30 Day Frn

FR 30 2016.pdf

Declaration of Owner of Merchandise Obtained in Pursuance of Purchase and Declaration of Importer of Record When Entry is Made by an Agent


OMB: 1651-0093

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 135 / Thursday, July 14, 2016 / Notices
30-Day notice and request for
comments; extension of an existing
collection of information.


National Institutes of Health

Pursuant to section 10(d) of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, as
amended (5 U.S.C. App.), notice is
hereby given of the following meeting.
The meeting will be closed to the
public in accordance with the
provisions set forth in sections
552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), title 5 U.S.C.,
as amended. The grant applications and
the discussions could disclose
confidential trade secrets or commercial
property such as patentable material,
and personal information concerning
individuals associated with the grant
applications, the disclosure of which
would constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy.
Name of Committee: National Human
Genome Research Institute Special; Emphasis
Panel Evans Clinical Trial.
Date: August 3, 2016.
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Agenda: To review and evaluate grant
Place: National Human Genome Research
Institute, 5635 Fisher Lane, 3rd Floor
Conference Room, Rockville, MD 20852
(Telephone Conference Call).
Contact Person: Rudy O. Pozzatti, Ph.D.,
Scientific Review Officer, Scientific Review
Branch, National Human Genome Research
Institute, 5635 Fishers Lane, Suite 4076, MSC
9306, Rockville, MD 20852, (301) 402–0838,
This notice is being published less than 15
days prior to the meeting due to the timing
limitations imposed by the review and
funding cycle.
(Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance
Program Nos. 93.172, Human Genome
Research, National Institutes of Health, HHS)
Dated: July 7, 2016.
Sylvia L. Neal,
Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory
Committee Policy.
[FR Doc. 2016–16592 Filed 7–13–16; 8:45 am]


asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Declaration of Owner and
Declaration of Consignee When Entry
Is Made by an Agent
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland


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U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) of the Department of
Homeland Security will be submitting
the following information collection
request to the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) for review and approval
in accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act: Declaration of Owner
and Declaration of Consignee When
Entry is made by an Agent (Forms 3347
and 3347A). CBP is proposing that this
information collection be extended with
no change to the burden hours or to the
information collected. This document is
published to obtain comments from the
public and affected agencies.
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before August 15, 2016
to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
this proposed information collection to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget. Comments should be addressed
to the OMB Desk Officer for Customs
and Border Protection, Department of
Homeland Security, and sent via
electronic mail to oira_submission@
omb.eop.gov or faxed to (202) 395–5806.
Requests for additional information
should be directed to Paperwork
Reduction Act Officer, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, Regulations and
Rulings, Office of Trade, 90 K Street
NE., 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20229–
1177, or via email (CBP_PRA@
cbp.dhs.gov). Please note contact
information provided here is solely for
questions regarding this notice.
Individuals seeking information about
other CBP programs please contact the
CBP National Customer Service Center
at 877–227–5511, (TTY) 1–800–877–
8339, or CBP Web site at https://
www.cbp.gov/. For additional help:
proposed information collection was
previously published in the Federal
Register (81 FR 28095) on May 9, 2016,
allowing for a 60-day comment period.
This notice allows for an additional 30
days for public comments. This process
is conducted in accordance with 5 CFR
1320.10. CBP invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to comment
on proposed and/or continuing
information collections pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.
L. 104–13; 44 U.S.C. 3507). The
comments should address: (a) Whether

National Human Genome Research
Institute; Notice of Closed Meeting

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the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimates of the burden of the
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden, including
the use of automated collection
techniques or the use of other forms of
information technology; and (e) the
annual costs to respondents or record
keepers from the collection of
information (total capital/startup costs
and operations and maintenance costs).
The comments that are submitted will
be summarized and included in the CBP
request for OMB approval. All
comments will become a matter of
public record. In this document, CBP is
soliciting comments concerning the
following information collection:
Title: Declaration of Owner and
Declaration of Consignee When Entry is
made by an Agent.
OMB Number: 1651–0093.
Form Number: CBP Forms 3347 and
Abstract: CBP Form 3347, Declaration
of Owner, is a declaration from the
owner of imported merchandise stating
that he/she agrees to pay additional or
increased duties, therefore releasing the
importer of record from paying such
duties. This form must be filed within
90 days from the date of entry. CBP
Form 3347 is provided for by 19 CFR
24.11 and 141.20.
When entry is made in a consignee’s
name by an agent who has knowledge
of the facts and who is authorized under
a proper power of attorney by that
consignee, a declaration from the
consignee on CBP Form 3347A,
Declaration of Consignee When Entry is
Made by an Agent, shall be filed with
the entry summary. If this declaration is
filed, then no bond to produce a
declaration of the consignee is required.
CBP Form 3347A is provided for by 19
CFR 141.19(b)(2).
CBP Forms 3347 and 3347A are
authorized by 19 U.S.C. 1485 and are
accessible at http://www.cbp.gov/xp/
Action: CBP proposes to extend the
expiration date of this information
collection with no change to the
estimated burden hours or to the
information collected.
Type of Review: Extension (without
Affected Public: Businesses.
CBP Form 3347:
Estimated Number of Respondents:



Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 135 / Thursday, July 14, 2016 / Notices
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 6.
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
Estimated Time per Response: 6
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 540.
CBP Form 3347A:
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: 6.
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
Estimated Time per Response: 6
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 30.
Dated: July 11, 2016.
Tracey Denning,
Agency Clearance Officer, U.S. Customs and
Border Protection.
[FR Doc. 2016–16688 Filed 7–13–16; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID FEMA–2008–0010]

Meeting of the Board of Visitors for the
National Fire Academy
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Committee Management; Notice
of Open Federal Advisory Committee

The Board of Visitors for the
National Fire Academy (Board) will
meet on August 29–30, 2016, in
Emmitsburg, Maryland. The meeting
will be open to the public.
DATES: The meeting will take place on
Monday, August 29, 9:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Eastern Daylight Time and on
Tuesday, August 30, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. Please note
that the meeting may close early if the
Board has completed its business.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held at
the National Emergency Training
Center, 16825 South Seton Avenue,
Building H, Room 300, Emmitsburg,
Maryland. Members of the public who
wish to obtain details on how to gain
access to the facility and directions may
contact Ruth MacPhail as listed in the

asabaliauskas on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


admissions/campus_access.html) is
required for access. Members of the
public may also participate by
teleconference and may contact Ruth
MacPhail to obtain the call-in number
and access code. For information on
services for individuals with disabilities
or to request special assistance, contact
Ruth MacPhail as soon as possible.
To facilitate public participation, we
are inviting public comment on the
issues to be considered by the Board as
listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section. Comments must be
submitted in writing no later than
August 15, 2016, must be identified by
Docket ID FEMA–2008–0010 and may
be submitted by one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Email: FEMA–RULES@
fema.dhs.gov. Include the docket
number in the subject line of the
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Ruth
MacPhail, 16825 South Seton Avenue,
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the words ‘‘Federal
Emergency Management Agency’’ and
the Docket ID for this action. Comments
received will be posted without
alteration at http://www.regulations.gov,
including any personal information
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received by the National Fire
Academy Board of Visitors, go to http://
www.regulations.gov, click on
‘‘Advanced Search,’’ then enter
‘‘FEMA–2008–0010’’ in the ‘‘By Docket
ID’’ box, then select ‘‘FEMA’’ under ‘‘By
Agency,’’ and then click ‘‘Search.’’
Alternate Designated Federal Officer:
Kirby E. Kiefer, telephone (301) 447–
1117, email Kirby.Kiefer@fema.dhs.gov.
Logistical Information: Ruth
MacPhail, telephone (301) 447–1333
and email Ruth.Macphail@
The Board
of Visitors for the National Fire
Academy (Board) will meet on Monday,
August 29, and Tuesday, August 30,
2016. The meeting will be open to the
public. Notice of this meeting is given
under the Federal Advisory Committee
Act, 5 U.S.C. Appendix.



Purpose of the Board

section by close of business August 15,
2016. Photo identification that meets
REAL ID ACT standards (https://

The purpose of the Board is to review
annually the programs of the National
Fire Academy (NFA) and advise the
Administrator of the Federal Emergency

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Management Agency (FEMA), through
the United States Fire Administrator, on
the operation of the NFA and any
improvements therein that the Board
deems appropriate. In carrying out its
responsibilities, the Board examines
NFA programs to determine whether
these programs further the basic
missions that are approved by the
Administrator of FEMA, examines the
physical plant of the NFA to determine
the adequacy of the NFA’s facilities, and
examines the funding levels for NFA
programs. The Board submits a written
annual report through the United States
Fire Administrator to the Administrator
of FEMA. The report provides detailed
comments and recommendations
regarding the operation of the NFA.
On Monday, August 29, 2016, there
will be five sessions, with deliberations
and voting at the end of each session as
necessary. The Board will also select a
Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for
Fiscal Year 2017. NFA program
activities deliberation will continue on
Tuesday, August 30, 2016, if not
concluded on Monday.
1. The Board will receive updates on
United States Fire Administration data,
research, and response support
2. The Board will discuss deferred
maintenance and capital improvements
on the National Emergency Training
Center campus and Fiscal Year 2016
Budget Request/Budget Planning.
3. The Board will receive activity
reports on the Professional Development
Initiative Subcommittee, Whole
Community Subcommittee, and
National Fire Incident Reporting System
4. The Board will receive annual
ethics training.
5. The Board will deliberate and vote
on recommendations on NFA program
activities, including:
• The Managing Officer Program, a
multiyear curriculum that introduces
emerging emergency services leaders to
personal and professional skills in
change management, risk reduction, and
adaptive leadership; a progress report to
include pre-program course
• Curriculum development and
revision updates for NFA courses;
• The Executive Fire Officer (EFO)
Program assessment results and
• The EFO Program application
selection results;
• The EFO Program Symposium
being held September 10–12, 2016; an
annual event for alumni which
recognizes outstanding applied research



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File Modified2016-07-14
File Created2016-07-14

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