NASS User manual

Att C3. (Current) NASS Users Manual.pdf

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Program Reporting System

NASS User manual

OMB: 0920-0556

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This manual contains all instructions necessary to access the NASS website and enter ART
program information, and patient profile and cycle-specific data. Chapters provide information
on navigating through screens, and using on-screen menu links to access reference documents,
FAQs, and communication archives. The main NASS User’s Manual also provides a step-bystep guide for entering clinic and cycle-specific information required for all reporting years.
PLEASE NOTE: For instructions on creating import files and sending the files to Westat,
go to the NASS Import User’s Manual. To access the manual, go to the menu on any NASS
screen and select the User’s Manuals menu, and then the Import Manual.

NASS Help Desk Contact Information
Please contact the NASS Help Desk if you cannot find answers or clarifications to your
questions in this manual or on the NASS website.
You may contact the NASS Help Desk at:
Toll free number:
E-mail address:


The NASS Help Desk is staffed from the hours of:
8:30 am- 10:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday
The NASS Help Desk is closed on these major holidays: Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor
Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. NASS Help Desk staff will be able to
respond to your messages on the next business day after a major holiday.

NASS User’s Manual


NASS User’s Manual Table of Contents



About the National ART Surveillance System (NASS) ................................................ 1-1


About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 2-1
NASS Quick Start ..................................................................................................... 2-1
NASS Data Definitions.............................................................................................. 2-1
NASS Main Manual .................................................................................................. 2-1
Contacts ................................................................................................................... 2-1
Patient Worksheet .................................................................................................... 2-2
Memos ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
Security Statement ................................................................................................... 2-2
What’s New in NASS ................................................................................................ 2-2

Selecting a Reporting Year ........................................................................................... 3-1


About This Manual .................................................................................................... 1-1
Before You Begin ..................................................................................................... 1-1
How to Enter the NASS Website............................................................................... 1-1
Introduction Screens ................................................................................................. 1-2
NASS Security .......................................................................................................... 1-2
How to Log In ........................................................................................................... 1-3
About Passwords...................................................................................................... 1-3
Log in Error Messages.............................................................................................. 1-4
Logging Off ............................................................................................................... 1-4
About the Screens .................................................................................................... 1-5
Entering Data ........................................................................................................... 1-7
Collapsed/Open Questions ....................................................................................... 1-8
Maneuvering Between Screens ................................................................................ 1-9
A Word About Edit Messages ................................................................................. 1-10

Help and Documents Menus ......................................................................................... 2-1



About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 3-1
Selecting the Reporting Year at Log In ..................................................................... 3-1
Selecting the Reporting Year During a Session ........................................................ 3-1

Clinic Information .......................................................................................................... 4-1

About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 4-1
How to Enter and Update Information About the Clinic ............................................. 4-1

NASS User’s Manual



Adding New Patients/ Finding Existing Patients ......................................................... 5-1


About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 5-1
Adding a New Patient ............................................................................................... 5-1
Finding an Existing Patient ....................................................................................... 5-3
How to Add a New Cycle .......................................................................................... 5-4
How to Change/Update Data for an Existing Cycle ................................................... 5-5
Updating the Patient Profile ...................................................................................... 5-5
How to Delete a Cycle .............................................................................................. 5-5
Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 5-6

Patient Information ........................................................................................................ 6-1

About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 6-1
The Demographics Screen ....................................................................................... 6-2
History ...................................................................................................................... 6-2
The Treatment Screen .............................................................................................. 6-3
The Medications/Complications Screen .................................................................... 6-4
The Retrieval/Manipulation Screen ........................................................................... 6-5
The Transfer Screen ................................................................................................. 6-5
The Outcome Screen................................................................................................ 6-6


Submit Annual Data ....................................................................................................... 7-1


Reports ........................................................................................................................... 8-1

About This Chapter ................................................................................................... 8-1
Reports ..................................................................................................................... 8-1
Output Format Options ............................................................................................. 8-4
Additional Reports .................................................................................................... 8-5


NASS User’s Manual

NASS-Compatible Computer Software and Hardware ..........................A-1


1. About the National ART Surveillance System (NASS)


About This Manual

This manual describes utilities, functions, and features of the National ART Surveillance
System (NASS). It focuses on patient cycle and clinic data entry, and provides instructions on
how to enter and maintain these data. The manual is directed toward clinic personnel who are
responsible for entering data pertaining to their ART program, the clinic patients and their

Before You Begin

The NASS system has been designed to run on a Microsoft 2000 or Microsoft XP
operating system, using an Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher browser. To ensure that the system
performs as it should, you may find it necessary to upgrade your current computer configuration.
You may have the Microsoft Windows operating system already installed on your
computer. If not, you can download the Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 at no charge from the
Microsoft Download Center at:

JavaScript and cookies need to be enabled on the web browser for NASS to work. If
these are not enabled on your system, you will receive a message: To view this site you need
to have your browser set to accept cookies and to enable JavaScript. Appendix A has a stepby-step description of how to set cookies and enable JavaScript. If you have already turned
cookies on and you are still getting this message, you may have a firewall that is blocking
cookies. You should contact your organization’s computer support representative or the NASS
Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822.
Appendix A also contains details about all the computer configuration requirements. If
you need assistance in assessing your current computer configuration, contact your
organization’s computer support representative. If you need further assistance, please call the
NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822.
In preparing this manual we assume you are familiar with basic Microsoft Windows
operations, that you know how to type information into a data entry field, how to use a dropdown list to select responses, and other standard data entry functions.

How to Enter the NASS Website
To go to the NASS website:
Type into the Address field of your Web browser.
Note that the site is https.
The NASS Welcome screen will then be displayed on your screen.

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Introduction Screens

The first two screens you encounter are the Welcome screen and the Public Reporting
Burden screen. The Welcome screen describes NASS, how it fulfills federal reporting
requirements, and who to contact for more information. The next screen is the Public Burden
screen and is required by law to appear as part of the data collection system. Select the Next
Screen link to display the Login screen.

NASS Security

The NASS system is web-based. This means that the information entered about a
patient or clinic is not stored on your computer’s hard drive or network drive, but on a server
residing at Westat. Therefore, in addition to security built in around the server hosting the data,
a strict security protocol for the clinics has been established to ensure the safety of the data and
patient confidentiality. NASS’ security procedures are:

Each clinic that is required to report annual data will be sent a letter that asks the
clinic’s Medical Director to call the NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822 to obtain
a clinic-specific NASS User ID and password. The letter will contain a clinicspecific key code that the Medical Director must provide to the NASS Help Desk
prior to the release of the User ID and password. At that time, the Medical
Director will also be asked to provide Westat with the names and e-mail
addresses of a primary and secondary security contact at the clinic. The primary
security contact will be sent login account information via e-mail.


In the event that a user forgets his/her username or password, the user should
contact the NASS Help Desk (1-888-650-0822). The NASS Help Desk will reset
the account with a temporary password and forward it to the primary security
contact via e-mail. If the primary security contact is unavailable, this task will be
performed by the secondary security contact person. Once the clinic user has the
newly assigned temporary password, he/she will be prompted to change this
password when entering NASS for the first time.


To ensure that the NASS Help Desk (1-888-650-0822) does not give out clinicspecific login information to a non-designated individual, they will never provide
this information over the phone.


Additional login accounts for multiple users at your clinic can be requested by
contacting the NASS Help Desk (1-888-650-0822).


NOTE: It will be the clinic’s responsibility to keep the NASS Help Desk (1-888650-0822) informed about staff changes that require security account
modifications. If a NASS user leaves the clinic for any reason, especially if
moving to another clinic, it is imperative that the user account be deactivated.
Anyone with a working User ID and password can enter NASS from any
computer hooked up to the Web. Therefore, it is highly recommended that all
passwords be reset when a key staff member or NASS user leaves your clinic.
The primary security contact or other key personnel should immediately contact
the NASS Help Desk to arrange for account deactivation and re-institution of the
account with a new User ID and password.

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How to Log In

This section includes general instructions on entering a NASS User ID and a password. Go to
Section 1.7 for a more specific discussion on creating a unique password.

Type in your User ID in the User ID field. It is not case-sensitive -- that is, it does
not matter if you type in letters as upper or lowercase. The text will appear in the
appropriate field on the screen.


Type in your password in the Password field (the password is case-sensitive).
For security purposes, the text of the password entry is not displayed.
If you forget or misplace this information, call the NASS Help Desk at 1-888650-0822 and a password will be sent to your primary security contact.


Select the Submit button. You have now entered NASS.

About Passwords

Only authorized personnel may use NASS. A user account tied to a unique User ID and
password combination grants you access to view, add, modify and delete patient or cycle
records for your clinic.
Your User ID and password are confidential and should not be left on your desk
or in any other public area. For additional security, the information transfer of NASS data to
the Westat server is encrypted so that it cannot be read during transmission.

Initial Password

You will be assigned an initial password by the NASS Help Desk. This password will
only be used to get you started. When you enter in the User ID and password provided to you,
you will be asked to select a new password.

Changing a Password

The very first time you enter the secure portion of NASS, the Change Password screen
will automatically appear. After you initially change your password, you will be required to
change it every 120 days. If you want to change a password at any other time, select Systems
Utilities on the menu.
To change your password, type the old password in the designated field. Then type in a
new password in the next field, and type in the new password a second time in the Confirm New
Password field to ensure that it has been typed correctly. Follow these rules to select a new
password. Passwords must contain:

Between seven and ten characters


At least three uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, either: abc or ABC


At least three numbers from 0 to 9


At least one of the characters: # & % ? $

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Passwords must not:

Contain either of these slash characters: /




Contain any part of your full name.


Be re-used when they expire after 120 days. You cannot change your password to
one that you used previously.

This complete description of the password rules also can be found at the Change
Password screen. If you forget your password, you need to contact the NASS Help Desk at

Log in Error Messages
There are two types of Log In Error Messages that you may receive.



The first and probably the most common is if you accidentally enter in the wrong
User ID or password. In this instance you will get a message indicating an invalid
user login. When this happens, just re-enter in the information correctly.
Remember that the password is case sensitive (the User ID is not case


A second error occurs if you enter a User ID and password incorrectly three
times in a row. You will receive a message with instructions indicating that you
can try again or you can call the NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822 to assist

Logging Off

For security reasons, you should always take the time to log off before stepping away
from your computer. To log off, select the Logoff menu option on screen. Next, you will get a
confirmation message. Select OK if you want to log off.
This will take you back to the NASS Welcome screen (a screen before the Log In
screen). If you want to leave NASS completely, and you are at the Welcome screen, select the
Red X to close your Web browser.

Timed Log Outs

If you leave NASS displayed on your computer for an extended period of time without
performing any activity, the system will automatically log you out. You will get a “Session Timed
Out” message. Select here to login to resume your session.

About the Screens
Screens in NASS contain a variety of features designed to assist the data entry process.

1.10.1 The Header

The blue header on the data entry screens contains this information:

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The name of the system;


Your clinic ID number;


Your user name and User ID;


The reporting year (once selected); and


Your clinic reporting name (once recorded).

In addition, there is a screen trail, such as:
Clinic Profile>>Enter Clinic Profile>>Name&Address
This helps you identify not only which menu or sub-menu you are in, but also which tab
you are in. For those screens that display multiple tabs, the open tab is a darker color. In the
example, the Name&Address tab is the open tab.

To maneuver from one tab to another, select the new tab. As you move to a new tab,
you will notice that the screen trail reflects the change to the new tab on which you selected.
1.10.2 About the NASS Menu

Once you have successfully logged in, the next screen displayed will enable you to
select a reporting year. This screen and each subsequent screen will display a menu. To display
the full menu, you must first select a reporting year.

NASS User’s Manual

What’s New in NASS
Select Reporting Year
Select/Add Patient
Clinic Profile
Submit Annual Data
User’s Manuals
System Utilities
Free Adobe Reader (to view PDF links)

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1.10.3 The NASS Sub-Menu
This menu enables you to select the screen or set of screens you wish to display. Menu
items displaying a plus sign contain sub-menus. You may display the sub-menus either by
selecting the plus sign or by selecting the menu item itself. For example, to display the submenus under Documents, either select the plus sign or directly select Documents. You will also
notice that the open screen will be displayed in the menu.


What’s New in NASS
Select Reporting Year
Select/Add Patient
Clinic Profile
Submit Annual Data
Patient Worksheet (PDF)
Security Statement (PDF)
User’s Manuals
System Utilities
Free Adobe Reader (to view PDF

The menu contains these main options:

Select What’s New in NASS to read about new developments in NASS.


Select Select Reporting Year to choose a reporting year for which to enter or
update information.


Select Select/Add Patient to add new patients, to add or update cycles for an
existing patient, or to update a patient’s current demographic profile.


Select Clinic Profile to enter or update the clinic’s address, list of key staff, service
profile or lab address/certification.


Select Submit Annual Data to submit the annual report and view the Annual
Submission Guide.


Select Importing for directions on how send annual data files for NASS import to


Select Reports to display summary information pertaining to patients and cycles.


Select Documents to review NASS-related memos and the reporting schedule, or to
print hard copy cycle data entry worksheets.


Select User’s Manual to access documents on how to use NASS, or create files for
import into NASS.

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Select Help to access NASS data definitions, the NASS Quick Start reference and
contact information.


Select System Utilities to change your password.


Select Free Adobe Reader to access Adobe to enable PDF links if your computer
does not yet have Adobe reader.


Select Logoff to exit the application.

When you first enter NASS, the Select/Add Patient, Clinic and Reports menu items are
not shown. This is because you must enter a reporting year before adding or updating a cycle,
or updating clinic information.

Entering Data

Each point where data can be entered is a field. You can navigate by using the mouse
to enter into a field, using the tab key, or using the arrow keys. You cannot use the Enter or
Return keys to navigate. Should you have any difficulty with maneuvering between fields, call
the NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822.
Depending on the field, NASS uses one of four methods for entering data:

Drop-down lists: Select the down arrow to display a list of possible answers. Select
the appropriate response to select that response.

NOTE: If you accidentally select an answer in a drop-down list, but
really intended for the response to be blank, select the “---Select---”
line item to return this response to blank.


Select all that apply boxes: Some questions will allow you to select multiple
responses to a question. To record an answer, select the box that corresponds to
the selected response and a “check” will appear. If you have entered a response in
error, select the checked box and the response will be removed. If you are using the
tab key to move between fields in a data entry screen, you can press the space bar
to mark the desired check box. If you make a mistake, just press the space bar
again to remove the check mark.


Filling empty fields: In some instances, a field may be empty, and you will need to
type in the data. In some instances, you will need to type in the appropriate answer
in a blank field. In other instances, the information will need to be entered in a
specific format. For example, the patient’s Date of Birth must be entered with 2 digits
for month, 2 digits for day, and four digits for the year. In this case, the system will
not accept “12/1/1975” because the day requires two digits. You can enter dates
with slashes (e.g., 12/01/1975), without the slashes (e.g., 12011975), or with dashes
(e.g., 12-01-1975), whichever is most comfortable.


Radio buttons: These are circles that are located next to the response. Select the
appropriate circle to respond to these questions. When you are satisfied with your
selection, use the tab key to move to the next field.

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One word of caution about this type of question: while you can change a
“Yes” response to a “No” response and vice versa, once you have selected
a response you can only go back to a blank response if there is a ‘clear’
button. In instances where there is no ‘clear’ button, select the “No”
response if your intention was to leave the question blank. If necessary,
you can work with Westat to update the information at a later time.

Collapsed/Open Questions

As you enter information on a patient, based on the responses you enter, some followup questions may not apply and you should skip those questions. The NASS system has been
designed so that sections that do not apply based on earlier answers will remain hidden or
collapsed. If the questions do apply, than the sections will be open and available for data entry.
In the next example, based on the responses, the Oocyte/Embryo Source is from a
donor, not a patient.

In this case, when navigating to a follow-up question asking about medications, you will
notice that the Patient Medication Section remains collapsed (i.e., responses to questions in this
section are not necessary), but the Donor Medication Section is open for responses.

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IMPORTANT: If you believe that a collapsed set of questions should be answered,
then you must go back and change a previous answer. In this case, if the patient
was the oocyte/embryo source, you would need to change that answer to “Yes”.
Then come back to the Patient Medication Section, which would now be open
instead of collapsed.


Maneuvering Between Screens


The NASS system is designed to allow you to maneuver from screen to screen using a
combination of three different approaches:

The Menu and Sub-Menu: You can switch between different system functions by
selecting a menu item.


The screen tabs: Using the tabs allows you to quickly view data you have already
entered, or jump to a particular screen (e.g. to enter birth outcomes).


The Next Screen and Previous Screen buttons: It is best to use these buttons
when entering data on consecutive screens since data is automatically saved
when you select either of them.

On most of data entry screens there will be three choices:

Selecting the Next Screen button will save your data, and take you to the next
screen. The data you have just entered will automatically be saved when you select
Next Screen, and there is no need to select the Save Data button also (unless you
want to stay on that screen). For example, if you have just entered the patient’s
Treatment information, the Next Screen button will take you to the Medications and
Complications tab.


Selecting the Previous Screen button will save your data and take you to the
previous screen. The data you have just entered will automatically be saved when
you select Previous Screen and there is no need to select the Save Data button.
For example, if you have just entered Outcome data, the Previous Screen button will
take you back to the Transfer screen. Note that the previous screen might not be
the screen that you were previously working on if you have been using the tabs out
of sequence.


Selecting the Save Data button to save and review data on the screen.
Selecting Save Data will save the data that you have just entered and return you to
the beginning of the screen where a message will be displayed confirming your data
have been saved. To move to another screen, you will need to use the tabs or the

You may also exit any screen by selecting any of the tabs or the menu, which will take
you to that data entry screen. If you have not saved the data on the current page, the
system will warn you that navigating away from the page will result in a loss of any
additions or updates made on that page. To save the data entered you should select
Cancel and then the Save Data button. Once you have selected on the Save Data button
you will not get the message again.

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NOTE: When you get the message box, you should only select the OK button if
you do NOT want to save the data on the screen that you are leaving.

1.13.1 Using the Back and Forward Buttons

When entering data, you should not use the back and forward Web browser arrows.
When you use these arrows the data that you entered on the screen may be lost. Instead,
utilize the three maneuvering approaches. NOTE: You will need to use the back and
forward Web browser arrows if you have opened a PDF file or other document from the
menu. These types of documents include the User’s Manuals, FAQs, Reports and
Memos. When you are linking to one of these documents, (and therefore are not entering
data) you will need to use these Web browser arrows.

A Word About Edit Messages

When you exit a screen using the Next Screen, Previous Screen or Tabs, the system
will take you to the appropriate screen, assuming that there are no inconsistencies in the data. If
inconsistencies are found, you will receive an edit message. There are two types of edit
messages: “Unlikely” edit messages and “Inconsistent” edit messages
You will receive an “unlikely” edit message when the information you have entered is
out of the usual range of expected answers, but is still possible. The main purpose of this edit
message is to confirm that the information entered is accurate and to reduce data entry errors.
For example, an “unlikely” edit message would be displayed if a newborn weighs 12 lbs
0 oz because it is very uncommon weight.

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If the response of 12 lbs, 0 oz. was entered correctly, you can select “Save Data” to
indicate that this is the data that you intended to enter. However, if the response was entered
incorrectly, fix the response and then select the “Save Data” button.
With an “inconsistent” edit message, there is inconsistent data that need reconciling
before you can move away from the screen. The only way to correct an “inconsistent” edit
message is to change a response(s). The inconsistent edit screen will provide an explanation
for the inconsistency in the data. In this example, the inconsistent edit message has popped up
because the date that the cycle was canceled is before the date that the cycle was started. You
may proceed to the next screen once you have fixed inconsistencies in responses.

Numerous “unlikely” and “inconsistent” edit checks have been programmed into the
system to help reduce errors in data entry or inconsistencies in data. In most instances, you will
be able to reconcile the reason for the error message. However, if you need assistance with
understanding an edit messages, please call the NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822. You
should reference the edit number (e.g., E0192) to allow the NASS Help Desk to focus on your

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2. Help and Documents Menus


About This Chapter
This chapter discusses help available to facilitate using NASS. Areas of help include:


FAQs; Data Definitions; User’s Manual; Contacts; Worksheet; What’s New in
NASS; Memos; and Milestones.

NASS Quick Start

The NASS Quick Start guide answers questions about setting up and using NASS in a
short reference format. To access the Quick Start guide, select the Quick Start sub-menu
located under the Help menu.

NASS Data Definitions

Data definitions describe in detail each data point or field in NASS. If you want to learn
more about what is meant by a question, or what is covered by a question, select a specific data
definition. To access “Data Definitions”, select the Data Definitions sub-menu located under the
Help menu.
Data definitions are divided into two groups, Patient/Cycle Data Items and Clinic Data
Items. You may look up data definitions either alphabetically or by screen/section order. For a
specific definition, select one of the links that best meets your needs. For example, if you
wanted to look up a data definition for “moderate ovarian hyperstimulation” you would either
select the Alphabetical NASS Data Definitions for Patient/Cycle Data Items and go to the
definitions beginning with “M”, or you could select Listing of NASS Data Definitions for
Patient/Cycle Data Items for Screen/Section and go to the Complications Section within the
Medications/Complications screen.

NASS Main Manual

To access an online version of this user’s manual (i.e., NASS Main Manual), select the
User’s Manuals menu item. This manual is a step-by-step description of how to work in NASS.


To find contact information, select the Contacts sub-menu under the Help menu. The
NASS Help Desk Contact Information screen gives you the toll-free number for the NASS Help
Desk at 1-888-650-0822 as well as an e-mail address. In addition, the hours of operation for the
NASS Help Desk are listed. The NASS Help Desk is available to help you with any questions
that you may have. In many cases the NASS Help Desk will be able to help you on the spot. If
they do not know an answer, they will direct the question to someone who can provide an

NASS User’s Manual



Patient Worksheet

When you open up Documents from the list on the screen you will find sub-menus for
three items: Patient Worksheet; Memos; and Security Statement.
A worksheet has been developed for clinic staff to use if they wish to record the data
required for entry into NASS onto a hard-copy document first. Prior to entering data into NASS,
clinic staff have the option of recording patient information onto this worksheet from the patient’s
medical records. The worksheet has been designed to mirror the NASS screens. Using the
worksheet to abstract information from medical records could facilitate data entry into NASS and
reduce the risk of error. Please note that the use of this worksheet is optional.
To access the worksheet, select the sub-menu item Worksheet and a PDF file of the
worksheet will display. Print this file to get a hardcopy of the worksheet.


Formal communications from CDC and/or Westat will be posted under Memos. In some
instances the memos will be a copy of a communication that was already mailed to clinics.
Federal Register Notices and other official reference documents will also be posted here. The
memos will be sorted with the most recent documents listed first to aid you in determining if
there are any new postings.

Security Statement

Security Statement is a document about NASS data confidentiality and systems security
measures. To access the Security Statement, select Security Statement in the sub-menu.

What’s New in NASS

From time to time new information will be posted in the What’s New in NASS menu.
Items posted under this menu offer the ability to communicate with all of the centers about
updates in the system, deadline reminders, as well as other information that will be helpful to the
user of NASS. Periodically you will want to select What’s New in NASS to obtain up-to-date
information. We will also post a notice for a period of time on the login screen to alert users to
check in the What’s New in NASS menu item for updates.

NASS User’s Manual


3. Selecting a Reporting Year


About This Chapter

This chapter explains how to select the reporting year for which you wish to enter data.
No data entry activity can take place in NASS until you enter a reporting year.
The reporting year refers to the year in which a patient’s cycle begins regardless of the
year the cycle ends. For example, even though a cycle may begin in December of 2011 and
continue into 2012, the cycle should be reported under the 2011 Reporting Year.

Selecting the Reporting Year at Log In
Upon logging in, the Reporting Year screen will be displayed.

Select the reporting year from the drop-down list, and select the Go button.

Selecting the Reporting Year During a Session

Should you want to change a reporting year during a session, you may do so by
selecting Select Reporting Year in the menu on the screen. This will take you to the Select
Reporting Year screen and allow you to select a new year.

NASS User’s Manual


4. Clinic Information


About This Chapter
This chapter explains how to:


Enter and update information about the clinic.

How to Enter and Update Information About the Clinic

You must enter clinic information for each reporting year. The only way to record clinic
information is first to select a reporting year (Chapter 3).
At the beginning of each reporting year, enter the clinic information requested.
Throughout the year, it is important to update the clinic information should there be any changes
in the clinic name, address, key personnel, etc.

Accessing the Clinic Screens

To access the data entry screens for Clinic information, select Clinic in the NASS menu.
This will display the “Enter Clinic Profile” option. The Enter Clinic Profile screens pertain to basic
information, such as the name and address of the clinic. Tabs on the screen enable you to
display screens to enter: Name and address of the clinic; Information about key staff;
Information about the clinic’s services and profile; and Information about the clinic’s labs and

About the Name and Address Screen

For the status field, use the drop-down list to indicate if the name of the clinic is the
same as the name listed above for the reporting year, if the name has changed subsequent to
the reporting year, or if the clinic has reorganized.
As noted on the screen, reorganization is a change in two of the
three key staff members - the Practice Director, Medical Director, or
Lab Director - or a change in clinic ownership or affiliation.
Then complete the remaining fields by typing in the information requested in the
corresponding fields. If your clinic has a SART ID it should automatically appear in this section.

About the Key Staff Screen

This screen enables you to enter information about the key clinical staff: Practice
Director; Medical Director; Lab Director, and Data Manager.

NASS User’s Manual


To enter information about the key clinical staff, select the underlined title in the first
column of the screen. For example, to record information on the Practice Director, select the
words Practice Director to display a screen with fields to record information on that person.
NOTE: You need to select the Save Data button after entering information on each key
staff member. Selecting the Save Data button will keep you in the Key Staff screen. You will
notice that the data you entered regarding a particular staff member now appears in the
corresponding fields in the table.
Repeat this process by selecting each title in the first column of the table, and record the
information in the fields provided. Updates can be made at a later date by selecting an individual
key staff’s title.

About the Service&Profile Screen

This screen collects data about the services that are currently available at your clinic.
Questions include: SART member information, if the clinic includes gestational carriers, if the
clinic provides services for single women, donor egg and/or embryo program information, and if
the clinic provides freezing of extra embryos.

About the Lab&Certification Screen

In this section you will be entering embryo lab information about the lab(s) that your
clinic is currently using. First you will enter the total number of embryo labs that are currently
used by your ART program. In many cases this will be one lab.
Adding a New Lab


Prior to entering any information about a lab, your lab summary section of the screen
will have the message, “No labs have been added for this reporting year”. To enter information
about a new lab select the Add New Lab button, and the Current Embryo Lab Information
screen will appear.
Updating Information on an Existing Lab
Once contact information about a lab has been entered and saved, that lab will appear
in the Lab Summary Section.

NASS User’s Manual


In this example, the XYZ clinic is an existing lab. To change contact information for this
lab, select the lab name, XYZ Clinic, and the current contact information will be displayed.
Correct the contact information as necessary and select the Save Data button to store the new
Deleting an Existing Lab

The only labs that should be included are those labs that the clinic is using at the time of
data submission. Therefore, if your clinic stops using a lab, you will want to delete the
information on that lab before submitting your data.
This can be done by selecting the Delete button on the line of the lab that you want to
delete. You will get a screen confirming that you want to delete this lab. Select OK if you want to
proceed with the deletion or “Cancel” if you do not want to proceed. You will get a message that
reads, “Data deleted successfully”. You will also notice that the deleted lab is no longer on the
list of labs in the Lab Summary Section.


Submitting Documentation of Lab Accreditation

If you selected “Yes” or “Pending” as the current embryo lab certification status, then
you must submit proof of this status to Westat on or before the reporting year submission
deadline. If you selected “Yes”, you must send a copy of your certificate of accreditation. If you
selected “Pending”, send a copy of the application for accreditation. You should send all
documentation to:
NASS Processing Center
1450 Research Blvd., TC 1021F
Rockville, MD 20850-3195
Phone number: 1-888-650-0822

NASS User’s Manual


5. Adding New Patients/ Finding Existing Patients


About This Chapter
This chapter explains how to: Add a new patient to NASS; and Find an existing patient.


Adding a New Patient

The only way to add a new patient is first to select the reporting year (go to Chapter 3).
Once you select the reporting year, you will get the Select/Add a Patient screen, which is where
you will be able to enter a new patient into NASS. You will get Add New Patient section:

To add a new patient you must know her date of birth. If the patient’s date of birth is
unknown, no other information about the patient can be entered. Enter the date using the format
mm/dd/yyyy. The date of birth must include all 8 numbers. For example, a date of birth of April
5, 1970 would be recorded as 04/05/1970.
Unacceptable ways of entering this date include 4/5/1970 or 4/5/70.
If it is easier, you can enter the date of birth without the slashes (e.g., 04051970).
Once you have entered the date of birth select the Add button. This creates a patient
record that can be accessed from any reporting year. Note that it is NOT necessary to add the
same patient in multiple reporting years. For example, if you add a patient who has her first
cycle in 2004, and she comes back for another cycle in 2005, you will be able to find her NASS
patient record under either the 2004 or 2005 Reporting Years (go to Section 5.3 for instructions
on how to find an existing patient).

NASS User’s Manual



Duplicate Date of Births

NASS has a safeguard to help prevent you from entering an existing patient into the
system as a new patient. If you enter a date of birth that is the same as one previously entered
for a patient, NASS will display this screen:

Follow the instructions written in the tan box on the screen.



If you accidentally were attempting to enter an existing patient as a new
patient, select the NASS Patient ID number and you can begin working with
her cycle data.


If this is indeed a new patient, select the Continue Adding Patient button and


If you want to go back to the original patient selection screen and start over,
select the Back to Select/Add Patient button.

New Patient: Patient Information Screen
For a new patient, the next screen displays two sections to enter the patient’s profile.

NASS User’s Manual


Optional Identifiers: To protect the patient’s privacy, no patient names, Social Security
Numbers, or other confidential identifiers are permitted in NASS. For tracking purposes, NASS
automatically assigns each patient a unique NASS Patient ID. As an additional way of tracking
patients within the system, NASS allows you to enter up to two optional identifiers. The optional
identifiers allow you to use other methods for locating patients within the system. The first
optional identifier can only be three digits or characters long. The second optional identifier can
only be four digits or characters long. As long as you are consistent, this information may make
accessing a patient’s record easier. As indicated by the title, it is not required that you assign
these IDs, but it is suggested.
Patient Profile: Next you will enter information about the patient’s race and ethnicity.
Once you have completed this section, select the Save and Next Screen button. This will take
you to the Update/Add Cycle screen (Section 5.4).

Finding an Existing Patient

The only way to find an existing patient is to have already selected the reporting year
(Chapter 3). Once you select the reporting year, there will be a screen with a box which will
allow you to find an existing patient.

There are 3 ways to find an existing patient:
1. Narrow your search by entering one or more of these pieces of information: Date
of Birth; Optional Identifier 1; and/or Optional Identifier 2.
2. Enter the NASS Patient ID; or
3. Show all patient records by selecting “Find”. This will display a complete listing of
all patients entered.
After entering in one or more pieces of information, select the Find button to display all
the patients that match the selection criteria. In many instances you will find just one patient is
listed as a match. However, it is possible that your identifiers may match more than one patient.

NASS User’s Manual


If that is the case, be particularly careful that you choose the correct patient. For example, there
may be two patients with the same date of birth (11/15/1968). However, the patients have a
different Optional Identifier 1 (bbb vs. sjh). Based on the added information of the Optional
Identifier 1 you can select the correct patient. To select a patient, select the NASS Patient ID for
the desired patient.
If you enter an identifier and the patient is not located, you have either entered the
identifying information incorrectly or this patient has not been added to the system yet. This
could be because you accidentally mistyped the identifying information or you have inaccurate
identifying information.
Select the Back button. This will take you back to a screen where you can re-enter the
identifier information or select “Find” to display all patients.

How to Add a New Cycle

Once you have selected a patient, you must now create a new cycle for that patient. To
add a new cycle, select the Add New Cycle button. A pop-up message will display, asking you
to confirm that you wish to add a cycle for the NASS Patient ID and reporting year contained in
the message.

If the information is correct, select OK, and the Demographics screen with tabs will be
displayed. (This screen will be discussed in Chapter 6).
If the information in the pop-up box is incorrect, select Cancel, and you will be returned
to the screen.

If the information is incorrect because you are in the wrong reporting year,
select Select Reporting Year from the menu. This will allow you to select a
different year.


If the information is incorrect because you have the wrong patient, select
Select/Add Patient from the menu. This will allow you to select a different

You will notice that the NASS Patient ID has been assigned and that the date of birth
and optional Identifiers (if any) that you entered have been displayed in the gray box.

NASS User’s Manual


This box will continue to be displayed on the screen as you enter cycle data, so that you
can verify that you are entering data under the correct patient’s record.

How to Change/Update Data for an Existing Cycle

To update information for a patient in an existing cycle, select the cycle number you wish
to update from the ‘Cycle’ column.


Updating the Patient Profile

Should you want to change the Patient Profile select the Update Patient Profile submenu. Updating the Patient Profile will allow you to add or change the Optional Identifiers, as
well as the patient’s Date of Birth and Race/Ethnicity information.

How to Delete a Cycle

If for some reason a cycle has been entered in error, you can delete that cycle. This
may happen if you enter a cycle for the wrong year or if you enter a cycle for the wrong patient.
On the Update/Add Cycle screen, select the Delete Cycle button.
You will get a confirmation screen that verifies which reporting year and cycle you are
about to delete. Select OK if you want to proceed with deleting the cycle. If not, select Cancel.



You are now ready to enter specific reporting year cycle data for the selected patient.
Chapter 6 will describe how to enter patient information.

NASS User’s Manual


6. Patient Information


About This Chapter

This chapter explains how to enter and update patient cycle information for either a new
or an existing patient. For detailed information about each data point, go to the Data Definitions
under the Help menu.
The information about a patient’s cycle is organized around seven tabs.

Demographics. This section contains questions on the patient’s residency
and the partner’s race/ethnicity.


History. This section includes the patient’s reproductive history information.


Treatment. This section deals with the treatment received by the patient for
the current cycle as well as any special techniques related to the treatment.


Medication/Complications. This section covers ART medications received
by the patient and/or donor, complications a patient might experience, and a
place to indicate whether the cycle was canceled.


Retrieval/Manipulation. This section includes patient and donor retrieval
information, information about semen source and method of collection, as
well as manipulation techniques.


Transfer. This section asks a series of questions about the transfer of
embryos and oocytes.


Outcome. This section covers the treatment and pregnancy outcome, and
information about the birth, when applicable.

There will be a screen trail and darkened tab to help orient you to the tab you are currently
working in. For example, this screenshot shows that you are in the ‘Demographics’ tab.

NASS User’s Manual



Demographics Screen

This screen shows the profile that has been entered previously for the patient, which is
now linked to this cycle.

This is a read-only display, which means you cannot change the information on this
section of the screen. If the information is incorrect, you need to go to the menu bar and choose
‘Update Patient Profile’. If no changes need to be made, continue to ‘Patient Residency for
Cycle’ to enter the primary residence for the patient, and then ‘Partner/Race Ethnicity’.


Next, you can move on to the History screen. This screen is divided into three sections:
Patient History I, Patient History II, and Patient History III.
The Patient History I section contains reproductive history information for the patient. If
information regarding the patient’s reproductive history is not known, leave the fields blank.
The beginning portion of the Patient History II section contains information about
previous cycles and FSH values. The next portion of the Patient History II screen lists possible
reasons for ART treatment.

NASS User’s Manual


To choose a Reason for ART, select the box next to the reason (select all that apply).
Select the question mark symbol to show a definition of each ART reason. For example, if you
select the question mark next to ‘Other tubal disease’, the definition will display:

The Patient History III screen asks for information about the patient’s weight and
patient’s smoking history.

Treatment Screen

The next screen in the process to enter cycle data is the Treatment screen. The
Treatment screen is divided into two portions: Treatment Detail and Special Techniques.
For the Treatment Detail screen, you will use radio buttons to select if the cycle is for a
patient and/or donor, and if the cycle is fresh and/or frozen. If the oocyte/embryo source is a
donor and/or there is a gestational carrier, you will be required to enter information about the
donor age or date of birth and/or the gestational carrier date of birth.
On the Special Techniques screen you will check all of the special techniques that
apply. If none of them apply to this cycle, leave all responses blank and go to the next screen.

NASS User’s Manual



Medications/Complications Screen

The next sections are in the Medications/Complications screen. The Medications/
Complications screen is divided into four sections: Patient Medication; Donor Medication;
Complications; and Canceled Cycle Data.
6.5.1 Patient Medication

The Patient Medication Section should only be answered if the patient was designated
as the oocyte/embryo source, and a fresh oocyte/embryo state was selected in the treatment
screen. Otherwise the section will be collapsed, and you should move on to the next section.
6.5.2 Donor Medication

The Donor Medication Section will only be answered if a donor was designated as the
oocyte/embryo source, and a fresh oocyte/embryo state was selected in the Treatment screen.
Otherwise the section will be collapsed, and you should move on to the next section.
6.5.3 Complications

The Complications Section of the screen contains a list of complications a patient may
experience during the cycle. Check all that apply. If there are no complications, check “None”.
√ Note: Report only patient complications here, not complications that a donor or gestational
carrier might have experienced.
6.5.4 Canceled Cycle Data

The last portion in the Medications/Complications screen pertains to Canceled Cycle
Data. Here you will indicate whether a cycle was canceled before oocyte retrieval.

You will get a message when you cancel a cycle. You do not need to answer any further
questions in the Retrieval/Manipulation, Transfer or Outcome screens.

NASS User’s Manual


By selecting OK, Cycle Complete has been checked. Note that you may still need to
answer questions in the Demographics, History, Treatment, and Medications/Complications

Retrieval/Manipulation Screen

The next screen collects data on retrieval and manipulation. The Retrieval/Manipulation
screen is divided into four sections: Patient Retrieval Data; Donor Retrieval Data; Semen
Information; and Manipulation Techniques.
6.6.1 Patient Retrieval Data

The Patient Retrieval Data Section will only appear if the patient is the oocyte/embryo
source, and if the oocyte/embryo state is fresh (as indicated in the Treatment screen).
Otherwise this section will be collapsed, and you should move directly to the next section.
6.6.2 Donor Retrieval Data

The Donor Retrieval Data Section will only appear if the donor is the oocyte/embryo
source and the oocyte/embryo state is fresh (as indicated in the Treatment screen). Otherwise
this section will be collapsed and you should move directly to the next section.

The Transfer Screen

The next section is the Transfer screen. The Transfer screen asks a series of questions
about the transfer of embryos or oocytes. The Transfer screen is divided into five sections:
General Transfer Information; Embryos Thawed; Uterine Transfers; Cryopreservation; and
Fallopian Tube Transfers.
6.7.1 General Transfer Information

The General Transfer Information Section will only appear if the oocyte/embryo state is
fresh and the number of oocytes retrieved is at least one or if the oocyte/embryo state is frozen.
Otherwise the section will be collapsed and you should move to the next section to mark the
cycle as complete. (Note that if Transfer screen sections are collapsed, then the Outcome
screen sections remain collapsed, with the exception of the Cycle Complete Section, which is

Embryos Thawed


The Embryo Thawed Section will only appear if the oocyte/embryo state is frozen.
Otherwise the section will be collapsed and you should move to the next section.
6.7.3 Uterine Transfers
The Uterine Transfer Section will only appear if the intended transfer method is IVF and
a transfer was attempted. Otherwise, the section will be collapsed and you should move to the
next section.

NASS User’s Manual


6.7.4 Cryopreservation

The Cryopreservation Section will be collapsed if the only intended transfer method is
GIFT. Otherwise it is available for data entry.

Fallopian Tube Transfers

The Fallopian Tube Transfer Section will only appear if the intended transfer method is
GIFT, ZIFT or TET and the transfer was attempted. Otherwise the section will be collapsed and
you should move to the next section.

The Outcome Screen

The next screen is the outcome screen. The Outcome screen is divided into four
sections: Treatment Outcome; Pregnancy Outcome; Birth Section; and Cycle Complete. For
the Treatment Outcome and Pregnancy Outcome screens, you will enter information about
whether or not the cycle resulted in pregnancy, the date of ultrasound, and outcome of the
pregnancy. If the pregnancy resulted in a birth, the birth section will be open for data entry.
6.8.3 Birth Section

If one or more infants are reported born, the Birth Section will be open and allow you to
report on each infant born. If the number of infants born is “0” the Birth Section will be closed
with the message “No births currently reported for this cycle”.
If you want to update information about a live birth after you have initially saved the
data, select the Birth # button and update the information.


Upon selecting the Birth #, the Birth Section for that infant will open and allow you to
add or correct information about the birth.
6.8.4 Cycle Complete Section
If you have entered data for all the tabs, you should select the box in this section.
Remember, since you can enter data using the tabs out of sequence, you may not have
completed filling in all the data for this patient’s cycle.

NASS User’s Manual


A checkmark will appear next to this cycle on the Update/Add Cycle screen for this
patient. Please note that Edit Reports can only be generated on cycles that you have marked as


Where to Go Next?

After completing a cycle or entering data through the end of the Outcome screen, you
have these options as to what to do next.
Previous Screen: If you want to go back to the previous screen, select this button and
the information you entered on this screen will be saved and you will move to the previous
Save Data: By selecting the Save Data button, the information on the screen will be
saved and you will move to the beginning of the Outcome screen. From there you can move to
another tab.
Select Another Cycle for Same Patient: You will move to the Update/Add Cycle
screen by selecting this button. At that point, you can add a new cycle for that patient. The data
entered on the Outcome screen will be saved.
Select Different Patient: You will move to the Select/Add Patient screen by selecting
this button. The data entered on the Outcome screen will be saved.
Log Off NASS: You will log off of NASS by selecting this button. You will get a screen
asking you to confirm that you want to exit NASS. Select the OK button. At that point you will
have to log back in to begin using the system again.

NASS User’s Manual


7. Submit Annual Data


How to Submit the Annual Report

Detailed instructions on how to submit an annual report will be available at least 90 days
in advance of the reporting year deadline. When these instructions are available, a submission
guide will be posted under the menu item Submit Annual Data.
The submission guide provides step-by-step instructions for submitting annual data,
including a notice of the deadline for submission, required materials, and examples of relevant

NASS User’s Manual


8. Reports


About This Chapter

This chapter explains how to select and produce reports available in NASS. These
reports are intended to assist you in preparing for the submission of the annual report. The three
currently available reports are:

A list of all patients with a cycle record added during the reporting year.


A list of all variables entered for a specific patient and cycle.


A list of all variables entered for the Clinic profile by reporting year.

To access the report function, select Reports from the menu. There is a Report Title and
Report Description to assist you in selecting the report you wish to produce.



Report-001: All Cycles Added During Reporting Year



This report generates a hard copy document of all patient cycles added during a
specified reporting year. This report may be helpful in determining which cycles are awaiting
further data entry (i.e. ‘Open” cycles). After selecting “Report-001”, the report options will

Use the drop down boxes to create the report desired.
1) Select the reporting year.
2) Select whether you want a report of patients only with an “Open” or “Completed”
cycle, or select “All” to include every cycle.

NASS User’s Manual


3) The report can be sorted by “NASS Patient ID” or “Date Cycle Started”.
4) Select either “PDF”, “RTF”, “HTML”, or “EXCEL” for the Output Format. The RTF file
will create a Word Document and EXCEL will create an Excel document. PDF and
HTML can be saved as separate documents. For illustrated instructions on how to
create reports in these different formats, go to Section 8.3.
Select “Generate Report”.
A report will be generated based on the specifications you entered for the report.


Report-002: Variables for a Patient and Cycle

This report generates a hard copy document of all the responses entered for a specific
patient for a specific cycle. The report may be useful in reconciling inconsistent data or as a
quality control check between NASS cycle data and cycle data contained in your medical
records. After selecting “Report-002”, use the drop-down boxes to create the desired report.

Select the reporting year.


Select the NASS Patient ID from the list of all patients in the reporting year.


Enter the Cycle Number.


Select either “PDF”, “RTF”, “HTML”, or “EXCEL” for the Output Format. For
illustrated instructions on how to create reports in these different formats, go to
Section 8.3.

Select “Generate Report”.

NASS User’s Manual


A report will be generated based on the specifications you entered. The report will show
the Data Element (i.e., question) and the response. If you chose to generate the report in PDF
format, you can move quickly to a specific variable by utilizing the Bookmarks.


Report-003: Clinic Profile Variables

This report generates a hard copy document of the information entered on the Clinic
Profile screens, including full address information and information on key personnel. After
selecting “Report-003”, use the drop-down boxes to create the desired report.

Select the reporting year.


Select either “PDF”, “RTF”, “HTML”, or “EXCEL” for the Output Format. For
illustrated instructions on how to create reports in these different formats,
go to Section 8.3.

Select “Generate Report”.
A report will be generated based on the specifications you entered for the report. The
report will show the Data Element (i.e., question) and the response. If you chose to generate
the report in PDF, you can move quickly to a specific variable by utilizing the Bookmarks.

NASS User’s Manual




Output Format Options
PDF Format

If you choose to generate a report in PDF format, you will get an instruction about a
blank page after selecting the Generate Report button. Select “OK” to continue. If you then get
a blank page, select the Refresh button, which can be found in the Internet Explorer menu bar.
Depending on your browser security settings, you may get a message asking if you
want to display nonsecure items. It is OK to select Yes.
The report will display in the Internet Explorer window as an Adobe Acrobat file. You
can then either print or save the report (or both) using the Internet Explorer menu or the Adobe
Acrobat toolbar. To return to NASS, you must use the back button in your browser.

RTF Format

If you choose to generate a report in RTF format, you will get this warning twice after
you select the Generate Report button:
“Some files can harm your computer. If the file information below looks suspicious, or
you do not fully trust the source, do not open or save this file.”
Select the ‘Open’ button to display the report. You may then get a message box that
asks to convert the file from Rich Text Format (RTF). Select the ‘OK’ button to display the
report. The report will be opened in Microsoft Word, from which you can either print or save.

NASS User’s Manual



HTML Format

If you choose to generate a report in HTML format, the report will display in the Internet
Explorer window after selecting the Generate Report button. You can then either print or save
the report (or both) using the Internet Explorer menu. To return to NASS, you must use the
back button in your browser.

Excel Format

If you choose to generate a report in Excel format, you may get this warning twice after
you select the Generate Report button:
“Some files can harm your computer. If the file information below looks suspicious, or
you do not fully trust the source, do not open or save this file.”
Select the ‘Open’ button to display the report. The report will be opened in Microsoft
Excel, from which you can either print or save.

Additional Reports

Over time, additional reports will be created to help with the reporting process. Any new
reports will be announced in the “What’s New in NASS” menu.

NASS User’s Manual


NASS-Compatible Computer Software and Hardware

Computer Specification Category

Minimum Configuration Requirements

Computer Equipment

Personal computer using an 800 MHz
processor or higher for NASS.

Operating System

Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft
Windows XP


256 MB or higher

Disk Space

NASS: none (web-based)

Internet Connection

Optimal: high speed Internet connection (TI,
DSL, cable)
Alternative: 56 KB or higher modem

Web Browser

Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (SP1) with
128 bit encryption.*

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Most documents will be available from NASS
in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).
To view and print these documents, you will
need Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher.**

Screen Resolution

The system was developed for an 800X600
screen resolution. If using a higher screen
resolution, NASS screens may not use the
entire screen.

Internet Explorer 6 SP1 can be downloaded for free from Microsoft Download Center at
** Adobe

NASS User’s Manual


To view the website the browser needs to be set to accept cookies and enable JavaScript.
Cookies are small pieces of information that a website puts on your hard disk to remember
something about you at a later time. JavaScript is a technology built into a browser that allows
validating the data entered.
To turn on cookies follow these steps:
1) Open Internet Explorer
2) Select Tools, and then select Internet Options.
3) In the Internet Options dialog box, select the Privacy tab.
4) a) Select a security level of Medium or lower or, b) Select Advanced, and enable
Accept First-Party and Accept Third-Party Cookies
To enable JavaScript follow these steps:
1) Open Internet Explorer.
2) Select Tools, and then select Internet Options.
3) In the Internet Options dialog box select the Security tab.
4) Select the Custom Level button. The Security Settings dialog box will pop up.
5) Scroll down until you reach the Scripting category. Under Scripting category enable
the: Active Scripting, Allow paste options via script and Scripting of Java applets.
6) Select OK twice to close out.
7) Hit Refresh.

NASS User’s Manual


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorDannie Ameti
File Modified2014-10-06
File Created2014-10-06

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