as long as you wish?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends

O Don't know

O Refused

S26TP. Earlier you said you were paid by a temporary help agency. Would you prefer

a job with a different type of employer?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends

O Don't know

O Refused

S26TR. [People work for temporary help agencies for a variety of reasons. For example, some people work for temporary help agencies because it is the only type of work they can find. Others work for temporary help agencies because they enjoy the flexibility or for other personal reasons.] What is the MAIN reason you work for a temporary help agency?



1 Employer laid off and hired back as temporary worker

2 Only type of work could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic

5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Child care problems

7 Other family/personal obligations

8 In school/training

9 Money is better

10 To obtain experience/training

11 Only wanted to work for a short period of time

12 For the money

13 Health limitations

14 Retired/SS earnings limit

15 Nature of work/seasonal

16 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26TO Other than money, what is the main reason you are a temporary rather than a permanent worker?



1 Employer laid off and hired back as temporary worker

2 Only type of work could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic

5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Child care problems

7 Other family/personal obligations

8 In school/training

9 Money is better

10 To obtain experience/training

11 Only wanted to work for a short period of time

12 Health limitations

13 Retired/SS earnings limit

14 Nature of work/seasonal

15 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26OC. Earlier you said you were an on-call worker. Would you prefer a job where you

worked regularly scheduled hours?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends

O Don't know

O Refused

S26OR.[ People work on-call for a variety of reasons. For example, some work on-call because the arrangement offers them flexibility; others are on-call because it is the only type of work they can find.] What is the MAIN reason you are an on-call worker?

Economic Personal

1 Only type of employment could find 4 Flexibility of schedule

2 Hope job leads to permanent employment 5 Child care problems

3 Other economic 6 Other family/personal obligations

7 In school/training

8 Money is better

9 To obtain experience/training

10 For the money

11 Health limitations

12 Retired/SS earnings limit

13 Nature of work/seasonal

14 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26OP Other than money, what is the main reason you are an on-call worker?

Economic Personal

1 Only type of employment could find 4 Flexibility of schedule

2 Hope job leads to permanent employment 5 Child care problems

3 Other economic 6 Other family/personal obligations

7 In school/training

8 Money is better

9 To obtain experience/training

10 Health limitations

11 Retired/SS earnings limit

12 Nature of work/seasonal

13 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26DL. Earlier you said you worked as a day laborer. Would you prefer a job where you worked regularly scheduled hours?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends

O Don't know

O Refused

S26DR. People work as day laborers for a variety of reasons. What is the MAIN reason you work as a day laborer?

Economic Personal

1 Only type of employment could find 4 Flexibility of schedule

2 Hope job leads to permanent employment 5 Child care problems

3 Other economic 6 Other family/personal obligations

7 In school/training

8 Money is better

9 To obtain experience/training

10 For the money

11 Health limitations

12 Retired/SS earnings limit

13 Nature of work/seasonal

14 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26DP Other than money, what is the main reason you work as a day laborer?

Economic Personal

1 Only type of employment could find 4 Flexibility of schedule

2 Hope job leads to permanent employment 5 Child care problems

3 Other economic 6 Other family/personal obligations

7 In school/training

8 Money is better

9 To obtain experience/training

10 Health limitations

11 Retired/SS earnings limit

12 Nature of work/seasonal

13 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26IC. Would you prefer to work for someone else rather than being (self-employed) (an

independent contractor)?

1 Yes

2 No

3 Depends (specify)

O Don't know

O Refused

S26IR . People are (self-employed) (independent contractors) for a variety of reasons. What is the MAIN reason you are (self-employed) (an independent contractor)?


1 Employer laid off and hired back as independent contractor

2 Only type of employment could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic


5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Other family/personal obligations

7 Child care problems

8 In school/training

9 Enjoys being own boss/

setting own hours

10 Money is better

11 To obtain experience/training

12 For the money

13 Health limitations

14 Retired/SS earnings limit

15 Nature of work/seasonal

16 Other personal

O Don't know

O Refused

S26IP Other than money, what is the main reason you are self-employed rather than working for someone else?


1 Employer laid off and hired back as independent contractor

2 Only type of employment could find

3 Hope job leads to permanent employment

4 Other economic


5 Flexibility of schedule

6 Other family/personal obligations

7 Child care problems

8 In school/training

9 Enjoys being own boss/

setting own hours

10 Money is better

11 To obtain experience/training

12 Health limitations

13 Retired/SS earnings limit

14 Nature of work/seasonal

15 Other personal

Section 3. Job history (current job)

S28. Did you EVER work as a temporary worker, contractor, consultant, freelancer, or on-call worker for (I01NMG) (I01NMP) (your current employer)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S29. Was this just before you began your current employment with (IO1NMG)

(IO1NMP) (your current employer)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S30TIM. (Including your time as a temporary worker, contractor, consultant, freelancer, or on-call worker, how) (Excluding your time as a temporary worker, contractor, consultant, freelancer or on-call worker, how) (How) long have you worked for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your current employer)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused

S30NUM Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S31TMt. How long have you worked for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your employer)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused

S31TMn Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S31tim. How long have you worked (for IO1NMG) (for IO1NMP) (for S3b1) (for S3b2) (for S3b3) (at the place where you were assigned)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don't know

O Refused


Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S32. How long have you been accepting assignments from a temporary help agency? If there have been long periods when you were turning down assignments for reasons such as attending school, only include the time since the interruption.

____ O years

O months

O weeks

O days

O Don't know

O Refused

S32num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S33tim. How long have you worked (for IO1NMG) (for IO1NMP) (for S6b1) (for S6b2) (for S6b3)(at the place where you were assigned)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S33num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S35tim. How long have you worked for the company that contracts out your services?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S35num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S36tim. How long have you worked for the employer where you were working last week?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S36num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

Q36cnm. How long have you been an on-call worker?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S36cnum Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S36DLt. How long have you worked as a day laborer?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S36DLn Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S36PRB Has it been more than a year?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don’t know

O Refused

Section 4. Workers' Transitions into their Current Employment

S37. Since you have been with (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (S3b1) (S3b2) (S3b3) (S6IOb1) (S6IOb2) (S6IOb3) (the place you worked last week), have you always worked as (an independent contractor) (an on-call worker) (a contract worker) (an employee paid by a temporary help agency)?

O Yes

O No

O Don't know

O Refused

S37IC Have you ever worked for one of your clients as something other than an independent contractor?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don’t know

O Refused

S37ICa Was this other employment, just before you started working as an independent contractor?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don’t know

O Refused

S37a. Was your other employment (with IO1NMG) (with IO1NMP) (with S3b1) (with S3b2) (with S3b3) (with S6IOb1) (with S6IOb2) (with S6IOb3) (at the place you worked last week) just before you started working as (an independent contractor) (an employee paid by a temporary help agency) (an on-call worker) (a contract worker) for them?

1 Just before started working – yes

2 Break in service – no

O Don't Know

O Refused

S37bti. How long were you working (for IO1NMG) (for IO1NMP) (for S3bl) (for S3b2) (for S3b3) (for S6IOb1) (for S6IOb2) (for S6IOb3) (at the place you worked last week)before you became (an independent contractor) (an on-call worker) (a contract worker) (an employee paid by a temporary help agency)?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S37bnu Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S38. Just before you started working for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (your contract company) (your employer), were you working at a different job?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S39. Just before you started working for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (your contract company) (your employer), were you looking for work?

O Yes

O No

O Don't know

O Refused

S40. What was your major activity JUST BEFORE you started working for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (your contract company) (your employer)?

1 Going to school

2 In retirement

3 Attending to personal or family obligations (including maintaining household, raising children, caring for elderly parents)

4 In the military

5 Other

O Don't' know

O Refused

S42. Before you started looking for work, were you employed in another job?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S43. Did you lose that job, quit that job, or was it a temporary job that ended?

1 Lost job

2 Quit job

3 Temporary job that ended

4 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S44tim. How long did you work at that job?

____ 1 years

2 months

3 weeks

4 days

O Don’t know

O Refused

S44num Do not read to respondent

Enter number days/weeks/months/years

S44a At that job, were you employed by government, by a private company, or a non-profit organization?

1 Government

2 Private for profit company

3 Non-profit organization

4 Self-employed

O Don’t know

O Refused

S44b1 What is the name of the government agency where you worked?

S44b2 What is the name of the company where you worked?

S44b3 What is the name of the nonprofit organization where you worked?

S44b4 What was the name of your business?

S44c What kind of business or industry was this?

S44d Ask if necessary: Was this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?

1 Manufacturing

2 Retail trade

3 Wholesale trade

4 Something else

O Don’t know

O Refused

Section 5. Have workers looked for other employment?

S45a. Since you started working for (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (the company that contracts out your services) (your employer), have you looked for other employment?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S45SEa. Since you became (self-employed)(an independent contractor), have you looked for a job where you would be someone else's employee rather than(self-employed) (an independent contractor)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S45DL. Since you started working as a day laborer, have you looked for other employment?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S45b. Since the beginning of March have you looked for other employment?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S45SEb. Since the beginning of March , have you looked for a job where you would be someone else's employee rather than (an independent contractor)(self-employed)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S46. Have you been looking for a new job or (an additional job) (a second job)?

1 New job

2 Additional job or second job

O Don't know

O Refused

S46TMP. Have you been looking for temporary, short term employment, or more long term employment?

1 Temporary/short term

2 More long term

3 Either

O Don't know

O Refused

S46TA. Have you been looking for a job where you would NOT be working through a temporary help agency?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S46CW. Have you been looking for a job as something other than a contract worker?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S46OCD. Have you been looking for a job in something other than (on-call work)(day


1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S47a. What are all of the things you have done to find other employment since (you started working at your current job)(you became a day laborer)(beginning of March)?




1 Employer directly/interview

2 Public employment agency

3 Private employment agency

4 Friends or relatives

5 School/university employment center

6 Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7 Checked union/professional registers

8 Placed or answered ads

9 Other active

10 Looked at ads

11 Attended job training programs/courses

12 Other passive

13 Nothing

O Don't know

O Refused

S47b Anything else? What are all of the things you have done to find other employment since (you started working at your current job)(you became a day laborer)(beginning of March)?




1 Employer directly/interview

2 Public employment agency

3 Private employment agency

4 Friends or relatives

5 School/university employment center

6 Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7 Checked union/professional registers

8 Placed or answered ads

9 Other active

10 Looked at ads

11 Attended job training programs/courses

12 Other passive

13 Nothing

O Don't know

O Refused

S47c Anything else? What are all of the things you have done to find other employment since (you started working at your current job)(you became a day laborer)(beginning of March) ?




1 Employer directly/interview

2 Public employment agency

3 Private employment agency

4 Friends or relatives

5 School/university employment center

6 Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7 Checked union/professional registers

8 Placed or answered ads

9 Other active

10 Looked at ads

11 Attended job training programs/courses

12 Other passive

13 Nothing

O Don't know

O Refused

S47d Anything else? What are all of the things you have done to find other employment since (you started working at your current job)(you became a day laborer)(beginning of March)?




1 Employer directly/interview

2 Public employment agency

3 Private employment agency

4 Friends or relatives

5 School/university employment center

6 Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7 Checked union/professional registers

8 Placed or answered ads

9 Other active

10 Looked at ads

11 Attended job training programs/courses

12 Other passive

13 Nothing

O Don't know

O Refused

S47e Anything else? What are all of the things you have done to find other employment since (you started working at your current job)(you became a day laborer)(beginning of March) ?




1 Employer directly/interview

2 Public employment agency

3 Private employment agency

4 Friends or relatives

5 School/university employment center

6 Sent out resumes/filled out applications

7 Checked union/professional registers

8 Placed or answered ads

9 Other active

10 Looked at ads

11 Attended job training programs/courses

12 Other passive

13 Nothing

O Don't know

O Refused

S48-LD: This month I have an additional question about the type of employment you looked for in the last 4 weeks.

S48. Were you looking for temporary, short term employment, or more long term employment?

1 Temporary/Short term

2 More long term

3 Either/Anything I can find

O Don't know

O Refused

S48DLD. I have an additional question about the type of employment you are interested in.

S48DIS. Are you interested in temporary, short term employment, or more long term employment?

1 Temporary/Short term

2 More long term

3 Either/Anything I can find

O Don't know

O Refused

Section 6. Employee benefits

S49-LED: Now I would like to ask you a few questions about health insurance coverage and pensions.

Note: The plug (current employer) refers to [your company] for self-employed, [the company that contracts out your services] for people who work for contract companies, and [your temporary employment agency] for temporary workers who found their job through a temporary employment agency.

S49. Do you have health insurance from any source?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S50. Do you receive this health insurance through (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (the company that contracts out your services) (your employer)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S50a If (fill: employer’s name from basic CPS, or your temporary help agency, contract company, etc.) did not offer health insurance, could you have been covered by another family member’s insurance?

1 Yes

2 No

S51. Does (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (the company that contracts out your services) (your employer) pay for all, part, or none of the insurance premium?

1 All

2 Part

3 None

O Don't know

O Refused

S52a. How did you obtain your health insurance? Mark all that apply.

1 Receive health insurance through my company/work

2 Spouse's health insurance

3 Other family member's insurance

4 Receive health insurance through your other job

5 Receive health insurance through previous job

6 Purchased insurance on my own (including through health insurance exchange)

7 Medicare

8 Medicaid

9 Labor Union

10 Association or club

11 School or university

12 Other

O Don’t know

O Refused

Go to S53-CHK

S53. Does (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (the company that contracts out your services) (your employer) offer health insurance to any of its (temporary) employees?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S54. Could you be in this plan if you wanted to?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S55. Why aren't you in this plan?

1 Covered by another plan

2 Traded health insurance for higher pay

3 Too expensive

4 Don't need health insurance

5 Have a pre-existing condition

6 Haven't yet worked for this employer long enough to be covered

7 Contract or temporary employees not allowed in plan

8 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S56. Why not?

1 Don't work enough hours per week or weeks per year

2 Contract or temporary employees not allowed in plan

3 Haven't worked for this employer long enough to be covered

4 Have a pre-existing condition

5 Too expensive

6 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S57. Does (IO1NMG) (IO1NMP) (your temporary help agency) (the company that contracts out your services) (your employer) offer a pension or retirement plan to any of its employees?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S58. Do you have a tax deferred retirement account such as an IRA or Keogh plan?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S59. Are you included in this plan?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

S60. Why not?

1 Poor investment

2 Too expensive/can't afford it

3 No one in my type of job is allowed in plan.

4 Don't work enough hours per week or weeks per year.

5 Haven't worked for this employer long enough to be covered.

6 Too old.

7 Too young.

8 Chose not to participate

9 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

S61 Do you have a tax deferred account such as an IRA or KEOGH plan?

1 Yes

2 No



Section 7. Earnings

Note: Persons who are temporary workers, independent contractors, independent consultants, freelance workers, employees of firms providing employees or services under contract, or on-call workers and who are not asked the earnings questions as part of the basic CPS interview will be asked the earnings questions at this point. Self-employed persons will also be asked the earnings questions from the basic CPS interview.

SX. (ERNP) Now I have a few questions about earnings.

SXA. (ERNPR) For your (MAIN) job, what is the easiest way for you to report your total earnings BEFORE taxes or other deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis?

(READ IF NECESSARY: We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of jobs.)

1 Hourly

2 Weekly

3 Bi-weekly

4 Twice monthly

5 Monthly

6 Annually

7 Other

O Don’t know

O Refused

SXB. [ERNUOT] Do you usually receive overtime pay, tips, or commissions (at your MAIN job)?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

SXC. [ERNHRT] (EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) What is your hourly rate of pay on your MAIN job?

Enter dollar amount===> ________

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

SXCDK. [ERNHRE] What is your best estimate of your hourly rate of pay?

Enter Dollar amount=--=> ________

O Don't know

O Refused


[ERNRG1] (If SXCDK has entry then fill parenthetical with SXCDK.
Otherwise, fill with SXC.)


Hourly earnings recorded as: (fill SXC) hourly IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT?

Yes ....



[ERNHCO] (If SXCDK has entry then fill parenthetical with SXCDK.

Otherwise fill with SXC.)





SXC1. How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate? [ERNHR]

Enter number of hours

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

(Range check 01-99)


(At your MAIN job,) How much do you usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount=>____ 1 per hour

2 per day

3 per week

4 per month

5 per year

6 Other

O Don't know

O Refused

SXD1DK [ERNOTE] What is your best estimate of how much you usually earn WEEKLY, JUST in overtime pay, tips, or commissions, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount===>____

O Don't know

O Refused

Range Edit ($ 1 to 1500) (If fails range edit, go to SXD1R-RNG)


(If SXD1DK has entry, then fill first parenthetical with "weekly" and second parenthetical with SXD1DK.)

(Otherwise, fill first parenthetical with periodicity specified in SXOTP and second parenthetical with amount specified in SXD1.)


Usual (Weekly) earnings in overtime pay, tips or commissions recorded as: (fill SXOTP or SXD1DK)





(If SXD-1DK has entry, then fill parenthetical with SXD-DK. Otherwise fill with SXD1.)





Entry in SXOTP periodicity is "per hour"

All others

SXOCH [ERNOCH] Do not read to respondent

Incorrect entry was recorded as:

Correct Entry is amount:

SXDla. [ERNOH] How many hours do you usually work per week at this rate?

Enter number of hours ___

O Don't know

O Refused

SXD1b. [ERNOHE] What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week you usually work at this rate?

Enter number of hours ___

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

SXD1V. [ERNVR1] Calculate weekly earnings variable (HWKRN) by (multiplying entry in SXC1 by entry in SXC or SXCDK) and adding in the entry to SXXOTP or SXD1DK).

NOTE: Conversion to "weekly" estimates are necessary for different periodicities in SXD1, SXD1DK. Also, for persons responding as "per hour", the entry must be multiplied by SXDla or SXDlb. The entry of "per month" should be divided by "4", and the entry of "per year" should be divided by "52".

I have estimated your usual WEEKLY earnings for your (main) job as $ HWKRN before taxes or other deductions. Does that sound correct?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

SXVRA. [ERNVR2] In "3." below fill second parenthetical with periodicity specified in SXD1 or SXD1DK.

I have recorded:

1. (Fill SXC or SXCDK) as your hourly rate of pay.

2. (Fill SXC1) as the number of hours you usually worked at this rate.

3. (Fill SXD1 or SXD1DK) as the amount you usually earned (weekly) in overtime pay, tips and commissions.

4. (Fill SXD1a or SXD1b) as the number of hours per week you usually work at this rate.

a. Which piece of information does not seem to be correct?

DO NOT READ: Enter number corresponding to line requiring correction

All information is correct.


O Don't know

O Refused

SXH1C [ERNH1C] (If "1." then display: "What is your hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions?")

Enter dollar amount:

SXHC [ERNHC] (If "2." then display: "How many hours do you usually work per week at the rate of (fill SXC)?")

Enter hours:

SXOTC [ERNOTC] (If "3." then display: "How much do you usually earn WEEKLY/Monthly/Annually just in overtime pay, tips or commissions?")

Enter dollar amount:

SXOHC [ERNOHC] How much do you usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips, or commissions?

Enter dollar amount:

SXH2C [ERNH2C (If "4." then display: "How many hours do you usually work per week at the rate of (fill SXD1)?")

Enter hours:

SXWK1 [ERNWK1] (If "P" or "DK" then display: Then, (including overtime pay, tips and commissions,) what are your usual WEEKLY earnings on (this) job, before taxes or other deductions?

Correct entry is ____ ERNWK1

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

NOTE: Allow any of the four pieces to be corrected.

New entry should not overwrite original entry. Store new entry with different variable name. Recalculate weekly earnings (but do not overwrite original weekly earnings) as HWKRN2


I have estimated your total WEEKLY earnings for your main job as $ (fill HWKRN2) WEEKLY before taxes or other deductions. Does that sound correct?

1 Yes

2 No (Irreconcilable difference)


SXD2 (Including overtime pay, tips and commissions) What are your usual weekly earnings on your (MAIN) job, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount==>___

O Don't know

O Refused

Range Edit ($1 to 1500)


(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions) What are your usual monthly earnings on your (MAIN) job, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount==>___

O Don't know

O Refused


(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions) What are your usual annual earnings on your (MAIN) job, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount==>___

O Don't know )

O Refused


(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions) What are your usual bi-weekly earnings on your (MAIN) job, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount==>___

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

SXD2DK. [ERNDKP] What is your best estimate of your usual weekly/monthly/annual/bi-weekly earnings before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount===> ____

O [blind] Don't know

O [blind] Refused

Range Edit ($1 to 1500)


(If SXD2DK has entry then fill parenthetical with SXD2DK.
Otherwise, fill with SXD2.)


Reported Earnings are greater than $72,000

Weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual earnings recorded as: (fill SXD2) weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual


1 Yes (Go to SXD2VER)

2 No (Go to SXD2RNG2)


(If SXD2DK has entry then fill parenthetical with SXD2DK.
Otherwise fill with SXD2.)


INCORRECT ENTRY WAS RECORDED AS: (FILL SXD2) weekly, bi-weekly/monthly/annual


==>[N} $ _____

SXD2V. [ERNVR4] (Fill parenthetical if S20C=1)

I have recorded your total earnings (for your main job) as

$ (fill SXD2 or SXD2DK) WEEKLY/bi-weekly/monthly/annual before taxes or other deductions.

Is that correct?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused


(If SXB is "yes", then fill first parenthetical.)
(Fill second parenthetical if

(INCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) What are your usual weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual earnings on your MAIN job, before taxes or other deductions?

Enter Dollar amount===>____(Do range check)

O Don't know

O Refused

SXRG4 [ERNRG4] Do not read to respondent

Weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual earnings recorded as: (amount)

Is this correct?

1 Yes

2 No

SXRP2 [ERNRP2] Do not read to respondent

Incorrect entry was recorded as: (amount) weekly/bi-weekly/monthly/annual

Correct entry is: $____


SXF. [ERNWKP] How many weeks a year do you get paid for?

Number of weeks ____

O Don't know

O Refused


(Even though you told me it is easier to report your earnings (fill with SXA response: weekly, bi-weekly/monthly/annual)), are you PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on your MAIN job?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused


(EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions) What is your hourly rate of pay on your MAIN job?

Enter dollar amount===>$__.__

O Don't know

O Refused

SXRG5 [ERNRG5] Do not read to respondent

Hourly earnings recorded as: (amount) hourly

Is this correct?

1 Yes

2 No

SXRP3 [ERNRP3] Do not read to respondent

Incorrect entry was recorded as: (amount) hourly

Correct entry is:



On this job, are you a member of a labor union or of an employee association similar to a union?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused


On this job, are you covered by a union or employee association contract?

1 Yes

2 No

O Don't know

O Refused

Section 8. Proposed new questions

I now have a few questions related to how the Internet and mobile apps have led to new types of work arrangements. I will ask first about tasks that are done in-person and then about tasks that are done entirely online.

Some people find short, IN-PERSON tasks or jobs through companies that connect them directly with customers using a website or mobile app. These companies also coordinate payment for the service through the app or website.

For example, using your own car to drive people from one place to another, delivering something, or doing someone’s household tasks or errands.

Does this describe ANY work (you/NAME) did LAST WEEK?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  • Refused

Was that for (your/NAME’s) (main) job, (your/NAME’s second job), or (other) additional work for pay?

  • Main job

  • Second job

  • Additional work for pay

  • Don’t know

  • Refused

Some people select short, ONLINE tasks or projects through companies that maintain lists that are accessed through an app or a website. These tasks are done entirely online and the companies coordinate payment for the work.

For example, data entry, translating text, web or software development, or graphic design.

Does this describe ANY work (you/NAME) did LAST WEEK?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  • Refused

Was that for (your/NAME’s) (main) job, (your/NAME’s second job), or (other) additional work for pay?

  • Main job

  • Second job

  • Additional work for pay

  • Don’t know

  • Refused

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorKosanovich, Karen - BLS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-23

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