Reporting Manual for the
State Vocational Rehabilitation Services
State Supported Employment Services Programs
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
Rehabilitation Services Administration
OMB Control Number: 1820-0508
June 2016
I. General Information 14
A. Data Reporting Requirements 14
2. Supporting Documentation 15
B. Case Service Records 15
C. Unique Individuals 16
D. Data Elements 16
E. Data Submission 17
F. Edit Checks 18
G. WIOA Participant Individual Record Layout (WIOA PIRL) 19
H. Pre-Employment Transition Services 19
II. Reporting Period Identification Data Elements 21
A. Program Year 21
B. Program Year Quarter 21
C. Date Report Submitted 21
D. Agency Code 21
III. Unique Identifier Data Elements 23
A. Unique Identifier 23
B. Social Security Number 24
IV. Data Elements at Application 24
A. Date of Application 24
B. Date of Birth 24
C. Individual Characteristics 25
2. American Indian or Alaska Native 26
4. Black or African American 26
5. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 27
7. Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino 27
D. Location Information 29
1. State Postal Code of Residence 29
E. Source of Referral 31
F. Student with a Disability 33
G. Support 33
1. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at Application 33
2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled at Application 33
3. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) at Application 34
4. General Assistance (State or local government) at Application 34
5. Veterans' Disability Benefits at Application 34
6. Workers' Compensation at Application 34
7. Unemployment Insurance at Application 34
8. Primary Source of Support at Application 35
H. Medical Insurance Coverage 35
3. State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at Application 35
4. Public Insurance from Other Sources at Application 36
5. Private Insurance Through Employer at Application 36
6. Not Yet Eligible for Private Insurance Through Employer at Application 36
7. Private Insurance Through Other Means at Application 36
V. Eligibility Data Elements 37
A. Date of Eligibility Determination 37
B. Eligibility Determination Extension 37
VI. Order of Selection (OOS) Data Elements 37
A. Date of Placement on OOS Waiting List 37
B. Date of Exit from OOS Waiting List 37
VII. Disability Data Elements 38
A. Individual with a Disability 38
B. Primary Disability 38
C. Secondary Disability 40
D. Significance of Disability 40
VIII. Trial Work Experience Data Elements 41
A. Start Date of Trial Work Experience 41
B. End Date of Trial Work Experience 42
IX. Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Data Elements 42
A. Date of Most Recent or Amended IPE 42
B. Supported Employment Goal on Current IPE 42
C. Employment 43
2. Primary Occupation at IPE 45
4. Hours Worked in a Week at IPE 45
D. WIOA Program Involvement 46
5. Vocational Rehabilitation 48
6. Wagner-Peyser Employment Service 48
E. Barriers to Employment 49
2. Exhausting TANF Within Two Years 50
4. Homeless Individual, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth 50
7. English Language Learner 52
8. Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy 53
12. Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker 54
F. Education 55
1. State Definition for Age of Students with Disabilities 55
3. Highest Educational Level Completed 56
4. Highest Elementary or Secondary School Grade Completed 56
5. Enrolled in Secondary Education 57
6. Date Received Special Education Certificate of Completion 57
7. Enrolled in a State Adult Secondary School at the High Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Level 57
8. Attained Secondary School Diploma 57
9. Date Attained Secondary School Equivalency (GED) 58
10. Enrolled in Postsecondary Education - Highest Academic Year 58
11. Enrolled in Postsecondary Education 58
13. Completed Some Postsecondary Education, No Degree or Certificate 59
14. Date Attained Associate’s Degree 60
15. Date Attained Bachelor's Degree 60
16. Date Attained Master’s Degree 60
17. Date Attained Graduate Degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D., M.D.) 60
G. Vocational/Technical Credential, License or Certificate 60
3. Date Attained Vocational/Technical License 61
4. Date Attained Vocational/Technical Certificate 61
H. Other Education or Training 61
1. Date Attained Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate 61
X. Pre-Employment Transition Services Data Elements 61
A. Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services 61
B. Job Exploration Counseling 65
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 65
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 65
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 65
2.2 VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service 65
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 65
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 66
C. Work Based Learning Experiences 66
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 66
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 66
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 66
2.2 VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service 66
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 66
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 66
D. Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities 66
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 66
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 66
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 66
2.2 VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service 67
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 67
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 67
E. Workplace Readiness Training 67
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 67
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 67
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 67
2.2 VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service 67
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 67
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 67
F. Instruction in Self Advocacy 67
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 67
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 68
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 68
2.2 VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service 68
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 68
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 68
XI. VR and SE Service Data Elements (Applicants and Eligible Individuals) 68
A. Start Date of Initial VR Service 68
B. Date of Most Recent Career Service 68
XII. Training Services Data Elements 71
A. Graduate College or University 72
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 72
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 72
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 72
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 72
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 72
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 72
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 72
B. Four-Year College or University Training 72
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 73
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 73
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 73
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 73
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 73
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 73
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 73
C. Junior or Community College Training 73
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 74
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 74
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 74
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 74
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 74
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 74
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 74
D. Occupational or Vocational Training 74
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 74
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 74
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 75
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 75
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 75
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 75
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 75
E. On The Job Training 75
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 75
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 75
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 75
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 75
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 75
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 76
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 76
F. Registered Apprenticeship Training 76
1. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 76
1.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 76
1.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 76
1.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 76
2. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 76
2.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 77
G. Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training 77
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 77
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 77
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 77
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 77
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 77
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 77
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 77
H. Job Readiness Training 77
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 77
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 78
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 78
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 78
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 78
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 78
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 78
I. Disability Related Skills Training 78
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 78
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 78
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 78
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 78
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 79
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 79
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 79
J. Miscellaneous Training 79
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 79
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 79
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 79
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 79
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 79
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 79
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 79
K. Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training 80
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 80
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 80
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 80
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 80
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 80
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 80
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 80
L. Customized Training 80
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 81
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 81
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 81
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 81
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 81
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 81
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 81
XIII. Career Services Data Elements 81
A. Assessment 81
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 82
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 82
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 82
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 82
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 82
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 82
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 82
B. Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments 82
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 83
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 83
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 83
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 83
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 83
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 83
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 83
C. Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance 83
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 84
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 84
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 84
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 84
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 84
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 84
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 84
D. Job Search Assistance 84
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 84
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 84
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 85
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 85
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 85
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 85
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 85
E. Job Placement Assistance 85
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 85
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 85
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 85
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 85
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 85
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 86
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 86
F. Short Term Job Supports 86
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 86
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 86
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 86
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 86
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 86
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 86
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 86
G. Supported Employment Services 86
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 87
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 87
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 87
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 87
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 87
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 87
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 87
H. Information and Referral Services 87
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 88
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 88
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 88
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 88
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 88
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 88
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 88
I. Benefits Counseling 88
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 89
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 89
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 89
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 89
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 89
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 89
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 89
J. Customized Employment Services 89
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 90
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 90
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 90
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 90
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 90
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 90
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 90
K. Extended Services 90
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 90
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 91
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 91
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 91
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 91
XIV. Other Service Data Elements 91
A. Transportation 91
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 91
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 91
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 92
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 92
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 92
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 92
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 92
B. Maintenance 92
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 92
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 92
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 93
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 93
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 93
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 93
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 93
C. Rehabilitation Technology 93
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 94
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 94
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 94
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 94
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 94
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 94
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 94
D. Personal Assistance Services 95
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 95
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 95
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 95
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 95
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 95
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 95
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 95
E. Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment 95
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 96
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 96
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 96
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 96
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 96
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 96
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 96
F. Reader Services 96
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 96
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 97
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 97
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 97
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 97
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 97
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 97
G. Interpreter Services 97
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 97
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 97
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 97
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 98
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 98
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 98
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 98
H. Other Services 98
1. Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house) 98
2. Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase 98
2.1 Purchased Service Provider Type 98
2.2 Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I) 98
2.3 Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI) 98
3. Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers 98
3.1 Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type 99
XV. Measurable Skill Gain Data Elements (WIOA section 116(b)(2)(A)(i)) 99
A. Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL) 99
B. Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Secondary 99
C. Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card 99
D. Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Training Milestone 100
E. Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Skills Progression 100
XVI. Employment Data Elements 100
A. Employment Outcome 100
B. Primary Occupation at Employment Outcome 102
C. Start Date of Employment in Primary Occupation 103
D. Hourly Wage at Employment 103
E. Hours Worked in a Week at Employment Outcome 104
XVII. Exit Data Elements 104
A. Date of Exit 104
B. Type of Exit 105
C. Reason for Exit 105
D. Employment at Exit 107
1. Employment Outcome at Exit 107
2. Primary Occupation at Exit 109
3. Start Date of Employment in Primary Occupation at Exit 110
5. Hours Worked in a Week at Exit 111
E. Support at Exit 111
1. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at Exit 112
2. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled at Exit 112
3. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) at Exit 112
4. General Assistance (State or local government) at Exit 112
5. Veterans' Disability Benefits at Exit 112
6. Workers' Compensation at Exit 113
7. Other Public Support at Exit 113
8. Primary Source of Support at Exit 113
F. Medical Insurance Coverage at Exit 114
3. State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at Exit 114
4. Public Insurance from Other Sources at Exit 114
5. Private Insurance Through Employer at Exit 115
6. Not Yet Eligible for Private Insurance Through Employer at Exit 115
7. Private Insurance Through Other Means at Exit 115
XVIII. Post-Exit Data Elements 115
A. Date Enrolled in Post-Exit Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential 115
B. Date of Attainment of Post-Exit Recognized Credential 116
C. Type of Recognized Credential Attained Post-Exit 116
D. First Quarter After Exit Quarter 116
1. Employment - First Quarter After Exit Quarter 117
2. Type of Employment Match – First Quarter After Exit Quarter 117
3. Wages – First Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
E. Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
1. Employment Related to Training – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
2. Employment - Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
3. Type of Employment Match – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 119
4. Wages – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 119
F. Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 120
1. Employment - Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 120
2. Type of Employment Match – Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 120
3. Wages – Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 121
G. Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 121
1. Employment - Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 121
2. Type of Employment Match – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 122
3. Wages – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 122
The data comprising the Case Service Report (RSA-911) are mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (the Act), as amended by title IV of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Applicable portions of the Act explicitly or implicitly require the collecting and reporting of specific data elements by State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agencies to the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) for the VR and Supported Employment (SE) programs. In addition, reporting requirements to support the performance accountability system under section 116 of title I of WIOA are applicable to the VR program, as one of the six core programs of the Workforce Development System.
This revised data collection incorporates new reporting requirements in section 116(b) in title I of WIOA and sections 101(a)(10) and 607 of the Act, as amended by WIOA. New requirements under section 101(a)(10) include, for example, the reporting of data on the number of individuals with open service records and the types of services these individuals are receiving (including SE services); students with disabilities receiving pre-employment transition services; and individuals referred to the VR program by one-stop operators and individuals referred to such one-stop operators by VR agencies.
Section 116 of title I of WIOA requires the reporting of data needed to calculate State performance on the primary indicators of performance for the core programs. In addition, States must report information on barriers to employment for participants under each of the core programs. The data reported by States will be used by both the Departments of Education and Labor to determine State levels of performance on the primary indicators that could form the basis for the imposition of financial sanctions against a State, as described in the WIOA Joint Final Rule. Therefore, it is critical that the data reported be accurate and submitted timely.
In accordance with 34 CFR 361.12, VR agencies must implement policies and procedures that ensure the proper and efficient administration of the VR program, including those necessary to carry out all functions for which the State is responsible under this program. These methods must include procedures to ensure accurate data collection and financial accountability. It is incumbent on VR agencies to establish policies and procedures that ensure the accurate collection, retention, and timely reporting of all data.
The Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) (2 CFR 200.61) defines internal controls as:
a process, implemented by a non-Federal entity, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:
(a) Effectiveness and efficiency of operations;
(b) Reliability of reporting for internal and external use; and
(c) Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
VR agencies must establish and maintain internal control processes necessary to ensure the State’s ability to meet the internal control requirements.
The RSA Commissioner (Commissioner) is responsible for the review and monitoring of State VR programs to determine whether a State is complying substantially with the provisions of the VR portion of the Unified or Combined State Plan. The reliability and validity of data reported in the RSA-911 may be subject to desk review, monitoring and/or audits. Sections 107(b) and (c) of the Act specify the remedies available to the Commissioner if a State fails to satisfy Federal requirements governing the VR program, including requirements related to data reporting. States that fail to meet the data reporting requirements may also face potential consequences resulting from audit findings stemming from Inspector General, State, or Single Audits.
The requirements in 34 CFR 361.47 and 34 CFR 361.56, taken together, require VR agencies to maintain verifying documentation in an individual’s case file, particularly regarding eligibility determinations, development of the individualized plan for employment, services provided, and case closure. It is important to note that the use of an electronic case management system, does not remove the requirement for the agency to maintain either hard copies or scanned copies of required supporting documentation in the individual’s service record. An electronic case management system is merely a data entry process that is susceptible to data entry errors. Requiring staff to note the source of the employment data also does not provide documentation necessary to ensure data validity and reliability. RSA will maintain a table that lists the RSA-911 supporting documentation requirements on RSA’s website at
The case service record documents the application for and/or provision of VR and SE services to individuals with disabilities, including program outcomes. An individual may have multiple service records resulting from repeated involvement with the VR and SE programs. For example, an individual may receive pre-employment transition services and/or other VR services in secondary school and then years later apply for additional VR services. These two periods of participation in the VR program would constitute separate service records.
Opening of Case Service Record: Under this data collection, VR agencies are required to report data on open service records on a quarterly basis. A service record is opened when either an individual applies for VR services (Date of Application (IV.A)) or, in the case of a student with a disability that is solely receiving pre-employment transition services, the Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services (X.A). These dates initiate the quarterly reporting requirement for all individuals with an open service record.
Closure of the Case Service Record: The case service record is considered closed when the individual has a Date of Exit (XVII.A) and all of the required data elements, including the post-exit data elements when required, have been reported. For a student with a disability who solely received pre-employment transition services and has not applied to receive other VR services, the service record is closed when the student is no longer receiving such services as indicated in the pre-employment transition services data elements (X.B-E).
Duplicate individual records will not be accepted. For example, records with the same Social Security Number and Date of Application would be considered a duplicate case service record. If an individual has multiple exits within the same program year, each exit must be reported and cannot overlap. For example, if an individual had more than one Date of Application in a quarter, the Date of Exit (XVII.A) associated with the first application must be a date before the second Date of Application.
All service record data submitted for the same reporting period must be associated with a unique individual. Therefore, each individual receiving services must be assigned a Unique Identifier (III.A). This identifier allows RSA to report an unduplicated count of individuals receiving services in accordance with the Joint WIOA Performance Information Collection Request (Joint Performance ICR). The unique identifier will also be used to calculate a count of unique program participants for each State, which will be reported on the State Performance Reporting Template. In addition, the unique identifier provides RSA a means to communicate with agencies regarding an individual’s data elements without the exchange of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). RSA will use the data elements in the table below to identify a unique individual within a data set.
Table 1.1: Individual Identification Data Elements
Date Element |
Report Due Date |
Unique Identifier and |
Social Security Number |
If an individual does not have a Social Security Number (SSN) or chooses not to provide an SSN, only the Unique Identifier is reported. An individual’s SSN is reported only once to RSA with the Unique Identifier. After that, the Unique Identifier is the only unique individual data element reported with each data submission.
Each data element has an associated data element type that serves as a guide for submitting valid values.
Table 1.2: RSA-911 Data Element Types
Data Type |
Description |
Data can include any letters or numbers with a maximum length defined by “n”. All variable character (VARCHAR) data elements that require numbers use only positive numbers. |
Data can include dates in the eight-digit format of year, month, and day. All dates reported on the RSA-911 must be in the format of (YYYYMMDD), where (YYYY) is year, (MM) is month and (DD) is day.
For Year (YYYY): Record the calendar year using all four digits of the year (e.g., 2016).
For Month (MM): Record the months using two digits (e.g., 01 for January, 02 for February, etc.)
For Day (DD): Record the day of the month using two digits. When the day is a single digit, add a "0" prefix (e.g., 01, 02, 03, etc.). |
Decimal n,x
Data can include a decimal number with a total of number of “n” digits, of which “x” can be after the decimal point. |
INT n |
Data can include any integer (whole number) with a maximum length of integers as defined by “n”. All integers must be positive. |
Due to the length of some of the data element descriptions, each data element has been assigned an “Element Number” to make referencing a data element easier. “Element Number” refers to the assigned data element number (e.g., element number 6 refers to Social Security Number). When “data element” is used, the associated reference is to the location in this document where that data element is located (e.g., data element III.B refers to outline section III.B where the data element, Social Security Number is located).
The data elements have been categorized to indicate the point in the VR process when the data should be collected. The data elements are designed to collect information at a particular point (e.g., application, eligibility, IPE, etc.). In order to ensure data validity, it is important that VR agencies collect and report the data at the correct time.
RSA-911 data must be submitted to RSA on a quarterly basis, no later than 45 days after the end of each quarter in accordance with the following schedule:
Table 1.3: Reporting Dates
Quarter |
Reporting Period |
Report Due Date |
1 |
July 1 – September 30 |
November 15 |
2 |
October 1 – December 31 |
February 15 |
3 |
January 1 – March 31 |
May 15 |
4 |
April 1 – June 30 |
August 15 |
VR agencies will submit a comma delimited data file through an RSA-911 data portal via RSA’s website, Though some elements may be left blank, a comma delimited space must be included for each data element in each submission. The element number refers to the location of the reported response in the comma delimited text string (e.g., the second comma delimited position in the text file would be for Social Security Number).
Each VR Director will receive a userid and password necessary to access the RSA-911 upload data webpage. The VR Director will be responsible for ensuring submission and certification of the RSA-911 data on a quarterly basis. The VR Director may formally delegate this responsibility to another individual who is authorized to certify the data on behalf of the VR agency. End users will be required to reset the password periodically for security purposes.
When uploading data, the RSA-911 upload webpage will capture the following data elements:
Name of Individual Submitting Data – Entered by end user.
Title of Individual Submitting Data – Entered by end user.
Phone Number for Individual Submitting Data – Entered by end user.
Email Address for Individual Submitting Data – Entered by end user.
End users will follow the RSA-911 webpage prompts to upload the data file. Prior to the submission of the data, the VR Director, or individual formally delegated the authority to submit the data on behalf of the VR Director, will be required to certify the following statement:
By submitting this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures reported are for the purposes and objectives set forth in the terms and conditions of the Federal award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, or the omission of any material fact, may subject me to criminal, civil or administrative penalties for fraud, false statements, false claims or otherwise.
RSA will maintain a comprehensive edit check table on RSA’s website, The table will detail, by data element, the edit checks required to ensure the integrity of data submissions. Edits describe constraints that should be satisfied by the data. Each data submission will be analyzed to determine whether the data is consistent with the edit checks. Data submissions that fail to pass the edit check will be returned to the VR agency for correction and resubmission. Any corrections made must be consistent with the agency’s electronic case management system and the supporting documentation maintained by the agency.
RSA’s data editing process will utilize both hard and soft edits. Hard edits identify records that “fail” based upon erroneous combinations or missing values. Soft edits are constraints that identify (combinations of) values that are suspicious but not necessarily incorrect.
Due to the number of data elements, RSA will not be issuing an edit check database application to VR agencies. VR agencies are responsible for ensuring that any data submitted conforms to edit check and data submission requirements.
The WIOA PIRL is derived from the Joint Performance ICR and provides a standardized set of data elements, definitions, and reporting instructions that will be used to describe the characteristics, activities, and outcomes of WIOA participants. Under the WIOA PIRL, a “participant” for the purpose of the VR program is an individual who has an approved and signed Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) and has begun to receive services. VR agencies are required to collect participant information that corresponds with the data elements and descriptions delineated within the WIOA PIRL. Once collected, RSA will then aggregate this information as specified in the WIOA Annual Statewide Performance Report Specifications, which details the common data elements and technical specifications necessary for calculation of the State and Local Area performance report elements that will be used in reporting across all core programs.
Where there is a direct correlation between a WIOA PIRL data element and an RSA-911 data element, the WIOA PIRL data element number and name have been included. There are additional WIOA PIRL data elements that must be calculated from other RSA-911 data elements. A list of the calculated WIOA PIRL data elements and the methodology used to calculate them will be posted on RSA’s website,
The data elements in the table below are the only ones required if an individual is receiving pre-employment transition services and has not applied for or been determined eligible for VR services.
Table 1.4: Required Data Elements for Individuals Receiving Pre-Employment Transition Services
Data Element |
Name |
Unique Identifier |
Social Security Number (if available) |
IV.B |
Date of Birth |
IV.C.2 – IV.C.6 |
Race – Required if student is in elementary or secondary education. |
IV.C.7 |
Ethnicity – Required if student is in elementary or secondary education. |
IV.F |
Student with a Disability |
X.A |
Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services |
X.B – X.E |
Pre-Employment Transition Services |
Note: While these are the only required fields for pre-employment transition services, you must report all comma-delimited fields in accordance with the data submission guidelines in Section E, above.
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1,604 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is mandatory as required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, Data Unit, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-2800 or email and reference the OMB Control Number 1820-0508.
The information in this section must be submitted quarterly for all data submissions.
Element Number: 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the calendar year associated with the reporting period.
Data Element Reference Number: 2 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the program year quarter applicable to this data collection reporting period.
Quarter |
Period |
1 |
July 1 – September 30 |
2 |
October 1 – December 31 |
3 |
January 1 – March 31 |
4 |
April 1 – June 30 |
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Data Element Reference Number: 3 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date the report is submitted to RSA through
Data Type: INT 3 Change: Revised
Data Element Reference Number: 4 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the code value assigned to the VR agency submitting the data from the following table. Codes have been pre-assigned to nonexistent agencies for individuals who are blind or visually impaired in the event that these agencies are established in the future.
State or Territory |
Abbreviation |
General/ Combined Code |
Blind Code |
Alabama |
AL |
001 |
057 |
Alaska |
AK |
002 |
058 |
American Samoa |
AM |
003 |
059 |
Arizona |
AZ |
004 |
060 |
Arkansas |
AR |
005 |
061 |
California |
CA |
006 |
062 |
Colorado |
CO |
007 |
063 |
Connecticut |
CT |
008 |
064 |
Delaware |
DE |
009 |
065 |
District of Columbia |
DC |
010 |
066 |
Florida |
FL |
011 |
067 |
Georgia |
GA |
012 |
068 |
Guam |
GU |
013 |
069 |
Hawaii |
HI |
014 |
070 |
Idaho |
ID |
015 |
071 |
Illinois |
IL |
016 |
072 |
Indiana |
IN |
017 |
073 |
Iowa |
IA |
018 |
074 |
Kansas |
KS |
019 |
075 |
Kentucky |
KY |
020 |
076 |
Louisiana |
LA |
021 |
077 |
Maine |
ME |
022 |
078 |
Maryland |
MD |
023 |
079 |
Massachusetts |
MA |
024 |
080 |
Michigan |
MI |
025 |
081 |
Minnesota |
MN |
026 |
082 |
Mississippi |
MS |
027 |
083 |
Missouri |
MO |
028 |
084 |
Montana |
MT |
029 |
085 |
Nebraska |
NE |
030 |
086 |
Nevada |
NV |
031 |
087 |
New Hampshire |
NH |
032 |
088 |
New Jersey |
NJ |
033 |
089 |
New Mexico |
NM |
034 |
090 |
New York |
NY |
035 |
091 |
North Carolina |
NC |
036 |
092 |
North Dakota |
ND |
037 |
093 |
Northern Marianas |
MP |
038 |
094 |
Ohio |
OH |
039 |
095 |
Oklahoma |
OK |
040 |
096 |
Oregon |
OR |
041 |
097 |
Pennsylvania |
PA |
042 |
098 |
Puerto Rico |
PR |
043 |
099 |
Rhode Island |
RI |
044 |
100 |
South Carolina |
SC |
045 |
101 |
South Dakota |
SD |
046 |
102 |
Tennessee |
TN |
047 |
103 |
Texas |
TX |
048 |
104 |
Utah |
UT |
049 |
105 |
Vermont |
VT |
050 |
106 |
Virginia |
VA |
051 |
107 |
Virgin Islands |
VI |
052 |
108 |
Washington |
WA |
053 |
109 |
West Virginia |
WV |
054 |
110 |
Wisconsin |
WI |
055 |
111 |
Wyoming |
WY |
056 |
112 |
Each individual must be assigned a twelve-digit unique identifier. The Unique Identifier must be submitted quarterly for all applicants and eligible individuals, as well as students with a disability who are solely receiving pre-employment transition services and who have not yet applied for VR services. If an individual does not have an SSN or chooses not to provide an SSN, then only the Unique Identifier is reported. An individual’s SSN is reported only one time to RSA with the Unique Identifier. After that, the Unique Identifier is the only unique individual data element reported with each data submission. Once either of these data elements has been reported, the data elements may ONLY be changed by contacting RSA Data Unit staff to initiate a modification.
Report: Each Data Submission
Data Type: VARCHAR 12 Change: New
Element Number: 5 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is receiving pre-employment transition services.
WIOA PIRL data element number 100, Unique Individual Identifier.
When assigning the identifier, the first two digits are the State’s Postal Code (IV.D.1) followed by a unique ten-digit number that is not associated with the individual’s SSN. The number must not duplicate any other assigned unique identifiers.
When assigning a unique identifier, ensure that the same twelve-digit identifier is used in subsequent years for the same individual if additional service records are opened for the individual in the future. When a Blind or General agency in the same State identifies that an individual has been or is being served by the other agency, every effort should be made to ensure the same unique identifier is used for both agencies. This is necessary in order to obtain an unduplicated count of individuals being served in a State.
Report: When Available
Data Type: VARCHAR 9 Change: None
Element Number: 6 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Must be left blank after initial report.
Enter data, if available, for individuals receiving pre-employment transition services.
Record the individual’s nine-digit SSN. Please note that if no SSN is provided, the individual’s wage information cannot be verified through unemployment insurance data and would need to be determined through supplemental information.
The data elements contained in this section are to be reported for each individual who has submitted an application to receive services under the VR program during the quarter. Some of these data elements, as indicated below, must also be reported for students with disabilities who are receiving pre-employment transition services and have not submitted an application to receive VR services consistent with the start date of pre-employment transition services.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 7 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date (year, month, and day) that the agency received a completed and signed application form for VR services from the applicant. The date must be verifiable through supporting documentation.
If a student with a disability is receiving pre-employment transition services only and has not submitted an application for VR services this data element should be left blank and, as stated above, the Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services (X.A) is reported. However, if the individual has submitted an application to receive VR services other than pre-employment transition services, this data element is required.
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 8 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is also required for an individual who is solely receiving pre-employment transition services.
WIOA PIRL data element number 200, Date of Birth.
Record the individual’s date (year, month, and day) of birth.
Report: At Application
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 9 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 201, Sex.
Record the applicant’s sex.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual indicates that he is male. |
2 |
Individual indicates that she is female. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify their sex. |
Race Reporting (IV.C.2-IV.C.6) General Information:
Race information should be recorded for all individuals whose service records were opened in the quarter being reported. For students or youth with disabilities in elementary or secondary education, reporting on race is required. If such students or youth refuses to identify his/her race, the counselor should, at a minimum, notify the individual that if he/she fails to self-identify, an observer-identification method will be used. The counselor or interviewer would then provide the best assessment of the individual's race. This guidance is consistent with the Department of Education's and the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB's) standards for collecting race data.
For individuals not in elementary or secondary education, self-identification is required to the greatest extent possible. It is generally expected that the information recorded will reflect the individual’s own identification of race from the categories provided. Observer identification is not required for individuals with disabilities who are not in elementary or secondary education.
When reporting on multi-racial individuals, use more than one race variable indicating the individual is of that race (i.e., more than one code value 1). If the individual is not in elementary or secondary education and refuses to self-identify, record code value 9 to indicate the individual did not self-identify.
Agencies may leave the data element blank only for individuals with Type of Exit (XVII.B) code value 0 (Individual exited as an applicant, prior to eligibility determination or trial work). For example, if an individual applies for services via an application form or letter and exits the agency without being seen by agency personnel, this individual's race would not be known and could not be observed and therefore all race codes would be left blank.
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 10 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 211, American Indian/Alaska Native.
An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains a tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is American Indian or Alaska Native. |
0 |
Individual is not American Indian or Alaska Native. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her race. |
Report: Either at application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 11 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 212, Asian.
An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is Asian. |
0 |
Individual is not Asian. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her race. |
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 12 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 213, Black/African American.
An individual having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is Black or African American. |
0 |
Individual is not Black or African American. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her race. |
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 13 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 214, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander.
An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. |
0 |
Individual is not Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her race. |
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 14 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 215, White.
An individual having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is White. |
0 |
Individual is not White. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her race. |
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 15 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is in elementary or secondary education.
WIOA PIRL data element number 210, Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino.
This data element should be recorded for all individuals whose service records were opened in the quarter being reported. For students or youth with disabilities in secondary education, reporting on ethnicity is required.
If such student or youth refuses to identify his/her ethnicity, the counselor should, at a minimum, notify the individual that if he/she fails to self-identify, an observer-identification method will be used. The counselor or interviewer would then provide the best assessment of the individual's ethnicity. This guidance is consistent with the Department of Education’s and OMB’s standards for collecting ethnicity data.
If the elementary or secondary student or youth self-identifies as Hispanic or Latino, but refuses or is unable to identify one or more race categories in addition, code the student or youth as Hispanic or Latino for ethnicity and follow the observer-identification method as described above for the race categories.
For individuals not in secondary education, self-identification is required to the greatest extent possible. It is generally expected that the information recorded will reflect the individual’s own identification of ethnicity. Observer identification is not required for individuals with disabilities who are not in elementary or secondary education.
If the individual is not in secondary education and refused to self-identify, record 9 to indicate that the individual did not self-identify ethnicity. Individuals who identify as Hispanic (an individual of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race) may belong to any race group.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is Hispanic or Latino. |
0 |
Individual is not Hispanic or Latino. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify his/her ethnicity. |
Report: At Application
Element Number: 16 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record code value to indicate whether applicant served in the active military, navel or air service, and was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant is a veteran. |
0 |
Applicant is not a veteran. |
Report: At Application
Data Type: INT 2 Change: Revised
Element Number: 17 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the living arrangements of the applicant, either temporarily or permanently, at application, using the following code values:
Code |
Description |
1 |
Private Residence (independent, or with family or other person) |
2 |
Community Residential Facility/Group Home |
3 |
Rehabilitation Facility |
4 |
Mental Health Facility |
5 |
Nursing Home |
6 |
Correctional Facility |
7 |
Halfway House |
8 |
Substance Abuse Treatment Center |
9 |
Homeless/Shelter |
10 |
Other |
Report: At Application and Update as Needed
Data Type: VARCHAR 2 Change: New
Element Number: 18 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 101, State Code of Residence.
Record the two-letter State Postal Code for the State or U.S. Territory corresponding to the location of the individual’s residence. For example, South Dakota would be represented as "SD."
For persons on active military duty, VR agencies should record the two-letter Air/Army Post Office (APO) or Fleet Post Office (FPO) as defined by the Military Postal Service Agency.
Code |
FIPS Description |
AE |
(ZIPs 09xxx) for Armed Forces Europe which includes Canada, Middle East, and Africa |
AP |
(ZIPs 962xx - 966xx) for Armed Forces Pacific |
AA |
(ZIPs 340xx) for Armed Forces (Central and South) Americas |
AL |
Alabama |
AK |
Alaska |
AS |
American Samoa |
AZ |
Arizona |
AR |
Arkansas |
CA |
California |
CO |
Colorado |
CT |
Connecticut |
DE |
Delaware |
DC |
District of Columbia |
FL |
Florida |
GA |
Georgia |
GU |
Guam |
HI |
Hawaii |
ID |
Idaho |
IL |
Illinois |
IN |
Indiana |
IA |
Iowa |
KS |
Kansas |
KY |
Kentucky |
LA |
Louisiana |
ME |
Maine |
MD |
Maryland |
MA |
Massachusetts |
MS |
Mississippi |
MO |
Missouri |
MT |
Montana |
NE |
Nebraska |
NV |
Nevada |
NH |
New Hampshire |
NJ |
New Jersey |
NM |
New Mexico |
MI |
Michigan |
NY |
New York |
NC |
North Carolina |
MN |
Minnesota |
ND |
North Dakota |
MP |
Northern Marianas |
OH |
Ohio |
OK |
Oklahoma |
OR |
Oregon |
PA |
Pennsylvania |
PR |
Puerto Rico |
RI |
Rhode Island |
SC |
South Carolina |
SD |
South Dakota |
TN |
Tennessee |
TX |
Texas |
UT |
Utah |
VT |
Vermont |
VA |
Virginia |
VI |
Virgin Islands |
WA |
Washington |
WV |
West Virginia |
WI |
Wisconsin |
WY |
Wyoming |
88 |
Mexico |
99 |
Canada |
XX |
Other (Not Listed Above) |
Report: At Application and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 5 Change: New
Element Number: 19 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Joint Department of Education and Department of Labor data element.
Record the FIPS county code for the individual’s residence. This code is a five-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) that uniquely identifies counties, county equivalents, and certain U.S. territories. The first two digits are the FIPS State code and the last three are the county code within the State or territories. The codes can be located at the U.S. Census Bureau website:
Report: At Application and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 20 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the five-digit numeric U.S. Postal Service Zip Code corresponding to the location where the individual resides.
Report: At Application
Data Type: INT 2 Change: Revised
Element Number: 21 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the individual, agency, or other entity that first referred the applicant to the VR agency by using one of the following code values. If the applicant approached the VR agency on his/her own, record code value 19 (self-referral).
Code |
Source of Referral at Application |
1 |
14(c) Certificate Holders |
2 |
Adult Education and Literacy Programs |
3 |
American Indian VR Services Program |
4 |
Centers for Independent Living |
5 |
Child Protective Services |
6 |
Community Rehabilitation Programs |
7 |
Consumer Organizations or Advocacy Groups |
8 |
Department of Labor Employment and Training Service Programs for Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth |
9 |
Educational Institutions (Elementary/Secondary) |
10 |
Educational Institutions (Postsecondary) |
11 |
Employers |
12 |
Extended Employment Providers |
13 |
Faith Based Organizations |
14 |
Family/Friends |
15 |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Providers |
16 |
Medical Health Provider (Public or Private) |
17 |
Mental Health Provider (Public or Private) |
18 |
Public Housing Authority |
19 |
Self-referral |
20 |
Social Security Administration (Disability Determination Service or District office) |
21 |
State Department of Correction/Juvenile Justice |
22 |
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) |
23 |
Veteran's Benefits Administration (which includes VA Vocational Rehabilitation) |
24 |
Veteran's Health Administration (the VA hospital system, as well as the VA transitional living, transitional employment, and compensated work therapy programs) |
25 |
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service Program |
26 |
Welfare Agency (State or local government) |
27 |
Worker's Compensation |
28 |
Other One-stop Partner |
29 |
Other Sources |
30 |
Other State Agencies |
31 |
Other VR State Agencies |
32 |
Other WIOA-funded Programs including Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native Americans, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Programs |
Report: Either at Application or Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services whichever comes first.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 22 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is receiving pre-employment transition services.
A student with a disability (34 CFR 361.5(c)(51) means, in general, an individual with a disability in a secondary, postsecondary, or other recognized education program who--
(A)(1) Is not younger than the earliest age for the provision of transition services under section 614(d)(1)(A)(i)(VIII) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1414(d)(1)(A)(i)(VIII)); or
(2) If the State involved elects to use a lower minimum age for receipt of pre-employment transition services under this Act, is not younger than that minimum age; and
(B)(1) Is not older than 21 years of age; or
(2) If the State law for the State provides for a higher maximum age for receipt of services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), is not older than that maximum age; and
(C)(1) Is eligible for, and receiving, special education or related services under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1411 et seq.); or
(2) Is a student who is an individual with a disability, for purposes of section 504.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is a student with a disability and has a section 504 accommodation. |
2 |
Individual is a student with a disability and is receiving transition services under an Individualized Education Program (IEP). |
3 |
Individual is a student with a disability who does not have a section 504 accommodation and is not receiving services under an IEP. |
0 |
Individual is not a student with a disability. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 23 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives SSDI. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive SSDI. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 24 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives SSI for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled program. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive SSI for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled. |
Element Number: 25 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives TANF benefits. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive TANF benefits. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 26 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives General Assistance. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive General Assistance. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 27 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Veterans' Disability Benefits are payments made by the Department of Veterans Affairs for partial or total disability.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives Veterans’ Disability Benefits. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive Veterans’ Disability Benefits. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 28 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives Workers’ Compensation. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive Workers’ Compensation. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 29 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant receives Unemployment Insurance benefits. |
0 |
Applicant does not receive Unemployment Insurance benefits. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 30 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record a code value from the table below to indicate the applicant’s largest single source of economic support.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant’s primary source of support is personal income (employment earnings, interest, dividends, rent, or retirement including social security). |
2 |
Applicant’s primary source of support is family and friends. |
3 |
Applicant’s primary source of support is public support (SSI, SSDI, TANF, etc.). |
4 |
Applicant’s primary source of support is from other sources (e.g., private disability insurance and private charities). |
If the applicant is supported by the earnings of a spouse, or by the spouse's unemployment insurance benefits, record code value 2 (family and friends) as the Primary Source of Support and not code value 1 (personal income). If an applicant is primarily supported by a governmental entity with no cash support – for example, incarcerated individuals – record code value 3 (public support) as the Primary Source of Support only if the applicant is the recipient of the support. If the family receives public support, record code value 2 (family and friends).
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 31 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant has Medicaid. |
0 |
Applicant does not have Medicaid. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 32 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant has Medicare. |
0 |
Applicant does not have Medicare. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 33 Multiple Values Allowed: No
State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange refers to individuals receiving benefits through their enrollment in an Affordable Care Act Exchange.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant is receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at the time of application. |
0 |
Applicant is not receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at the time of application. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 34 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant has public insurance from sources not listed in data elements (IV.H.1-IV.H.3). |
0 |
Applicant does not have public insurance. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 35 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant has private insurance through employer. |
0 |
Applicant does not have private insurance through employer. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 36 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant is not eligible for private insurance through a current employer, but will be eligible for private insurance after a certain period of employment. |
0 |
Applicant does not meet the conditions described above. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 37 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Private insurance through other means refers to applicants who are self-insured or receiving benefits through their parent/family members’ insurance plan.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Applicant has private insurance through other means. |
0 |
Applicant does not have private insurance through other means. |
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: None
Element Number: 38 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date that the initial eligibility determination was made.
This date will be maintained regardless of whether the individual is later determined ineligible. This situation may occur when an individual acquires additional disabilities or functional limitations during the service delivery process that result in the individual being unable to continue benefitting from VR services.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 39 Multiple Values Allowed: No
This data element records whether the applicant and counselor completed a signed extension (of time) for eligibility determination within 60 days of the individual’s application for VR services.
Code |
Description |
1 |
A signed eligibility determination extension was complete. |
0 |
A signed eligibility determination extension was not completed. |
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 40 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date, if applicable, that the applicant was placed on an OOS waiting list. This date must be equal to or later than both the Date of Application (IV.A) and the Date of Eligibility Determination (V.A).
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 41 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date, if applicable, that the applicant exited from an OOS waiting list. This date must be after the Date of Placement on OOS Waiting List (VI.A).
Leave blank if the applicant was not placed on an OOS wait list.
If the applicant exited the VR program from an OOS waiting list, this data element must contain a valid date and be equal to the Date of Exit (XVII.A) and Type of Exit (XVII.B), must be code 2 (Individual exited after eligibility, but from an order of selection waiting list).
Report: At Eligibility Determination and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 42 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 202, Individual with a Disability.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual indicates that he/she has any "disability”, as defined in section 3(2)(a) of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Under that definition, a "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the person's major life activities. |
0 |
Individual indicates that he/she does not have a disability that meets the definition. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify. |
Report: At Eligibility Determination and Update as Needed
Data Type: VARCHAR 5 Change: Revised
Element Number: 43 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Record the code value that best describes the individual's primary physical or mental impairment that causes or results in a substantial impediment to employment. The data reported is a combination of the Type of Impairment code and the Source of Impairment code. The first two digits designate the Type of Impairment (sensory, physical or mental), and the last two digits indicate the cause or Source of Impairment. Use a semi-colon between the Type of Impairment code and the Source of Impairment code. Do not use spaces or commas between the code values. If the individual is found not to have a disability, this item should be coded 0;0.
Leave blank if the information is not available for individuals who exited as an applicant prior to eligibility determination or trial work, Type of Exit (XVII.B) code value 0.
Code |
Type of Impairment |
0 |
No Impairment |
Sensory/Communicative Impairments |
1 |
Blindness |
2 |
Other Visual Impairments |
3 |
Deafness, Primary Communication Visual |
4 |
Deafness, Primary Communication Auditory |
5 |
Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Visual |
6 |
Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Auditory |
7 |
Other Hearing Impairments (Tinnitus, Meniere's Disease, hyperacusis, etc.) |
8 |
Deaf-Blindness |
9 |
Communicative Impairments (expressive/receptive) |
Physical Impairments |
10 |
Mobility Orthopedic/Neurological Impairments |
11 |
Manipulation/Dexterity Orthopedic/Neurological Impairments |
12 |
Both Mobility and Manipulation/Dexterity Orthopedic/Neurological Impairments |
13 |
Other Orthopedic Impairments (e.g., limited range of motion) |
14 |
Respiratory Impairments |
15 |
General Physical Debilitation (e.g., fatigue, weakness, pain, etc.) |
16 |
Other Physical Impairments (not listed above) |
Mental Impairments |
17 |
Cognitive Impairments (e.g., impairments involving learning, thinking, processing information and concentration) |
18 |
Psychosocial Impairments (e.g., interpersonal and behavioral impairments, difficulty coping) |
19 |
Other Mental Impairments |
Code |
Source of Impairment |
0 |
Cause Unknown |
1 |
Accident/Injury (other than TBI or SCI) |
2 |
Alcohol Abuse or Dependence |
3 |
Amputations |
4 |
Anxiety Disorders |
5 |
Arthritis and Rheumatism |
6 |
Asthma and Other Allergies |
7 |
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) |
8 |
Autism |
9 |
Blood Disorders |
10 |
Cancer |
11 |
Cardiac and Other Conditions of the Circulatory System |
12 |
Cerebral Palsy |
13 |
Congenital Condition or Birth Injury |
14 |
Cystic Fibrosis |
15 |
Depressive and Other Mood Disorders |
16 |
Diabetes Mellitus |
17 |
Digestive |
18 |
Drug Abuse or Dependence (other than alcohol) |
19 |
Eating Disorders (e.g., anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating) |
20 |
End-Stage Renal Disease and Other Genitourinary System Disorders |
21 |
Epilepsy |
22 |
HIV and AIDS |
23 |
Immune Deficiencies Excluding HIV/AIDS |
23 |
Mental Illness (not listed elsewhere) |
25 |
Mental Retardation |
26 |
Multiple Sclerosis |
27 |
Muscular Dystrophy |
28 |
Parkinson's Disease and Other Neurological Disorders |
29 |
Personality Disorders |
30 |
Physical Disorders/Conditions (not listed elsewhere) |
31 |
Polio |
32 |
Respiratory Disorders Other than Cystic Fibrosis or Asthma |
33 |
Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders |
34 |
Specific Learning Disabilities |
35 |
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) |
36 |
Stroke |
37 |
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) |
Report: At Eligibility Determination and Update as Needed
Data Type: VARCHAR 5 Change: Revised
Element Number: 44 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Record the code value that best describes the individual's secondary physical or mental impairment that causes or results in a substantial impediment to employment. Select from the code values listed in the Primary Disability (VII.B.) data element. The number reported is a combination of the Type of Impairment code and the Source of Impairment code. The first two digits designate the Type Impairment (sensory, physical or mental), and the last two digits indicate the cause or Source of Impairment. Use a semi-colon between the Type of Impairment code and the Source of Impairment code. Do not use spaces or commas between the code values.
If the individual is found not to have a disability, this item should be coded 0;0.
Leave blank if the information is not available for individuals who exited as an applicant prior to eligibility determination or trial work, Type of Exit (XVII.B) code value 0.
Report: At Eligibility Determination and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 45 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the appropriate code value to indicate whether the individual is classified by the agency as an individual with a significant disability or a most significant disability. If an individual is receiving Social Security benefits at application or exit due to their own disabling condition, he/she is presumed eligible and must be classified as an individual with at least a significant disability and may be classified in a more significantly disabled category consistent with the VR agency's approved criteria.
An individual with a significant disability is an individual:
a) who has a physical or mental impairment that seriously limits one or more functional capacities (such as mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, interpersonal skills, work tolerance, or work skills) in terms of an employment outcome; AND
b) whose VR can be expected to require multiple VR services over an extended period of time; AND
c) who has one or more physical or mental disabilities resulting from amputation, arthritis, autism, blindness, burn injury, cancer, cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, deafness, head injury, heart disease, hemiplegia, hemophilia, respiratory or pulmonary dysfunction, intellectual disability, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, musculo-skeletal disorders, neurological disorders (including stroke and epilepsy), spinal cord conditions (including paraplegia and quadriplegia), sickle cell anemia, specific learning disability, end-stage renal disease, or another disability or combination of disabilities determined on the basis of an assessment for determining eligibility and VR needs to cause comparable substantial functional limitation.
Individuals are to be coded as most significantly disabled if they meet the VR agency's definition of most significantly disabled using criteria consistent with the statutory definition of most significantly disabled described in section 101(a)(5)(c) of the Act as amended.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has a significant disability. |
2 |
Individual is most significantly disabled. |
0 |
Individual has no significant disability.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 46 Multiple Values Allowed: No
This data element captures the start of assessment activities related to the provision of trial work as part of the initial VR eligibility process. This element may also be used to capture the start dates for subsequent instances of trial work for the purposes of additional assessment in the IPE development or service delivery process, as well as a subsequent determination of whether the individual can continue to benefit from services due to the occurrence of additional disabling condition(s) and/or additional functional limitations.
Record the date that the individual’s trial work experience began. If the individual has been placed in more than one trial work experience, the first occurrence of trial work must have an End Date of Trial Work Experience (VIII.B) before another Start Date of Trial Work Experience can be entered.
Leave blank if individual did not have a trial work experience.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: None
Element Number: 47 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date that the individual’s trial work experience ended.
Leave blank if individual did not have a trial work experience.
Report: At Each IPE and Amendment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 48 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date on which the most recent IPE for the individual became effective (date signed by both VR Counselor and individual).
Leave blank if individual does not have an IPE.
The IPE is effective on the date on which both the VR Counselor and individual reach agreement, as indicated by the signatures and dates on the IPE. If the two signatures bear different dates, the later date should be considered the effective date of the IPE. If the IPE is amended more than once during the same reporting quarter, record the most recent date. If the IPE is amended in subsequent quarters, record the subsequent date in the reporting quarter in which the IPE was amended.
Report: At Each IPE and Amendment
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 49 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has a supported employment goal on the current IPE. |
0 |
Individual does not have a supported employment goal on the IPE. |
The term “supported employment” (34 CFR 361.5(c)(53)) means competitive integrated employment, including customized employment, or employment in an integrated work setting in which an individual with a most significant disability, including a youth with a most significant disability, is working on a short-term basis toward competitive integrated employment that is individualized, and customized, consistent with the unique strengths, abilities, interests, and informed choice of the individual, including with ongoing support services for individual with the most significant disabilities – (A) For whom competitive integrated employment has not historically occurred, or for whom competitive integrated employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a significant disability; and (B) Who, because of the nature and severity of their disabilities, need intensive supported employment services and extended services after the transition from support provided by the designated State unit, in order to perform this work. See 34 CFR 361.5(c)(53) for the complete definition.
Element Number: 50 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 400, Employment Status at Program Entry.
Record the code value that best describes the employment status of the individual. The first six codes are considered "employment" for purposes of this data element. Individuals not meeting the definitions for code values 1 through 6 below would be classified as "not employed" (code values 7 through 10).
If an individual’s employment status can be recorded in two different code values, record the code value that is most descriptive of the individual's employment.
Data Type: VARCHAR 6 Change: New
Element Number: 51 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who is employed, enter the current Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code that best describes the individual’s occupation from which he/she derives the majority of their hourly earnings. If the individual is not employed at application, leave blank.
Data Type: DECIMAL 5, 2 Change: New
Element Number: 52 Multiple Values Allowed: No
This data element captures cash earnings of the individual expressed as an hourly wage and includes all wages, salaries, tips, profits from self-employment and commissions received as income. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
Where wages are based on commissions that are irregular (e.g., real estate, automobile sales, etc.), they should be calculated as an average hourly wage over a representative period of time, such as one month or one quarter, to obtain a reportable figure. Commissions are generally not paid when earned, but rather are paid periodically, such as weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. To bring standardization to this data element, wages should be based on the actual receipt of the payment and not on amounts accruing until the next commission payout.
Record individual’s hourly wage (rounded to the nearest cent) earned at the time of the IPE.
Record 0 if individual had no earnings at the time of application.
Element Number: 53 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the number of hours the individual worked for earnings in a typical week at the time of the IPE.
Record 0 if individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings.
The data elements in this section are completed at each IPE and updated as necessary. They should be reviewed and any changes noted with each subsequent IPE or more frequently if indicated.
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 54 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 903, Adult.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under WIOA section 133(b)(2)(A) [Adult Employment and Training Activities] as an individual who is not less than age 18 at the time of program entry. |
2 |
Individual received services under WIOA section 133(a)(1) [Statewide Workforce Investment Activities]. |
3 |
Individual received services under WIOA sections 133(b)(2)(A) [Adult Employment and Training Activities] and 132(b)(1) [Statewide Workforce Investment Activities]. |
0 |
Individual did not receive services under the WIOA sections listed above. |
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 55 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 910, Adult Education.
Adult Education is defined under WIOA Title II as:
academic instruction and education services below the postsecondary level that increases an individual’s ability to---
(A) read, write, and speak in English and perform mathematics or other activities necessary for the attainment of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent;
(B) transition to postsecondary education and training; and
(C) obtain employment.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual did not receive Adult Education services. |
0 |
Individual did not receive any Adult Education services. |
9 |
Unable to track enrollment in the program. |
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 56 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 904, Dislocated Worker.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under section 133(b)(2)(B) of WIOA as a person who— (A)(i) has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment; (ii)(I) is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation; or (II) has been employed for a duration sufficient to demonstrate, to the appropriate entity at a one-stop center referred to in section 121(e), attachment to the workforce, but is not eligible for unemployment compensation due to insufficient earnings or having performed services for an employer that were not covered under a State unemployment compensation law; and (iii) is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation; (B)(i) has been terminated or laid off, or has received a notice of termination or layoff, from employment as a result of any permanent closure of, or any substantial layoff at, a plant, facility, or enterprise; (ii) is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close within 180 days; or (iii) for purposes of eligibility to receive services other than training services described in section 134(c)(3) of WIOA, career services described in section 134(c)(2)(A)(xii) of WIOA, or supportive services, is employed at a facility at which the employer has made a general announcement that such facility will close; (C) was self-employed (including employment as a farmer, a rancher, or a fisherman) but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions in the community in which the individual resides or because of natural disasters; (D) is a displaced homemaker; or (E)(i) is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty (as defined in section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code), and who has experienced a loss of employment as a direct result of relocation to accommodate a permanent change in duty station of such member; or (ii) is the spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who meets the criteria described in section 3(16)(B) of WIOA. |
2 |
Individual received services under section 133(a) of WIOA. |
3 |
Individual received services under sections 133(b)(2)(B) and 133(a) of WIOA. |
0 |
Individual did not receive services under the WIOA sections listed above. |
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 57 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 911, Job Corps.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under WIOA title I Chapter 4, Subtitle C. |
0 |
Individual did not receive services under WIOA title I Chapter 4, Subtitle C. |
9 |
Unable to track enrollment in program.
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 58 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 917, Vocational Rehabilitation.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under parts A and B of title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC 720 et seq.), WIOA title IV (VR), and Sec. 411(B)(15) defined as transition services for students with disabilities, that facilitate the transition from school to postsecondary life, such as achievement of an employment outcome in competitive integrated employment, or pre-employment transition services. |
2 |
Individual received services from the Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Program authorized by 38 USC Chapter 31. |
3 |
Individual received services from both vocational rehabilitation programs listed above. |
0 |
Individual did not receive any services described above. |
9 |
Unknown |
Report: At Each IPE and Update as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 59 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 918, Wagner-Peyser Employment Service.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under the Wagner-Peyser Act, as amended by title III of WIOA (29 USC 49 et seq.) (Wagner-Peyser Act). |
0 |
Individual did not receive services under the Wagner-Peyser Act. |
9 |
Unable to track enrollment in program.
Report: At Each IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 60 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 905, Youth.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received services under section 128(b) of WIOA. |
2 |
Individual received services under section 128(a) of WIOA. |
3 |
Individual received services under sections 128(b) and 128(a) of WIOA. |
0 |
Individual did not receive services under the WIOA sections listed above. |
Report: At Each IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: VARCHAR 14 Change: New
Element Number: 61 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 919, YouthBuild.
Record the 14 character grant number if the participant received services under the YouthBuild Program as authorized under WIOA section 171. The grant number should be entered in the following format without dashes: Two alphabetic characters representing the grant program code – five numeric characters – two numeric characters representing the fiscal year when the grant was awarded – two numeric characters identifying the type of grant awarded – one alphabetic character identifying the relevant agency at ETA – two numeric characters identifying the State that received the grant was served under (e.g., AA-12345-12-55-A-26).
If the individual is being served by the YouthBuild program and the grant number is unknown, enter all 9’s. Leave blank if the individual did not receive services funded by YouthBuild.
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 62 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 402, Long-Term Unemployed at Program Entry.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has been unemployed for 27 or more consecutive weeks. |
0 |
Individual has not been unemployed for 27 or more consecutive weeks. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 63 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 601, Exhausting TANF Within 2 Years (Part A Title IV of the Social Security Act) at Program Entry.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is within two years of exhausting lifetime eligibility under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.), regardless of whether receiving these benefits at the time of the initial IPE. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the condition described above. |
9 |
Individual has never received TANF or the individual has already exhausted lifetime TANF eligibility. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 64 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element 704, Foster Care Youth Status at Program Entry.
Data element is only applicable to youth.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is currently in foster care or has aged out of the foster care system. |
0 |
Individual is not currently in foster care and has not aged out of the foster care system. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 65 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 800, Homeless Individual, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth at Program Entry.
An individual is considered homeless if he/she:
(a) Lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; this includes an individual who:
(i) is sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason;
(ii) is living in a motel, hotel, trailer park, or campground due to a lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
(iii) is living in an emergency or transitional shelter;
(iv) is abandoned in a hospital; or
(v) is awaiting foster care placement;
(b) Has a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, such as a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;
(c) Is a migratory child who in the preceding 36 months was required to move from one school district to another due to changes in the parent’s or parent’s spouse’s seasonal employment in agriculture, dairy, or fishing work; or
(d) Is under 18 years of age and absents himself or herself from home or place of legal residence without the permission of his or her family (i.e., runaway youth).
This definition does not include an individual imprisoned or detained under an Act of Congress or State law. An individual who may be sleeping in a temporary accommodation while away from home should not, as a result of that fact alone, be recorded as homeless.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of homeless. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the definition of homeless. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 66 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 801, Ex-Offender Status at Program Entry.
Individual is considered an ex-offender if he/she is a person who either (a) has been subject to any stage of the criminal justice process for committing a status offense or delinquent act, or (b) requires assistance in overcoming barriers to employment resulting from a record of arrest or conviction.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of an ex-offender. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the definition of ex-offender. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 67 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 802, Low Income Status at Program Entry.
An individual is considered low income if he/she:
(a) Receives, or in the 6 months prior to application to the program has received, or is a member of a family that is receiving or in the past 6 months prior to application to the program has received:
(i) Assistance through the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 (7 USC 2011 et seq.);
(ii) Assistance through the temporary assistance for needy families program under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 USC 601 et seq.);
(iii) Assistance through the supplemental security income program
under Title XVI of the Social Security Act (42 USC 1381); or
State or local income-based public assistance.
(b) Is in a family with total family income that does not exceed the higher of the poverty line or 70% of the lower living standard income level;
(c) Is a youth who receives, or is eligible to receive a free or reduced price lunch under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 USC 1751 et seq.);
(d) Is a foster child on behalf of whom State or local government payments are made;
(e) Is an individual with a disability whose own income is the poverty line but who is a member of a family whose income does not meet this requirement;
(f) Is a homeless individual or a homeless child or youth or runaway youth (B.8.5).
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of low income |
0 |
Individual does not meet the definition of low income. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 68 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 803, English Language Learner at Program Entry.
An individual is considered an English language learner if he/she is a person who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing or understanding the English language and also meets at least one of the following two conditions (a) his or her native language is a language other than English, or (b) he or she lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of English language learner. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the definition of English language learner. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 69 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 804, Low Levels of Literacy at Program Entry.
An individual is considered to be basic skills deficient/low levels of literacy if he/she is: a) a youth, who has English reading, writing, or computing skills at or below the 8th grade level on a generally accepted standardized test; or b) a youth or adult, who is unable to compute and solve problems, or read, write, or speak English at a level necessary to function on the job, in the individual’s family, or in society.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the criteria for basic skills deficient/low levels of literacy. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the criteria for basic skills deficient/low levels of literacy. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 70 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 805, Cultural Barriers at Program Entry.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual perceives himself or herself as possessing attitudes, beliefs, customs or practices that influence a way of thinking, acting or working that may serve as a hindrance to employment. |
0 |
Individual does not perceive himself or herself as possessing attitudes, beliefs, customs or practices that influence a way of thinking, acting or working that may serve as a hindrance to employment. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 71 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 806, Single Parent at Program Entry.
An individual is a single parent if they are single, separated, divorced or widowed and have primary responsibility for one or more dependent children under age 18 (including single pregnant woman).
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of a single parent. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the definition of single parent. |
9 |
Individual did not self-identify. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 72 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 807, Displaced Homemaker at Program Entry.
An individual is considered to be a displaced homemaker if he/she has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who:
(A)(i) has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or (ii) is the dependent spouse of a member of the Armed Forces on active duty (as defined in section 101(d)(1) of title 10, United States Code) and whose family income is significantly reduced because of a deployment (as defined in section 991(b) of title 10, United States Code, or pursuant to paragraph (4) of such section), a call or order to active duty pursuant to a provision of law referred to in section 101(a)(13)(B) of title 10, United States Code, a permanent change of station, or the service-connected (as defined in section 101(16) of title 38, United States Code) death or disability of the member; and
(B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual meets the definition of a displaced homemaker. |
0 |
Individual does not meet definition of a displaced homemaker. |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 73 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 808, Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is a low-income individual (i) who for 12 consecutive months out of the 24 months prior to application for the program involved, has been primarily employed in agriculture or fish farming labor that is characterized by chronic unemployment or underemployment; and (ii) faces multiple barriers to economic self-sufficiency. |
2 |
Individual is a seasonal farmworker whose agricultural labor requires travel to a job site such that the farmworker is unable to return to a permanent place of residence within the same day. |
3 |
Individual is a dependent (as defined in 20 CFR 685.110) of the individual described as a seasonal or migrant seasonal farmworker above. |
0 |
Individual does not meet any of the migrant or seasonal farmworker conditions listed above. |
Report: At Initial IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: VARCHAR 5 Change: New
Element Number: 74 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
If the State defines age of students with disabilities at the beginning of the reporting quarter to be other than ages 16 to 21, record the two-digit lower limit for the age of the students with disabilities followed by a semi-colon and then the two-digit upper limit for the age of the students with disabilities. For example, if the State defines the ages of students with disabilities to be 14 to 24 instead of 16 to 21, record "14;24," or if the State defines the ages of students with disabilities to be 16 to 24, record "16;24."
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 75 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 409, School Status at Participation.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has not received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and is attending any elementary or secondary school (including elementary, intermediate, junior high school, whether full or part-time), or is between school terms and intends to return to school. |
2 |
Individual has not received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and is attending an alternative secondary school or an alternative course of study approved by the local educational agency whether full or part-time. |
3 |
Individual has received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent and is attending a postsecondary school or program (whether full or part-time), or is between school terms and is enrolled to return to school. |
4 |
Individual is not within the age of compulsory school attendance; and is no longer attending any school and has not received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. |
5 |
Individual is not attending any school and has either a secondary school diploma or has attained a secondary school equivalency. |
6 |
Individual is within the age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school year calendar quarter and has not received a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 76 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 408, Highest Educational Level Completed at Program Entry.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual attained a secondary school diploma. |
2 |
Individual attained a secondary school equivalency. |
3 |
Individual has a disability and attained a certificate of attendance/completion as a result of successfully completing an Individualized Education Program (IEP). |
4 |
Individual completed one or more years of postsecondary education. |
5 |
Individual attained a postsecondary certification, license, or educational certificate (non-degree). |
6 |
Individual attained an Associate’s Degree. |
7 |
Individual attained a Bachelor’s Degree. |
8 |
Individual attained a degree beyond a Bachelor’s Degree. |
9 |
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 2 Change: New
Element Number: 77 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 407, Highest School Grade Completed at Program Entry.
Use the appropriate code to report the highest school grade completed by the individual.
Record 1-12 for the number of the highest school grade completed by the individual.
Record 0 if no school grades were completed.
Report: At Initial IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 78 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1401, Enrolled in Secondary Education Program at Program Entry.
This data element may be used if the individual was either already enrolled in secondary education at the time of application to the program or became enrolled in a secondary education program at the 9th Grade level at any point while participating in the program.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is enrolled in a secondary education program at or above the 9th grade level. |
0 |
Individual is not enrolled in a secondary education program at or above the 9th grade level. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Achievement
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 79 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date individual attained special education certificate of completion.
Leave blank if individual did not attain a special education certificate of completion.
Report: At Initial IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 80 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is enrolled in a State Adult Secondary School at the High ASE level. |
0 |
Individual is not currently enrolled in a State Adult Secondary School at the High ASE level. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Achievement
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 81 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual completed secondary education and attained secondary school diploma. |
0 |
Individual did not complete secondary education and attain a secondary school diploma. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Achievement
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 82 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date individual attained secondary school equivalency (GED).
Leave blank if individual did not attain a secondary school equivalency (GED).
Report: At Initial IPE and Updated as Needed
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 83 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the highest level of postsecondary education the individual is enrolled in regardless of whether the individual is enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Highest level of postsecondary education the individual is enrolled in is the first academic year (Freshman). |
2 |
Highest level of postsecondary education the individual is enrolled in is the second academic year (Sophomore). |
3 |
Highest level of postsecondary education the individual is enrolled in is the third academic year (Junior). |
4 |
Highest level of postsecondary education the individual is enrolled in is the fourth academic year (Senior). |
0 |
Individual is not enrolled in postsecondary education. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Enrollment
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 84 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1332, Participated in Postsecondary Education During Program Participation.
Do not report code value 1 if the participant was first enrolled in postsecondary education after exiting the program. This data element relates to the credential indicator denominator and individuals reported as code value 1 are included in the credential rate denominator. This element is a subset of the data element Date Enrolled During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment (IX.F.12).
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is in a postsecondary education program that leads to a credential or degree from an accredited postsecondary education institution. |
0 |
Individual is not in a postsecondary education program that leads to a credential or degree from an accredited postsecondary education institution during program participation. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Enrollment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 85 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1811, Date Enrolled During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment.
Record the date the participant was enrolled during program participation in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment as defined by the core program in which the participant participates. States may use this coding value if the individual was either already enrolled in education or training at the time of the initial IPE or became enrolled in education or training at any point while participating in the program. If the individual was enrolled in postsecondary education at the initial IPE, the date in this field should be the Date of Application (IV.A). This includes, but is not limited to, participation in Job Corps, YouthBuild, Adult Education, or secondary education programs.
This data element applies to the Measurable Skill Gains Indicator, and will be utilized to calculate the denominator. It encompasses all education and training program enrollment.
Leave blank if the data element does not apply to the individual.
Report: At Initial IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 86 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has completed some postsecondary education but, has no degree or certificate. |
0 |
Individual has not completed some postsecondary education and has no degree or certificate. |
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 87 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Associate’s Degree was attained.
Leave blank if Associate’s Degree was not attained.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 88 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Bachelor’s Degree was attained.
Leave blank if Bachelor’s Degree was not attained.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 89 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Master’s Degree was attained.
Leave blank if Master’s Degree was not attained.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 90 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Graduate Degree was attained.
Leave blank if no Graduate Degree was attained.
Report: At Each IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 91 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is enrolled in a career or technical training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential. |
0 |
Individual is not enrolled in a career or technical training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential.
Report: At Each IPE
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 92 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is enrolled in a career or technical training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential. |
0 |
Individual is not enrolled in a career or technical training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 93 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Vocational/Technical License was attained.
Leave blank if Vocational/Technical License was not attained.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 94 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record date Vocational/Training Certificate was attained.
Leave blank if Vocational/Training Certificate was not attained.
Report: At Initial IPE or Upon Attainment
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 95 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date on which the individual attained some other form of recognized diploma, degree, or certificate not listed above.
Leave blank if individual did not attain some other form of recognized diploma, degree, or certificate not listed above.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 96 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data entry is required if individual is receiving pre-employment transition services, regardless of whether the individual has applied or been determined eligible for VR services.
Once this data element has been reported, the data element may ONLY be changed by contacting RSA Data Unit staff to initiate a modification.
Students with disabilities receiving only pre-employment transition services are not required to apply for or be determined eligible for the VR program services. However, if a student with a disability receives a VR service other than a pre-employment transition service, a Date of Application (IV.A) is required.
Pre-Employment Transition Services Reporting General Information:
As described in 34 CFR 361.48, the following exclusive list of pre-employment transition services may be provided:
(i) Job exploration counseling;
(ii) Work-based learning experiences, which may include in-school or after school opportunities, or experience outside the traditional school setting (including internships), that is provided in an integrated environment in the community to the maximum extent possible;
(iii) Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs at institutions of higher education;
(iv) Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living; and
(v) Instruction in self-advocacy (including instruction in person-centered planning), which may include peer mentoring (including peer mentoring from individuals with disabilities working in competitive integrated employment).
Record the date that the student with a disability started receiving pre-employment transition services.
Leave blank if individual is not receiving pre-employment transition services.
For each pre-employment transition service category (i.e., Job Exploration Counseling, Work Based Learning Experiences, Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities, Workplace Readiness Training, and Instruction in Self Advocacy), there are six potential data elements to report. These elements record how the service was provided, the type of service provider and the amount expended for the service. These data elements must be reported for all individuals receiving pre-employment transition services, including applicants and eligible individuals. If any of the categories of service included in this section are being received by an individual, the appropriate code values must be included with each data submission. When reporting that a pre-employment transition service is no longer being provided, code value 2 must be entered in the quarter in which the services are discontinued, regardless of when payment for the services is made.
Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house)
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff (in-house).
Record 2 if service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff (in-house) and is no longer being provided.
Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff (in-house).
Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency.
Record 2 if service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency and is no longer being provided.
Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency.
If code value 1 is recorded, the VR agency must also provide responses to the next two data elements, Purchased Service Provider Type and VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service. If not, Purchased Service Provider Type and VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service may be left blank.
Purchased Service Provider Type
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
If the pre-employment transition service was purchased in whole or part by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, record the code value that best describes the primary service provider.
The majority of purchased services were provided directly by:
Code |
Description |
1 |
Community Rehabilitation Programs (CRPs): Public CRPs are programs that are operated by a State, county, municipal or other local government. |
2 |
Private CRP: Private CRPs are programs that are operated as not-for-profit organizations. |
3 |
Public Service Provider: Public service providers are organizations or agencies of State, county, municipal or other local governments. |
4 |
Other Private Service Provider: Private service providers include private not-for-profit organizations, such as VR providers (other than CRPs), proprietary businesses; such as private hospitals and mental health clinics, and contracted service delivery staff. |
VR Program Expenditure for Purchased Service
Data Type: INT 6 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For pre-employment transition services, this data element captures the expenditures (amounts) per quarter for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances.
Do not include costs incurred for program administration, salaries of counselors, and other staff who contribute to the authorization process.
Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Comparable services and benefits are defined at 34 CFR 361.5(c)(8).
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers.
Record 2 if service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits and is no longer being provided.
Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers.
Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type
Data Type: VARCHAR 8 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
For each of the service categories, record up to three codes, separated by semi-colons, that best describe the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Make sure to use semi-colons between the codes. Do not use commas or spaces.
Examples: If the individual received comparable services or benefits from the Veteran’s Benefits Administration and Federal Student Aid, record “21;12”. If the individual received comparable services or benefits from a public Community Rehabilitation Program as well as from a developmental disability agency, record “6;13”. If comparable services or benefits were received by an individual from an elementary or secondary educational institution only, then record “8”.
Code |
Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type |
Adult education and Literacy program administered by the Department of Education |
2 |
Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth program administered by Department of Labor (DOL) |
3 |
American Indian VR Services Program |
4 |
Public Centers for Independent Living |
5 |
Child Protective Service |
6 |
Public Rehabilitation Program |
7 |
Employer Provided Benefits |
8 |
Public Educational Institution (elementary/secondary) |
9 |
Public Educational Institution (postsecondary) |
10 |
Public Employment Network (not otherwise listed) |
11 |
Federal Student Aid (e.g., Pell grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, work study, etc.) |
12 |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agency (Public) |
13 |
Medical Health Provider (Public) |
14 |
Mental Health Provider (Public) |
15 |
One-stop Partner (not listed separately) |
16 |
Public Housing Authority |
17 |
Social Security Administration (Disability Determination Service or District office) |
18 |
State Department of Correction/Juvenile Justice |
19 |
State Employment Service Agency |
20 |
Veteran's Benefits Administration (which includes VA Vocational Rehabilitation) |
21 |
Veteran's Health Administration (the VA hospital system, as well as the VA transitional living, transitional employment, and compensated work therapy programs) |
22 |
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service Program |
23 |
Welfare Agency (State or local government) |
Change: New
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 97 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 98 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 99 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 100 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 101 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 102 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 103 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 104 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 105 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 106 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 107 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 108 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 109 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 110 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT1
Element Number: 111 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 112 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 113 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 114 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 115 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 116 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT1
Element Number: 117 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 118 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 119 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 120 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 121 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 122 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT1
Element Number: 123 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 124 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 125 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 126 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Report: Upon Start Date of Initial VR Service
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 127 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date on which the initial VR service, service listed in Sections XII, XIII or XIV, began after the IPE for the individual became effective.
Leave blank if individual has not received an initial VR service after the IPE for the individual became effective.
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 128 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number1004, Date of Most Recent Career Service.
Career services refer to the services described in WIOA Sec 134(c)(2)(A)(xii). For VR purposes, these services are the ones identified in Sections XIII of this manual.
Record the date on which career services were last received (excluding information services or activities or follow-up services).
Leave blank if the individual did not receive career services.
VR and SE Services Reporting General Information:
For each service category, there are seven potential reporting data elements. These data elements record how the service was provided, the type of service provider, the amount expended for the service, etc.
Service Provided by VR Agency Staff (in-house)
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part by VR agency staff (in-house).
Leave blank if service was not provided by VR agency staff (in-house).
Service Provided Through VR Agency Purchase
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency.
Leave blank if service was not provided through purchase by VR agency.
If code value 1 is recorded, the VR agency must also provide responses to the next data element, Purchased Service Provider Type. If not, Purchased Service Provider Type may be left blank.
Purchased Service Provider Type
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
If the service was provided in whole or part through purchase by the VR agency, the Purchased Service Provider Type must be reported. For each service category, record the code value that best describes the primary service provider.
The majority of purchased services were provided directly by:
Code |
Description |
1 |
Public Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP): Public CRPs are programs that are operated by a State, county, municipal or other local government. |
2 |
Private CRP: Private CRPs are programs that are operated as not-for-profit organizations. |
3 |
Other Public Service Provider: Public service providers are organizations or agencies of State, county, municipal or other local governments. |
4 |
Other Private Service Provider: Private service providers include private not-for-profit organizations, such as VR providers (other than CRPs), proprietary businesses; such as private hospitals and mental health clinics, and contracted service delivery staff. |
Once the service provider type has been reported, the VR agency must record the source of funds and the quarterly amount of payment for each purchased service.
Amount of VR Funds Expended for Service (Title I)
Data Type: INT 6 Multiple Values Allowed: No
This data element captures the quarterly VR program expenditures for the purchased service. Expenditures may include non-Federal share and VR program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances.
Do not include administrative costs, salaries of counselors, and other staff who contribute to the authorization process.
Amount of SE Funds Expended for Service (Title VI)
Data Type: INT 6 Multiple Values Allowed: No
This data element captures the quarterly Supported Employment Services program expenditures for the purchased service. Recipients of these funds must have a supported employment goal in their IPEs and have already been placed in an employment setting. Individuals with a supported employment goal stated in their IPEs may receive any category of services depending on their particular needs. Therefore, to identify the use of these funds, each service category includes this data element.
Expenditures may include outlays of non-Federal share and Supported Employment Services program Federal funds, including program income, used to purchase the service. Expenditures do not include unliquidated obligations or encumbrances, or projections/budgets for expenditures.
Do not include administrative costs, salaries of counselors, and other staff who contribute to the authorization process.
Service Provided by Comparable Services and Benefits Providers
Data Type: INT 1 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Comparable services and benefits are defined at 34 CFR 361.5(c)(8).
Record 1 if service was provided in whole or part by comparable services and benefits providers.
Leave blank if service was not provided by comparable services and benefits providers.
If code 1 is recorded, the VR agency must also provide responses to data element Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type. If not, Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type may be left blank.
Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type
Data Type: VARCHAR 8 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
For each of the service categories, record up to three codes, separated by semi-colons, that best describes the service providers who provided the individual with a comparable service or benefit. Make sure to use semi-colons between the codes. Do not use commas or spaces.
Examples: If the individual received comparable services/benefits from an employer, the Veteran’s Benefits Administration and Federal Student Aid, record “7;21;12”. If the individual received comparable services or benefits from a public Community Rehabilitation Program as well as from a developmental disability agency, record “6;13”. If comparable services or benefits were received by an individual from an elementary or secondary educational institution only, then record “8”.
Code |
Comparable Services and Benefits Provider Type |
Adult education and Literacy program administered by the Department of Education |
2 |
Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth program administered by Department of Labor (DOL) |
3 |
American Indian VR Services Program |
4 |
Public Centers for Independent Living |
5 |
Child Protective Service |
6 |
Public Rehabilitation Program |
7 |
Employer Provided Benefits |
8 |
Public Educational Institution (elementary/secondary) |
9 |
Public Educational Institution (postsecondary) |
10 |
Public Employment Network (not otherwise listed) |
11 |
Federal Student Aid (e.g., Pell grants, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, work study, etc.) |
12 |
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agency (Public) |
13 |
Medical Health Provider (Public) |
14 |
Mental Health Provider (Public) |
15 |
One-stop Partner (not listed separately) |
16 |
Public Housing Authority |
17 |
Social Security Administration (Disability Determination Service or District office) |
18 |
State Department of Correction/Juvenile Justice |
19 |
State Employment Service Agency |
20 |
Veteran's Benefits Administration (which includes VA Vocational Rehabilitation) |
21 |
Veteran's Health Administration (the VA hospital system, as well as the VA transitional living, transitional employment, and compensated work therapy programs) |
22 |
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service Program |
23 |
Welfare Agency (State or local government) |
Training services are defined in WIOA Sec 134(c)(3). For VR purposes, these training services are designed to help the individual improve educationally or vocationally or to adjust to the functional limitations of his or her impairment. If the individual receives more than one type of training, each type should be recorded. For individuals not seeking a degree or certificate and attending a course in a college or university, code this type of training under Miscellaneous Training.
The costs associated with training are for tuition, fees and books only. Costs associated with housing or meals during periods of training are to be recorded under Maintenance (XIV.B).
Change: Revised
Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a degree recognized as beyond a Baccalaureate Degree, such as a Master of Science, Arts (M.S. or M.A.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.). Such training would be provided by a college or university.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 129 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 130 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 131 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 132 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 133 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 134 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 135 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a baccalaureate degree, a certificate, or other recognized educational credential. Such training may be provided by a four-year college or university or technical college.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 136 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 137 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 138 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 139 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 140 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 141 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 142 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Full-time or part-time academic training above the secondary school level leading to an Associate’s Degree, a certificate, or other recognized educational credential. Such training may be provided by a community college, junior college, or technical college.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 143 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 144 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 145 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 146 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 147 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 148 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 149 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Occupational, vocational, or job skill training provided by a community college and/or business, vocational/trade or technical school to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, not leading to an academic degree. This would include selected courses or programs of study at a community college, four-year college, university, technical college or proprietary school or program.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 150 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 151 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 152 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 153 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 154 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 155 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 156 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Training in specific job skills by a prospective employer. Generally, the trainee is paid during this training and will remain in the same or a similar job upon successful completion.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 157 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 158 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 159 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 160 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 161 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 162 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 163 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
A work-based employment and training program that combines hands-on, on-the-job work experience in a skilled occupation with related classroom instruction. Structured apprenticeship programs generally have minimum requirements for the duration of on-the job work experience and classroom instruction, and/or could utilize competency-based elements but should have mechanisms in place to ensure quality and consistency of skills acquisition. The following elements distinguish apprenticeship programs from other work-based efforts including co-op education, on-the-job training, and internships: supervision and structured mentoring; providing for wage increases as an apprentice's skills increase; based on an employer-employee relationship; and providing an industry recognized certificate of completion of the program.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 164 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 165 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 166 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 167 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 168 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 169 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Literacy training or training provided to remediate basic academic skills that are needed to function on the job in the competitive labor market.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 170 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 171 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 172 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 173 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 174 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 175 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 176 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Training provided to prepare an individual for work (e.g., work behaviors, getting to work on time, dress and grooming, increasing productivity, etc.).
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 177 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 178 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 179 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 180 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 181 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 182 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 183 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Disability-related augmentative skills training includes but is not limited to: orientation and mobility; rehabilitation teaching; training in the use of low vision aids; Braille; speech reading; sign language; and cognitive training/retraining.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 184 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 185 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 186 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 187 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 188 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 189 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 190 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Any training not recorded in one of the other categories listed, including GED or secondary school training leading to a diploma, or courses taken at four-year, junior or community colleges not leading to a certificate or diploma.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 191 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 192 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 193 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 194 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 195 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 196 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 197 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Training for establishing a small business or individualized training through Randolph-Sheppard program and identified on an IPE.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 198 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 199 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 200 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 201 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 202 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 203 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 204 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
A training program designed to meet the special requirements of an employer who has entered into an agreement with a service delivery area to hire individuals who are trained to the employer's specifications. The training may occur at the employer's site or provided by a training vender able to meet the employer's requirements. Such training usually requires a commitment from the employer to hire a specified number of trainees who satisfactorily complete the training.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 205 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 206 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 207 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 208 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 209 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 210 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 211 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Assessment means services provided and activities performed to determine an individual’s eligibility for VR services, to assign an individual to a priority category of a VR program that operates under an order of selection, and/or to determine the nature and scope of VR services to be included in the IPE. It also includes trial work experiences. Assessments to determine eligibility, assignment of a priority category or the nature or scope of services to be included on the IPE include, but are not limited to psychological assessments, audio logical evaluations, dental and medical exams and other assessments of personality, interests, interpersonal skills, intelligence and related functional capacities, educational achievements, work experience, vocational aptitudes, personal and social adjustments, and employment opportunities of the individual and the medical, psychiatric, psychological, and other pertinent vocational, educational, cultural, social, recreational, and environmental factors that affect the employment and rehabilitation needs of the individual.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 212 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 213 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 214 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 215 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 216 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 217 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 218 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Diagnosis and treatment of impairments includes:
a) Corrective surgery or therapeutic treatment that is likely, within a reasonable period of time, to correct or modify substantially a physical or mental impairment that constitutes a substantial impediment to employment;
b) Diagnosis and treatment for mental and emotional disorders by qualified personnel who meet State licensure laws;
c) Dentistry:
d) Nursing services;
e) Necessary hospitalization (either inpatient or outpatient care) in connection with surgery or treatment;
f) Drugs and supplies;
g) Prescription of prosthetics and/or orthotics related to the individual’s diagnosed disability and is necessary for the achievement of the employment outcome;
h) Prescription of eyeglasses and visual services, including visual training, related to the individual’s diagnosed disability and necessary for the achievement of the employment outcome;
i) Podiatry;
j) Physical therapy;
k) Occupational therapy;
l) Speech or hearing therapy;
m) Mental health services;
n) Treatment of either acute or chronic medical complications and emergencies that are associated with or arise out of the provision of physical and mental restoration services or that are inherent in the condition under treatment (34 CFR 365.1(c)(39));
o) Special services for the treatment of individuals with end-stage renal disease, including transplantation, dialysis, artificial kidneys, and supplies;
p) Other medical or medically related rehabilitation services; and
q) Medical care for acute conditions arising during rehabilitation and constituting a barrier to the achievement of an employment outcome.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 219 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 220 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 221 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 222 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 223 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 224 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 225 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance includes information and support services to assist an individual in exercising informed choice and is distinct from the case management relationship that exists between the counselor and the individual during the VR process.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 226 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 227 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 228 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 229 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 230 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 231 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 232 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Job search activities support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. Job search assistance may include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the consumer.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 233 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 234 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 235 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 236 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 237 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 238 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 239 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Job placement assistance is a referral to a specific job resulting in an interview, regardless of whether or not the individual obtained the job.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 240 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 241 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 242 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 243 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 244 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 245 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 246 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Support services provided to an individual who has been placed in employment in order to stabilize the placement and enhance job retention. Such services include short-term job coaching for persons who do not have a supported employment goal consistent with the employment goal on the IPE.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 247 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 248 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 249 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 250 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 251 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 252 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 253 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Supported employment services (34 CFR 361.5(c)(54)) means ongoing support services, including customized employment, and other appropriate services needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability, including a youth with a most significant disability in supported employment that are – (i) Organized and made available, singly or in combination, in such a way as to assist an eligible individual to achieve competitive integrated employment; (ii) Based on a determination of the needs of an eligible individual, as specified in an individualized plan for employment; (iii) Provided by the designated State unit for a period of time not to exceed 24 months, unless under special circumstances the eligible individual and the rehabilitation counselor jointly agree to extend the time to achieve the employment outcome identified in the individualized plan for employment; and (iv) Following transition, as post-employment services that are unavailable from an extended services provider and that are necessary to maintain or regain the job placement or advance in employment.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 254 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 255 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 256 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 257 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 258 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 259 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 260 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Information and referral services are provided to individuals who need services from other agencies (e.g., cooperative agreements).
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 261 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 262 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 263 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 264 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 265 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 266 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 267 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Assistance provided to an individual who is interested in becoming employed, but is uncertain of the impact work income may have on any disability benefits and entitlements being received, and/or is not aware of benefits, such as access to healthcare, that might be available to support employment efforts.
This typically involves an analysis of an individual’s current benefits, such as SSDI and SSI, the individual’s financial situation, and the effect different income levels from work will have on the individual’s future financial situation. This assistance is intended to provide the individual an opportunity to make an informed choice regarding the pursuit of employment.
Ongoing assistance may also be provided as the individual decides on employment goals, searches for jobs, and becomes employed.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 268 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 269 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 270 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 271 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 272 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 273 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 274 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Customized employment (34 CFR 361.5(c)(11)) means competitive integrated employment for an individual with a significant disability that is - based on an individualized determination of the unique strengths, needs, and interests of the individual with a significant disability; designed to meet the specific abilities of the individual with a significant disability and the business needs of the employer; and carried out through flexible strategies. Flexible strategies include job exploration by the individual and working with an employer to facilitate placement, including:
a) customizing a job description based on current employer needs or on previously unidentified and unmet employer needs;
b) developing a set of job duties, a work schedule and job arrangement, and specifics of supervision (including performance evaluation and review), and determining a job location;
c) using a professional representative chosen by the individual, or if elected self-representation, to work with an employer to facilitate placement; and
d) providing services and supports at the job location.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 275 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 276 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 277 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 278 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 279 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 280 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 281 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: New
Extended services (34 CFR 361.5(c)(19)) are ongoing support services and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability including a youth with a most significant disability , in supported employment. See 34 CFR 361.5(c)(19) for the complete definition. Agencies are to only report data for youth who have achieved a supported employment outcome and are receiving extended services provided with VR and/or SE funds for a period not to exceed four years. The service records for these individuals remain open until these services are terminated. VR agencies are not to report data for individuals, including youth, who have achieved a supported employment outcome and are receiving extended services provided through other sources following record closure.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 282 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 283 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 284 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 285 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 286 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Change: Revised
Transportation (34 CFR 361.5(c)(56)) means travel and related expenses that are necessary to enable an applicant or eligible individual to participate in a VR service, including expenses for training in the use of public transportation vehicles and systems. Examples of transportation services include, but are not limited to:
travel and related expenses for a personal care attendant or aide if the services of that person are necessary to enable the applicant or eligible individual to travel to participate in any vocational rehabilitation service;
purchase and repair of vehicles, including vans, but not the modification of these vehicles as modification would be considered a rehabilitation technology service;
c) relocation expenses incurred by an eligible individual in connection with a job placement that is a significant distance from the eligible individual’s current residence; or
d) purchase of a bus pass for an individual to get to training or work.
This specifically excludes the modification of vehicles, which is to be reported in rehabilitation technology. If a vehicle is purchased with modifications, the pro-rata cost of the vehicle is reported here and the pro-rata cost of the modifications will be reported in Rehabilitation Technology.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 287 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 288 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 289 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 290 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 291 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 292 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 293 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Maintenance (34 CFR 361.5(c)(34)) means monetary support provided for expenses such as food, shelter and clothing that are in excess of the normal expenses of the individual, and that are necessitated by the individual’s participation in an assessment for determining eligibility and VR needs or while receiving services under an IPE. Examples of maintenance expenses include, but are not limited to:
a) cost of uniforms or other suitable clothing required for an individual's job placement or job seeking activities;
b) cost of short-term expenses, such as food and shelter, that is required in order for an individual to participate in assessment or vocational training at a site that is not within commuting distance of an individual's home;
c) cost of food and lodging expenses while an individual is participating in four-year or graduate college or university;
d) initial one-time costs, such as security deposits or charges for the initiation of utilities, that are required in order for an individual to relocate for a job placement; and
e) cost of an individual’s participation in enrichment activities related to that individual's training program.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 294 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 295 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 296 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 297 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 298 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 299 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 300 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Rehabilitation technology (34 CFR 361.5(c)(45)) means the systematic application of technologies, engineering methodologies, or scientific principles to meet the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities in areas that include education, rehabilitation, employment, transportation, independent living, recreation, home and vehicular modification, other assistive devices including, but not limited to hearing aids, low vision aids and wheelchairs. This includes the hardware portion of neuroprosthetic devices, such as cochlear implants, visual prosthetics, and motor prosthetic devices, but does not include medical and surgical procedures required for implantation of neuroprosthetic devices which should be coded as diagnosis and treatment of impairments. Rehabilitation technology includes rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology devices, and assistive technology services. The term includes the following:
a) Rehabilitation Engineering Services are the systematic application of engineering sciences to design, develop, test, evaluate, apply, and distribute technological solutions to problems confronted by VR individuals in functional areas such as mobility, communications, hearing, vision, and cognition, and in activities associated with employment, independent living, education, and integration into the community.
b) Assistive Technology Devices are any items, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a VR customer.
c) Assistive Technology Services (34 CFR 361.5(c)(6)) are any services that directly assist an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. Services may include:
1. the evaluation of the needs of an individual, including a functional evaluation of the individual in his/her customary environment;
2. purchasing, leasing, or otherwise providing for the acquisition by an individual of an assistive technology device;
3. selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing, or replacing assistive technology devices;
4. coordinating and using other therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices, such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs;
5. training or providing technical assistance for an individual or, if appropriate, the family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives of the individual; and
6. training or providing technical assistance for professionals (including individuals providing education and rehabilitation services), employers, or others who provide services to, employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of individuals with disabilities, to the extent that training or technical assistance is necessary to the achievement of an employment outcome.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 301 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 302 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 303 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 304 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 305 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 306 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 307 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Personal assistance services (34 CFR 361.5(c)(38)) means a range of services, including, among other things, training in managing, supervising, and directing personal assistance services, provided by one or more persons, that are –
(i) Designed to assist an individual with a disability to perform daily living activities on or off the job that the individual would typically perform without assistance if the individual did not have a disability;
(ii) Designed to increase the individual's control in life and ability to perform everyday activities on or off the job;
(iii) Necessary to the achievement of an employment outcome; and
(iv) Provided only while the individual is receiving other vocational rehabilitation services. The services may include training in managing, supervising, and directing personal assistance services.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 308 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 309 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 310 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 311 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 312 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 313 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 314 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Technical assistance includes consultation and other services provided to conduct market analyses, to develop business plans, and to provide resources to individuals in the pursuit of self-employment, telecommuting and small business operation outcomes.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 315 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 316 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 317 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 318 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 319 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 320 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 321 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Reader services are for individuals who cannot read print because of blindness or other disabilities. Reader services include, in addition to reading aloud, transcription of printed information into Braille or sound recordings if the individual requests such transcription. Reader services are generally for individuals who are blind or deaf-blind, but may also include individuals unable to read because of serious neurological disorders, specific learning disabilities, or other physical or mental impairments.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 322 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 323 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 324 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 325 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 326 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 327 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 328 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Interpreter services are sign language or oral interpretation services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and tactile interpretation services for individuals who are deaf-blind. Specially trained individuals perform sign language or oral interpretation.
Interpreter services also include real-time captioning services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Do not include language interpretation in this category, but in Other Services (XIV.H).
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 329 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 330 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 331 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 332 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 333 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 334 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 335 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Change: Revised
Use this category ONLY for other VR services that cannot be recorded elsewhere. Include in this category such services as the provision of funds for occupational licenses, tools and equipment, initial stocks and supplies.
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 336 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 337 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 338 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 339 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 6
Element Number: 340 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: INT 1
Element Number: 341 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Data Type: VARCHAR 8
Element Number: 342 Multiple Values Allowed: Yes
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 343 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element 1806, Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Educational Attainment.
Record the most recent date the participant, who received instruction below the postsecondary education level, achieved at least one EFL. EFL gain may be documented in one of three ways: 1) by comparing a participant’s initial EFL, as measured by a pre-test, with the participant’s EFL as measured by the participant’s post-test; or 2) for States that offer postsecondary programs that lead to a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, an EFL gain may be measured through the awarding of credits or Carnegie units; or 3) States may report an EFL gain for participants who exit the program and enroll in postsecondary education or training during the program year.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the participant.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 344 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1808, Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Secondary Transcript/Report Card.
Record the most recent date of the individual’s transcript or report card for secondary education for one semester demonstrating that the individual is achieving the VR program’s policies for academic standards.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 345 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1807, Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card.
Record the most recent date of the individual’s transcript or report card for postsecondary education students who complete a minimum of 12 hours per semester, or for part time students, a total of at least 12 credit hours over the course of two completed consecutive semesters during the program year, that demonstrates the individual is achieving the VR program’s policies for academic standards.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 346 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1809, Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Training Milestone.
Record the most recent date that the individual achieved a satisfactory or better progress report toward established milestones from an employer/training provider who is providing training (e.g., completion of on-the-job training (OJT), completion of one year of a registered apprenticeship program, etc.).
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 347 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1810, Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gains: Skills Progression.
Record the most recent date the individual successfully completed an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
Report: Upon Achievement
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 348 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who achieved employment, record the applicable code value that describes the employment of the individual when the employment is achieved. If classifying the individual into two different employment statuses from code values 1-6 is possible, record the code value designating the principal status.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Competitive Integrated Employment: (34 CFR 361.5(c)(9)) Refers to work that (i) is performed on a full-time or part-time basis (including self-employment) and for which an individual is compensated at a rate that - (A) Is not less than the higher of the rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) or the rate required under the applicable State or local minimum wage law for the place of employment; (B) Is not less than the customary rate paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are similarly situated in similar occupations by the same employer and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and (C) In the case of an individual who is self-employed, yields an income that is comparable to the income received by other individuals who are not individuals with disabilities and who are self-employed in similar occupations or on similar tasks and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and (D) Is eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees; and (ii) Is at a location-- (A) Typically found in the community; and (B) Where the employee with a disability interacts for the purpose of performing the duties of the position with other employees within the particular work unit and the entire work site, and, as appropriate to the work performed, other persons (e.g., customers and vendors), who are not individuals with disabilities (not including supervisory personnel or individuals who are providing services to such employee) to the same extent that employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are in comparable positions interact with these persons; and (iii) Presents, as appropriate, opportunities for advancement that are similar to those for other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who have similar positions. |
2 |
Self-Employment (except BEP): Refers to work for profit or fees including operating one's own business, farm, shop, or office. Self-employment includes sharecroppers, but not wage earners on farms. |
3 |
Business Enterprise Program (BEP): Refers to Randolph-Sheppard vending facilities and other small businesses operated by individuals with significant disabilities under the management and supervision of a VR agency. Include home industry where the work is done under the management and supervision of a VR agency in the individual's own home or residence for wages, salary, or on a piece-rate. Individuals capable of activity outside the home, as well as homebound individuals, may engage in such. |
4 |
Supported Employment in Competitive Integrated Employment: Refers to competitive integrated employment as defined in code 1 above with ongoing support services for individuals with significant disabilities (supported employment). |
5 |
Supported Employment on Short-term Basis: Refers to a supported employment outcome while working toward competitive integrated employment on a short-term basis. |
6 |
Uncompensated Employment: Refers to uncompensated employment outcomes for Homemakers and Unpaid Family Workers only, during the transition period. This code value can only be used when the Primary Occupation at Employment Outcome (XVI.B) code value is 599999 (Homemaker) or 799999 (Unpaid Family Worker). Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
7 |
Termination Notice, WARN, or Transitioning Service Member: Individual attained employment outcome and (a) has received a notice of termination of employment or the employer has issued a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) or other notice that the facility or enterprise will close, or (b) is a transitioning service member. |
Data Type: VARCHAR 6 Change: New
Element Number: 349 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who is employed, enter the current Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code that best describes the individual’s occupation that is consistent with the employment goal on the individual's IPE. If the individual is not employed, leave blank.
For individuals with multiple jobs, this data element should be populated with the code for the occupation consistent with the employment goal on an individual's IPE and primary SOC codes from which the exiting individual derives the majority of their weekly earnings. The following procedures should be followed to determine which occupation code to use:
a. If the earnings amounts of the multiple jobs are reported at the time of entering the occupation code, enter the occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE that encompasses the majority of the earnings per week at closure.
b. If the earnings amounts of the various jobs are not reported at the time of entry, the occupation code should be populated with the code for the occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE that encompasses the majority of the hours worked per week at closure.
c. If neither hours nor wages per occupation are known, then individual self-reporting of the primary occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE should be used to determine the appropriate occupation code.
For the employment situations unique to the VR program, use the special codes indicated below.
Special Codes |
Special Code Descriptions |
599999 |
Homemaker (own home): Refers to men and women whose activity is keeping house for their families, or themselves if they live alone. Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
799999 |
Unpaid Family Worker (own family): Use only if the type of unpaid family work cannot be classified according to any of the occupations. Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
899999 |
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Clerk: Refers to persons employed as clerks, sales persons, or helpers in a vending facility operated under the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable under SOCs. Do not include vending facility operators (999999), or individuals employed in vending facilities outside the Vending Facility Program (use their occupation code). |
999999 |
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Operator: Refers to individuals employed as operators or managers of vending facilities operated under the Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable. Do not include vending facility clerks (899999), or individuals employed as vending facility operators outside the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program (use their occupation code). |
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 350 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date when the individual began the job coded in data element Primary Occupation at Employment (XVI.C).
Note: For individuals who were employed at the initial IPE, Employment Status (IX.C.1), this date may be prior to the Date of Application (IV.A).
Data Type: DECIMAL 5,2 Change: New
Element Number: 351 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the hourly wage including cents earned after achieving employment consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE. If the individual is employed in more than one job that is consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE, record the hourly wage for the primary source of income.
This data element captures cash earnings of the individual at the time employment was achieved as an hourly wage and includes all wages, salaries, tips, profits from self-employment and commissions received as income. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax are taken.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of payments in-kind, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
Where wages are based on commissions that are irregular (e.g., real estate, automobile sales, etc.), they should be calculated as an hourly wage average over a representative period of time such as one month or one quarter to obtain a meaningful figure. Commissions are generally not paid when earned, but rather are paid periodically, such as weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. To bring standardization to this data element, wages should be based on the actual receipt of the payment and not on amounts accruing until the next commission payout.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings or did not achieve an employment outcome, record 0.
Data Type: INT 3 Change: New
Element Number: 352 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who achieved an employment outcome, record the number of hours worked for the Primary Occupation at Employment (XVI.E) consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 353 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 901, Date of Program Exit.
Record the last date the individual exited from the VR or SE program consistent with the requirements in the regulations.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to the individual.
Report: At Exit
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 354 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record a code value from the following table to indicate when in the VR process an individual exited the program.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual exited during or after a trial work experience. |
2 |
Individual exited after eligibility, but from an order of selection waiting list. |
3 |
Individual exited after eligibility, but prior to a signed IPE. |
4 |
Individual exited after an IPE without an employment outcome. |
5 |
Individual exited after an IPE in noncompetitive and/or nonintegrated employment. |
6 |
Individual exited after an IPE in competitive and integrated employment or supported employment. |
0 |
Individual exited as an applicant, prior to eligibility determination or trial work. |
Report: At Exit
Data Type: INT 2 Change: Revised
Element Number: 355 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 923, Other Reasons for Exit.
Record the code that identifies the reason the individual exited. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (XVII.A) occurs.
Code |
Reason for Exit Description |
1 |
Institutionalized: Individual exits the program because he or she has become incarcerated in a correctional institution or has become a resident of an institution or facility providing 24-hour support such as a hospital or treatment center during the course of receiving services as an individual. |
2 |
Health/Medical: Individual is receiving medical treatment that is expected to last longer than 90 days and precludes entry into unsubsidized employment or continued participation in the program. |
3 |
Death of Individual |
4 |
Reserve Forces Called to Active Duty: Individual is a member of the National Guard or other reserve military unit of the armed forces and is called to active duty for at least 90 days. |
5 |
Foster Care: Individual is in the foster care system as defined in 45 CFR 1355.20(a), and has moved from the area as part of such a program or system (youth individuals only). |
6 |
Ineligible: After the individual was determined to be eligible, is later determined not to have met eligibility criteria. |
7 |
Criminal Offender: Individual is in a correctional institution under section 225 of WIOA. |
8 |
No Disabling Condition: Individual is no longer eligible for VR services because no physical or mental impairment exists, such as when the reported disability is an acute condition with no residual impairment, e.g., a broken bone that heals. |
9 |
No Impediment to Employment: Individual is not eligible for VR services because their physical or mental impairment does not constitute a substantial impediment to employment. |
10 |
Does Not Require VR Service: Individual no longer requires VR services to prepare for, enter into, engage in, or retain gainful employment consistent with their strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, and informed choice. |
11 |
Disability Too Significant to Benefit from Services: - Individual whose mental and/or physical disability and resulting functional limitations are so significant that the individual cannot benefit from VR services. Also use this code for eligible individuals who later acquire additional disabilities and/or functional limitations that are so significant that the individual cannot continue to benefit from VR services. |
12 |
No Long Term Source of Extended Services Available: Individual who would have benefited from the provision of VR and supported employment services but was determined ineligible because a long term source of extended services is not available, AND is not anticipated to be available. |
13 |
Transferred to Another Agency: Individual needs services that are more appropriately obtained elsewhere. Transfer to another agency indicates that appropriate referral information is forwarded to the other agency so that agency may provide services more effectively. Include individuals transferred to other VR agencies. |
14 |
Achieved Competitive Integrated Employment Outcome: Applicable only to Type of Exit (XVII.B) code value 6 (Individual exited after an IPE in competitive and integrated employment, or supported employment). |
15 |
Extended Employment: Individuals who received services and were placed in a non-integrated or sheltered setting for a public or private nonprofit agency or organization that provides compensation in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (34 CFR 361.5(c)(18)). |
16 |
Extended Services Not Available: Individual has received VR services but requires long term extended services for which no long term source of funding is available. |
17 |
Unable to Locate or Contact: Individual has relocated or left the State without a forwarding address, or when the individual has not responded to repeated attempts to contact the individual by mail, telephone, text or e-mail. |
18 |
No Longer Interested in Receiving Services or Further Services: Individuals who choose not to participate or continue in their VR program at this time. Also use this code to indicate when an individual’s actions (or non-actions) make it impossible to begin or continue a VR program. Examples would include repeated failures to keep appointments for assessment, counseling, or other services. |
19 |
Individual is No Longer Available for Services Due to Residence in an Institutional Setting Other Than a Prison or Jail: Individual has entered an institution other than a prison or jail, and will be unavailable to participate in a VR program for an indefinite or considerable period of time. This category of institution includes hospitals, nursing homes, and residential treatment centers. |
20 |
All Other Reasons: This code is used for all other reasons not included in code values 1 through 19. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 356 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who achieved an employment outcome, record the applicable code value that describes the employment outcome of the individual at exit. If classifying the individual into two different employment statuses from code values 1-6 is possible, record the code value designating the principal status. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (XVII.A) occurs.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Competitive Integrated Employment: (34 CFR 361.5(c)(9)) Refers to work that (i) is performed on a full-time or part-time basis (including self-employment) and for which an individual is compensated at a rate that - (A) Is not less than the higher of the rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 206(a)(1)) or the rate required under the applicable State or local minimum wage law for the place of employment; (B) Is not less than the customary rate paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are similarly situated in similar occupations by the same employer and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and (C) In the case of an individual who is self-employed, yields an income that is comparable to the income received by other individuals who are not individuals with disabilities and who are self-employed in similar occupations or on similar tasks and who have similar training, experience, and skills; and (D) Is eligible for the level of benefits provided to other employees; and (ii) Is at a location-- (A) Typically found in the community; and (B) Where the employee with a disability interacts for the purpose of performing the duties of the position with other employees within the particular work unit and the entire work site, and, as appropriate to the work performed, other persons (e.g., customers and vendors), who are not individuals with disabilities (not including supervisory personnel or individuals who are providing services to such employee) to the same extent that employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who are in comparable positions interact with these persons; and (iii) Presents, as appropriate, opportunities for advancement that are similar to those for other employees who are not individuals with disabilities and who have similar positions. |
2 |
Self-Employment (except BEP): Refers to work for profit or fees including operating one's own business, farm, shop, or office. Self-employment includes sharecroppers, but not wage earners on farms. |
3 |
Business Enterprise Program (BEP): Refers to Randolph-Sheppard vending facilities and other small businesses operated by individuals with significant disabilities under the management and supervision of a VR agency. Include home industry where the work is done under the management and supervision of a VR agency in the individual's own home or residence for wages, salary, or on a piece-rate. Individuals capable of activity outside the home, as well as homebound individuals, may engage in such. |
4 |
Supported Employment in Competitive Integrated Employment: Refers to competitive integrated employment as defined in code 1 above with ongoing support services for individuals with significant disabilities (supported employment). |
5 |
Supported Employment on Short-term Basis: Refers to supported employment outcome while working toward competitive integrated employment on a short-term basis. |
6 |
Uncompensated Employment: Refers to uncompensated employment outcomes for Homemakers and Unpaid Family Workers only, during the transition period. This code value can only be used when the Primary Occupation at Exit (XVII.D.2) code value is 599999 (Homemaker) or 799999 (Unpaid Family Worker). Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
7 |
Termination Notice, WARN, or Transitioning Service Member: Individual attained employment outcome and (a) has received a notice of termination of employment or the employer has issued a Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) or other notice that the facility or enterprise will close, or (b) is a transitioning service member. |
Data Type: VARCHAR 6 Change: Revised
Element Number: 357 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who is employed, enter the current Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code that best describes the individual’s occupation that is consistent with the employment goal on the individual's IPE. If the individual is not employed, leave blank.
For individuals with multiple jobs, this data element should be populated with the code for the occupation consistent with the employment goal on an individual's IPE and primary SOC codes from which the exiting individual derives the majority of their weekly earnings. The following procedures should be followed to determine which occupation code to use:
a. If the earnings amounts of the multiple jobs are reported at the time of entering the occupation code, enter the occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE that encompasses the majority of the earnings per week at closure.
b. If the earnings amounts of the various jobs are not reported at the time of entry, the occupation code should be populated with the code for the occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE that encompasses the majority of the hours worked per week at closure.
c. If neither hours nor wages per occupation are known, then individual self-reporting of the primary occupation consistent with the employment goal specified on the IPE should be used to determine the appropriate occupation code.
For the employment situations unique to the VR program, use the special codes indicated below.
Special Codes |
Special Code Descriptions |
599999 |
Homemaker (own home): Refers to men and women whose activity is keeping house for their families, or themselves if they live alone. Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
799999 |
Unpaid Family Worker (own family): Use only if the type of unpaid family work cannot be classified according to any of the occupations. Note: A VR agency may only continue services to individuals with uncompensated employment goals (e.g., homemaker and unpaid family workers) on their approved individualized plans for employment prior to the effective date of the final regulations until June 30, 2017, unless a longer period of time is required based on the needs of the individual with the disability. |
899999 |
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Clerk: Refers to persons employed as clerks, sales persons, or helpers in a vending facility operated under the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable. Do not include vending facility operators (999999), or individuals employed in vending facilities outside the Vending Facility Program (use their occupation code). |
999999 |
Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Operator: Refers to individuals employed as operators or managers of vending facilities operated under the Vending Facility Program. Use this special code even though these occupations are classifiable. Do not include vending facility clerks (899999), or individuals employed as vending facility operators outside the Randolph-Sheppard Vending Facility Program (use their occupation code). |
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: Revised
Element Number: 358 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the date when the individual began the job coded in data element Primary Occupation at Exit (XVII.D.2).
Note: For individuals who were employed at the initial IPE, Employment Status (IX.C.1), this date may be prior to the Date of Application (IV.A).
Data Type: DECIMAL 5,2 Change: Revised
Element Number: 359 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the hourly wage including cents earned after achieving an employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE, at the time the individual exited the program. If the individual is employed in more than one job that is consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE, record the hourly wage for the primary source of income.
This data element captures cash earnings of the individual at the time of exit as an hourly wage and includes all wages, salaries, tips, profits from self-employment and commissions received as income. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax are taken.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
Where wages are based on commissions that are irregular (e.g., real estate, automobile sales, etc.), they should be calculated as an average hourly wage over a representative period of time such as one month or one quarter to obtain a meaningful figure. Commissions are generally not paid when earned, but rather are paid periodically, such as weekly, biweekly, or even monthly. To bring standardization to this data element, wages should be based on the actual receipt of the payment and not on amounts accruing until the next commission payout.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings or did not achieve an employment outcome, record 0.
Data Type: INT 2 Change: Revised
Element Number: 360 Multiple Values Allowed: No
For an individual who achieved an employment outcome, record the number of hours worked on the Primary Occupation at Exit (XVII.D.2) consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE at the date of exit. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (XVII.A) occurs.
Monthly Public Support Amount General Information:
Public support means cash payments made by Federal, State and/or local governments for any reason, including an individual’s disability, age, or economic status. Include payments to a family unit precipitated by the individual’s disability or when the individual’s presence is taken into account in the computation of the family benefit.
Record the monthly amount (to the nearest dollar) of public support currently received by the individual from each of the following sources. Also include any payments that are sent directly to an individual in an institution or to dependents on his/her behalf. Exclude any non-cash support payments such as Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps and rental subsidies
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 361 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the monthly amount of SSDI received by the individual.
Record 0 if individual does not receive SSDI.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 362 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record only the individual’s portion of the monthly payment under the SSI for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled program.
Record 0 if individual does not receive SSI for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 363 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record individual’s monthly amount of cash public assistance payments received through TANF.
Record 0 if individual does not receive TANF.
If the TANF payment is made to the family unit, use the local disbursing agency's procedure to estimate the individual’s portion of the payment.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 364 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record individual’s monthly amount of General Assistance received.
Record 0 if individual does not receive General Assistance.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 365 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Veterans' Disability Benefits are payments made by the Department of Veterans Affairs for partial or total disability.
Record individual’s monthly amount of Veterans’ Benefits received.
Record 0 if individual does not receive Veterans’ Benefits.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 366 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record individual’s monthly amount of Workers’ Compensation received.
Record 0 if individual does not receive Workers’ Compensation.
Data Type: INT 5 Change: None
Element Number: 367 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Other Public Support payments are cash payments to individuals beyond those otherwise listed. Include payments made by Federal, State and local governments for retirement or survivor benefits to the individual as well as unemployment insurance benefits and other temporary payments.
Record individual’s monthly amount of public support received from all other sources of public support not listed.
Record 0 if individual does not receive any other public support.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 368 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record a code value from the table below to indicate the individual’s largest single source of economic support at the time the individual exited, even if it accounts for less than one-half of the individual's total support. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (XVII.A) occurs.
If an individual is supported by the earnings of a spouse, or by the spouse's unemployment insurance benefits, record code value 2 (family and friends) as the Primary Source of Support and not code value 1 (personal income).
If an individual is primarily supported by a governmental entity with no cash support – for example, incarcerated individuals – record code value 3 (public support) as the primary source of support only if the individual is the recipient of the support. If the family receives public support, record code value 2 (family and friends).
Code |
Description |
1 |
Primary source of support at exit is personal income (e.g., employment earnings, interest, dividends, rent, retirement including social security). |
2 |
Primary source of support at exit is family and friends. |
3 |
Primary source of support at exit is public support (e.g., SSI, SSDI, TANF, etc.). |
4 |
Primary source of support at exit is from other sources (e.g., private disability insurance and private charities. |
Record whether an individual had medical insurance coverage at the time of exit. Data are reported in the same quarter as the Date of Exit (XVII.A) occurs.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 369 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has Medicaid. |
0 |
Individual does not have Medicaid. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 370 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has Medicare. |
0 |
Individual does not have Medicare. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 371 Multiple Values Allowed: No
State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange refers to individuals receiving benefits through their enrollment in an Affordable Care Act Exchange.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at exit. |
0 |
Individual is not receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at exit. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: Revised
Element Number: 372 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has public insurance from sources not listed in data elements (XVII.F.1-XVII.F.3). |
0 |
Individual does not have public insurance. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 373 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has private insurance through employer. |
0 |
Individual does not have private insurance through employer. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 374 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is not eligible for private insurance through a current employer, but will be eligible for private insurance after a certain period of employment. |
0 |
Individual does not meet the conditions described above. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: None
Element Number: 375 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Private insurance through other means refers to individuals who are self-insured or receiving benefits through their parent/family members’ insurance plan.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual has private insurance through other means. |
0 |
Individual does not have private insurance through other means.
These data elements are used to report information for the WIOA primary indicators of performance. These data elements are required for individuals with disabilities who received VR services under an IPE and, thereby, met the definition of “participant” for purposes of WIOA.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 376 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element 1406, Date Enrolled in Post Exit Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential.
This element only applies to participants who exited secondary education and obtained a secondary school diploma or its equivalency per sec 116(b)(2)(A)(iii). This data element applies to the Credential Rate numerator. This element is not to be confused with the data element Date Enrolled During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment (IX.F.12), which encompasses all education and training program enrollment and captures those enrolled during program participation, not post-exit.
Record the date the individual enrolled in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential after program exit.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: DATETIME (YYYYMMDD) Change: New
Element Number: 377 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Record the post-exit date on which the individual attained a recognized credential.
Leave blank if this data element does not apply to individual.
Report: Upon Occurrence
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 378 Multiple Values Allowed: No
Use the appropriate code to record the type of recognized diploma, degree, or credential consisting of an industry-recognized certificate or certification, a certification of completion of a Registered Apprenticeship, a license recognized by the State involved or Federal Government, or an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, or Master’s Degree attained by the participant who received education or training services.
Diplomas, degrees, licenses or certificates must be attained either during participation or within one year of exit. This data element applies to both the Credential Rate measure and the Measurable Skills Gain measure.
Record 0 if the participant received education or training services post-exit, but did not attain a recognized diploma, degree, license or certificate.
Leave blank if data element does not apply to the participant.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Postsecondary Diploma or Equivalency |
2 |
AA or AS Diploma/Degree |
3 |
BA or BS Diploma/Degree |
4 |
Graduate/Post Graduate Degree/Diploma |
5 |
Occupational Licensure |
6 |
Occupational Certificate |
7 |
Occupational Certification |
8 |
Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate |
The employment data for the first completed quarter after exit is ONLY required when necessary to document credential measure attainment for students who attained a secondary education credential. The collection of first quarter after exit employment and wage information is integral in the calculation a credential rate component. Specifically, the number of participants who exited that were in a secondary education program and who obtained a secondary school diploma or its equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 379 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1600, Employed in 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. |
2 |
Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship. |
3 |
Individual is in the military. |
4 |
Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). |
9 |
Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. |
0 |
Individual not employed in the first quarter after exit quarter. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 380 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1601, Type of Employment Match 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Use the appropriate code value to identify the method used in determining the individual's employment status in the first quarter following the exit quarter. Wage records will be the primary data source for tracking employment after the exit quarter. If the individual is found in more than one source of employment using wage records, record the data source from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited the program. If individuals do not have employment covered by wage records, VR agencies may then use supplemental data sources.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was UI wage data. |
2 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was Federal employment records (e.g., OPM, USPS). |
3 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was military employment records. |
4 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was non-UI wage verification. |
5 |
Information not yet available. |
0 |
Individual is not employed. |
Data Type: Decimal 8,2 Change: New
Element Number: 381 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1703, Wages 1st Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Record the total wages, including cents, earned, from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited, during the first quarter after the quarter of exit. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings, record 0.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 382 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1608, Employment Related to Training (2nd Quarter After Exit).
Training services mean the services listed in Section XII of this manual.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual received training services and obtained employment directly related to the training services received. |
0 |
Individual received training services and did not obtain employment directly related to the training services received. |
Leave blank if the data is not available.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 383 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1602, Employed in 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. |
2 |
Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship. |
3 |
Individual is in the military. |
4 |
Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). |
9 |
Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. |
0 |
Individual not employed. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 384 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1603, Type of Employment Match 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Use the appropriate code value to identify the method used in determining the individual's employment status in the second quarter following the exit quarter. Wage records will be the primary data source for tracking employment after the exit quarter. If the individual is found in more than one source of employment using wage records, record the data source from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited. If individuals do not have employment covered by wage records, VR agencies may then use supplemental data sources.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was UI wage data. |
2 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was Federal employment records (e.g., OPM, USPS). |
3 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was military employment records. |
4 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was non-UI wage verification. |
5 |
Information not yet available. |
0 |
Individual is not employed. |
Data Type: Decimal 8,2 Change: New
Element Number: 385 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1704, Wages 2nd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Record the total wages, including cents, earned, from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited, during the second quarter after the quarter of exit. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings, record 0.
The employment data for the third completed quarter after exit is ONLY required when necessary to document credential measure attainment for students who attained a secondary education credential. The collection of first quarter after exit employment and wage information is integral in the calculation a credential rate component. Specifically, the number of participants who exited that were in a secondary education program and who obtained a secondary school diploma or its equivalent during the program or within one year after exit AND who were also employed or enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 386 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element 1604, Employed in 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. |
2 |
Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship. |
3 |
Individual is in the military. |
4 |
Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). |
9 |
Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. |
0 |
Individual not employed. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 387 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1605, Type of Employment Match 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Use the appropriate code value to identify the method used in determining the individual's employment status in the third quarter following the exit quarter.
Wage records will be the primary data source for tracking employment after the exit quarter. If the individual is found in more than one source of employment using wage records, record the data source from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on the individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited. If individuals do not have employment covered by wage records, VR agencies may then use supplemental data sources.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was UI wage data. |
2 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was Federal employment records (e.g., OPM, USPS). |
3 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was military employment records. |
4 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was non-UI wage verification. |
5 |
Information not yet available. |
0 |
Individual is not employed. |
Data Type: Decimal 8,2 Change: New
Element Number: 388 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1705, Wages 3rd Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Record the total wages, including cents earned, from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited, during the third quarter after the quarter of exit. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings, record 0.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 389 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1606, Type of Employment Match 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual is in unsubsidized employment, not including Registered Apprenticeship, the military, or competitive integrated employment under VR. |
2 |
Individual is in a Registered Apprenticeship. |
3 |
Individual is in the military. |
4 |
Individual is in competitive integrated employment (VR only). |
9 |
Individual has exited but employment information is not yet available. |
0 |
Individual not employed. |
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 390 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1607, Type of Employment Match 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Use the appropriate code value to identify the method used in determining the individual's employment status in the fourth quarter following the exit quarter. Wage records will be the primary data source for tracking employment after the exit quarter. If the individual is found in more than one source of employment using wage records, record the data source from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited. If individuals do not have employment covered by wage records, VR agencies may then use supplemental data sources.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was UI wage data. |
2 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was Federal employment records (e.g., OPM, USPS). |
3 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was military employment records. |
4 |
Method used in determining individual’s employment status was non-UI wage verification. |
5 |
Information not yet available. |
0 |
Individual is not employed. |
Data Type: Decimal 8,2 Change: New
Element Number: 391 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1706, Wages 4th Quarter After Exit Quarter.
Record the total wages, including cents, earned, from the employment outcome consistent with the employment goal on an individual’s IPE at the time the individual exited, during the fourth quarter after the quarter of exit. These earnings are before payroll deductions of Federal, State and local income taxes and Social Security payroll tax.
Wages for salespersons, consultants, self-employed individuals, and other similar occupations are based on the adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is gross income minus unreimbursed business expenses. Do not include estimates of in-kind payments, such as meals and lodging. Estimate profits of farmers, if necessary.
If the individual was unemployed and/or generated no earnings, record 0.
Data Type: INT 1 Change: New
Element Number: 392 Multiple Values Allowed: No
WIOA PIRL data element number 1618, Retention with the same employer in the 2nd Quarter and the 4th Quarter.
Code |
Description |
1 |
Individual’s employer in the second quarter after exit matches the employer in the fourth quarter after exit. |
0 |
Individual is not employed in the second or fourth quarters after exit, or the employer in the second quarter after exit does not match the employer in the fourth quarter after exit. |
Adult 46
Adult Education 46
Agency Code 21
American Indian or Alaska Native 26
Asian 26
Assessment 81
Attained Secondary School Diploma 57
Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training 77
Basic Skills Deficient/Low Levels of Literacy 53
Benefits Counseling 88
Black or African American 26
Completed Some Postsecondary Education, No Degree or Certificate 59
Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities 66
County FIPS Code 31
Cultural Barriers 53
Customized Employment Services 89
Customized Training 80
Date Attained Associate’s Degree 60
Date Attained Bachelor's Degree 60
Date Attained Graduate Degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D., M.D.) 60
Date Attained Master’s Degree 60
Date Attained Other Recognized Diploma, Degree, or Certificate 61
Date Attained Secondary School Equivalency (GED) 58
Date Attained Vocational/Technical Certificate 61
Date Attained Vocational/Technical License 61
Date Enrolled During Program Participation in an Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential or Employment 59
Date Enrolled in Post-Exit Education or Training Program Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential 115
Date of Application 24
Date of Attainment of Post-Exit Recognized Credential 116
Date of Birth 24
Date of Eligibility Determination 37
Date of Exit 104
Date of Exit from OOS Waiting List 37
Date of Most Recent Career Service 68
Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Educational Functioning Level (EFL) 99
Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Postsecondary Transcript/Report Card 99
Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Secondary 99
Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Skills Progression 100
Date of Most Recent Measurable Skill Gain: Training Milestone 100
Date of Most Recent or Amended IPE 42
Date of Placement on OOS Waiting List 37
Date Received Special Education Certificate of Completion 57
Date Report Submitted 21
Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments 82
Disability Related Skills Training 78
Dislocated Worker 47
Displaced Homemaker Status 54
Eligibility Determination Extension 37
Employment Outcome 100
Employment Outcome at Exit 107
Employment Related to Training – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
Employment Status - First Quarter After Exit Quarter 117
Employment Status - Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 121
Employment Status - Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
Employment Status - Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 120
Employment Status at IPE 43
End Date of Trial Work Experience 42
English Language Learner 52
Enrolled in a Career or Technical Training Program, Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential 61
Enrolled in a Career or Technical Training Program, Not Leading to a Recognized Postsecondary Credential 60
Enrolled in a State Adult Secondary School at the High Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Level 57
Enrolled in Postsecondary Education 58
Enrolled in Postsecondary Education - Highest Academic Year 58
Enrolled in Secondary Education 57
Ethnicity - Hispanic or Latino 27
Exhausting TANF Within Two Years 50
Ex-Offender 51
Extended Services 90
Foster Care Youth 50
Four-Year College or University Training 72
General Assistance (State or local government) at Application 34
General Assistance (State or local government) at Exit 112
Graduate College or University 72
Highest Educational Level Completed 56
Highest Elementary or Secondary School Grade Completed 56
Homeless Individual, Homeless Children and Youths, or Runaway Youth 50
Hourly Wage at Employment 103
Hourly Wage at Exit 110
Hourly Wage at IPE 45
Hours Worked in a Week at Employment Outcome 104
Hours Worked in a Week at Exit 111
Hours Worked in a Week at IPE 45
Individual with a Disability 38
Information and Referral Services 87
Instruction in Self Advocacy 67
Interpreter Services 97
Job Corps 48
Job Exploration Counseling 65
Job Placement Assistance 85
Job Readiness Training 77
Job Search Assistance 84
Junior or Community College Training 73
Living Arrangement 29
Long-Term Unemployed 49
Low Income 51
Maintenance 92
Medicaid at Application 35
Medicaid at Exit 114
Medicare at Application 35
Medicare at Exit 114
Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Status 54
Miscellaneous Training 79
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 27
Not Yet Eligible for Private Insurance Through Employer at Application 36
Not Yet Eligible for Private Insurance Through Employer at Exit 115
Occupational or Vocational Training 74
On The Job Training 75
Other Public Support at Exit 113
Other Services 98
Personal Assistance Services 95
Primary Disability 38
Primary Occupation at Employment Outcome 102
Primary Occupation at Exit 109
Primary Occupation at IPE 45
Primary Source of Support at Application 35
Primary Source of Support at Exit 113
Private Insurance Through Employer at Application 36
Private Insurance Through Employer at Exit 115
Private Insurance Through Other Means at Application 36
Private Insurance Through Other Means at Exit 115
Program Year 21
Program Year Quarter 21
Public Insurance from Other Sources at Application 36
Public Insurance from Other Sources at Exit 114
Randolph-Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training 80
Reader Services 96
Reason for Exit 105
Registered Apprenticeship Training 76
Rehabilitation Technology 93
Retention with the Same Employer in the Second Quarter and the Fourth Quarter – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 123
School Status 55
Secondary Disability 40
Sex 25
Short Term Job Supports 86
Significance of Disability 40
Single Parent Status 53
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at Application 33
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) at Exit 112
Social Security Number 24
Source of Referral 31
Start Date of Employment in Primary Occupation 103
Start Date of Employment in Primary Occupation at Exit 110
Start Date of Initial VR Service 68
Start Date of Pre-Employment Transition Services 61
Start Date of Trial Work Experience 41
State Definition for Age of Students with Disabilities 55
State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at Application 35
State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at Exit 114
State Postal Code of Residence 29
Student with a Disability 33
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled at Application 33
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for the Aged, Blind, or Disabled at Exit 112
Supported Employment Goal on Current IPE 42
Supported Employment Services 86
Technical Assistance Services Including Self-Employment 95
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) at Application 34
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) at Exit 112
Transportation 91
Type of Employment Match – First Quarter After Exit Quarter 117
Type of Employment Match – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 122
Type of Employment Match – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 119
Type of Employment Match – Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 120
Type of Exit 105
Type of Recognized Credential Attained Post-Exit 116
Unemployment Insurance at Application 34
Unique Identifier 23
Veteran 28
Veterans' Disability Benefits at Application 34
Veterans' Disability Benefits at Exit 112
Vocational Rehabilitation 48
Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Guidance 83
Wages – First Quarter After Exit Quarter 118
Wages – Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter 122
Wages – Second Quarter After Exit Quarter 119
Wages – Third Quarter After Exit Quarter 121
Wagner-Peyser Employment Service 48
White 27
Work Based Learning Experiences 66
Workers' Compensation at Application 34
Workers' Compensation at Exit 113
Workplace Readiness Training 67
Youth 49
YouthBuild 49
Zip Code 31
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |